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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 Oct 1898, p. 8

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J g gg-boh & Son,1 DRýUGGISTS. Veteri naryt FOR dic.ines. Do flot neglect the health of your horse. Feed llerb ageum. and you wYill be pleased with the resuit, also foi Cattie, Sheep, llogs, and Poultry. Bring us your receipt,, for condition powders, liniments, etc., anýd you will be sure of getting them filled with the best quality of drugs. R1e- member we will make the prices right on anythinig you buy at our store. Hood's Sarsaparilla - - 75c.E Ayeî's Sarsaparilia -- -75c.1 Paine's Celery Compound - - 75c.2 Comnpound Ext. Compound - 50C. Celery and Cascara Tonie . - 50C. Beef Iron and Wine - 75c. 'Williams' Pink Pis -40c. Dodd's Kidney Pis - 40c. Liver Pis, 2 boxes for -25c. Milburn's Heait Pis - 50C. Stieky Ely paper, Fiy Poison Pads, etc. BOWMANVILLE. J. 14IGGIIq1BOTg11vI SON.L "The Craft of St. Crispin," f m-A pictured history of the Shoe fîomi the 3rd century to date. Full of foot facta abu leter hoe muin and longevity - ~ tricks of the last, foot forming influences, styles and colors of latest shoes, etc. JOHN HELLYAR, Sole Local Agent. ~ht n~U~ ~t~n~n~ AUCTION SALES. FRIDAY. ,Oct. 7th.-Capt. Jas. BOWMANVILLE, OCT. 5, 1898. Wight, Lot 13, Con 2, Darlington, ___________________________ wîll atell bis farrn stock,new thre shing. machine, implements, furniture, etc. CADMTJS. Salecat 1 p.m. Se bis.» L. A. W. TOLE, Auctioneer. Attend Cartwrigrht Pair Wednesday. SATURDAY, October 1.-Martha Hiarvey ... The votes polled last Thursday' will seli on the Market Square, Bow- were a smail numbe- of those entitled manville, household effects, furniture, to vote although the majority was stîong stoves, caîpets, etc., very littie used. for prohibition around bore._The Sale at 1 p.m. Attend for bargains. applo crop will be rather sînall this.year Sec bis. L.A.W.ToLE, Auctioneer. in this section .... A small boy of Mr. TUESDAY,'OCt. Il.-Mr. W. Aldsworth, Thos llyland's died' vcry suddenly lot 23, con. 3, Darlington. having sold Thuîsdav niglit and was buriedlSatur- his faim, will self bis valnablestock, day .... Mrs nwod s ver mikiacbinery, implements, ceda.r posts, Additional Caiu eso«inside. etcý Sa 1le at 1 p.m. Sc large posters. Du,. LW ORMý Sviup is death to L. A. W. TOLE, Auctioneer. Worms cvery time, sale for the chuld. WDEDY c.1.Tefi n and so nlice the children lick the SPOOD. chattels of the late John' Franki, lot Pike 25C. ______ 10, con. 1, Darlington, will be sold. TYRONÉ.Sec, advt. in this paper andI posters: TYRONE.Sale at 1 p.m. L. A. W. TOLE, Auct- joncer.- Miss M. E. Joness and Mr. Edg'aî THURSDAR, 0cr. 20-Mi. Alex Ross, Aluin, conducted a very able League lot 29, Con 7, Darlington,near Bradley inîssîenary meeting on Wednesdayj School, will seli the whole of lis valu- evening. Their cnthusiasmi was ýcon- 1 ,1,lef _ -ftock,machinery,iimplements taglous.. .. Miss Mouissa Welch has sold etcé. ,Sale at 1 p.m. Se bis. L.A.W. hier bouse and lot to Mr. Jas. Pooley. TOLE, Auctioneer. Thc sale of the household effects passcd off successfuily on Friday wîth MrTole NEWCASTLE. at thc hammer. .... .Mr. and Mis. Me, 1 BurnevGarden Hill,were r-ceont zuests Mr.W. Armstrong.the newlyapploint- of Mr. R-.ichardD......... Friday night's cd officer of the Newcastle fish hatchery Home Circle Concert was a decided made kis first visit to the Fisheries on suceess in every way, good programI Friday iast and spent the aftcinoon at and a large attondance. Messrs. Arm- the home of bis oid fricnds Mr. and Mis. strong and Gamsby, Oronio, understand j. Mý. Cobblcdick, "Salmon Creek how to treat an audience; Prof. A. A. Farm," combining business with pleas- Bcach's numbers were ail heartilv en- ure. Mis. Armstrong aceompanied cored ; Miss iNclle Pollard, Miss Edila him .... Visitois: Mr. W. Pichard anid Ross andI Miss Jennie McLaughlin, son Russell, at Cleveland, Oblo. . .. Miss Elocutionists, each. met wîth an appre- Katc Marks, Toronto, gucst of Miss ciative hearing. Mr. P. M. Pattison, Mary Sti-eins;- Mis. Hanson, Mis. Toronto, cxýplained the woikings of the DowneY, 0Mrs. 1'elson Bowen and Mis. Circle and at thc close announced sever- Jas. FairbaiinTointo, at Mr.Wclling- ai apitions for membcrship., MI.I toi, Bowens; Mr. and Mi.. David W. J. PRoy acceptabiy filletI the chair. -..W alsb,i Orono, at Mi. A. A. Colwill's;- Mis. L. A. J. and Miss Apqgîe, Short cx- (Miss Geitie Pearce at home..RP e v. R. peet to-leave for the Prairie P rovince 1Taylor pîeached in the Methodistchu rch in Novemnber. Mr. Shoit preceded them 1poîýt HopeSunday._. .. Mr.Alan Brown. er - 2nd Vice-Pies., MîNlss A. Cole ; rd of oui ieading physicians did Rot holp her. Vice-Pies., F. R. Foley, 4th Vice-Pies. Mteî bathing lier with Cu-rcunA SoàP, 1 Miss G. Foley;- Sec., -J. Cox ; Treas* app1iOdAliTC&(oiitmOflt)freey,afldgave J. Bll. i, T J.Col exhbitd ler (urîcuRA Rffloavx-,i regularly. She im- Jw.n antI- pou.t. Mr. Te J i. Exhibiton promdaocend ieow eer toubed. The swin andpoulry a thebig xhibtion statments 1 have n-ade are abîoluteiy fine at Whitby winning- 113 irss -and second andi Rot exaggerated in any w&y, prizes antI illiploma foi best Berkshire PROBFmT A. L&I'IAM, pen1 (malle and two females) on the ifl.j' e&t Bide Square, Sp»ingfieid, 111. ground s.i SrnamwRE TRkMNFREaRBODNS H u. ITZes pHAR Wý bmth wEA. puem. LIMR IZLSBOp , fes, - warah i- bem 1'xaî. geesiso etblood purifi ead aamg carte. tot thogxithe wold. FOTD. & 0 .0c oe.Sî I'reaahlsa. ilwo11 sya~i aue 1, 13 'k' ROQUEFORT CHEESE. BUT TWO ME ALS FOR1 STOU'T WOMEN' French Dicc Malle 1From ie M 1iik No reafast for Those Who Wanlt to of the (LoaLtl- 1>seeP S.T Th'Ieir Burden of Fiesli. TAO Many efforts bv b a tie in Ibis ".At,,wiveO'clock Sharp,,'"writcs Mis. counry e nakean iira ýý, TýRoyer in the Ladies' Hoine .Jouînal, fui substitute for this fav re, i'c directing the stout woman bow ta cure 0 ,W M i ceee, but they have mre th aemli ber obasity, "tbe firs1 ineal of the day degree of success. sbouid ho laiton: Two well-bîaiieti ebops, ,,,,~1~ ", None of these Canadian produeiýts was or setbreads, or eggs in any faim, one ~~ of a sort wbich couid flot hoeasî-ly dis. suice of weli-baketi wboie wiieat breati, tinguished tram the genuine, and a- buttoreti andI thoroughiy masticateî, andI~ cording to cbeese experts, t-1- canIadian oone green vegetab4o. Eat enaugh to -q fi' p inanufacturers have uearly aadoo atiefy hunger, but of the morenms$sogen- A re h ow'. th e ;in es hope 0fbeing able eçer toenk a cheese cus compoumnd. For dessert a cap aus- which wiii taka the place of th.u ganuine tard, or fruit-grapes, peachêg, orang es ..~4 Roquefort. or haked apofle. " T "~'Iii ; ~ r Roanfon ehese s maie f a ixtre For the nigbt meai bave a clear:eoup, e Of goal anti sheep mutl. 'Tle rplto a red ma-in fact, any ment except park of this cheese lextelids biaci inr-o dima and vea-a suecuient vegetabllè, like For Misses', Ladies' and Chiidrcn's Wear that they have lever shown. antiquity, anti Pliuy imentionof. Itini bis spinach, cooketi aeleiy, a 11111eý leltuce, *rit ' ngs. new peas, string beans, a 11111e>raw cab- We wouid advisc our triends to make tbeir seleetions as early as possible l le ,made chiefiy from tie mut 0of bage or well-cooked cauliitowor. 'Ail whitecttie stock is fresh and ncw. We show this wcek cuts of two ncew Larzati goals andi sbeep, anti in thé mea nt uel ho brolled, roasteti or boled- records in Iýmnce, tilsl statedtl hltlu thé not fried. A liaif olund of meat mýay hoe unes just 10o hand.. They axe beauties. year 1866 250,000 shfflp and goalts ouI of eauen .î.tbjs meoal. A piece of wei1l-loasteti a floot of 400,000 gave enougb mUtl for wbole wiîeat rendt, witbput butter, a the màkiÏg 'Of 7,150,000 1pountis of 011005. bitr of w ei ripenod cheese, and a cup cf In the manufacture of Roqilefort cbeose ciear coffee inay Jorui the dessert. The '* InfeImotiBaviBac. the sheep anti goas e iinlted lu the success of Ibis tîeatmen les lu dolng e Navy, Fawn andI Myrtie Green, Box evening af toi ther returu from the pas. witboul breakfast. The patient miay eaî : Front wihthree carved pearî bttons tures andI after b1e ave been alwdt suffliint tae atisfy buoger, but no *sbieid front piped with mohair braid rosI for'an bour or saý more; lu a few days she wil l inO ibtat* andI trimmed witb fancy brairl pat- The everting s mtle bseatetialmost tbe so-calieti bungor is uot fois au the pit* tein down front andI on sîcoves. Vel to the biiing point andti Ien set aside. of the stomach., anti in iess than a veek vot collai two back seams piped witb h In he cr1rý i 4s8knined hete tc se wllenjy he two ineais a day-tOc l)iaid, 2 ceari buttons on baâ, baîf- 98 dere admxe ihthm in' ist at-n'è andthse lmst as 6w' or six lincd with abat '1affita silk. A win- - milt foir oaulation.Th curd is welcii -aterthan 511e bas over enjao'eti * 50m0gaîment tbat will be a luge kuentied tiîithoIbe ands anti presseedh ber tIbie mel." *seller. layers into zuoid3 with perforatetiil-_________ toms. A tkin layer of moidy breat isj put Toriu ul, beùwen eac layn cf urd.There le a slarytl inlujournalistic The objecl of thie le to hasten thecoeslDuinfabatfu isIy* "rienlg~'0f ~ieebeso y eppilugIbeof cutouess by a fainier who caileti aS one* gem fh re nlipcla eof 'the nowspaper offices to have anl ad. * ches. hebradusU or Ibis purpose verîlserinent lnseted. Hoevas l,îforned .4i proetingChrstîasthat the charges were ces. for the fins of about equal parts cf sunîsuer antid srlnat e 0 o h eod wlnter barley, with considerable Sour~ "Faitb, thin," saiti bu, "F'il hiave il tn tioug antisainevinegi.the seconc. tolme." ,Ilere antw When moldy enOugb Itilslegrounti andcnlalbus"detaimCos * eifted, moisteneti with water anti kept c m i l duÔtet heonglit: " lei sn r frory the air until wanted in the naklng nnr of~~ th heedaugbler your elter. Mie. Heaiy, bas .... ofthe or oan uche motisforgot?" askei a go-itieman of one of his .,~The ordoremtiay. Inhonthe M are foaten ante wbom he met on the roati. 1The 0 cusof the crows onme uIdu',' te the marktlin Roquefort, wbere tbey know whetbee! î'm an uncie or an auuî" t are501 10thedifarel mter cfwas the immediate repiy. 1 was Once Raquefot cheese. These manufacturirs continue the prosent at a roview of a imîlitia régiment * , rip3ninq 0f the cheeses by piacing tho e anluthe eor cano Ireandti, wbed tte r In tIâe very damp caves wbich aboundl in -ajrcieu aeirprtt a11 thepreipiouswais c th i.neeonecolonel that ailthe ammunitlon WaS ox- jlualwaKesyDiehasFy bile srrcpoutiin tof vildage. Tescave, ausleti. Then Soundi 'Cease iiug, "n 13V-l Krsý,nieshd1k ! b i ll s u r o u n i n - h e v l l a e . T e c a e s , r o a r e d t h e c o m m a n d in g q ml c e r . - L o n t i e nF r n , C a c k t w P e l B u l ., which are sol a.tgd th., the curieuts e FotCatBck woPauBck. of air flow froin south ta north. are con- onfpntoctabor.s Slk&Ïchd eldoredti taYieitithe' beel choose. The currents of air wbich came from those Biamiiick' BiSg Drink. _- Raw Etiges, flaIt lined with Shot Tat-* caves are colti even lnu',he warniest A tory is tld of Prince Bismarck fetta Sillz. A great seller in ]Ncw York weather. wben ho visiteti Lentibn as far ack as i. The cheeees are loft in the caves same- 1843. Ho waà tatou by hie entertainers* times mare than a month, dus'iug which tg the noted brewery of Messis. Marciay* Mime sait anti'brine ile ruhbet i lto them, & Pertins, as_ i,as a certairi Aussriin _ _ anti they are pioteti frequentiy with long general on another mremrable occasion. *aladSe hm neetiles ta lott he salI uenetialie anti aiso Hie réputation as a beer-tiinter hati t0 accelerate the moitiering, precoe ihm, anti bis baste presenteti ____________hlm witb an enommous tantarti of oki The Word "Asia."1 aie, The size of the beatoer conveyeti a Rev D, actyIb weî.tnwnchallenge Whlch'the Young champion Of Ladies' wii aIso remember that cur stock cf Mediui and Fine Quai- OniechaDr., wnitos the Torîîo lOen tbe Prussian JunterS Was ual slow 10 ities in Dress Goods at prices to suit ail. Was nover so -weli seiected in Gaelc scola, wrtesthe oroto Gobe accept,. This Is bis own accouDnt 0f 'mhat In yetgrday's daliy Globe 1 noticedthie roloweti, as told by hini fo Sir Charles fashionable, up-to-date gocds. Sec, our Beautiful $5.00 Costumes for followiug, item: "The word Aslais le d- DjIlie: "li seizet the ltaitir,", sait ieh, 'Ladies' tailor matIe garmnents. riveti tram the Sanscrit, Ushas, meaning "eanti I îhought of my country anti trant the lanti of the tiawn." This le incorrect. t10 Pinsqia, andti llted ti il 11 l i as S E I .S F R TlS E K Asia is a compouti of lwo Gaolia wortis. empiy. Thon I thanteti my enttrtamners P C A S F R T I WE . th As, eougba ntry ila, cou ntry, ineg-o eulyIhp-nisuceit u Ladies' Black antI Coiored Lacing KidI Gloves, -new shades, 5 hock, tOc actconury.Highandrs i levin mailng nîy way as fai as Londion bridge. their firet home lu Asia for oMmei parts of There 1 sat tiown lu onc of tbe tone at 75e per pair. Ladies' Black and Coioued Lacing and Buttoned KidIs, tue woiiti weie lu the habif caling il reeessesç anc taio bonis the great bridge Perrins Make,ý slightiy discoloued, regniar puice $ LJk and $1.2 te r pi the bact country, ai the borjne tbey loftIwens round anti round me." for 50c. 5 doze Ladies' Cres zs18t29spcaa 5c pir bebindti tem, jusl as the Scots regard -________Cres 9 pca tSc ar Scotlanti as the inather counstry,- andtih1e Thse Word "Ale." Ladies' Ribbed Vests, Fat]. weîght, white tbey last, 10e each. Ladiles' Germane, who left their nîi Geriaîny, What coulti ho more Eugiish tb'an the- Ri bbed Cashimere ilHose, wide rib, sîYendid Yaiue, 23e a pair. Ask to se cail it Faderlanti. The second syllable.în w - le? Il carnies u akt h a.te.OTBRFSLO HE RE Asia bus boeonfor a long timte an obsolete quwof a ur edacsetor nlhalaeOCOE ASINSEE RE word in the venorablo language 10 wbiclî uts0 uit-tiaceîis nWlbia il oigiuiiybelogeti Tb sam le inoant iseof ils comîîaunds open up ar Afîlca, matie np of tbree monasylia- vsa iiita i uiniwlhl ast tisappcaring, becoming a tale that le of the lowingriver, Le., f0he7Nîie. Many tavCru s!gu; ale-conner, "an ofîlcer ap- O other anclent naines. non-Sernîiic, are ponoi ueey or of nisaont tracea Oie tram Guelie rools, a vory sîrik- 100k 10 Ibhe assize andI gootinesof b.reati, ing p200f of tbe ausiqnisy of sis laugu- aie anti beer.-' Ale-cosu, the maie age. , inti of Iansy usee ta flavor the rustices bome-brewed, bas a goatad Eniglish WhVlere Iiearin~g Ceaes. lbat; yot il heurs wilneSs ta the mougrel LordRaycig lua lecture sali tOut nature or the speech of Ibis mongrel experiiînent huati shown Ibat a vibrationl nation-cost being from the Groot kitsos, of sounti baving an ampj-litude of léss a savory heib of species unitientifleti. 1 1AE1 TISTIC. E FCE T thun one tweive-millionrth aýf a ce,timoere Alegerije eacr or Sour ale, uneet as vine- could sîil affeecthSecseuse uof beariag. gar.-Coiuhj Magazine. Sncb a vibration wiolti hoso short that it would bave laooueeldiget 100 Busiest Spot in London. lunes bef are tOec mosi oeru micros- Ten tbousaud persans pasn u miii- cape coulti rentier is viibe. supposing buses every boieuring sthe day by the that iii wero susceptible 0f eing seeÀi at Bank of EngLanti. Nearly 800 'buses carry ail. these people. Tbe Dcxl bueles sMs are 010 people, hoe sati, do nos heur blgh Piccatiiiiy Cirons andi Oxford Cirons witb Dtes wviîch are audible ta youîig poisons, 8,000 passeougers eacb and over ejoO anti there le reason to belleve tbat babies 'Uses. LiverpIoal stroot, Landau Bridge, heur nases wbîeb are Inaudible ta ubir Begeuf Street, the Strandi, Trafalgar eiders, square, Waterloo place, Marbie Arcb, Hoîbora, Hyde Part Corner anti Ubeap- The Art of 3Making Frietnds. sitie are useti by aboout 400 'buses an Dulerten-Prigeter is always piciting boni, anti about 5,000 passeugers. The me up on uy grammar. busiesit 'entre -of tramway truffec is as Smnife-Anti you anti ho don't gel on the Augel, Islington, wmhere 150 cars pase togesher at ail" per bour, anti cousain over,3,00u pas, Dulrtn-Of course nat, Haow coniti songers. WC? Smare-By doiçig as 1 do. When 1i Extraordîiary Kieptoinnia. e spai 1 hî Ius Ot gamna ur Oe fthe stranngt casesf tlptama- palace, which le 130 years ahi, bavîug n an0'liera ipa" ctidti a __ been plnnteti ia 1768. show.s a fallinm aifflite lu ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~lk detit nicnan ,0 uce f ogs anti proably would nos ie williino ta Ouy aie. linon, sceing îhe i- fruit. The grapes aejuss beZuîuing lll mvlt o ai iapîtd h ui t:) ripen, ant inluabout za wetes tine the id "Weîî, 'milooisadt iti ye n iei, snîy fruit, wbich L-sesnt ta the Quecu ton use d~,to ewl e. aI br tble w'll e fllyinaure. 'Oh, no," answoroti the ch.ii1, wboe few years bati taugbs lier seom'eo iRsorn, Ceeliing by the -San's ileat. "the nmore sicit I arn, the more liteiy he Tismd atcivstvisuq sinbloecfheano An inventor ini India bas construceteà wlll bc to buy it foa1nime."hsmdr trciesoei nqetoal n ftelalGO an apparatus for cooking hy tho beat cf ever built. Its proportions are ceoant antI 1' T4 . 1hase/ the s5un. Ih consits of a box m"ic of Utiilzing 010 dTin Sioxes. npaîn.~gr wood anti lineti with refiectinu mios, In Paris the thuusantis of sardine anti est possible uadiating suuface, and tI lduaws the cld air from th lc0 at the hottam cf the box eing a eniali etior tiOn boxes thmîs are thiaivu awaytisaIdsereslireseyhte. aIewt copper bolier covoetiý with glass ta raain overy montb are stunpet by il2acbinery lauge quantitisaddshre tlltneyhae. 3aewt the beo th10rays econcenitrateti îay the luto tsm soltiloi', anti solti ' so cbeaply without oven, mirrore upon the boiler. that the poio5st obiitimui can buy thoîn, Pati FisIS~sg i~ Oba. wbiie the nmanufactunrer, mat-esa fuir Patti FiL SaDuintanb& pIofat It Was Il ua that Atielina patpi sang for thbe fiel 'im., In public, wbeu An 111,01;it n China.Lia l shbe was 1.4 years nid. Ilt was at a concertIn uCtina le, saluteo auy oe by takinig Phone 74, BowmM'xvuI.Lr. 694 erapcos« wnS3 can,nle4. e n .one',5 l,1, IUMbn . 1tlan3. 'reat 'N SLi,. Headaebe hoivever "]noyg 4LInd 0d503.e Qinis erAd'by AX-L ER P.LLS. Thoyaie es otk a isever gripe. ' 1 ask her L-pandpa to buy her eneý The 1 1

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