1' I TERMS :-$1.50 PEP. ANTm. OUJR TOWN A"D COUNTY FIR.ST; TnE WQRLD APTERWARDS. M~. A. JAMES, Editor -and Proprietor. NEw SERIEs. B0WMANVILLE,' ONTARIO, XXEDNiESDAY, OCTOBER 19, 1898.' VoLumE XLIV. No. 42., ir Prices for One Month. SBedroom Suite, light or dark finish .............. FI0.00 j ~ Sideboard xith Glass, figlit or dark finish........7.50 Extention Table, liglit or dark finish............ 4.50 SDinrng Chairs, haîf dozen .......... ............ 3.00 Spch rin srvie.b....... ...................00 rSpoung, ve sereable........................42.0 Stuffeci Mattrasses............................. 2.00 We also have a few Cobbler Rockers, that we are k .clearing ont at............ ................ 2.25 See our fangy Iroin Beds in White Enamel wlth Brass trimmings. SThis is a special list for Fail trade to induce our customers to eall and see these goods. You will find ail our Unes marked at pricefi thant you will find riglit, M. D. WILLIM4S & SON, 0 ~ BOMANVLLE.Undertaking always receives our prompt and perso)n attentin. __ ils 64~J £ast~1 4'too long, and seems too simple. - i. -- 'Pays him better to use a -~wax pore-filer, and polish Tu' --~ ' up a previous poisho! ~- înstead ofby the pairP1 leather, hard and smooith rfcd ELVTRFR~AEO E.JOHN HELLYAR, Sole Local Agent. LEVA OR he nALt~ E ObnRi E T.~- UT -VIS OUT and send to us wit], E Owing t 11b lhhe1ipre- redb ebetai p~prttmn'r he ior Cfive cenýts in silver, and you wil get by C( I~,a~e of bis ele )r ad iSeiat Bow- trui l oden box of go6ds that will bi i ý manvflie StaiiQn. Thia s a oonop, rtunity ron ta more ymoncey in oesmonth, thau aiav tu~ =nyone 4earomaofmetoring thk grain aud hnet aAmia..W.KsB.Of ENISHILLEN. S. S. NO. 2, CLARKE. HÂRVESTFÉSTLVAJL. Vijd,,tors : Mrs.Sherlock, Winnipeg,- Potatoes are a very fair crop .. .. Miss We congratulate the ladies' of St. ýaii, guest of Mr. J no. Virtue: Mrs. Davidson, teacher, attended the con John's church onthe splendid success of einaer, Pickering, guest of Mr. F vention at Port Ilope .. .. James and P. their Harvest Homle Festival Iast week. gý,er Miss Weich, Tyrone, guest of Martin, sixth lhue, gave us a caH Sun-. The scbool room was2beautifully decor- . e Wottonn ,Mr'. end Mrs. . hv 1 ~M -Mo,,~in b~o~, ,~hf,-i~ -Çf1~ .b,. . CW. Souch home front Detroit whero farm iately occupied by the late William garden and evoked the enthusiastie ad- I thev had aniextremely enjoyable time; Martin .... Report of Sunday Schooi for miration-pf ail participants of the feast. *Miss ULie Milîs guest of bier brother September: Teachiers present 13, absent It isdue to the committee who performed *M r. V,'.J, MillsisnluChicago ... . The 3- Seho!ars prosont 112, absent 73. Coi- this labor of love to mention them by Leaueis hoougly re-rgnizd ection 66c. Visitors 7. naine, as follows : Mrs. (Dr.) Hilliger, agai-r and meets every Friday evening.Mr.WW.T blnteMissMd IANTIOÇH. land () Miss Hiler, Mr. E. W. Los- combe. The Willing Workers served >Mr. and Mrs., David Moffatt visited their quests have we seldoin witnessed, bis brother, Mr. Thornas Moffatt.. .. Mrs.Th tals erlidwhtsean NTr and Mrs. John Jackson and son, Thos. Coatam visited hier mother, Mrs. Tete were lat n idg t te Ends Stanley, and Miss Carlyle, visited at Ard, recentiv, . .. Mr. Wni. Bennett i stor otivtngt h nls Mr. 1-,obert Leith's. ...Mfr.Stanley Jack- attending Newcastle High. School... mtiach, especiaily, for there were be- rham, ~son, fig h chool ?ortHoe a hm r sacJwl. omnile stdsides the usuai meats, lovely, chieken 'ha , ~gS pe, ~ s om Mr IsacJewllRomaniil, is1 dpie,'rast duck, oast fowl with baked Cha. nderwodogte rm..Mr. and son have returned to Port Hope .. 1n John M.Norrison, Smith towusbip was k.is eriPrnopvsîept r opis. cocoa nut and chocolate cakes, -I r~~~~~~~~eeilt ucst of Mr.John Jackson. Mr. W. Foster's ..Mrs. Geo. SommervilleofuiutriefisaIevret Mors - as a former resident of this is home front Lindsay ..Mr. Win.ofjelies andi other relishies to tickle the towusbhip residing on'the Dickey farm. Waddel shippoti 40 hogs last week.... P d te ems attloseiuen Mr. J. 1D. Fallis bas been to Toron- Mr. Jam-es WVaddel visiteti friondsisnl class for thequppter W, as farto hig tot vst i snMoly. lie found Port Hope recontîy. a- ahe uae Wh erannot'nam bis gc-liditiou about the samne as wben Du. Low's WOum Svnup is death to 1ailtre yurng ladie wMises dbuty hi, e iit or the South.aon. eow noitiMssBry ___________worms every time, safe for the childi anti Kathleen Etisal, Ethel Reid, Bessie MOUN VER ON.and so nice the chiltiron lck the spoon Tanmblyn, Mabel Scott, Hutchinson (2), Fletcher, Ra.yes, Medlanti, and others. NE WTON VILLE. M îesdames J. Rue bttom,lFrank B3ennett, Rie. S. Gx. Rorlie is able to tako bis A. B. Kent, and W, H. Garrett anti wtorl oi, Visitors: Miss Grace Mr. Thomas Sharpe bas bought Cor- Miss Flo. Loscombe -%erge aiso making Rog a Mr.C. Rogers; Miss Leona uer Brick f orrnerly occupied by S. Bates t-mslvsuseful. Miss Auna Edsail Wil1iaus- at Mr. W. sGiibert's; Miss MrC. aloelbsbutth solti some nice cantiy of hier ow n manu- Nelliu Kennedy, gnest at Mr. H. Ab John Hllîoweîî property andi wiîî ho- facture. Mrs. J.H1.Reirl, the treasurer, ralha's Mr. J. Monitjoy guest at the corne a resitient . Mr. Morris Stanton, reports the receipts to ho $37. M a l....Mr. and Mrs. .Yas, ileatie mai]lcarrir, basief hie village.... Mr. A F N N E T I N IT spenit Smnday at bis brother's in Cart- Willie Petbnick wili occupy the house AFN NE'ÂNET wrîg . .. . Prior to Mr. and Mrs, Alex. formerly re i ~i by Morris Stauton ..._ Ro'ýss aving the farm, their.frienis Miss M. Britt,,i and Miss Watt bave Thcoietu'rteaspesfth gtibi' rd eùue eveningý and presento3 beeu viýiing, friendi at Cameron,.. D.O. P. Co's Baud in the town hall theiWt a uiceiy worded address anti Mrs W. E. Ovons -visited bier mother at Montiay night ,sas worthY of a crowded twIo beautifuil uphoîstereti chairs as a Poutypool receutly . . ..Master Arthur buebttebl a creyhî ui lig1it foken of their esteem andi gooti- Morgan is visiting at* Toronto..Mr. The pr ogram offered varie,îy eniough vl11. A very pleasant evening wvas Geo. E. Ovens %va, recent guost of Mr. for the most exacting conicort-goger. spenh~ Wir. Hucher . .. Mr. G. W. Joues bas The lvl selections by the banti were ornamentedi the Tenîperauce Hotel cretiîavrneei .J .Cmr SOLbbiVa NsA omavlwith new siogn ..Mr. and Mrs N.Davis on, singer, reciter andi humorous enter- stea Mr.sGe .tRMiiGwho has been greeed t oud rec alvs anot in hogno- 905in Bak n ie year baie anNsed Mr. Alex. RTaeLative.. r.an Mîrs. W.Tabiets lfenderi o cf a"ew abis RSc" _Jas em na dlurm, 7tiucont atheil movot horoe- tsrfodte osyi I alst Cr. Mrand vasthetr cf ubs numers sbtei, .Mr e. Rid w Motgsrnery ia PresSaCUEnts, an DE AY gt xvas andworhb blali th e mi- hous in owma- ~ retun d romMrnihoba!mG.bpeasetri lrsio oc oae aari and ou .Houîth wetb hn B e - w tn,0ý rp andicuty ...M.Jas. COURTICE. program lu neat e,, oing tiress wbich A ~. ryhas oroE glani on busi-- was mucli more acceptable ýo the ladies ues tiexpetste peni sme oîîhs Mr. anti -rs. F. Parr, Town, woro than tbe usual comte costumes. The wîth lentois "in Dvonanti Cornwali guosts of M\r. J. W. Fotberingbami other vocali numoors wero contributeti We ind~ hin inchucl , Sbahrcn....Miss Flo. Courtice anti Miss by MissGlve wo was in ra re voie y-y j~ij-~Scho~ antDiviion.May h !o lhiave a Mîlie Ever on visited fnicutis in Picker ani sanuithr-crs ailcin for ~ i~ioda i mIQI i an s.ýd ite bve rotiarned from Mauniba ',al- anti si r i t îtatwsapasr ohar Ian f )guds-bo -ili lùook for l1býistosing enjoyeti a slni vst hcan issMneFirar1F T .M, in ~ arusas.. . is Esoll spn log atiiuîresiugyau nw. erviolin olgtspryoetirist vl PascoantiMissMabe Pasoo vsihei an i mlyare mnîoving from Mrs.Squuir's the accompanlînient ho " m we fienisat K\_însale recenhlv .R ,ev. J. fairm te tuie Frank 'homesteati in Bo' Homo" vas a real benediction, SO swOot P. Blo, B.A,, Oshawa, Chairman of manville his weok ...Mr. Blako ýaidenchantingwere the lovelv strains. NEW(OASTLE. teD~rc.will preach a iisionarv Courtîcc's team anti îvson weiî t lie clarionce t iso Uv W' T. Brown - se-rmon bore Suîîdav aftiernoonOCt. throuzb the 'barn floor ho the bothom of with banti acconripanimont tit i hm 30th, .,MssEtna Ellins. Columbus, the root ceilar a distance of 8 1h. Tbin gs g re rdit anti telighteti bs bearers. Visitors : F. Waitiou anti Wm. Ricb- v1,iih(1, bore rocently, g ot corisiticrahly mnixed but forhuuately Miss Florence Tiloy, A. T. C. M., was artis ah Oronoe..Geo. Simmeus home ______ne eue was burt. accomapantist on the piano anti tiscbarg- from Toronto,'. ... Cousiderable improx - cd lier pafh as she always doos witb en- monts ere being matie te the Fisheryr ORONO. TYRONE. tire satisfaction. Takeu aitogether 1h buidig .... Mrs. Brokeushire, linydon, was a niost enjoyable evening's enter- ah bier sishor's, Mrs. Win. Pickan. ... M.Js.L ie-%vas in hown recent , tainnient-eue that hundretis more Mn. Roht Eilbeck, Toronto, ah bis fatblv. isFlsi Gamsbv visitet in lu îiîons: Mîr.W.Asbury Wilson,B.A., would have participaheti in badtihbey er's..jack Eilbeck New York at bis Oh~.. r Norman Beer bas gene g-uest cof Mr. anti Mrs. S. Binghaîu. known its real menit, grand-parents .... Mr. A. Elsworth andti o Vicýtoriýa, B. C,.,. ..Mr. Theruton visi'- Asbnry's many frientis are ploasedt e_________________ wifo at ber parents, iNewtonville ...-. Mr. eti l3nookin recenty .... Mrs. J. L.Tuc- se hlm a,,ain. . .. Pleasedt o know the John Warren, Toronto, at bis brother- ker at Mrs. Nancy Gibson bave boon acdnbeM.E.Topo' o a "Sav h in-law's, Mr. W. T. Lockbîrt. -.. ii.. M r . Mrs. Hooper, Osbawa, bas been net as serionts as at firsh reporteti ab! ev Mis Ma Poteteche jnio diiso r mld the S. Wilmot bas a numbor of laborers em- vstn e itr Mrs. H. Heoper Ms MyPotrhecerjnordviinhouser thc pioyetiraising bbc miii dam... ._Mr. W. MlissElima Stapiehon, Newcastlih Pbic eolbsrs rEinore tie ofuieo G. Bryans, manager of the Traders' fihîngat Mn. H. Garwood's . . . . Mn. . pursue berý studios. 1s milie Coucb anybhiag Bank bore, anti Mn E. H. McLean, Bar- Gole is homie fromt Lindsay .... Mn. is bier probable succossor. It is tbc wish euse; OrlyW risher, visiteti Toronto rececuhy. A .. Armstnong is oxpecteti homo fromt of the section unanimous that Mn. W. save tbe ba- uewoutanc isbeig biltto he iahonSahrtiy. . Mss enha Dn-Remmer may romain as Principal.... by!" Tbis school room of St. George's chri.. atr irby, was lu town Suntiay.. Miss E. M. Worry is home frein Tore n 5tof in- .',a Joremiah Breon, an o ti resitient e ot ovle e-ayoeotaîi eat ocm a h usle Aaint e- Port Newcastle was bunieti Saturtiay lini'bleaitb ý. . . mrs. Coffee, Hamilton ,SOI1g servie was cenducteti by the EP- e,,s beant. I1veny wo- ,week .... .Harold, son of Jes. Tomns, wsis vstn lier tiaugihter, Mrs. W. C. wortb Longue Suntiay ovoning ably inan wbo bopes sornec sevrei bitonbv wo f M. Vrc e'sBskp - n John McComb is couvai- suppiementoti by Prinicipal Remimer's day to be a motilerl - bountis. ...Mr. anti Mrs. Jeremîiab sig ... Frank Shuth, Riversido, paper on Missions ..,.Mr. John Ryanu ub onaieta Breen, Toronto, anti John Breen, Osha- t.CaL, tolepraphoti the salge arrivai ther, andi farnily bave meveti inhe theirnuew bbe bealtlî 'ad perhap wa,spent Sunday weok wlth their inotIU- ol M i ss Odell..Mr. Rollv Bell, anti residenco, Bunketon... Rocent frosts the veny Iifc of bier pro er .. Oe f i.JoeeToms' herses roll- Mn $imons, Tornohanti Mn. Joseph are cansing l-trmers te behhik hem inpeti e etie lW ig cd uver the tiarminto Wilmoh's pond. ltt. i1i4Tal l-ra, wene lu hewn rccentlý evso hi ne- anwbo cos.i vicb weakens or inu Mr. anti Mrs, Hugb Davîisen, Mn. anti noilîg acquainances.... Mn. Geo. H. pairs ber own physic. Mnts L. B. Davidson, Miss Delémora Beeor sh1ippýed 1lSOlbs cf hoiiey, recent- SALTATION ARN1Y MEETINGS. condition. anti Master A. Lockbarh anti sishor at 1nitri uy. G a.io odiiunig'l 5apo etv tonde thie Teacher's Convention ah mrare "Jessýie D" te Ira Nahrass, Mli. Big' anniversars- celebrahions ar thers dts- to ne Port Hope. bok .Mr, O. A. GamsbY anti C. G. hoin?- cnducteti ah Torouto 'under the strong as possible artd Ami ron san ahan entertaitiment leatiýrship cf Miss Booth, Commanie avoiti ail over-exetioa HAMPON.ah h iie t Preshyhenian chunci Port inChief of the Army7s forces lu Canada anti fatigue turing bbh( HAMTO . otî.it is sixteon s-cars since this Evaugel - iizd if the bO11sew'ork Mrs.W. lfod i.seiouly li....Mr.istie agoncy commoncoti eperations in or any oti r work ïie F..s whe bs bespendinolà....tr.the fair Dominioli, anti that there bas neïlected: Save tbe bJby! FummElu Englo asti anti onditho li g P. been 'ýsomething aeccmplilheti, somýe-_ Rveny mother slhoulti obtain bhe strnt- rummr i Engandaii.onmhe h.a thing doue" wlll o seen from the fact .uîngh,,lealtb givilig support of Dr. Pie 'rres: nol~~~~~~ Pe rbret at okmubi- ht v hv SuiyMîtoo ten-Favorite Prescription, lb gives elastie en-1 pro; cdtinlu ealth. lis leters in t!he ance forthie last year of nearîy tisreeo ntes noitevedial ohrgan atiae gre SATnESh.. N.sho en rs. J.iTro- AlZevvered With Eruptons - CO'ud mîîiions anti a week-nighh indoor ah luitnakes the coming of baby penfecbiy wrtin Bowma...vie ; M Trie-' Nct Work, the Suffering Was Sc tendance of hwo millions anti a bal. safc anti comparati'-clv painiess. lb forti- Gr, oenbanv MneW.;NMPric, Str' ra-Ho -usCrc.Our War Cry has a weekly crclation fles bbce ystehl azainsu relapse, prnuotes ah Mn. ese alers Mr.W. .rexvi ati asail rau eý-Ncgdown bhcompianaof 35, 000. Durnsi;the vear '97, 14,172 anI,'ndant nourisbîncot fo~r te chut ant inm- at M. Jsse altr's Mr.Trein and , _1-%vs ul ru dow wÎ coplantebots xere supplied in .its sheiheî-s 1for cra,ete biturai COil-t ikultonal îîgor, Miss Manti Creepen, 1linyton, au MrW. peculiar to my s-ýx, and 1 broke ont pon mon, anti 261,572 mocis wene sulir t 4m nI-iedicîrîe devieed cxpressl Y Creepen's; Miss Soucb at Mn. Jas. Cny l ars n ybody, icati, limas anti plieti. Diuig ubhe vicar 1897, 6G1 woni <-ar t ,e'-iccdpviiab tierman's Mn. W. R. Gibson visttî,ng; , , an 238ehiiien pas h OS î oh thee ù inint, h krnChcLT S A 1;Su. auts, and My bain al came ont. I was on atf-8ibltnnpsst nnl beller rn ." so-'preparato J ~ ~ ~ ~ te '.Jis oe]c b Tonho ider hie doehor'c reatment a long timo lRs'a o sscuee Il mx -lttt 1'Ose ,îîli stich acien- J, L.John hhht frotTbout ýt 1 te Doinion, noit of wii6s00 were n11.' I i4 e t.crne ic Genaýrai Hospital ; Miss Ada 11ia5hst wou eue ey cimedmytroue satisfactorv. 9 ohlî1roe svere caxeu t. ' ce n on- f ils extasîi aryt bome fromn exhnied visit wibh lber sis- ec,~.Fiai began takig Hood'aI for lu thc (iuuirea's Sheiher a 'sumlar' ' i r thse no.s tinb her. Mns. Jas, Finie, - t Southam:pton -ssaarîanantaer 1 bat u1sedti "x-e ofî cherr atopleti. Tlhe- elebra- Il,14.," ' ioorle . cbptoDr orr' wbits i V It r o nccpiofk car.sWi bsmiik wagn,.Tly îo sîIo0ow_ Fre X. iln lt ic, o is e Mn J1G BOwB antfu rd nhai.' Sthat n ru ie5 ngh0 o oTreb i pos.vMeicl oIi alod m- gt_1ee1nt-bc1fr1,niefae 1-1r1-1ni1-a11ot.boni o 7 ýîlVt5ý 1 'IMY.. -- - mir- jnuinanub nas wasen me 1 meea w-ma iruirs oi neicl, orenara ani nm>il- OMH