SSigo of a Cl Should remind you that the best thing to __ do is'to get a bottie of Ï t cures .dronchitis, Coughs, ___, shm,--« .-Hoarseness and allThroat andLung troubles.- We have a complete lune of Atomizers, Hot Water Botties and Chamois. Chemsts, JOHfN RIGGINBOTHAI& SON. CeitBowmÂNviLLE. BOWMANVILLE~, OCT. 19, 1898. JJTOUSE TO LET-Frame residence oLJ nAtneen St. Apply at M. Di, WiLLiAms & SO S Frniture store. 41. tf. $ý5 Fq bF.b TO LEIND on good mort- gge securîty at moderate rates of mterest, A.E. MCLAIILINSolieitor,BOW mauxilleOnt. 16 -6m. TAMWORT'HS FOR SALE-A Lnmber of- ehoice Thoroughbred Tam- worth sows and boars, two months old, for s aIeý Prices righit. D. J. GiBsoN, Bowmanyille. Clarke, lot 34, Con 3. FARM FOR SALE.-75 Acres, lot 23, JJ on 5, Darlington,è mile east of Solina. Good land, running Stream of water. good well. 7Newhouse, good outbu;ldings. Most desirable location. For terms apply t10-\.. fiAKas, Solina 37. 4WI ~AUM FOR SALE.-75 Acres,, Lots 2i4 and 25, 0Con 6, Darlington. Cood state of entivation; liard and soft water z. buildings and fences ini good repair;* Imile fromn Solina: daily mail. Most dlesiral l'ocation. For termas enqumre of W. A. LAMMIMAN, Solina. 80 . tf. SBICYCLES Send for Munso ,470 Price List: MUnsOn470Venge St. T -ronte. JTA IE OS aGO ETIY S, REPAIRING A SPECIALTY, Theuudersigned -will be in Bowrnan- ville and Orono every Saturday for the plkpose of buying live ho-gs for shîp- ment. We deshre the cortinued -patronage anîd co operation et tarmers, so that we eau handie thema in large num.rbers,then we can ship cheaper and make better sales. We ean also stop tne practice of paying commissions and gix e the far- mers the benefit, Corne and sec us when you have hog s to soul. J. & H1. B. FOSTER, Drovers. Box 209, Bowrnanvlle. 28 4M Mif' BROCKVILLE aMdWEST Pelnetai-g,r t ArgyletoC bO i j cuie (vnaM', -1* i- 2- -SF~ j i If C~ t, AYI r lIA . T i t s i a -i e u11 ai a r i b i or util los %, v u îh a- Le) to points axa,. ~ Or asandi -,, , ý,,L --t TOWN OF BOWM1ANVILLE. BýowmanviIIe le beanîifully sitoateti on au emninence, surroundeti lii pictnresqoe scenery, overlooltiug Port'Bowmaniville Harbsor oit Lakte Ontario, anti one of tisa pretties- expanees o? waier In Canada . In sommer boats pli' daiii ini fuît view up andt down anthie fine isoats of tise Ontario & Richelieu Liîîe eau botis ways in sommer. Tise population of ]iowmanville is lie tween 300e anti 4000. Streats anti sidewallts ara tirst cdase anti iandsome residences are jpumer- ouo. St-acte, publieibuiltiings and resideuces are ligisteti with electriciti'. Abandairce cfsrng weter, go oti drainage anti reliaisie tire prutectiosi. Tise postal service le ailtisat eau be desireti. TiseDominion Orgen & Piano Co's. great factoricesfor înanufacturîeg Pianos, Or- gaGs, Bicycle Rime, etc., are locatedh ei-e ; also tise Beramanvîlle Rubisar Co's wcrlte. Tisereare excellent Publie and Higis Scisools, niot surpats cd in Canada for equipînt andi efficieuci'. Tise cisureises are Methist, Presetrian. Episcopalian, Cougregational, Disciple anti Roman Catiolie. Oniy -wu isotels wltis reasun- chie raies anti otiser modern con veniences. Stores arelnnîcrus anti carry full unes uf al kintis o? tii-st class gootis ; competition is k-eau anti pices as 10w as in a citi'. Telegrapis anti telepis Oua sysi-ems connec-t isatowo witis aIl B lace s near anti distant. Port Bowmanville is ecomiug a favorite sumîner resort, being une of tise mos- iealtistul locations on tise non-h shore. TH Ta .xA'i s tise popolar local eewe- laper anti anjcys a ver' extensive circnlation. : etwn stands ready tu offer liberaI indece- smente te factories te locata iin Bowinanville. Corri-spondence Inviteti. cushion Rubber Stamps are a gi-eut im- provement on the oId style andtihte piies are very low if purcliaseti frein R. W. Ford &Ce., Bristol, Cona. Writefor cireiaý,r andpiies e? ail kintis o? stamnp s. Give .them a trial.' Tua j;STATffSMAN -offie ie usina- oue o? -r ~ i tese stamps with gi-eut satiefact-ion. STE AM5fiIi'. MONTREAL. QuseBEC. 9AiM. 6 P. NI. Calîtorniai'--------..20 Oct. SaeaDay *Steamers înarlted i-lis direct te Liverpool. Lanrentian, It cabin onl' Cartisaginiian, 2nid caisin onu'. Passengers willbhatransferret lh thisa-bag- gage from tise railway station i-o tisawharf fi-ee of charge. RATES 0F PASSAGE. Liverpool anti Loi.donterry-lst Cabinl$60 00 anti upward ;retonsi, 1,114 cati upwards '; 'bd Caiîn, (incloting London) 0-SSIi. Stearage- -Lîvarýpuol,Perry, Ballfest, Glasgow, Lontibu- Parisien or Californiami $23.50 ;'Castillan or Nu midian $22.50. New Yorklti- Glasgow antiPar-y, "Si-eoS Ncisraska"Mongollin4st caisin q47.25 npwards; 2ud Cahin $32.50 ; stacrage $23.50. 1 For tickets and evcry information ap- rply tel M. A. JAMIES, Allen Lina Aent. Bowmnanville. Know How Therefore all eaunet seil watches that gix-e sttisfaction. rWlîat do pediars and boys kuow of5the rnccbauism of a wiatch ? liy avc pitid IlToo dear fer thi whistle" r3glit ni-lis vieinity by parchasing fvon thesc -people.- W-cuyen waut a Timte picce, Sbuy ut frorn a rmnechttrcle b as the riglit goeds for yGLI. j Toronto Fuir As cemiug on, se il, but be careful e? yeur mreey andi if, yen waut a Watdh, Chain, Ring, Clock, Spectacles or auything in thec the liue o? a first elsà - chmaker. ibnv froin y,,i ,r oeaio 'Jtiwtiuiir iandtipýlcian, bllowmanvmille. SAWLOG EXPORTING. liwthe eÇestion Affects 04ir National Tho question now before thse Queber conference whicil 1îinest vitally conceans thse peuple of tise Province of Ontario is that eft tis retontien or abrogation of thse existing provincia-l statute roquiirinig al Rawlogs out on tise Crown.donsiain to ba sawn lite mm nber 1belore exportation. Thse passage of this enactment, with thse PXaotiCa:l aPPreGil0fetishe whole country irrespeetivà of Party in"s,lias beau bit- terly resentad by use large anitdfntieal class of Amarican luxnbàreren nid Milli @Wnerg to whose Influence thse iiposition ofa duty of $2 par thoQasgnd oný Can a-. éÏan iËber axported tate La tutea States was due. Thse re-opening of inter- U4.tlnal questios y tise Quebeac oqufer- suce Oifare tham a Wjlised -for» opportun îty toýIsing t o hart, te resources of diplomn- acY 'Witb a vie*' ta the ,vbolit.on of thse uunwalcome restriction ln ratutraý for seme Isiatequate eonession or simjjpiy as a make-wigbt ta carmÎr tisrouigh saime in- talnational agreemenit of far iess lsnport- hitle tattite Canadian people thaln hue Prlnulpie involvati lu itsinaintenliuce. Forest preservationi. thesa ubjeet of praserving tise farests se lis te previjie for thse tiimbar supply et tise future and, at thse sisme tinse retain tisese conditiasis of climate and nilîure eeseital to agricultgiral prospuiit<lias forsoeineyears eccupiedItise attentlOa eof thse Governant. Seme iinxportiit adi- varices bave beau umade in thse direction of forest preservatlôa hby thee ntablîsk- ment ef a systeus of lIre ranglng Whîish hasegreatly diminieisad the fre,1uency andt destruetiveness ut bushflire, antireserves bave been set apart-notably that of Algenquin Park.-wisere lanti wisicis wiil grow profitably netising else than trees nsay ha parnanently devotepd te tisat pur. pose. Tisa recently censtituteti Furestry Commission may bce expaýctedtatomalte fortber recoin inendation fer tisaetension of the pelicy ut regarding our woodlands as a perpetual source of supply anti pre- ventiog the preniatura exlisaustion of tisa timber by rackless cutting -ani lak ut due precautions to secure a future crup. Tise American people, lk ourselves, bati a magnifIcent natural beritage ln their pîna torests, wiich, if jutiiciously pre- serveti, would have ysdt an ample supply for many ganierationis to coma, if not for ail tima. rTbcqe have bean de- stroyeti by wasteful metos ofecuttin«g anti tia naglact b tae-atise most Obvions methos of providing fe.z their reproduc- tion. 'lie principal sources o? the supply of whita nina remaining ta thein are tise forests of Michigan, Wisconsiu andi Min- nesota. In tise former Stata very litte romains andthie tim ber of Wisconsin anti Minnesota is su ripîdly approaeiig tise point of exhaustion tisat, if the presont rate Of eutting continues, a very few years will witress uts totaldiapern. As tise supply in Miciigan falied the lumoaerman of tsa-t Stete Jave been in inereesing degrae supplementing thea daflciency isy securing Ontarlo timber limits antiraftiing thaelog" acrosa lutheir own milis. They have larga-,ly furuiished tiesa upplF of pine lï1rbar requireti in inceaasing qusintities by l'ew York- Stata andi New Englandi, whle tise other Norths- western Stits fioti their principal mark-et in the West, T o sau the Eastern mark-et for ihamselves tise MiPciigan bus- boeris suceedati in havýjing a duty 0f $2 paýr tiseusand ti atloe pnCnde lumbr-at the came ime isa "be ae upon ius for ti,r raw ý arS i Utir tsccmt an3 c epipxl hn econj- tinue ta strip our trss ii~ iavr leasi possible ro iilutisewa( ? n vestuent'of capital or amlyet for labor bhe, woulti ha sîmply !,- 1- gýivu tisau avery inducemen'i anti- inceoitive1 -e up risir tari-ff on OUi-lmbr Piolleei-s ,of Settieme1, t. Our saw miiill d ryh~doue mucis ta builti up tise back oon he-y uise .m beriman has dOD e sapionleur werk, anti whare miilis anti facîccies bave been buili labor bas foni permanent emiployment, marchants have estalisiseti thienssoîves andi farmai-s hava fotunti a homo mark-at for tiseir produee. Manry rosperous c-om- munities ac-nuwledga tise luniben' trade as tise main fecior upon Nisich terwl tara dependK, Let condiîtions ha changeti. Lot the m js ha closati dowo or removed, ncross tishàlne, antin)ne money ha spent ln tisa brancis ont te in- tiusiry, ant i nany towasrý ant i ialges will Se ruitie&. Tho Amican ltnibhotIder whose interestg ara ail i-n Mieýhig-a.n Will siinply aim tao exploi thtis -mier on bis helaing as quîcly a., osibeanti it wiIl net balte himi long te do(1 It. Tison i-n place oi" busy, tbriviug communities tisera wi1 merely romain h' wilderness cf stoîripas anti scrubby, tirbar or'a lire- dexaustaîti waste. Tisa l1abur wil have followeti the logs Over thea lne. Thse nuineros uther branchtes oSf intiustry andi comm3rica wisicb ara e(pendent ripou ltsmberiag ani-ii tieir ummifui-osis eus- ploymienî fur labur at invesbîneat far capital wiil aise hava tek-ea their depar- turc. OUT Woed-Workieg 11ndelstries Affeeted. A ise anti jntic-ion.s poliiof encour- Il 're t- MdU n mm 3 etiatiLce bsi-U On t ri h arc.Oeoic asis su asiec,.2co-o- Xlatieeb fjlier unci- roi atco. Tise pysî -vIYfer iy ebe gelt 1cii-. c. Pisracleti w ih er contil- tiG, 1 , ar-s idviisQ i-e try CarouBe.TAs- DIES. Beffeî-e f#icjrst s-e Inict -at tisa litîle Sufferer wae olkngl e reljief, anti ln Icsa tOm ee ati- was eauirs lu sred. 'i-rin hira, nea wom hlls 555d nrrcc! sar i-rairoi ein-, mIr a-irailfor ,uarea an l -laepfo i -il i-amen a.i5 aisegtaris inabitdai. Thisepresence of a-ý permsanent luiniber manufactur eencouragecs anti stýimulabes bisese allied industries, suis asý carnlage anti wagon building, ferai- turo usanutactoring, paper usilîs. tise msakîiîofetpalls, barrais anti woodelkware- go!iarelly, sasb, tiôer ant tactories. Then tisera are industries ln whicis the, coarsa lum ber anti tiserefusaetoftiea hum- be nse hi am ho worked up te ativantage lihotigit te have Sean more geinerally Pursuadti ian bas beau tise casa. lNew, if our Èroviee is to heoîfe m-grely a flitit et axplextabLîn for risose who, hisng reekloaly used up tiseïr auge raw mata- la, came haro teo supply tisemselves, ail t-sese otiser subsddiary Industries wilil ha pursuati at a disativantage antid evlop. iiýntin tSisdirectiomn will bSeàseist. Tise Candian lumisarman, wheth ler of native or foreign birtis, wlio aatahlishes hinîsoîf Isre,pernnentiy bas an isterest ln tha general presparlî oS tise counitry. Thie outsider whe 'userely comaesieaete take out legs meot only bas ne sncb ceas- cern in Canada's wvelfara, but'is interasi- sed in building up a rival counltry. It lias heen tisa objeet eoftisa Governiment taeget thse lumberman to coperate wltb tisera lm 6cenousizing thba foests, and go le estaisl the Intiustry on a lastiseg Sasis. A Canai&'ianUi owner Who ns a cïitxea anti a lai;ge invaster of sapital bhas thb future well-bhgng ofthtie country at heurt will fan more reudily fulilunwz Ilsbise idis of forest preservatien and the eareful Management of bis holding as a Permuan- ent iuyestment tisan tisa Ausianean Whoe cua o slingf-ar ourfuture »a-a srely wants te get ail hae eau out of tise coun- bry ns quieltly anti wits as itlle oublay as possible. Tisa absontea lumiser lord is as grat an incubus'to presparity as tise absentea lanilerti. Canada4 Coutrois tihe Situation. No tieuht tisa maintenance ofthtie pr- hLbitien en tisa expert oS legs entails sdAn atamperary less f0tisah revenue-an argument whicis in view of ail tise tacts ougsb out te waigis an instant. Suppes- ing tisaI under tise pressure of e vastly increaseti American damiannob daseis sure te tollow tise final disappeerancaeto tise American white pine, tisa wiolaeto eur pine timber couli ha eout anti siippeti off in legs insitia of?,tai years--or oe yeer. Tisa gain te tis e vebsue wisila tise proceslastati Weuld Sa enermous-but et is close wa ssoltiha strippeti oftisa natural wealis which, rigistly busisantiat anti juticiously ubîlizei, xvoulti bava matie us parinanantiy prosperaus anti huili np our industries upen au ndtiriog isasis. lIs a very tew yaars tise Americens must look tb us hetis for lomber anti we'7t pulp, ant Iif tbey ciseose 10 continue their pelicy of impeslng an import duty tisey will have te pay il thisansaives, as tisay uvill bava ne native producite I-c6ep down the price bv conspatition. If we siselît permit thise to import legs tisa continueti supply o? American sawn lumber wisicis heti paiti no tity weulti ho an argument ia tevor ef tiseir keaping up tisa duty on Canadien luinber. The growiigAmericen tiemanti muet ba supplieti by tisa Cana- dian i-cieste ainanefori-mor cuber, It Is te our intarest te sea Ibat il sisoulti ba mat in the wey tisai uill giva Canatiians tihe utmeost possible ativanta îo iliseh maisufacturlng c? tisa article xvitis ail tisa1 axpentiitu-e o? capital anti ampluymieol oS rasitiant labor invelveti, anti nul sacri- fice or tuiura for tise very trifiing anti lensporary banefit of an iiicreaseti revenue Sor a f ew years. FAHRENHEIT THEFIIPMETER. -4crin le Miau M'ho lvstdThis Mteakiurer ot H-eat and Colei. lu September, 1736, Gabriel Daniel Fabr(enheit dieti In Rollandi, probably aI Amesterdiam, in wisicis cii7hhase rttbcti mny years previously, anti wiere ho foonti more suitabla scepe for bis 8seetifie ne- ceai-chas tisan'at Dantzig, tisa great sen- port lunuribeeSi Germnany, wiserebhawas bernoen 3May 14, 1686. Till just befure tise seventeents century mon ceulti asti- mate tise tamperatore isy tisai- personal feelings ouiy, but savenel attampîs wae thoen made te miensure tisa dagrea of bout or colti by taises centaining spirits o? wioe, e-il andi other suletauces. Incsteat e? tise jirst and ail eft tisee Fabraîsheit, in 171-4 cubsitutet mai-oui-yai- qui-ck- ilIver, wviicis is a mataI naturally fluiti. Rna selacteti fer isee ane xro (» naine tieriveti frein tise semaeArabie wordi ns "1cipiser," aisd signifying "nutlsing") tise lowest temperature ebserveti by hlm at Dantzig during tisa wintar o? 1709, wiio ha tounti was Ihat 'predocati by mxing eqîsai quaistitias oS snew anti calammn- lac, or common sait, 'andth ie spaea h- twean Ibis peint andti bistotewhicis the mai-oi-y rose wisen exparodeci by t-ha hoat equal te tisat cf Soiling uvaier, or plung- ing tise tharmesneter !rite beiting water, ha divideti about tise ytar 1720 itube 212 parts. Deubtlems lise selecîlen ot tise traazing point efivalar as zrio, whicis wae matie about 1720 by lRame Antoina Forceauit tioReauîntir, who livet i Snm Fais. 28, 1638, tli Oct. 17, 1757, was aimpler, ra<ler, moi-a familier, anti natu'rel. Tise systens was adup-etiaise i-n 1742 hi' Antiers Calsius, tise Swetiisis astrunemer anti physicîsi, wso liveti frin 170 1 l 1756,-Ant bs tsimrîtri food. But t ÎSi a 1100that i- timse ialzsa ho out tiown beo e tise flOweea ex-0und i aud tisai hb iled tise tte c s relr-rad equually wittiseparne as. Tise lut vas whait young ara hilai anti entes as we calt spinacis. lunJapan iî I-e in unuivereali ose. Tisuoestis ofaceres araetievotadti t t cultpra. But in ibis case tise ruotl is e ubleel. 1t raqoiros deep sol] i-ooct tiso i-oecete th@o isstav-ngc-leia s Mes tislv, rd "Diii Yeu ever her on SucsesI secret entier," mthe younFpesî boaxder d-eslc, "tiaI wns eon solcly in tisa inieest of wumcn?"- ý "Uslatil] tieL tIepr ssticores. tis- ~~~eîsean qr~ler us,pueee H ý B. WMANVI LLEÈ. Fo r W*tr' Dame Fashion lias seldom been so seusibly kind toý" the men as this season. We refer to the remarkable - sortment of stylish goods we are 110w showing for Fai and Winter wear. Our list onlymentions oniy a few of the correct things that we have on s'ale. MEN'S OVERCOATS in fine Imported English Beaver. ý and. Black are the leading sellers, these are finished equal to ortt'ered work, patent sleeve lîning, best ail wool Jfarmer's satin lining, silk veivet collars, deep facing artistically pinked silk stitched, lining left open at the bottom any size 34 to 44, $10.00. M'EN'S MELTON OVERCOATS, we have a good servicabl8' garmeut in Fawu and Brown, a reliable, stylish and warrn coat only $7.50. MEN'S FRIIEZE TJLSTERS are stili fashionable and you know-~ how cornfortable they are, we are probably showing more tan anly two stores between Toronto and Peterbore, we bought a clearing line from a manutacturer late in the Spring and as they had beenf got ont to late for the firm who ordered thern hact been refused, so wc got them at our owu offer. We have bought a great rnaniyoe- coats, but none to equal this lot for value, the leading colors are. Black, Claret, Brownî, Dark Fawn, Dark Grey, prices $4.50 to $ 7.5Qý WATERPROOF COATS, We have a large liue of pýoitively guair- anteed goods, if flot satisactory money refuuded. We can give yen - just as cheap or just as much style as you care te pay for. ME SSUITS. Iasoln's Clothîug wears ail right, that's -what a ra rnany of our custoîners eau tell you. We never were s0 well sup- plied with Fali and Witer Clothiug. Single and double breasted. saits, pea-jaekets for Men and Boys, some very speelal value ini Boys 3 piece, short pants, double breasted frîeze suits, also double breast-4 ed tweed suits. PANTS. Some new lots of heavy weight winter plints, both in lined. and uulined, also boys' liiued overalîs and uulined overals justu hand. > ODWEATHER UNDERWNTEAR. Thc kind that don't tickle are the kinds that fiîîd the quickest. sale. We have a wonde-ifi choice of fieecy liued underwear, lovely goods sof t as dowu, l iug Wrights health nnderwear and over 40 kinds of the very b)es makes possible te procure, corne and see. MOOTS AND SIIOES. Our recent special purchase (advertised, last -week) is going like bot cakes. we don't lîke te Say too mue about them, but somehow the silaps are very apt te cernie our wa if yen are lu waut of anvthing iu that hune, corne and see. OUR IMPORTED GOODS. We are prend o? thern they leac iii. both style and values, elegaut dress materials, lovely laces and. ribhcrns, grand values lu hosiery, gloves and linen goods. Styhish l tweeds and worsteds all directly, frorn the mnanufacturer- Great Britain te us, dees .value count with yen, cdees Sxclusive stI influ- ence yen, dees a large select-ion suit yeu, we dlaim an d we t, i1 e dlaim a ud ve thhiuk -we eau shbow you we a ýr correct, that ,on, ported goods are the bes't valu e a e o~emny a Fashionable Winter Jacýkets. -Our stock rprsu of o? thlatesstyles frorn the worlds fashion ceuiters. llaudsorne garimeuts hv the charrn of uovelty and style so highly apprceiated by -worneu lof taste, ask to sec our jackets when next yen visi.t env store. IM IRTISTIÇ. IEFFlClIEf4T. i1Titis modernu attractive steve is unuestionably eue ofi-le haucLsome,ýs,, ever built. Its proportions are elegaut aud pleasing. Ih bas the get est possible radiatiag surface aud it draws the cold air from thc floor in large quantities aud diseharges Aituensely ha M fade ihin withont even.hed.wt n Phoxe 74, eirx.,. m lm -,