THIE ROMANCE OF THE SEACOAST A series of tiîriliîng articles of litt'e known p Ixses of lite dog tite ,-The Lights A long lteShore -viii descriietchie won- drous chtarges is lit lit- ttsg, anti of te perfect S?stem I y witicit our Goverji "ený taktes chargJe of the titoo-and and more ligittiouses of tite ntiton. . -. - MENCEfWONOF IEeO R, Cio-&tinSe j.Uidie .of Contemporarie: Is te' tille cif a weekiv page titat dispisys at a giance tht- panorama ci ptepic promineutîx bt-fore tht- publie-petltails anti p-ragmapha that tell tIhe wcek's itistemy amouf the inotables. %~ - POPIJLAR ,Tht- Pos! xiii give, iin lie BIOGRAPHIES course coflte yeat-, titousantis of bticI biographies, 'and sketches ofitis wmitems andI aulhem.s, illu.-înateti witemever possible s1,-t-h photograpl. portraits. Il-ll7lien tile Fiýsher Flect Goes Ouf fto Sea. Tite the-i'Xag dangerF cf* a class seldatu henîar lte Nova Scotia fisitermen i titeir daiiy lives, titeir hardshi-is and sufferings. % . .. . . . 11I1TiFiithle Jf-Savers A lonig the Coast xi lt-ll tof the- every- day lives of tese brave men witho dame deatit antidcatk-uess luntteir angrilest foi ms-stoxing thcexokiugs cf a syalem titat saves titousautis of lives yealy. IV l7'? MJl; n io Wrec>k Sleijs. Il is popuiixlv supposedthalt wrck ers no loiger exist; titis article will tellcf weli-omganIlized bauds ot wekems xx io lame n ont rocks, ity meaus of faise signala, i li vessels for te sake oi titeir tmeste.. . . .. . . . . V-Perils of fli e Siinuggler's Life. The- risks titat are tak, en uigittly to t-ltcumnventthie Customs officias-a btusiness titat is muchi langer to-day titan il h supposedt 10 e. % .~ .. . . . . Tise illustrations in titis sentes-a vilbe te mosl stikitsg that bave t-ver appeareti u inte Post.~ .~..-......... THE BEST POEMS IN THE WORLD Titespot-ms lunttis se- ries xx ut bc admnit aiiy illustrateti, and, isher- cx cr possible, tîterewill be gix en a sketch of the ile cf lte poci, w ith a portrait, and the story cf how nacli pocco came te be written. Thc poeema wil libc selected, no', from i te'tantipoint cf the ultra-literaiy m.,an orxx crýan, but for titeir appeal to levs oe f sentiment. Ti t-voxiii be poenis cf the Pt-mo tiens-titose tlitIap peai te tlie hert; po ýms titat teil a stoen titse titat'arcled10i wkit bu- mnaiinterc z,.Tieybe- long to ixiat iay be calleti lte "pocketitook scitool of peetry- those poems tIsat oe rttarom a ncwvspaper andI carrnes lu the, pocketbook till they are woom throxxgh at te creases. lTE SATURDAY EVENING POST WILL BE MAILED TO ANY ADDRESS FROM NOW TO JANUARY i, 1899, ON' RE- CEIPT 0F ONLY TEN CENTS. THiE REGULAR SVîsscRIPTION PRICE IS $2.50 PER YEAR THE CUR,7TIS- PU13LISHING COMPtNY, PIIILADELPHIA PUBLISBER'5 NOTICE.. THE. STATESMAN is maled.'rlegularly to its subscribers until a definite order to discontinue is received andI al arrears are paid in full. Subseription $1,50 per annumn.'if paid in advance 81.0 per annum, 1M ARRIAGE LICENSES,-M. A. JAmEs, lesuer of Marriage Licenses, Resideuce: Centre street, A. B. 1IeLAUGHLIN, *BarrieterSolicitor and Conveyancer. Offie:- Bt akley lock, King Pstreet, Bowmnanville. Money to loan at reasonable ra tes. 48-lyr, DR. J. C. >11TCHELL, M EMBER 0F COLLEGE 0F PHYSICIANS un d Surgeons, Ontario,Coroner,> etc, Residence. Ennlsk!ien. 74 D. BURILE SIMPSON, BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, etc. MORRIS' BBLOCR, up-tairs, King, Street, Bowman ville, Solicitor for the Ontario Bank. PrIvate moneys loaned i at owest rates. ROBERT YOUNG, V. S. OF FIGE IN' WEST DJURHAM NEWS 0 Block, wlsere himaecif or his assistant willI befoundfrom8 a. Sp. n. Night calls ai residence, directiy opposite Drill Shed. Galle by telegra ph or telephone wili receive'prompt at- tention. 171 - yr. Gentlemen'sClothes made to Order. «NEW TAILOR S 1'he=un ersgutiatho bas been( te losgbusiness lu cour )ltssn's Dry Goode Store for anumi bas, commneeti business for himselû King St. west, wherc heie j preparc gents anti boys suits in til tht- lat-si at wes pics.For tiose wbo wl pxits, hewill carrysa funlUe cf sai lise newest patterns. Give himia ce J. T. ALI ilashiont rMTflDlflna LjIi i UnI\ÎU in continues bo do a Generai Banking Bownsanville Agency. DEPOSITS recelvati in Savinge Bank Departms interes-: allowed ti e urnent rates wit ,Ii,-wal net-essai y. Ail cepoî crn tietu m EXCHANGE Buiiandi aoltinaîx tis lsLcd v, Unî tNat-s anid Cant-dca, P180 Gel lnitsd Si1es Greenttaeks bougbh s COIÉECTIONI pr s i uiLd t-O I urretîsrates uw of ý Caa iain, ta United Staes iis '1UCnaa Telegrapli Tran, Matie',for i ~eor anti snîs 1n HOP.1 U'P AS PW R4 (IVE-S NEWiFE. BOWMÂNVILLE. OCT'. 26, 898. Loc al.and Otherwise. Miss Linfleld, Guelpli, is visiting lier sister, Mrs. Geo. Ilice. Misses M. and H. Emmerson, igr Falls, are visiting relatives here.' Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Coombe arc Nvisit- ing their son Rev. W. Combe, W ilton. Miss Avery, Jersey City, N. J., is' vis- iting her sIsýter, Mrs. Geo. A. Yelland. MIr. FVranký Trebilcock bias beeni elect- ed Secret ar - of Trinity ColiegeLterr andI Medical Society, Toronto. The best wav tii avoid Qsjzknss i,,,to keep yonrself heaithy by taking Hood'cýws Sarsaparilia, the great biood' purifier. That tired languid feeling anid indis- position to effort of any sort mwill be rapidl*y removed bv the use of ier' Compound Iron Pis. The East Riding of Peterboro A gri- cultural Society's Shïowwas very uc- , cessful, 2,500 entries and gate money $S81.0I-atiNorwood. St, Vitus' Dance rapidlY cured bv Milier's Comdound Iron Pills. Casesc of vears standing now enjoying tile be)st of health as a rýesuit of taking themn. Postage is to be imposed upon news- papers on January lst, andI after that date publishers will flot give credit atnd prepay postage aiso. Thesowpy will hax e to turn over a new leaf. It is because they improve the power of assimilation that Miller's Comp)oundi Iron Puis increase the number of reýd corpuscles and increase the wigtas rapidiy. < Rv. . . LTurnhiill, M. A., fwmar.- usrriugn f ' ille. exehanged puipits witli Re,. G. tlt-ion wMtLKOF COWS. B. McLeod, B. A., on Sunday.'Th1is is fiberofe Maer l D cXa 61Qo. M, urnbull's first appearance inNew- 1 i bom mae A~,-sNs~.,,~ or~o~ castie chunch andI after listening 10 a i styles, anti very excellent sermon on Sunday last ih to order the congregation will always w em bmples i l ahiee.Nwas Tms 1h ~~25 cts. andI 50 cîs. a package. hmbr.NwateTms __________________________ Safe, sure antI painless. Wbt a woild of meauilig Ibis statement em-n ble Taller, bodies. Just wbat you are lookinig forý We guaranfee that these' is it not? Pntnam's Paialess Coru iE--,, PIasters wlU relieve tractor-the greatest sure-popcora M U pain quicker thanaxîy acts in this way. Il makes un sore Pfir,.-ut up esai vî spots; sale, acîs speeiiyand ivalu cen- U CJTSA 2c.e oe d$,0 tainty ; sure andI mildly,witliout iufiam- Dusne~ tfiLflIIJLyard roffs, Tue latter ing the parts ; painlessly. Do not be allowvs you te cut the imposed upen by.imitations or substi-ý i*tandian ~D L Platery anYsire.lton Reformer says Rev. J. J. Rae, SNotice o should bv n BoWmanville, preaclied special sertmons Jstspyalred for an mr antI two better discourses bave s(e,!dom V eady. one- bt- a t-an th e churdli, It was a gency.mighty well pleased audience that lef t spn urpeDAVIS & LAWENC! ce, the Melhodist cburch Monday- niig-t. id sil, ran.d LIMITe, MONiTBUL Rt-v. J. J. Rae lectured on -M' d u cd seiti IBeaaisof imitations Own Business." To say that iltwas an s _______________________ableceffor-t 3ouid be putting ut' very 'u ai"p ris jsplendid Iroinsbegining' eto end, iith mdUlr not a dry or weak spot ln it. Tht-iwhole sfer 7 o $ a a0t~t-asUt lctue aouned with gooi, fpracuticai, n o e . es îtS-e al coinmon st-use ideas and sound adv ice, ail Parts î 'T- t-sle ltytoheip us jantIwitit just enoughli uraor in îirte1 geeîi~i - xot- Gnt- mnaIe il tspïicv antIestetanî Lradefo i d01y Fortifies the ent ire Female O rga nism, Wells andI Richardson Co., Gentlemnen: It affords me great pleasure to testify to the wonderf ul good that I have derived from Paine'sý Celery Compound I was run down and great- ]y troubled with indigestion, and after usmg several bottles of your medicine I w as cornpietely cnred, and can say that I feel like a mew persun. I trust this may lie of some use to others, wlo suifer as I did. Yoursl truly, ELIZL. CRUISE, 391 PineAve,,Montreal, See, our cheap clubhîng offer. Mliss Isabel Cowle of Toront,, isspead- in omne iays in towni. Miss Mabel Welch lias been visising friends at Zion, Hope township. Mliss Viola Gilfilian atttenided the Provincial Christian Endeavor Con yen- tionat Hamnilton. For any case of nervousness, sleep- esesweak stomach, indigestion, dyspepsia, try Carter's Little Nerve Pis. Relief is sure. The only nerve miedicine for the price in the market., -Mr. F. J. Ryan and Miss L. McLean haveý been re-engaged for another year as teachers of Pontypool school. .111 cases of weak or lame back, head- achle, rheumatism, wili find relief by eangone of Carter's Smart Weed and Belladonna Backache Plasters. Price 9.5 cents. Try them. Miss Viola Giddy, Port Hope, sang a solo very acceptably in the Disciples Church on Sunday evening week. 'II was weak, scarcely able to dragý myself about, easily worried, and quite discouraged, Miller's Compound Iron Pills rapidly brouglit about a chang-e, I nieyer feit better in my life than 1 do now" this is frequently heard. The Pickering News has jnst celebrat- ed its seventeenth birthday. It is an up -to date country weekly-a credit to Palpitation of.the lieart, nervousness, tremblings, nervous headaches, cold hands andI feet, pain ln the back, andI other forms of weakness are relieved by Carter's Iron Pis, made especially for the blood, nerve and complexion.' Our readers inform us that TanE STAT- E.SMAN is a bright, newsy paper. This appreciation we value highly and it en- courages us to make it stîi b etter. What is now reqnired is a liearty nuspouise, wlien yonr year expires. Send in a dollar andI renew the subscription for anotlier year and a friend's suliscription too. Youlshould know wliat:Hood's Sarsa- parilla has power to do for those who hiave impure andI impoverished blood. It makes the blood rich and pure, and cures serofula, sait rheum, dyspepsia, catarrli, rheuinatism, nervousnesslIf you are troubled with i'ny aliment caused or promoted bY impure, blood, take ilootI's Sarsaparilla at once. Hood's Pis ara prompt and efficient easy to take, easy to operate.- The Grove Citv (Pa.) Telephone says, With sincere regret the college (Pre 'sby- tenian) hears that Rev. J. A. Parsons, Ph. D., is to leave the town. He was a devoted friend of lte institution, andI was always a welcome visitor la chapel, for lis sunny countenauce and pointed words of wisdorn did us good . Such >Christian noblemen make us feel that life is worth living weli, Ninety-five Cures in One HIRr1n&" Cases. Within a perlofi of sixty days, one huit- dred cases of Asthma treated by Olarke's Kola compound s elowed thse marvelloue per- centage of minet'-flve absolute cures-antI these figures are gathered from hosp.ltei records. $2 a bottie ; three botties for $5. flold by ail druggl,,sts. or The Oriffithe ýMacphjerson Co., 121 Chureis street, Toron- beý J1.1st as rQclîlss ais bis boy3 Iliede wibutch au air of rightteoLislîess that one alimost admires hlm for lus virtues. FOR OVER FÈT Y VEARS. Muýrs.Winslow's SoothingSyrnp has been used by mnillionâsof mothers for their eilîdren while tethiug. If disturbed at night andi hroken of your rest by a sick child suffering and cryiug with the pain of eutting teeth send at once andi get abottie of Mre.Winelows' Soothlng Synup for Chiltiren Teething. It wiil relieve the poor littie sufferer at once. Depenfi upon it,mothere, there Is no mistake about it. Il cures Diarrhoea regniates the stonaach and bowels, cures Wind Collc, softeue the g une, reduces inflammation, and givea tone aud energy to the whole systeni. Mrs . Wuuslows' Soothing Syrup for children teething is pleasaut to t e taste and isl the pre- scription of onue of the oidest andi besi female hqicians andi nurses iu tihe Unitedi States. ir(- 25e a bottle. Solti by all druggists thro' gh- ont thle world. Be sure and ask for Mrs. W wI- SLOWS'~Soothlug Syrup. It is flot -the onos wlio make the most noise who have the rtnst tû say when talking. See 1mw inucli more noise women make than men. OUR Pall'O îClrConoldBM il- ANTIOCH. Mr. W. J. Roy and wife, Tyrone, vis- itdfriends liere recently.... .Mrs. John S-mitli is ln poor heaitli. ... Mr. Horatio Hi1111 visited N. R. McLeod . ... Master Sandy Somerville is sick.... ,Misses Helene Hunter and Beatrice Poster were recent guests at Mr. H. W. Ren- wick's .. . .Mr. O. A. Gamsby was in To- ronto recently. LESK4A1tD. Mrs. AlfredI Griffan is visiting Mr. AlfredI Trul.... Our school is progness- ing under the tuition of Mr. McFadyen. Thene are over 60 seholars antI the sdhoolroom is crowded. The, appear- ance of the sdliool liouse lias been mucli imipro)ved by a coat of paint .. .. Church~ tea on Alonday eclipsed ail previous efforts. Rev. J. J. Rae,ý Bowmanviîle, occupied the pulpit Sunday afternoon andI Rev. H. T. Lewis in the evening. ,Tyrone choir furnished music. A fine fowl suppen was served M onday to a deli-glted cnowd. NEWTONVILLE.' Mr. antI Mrs. Carscadden, Wesley- ville re guests of Mn. Geo. Hancocif recently .. .. Miss Ballagit, Orono, lias bee a vîsiting friends here .. .. Mr. ai Mrs. Albert Stap e dat Mr. and Nlcs. Colin Staples, Lekad, were recent gnests of Mrs. Staples ... . Mrs. Fergu- son, Lotus, lias been guest of Mrs. J. Hughes .... Miss' E. A. Thompson is visiîing lier brothci-n -' St. Louis..., Mrs (leo. Gray.. Newcastle, lias been gudst of Miss Brightwell. . .. The anniversary services in connection with the Presby- terian churcls Oct. 16tli and l7th were most successful. Suiidaygood sermons were preached 1)iyv Rev. J. H. Turnbull, M. A., Bowmanville. Monda ' an ex- cellent tea was seÈvetI 'afteýr whidh a splendid program was given by the Harmon 'y Quartette, Bowmanville, Mn. andMiss Pickup, Millbrook, Miss Taps- cott, Port Hope; add1resses bv Revs. Wilson, Taylor antId eeo'.Colonel Hughes acted as chairmnan. (ASeaEssa. NSYSTEM>. 1. Pnrely CATNADIAN 9. National in ils citaracter. 3. Age limit-IS 10 45. 4. Fixed Premium. Nes Death Assess- ment. C ives $5ooý, $i,ooo, $î,5oo or $2,ooo lnsutranceé 6, Over s MiLiioN OLapado miemnbers anilt their dependents since Orýgan1izaîLiOn, I 879. 7. Carefui medical selection.- Death rate for the iSIli yeux of ius history, only 5.44 per i,000. S. Has a larger Surplus on b and for each $i,ooo risk than any other Society of the kinti in Canada. 9- SECURITY 0F INvESTMENTs. Not a dollar of the Surplus investeti ont- aide of Canada. 10. Preminnis and Interest accrning tlierefrom useti ONLYFOR PAYMENT Or DEATH CLAsMS. I. At a cost Of froni 2 to 4 cents a day any beaithy man (an acceptable nisk), cao secure $î,ooo Insurance for bis family or dependents. Full informIation sent on application to R. ELTuoe, .C.RIngersolli, Ont.; Tt-xos. WHITE, H. S., Braîod Ont.; EfRNST GaAiRTUN, Supel-letendeus ot Organization, lSt-a Ifoird, ont. ORONO. Mrs. D. T. Allia is sick .. .. Dr. Mc- Elroy visited at Perrytown .. .. Mr. Jas. Hallett, Toronto, was home Sunday wee,... . Mr. O. A. Gamsby is visiting frîends in 'Stouffv.ille.. . .Mr. Frank Awde is suffering froma lumbago .. .. Mr. ThosGreenwoodf visited at Pontypool recntl... .Mr. Mary Armstrong bhas been i-indîsposed...,. Archibaid Green lias returned home from Rocli- ester,.... Mrs. H. H-ooper- bas, been sick ...Mn. W. Rutherford, Oshawa, visit- ed at Mrs. Doncaster's rccentIy. . .. Miss Lillian Uamsby, Model School, Port Hope, was home recently .....Mrs. J. E, Richards is visitinu- lier parents ln the city. . .. Mr. G. H. i'oli antI wiîe, New- castle, were recenti guests of Mn. H. Hooper.... Miss Ida ffGcrry is visiting lier aunt Mrs. J. W. Movse, Port Hope. ...Mrs. Geo. Elliott, Manitoba, visited Mrs. Dobson recently.... Mrs. Seaman antI daug-lIter -Marion, Brockville. visit- word or ier onothen's cean, Dr, . w. ti fl eue - b bu 'gea-'- ..' a'- ! Ittttce 1 Swanston, Devil's Lace, North Dakota lace. One cf the- many hais toblewoQ ...Messrs. R. T. Rowe andI John Allia by the chai mirie bride is a Napoleuui bave rehurned from Manitoba.. Mn. shape oi biack, jet, a crown ofliiink Will. Long writes front Calgary, N.W. T,, that trade is booming there. HIe s tuille antI piak roses, witli upstandji ng; in tle Hudson Bay Company's store inops aiso oi pink riblion. antI lis brother Rd. is clerkîng la a Now is tise season Ion open air e-'re grocery .... Mn, Russell of Ibhe Toronto cisc antI wheeling, golf playing au4i Pire Department visited at M. J.L.""1 Rowe's .... Dr, Jas. Thomnas antI wiîe of' horse-hack riding are tle sport u Croolston, Mina., calletI on nid iriends. bring health and colon 10 ous hck, Some 85 yeart- ago he practiceti dentis- We are told that thle Manoniioness of try hene. Hie is a son of lte late Mn. Downsbire, Engiland's ms aîu Thomas a Waterloo vetex-an ..Mr. lo Richard Hugîson, one ni Clatie's pion- sewnantanthtibauy tenr farmens passed bis 7711s birtbday osn possesses a rosy com exoniî tht- 111h sîst andIlook-s hale antI hearty. chestaut bain, futesIeh.ud ips .Mr. Wsu. Amstrong was borne irom at Wiarton Sunday. Mr. Thos Smifhflipdbnw yeanIoesle a-rt for Ibis scction for the Royal- bealth beauty to -'t-i t a {1I pe,, Victoria LUeIlissas ance Co. . . . .W. air, She is a v-. -acuslse Mc 'Culiough, Ponix-pool, necently lost1id Sîr bdtr -îxt.,o '-t-pgl iaYer $35s whilein Orono or on tle way home, antIneýprý'l ..Leagne auniversany wash-di isepr i cit e sailake the Methodist cdurch Sanday.R-v .exercise. A. Jewell, B. A., of Weicome prea- ed G LOUIL., I VagatirhWas Natqter-But .in paue9ecatawrb cure Oeiiiroued thse lenuter Disease anietly. cttaly, Peosautiy. but Suroly- Misa A. Nett'h Case Was a H9art! One Dut TItis Me,% Reusedy Werked thseWeider. Mise Nott!sa vehi-it-Çnv Is lady)f )IDel- ville, Ont., anti anybody ih ýaI i 1entf tO verity by crmîspexccevtL", xpriniteti bere or ht-r cire ci catarnis of long Stand- ing by Japanese Catamii Cure. Site seys- "I 1hati t-arrh for scara. lilylit-advs SO stoppeti up I cotildt botLitthi t- irougit my nostnils. Nrfy bt-tath vas tiisgustingW, foui. I hati cata pain lunssy bt-ad oven utty tyee. 1oti gIcouIC gel gave me auy rt-lit-f permanenlly unIit 1 useti Japau- cee Oatanrh Cure. The finît- application gave me almost instant relt-, anti in a very senrt vhiie minio5t-andsti Irent vers -lt-ar; tht- pain loflt in ht-ad sud cyes; anti ils t-licol on nsy brath xxwas truhy vonierf'4ý il punifieti il, anti bas removeti evsry ves- tige cf lthe dist-ai.e." A gua-ixtoet- 10curs pnintet in every package or mont-y refunti- cd. .50 centsx St aIl timxggixxîs or by miail, Gniffitits & Macphermscî Go., Toronto. 105! Canada's Greatest; Liniment., Grifflthe' Menthol 1lim:ent Is the great. est curative diecO-VerY 1o-1tise age. Pane- trates muscle, membrane andti tssue to the very bone, banishes pains anti aches with a POWer impossible With any Other remedy. Ue It for rheumaatism, neuralgia, heasi- aches anti al sort-ut-s, swelIing ant inl, fiammationi. Ail truggists, 25 cîs. 8U 'SWCLET Y AND FÂSHION GOSSIP FRON TRIE qUEEN CITY. Sum mer lias passed adntI we have ail returned ironOur de-lihtfuLl outing, antIonsce more we lt-el Ibat we e-aun enter mbt tle gaieties ofi tbe winter season. Afternoon teas, thet-ain parties antI the usual enjoyable funclions are beginiing to tale up, nar lime antI attention. The Woodhine during race week was tle scene cf unusual gaiety.' Tailor matIe suits were laintIrer, wiie some very liandsome Paris gowns wene 10 be seen. One wora, by a youag society. belle wlio las just returned firom abroadi was au exquisite gney crepe oven a pial satin pêtticoat, the skirt tut-led It thie waist band. The bodice was of pial satin embroidered in steel sequins, a sash of gray crepe was fastened at the waist, witb an exquisite bu1lie of t- amel antI bnilliants As the afternoon advanced andtIhte air became cooler au elaborate Caperine of Ermine, was tlirown around lier sbouiders, the front readhlng 10 te feet la two long tabs. A tIainty bat of pink witb while plames (a Paris creation)completed the costume. Maay more equailvli andsome andI stvîlsh gowns were 10 bc set-n on île beaulifal green paddock in front oi tht- memibers boxes. Handsome gentlemen lu Prince Albert coats1 antI silk bats compîcted tle picture. 1On Wednesday evening a pleasant birthday teaW as givén in honor of Miss Florence Coles of 20 Gleai Road - The birthday cake omen of a ballton money and a ring was tested, when 1 o tht- sur- pnise of lthe companythe btbnwas found by a charrning young la, y who is 10 bceimarried veî-y soon, the moncy feil 10 a wt-althl antId éashing young widow, antI Gloria was tht- fortunate one who capta:redthîugaausmedimond solitaire, whiclî wiili long lie cherisbcxil asa souvenir i the occasion, whichbhy the way was'also a .farewell 10 Miss Colt-s befone et-atring iiîto tle awful dîsasters cf matrimouy. Ae ltwhints on-hlow1 pesrv lthe complexion nsay lie la nr rfor the- winter monîlis. To mIetht-skia dlean antI soit bathe tht- facýe t- nightlht- fore retiriîsg in warm w)att-r, usiîng Fould's Arsenic Complexion Soap, aller whicli mli the face gently wvýith Ponld's Arsenaline Creani, thtn-a ipe with a soit lowei. Dr. FouldI of New York lias opened a parlQr ai 256Yng Street whare evenything tb hea-utily tleskia antI mal-c ilhealthî may bt- obtalîsed. An amusing incident was told 10 use(ý ni a lady who lias recently beconi(t weallhy ýpaying a visit 10 eue of ou r lange jewt-lry stores antI seeiag, somoc souvenir spoons said-Whýtý awlul uit-e spoons tht-m.are, arc tht-y 10 tat Inuit witb? The y onng man politely iniormv.,4 lit-r that lhey were souvenir spooiis, wlien she said-Gimme ý-a -oen, our at-w Prend icool maIes . t-ltnt su venair. Onîe ni Toroato's mauy brides of tike! [,reai ie,.e. aiso e-jo-ým --yiýh à È., i iiii i mmi! i ".OM a- --a 1 1 ý ý 1