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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 Oct 1898, p. 4

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S irs,..... Unlike other Steves have many special improvements ail their ewn. The wonderful AERATED OVEN is one of them. rd Everycue knews it as an unnivallcd cocker. Everyione likes te kuow it as a fuel saver, a range that has some re- gard for the size of oees coal bin. Souvenirs are a mary- eh of beauty, economnî and convenience. They are easy te buy-eur priees are lower than ever. 1Wc invite yen te com- pare them with any eth- er steve lu the market. Worth 1 PIopne 66, BOWMANviLLE. CUT 40 INr TWO. ThiS iS true o Prices in rnany fines Books for instance :-A choice as- sertment of the best authors, full eth bouud, goed pint, 25e each. Regular 25eoilaus- trated cever, ceated paper, 20c. Wall Paper stili te the front. A large: lot, beughit at great ne- duction, jast received. Yen get the beniefit, ail my reguIC! stock aise neduced. Linen Wiudow Shades. ,Ikeep ne culîs, and my new stock just opencd are mennted on best rollers. Yen will have ne trouble with-these. Picture Frames and Framed Pictures, lower ttan ever.11 Room Molding,--I have it, plain oak, gold or tinted, frem 3c per foot. a specrai une oet ISeuver et obowman- ville" goods, just the thing for visit ors. As usuail fulil supply of sehool books, sdheel supjplièýs an-d sttîOnarvý. P. TREBILCOCK. BwAV 1LLE. BOWMANVILLE, OCT. 26, 1898. IJEATR OB REY. D>R. C«CHRÂXE By the unexpected and universally regretted death of Rev. William Coch- rane, D. D., of -Brantford, Canada loses a most estimable citf'zen, and the Pres- byterian church a valued and much beloved leader. Dr. Cochrane was knewn from Halifax te Victoria, and in fact far beyond the confines of the Do- minion; and wbearever lie went, his bright cheery peýrsonalIty, and keen business acumen. made his reputation among those witb whom lie was brought in contact lis busy life bas been fruitful of goed, xýorks, and. wheth- er as a churchman or a citizen, a preacher or teacher, hie bas, for longer than the Latuial terni of one genera- tien, stood foremaost in his church and in the land of is adoption. PRAISE FOR LEA4GUERS. We deemn it due to the executive of the District Epworth League that met in the Methodist church here last week to say that seldom have we scen such a weil planned program, one cotaining such a wealth of geod and appropriate topics. And it is no cmpty compliment whenwe say dia t neyer, in auy case, have we found such uniform excellence as characterized the essays and addres- ses. There was a deep spiritual tone in every paper and what higher key. note could have been struck than the ,cousecration sermon by Bey. Dr. Potts? It wastruly a spiritual feast. Kunow- ing how faithful to lis trust and zeal- oas for the success of this convention -was Mr. Fred. R. Foley, the energetie secretary, we are pleased to see in an entire change of officers o therwise with that le was re-elected as secretary. It was ne small undertaking for our local Leaguers to undertake to"feed the mul- titude" at dinner and tea. The taste displaved lu laying the tables, reuder- ing them additionallW attractive by niumçrous handsome bouquets, çand the cease and grace of the whole service was a marked tribute to the iudustrious cheacter and willing helpfulness of our youug folk. 1f we may be permit- ted to criticise one feature, we might say that the genial chairman of the afternoon was too lenient linflot enfor- cing strict adlercnce te schedule pro- gramme by "callinS dwn" the speak- ers at the expiry of tWir allotted timie. LIBIEBALS AND TARIFE BEFORM~. Ameng the manv subjeets of carrent, political contreversy and criticism there is perhaps noue upon whicl greater and more honest mtsuuderstanding appears te exist than that of the attitude ef the Liberal party upon the question o! tarif! reform. The Liberal party in Canada, as in the Old Country, las ai- ways been thoroughly identified with the inalienable principles ef free trade, and the local conditions that have coin pelied a modification thereof have been submittcd te as a matter o! necessity, and neyer o! choice. Wlen therefore Liberal speakers and wrters lave de- clared their ushaken fldelîty to free trade thcy have declared for the princi- ples and for their fealty thereto, both pensonaliy and as party representatives and wlen thev have deciared for a modification o!' those principles in the field e! practical polities, they lave simpiy recognized and submitted te, the inexorable logic of the then prevailing conditions. There is nothing inconsisteut in sach practical men, upon every live issue with scarcely an exception. The policy of any man or any party, if it ïs wortl calling a poiicy at ahI, is tcntative and prog1rcssive,movingl as t! l wonld mvs progressrng as onditionis adivance. ItI is searcelyv likeiY thnt any studJent, or everi airly lose obsEerver ûf eveuts will question this in theery, bat many fail te applI the pnîncîples pracetieally. Vor instance, it las becu declared weekly and almost daiiv,' duriug the past two years tlat the Liberal party las gene back uppn the position it took prier te the generai electio n in 1896, when it is asserted that it declared for free trade - Thec Premier and other prominent members of the Goverument lave been queted and mis-quoted lu supporte!f this contention, the position o! the crities beiug accurately summed up lu a sent- ence by Professer Goldwin Smith lu a pablisIed article a few days ago when le asscrts'that "At the tMme e! thec dcc- tien we leard a great deal about free trade and very littie about neeessarY caution and delay." ,This is flot an accurate statement of the facts, as seen by reference to the proceedings of the Liberal Con- vention in Ottawa which formulated the platform upon which that election was fought. There is no miention of fr ee trade there, the f act being recoguîzed that sude an ideal condition was im- possible under existing circumstancea in Canada; but what was declared for was: "the adopti on of a souud fiscal policy which, whîle flot doi-nginjustice to any class would promote domestic at dforeign trade and hasten the returu of prosperity to »our people; and to thac end, the tarif should be reduced to the needs of honest,economîcal and efficient governmeut." Such was the declara- tion of faith, reduced to black and white in Jane, 1892, upon 'which thc election caMnaign in the spring of 1896 was couducted, upon which the election of Jane, 1896 was fought, and by which the policy of the Goverument since its accession te power bas been guided and governed; such :is the declaration of faith of the Liberal party in October, 1898, and sud wîll it be to the end of the cnapter. i It meets a&Il possible contingencies that auy hQnest Goverument sheuld be called apon te meet. As conditions impreve and the industries of the coun- try recover from the pernicieus effects of artificial protection, and as the countryi ncreases and developes with tke naturaily resultant prosperity,more and more reductions will be put into ieffect. The "1needs of honest, ecenem ical and efficient geverument" will be less dependent upon the tarif! , as the nataral. resources of thc country devel- ope, and the "sound fiscal policy" will adapt itself tottie improved conditions o smau proporuions s ib -s sueauy worKneu ou until it is oeeof tic standard Cemip- anies, rated by thc Mercantile Agen1cies, at $50U,000, withi credit the h-ilest. Didi it arrive at this pstinby mkn goeds hici cre ulcss? Wonidits neputation remnain ? Weuld it net ec he ipnacdlute ufertunlate positien oI[" tic manufacturer ef the cugine wliich was purclased, a thing of tic past, a closed eut conceru, witi wlom ne eueoit but thc represeutatives of thc unfortunj- ate citizeus of Bowmauville would wisl te trade? A furtler argument is advanced tînt thc engine purchascd is of tînt class known as n vertical engine, as oppesed te the horizontal or rotary class of cui- gines, and thc englue offercd b7 the Waterous people -was of the latter elasa, therefore the Wntereus englue wns te bew avolded because it is net n vertical eue(-. ,Wc wouder if oui councillors lad tice faintest idea o!flhc difference, or in nuyý way appr4eiated thle distinction, flot even if se, how painulnly weak thls reason becemes. Do tley, or did thiev know, 'tînt tic 'Mcnnyweather,' tic largcst, henvicat, aud most powerful e- i glue lu tic world, built hy the strengest and weaithicst manufactuiers of fine engines lu Englnnd, is a horizontal en- gine of the same cas as tic Watemous,, and tint tîey maie ne otier? Are the 'Mcmywetlcn' people fools, on (-an they he given some crédit for undler- standing their business? Again. thcý La France Fine Engine Company of Elirna New York, thc heaviest and streugetýs fiim building fine cugines lu tic Unitcd States, say tint vertical englues are supplied and ecommendcd te large tewus and cities where igh spccd pres- sure is reqnlmed 'for higi buildings te thmow tic watcr into tic top floors. To other classes o! pinces tic horizental on rotary englue is supplied. Anc tley ne- legated with their great success iu buLs - luess aise hy oun wise heads te ccîas of incompétents? It must f oilow. Peor Merryweatler Ce., poon La France Ce! Tic edict las gene forth. We leave the question whether ornont the epresentative of tic Uuderitcms' Association ou lis attention meig cal- led te tic fact tint le was hcing quotedl bv oun unolifle writer as saving se. in- stautly lu black aud white in a letter which he knew was to be placed before the Council and before this Councillor, threw down the gauntiet right lu lis face and said that le neyer said snch a thiug. Thc-publie imust judg e of the probabilities themselves. We do flot think we have lef t untouched any point raised by the writer. There wene thnee con-ses open to our council in dealing with the line englue question. (1) Repain the oid englue. (2) Buy a reasonably expensive englue from the Waterous peope-a live, stron1g. active corporation whose guanantee lu connection with their englues would have bou as good as a Bank of EpgLanid and will carry tIc country nearer and nearer te its ultimate goal of freetrade. This'is the common sense position for auy government te take, this is and ai- ways bas been the position of the Liber- ai party, this is thc policy which las se materially augmented the present wave ef presperity and development, this policy will assist in establishing that prospcrity as the permanent, and net the exceptional condition o! the country. THIE FIRIE ENGINE. We were treated in oui centemperary two weeks ago te what we suppose is the fulil answer et the purchasers of our, leviathan engine, te the charge of waste and extravagance in conneêtion witl it. The ansWer was accempanied .wth thc usuai quantity of invective and abuse which apparently.characterizes ail ut- terances of the writer. We, as stated, do net iutend te foilow this - lne. We panse, however, te ask a question, te thc sentiment of whicl we clih non or- iginality, but we deem it most pertinent. _Wly cannet certain people recognize their mediocnity? Wly wiil they trans- form themiseives into the resemblance of bears climbing gneased poles, and when they sec above tlem a name whicl must be great te themacîlves, a tempting sug- ary morsel, whicl they wonld valu snatol, and deveur, and when thein un - couth efforts te reacl it fail, lnddle on the ground beneatl it anl ook up andf impotently suarli?, We d eemed it weil to let our towus- men have time te attempt te digest tIe, article before referning te the subjeet again. We slould like to.know how it las agreed with those wlo wouid nat- urally prefer te support the auther of the answer. We know low it las been taken by the thiukiug peeple Of tIc ýtewuD wlth whem we have come lu contatCt. The article attempta te jnstify the re- jection of the Waterous engine ou tie. greund tîat 'the Waterous Englue1 Werks Ce., are unsnecessfnl manufact- 1 urers of engines, and cites an instance of one of their engines net acting weIl, ln that some portion ef it blew ont wl en being e.perated witl steam pressvie plaeed ou it, Nvhich we suppose may lappen -te auy englue no matter lowy perfectly censtrncted whieu eperated by inexperieueed people. Wlat an unfont- unate argument and hew empty, it is proved when examined with the ligît of experience. The Waterous Englue Works Ce. is one of the successful man- ufacturiig establishments of the couni- try-old, reliable, and satisfactory. Fremi Thc Directets of West Durham and Darlington Union Agricultural Society lave decided te bold a banquet at thc Benuet liuse, Boý,wman ville, -ou Fr1. da,, nigîit this week te filicîtate over the suci:cess of the rýcent Fali Fair and te dliscuss tIc in rterests or! tie Seiety for the future. Bewmianville Fair lias býcome, a leader among county exhibi- tions and its future success will be measured by the live energies put inte it by those who compose its officiary and membership. Therefore it las been deenied wise te meet together for an evening while the events and affairs of the last exhib ition are f resh lu our miinds te plan and suggest new attrac- tiens and imprevements where ucces- sary. As it is an enterprise that con- cerns both towu and country people it is the desire of thc premoters that there sIall be a verv large attendance of farmers and their sens. Ail wlo in- tend te partîcipate should notify M. A. James, secretary, befere the day of the feast. The tickets are enly 25 cents, eacl.and the dinner is te be served at 7 e'ciock. Come along, friends, and giveus the encouragement and benefit of your pr esence and coansel. The man who lies at the. mercy of an assassin shuèders at the thouglit of- death and shîvers as hie thinks of the hurt of the coid steel as it cuts fts way to bis heart. The saine mati,reo- son, will lie at the mercy of that mnost deadly of assassins, consumiption, and apparently flot experi- ence a tremnor. 0f ail the htiman heingas that go dewn each year to preurature graves, one-secvezath are the victims of this relentless entnly. There is a prompt and practîcally unfail- ing cure for this awful diséase within the Ineans of thp poorest. It is Dr. Pierce's Golden Medcal Discovery. It cures 98 per cent. of al cases of consumptioni. It cures bronchitis, asthmia, laryngitis, linger- ing cougli, spitting of blood, weak lungs, thfroat and nasar troubles and ail diseases lunags - Id nUsmeas 6f t -e air- passages through the biood, allaying in- flammation, building np heaithy 'tissues and driving ont al impurities and disease germs. It whets the appetite, makes the digestion perfect and the liver aetive. It ia the great blood-maker and flesh-buiider. A sufferer does flot have to take these aîsmi tibis on trust. Tlsousands have their recovery under this marvelous med- icine aft£r ail hope was gone. Copies of their letters, with names and ad resses, ffay be hîll by w,ting for them. A4dress World's Dispensary Medical Association, Euffilo, N. Y. »o not neglect constipation. Your gen- eral health is at stake. Dr. Pierce's Pleas. ant Pelets cure ,constîpatîon. They nleyer fail. Tkey neyer grtpe. One littie "Pl'a- let" iIý a gentle laxative and two a infld cathaztleC. fliy cure biliousuess and regu- late and ( inviZcorate the stoinach, liver and bowe., " medjeine dealI8 MU oei hm Amd bgv. eo m tem pâA<k It are »im4 ntote., (3) Buy a mest expensive engine fromn Ronald, virtualiy a dead corpora- te.Thc tlrst wouid have cost ns less than $1000; thc secon d about $1800 ; and the third about $3500. It conid net be tîný it o ui englue, whicl for uearly twenty years lad served us faitlfully and well, liad suddeniybecome of ne use; if se, wlhy were thc parties,. botl Ronald and Waterens, auxieus te lave it? LaFrance Fire Engine Cempany, .be- fore referred te, give witl ail their en- gifleýs the foliowing guaranty,-"We guarantee our engines for a reasonable faber of years from date of deiivery. iAuy part failiug, if caused by poor mat- t-rial or inferior workmanship, shall be promptiy repiaced by us. We guaran- tee oui bolier te generate a steam pres- suvie of thinty pounds in from 3 te 3'z minutes, and eiglty pennds lu from 4 te 6 minutes frem the time of igltinig fire, starting.witl coid water, and using ouly ordinary englue fuel. and te sup- ply the englue with ample steam fer the Icaviest tire duty and loug continu- eus us wltlout lnjuny or clegging." And again, they say, "1We make a spec- ialty of rebuildiug eid steam fine engines of any manufacture, suppiying La France patent houler and overhauling englues, pumps and fixtures, replacing ail defective parts, adding modern im- prevements, and making an eid englue as efficient as wlen new, and at a 'mod- erate cost. We off er thc same guaran- teejs on the houlera we place on eld en- glues as -we do on tlose on engines of oui owu manufacture. We lave ne- 'huiît ever oe u udned englues of ai- mest eveny inake. " If this lad been doue at a cest of, say, $1000 or under, wenld we net have hecu amply supplied? But ne, thls would net do oui extravagant Concil. Nothing but a big, shiny, glittering engine, a big cest and a big blunder. I It wiil be uoted tînt thc La Franceboilers eniy want ordinary engine fuel. TIat is net good enougl for oui big aggregatlen, it requîmes special feedlug and ceai of a special brand las te he impemted for it at a cost of $9 per ton, As THE ATE'S- [MAN las ail along centeuded, the oid englue slouid lave heen repained and a saving effcctedof $2500 and years of lu- temst, on, lu auy case, the Waterous eangine taken witl a saving of about $170G witi years of interest. Is tlere anythiug more te be -said? Are we net aslamed; poor engine, peor Council, poor little wleeiharnow! WEST DURHIAM~ AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY'S BANQUET. pink and gray stripes, fast heavy eloth, special Se. Hosiery and Ladies' Vests. This euoe of our bcst departmcnts we stnive te give thc very bcst for theýmseives. Hleavy shaped Vests, good length, iu grey, gathered around the neck, special 15e each. Heavy shIiaped Vests, close and warm in '2, 3 and 4 sizes, special 18e each or 2- for 35c. Extra nice heavy Vests open iu front, trimmued and weli finish- ed, special 25, also chioice ines at 35c, 50c, 65c, and 75c. An extra heavy ail wool. Merino Vest, ail sizes in combin ation suits in Cbildrens' and Women's very cheap. Ladies' Fine ail wool Black Cash- mere Stockinigs, in plain or rib, full fashioned, seamless feet, spliced ankies, double heel and toc, special 3 pairs for $1.00. EXTRA SPECIAL. lOdoz. Ladies'BlackCashmere Rose, ribbed, seamiless feet, good heavy quai- ity,ý reg. price 30c, very special 25o per pair. Childrens' Black Cashmere ilose, ribbed, double knees, spliced ankles, double heel and toes, lovely fine goods, ail sizes, very cheap. A special line of very heavy al wool Stoekirgs in plain or rib- bed, special 25c. Men's Underwear. Our stock of Men's Underwear and Socks is very large aud attrac- tive. No better value to bc had anywhere. Men's heavy wool Shirts and Pants, lu fancy strips, nice sof t goods,, special 50e each. Men's heavy ail wooi ibbed Shirts and Pants in grey, special 50c. Men's grey ribbcd Shirts and Pants an extra snap at 75e a suit. Mcn's Aretie Underwear, ail sizes, from 50e up to $1,75 each, Men's fine ail wool Shirts and Pants lu fancy strips, special 75e and $1.00 each. EXTIRA SPECIAL.-1O doz. Men 's Extra , T-Hsi'v Scotch Knit Shirts anil Pants,' reg. price 75o each, special 65ceach or $1.25 a pair. Men's heavy wool Socks, 15e, 20e and 25e a paIr. Men's ail wool Cashmere Socks, plain and ribbcd, at 25c, 35e' and 50c. Gloves. Just in au extra choice hune from a cclebratcd French maker, of -fine Mecca and Kid Gioves wýith silk lining, for men. These are ively geods and'worth inspee- tion, colors, 31 inch wide, very Clothing. Our Ciething is justly celebrated as the fiuest collection lu this dis- trict. Overcoats and Suits that ean't be beat. Our prices and styles are riglit. Boys' heavy Tweed Knickers, lined throughout, special- 50c. Bfoys' Fine ail wool Serge Knickers, lined throughout. special 75c. -Men's lleavy Tweed Ponts in strips special $1.00 per pair. Fancy Corduroy Vests, special $2. Boots. K Just a word about our Boot and Shoe St.Qck. Our stock is so large and w&R assorted that we can suit any person, and as for special bargains, we have loads of them just now. Men 's heavy, laced Boots, grain leather, reg. $1. 25 ,special $1 .10. Men's Casco Caif iactd Boots, pegged soles, rivited, seams, with toe cap, reg. $1.25, special 90e. Womien's Strong Pebblcd Laced Boots standard Écrew, sizes 3 to 7, reg. $1.25, special $1.00. Misses' Stroug Laced Boots, stand- ard screw, sizes il to 2, reg. $1.00, special 75c. ohina. We are showing some particularly nice things in china ware. Ex- tra.choice patterus, in Dinner Sets and Toilet Sets. Goodis you will net~ sec every1 day. A few special prices, China %Cnps and Saucers, gilt striped and fiowered, special $1.20 per dozen, .10e for cap and saucer. China Porridge Bowls 10(<Ceaeh, China, Berry Bowls 15e each. Canned Goois' Shnimps, sardines, salmon, Morton's fresh herrings, kippered her- rings, Morton pilchard, 1lobster, corn bee(, fresh tumatoes, corn and peas, pork and beans with tomatoe sauce per tin 5e. Koloria Tea If Yon want a fiee .cuip of tea try Kolona. ~L.4.U ~ I I ~fLA.I I~ We are s howing the ncwest thing lu Coal Oil Ca us. Thefliamond and Star safety. Yen fu1 the lamps from this eau with an air pump and drain what von~ waste back inte the tin se that there is ne danger of puttiug more into a lamp than youl wish and spüling the oil. you can save thfe pnice of the can ln a short time. Our ceai oil is the, best A.mniean and Canadian. We pay the highcst Pý'ie for pro- duce. JOHN MCÎMIUaRTRY. WEST a END o'HO USE) BQWMANVI LLE1. SPIECIAL STORE NEWS -ýý-To Interest Keei-î BuyE-r5s. Dress Goods. There is no department of our store that deserves more attention than our Dress Goods. WTe have the nobbiest things to be had and a lot of new g-oods at very special prices. We also car'ry a very largiý assortment of Silks suitable for Waists or- Trimmingys, Braids, Velvet Ribbons ail widths, Gimps, etc., and a particularly fine range of Liniugs. It will certainly be toyoîw advantage to see our assortment before buying. A FEW'SPECIALS PICKED AT RANDOM. A Fine Dress Serge ail wool and stain proof, 4G inch wide, in black, green and Yale blue, regular, price 60e, special at 45e per yard. Fancy Black ail wool Dress Material, 45 inch NwIicl new patterns, stain proof, dyes, regu-lar value, 75cý, special at 50C. Heavy'Dress Melton, very wide, good quality in al leading shades, regular value 25e per yardÏ, special 20c. Flannelettes. .Another case of bc Shakers justý to hand, ey en better and heavier cloth than the last. You will always find us with a very large assortment of Flanneilette of 'ail kinds and our prices are away down. 20 pieces Flaftnelette in rt --ime -Qing xDe gogas speRK 1 ý 1 - 1 IIULIOfUly PKUMUrILIV? 1 1 of the air pas-sa--ess. it acts directiv en the i M ViL CU JLJLX-,.m V y IL àr i -t ý 1 1 ý . 1 1 - ý 1

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