TehE FIST > Shoulci remind you that the best thing to ~7do is toget a bottle (4 4-- a-- It cures i3ronchitis, Couglis, Colds, Asthma, Hoarseness and allThroat andLung troubles. iEWe have a complete line of Atomizers, Hot Water Botties and Chamois. JOHN HLGGINBOTHAI SON.,~ Chemists, BowMANTVILLE, Renenb, TO VISIT OUR STORES AND SEE THEf CHOICE NATTY -DESIGNS IN FURNITURE .... Largest stock, latest designs, lowest prices is our motto. We ask your inspection to convince you. We have the latest ideas in Easy Chairs "Writing Cabinets and Centre Tables also a large lune of Pailor Suites and Couches. Dining Room Suitesat ail prices, allow ug the privilege of showing you our goods, -we know we eau please you. Lei ors A PRETTY HOME WEIIG. A very p)insait and joilyv wýeddino' partywas that which asmlda h home of the bride's mother, rs Thos. Hambly, Duke St. on ThursdlaY even-, ing, Oct. 20, when Our popular young townsmnan, Mr. C. F. Pethick and Miss Marie Ina Paul were united ii LlHymen's bonds. 11ev. Chas. T. Paul of the chnrch of Christ, Cecil St., Toronto, brother of tite bride, tied the nuptial knot in the presence of the fimm-ediate relatives ef -th)e yeung pair. Th'le bride wore asuit of eiectric bine, trimmed with bi 'acit silk and carried a bouquet of white roses. Site was truiy'a pretty bride. The bridesmaid was her cousin Miss Mand Brvant of Pickering coliege who wore a neat bine suit trirnmed with chiffon and carried a bouquet ef pink roses. Mr. Oliver George dis- charged the onereus duties of best man te perfection. , Af ter a bile! reception the gnests partook of a sumptulouswed- ding dejeisuer. At a late heur the newly wedded couple were escorted te their new and cosy home on King1 St.- East, The array of bridai presents indicated the esteern in whicli the fair yeuug bride is iteid and were betit vainabie and usefuni. TUE STAT-ESMAN wihs r and Mrs. Petbick a long aid happ married life. Great Britain's Favorite Battie Pieture It seems a f act that the Famiiy I-eraid and Weekly Star have secured the, fanions battie picture "THE THIN RED LINE" as a preminm picture fer their subscrib crs thiî seasou. Luckyl 5U ,rigribers to get sucita pictuî'e and stich apaper for eue dollar a year. "1THE T IN RED LINE" carried al Europe by sterm. The clouriug of the Highland costumes has been beauti- fuiiy executed, aud every face is a study -a piture. in itself. "THIE THIN RED LINE"is 17x30. Every Britisht subject wantstitis picture as soon as he sees it. J. B. Marts'n Intends te move his hardware stock across the street aý soon as he cau have his store changed te accommodate lis stock. Lu the meantime he is prepared te o ffer speciai induçeipxents in new and second-baud steves. Several heaters and parler ceoks àt icas titan a ctnai value. Cali quick. 39 -t!. Plowing Match. Thte Darlingten and Cartwright, Pio""ing Associatien will hold its 2nd annuai piewing.match on thte farm eof Mr. David Mie, BIackstock, on Eni- daY, Nov. 4. Partîculars iu bis. AUCTION SALE. THTURSDAY, Oct. 27.-Dr. Potter, lot 17, cen. 7, Darlingten, offers fer sale a lot of farma stock, implements, &c. Sale at 1 e'clock. L. A. W. ToLE, auctieneer. EXCURSION TO TOILONTO. 'Perfýectly Cured! Weak and Low Spirltedi - Nervous Prostration - Appetîte Poor and Could Not Rest. «II take great pleasure lu recommending Hood's Sarsaparilla to others. It has been the means of restoring may wUfe to good hiealth.' She was stricken down with au attack of nervous Prostration. Site But- feresd with headaches and her nerves were under severe strain. Site becarne very 10w spirited and so weak site could only do a littie work without resting. Her appetite was poor, and being so weak site couqd nfot get the proper rest at nlght. Site decided to try Eood's Sarsaparilla, as we had heard it highly pralsed, and I arn giad to state that Hood's Sarsaparlila ha. perfectly cured ail her aliments.,, G. BELLAmy, 321 Hannait St., West, Hamil- ton, Ontario. Roember Sparilla la the Best-in fact the. One True Blood Puri- fier. AUl drnggists. $1, six for e5. Get Hoed's. Hood 's pl are tasteless, mild. effec. i be. All druggista. 250. BEST WOR K. LOWEST PRICE. JEWELRY STORE A CHOICE ASSORTMVENT 0F STAPLE GOODS and NOVELTIES, REPAIRING A SPECIALTY. ALLAN "LN E SSTEAMSHIPS.5 MONrEAL. QUEBEC.1 6 AM. 3 P. M. *Numidian 27 Oct. 29 oct. Parisian 5 Nov, Same Day. *Laurentian 12 Californian 19 *Steamers cnarked thus direct to Liverpool. Laurentian, lst cabin onlyý Carthaginlan, 2nd cabin only. Pgssengers wiil be transferredwith their bag- gage from the railway station to te wharf free of charge. RATIES OF PASSAGE. Liverpool and Lordonderry-1st Cablo,$60.0O and upward ;return, $'114 and upwards ; 2nâ Cabin, (including London) $36.25. Steerage- .Liverpool,Derry, Belfast, Glasgow, Londtn- Parisian or Californian $2350 ; Castilian or Nu inidian 822.50: New York to Glasgow and Derry, "State of Nebraska "Mongolian ,lst cabin $47.25 upwards; 2nd Cabin $3250 ; steerage $23.50., For tickets and every information ap- piy to M. A. JAME~S, Allan Line Azent, Bowmanville. SIpfnp IIyn1-~ on IHlrn-,r a*n ,r Icsrlf¶ 2lltrapo .___________________________ 1 n '~,'~ 'n' en"n' -~-' ne"n '~' > & 'n ~Y l 7]t BO WMAN VILLE. Almost every day we receive new goods of some k-ind anid our weekly talks to the 'public through this paper- are for the purpose of lettino" you kuow about these, things., Lades' Coats, WVe started the season with a very large stock, we were som-ewhat af raid we had bought tee many but at our prices they seld se freely that we had te get more. TheQ uew eues have arrived direct from the m anu- facturer. They are beau- tiful new designs, net shewn carlier in the sea- sou and extra value at the prices marked. You will do yourself an in- justice if yen buy without seeing our stock,. Dress Goods. ( We have aise received this week a quantity o! very handsome and fash- lenable dress materials. We have received seQ mauy compliments and sold se many dresses titat we are rather prend of our stock. Our assortment this seasonîis away ahead of anything we have ever shown. The simple fact ef the matter is you cau't afford te buy a dress of any kind without first loeking threugh our stock and finding eutQ how mucli less we charge, than ethers.Q 198K TO SEE OUR GOOD BLACOK DRE88 GOOS8 FROM $1 10 $2 il D. Blankets and Flannel Sheeting. We were fortunate iu securireg seme snaps in the above < Unes, the ýgoods have just arrived and are marked off. We neyer saw such value. We waut te show yen these bargains. 1 Watches At Special Iwlni J. J. Mason is now giving al* mnost ah his time and best atten- tion te titis department Witth 20 years experience andfuikw Q ledge of the markets w e are now < ~~ offering values never before ' sitewn in Bowmanville. We haveQ t jnst received about 50 new watch- -d es. Gold, Siiver and Nsckiee Ladies and Gents. We are net S - / fitnn nrifloQ nof I -linon h , 4 S for poisn is Oneor tie ,tct1115uutu10,der iceated me', r ' applied the usuai phySicÈîa's n_', - il s; c il- ont benef t. 7Mv lien er r- orî efd th,-, 1try Guri uEsA, 'if c f <ojic iioneo~ nthngand lii was Sef goiî tt ds e 7,, 'df tua ns-z, iyz ~ Y i. urne- miataiau~pîoiut me werid. a'OTTEE OsUCAisU ~ îs~i~î.,5eswn, "R~w te Vuas ~çUms,'tzso. ers aLnd thc pastet' preaehed a strong and forcelul sermon fromi the text "and thcx' teck tO'cict."' The exangelistic ca 1)in oeis Tnesday eveuiug titis wee. 11v.Dr. Par ker wiii preach .... ;11eccupy the pulpit -abepeople -'et mad at~ tlt, ce. marI at the MUNYON (lot tem'Porarily reduced rates)' except on btusi- nasa masing ilironî'itToronto. At ail driiggists, Tlcketsw iii be good to retin leaving desti- '25c. a Via]. Geide nation îlot laier tfian W odnesday, Dec. i74th.esss tifeeStitand Medi- or until close ni navigation (if cariier) to points jal:,dIcefree. aeaclied by Mnskoka Navigation Go. t55..rct1et.,'-Pjjjja. Stop over only aîîived at points Severn aid Hnnting and Ffsbing Guille and ali informa- tjoa frorn amy agent of Grand Trunk Railway, or frin M. C. DICKSON. D, P. A., Toroato First Bay of socelmb' r, 1505, At 29.30 p. ni., 1 to liear anddetesrnine the, "ral eosnpf bts tof errors amssions fniii c \7oters' Lisitof ftie Manieîpality of Darliv -tonî for 1K8. Al persons iavi, i, t tii Conrt are reunimei ro attorJ nrtie aeid i ýenand piaoe. Date d the iStii day if Ou utor, 1558. FI. ELLIOTT. jr.,' Clerk of Township of Darllngtoni Hiam tom, Oct. 15. 1898, - We desire 'the coutiinued p ansd ce operation oif f:rs eau hai le them n iagerîum we cIrI ýip cieaper and ak saies.. WecanaIso stop tpi paying Commissions and gv mers thte benefit. corne audi when you have hogs te(osil. s J. &IL1 B.FOTR Box 20$, Rewxnanville.