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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 Nov 1898, p. 2

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Wc uîl mail THE LADIES,'1HO1\E, ilOURNAL, begin- ning with the October number, to january r, J1899, also THiE SATURDAY EvENING'POST, cvery week, from tIhe time subscription is receivcd to january 1, 189, oni recez/it of on/y Twenty-five Cents. ln The Ladies' Momne Journal Somne Special Features of THE SATURDAY eVENING'POST IVrs. 1{orer, -,,ho wrîbes exclusively for THE LADLIES' HOMEU JOURNêL, will continue hier cooiing and do- mestic lessons. In theOctober num- ber she teil what should, and what should flot, be carel nitmn follow- ing, .certain ocptin.Twenîy- five desserts are given for al sorts of, stomachs. SOME SPECIAL FEATURES include churches decorated f'or Ch-risîmas, LEster, Fairs and Wccldings, photo- graphed and described)f,_. Interiors of taseflnd inexpen- sive homes pictured and described, showing preîîycorners, tables set for dinners., luncheoîîs and teas, etc. Besides île Generel Departmets-Serials, Short Stonries anti Sketches- Men and Womnen o[ the lour Bnif iog-raphic sketches anti chanacterîstie atonies aif people praminently befare tle public, wtlportraitilustrations, The Post's Series of Practica! Sermons Each week ia given a strang sermon, simple, direct anti unsedtarian, au vital lapida, by one af tIe lest religilons Ihinkers ai tle worid. The BestPoemns of the World Beautiiully illustrateti by tle lest American artista, are accompenieti iy a portrait ai tle poet, a hiagraphic sketch aud tle inierestiug story cf low eacl poem waa vinitea, TE CUPURIS PUBLIgîiING COMPANY, PIIILADELPiIIA p 1 gLisEri Ps N OTICE. Tua ,STATrESMAN is mailed regularly to its subscribers until a definite order. to disconinue is received and ail arrears are paid in full. Subscription $,0per ailni. If paid in advsince $1.00 per annura. ~JIA1FIAE IICENSES,-M. A. jIL JAME, Jissoer of Marriage Licenses. Hesidnce Cntrestreet. Ji akieyBlo"k,: King streeFt, Uwavie aud nrgoi~, OtaroCoroner, etc, H.RRESIMIPSON, SOLTITOR, etc. MORRIS' 0CR n sr ra RngStreet, Newman vile.Soitiorfo th OlaloBank. Prîvate s ione a loned ati owest rates. MOEET OU7NG, V, S O FiE 91WEST !DURIZIA:M NEWý-S !'j r,wL crliereimseif tor his a stnt U1 te1ep:rph or telsegbone will reccive pota t- tenino.. 171 - r NWTAILORSH? flic untlvrsigne 11wholias l p On the tlls rg in ih Oeornection .witb Masn'sDryf ,daStor -:r, imercfears lias u'o 'cdbuiesfor i, si t isun geua udbos sits in ai1tC flits tls and s 1t, i will carry a jolilune of s;, t iflcs in al theoeespatcîs.Give hlma cali J., T. ALLIN, Fafhlonahle Tailor. OiT~R1OBA K . Botvmsne lic A' est".'. D L~POSITS rcs.cie cu J 3jnk Depaitn~eî,t ccd ais1 l-ir,'e~, ai. .1' t cssrr it r-tins. Noisce 'ett5id' ' c IF A i Sep"its 7" I J 0550cr, ~ Uncuragilg Reults BOWMANVILI.E. NO V. 2,18. UolwPoe edn Localý and Otherwise. divcrsity of cpi- Ms ilN nion about 'wlat Ms ec. C. Haines, Bwavle con ituts a was lu Colboîne las' .weck Atcnding goad ci ow bt le funeral :of her cousin, Mrs, John ~ noue about fie Gummet, Eîîterprise. beneficial effects Talec entirely rel ievet ai tle ,echcs resultiug Lace anti pains of rleumeîtisin c eans a g-,reat the use of dccl, anti Hoctiýs isparille doosil A Sons of Englanti' la' ]dge wasnsitt edaetMillbrool. lý-ý-estzwckviLl.l . charter o m~~iembers-SiIvs o 23.W.W Your riPur 1fierî L se -scep-improvet inla ealth. es, aIe is, a ît- iebctPuri- eront wcîu n. V,ï, rcsuadeti lier to- fier andi aid to ~p' tr',' Millet's Compo,,untiItrou Pi!lawt flicrougi tiges- the. resuît ouoServe, L; tien for co iThe business-ýý, cf J. Craick &Ca.. n ~ shepatilrses o f tle leading d_'cats inî l Fr tve hey are Hope for île lest foanvty j cars, l aneu- put on dry foti- cd lantis, Messrs. Thomas Mliilen dutid dem iu the Feul. It assist_*flic ongana Sons, Oshawa, béig tIe purclesers oDf fIe stomeci ta extreet al lieh My friend lok lere, t'on know l,-ow mm i i n rmce iefoot ý rdpalýs wcak anti misemable eut wîfe i ai thCe uoati yau kncw Carter 's Ioat-'ill swl nlv strngba- brncvhwy net l fimabutianti tiyconditioa buy 1er a box ? forthesip-ing Ripe raspberriýes in October. Te1 cloice bernies grown by Mm.C. IH. Nais ou a sceal betty 'busi planteti lest, spring, antiare cousiderably large(ýrhlIn tice firat crop, E-. A woman wlýio is weak nerousant EEINMILES&Q CO.. DICK à es., sîeesat ohscoilnis ni C: iii ' ontrea. IPîdt~~ foot caunot îfeel ai ac like a wllpet- ~ .na..u-u.tjurîj~u u.mnut.Sson. Certr's Ina ilîs equelize rie -5 ets. and 50 cia.a pakage circulation, remOve ncÈ(rvouisniess, anti give stengbl antitet Q C CUR:1E f o ot haepapeneti. WIule rassing-" FOR 1LD1 I Stet AA. Al sh eia 7ýHope, slppet onr lu nt pant I j Tht Canadian ~esuedy for ail TH~OAT AIIIi LUi~ A~1~NS LIUEa Batiks, 25 cmii. fial te o -s \ehav tiei as il t .c o bc t. et"SmtT -'i,.e utocntillc, Gr Ussite) .'i'o 1. t. cLt asiMosnlu Mwc Fr1ay, ov Chere is aluiisi M mout. AC,,. 'c se'a.". ", O ri) 1 Ls nzsae feeil s sss.s,.ts ~~oU 1' - woo W OK FO 'se - tc iS i ustlila W..' iv sr tie secsi es c ~Ar~ r ES 0ise itesoulsd'anI7 leprtset auLIpick cutvn aoie aes o isý th tn(oto choose pYourredig f th wnlrncth.Lea excr rr enrl wi M.A. JAIMES,Bcmnî, Tlic apple buyvers are very busy ti. fall, as a great imany pples are sl.ippeti froce this section of tle county. When a mnan admiiits that heo used to bie jusl as reckless as lis boy, Ile-, does i t wiîh such an air of rîglhteousness Ilat onie almoat admires lice fo r lis virtues. Central Boardi of Missions placeti 5il,781 aI the disposal of île Bey of Quinte committee, whicl was disbursed aogthc lwenty-seveu Missions cf Conerece. Salaries thls vear are amiail, only v per centaif tle minimum aýllawan1ce. WEAK.-LUiNGS. "I was troulleti witi weak lungsanaîd a sone tînoat and was cocepletely-cureti by Dr. Wood's Norway Fine Syrup" Frank Jonninga, Cotidwater. Ont. 1Mrs. Win. Warder, Bowceanville, re- tumcd home ou Manday afler spendiug aver two weeks aI the lame of Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Philp. She came here ta see Mr. Plilp, wlolbas been,eand is very iii will leerl trouble. Mrs. Warder las ceade mani rieutis while lier.- Port Ferry Standard. Mrs. David Labor, \Vaterford, Ont., says; "I cau recommeud Ilagyard's Yellow Oil for pains ai any, kinid. It cureti me of a distressiug pain liaI the dactors cauld nal ture." A correspondent af Port Hope Guide wi'ites. Coîborue Methodiasslave a very handsome andi cammodiaus dhurci, anc lIaI; will compare iavarably will Ilose ai any tawn ln the Bey af Quinte Con- ference, andti tey bave a very large ceecbership. TIe pastor, 11ev. T.ý W. Jolliffe, la exceediugly papular amang lis people, anti is doing muci ta builti uip the cdurci. An extendeti experience, writes a well-known cleceist, permits me to say tbal Fulnam's Painless Corn Extractor nover feuls. It maRes no sore spots lu the flesl, anti consequently peinless. Don't you farget to gel Putnam's Pain- less Corn Extractor, now for sale by medicine dealers everywhere. Every editor will endorse luis :.1ev. A. C. Caurtice, D. D., in returning Ihanis for is re-election la lie position af editor ai lie Christian quardian, epilomizeti lis experience a,,. an edilor bv saying tint in a nen spaper office ane saw so mli lite selfisînesa andi mean- nesa ai tle people lIaI il was difficullta keep one's faiinla um~anity anti relain one's religion. The Kola Aztiuma Cure. Positive anti nulîmiteti confidence Iu thse Kola plant ns nature's sure renuedy for Asthme lias becu abundantly sustaiued ln the ceany reînarkable cures abtaîneti tlirougl, the use af Clarke's Kola Compound. t la a great discovery. Entiorsed by the medical profession everywhere. Over 500 cases'absolutely curet inl Canada. Cure guarauteed. Solti hy anl truggists. 27 Toronto merclaîîts complain about tle tienantis matie upon 11cmn by tle managers ai charitable arganizations, canvassers for prizes, enterteinceents anti societies. Few persanis who lave not been lu business lave euy iden ai tle extont ta whicl merdhants anti other. business men are bled in this way. If llcy woulti combine ta put an cudti l il they lave tîse malter la Iloir owil lantis, I wonder if lIaI pale weakly wocean kuows ai Millet 's Compounti Iran Pilla. If nal some one slould tell lir. Il seems quile unneccssary liaI anvoe shonîtcine ab1r condition of health wheben sud aunxeletremedy 15 ta loe hati. anti so eleap le,"ý a romark matie byý al iŽ'nlmn w wif o lîidtaken The leading f otrefcllthe mie I i',ontlly Reciei-cf' ï we forNov emer arc: Thec ediorial commenunt an the State antiCnd sina apin (iîllustrateti); anilsrleiconto i lec w.ork aille '"Y.',M. C. A."laicon- necticu witl tle nî.y ant inavy drn île war wiîl, Spain, by Allei taw au article aun'"The Newspaper ,,Carres: pan)dents hi tle War," witl namerau, portaits Mr. Creelman's own atary ai his; Santiagoa atventures. Wlal she belloyes. "I- believe liaiý Hoa'd's Sarsaparilla ila egreal cemedicinie bcecause I lave scen ils gooti oedcs lu îl1e case ai my motier. SIe las laken -i I,', "e 17,jVa,'5.$ , p u ts c (1i1s'nsonisiatc tclif 0 ssv a tisb ee c s n , o an Vtlisoc LONDON'S POLICE FORCE. Fifteeas Thousaad Mîot 50 Proteet Pive Mundred 3MillIon Pou,.nds' Worth of Property.; The remnarks coocrniag aur ,police force natie by Mr. Dickinson, the stipenti- iary magistrats at the, Thames Poiice Court, on Saturday bave led ta a Dally Mail represeutative obtalnlng the iatest details of aur bluecoated protectars. "Complain ta are frcqueutly beiug imade tramn ail quartera of London," said Mr. Dickinson, "that the police protection is inadequate. That mny lbe so, but thec res- sou is that th%ý police rate is uow very hlgh, andi it is net deeceet advisable ta increase il. But if is a grand thiuig for London ta boasai thet about 15,000 police-, mon cen contrai 5,000,000 inhabitants." Perbaps few af Loudon's refepayers actnaily stnow ý,vbet aur police force reelly consista of. A. visit ta New Scot- ]andi Yard yesterdey obtained the latest aivailable data concerninu: aur armiy lu blIue. "We; patrai an area o.!1 688:>31 square m-iles," lsaid ane of the chiot afficers. "We take lu every plae, towu, village, wîthin a radius af 15 miles frace Char- îug Cross, excepi the cfy ;-we bave super- vision over the Thames police, and wve actually bave aur cees statianed iu ail of Her Majesty's docltyards throughout the country. We have anly got three actual police districts for executive purposas, andt ta are eacb in charge of a head constable. But then thore are 21 landi divisions, each tinder a superintendent, anti eacb brakea 'up lIntô uh-dIvisions, under ths central of an Inspecteor., Thot la entiroly spart froce the Thaines police, viho forni a division in tbcmselves, but vibo are cantrolled by tbe oblef commis- sioner la the saine way as ail tbose en landi, anti eacb af wisom bas been a seller." "Do Mr. Dickinson's figures accurate- ly represeul the actikal position cf affaira',"' "I cannot say that they do," replied the oficer. though tbey arer.not for eut. It vionit be more neerly correct ta say that the actual available for ce la a litile over 13,000. Tihe figures I amn able te give yon are these: Superintendents 28, Inspectera 534, sergeauts 1,688, c7onstables 11,314,' total 13,564. This la the nuce- ber oifceeu available for service lu the mntrapolis, but the aotual force, Incluti- Ing the afficers exnployed on speclal duty lu Goveru nent depariments, number 15,326. Sa that you ses aur warkable force la betwou 18,000 anti 14,000. "The cost of this arcey la pretty beavy, and rues !inte a littie ever a million anti a quarter a year fer viages siente. But then imagine, If you can-anti nobody caa ever accurately da so-ths value af tas property nion e vuprotect. 1 suppose hi would lie close upon 400,000,000ý If yon tae sthe rates bis value anly. No deffl Landou ought ta be proud of ber police force wbea as couaiders hav inl- fluitsimal are tbe number of felonles campareti with the buge standing andi tbecoanstant.iy cîrculatlng population oaf ibis great clty, which harbors people ýrom ail nations under the sun."1 C ompareti witb the metropalitan police, ths clty force la a-sinail one. Tbe-ares under is charge la of enarceaus value, though il anly comprises 671 stattt acres. Calllng ai the Olti Jswry Office, I learned ibat thore are ivia superlutendents (ans being lu the deteofive tiepartment); chief- inspectea, 3; distict Inspectors, 15- statian ixîspectars, 22; detective lu- spectors, 12-, sergeants, 72; dtetctive- sergeents, 7; and constables, 795. Thore are ulsa 57 constables ou private service dnfy. Though thle city-wuth ail ius im- mnse wealfb-is tbus profecteti by snob a sceal force (asiaieti 3t night by iii- taî'y guerds ai the Bank of 1£iSglanti,) no ane cen deuy tbat hi a a model Gf port fection.-London Daily Mail. POISONOUS PLANTS. Many Grown in Osur (ardens'Are Capabhle of Great ,Mlichîef. .Amang the gerden plants egymmonly lu vogue vihicli possess a. poisanons nature liotaniars meon t flie avers af the jeuiquil, whbie hyaciîitb and anowdrap, tihe narciasus bcbng pariicularly dendly, sa cench sa, indeed, that ta0 chevi a qceall scrap of one of tho buiba ceay resuIt fataliy, wvile tle juice cf the leevep sian eme'ile, The bernes of i2i yew have kili. ed mauy persans, andstii l pretfy will kuowu nowadays that it Is not sae tt est ceany peents pifs or cherry kernels ais once. The lolicliag are ail daugerous. their juice, if swalloçeâ,- producing vomitiig andi giddiness,, wifli pains lu the beu., Latiy's aIIpper poisons lu the anme r-nianr as does poison' ivy. The bulli s ecm ta bc flic mo.t barceful. Lii- les of te vlle nzec cso as maoh so. The-re i, la onougliopiýuM lured, poppies ta do i9hf;at the autumi, crocus, if tho bossos arechex ca cuses xoo,it. ing ud urgng.The louves aud flowers af thce ineerare deadly, sud . the liant cof thecaaa troc is vcrv iniscliievous; the viýater d"wo v1ýLnDot lu liower, iisAinerîcen. The inenu of e banquet given iu the -ea-7- B. 1 ai n rdiaton i--icts sysem y ssig laies olry U'onf- iomai. Li a lettoe w)"1eli &Rcîcr sonprpieer f aies eery CO îti- "Iwa- iinnmced tr: tmg Fe's <'ilory wusocen ,aUcortirfnover 3000'diour-.'me.uta atmewïnIwssfr un omom ntCCý ri, ci Ciug 2,frcovervcrkantit1ceffeets ÔIl FOROVE Fi'T>oun. n . in'sti's ufei ak asr asuin!g tIt, Vt:5M ii 'w'eSoofi sSoroi lis ben ued iv tet on li~Cii nsris s s fh~ft~"C' I eposei t meicio lagonta 01I oMI s-tr s'ailo s ieR hO,' feir 'nid cys ~ loson is,,eoc'Jn i rs etQi' o .'îleh ne at boLii ailei 1 tak e u .r c ssdii eboutît.andt srt ii, to A l n foi Paà 1's Cevin CWpun' l'e i .'. L fS5iis f-ft, of 50ettio i rocks -aiii f Jepn e ss-ld aDoreae 12aIue c i lol.îll Griffith's Liniment applied to Lum- bago, lame back, acore back or side will penetrate and stop pain and sorenes in les time than it takes to prepare oneselif for a plastor e.piliation-it's elean and healing-cures wliere plasters faal the quickest acting rlieumatlc healer in the whole riedicine kingdom. J. Woodward of 138 Shaw treet, Toronto, was a great sofferer fro~m rlieumatism. Tried many remedies witli littie aucces, began o.pplying Griffith'a Menthol Liniment. One'application of it gave hlm more relief than aoythiog lie had ever tried. lie says, "lIt Is certainly a wonderful Liniment." 12. RXEEVES TIIE INSTÀNT APPLIED. AT ALL DRUGGISTS-25 OHNT..4 OSHAWA. Mr. Frank Mackzie has accepted a position in Orangevi1e... Mr. C. F. Farewell, M. P. P., Sault Ste. Marie, visited relatives here ...Mrs. John. Robinson, P assaden-a, Cal., is visiting Mrs.XVm. Jacobi.. .. Mr. Jno. Manning, Celina St , is around again after ten weeks battling with typhoid fevef-... Mr. and Mrs. Fred. liinton, late of Highlands, Que., visited his mother, previous to removîng to Crows 1,è"st Pass, B.C. ev W. J. Balmer preached Sunday evening week, in Medcalf St. Methodist cdurch, 'ani em- i nently practical and spiritual serm~on. ...The funeral of the late Mr. John Balmer took place Oct. 14th. The body was interred in Toronto where lie re- sid ed many years. Five children sur- vive hlm ail of whom returned toOshawa after the funeral' and spent Sunday Rev. R. H. Balmer, Mllersburg, Ohi; 11ee. W. J. Balmer, Munro, Mich.; Mr. Geo. F. Balmer, New York City ; Mrs. G. T., Pendrith, Toronto; and Mrs. (11ev.) J. J.* Liddy' . .. The officers of Medcalf St. E. L. of C. E. are: Hon. Pres., 11ev. J. J. Liddy, M. A. ; Pres., F. O. Manuel; ist Vice, Miss Jameson; 2nd Vice, Miss A. Keeler ; 8rd Vice, M. E. Stevenson; 4th Vice, Miss E. Veale; Rec. Sec., Miss M. Keeler; Cor. Sec., Mr. H. Clarke; Treas.. Mr. McCulloch; Organist, Miss L. Bowden; Asst. Organist, ýIiss E. Edmondson .. ..AÀt the eveuing session of Young ý'Peoles Societies Convention, opened withf, song, service, followed by addresses by 1ev. J.« H. Turnbuli, M. A., Bowman- ville; 11ev. J. Cliisholm, Junbarton. A pleafor Mission Baud W nk by Miss Jessie Panten was highly commended, For Tîrod and RIII- dow,ÀlfWiYIes and Dagl te rs. lf Vyigor anidledd PURIFIESTE BLOOIY AND ILRACESTH NERVEK é,!ýi)fin il 2q!"ýdý a Generai 13a3ýk!-qe Buàiýllefjo at ý i ru -t -1 lu 1 ý 1 ý-l

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