V46 CalýlanllStatosinan. Miss Simmouls, Desýerento, arvdat Cobourg b,,:boat frein Charlotteo, N. Y., on Tuesdaywe feA ifrein sinaîl- pex. She v-as i!mmediateLýY iselated and everv -eitn taken to prevent the spread -fitJ:,d(,ease The reccctd c (f Otr"clci pro- tests is eveit n1ow. TvoCesevaivs Dr. Lake and 'Mr. Caldeor, have been unseated, and twe ierlMessrs. Ayleswerth aud CarwLave resigued. OnleLiberal, the Heu.1r, Harty, and onie Connrvative, )Ir. Fox, have hield their seats against a, pretest, Mr. Bar- b er, Liberal, ilalton, lias sincebe),2en un- seated threugh bribery by agens OUR GIREATF.SIY ,USIC OFFER. Send us Ui ae aî dresso tliree erimore rfrmr nth in or ergan nnd teny-ive centjjs in sle or postag auid w e will mail : ou the Latest and -rat4Seng successes en- titieci "The iowe itat Won My Ileart","Cneto City T-we Step", a flue pianto piece ,ýbY lRud. Knuer, cr % oser-ef the fa mo,,us "Battle of Mandla ,arcli", aund twelve ether pages of the lateet marches,; twe-steps, songs, etc., full sheet muisic arranged fer the Diano and ergan. T his is the greaitesi, offt-er ofe1Ut 1 rnw i-c rve madle by anvy liuse "in Amercica rdrai nc.Address: FoPULR MUSCCO., Depi. A, ha,;i las ,s great a variety e-3 explanatietu s as a famiilv fend when told by each p)arty interested. S NAP For the Braýini Worker. $TRENGTII Fthe Physical Worker. SIAMINR ForMeu,Women andChildren. REÂD THE PROOF! GEXTýImE,-Ihave for a long lime needed something te muke blood and buildUprmy systomn. My bloodw~as watery and tIm, lucking streogth and vitality. Lest January a friond said :-1" Why net try Dr. Ward's Blood and Nýerve PiUs ? They wil supply theoexygon yeur bleod ueeds and give yeu health and strength." 1 told him I1 was vory skeptical as te any Ibenefit that could ho derived from any Iproprietary tuedicinie and bad ne faith ia Itbem. There the matter restesi until four jmenthe ugo, when roading se much about jwhat Dr. Ward's Blood and Nerve Pis bave doue for se inany people with iu- poverisbed leod, 1 concluded te give Ihem a trial. I have taken four boxes and ny ubeliof se fer as Dr. Ward's Bhood and Nerve Pis are cencerned bas heen eniireiy removed. They are a splendid hleod builder and strength restorer, and an invaluable medicine for weak, oner- v ted pople. This bas been my experi- onice, Ihey baving given rue strength of body and strong healthy blood. (Signed), PRIi LAWRENCE WHYTE, 988 Queea St. West, Toronto, Ont. AIl good druggists cau supply you. If they won't, we will by mail. Price 5oc. Sbox; 5 boxes for $2.oo. TFirEDocTort RD COMPANY, Limrîted, Toronto, Ont . ONE Y T0.LOAN $100,000. A large suo nmoey has been plaecd linuy bande by e privato perSon, for investmeat, on epprovedlincas on fanrm seenirity for a term ef Fi e olr ,Ton Vears, at 5 1L-2 per cent intereàt wili'hU asked payable pyeariy,,Satisfac tory conditions for ro,pay'M('nt wll orranged D. B. SIIIpSON,ý- Soiîtr Bwanviile. Datd Ot. st,'144)- tf. 20 YEABS IN DETROIT. 250,000_cuREDI WECURE EMIS5IONS Nothîug ceûan be more derneuralirlur ta youer. or middie-red menthtieores- Dr. Talmage Serrnonh Reside'nce- From a The Od-Fashioned Idea of Hea Paradise--What the Fui Haaven Beauti Waeinto, ct. o0-l ut cf the usýual hue ef srmuzigleIis tory cif Dr.Tamg ceuceriniiùg the next werld, and i i ydegood te ee things frein a nvlsndon.The a t leevi e ýl- tienx, 1"Ad saw a new heaLVen1." Tho stereetyped beaven tiese het malte adoquate impression upen, us. M7 a ineed bie old tory tlî in newstyle in erder t0 amouse aur appreciation. I de, net sup- pose that we ar 'e cempeliled te the eld p1iraseoIogy. King James' oranslters did flot exbai.st aIl the geed and graphie vwords luntheeEnglish dictionury., I sup- pose if we shoid takeý the idea of heavea audtrnlaeit !it" nte mdemn phrase we woldC find thet its almeosphere le a corn- biainof eerly Jane and of the Iudian summer lu inOcober-a placb cemblulng ther eidvutag'L's of City and i 'outry, the streete stanDding fer the eue au d the 12 meoner eof ruits fer the eteor; a place et muÏ,sical entertin)mnts-barpeirs, pipers, trum.poters, deolegies; a place 0of won- der-ful architeture-behold tee temples; e pjeoe wbere there mnay be the higber forme 0of animal lite-tee beams which wora ou earth bheeten, lesb wbipped and galled and unblankoted and workod te deoate, tumrned eut aiuoug the wblte^ herses whch tlebo bok of Hevelalien des eribes as belug ln heaven; a place of stupendeus lltaratur-the boker open; a place of aristocratie and derneerati et- tractîvenes-the kingez standing for thee onie, ail nations for'thee ther; ail betani- cal, poioogical, eruithological, arbor- esent, wersliipful beauty and grandeur!. But iiiy Ideau, ow le te ap,3ak cbiefly of tba improveýd heaven. People sometimnes tak c, f beaven as tbeugh it were an eld city, filished ceturies age, wheu I have le hll yen that ne Cty ou earthbduriug the last 50 years bas had sncb changes as heavan. 1h le net the seain3place as Nwhen Job and David, and, Paul wrebe ef il. For hudreds and hundrede of yeers it bas beau goiug threugh peaceful revolution, and year by year, and montb by meath, and heur by heur, and moment by moment it lo chauglug ani chauoiug for Ëornthing bottor. Avvay baok theore was only one resideuce la the unl'verse-the residence of thee Àlmlgbty. Haaven had net yet been started. Iimeusity was the park ail arouud about Ibis great resi- deuce, but Goe's sympatheblo heert afler a While overfiewed lu other oreationa, sud Iber& came ail threugh Ibis vast country of immnnusity iubabited villages, whicb 'trew and eularged untîl they jolued each ether and beceme eue great central metrouolis of thee niverse, stree1j- ed, garod, tenpied, watoîad, iuhablted. Oua augal wefit fertb wltb a reed, wu ara told, aud ho measured beavon on ona aide, 'and then ha weut forth and, moîabured boaven oun bhe thor sida, and thea St, John triod to tethaeounsus cf thaât City, and he becamie se bowildered that ha gave it up. 11mprov.meats in Heaven. That brings me te the first tbeught of my there-that boaven le vesily lm- preved la numbers. Nettng litîle under thls baad about tbe multitude of aduflte. wbo have gona lIt glory duriug the lefst 100 or 500 or 1,000 yoars, 1 remiember there ara 1,600,000,000 of peoploiu thee world, and that tbe veet majority of pee- pie A.ie Iu iufancy. How mauny oblidran, muet have gene lote beaven during the laît 500 or 1,000 years? If. New York should gatber lu oee gnaration 1,000,- 00ü population, if Loonisbould gather ln ona generatien 4,000,000 pepuluatlon, what a vast increasa. But what a mare noblng a& compered with the 500,000,- 000, the 2,000,000,000, the "multitude thet ne rman eau number,"' that have gene jute that city. Of course al Ibis taes fer grented thet every child that dies goos as sûraight luto beaven as evar the llgbt speed frein a star, and thal le one reascu wby heaven wili always bo freeliand beautful-the greait multitude of celîdran lIn L.Put 500,000,000ienlîdren iilu a couutry, Il hIli ha a blessed and ively countryr. Buit add to Ibis, if you ivili, the great multitude ef aduilte who bave goe njte glery, and bovv the ceusais et heavei, mnuet rn un. Many years aga a elargy- mnan stood in a Naw Eugland pulpit and seid that h e Ùliovod Ibat the vat mejorlty of bbc race weuld finally b. dEstroyad, and that net more then one person oui of 2,000 pmrceas weuld ho flually saved. Tho;ra happened to ho zes on the Almighty's Novel Standpoint. ven--The ilimitable Vastncss of iture on High Wiili Be-- ified by Death. ballton mIet he'evdn, awoka into higlisr reeilins of piile'sepis. and that Sir Wil- l iam Heitnlifted te lottiar spisare,' undereloed baller bbc construction efthtie humajýn intellect, suld thlat John MjIlten teek up igher poietl'y la lbe actual pros- once oetLtinge tisaI ounear(hha hd triad ledeche Whan, tise firsl ullsainte,,red heavou, they muet hava sîudîad enly tise A B C et the full literaturaetof visdom' witb which tbay ara nosv acquainled. Aizein, iscaven is vastiy improved lin ilg socievy. During jour rzemory ior many exqnlsîte sprits have gene mb ilçI? If yen sbould Iry te makeltee 15 t ahi the gal. leviug, gracionse, bIesad seuls tisat yen have kuoron, il wonuId bc e very long hsi-soale that bava goTe n aI glory. Now, de yen net sunposa they balve cnricbad tiaSeociety, Have thcy net lînprovad iscaven? Yoeluoet wiat beaven did for thain. Hava Ibey dona neihiug for beaven?ý Taka aill tise gracieus seuls biset bava goeeout oet jor ce- quaiutaneeshlp andud ta lethein altise gracions sud beautifuil seuls thjat for 500 or 1,000 yeans avegonuoeut et ail the cubie suni Atise vill-ages and,*Il lise couatries of this earth ie oglory, and bows the soeciety of heavan muet hava beau lrnproved. Supposa Paul tise Apeetia wora lntroduced ilto jour social cîrceaon aartb;,but hcave a basidded ail the apesiles. Suppo)se Haïnai More and Charlotte Elizabeth roara iatrodned mbn jour social cirele on earth; brutheaen' bas addad ail the blessed sud lhe gracions and the bohy rooman 0f tb. peet ages. Supposîe tluit Robert McCiseyue and John Sràinernafiehd should ha added te jeur earttly irche; bal beaven bas gatbared np ail the feitistul and aurnest irnluistry et tisa pasi. Thora is net a toron, or a city, or a village tisaI bas so lmnproved lu socioty ile isahst 100 joars as beevan bas inproad. k ChsaetfDegrea only. But jeu gay, "H1asn't lisavan airoaje beaun perfet?' Oh, jas, but net lu tbe souseothel il canuot hoe ugmeuhad. Il bas beau rahiug ou lu grandaur. Christ bas beau lisera, and hae nover changes- the camae yaslarday, to-day and to.îevar, glorlous thon aud gierions neo aud glari. eus forever. But I spaak now ef attrac- tions oulside of' Ibis, and I bava b buel jeu thal ne place ou aarlis bas Improvecd lu seciaty as iseaven bas oîblu tise ast 70 jears, for tise meet of yen 'wthlu 40 jeare4. wohbin 20 jeers, rithin 5 jear, rithia 1 year-ln othar werds, hy fthe accessiens from jour aon bousahold. If, heaven wrarpleced lu gronps-sn apos- toile greup, a petriarchal gi-cap, a pro- phatia gronp. greunuet martyrs, group ef augels and than a group et jour oron ghorifled kiudred-whiebi group roould jeu choea Yen might look around and inakeeniparleen, but il would nt le tke jon long la ehoosqe. Youi would Sey- "Civa e e-ck Ihosa wbom I ioed oin caris; lat me enter Imb Ibair eclty-. my parents, my cbiidreu, my brcthere, my cîstars. Wa ived tegether on erls laI uslilve tegether lubin e."Oh, le il ret a. blessed Ibeugih that heavon bas beau imprevedi by ils scciety, Ibis caleui- zatien frein eartb t e ioaeni? Again, Ii-rnwai-k htisIheavan bas graatly imlproved lunlis. goed cheer et an- uounced victorias. Wbare beaven rejelcad er oeaseul Il nao rejoies oer 100 or 1,000. Iunlise olden limes, won the avants et huinen lita wrorascatared ever tour or fiva centuries er hougevlîj anCý tb.eroorud moved showhy, Ihere avare net se many oeh-ring avents tebehareperbad lu beaven, but noro, I suppose, ail tb. gi-ast avents of aartis are raporiad luntiean. It tisere a 15auj rutb plaiulylauigist lu Ibis IBibi., 1h jethat beaen is wrappod up la sympatby avlis buman blstory, and wa look ut Ihose Jnvautionsfetholiseda- aI, leiagraphy, ai savýifl commnunication bry steaam, ai al thesa mode0 ipovmal which seni ta givae ouealmioat oni presane-aud we soeceniy thos scular relation, but spirite batora tise Ibrone look out anC sea t"q vest and the abrnai relation. Wbille nations ise and fuhl, rohile lise aarlb le siaklug ailisrevolu- tien, de jon nol supposa thera le areus- lug intllgence going nup tleiathronaet God, aud tisaI the question Is otten askad bafora the tisiona, "Wbat is tisauae frein Ibat rorld-thal roorld Ihal ro- beled, bat le ooming back te its e01egi- once?" If miiiuistlriaig sirte cording loe iBble, are sent forth te minicter ta Ihese tisaI shall be boi;, re obevonwhen - thay comne down te us to hblasa us de- oh, theo ifference betwveeubeve a l cha houndheuon s 'e o! Nola spl,nler sanc L ustbut eun ou a roliing , _u ri î)gupand roiling u'il Now, 1 ey heýse thinge about the changwes in heaven, about thee uaw lin- prv el lu havon, for ibrea tout reasone. Firet, heaseIfind Ia en of"'yen ar mptetote a ge-ne. Yeu are tirof ibn is Vworld, and Yen waut te get lIe othaýt geod Land about vVwîhlbYen lngr SOj mey6yes. N o %, ho patient. 1 coufld Cee why yen ;would Went rn go te mu art gheyif corne oet1the.1be7t ipic- tturcs Nwra t taea avsay ivthis waok or niext woek. but if coine ouaebtesye that ihere are ether beautiful pictures te conie-other Nensoits, Ilapheos and Bubeneos, other mastrpieces te be addocl te the galery-yon weuld say: "I eau afford te wait. 'The place is lmprolvîug aIl the lim-e." New, I Went Yeu t10 epply tise saine principla La this mialter et reaching heaven aind ioaving Ibis world. Net one giery le taelb. suhtracted, but mauy gleries added. Netue angel will ho gene, net eue biorarcb gene, netoe of jour glorifiad frienas gene. By tbe long preC ciîg the musie wil ha etter, $he procession sill lha longer,theba rel- bow hrighter, the cerenalion grunder. Anothar reason wby I spek lu regard te the changes iu heaven and.tho uaw Imaprovements lu hoavan le beceuse I tbiuk xl wili ha a consolation te busy sud enterprlsiug goed people. I sea very Wall that jeu have uet mucb tasta !or a nueeven that was eil doueanaulinished contuirilas age. Atter yen bave beau activa 40 or 50 or 60 years il woui1d ha a sheck te stop yon euddeuiy and tera'çor, "but haro is a progrssive beavenl, an avoer accumalativa heaven, veet enlerprise on tout thora befoeathe Ibrenaetof ed. Aggrasslva kuovvladge, aggressivo good- nase, eggrerslva power. aggresiva gran- deur. - Yenusill net lbave te comnoansd cit dewu on the banks of the 'river et lite lu averlesftiug inoccupation. Oh, buqy men. 1 hll jon et a beaven wbere thohra la semetbiug 10 o. oýThat is tee înoaniug ef the Dassage, "They asI net day uer night," lIb e hazy san.eafotrastiug. 'Ele Old-Fas'hiOned Heaiven. I speak these werds on the changes lu beaven aise hecausa I wauit te cure semae cf Yen of lb. doinsion Ihat yeur departad Chrielien friezidshbave gene mIe oduluess and silence anducesloeae.Tley -are lu a sîirrlug, pictuiresqua, ra dian %t, evaer accumiulettvo scena. Whea thby lotI Ibeir bodies, they onhy gel ril of the hast biudranca. TbecY are ne mnore lu Oak- wood, Laurel Hill er Monnt Auburn titan yen, lu holiAday attire, havlng seat- ed yoursecf at a baqet au ha said tb ho iu e dark cdosaI, whara yen bave lIef the olà apparel test was net fil te wear te the banquet. A soldiier caunnot uiseaa sword nutil ha bas uinshoa-thad il, and tbe body of jour departed 4Nas onhy the sheath of a hrîgbt and glittoriug spirit Whicb Qed ias lifted and le swaylng ln the heavanly triumüph. Arccrdiugt10what 1 arn beliing yen al pi-osent, yarCeIat- eu Obristlnieu did net 9go1se1r,111 int the comupauy eofthIba rtyzs,aeid thee aposties, sudth prephets, and thee poletues (if beaven l aIe 1 h.eCompany et grandfathar and graudmother and the Infant sister thut tarild juet long anough te abserb'you'r teudferecet affection and al tee homeit circla. Wheu tbayLiandad lb wae net as yen land ln AutwQrp or', Hamburg or Havre, weudoriug ap a strenge wharf, heokiug aI trauga faces, askiug for e strauge iiotal. Tbey landed aîid jo yur glerIiLd relatives, wroe are waitlng te great themn. oh,. dees net ti briuig he3ven _nearar? In.ttecad et hing fer off il comaes doron ju-st uow.eand il pute île arme arouadi aur nekeind wu fuel ils biroaîbh on oui- faces. Ih iell the trigid Fplandeor of the conveutional hea"ven into a demeastia Sceeue. Il comas very rch'oeta us. if we bhad eoux bchein lubeavaul, xvom wouhd we lirst sea? Haîher than look at the great potentates ot beeven wa would muet our bveC ues. I roant te Seo Maos and Paul and Joshua, but 1 weuld a great deal rathar sc my father,' wio Vient îýwaY 80 jears ugo. I roant ho sa@ tbe great Bible boroinies, DoLperais and Hianuais and Abi;gail, but 1 would ra-lier sau myy nother then te cea tise archaugel. 1 do net Ihînl t il rse uperstltious rohon eue Wedinesday -uigbt I 1steed by a deathbed witblu a taw bloks et1he chnircb wreaIproaehd, sud on the saine sýtreot, sud saro Ouaeor the aged Chirisýians eof tis ehcurch geiug ,into glery. AVtcr I bcd pray'ed xvithbr l aldte bier: "We have ai l oved yen very nmuoh aud roilwL&ys cherisis your iinmory la the Christian aisurcit. Yen willh sec ilj son before 1I ses itand I -roicb yen roould give lm iaur love." She'. seid, "I rolh, I rili,, aud in 20 MinlUteS Sha ras lu beavea-Ibe lest roords se. ver Speke. Il rose a eroif t message te tb. skies. If yen baC jour cisoica betwoeea ridiug lu a iseaveuly chariot and occupy- lng tise granàdeet palace in heaven and sitlug on the thi-ene naît iigisest te the Ibroeaet Qed anC net' seeîng jeur de@- peraited ones, Pand ou tise other baud dwell- ing ia 'Le humbleel place lu heaen, MONTRE4L. Qzae OA.M. 3. 27 Oct. 29 oct. 3 Nev, Sa-me Dy. 19 P Si-. JOuN, HÂLU'ÂX Amn Lîvxmireou Re4tÂL MA1L SEUNIcE. SI'. jOuE N HALIFAX. ParisienDec. 7, Dec. PalrisltienJen. , Dc 2 "Steemexsmerked ths direct te ivepo cabin on:il gýage f1,111 the railwcy statt Ibewbarf free RATES 0F PASSAGE. L erl anC lonedrylc ai 00 0 andC upwar'd ;rotumn, 114aCnw ' nâ Cei, i ebilud in1g Londton) 3.2.Steerege- 'LvepoieryBelfast, Geg',Londtin- Parisien o r Californin 2a350-t; destilien er Nu 1New York te Glegow anC Derry, ". IStteofe Noeske"MogCiia,11 cbilu 147.25 tupwerds; 2ýnd Cahin $25; steer5go 13.50 For ieliet l anC very Information ;ap- M1.' A. JA3iES, Allen Lîne Airent. Bewmanvillu. saw the cermnetg and p l:m es and ban. ners, and 1 ILsaw titaillbeaen was coi- lug ;oack agan-comlug 10 th"e waýlî, coigto the gate, and themutud tuat vent off ln the rmornlng was aug- mnented by a vast mrtitude caaglft up alive fron t te earth, aud a Valst mnulti- tude of the resurrected bedies of te Obristiani dead, leavlng, the cemieteries and the abbeys aud the mueeisand tbe graveyards of tisýeeah emnpty. Pro- cessýioiniroving in througb tile gaIes. And then 1 fouund eut that wha was fier,,- udgment day on Larth wlis juibilee lu 1 eaven, and I crled: "Dooriteepers of eaeshut the gates; ail heaven bas cornein ! Door]keepors, qhut the 12 gates lest the sorrows and the woes of eartb.ý like bandits, should saine da-y corne up and try te plunder the city 1" DON'T TALK 0F YOUR ILLS. People Are Miore Interested in the Pleas- anut Side of Life. "E-;(ryone cf us has his and lier o-wn alments," writes Edward W. Bolk in the Ladies' Home Journal, decrying the1 un- pleasant habit inany people have of dis- cussing their bodily lls. "It1 is eneuigb for us aIl te lteep well ourselves; te bn compelled te listen te the alments; of ethers does net inake that task any casier. Besides ail this, these unnecessary nar- ratives of personal alments are positively injurious te ourselves. Physicians ail 'agree that miany cf the sligbt 1linesses of whicb people maike se mucb, could Le cured if tbey -would but take their miinds frein themeeplves. Tee maun' peeple work timselves inte ilînesses, or pr-eent thmevstroini getting well, by talking about a petty alimntt, wblch., if forget- ton, weuld rigbt Itef. I will net sa:y that womien, more than men, are prono to tbis evil. But as the majority ef "No- men bave more leisure than the majerity of mon, they are more likely te let their minds dwell upen every littje ill that assails thein. and taik about il. It ceorne, te me that oe eof the most Important lessens we eau ail learu witb the close ef ïlie year le te, refrain frein infiictiug upon, ethers wbat le purely personal teour- selves. Let us cease this tiresome, this luconsiderate, this unnecessary talk abouit ur alments. Celd and bard as it m11,y Soen, the fact le nevertbolesc trt1t, and will ever romain so, that te ast nmajority ef people are interested ilu wbat le pleasint in our lives, but flot lu wbat is unpleasent. Pains and serrows are oe- mrents in our lves çwhich are sacred aui lnterestiug ouly te ourselves." 1How to Lay a Carpet. Lay tbe linings on the fleor, puttÀng a emiaîl teck bore and thore te keep them. lu place. Put the carpet on the floor, n- relling it lu the directien in wbich it le te be laid. Begin te tack il at the eud ef the reoin. wýhic-h le the mosti rregular. If there ho a fireplace or bay wlndow lu the reoin fit the carpet arouud these places first. Usýe large tecks te hold the carpet temperer-ily in place. Tboy can be witb- drawn wben the work ie finicbed. Wbien thu carpet e f ittred te a place, use smali tackjs te koeep it dewýn. Tack one end of the carpet, sirotching il well, then a side, thun. tieoether end and filnally the ether aide. Be careful te keop the linos straight adte bave the carpet fit tightly, fer if it be leoso it will net ouly look bad but wiil net ,Wear. CHidrn Cr fej incresses the circulatc thre scalp, gives morep te thre nervês, supplies 1 Iun elements te the Used sccording te È tions, gray bai- begir show celer in a few ( Soon itlibas aIl the sof aud ricbuess of youth thre color ef early Èf.e rei Woaid yen like aur on tise H air? We roig send it Io you. Wi'Iteus If yen do not obtaina bene flts you expected the VIger, write the d aboutiît. Herinay beal euýggest emetigof te yen. Addrcýss, Drm. Ayer Co., Loaveil, Mai jusi the saie as tonsumrptien. R [à 1«le the Spring Of i1897, 1 wae attackcd i witb Dyspepsie sud IHeertsuru. Se' severe roue tbe pain that 1 couild nolý shoep or'eat, aud I avas troubled with headache Most ail the time. 1 remained in thal etate for tbree montbis, anud tried everything 1 could tbink of. At isst oe' day I moud in the paper about Burdocli Blood Bitters,. sud tbougbýlt/ soould ry il. Greatý wae miy surprise ci-,'fi.nishiný the first bottie te fiud _h could 1esýt htb r the beadlache lefI me, ind before 1Ia uscd the secoud<btteIhs 1pl -éured. 1 cannot sdvise tee slrongly Rý safi'erers from stomacis troubles la tIr B.B.B" Mý,.TS. _WM1. GA AN, lni diautoron,-IN;B. Thfe unive rsal te.stinony fronil ail parte oýf Canuda givê,s fthe palwý of victory over ail' diseases of th(,- Stomach, Liver, Bo-roals and BlooË4. 0. IIARNDEI Graduate et the Roy alCol OFFICE.-OpýpoSile ,E-' VITALIZED J. M. BRMA 1DENTIK Oiffice. for- -a (U)317IIJPïN ILAINX for Il K[ýcENNDY& KE-RG 148 SHELBY STREEI vorslty ou earth and the sasallest clame lu a prlImary scbool cannoI be a greater differeuce Iban heavfen as It Dow le and iieaven as lb once was. Do yeunont sup- pose that wban Dr. Jamnes Simnpsun weit up tram thee ospitals of Edinburgh int h2aven be knew more than ever the science of iUealth, and that Joseph Henry, avadsatirwatrain the Sculthsoim Ia5ati- J dmatlWlint %Tlckctsa ill will bho good te rotra ieavtng osti- A idespensible visiter te ein heaven I You arid 1 wllbchan la sepro- rumblad aud galleped dewn tbe s'-y. nation net latorthan WedaeD(,1%se141 15t8 Av an cession, jeu aud I wll'- Ibur a strtnug After I had lietped tbtha sentinel I or nolitil close of navigtin if ur-e)o pilas Ai(asf.rmetivofan lu thiat gr'cat o"erehet. Tsat willlb. tise leeked ai! over the battiements, and I1reeced byMwOkokm Navigation Ce. jA 't auesc grealest day ln heaven sînce tha dlay whea sa that the flelds et air wr brighî topee Oynî9o tpiî"Svr n e Dollar a Year. lthe first block of Jmer was put êownwibusbasu Wr. ai,"Ys e erh fAJonathan fo h iudtonadtes1,ý must be the judgmueat," aud while IUtIiIIadFs2gGod u i nfra A1yte ferthetoudabon ud is.firt hug~ Ishod there 1 'haard'dtheerumblIrig oftl rmainy ngenit eofan T EnRailly A ohta per.wig f thea la, ah.lsaa 1h eaitrlag t biea sdor freiin Ir,.jACic Is audi&" r"a 1 M. C ILU How leths; Perbape sleeesniit caused i1, or grief, or lk- esor perbupe lwe ae No matter robaI the cause yen cannot wisb te look oià at thirty. Gray bair je starved hait. The hair bulbe bave becil deprived of proper fooçl or proper nerve forcie. Agr qP0 Numidicu "Lelureuitian