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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 Nov 1898, p. 7

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n le. ~MORE33~", i r ~ ~~iW~~hI Famiily agz~o $00 A YEAR '!I cipîa price of Dpmorest's3 is reduced to $1-00 a Y car. r ENOREST'S contains mo,,re matter, artistic, scientifir, J s,îlan-] practical tban any other one mazazmne contains. t je n magazine for the whole,. famiiy. It gives as much genlera). n 1ý'ast,, n exclusive hitere.r'y magazine. It treats household triMe aa fully as a strictly domestic journal It gives as miuch ine zeo matter for vouai people os a strictly yeung people's ~~urî trî c trc' ~;îîîres - a %trietly fashion paper. t ,le beautîfully Led îrîrrvrl, . I r edited. L'enioreýt'd Magazine Fahiori Department js in i -c îùieine-c in env otner publication. Siibacribers are entïtiec ci~~~~~' h nnht âteoi test famhions in wgman'e attire, at no coet ta theni other thar il' f4 irebeeery for pi eae ccd rappîng, N ~e1"rChr~tene gfrhan a year'.3sulseription ta Demoeet's Magazine can be mad. Rmit 51.(0 o ney i r Fp ieest,red lette" or check tii y 1î~ OEST 'IJLISHNGCO,, 110 Fifth Ave., NZew York City3 G UE XT SPECIAL CLULIBING OF1ER FOR PROMPT SUBSOqRIPTIONS. Onl ~for ttho statesman nd Dmo1est's Faâm±1y Magazine SEND SUBSCRIPT16NS TO THIS OFFICE. S din lVlahines There are, many kinds of Sewing Machines; but where purchasing a nevw machine yýou shouid by ail means get the very best-This is the kind I sel. For Taiilors' and Dressmakers' use, our Machines have no equal. Prices reasonable, terms made to suit the purchaser. Full guarantee with every maichine. Intending purchasers should eall and investigate, or sent postal card and agent will be around. ]3est machine ohl for sale. Buy no othier. Machine parts and repairs supplied. 1 hav-e a beautiful Six-Octave Piano-Case Organ for sale, a big bar- gain. New supplies of Bloots and Shoes, Wall Paper, Pure Paris Green. and best vaieties of Turnip Seed. senry ElliottrJr. Blls Are Now Attracting Public Attention, ýut tX- most important bihla the DOLLAR BILL.' For this bill we are 0w .pre to givc the public better value than ever before. Forý Ordered Clothing we ca rry a tasty ýand up-to-date line of ,weedIs, S-erges a-ld Worstedý, at priçýes just exactly even with quality. We have js received a new shipment of Dress Goods, Prints, acies' Blouses, and Straw Goôds for every day and Sundaywear, and le pices will sell them.' In (roccries ie carry onfly thec Lest goods and will always be found -ih 'a f ull assortrnent of ail linos in public demad-all pr.icéd bargain- iLy. We aise carry Crockery, Machine O11, Paint Oil, Paints,Axle Grease, mee Wire-, Nails, Binder Twine, Field and Garden Seeds, and Patent e dicýine us in fulll hue. W\Ae don't asIc you te believe, but ask you te investigate. HAMPTF, Cnian.i-Wat iairc rauthint iis cp.'îe1)a manailbishlilines l Cqinei--Weil thli asplayel havue ihegôo ey rte ae itiy May flotho espnsile or is trouble? Captan-Youoviîentiy ueefundet'- culThisian i ram Kouky.- ipsoNews lt la Woaek or Irregelerv don't Hesi. tata to start the usé(o'fMlburn's heart -id FI»IerveOPilisot once, Wit e trostrcady, reguiear puls e may xpoc gorus heaitb. GA T E FU L COIFORTING Disinuihed esverywhlere fer d elioaýcy cf -!lavor sp- tiiepropwrers.Spec- ially grateful nd ccncr,- dyspeptie. Sold only n _lb tnlbleiJAMES EPPS&CO., Lt., Hom... oeopeth!ic chelmfists, Lon-. don, Englnd. BREAFASTSUPPER Ww WW With Pa weak, i-cuaintorm- ifîth use wo cau telnet once thevîtt i Dnfsci I W w-t afDizy od alt pcls Suat. ficCi.leunsnfe 'mgau SukogSenrt insag Mnei Pnul o thrus bcd isPwef a anditiaus ara 1b"Mulm ra w suenïnW - eU blo liar flect and Nerve 'las A, Vonc -'taffds t Mrs- P. ttre'in nWatenloo WW UiLMtrergilin 5.aci<.-nus na Forj, u i"ri ~ ~ ~ J.Tbn fS~al'e"i atîcu, I bh" Wcatad rrenia i ess tIiat my K.ielney Cure CsaMPIalat and ltu maniy Instances the mesi , Feieas forma of Prlrht's tijeease. If tLho diseuse l9 cern-r PMIlateI send a four- ounte vIal ofutirine-. and u&I4lse yen £rea ~wata do. ât ail l&st@, 25a. ViaL Guie to Eeai*.u I3OWMANVJLLE. NOV. 2, 1898. "6PAPA. WIIAT WOULI) YOtJ TAKI FOR ME ?11 She was îecdy te sieep and she lay oi My cri,. lu ber lit tic frilied cap se flue, Wif blber golden bain iîanging ouf a .the cdge,4 Like a circle et noon suusbine. And I bummed the- eldtuneet Ban bury Cross, And Three Men Wb1o Put Out te Sec 9When she sleepiiy seid, as she closeé e bier blue eyes: "Papa, wbaf would yen take for me?' And I answcred: "A dollar, dear littiE ýe hècnt," Io Ai-d she siept, baby wearY witb play, But 1 Idid er warm in iny love-strong crias, .And I rocked bier and rocked awey. O,tbc dollar ineant allich world fa me, The land 'and the sec and the sky, 'The lowest depf h et the lowest place, The hi ghesî t fclithat'ýs !big,,. AIl the citées.,with streects and palaces, Witb the people anàd stores ot art, I would nef take for oee ow sott throb) 0f nmy littie one's ioving b, eat; Non ail tbe gold thet wcýs ever f ound, lit' the busy, weelth-fludiug past, Would I fake for eue sinile et my darl. ing's face, Did I kuow it must be the lest. So I recked îy baby and nocked away, And I ftlf sncb e sweet content, For ýthe wonds et the song expressed .more toee Tban.they eve'before bcd meant. And the nigb rt crcpt on, and 1 slept and dreamed, 0f thinga fer fou glerions ta be, And I wcken'd with lips say in- close ininy car, "Papa, whct wouid yen feke for me?" -Bugene Field. Catarrhal Deafness The mest stage develapmunt ut Nasal Ca- tarrh. Japaese Catarrh Cure goes away pa5st the polis where even spoulalists on the diseuase have ben able ta reacli. It'e a pene- tratiag, soorhiag, hualing ald compîound, allaying the inflaîmmatio.nand heaiing w'thorrt leavinig the sîleliteet bad aftr-res'elts. The oniy guaranteud Catarrh cure. 50ec tai al druggistc 11 SIXTH LINE Miss Jackson whu bas been visiting Mr. E. Mortonu bas returned haone ta Emil3 Townsbip....Mr. Thos. <Green- woad, Part Hope, bas been packing apples an the liue,. . . Miss Elic Cooney was recent guest et Mn. Frankt Morgani. KIRBY, Mr'. C.- J. Theruton is bame f roi the nurÉb country... ey. J. C. Seyinour, Paisley, Ont. visitedacf'Mn. Tihomnas Hendersan's.... Mr. Wm. rýsn-bas retnrned fsom StnlrE arnacks-, T, 1or- onto, whene hoe bas bcen takinz a course lu Iufa>ýnertrnining. . ....Mn4. Thos. Heu- dersun ilaîecx-ovrring train c breken rnb. Mr. John Paker:. Mn,. 1Jo hn Davidsun, Meaford, and Mns. RuseofGait, attend- ced the funerel ut the tather, Mn. Jehn Panrker, Sctnnday. Miss A. C. Parker is visifing- cf Mns. Jobn Parker's.. Tbrcc eid residents have, died- witb ea few dcys ut eacb other. Mr. John Prker-, dic'i on Thiursday marning, Oct. 2tb, aged 81 yecns. Decesed bas been long and tavorabiy known as c just and honorable gentlemnan. Hie was twico îarried and 1baves c wîdow and several sons and dag tctemaun blis deafh. Bey. W. . LAdainsnid Mr James Gilfillan conducted otbei funerai services ... Ro bt.Colviile, s. ide bis laie residence, Ieae, Oct. 20 aged 87 cars. Dececsed t onrnîaîîy yecrs was menîber ut Township Council lu the posiion of Councillur and hicuve, and also Wanden of these United Caunt les. A of lvutsix grown u Lp daunghfors s,!unmili7 IasJa eMil- ler, relict of the lateW ia hp;,le, been a resident e lrt for 37 STARKVILLE. Mr. John McKay intends feedinz a number of cattie this winter having Purehaseud twelve bead froin Mr.CG. A. Stephens, Darlington .... Bob'Sharpe, kuet ofetMr. Andrew Sharpe- broke bisq leg at school.. .. Misses -B aid TiH. aldwell and Mr. Fred. Kelly, Perrvtown, were recent guests of Mr. JasStrk.. .Mr. Jui. Siceman, Zion, visited at Mr, John llallowell's, ...Mr. Garvwod, orno, is painting Mr. W. J. I{aliowi 's residenc .... The annual fowl supp-r in connection witb Shilohý churcbiwas held Oct. 3uth -and 3sut. R-iv. J. J. Liddy, Oshawa, conducted tho S'unday services and on Monday suipper was served at 5 p. m. atter which anii excellent program was given cun,4istiug of sengs, recitations and speeches. COWANVILE. Mr. Archie MeNeil bas rented his farin f0 Mr. Jno, Caswell.... Mr. Milton Graham, isited bis uncie Mr. Robert Nesbitt, recently .. . .Mr. llarry Lent, Suspenision Bridge, is visting bis sister Mrs. Wmi. iH. Cowan. . * Mrs. Hewlett, Coiborne, is visititing ber father, Mr. Seymnour... . Mrs. Seymnour is very iii.. Mr,.Robert Graba m nid wîfe have gone to Port Hïope.. . Mr. Jno. Reid's driv- ing horse got its foot oyer the tic, strap in the stali and so soverely injured itself that it wiil have te be killed, ...Whiie Mr. Jno Palmer was driving down Col- willl's hilI the wbeel came of bis cart and the borse f rightened' and breaking away from tbie rig tbrew Mr. Palmer to the -round. le dragged himselt to Dr. Farncomb 's office wbere it was found that two ribs were broken and bis bauds bacdly eut. ORONO. Mrs. Chas. Barrett, Mn. Lew Buekiey [and Mis. McCuiiougb bave'been iiEl... Mis. Sainue! Duuseatb, St. Many's, is visîting Mn. Len. Gamsby... . Mr. John Proctor, Toront o, wcs lu town, recently ...Mn. Geo. Rowe, Bowmanviiie,, vis- itcd bis brother, Mn. R. T. Rowe.... Mrs. (e. Thos. Jackson, Sf. Thomas us vliigMr. Wm. Luxton.. . .Mn. Frank Dring aud daitigbtei, Mauvens, visited Mn. W. H. Bcnieft.... Miss Em Reid, deugbteî et W. H. Rcid,, M.P.P., ia visiting Mî.James Lînton .... Messrs. 0. A. Gamsby and C. G. Arimtrong sang et Zion on Moudav evein... . Messrs. A. A. Gamsby, W. H. Reuwick, J. M adntucd Dr. Spencer are dcci huznting lu Mukkc. .Wnntnd littie dugter ot Mn. F. W. Wiiaison us rccioverïng ftîem ber ilînca,ýs. . .. Mis. S. Bedlfoîd fbas nturned ta Port Penny .... Mr. Robent Cooper is back tram St. Manys .. .. Mrs. Chas. MeLean and Miss McLecn Terento,aud Miss Undcrwood, Kendall, were gucats et Mr. Wm. Me- Conmack necontly.... .Mr. Joseph tttck- aby bas secured c situation lu Camille .... Mn. GÈo. Muszrovc, Millet-, spent Suuday week wit h bis family et Hamil- ton .... Mn. Thos. Hoopen intends mov- iug te bis tanin recenfî' tenant cd by Mn. Peter Conucl. . ... Mn. Thos. Ha rri- son and sou, William, of Blanchard, N. Dwene in tuwn recentiy . ... Mn. lien nison was c wcli-knowu resident et this section soie 26 yccrs cgeo. The Courpîuiou for th,- Rest of 1898, The principal attractions affercd by THE YeUTmm's CocxîiANaîcy for the t-emeîn- ung wceks of 1898 provide a tenetaste et the goed ihing's te follow lu 1899, To the finit issue i Nevenîber Frank H Stecktan xiii catrnibute c liumorous sketch, entitled "Suie et My DegsIl and lu the issue for the week et Noxcein- bet- 10th wilI appear Rudi-ard Kipiing-'s tbniliing stony of the heroisîn of soldiens lu ic n ahk S,"The Bunning et the Sanah Saeds." lu the seven, issues te foiiew thene will be contributions hy Lord Duffenin, Will'iam D. Howeils, J. E. Chamibenlin, the Amreiccu war corresponident, Mary E. Wilkins, Hon. Thos. 1B. Hedthe Marquis et Lurne, Mmiýe. -ittian Nordica and I. Zangwill. Tiiose wbio subscribc new ton the 1899 vouewill receive eveny Nuveinber and December number of TuapCompAN- i oN fromr the finie et subsciption te the eud et the year free, the Companion Caednfor 1899 free, and then the entire 52 issues ut The Compaulon to Jcnuaryý 1, 190.Ani iliustnated cun- ounicerinent eto the 1899 volume and scîle coieGs wull be sent free te auy uneadrsng Tue Ycu O-T'ns CearANON, 211 ColumuýbusAv, Boston, Mess. lir 1-7 Y_ L', rýe_4" tBll -1ple-Je et n ~PETER MU IJOOR I DREAD TO) bAVEF FROM DROWNING. A Widespreatd Superstitio>n That Prevents Many Remcues. A stl'ang amtipathy once provailed te rescue a drowniag man, the iden heiîig that the person saved would, sacner or later, do soine sort af iiijury to the mani wba preserved bis lite. Sir Walter Scott, in "The Pirate,"' tels how Bryca, the peddler, rotueed ta help Mo,ý,rdaunjt ta cave the shipwrecked seiýor tram druwning, and evan remonstrated, with hlim on the rashneýss if quch a deed. "Ara Yeu xaad, " sad the peddlor, "Iyau that have lived sae a ng in Zetland, te risk the saving uf a drowning man? Wot ye not, if ye bring bilm ta lite again, he will beo sure taodc. you saine lnjuryi e d emong ur sec going commii ty lu Mary Parts ut the country, oxisted flot very long ago in Cornwall. It ls taund, toa, amnang French sailors and the boat- m 'on uf the flanu bo, and le wldely credit- ed in Russie. Mr. Barry, lu fiis "Ivan at Home," gives striking Instaneut the roepugnance of fhe Russians, ta saving lite troni drownîng. One day a drunken Iman walked into, the wcter and disap- peared. A number af aneatators staod by and gazed un the scone wlth the utinost indifferenco, but no ane tried ta rescue hlm. A court of inquiry'Nwas beld, but as, on examinetion, no cross was tound on big nec];, a verdict was qulckly agreed upon by the vhllagers, wba daclared that the man was "drownod boeuse hie bad 1no cross upOU is necjk." The Boenlan bsherman ebrinks froin snatching a druwning mani tram the wate-rs, toarîng that the waer dem an would take away bis lnck in flshlng and drown hlm at the flrst Ôppurtunity. This is a iingoring survive! ut the ancent, signiticancautftls superstition, the ex- planatian balng that thea, water spirit 1a naturally angry at baing dCespailed utf bis vietim, and hencofurth bears a special grudge against the untlucky persaon whu bas diared tu frustrata hlm. Thus, whant some une is drownad in Garnyn, the remarkt is made: "The river spiritelaixue bis yearly sacrifice." or "Tho nix bas takcen hlm."l Ou', uf Eururý, alsýo, the atceidenta! drowning Of a poisoýn is qtr1butod ta a siller seizuir3, anatrie Siamieseü dreads the pnulk, or Water spirit, thet Scolzas bathers and drags thei under ta bis dwelling.ý The Sioux Indiens have a sin- Ilar tency, and tell huiv mon have beon drowned bv Unk-Tahe, the water ions- ter. For thu Lame reason, It appeers, thse Karitchadeils, fer from helping a man Out of huwater, would drowi hlm. by force. If roscueà by any chance, nu une wolild recelve hlm Into bis bouse or give hlm food. The Chinese reinctance te savo a man froni drownlng arises froin quite a differ- ont bellot-lt being sup)posed that the spirit ut a persan wevh bas mot bis daath In this way continues tatlit aiong the surface et the water until it ba-s caused by drowning thaecieatb ut a tellow crea- ture. A Chineman. tharefara, who et- tempts te rescue anather tram drowning la considered to incur the bevred ufthtie uneesy spirit, which le dasirous, even et the expense of a man's lite, ta escape tram its wanderings. The J.Ua Was on Papa. An amusmng incident ocro in an, A., B. & C. c3ar ou the orn fnuttha Fourth. Four yonng couplesý, evidently out for an erijoyeble, day, weru seated on one sida ut the car having a decideillv gaud turne. While ttioir murrirnent was et its height a 7-year-oid boy acruss the aiâie suddanly Ieaned forward. "Say, mister," ho caliod ta une ut the yonng mon, '1Why don t yu ise yaur girl ?" 'Tho young man lauked np in surprise and the girl-a pretty girl, tnu-bushed. "Talmaga, Telmaze," said the bayas father, "'what du you moan by snch talir?" The boy laoked af bis father In sur- prisud disgust. , "What's the mattar wlth yuu,dc" ha crled. "Yeu tald mn you'd du 15 if yau was hlm.", And the father found the landscape decidedly inturesbing until the yOung pua- pie left the car. Experlenents W ith Tires. English manufact 'uvrs are exorting theielvos witb e vîow tu furnishing a tire that will circunivent tecks, sharp stores, spliuters, etc. ihny have partially succeeded in co-far as thora are row en exhibition in Englaud titresun wlàîtl Loîie Tmysterus compound h plqeul that saizes a punctu re aimait as quickly as if happons. Othere aa ostippurtua hy ruhbur licita instead ut compressaà air, and 55111 anuiber tire on whlch thore are caverai- chamnbers, three ut wbich muet ho punc-- tured hefure the lamer tubea w!17 ouccu.mb, We have beoau through ai that miat year,- all it je ail veniry au exatofutspk-ît. The uniy way in tae ura rn --bber lun ho e , and Whou t11uy g-ot iuncturei,ý bave thoînra rpejrud. Monenwhiile don't Divorce Law la Burinait, Wben a Burma.Ee bushenl udxife decide to sepa-raýt, the woranaugues oun andltenys tu ltecandlesof oqual iýemgtb, whîch aýre made epeiiyfor their use. She bings thon homje. ahL% and ber hushaind it duwn an theflour. placing tàe cullies hetiv,-,en ,tbuuî and iight theinimn! Cacdia stands for hbr, thothol, for -hlm. The une wbse candie goo ount tiret lises and gries ouf et the bou1se furaver, witb notb- ing but whaî buý or she n3ey hava on. 1The coa bs cantleO bas survivod the longer fiie, avn by a second,tau evervtmuing. S4o the idivorce u divieýMo of tbe prapry fuecnci ie division, aesthd 1%lof e CiÈe ii I1erm f sins or A-u,'îi'.ci L ,i- pg r'"' ' - "ý .ci jee nOla' i n-tf-d~îI i ig o i ,Ou cihiflfr t , l- rî..cacil ai mro, ile r e-î ai o f i i. a c ahr 'ini i n10 ofclo l'o- (in-~ Iii iCt-cic Ui Ch mcsf Chain toS a25e tu OPl.b 1î o e'oatî ias.fa An Ep ilep tic Sufferer A FB MELON FARMER TELLS 0F RIS REMARKABLE CUR«E. At Begular Intenvals Ro Wcs Sub- jeet to Fits, and Doctons Told Hlm the Troubla Wcs Incuiable-Now, Free From the Malady, Frow the wrcrE'r, Liudsýay, Ont. Mr-. Roberi McGee, ou the 9th conce'ssion of Fenelon, Vrictoria Ce., scys iu speakîng cf bis cure froin ibis - -rsn- enviI-. - ----------y ai -- an cd live oin the oid hemestead jhr I vwas bon and have lived ai- wa';Ys since, and where my ewn litile familY Were borii. This part of Fen- elon is known,, as McGee's Settle- mient, there are'se uîany ef that naie living lu thé vicinity. Neyer iin my life did I lrnow what a day's sickness was until March, 1895, wlîen without any knlown cause and witheut any warning 1 was stricken dowm with an epieptic fit. lt came on in the night, causing greet consternation in the household, as my wife, who never saw enything ef the kind before, thought it wcs my end ; as for my- self 1 neither feit uer knew auything that was going on about me. Affer. coming eut of the convulsion, which they tell me uisually lcsted frein fif- feen te fbirty minutes, I wo uld fail iute a deep sieep frein wbicb I would awcke with a duil, heavy'feeling, and cil the muscles of nîy body weuld beý sore, Tbis wuid pess aweay and in, a day or fwe ,IterIlle attack I would lbe abie te oaLten t m fr workî-, but stranige te Say, every four mn'Otbls cer ias regular as ac dock I would be seized wvith ea fit, which ai-, Weys Caine, on et nighnt. various doctjrs and specialists were cuui ed and I took severai different medi- cines, but without effezîting a cure. Several docters said the disease was incurable. I read of Dr. Williams' Pink Pis in the newspapers and ,was advised by frieuds wbo hbcd ex- perienced cures frein other seeming- iy incurable cilments, te fry themý In Noveuiber 1896, I cemmenced and kepf ou tekiîîg thein reguiarly for a y eer, The dreeaded period passed and passed again aud again wihout e repetition of my trouble, and I teit tiiet I was et lest released frein this terrible melady I -am nuw in the of health, and I at- tribute rmy cure te Dr. Wilicisý Pink Pis. ,lI conversation with Mrs. McGee she said that lier bus- band's- trouble was the cause etfruest seriously cffecfing bier nerves and generel beaitb, as she wes always living in dreed, and could neyer en- joy a nyh' rest. The siightest noise wouid startle her, and if it had net been for the kîndness of a ueigh- ber who eiways canie and stayed et the house over night, she bectieves shie would have broken down alto- gether.. She aise is thenkful fer the great change that has been wrought, and ic enly too giad- te ict others xxidi similar afflictions know that there is e rernedy for this terrible disease. Dr,. Williams' Pink Pu'is cure by geing te the root of tlh.. diseese. They retiew and bufid up the blood, and s1rengthen the nerves, t'eus driving diesease frein the s ystem. Avoid imitations by insistîeg that CVeryv box yen purchýase is enciosed io a wvrqpper bearing the full trade matir, Dr. Williaems' Pink Pils for Paie Pee' ple. If your dealer dees net keep ftîern fhey, w'ill be sent post paid et 5o ccnts a box or six boxes for $25o by addressing the Dr. Wil- liams' Medicinie Co., Brockx îse, Ont. 1831 Sixty-Ti\fitli Y1899 Joi tr GotiHaE INDISPENtŽSABLE TO ALL COUNVTRY RESIDENTS WHIO WISH TO KEEP UP 1WITH IRE TIMES Single Snbscriptiens $2; Two Subsoriptieus15353 Fonu- Sibsripiens6, pecialîiducernents, te railsers of largr clbs. rite fer paýrticu- ree te Jaîi, ite nevý,ý suý1,scîibers 'I (I --- 1 ý ý 1 1 - 1 - 1 [ --.- -- -.. -Py ro0j;ý 1 inalagy : "! am ýzý Veàýýý nf l 1 m

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