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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 Nov 1898, p. 8

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~Y 441 ~4... ~ -r -< i 4.~ 'i ~i i4.4. 4 .4 4-. 4.. 14 r i i - .4 ~ -t t...4- eô~ wIlT e-evrcit ail-parts o0 etuna lowest possible price for CASHI. J. Carveth. BOMWMANVILLE. TO VISIT OUR STORES AND 8S'EE THEf CHOICE NATTY DESIGNS IN FURNITURE .. . . ... Largest stock, 1atest desigas, lowest prices is our motto. We ask your inspection to convince you. We have the latest ideas in Easy Chairs, Writing Cabinets and Centre Tables also a larg:e lne'of Parlor Suites and Couches. Dining Room Suites at ail pî'ices, allow us the privilege of showing you our goods, we know we can please yo u. Levi, Morris. NEW IHAVEN. The Trustees have secured Mr. C. W. Slemon as teacher for the coning year ...Mr. A. Brittain, who lias been veryj 111, is somewhat improved .. .. M rs. E. J. Power lias beeni visiting relatives on Base Line'. ...Mr,. J. J, Grahiam found1 it very uupleàsant wheclingý fromn Sun-i deriand on Sunday last, .. Mr. D). Mut- ton met with quite a mîsfortnne last week. lUs engirie falling througli a bridge. Mfter working al uight the men suicceecied in raising it, not mucli the worse. . .. Mr. M. Oke and family have moved to Oshawa .... Miss Nancy VanCamp has returned af ter au enjoy able visit with relatives in Car twright and Cavan. HAMPTON. Visitors: Miss Maud Creeper, Hay- don, at Mr. Creeper's: Miss M. Kers- lake, Strathrov, at Mr. G. Kýersiake's; Mrs. G. Kersiake visiting fiends nt Oshawa. . .. Mrs. A. H. Stott is at Ton- onto General Hospital undengoing treatment for a veny severe throat trouble .. .1ev. J. P. Wilson, B. A., preached a very interesting missionarY sermon Sunday morning .. .. Bible Soci ety meeting here Wednesday evening, Dr. Parker deputation.. .. Mr. W. R. Aluin bas been appointed District Dep- uty by the H. C. R. of the Independent Orden of Foresters .. .. The members of the E. iL. C. E. are pnepaing for Thanksgix-ing day entetainment ... Quarterlv meeting next Sunday morn- ing atEldad. 1ev. W. Joiliffeconiducts the evening service here. Pastor Thomas preaches at Zion. TYRONE. Mr. Chas.Rall vi tedi friençls at1 Oshawa %v sasrmntetSna ..i -frézo. 1ëeîtbs -nÏov nig_ o--r.- Ross, farm ... . Mr. J. A. Werrv arrived safely in England having a good trip.. *..Mr. Wiii. Fursey bas moved to the Tremeer farm .. .. Miss Maud Ashtoni is quite ii .... Mr. W. H. Montgomery lias resumed his studies at Qneen's Univer- s;ity. .... Recent visitors: M-r. and Mrs. Jno. Hall, Enfield; Mn. L. T. Courtîce. Bowmffanvîlle; M1r. Lyman Gifford and daugter* Ohawa; Miss C. B. Little- johns, Courtice; Mr. Luther Bradiey, Enfild ,... A pleasant event transpired at the residence of Mr. D. Montgomery Oct. 20th, when lis eldest daugliter, Lydia Margaret, was united ini marri- age with Mr. Wilson Gerrow of Port Ferry in the presence of a large* num- ter of f riends gnd acquaintances. 11ev. H. Thomas tied the nuptial knot. Trhe happy young couple will reside about two miles north of Port Perry. Thev have the best wishes of the community for a long and bappv life. TO CURE A.COLD IN ONE DAY. Take Laxative Brome Quinine Tablets. Al IDruggsts refnnd the money if it fails to cure. p rge25 cents. NEWCASTLE. Visitons:- Miss Znox,Belleville at W. H. Chaplin's; Miss Edger, Bowman- ville, at MrGeo.Joll's ; Mrs. Thos.Keat visting ber son at Belleville.,. ..Mn. Albert Waldon,Toronto,at home ; Mrs. Sanford lias returned hometoNewYork; Mr. and Mns. A.Elsworth at Port Hope .... The Ladies' Aid had a successful bazar and tea, Thursday. Proceeds about $50... .1ev. R1. Taylor will give his report of the Sabbath School Clon- vention next Sunday eenng .... Mn. and Mrs. S. Baskerville now occupy their neW residedce lu the village.... Movements of citizens-Pat Brown to Toronto - John Pool in Toronto ; W. Clare at Shannonville ; JohnArmstrong G. T. R. brakesman at home, Major ~u1litIull 111 p~ioes n oui'~ ~ve Weaeboan hsdepartm -eut bysel-ling goods- at- prices nev-er before thought of inBowmanville. Gold Watches for the prices of silver. Silver Watches for the prices of niekie. Niekel Watch.L es for alrnost nothing. Jewellery, Silverware, Spectacles, are ail on the sarne iist. If you want to save rnoney corne in and soe what we are doing. Any quantity of Poultry wanted-young or old. Chieken vae feet and headis off and no giblets. Now is the tinle to bring themn. Alone in %lthe -%Lead--.,,O ,1/ ais sermon as Iollows btanUdiUl1 11 in lll1wi4 g ieap .UbuU.F, 1.60; this place, where, of aIl others. mere PortHope,$1.50;Newtonville,$1.40; New- eulogy would be inappropriate, I know castle, $1.25 ; Bowmanville, $1.15; that I speak for every one of you in say- Darlington 81.05; Oshawa, $1.00: ing that our Governor-General qud the Whitby, $1.00. Tickets goodi partner of his life and member' '-f is g, i on ail p. mi. trains on Thursday, familv earrv with them nur . .'nrFnidayreturning u~rn~n umutij.adwi .'! -1 uuw-1 IIP. ' L;) i1ePort - . .. dfstarting uleasing.liait price. tried everything imaginable, but it did me no good. CUTICURIÂ SOAP cnrTed Me. Feb. 20,'98.L..GILAO P OVa i wus troubled for eight yea-rs with pimplea en thse face. 1 comxenced ùsing CUTICUBÂ SOÂr. in a yM short time thse pimples al disappeared and MY ikin IS now in a healthy condition. JAMES FOSTEK, 1 1 Fb ,19.Dixinout, Aleglieny Co., Pa. Sod e.iinh.ut Ih,,,,d. Pie.1e.PTTBR DRUG ASfl cEE"u. uoenr., soie Propp., Boton dIi 0W tPvsa1euted ux. rýpIM,' uie4*$. aIDp. .lu. EU puup&ri-IU c _if-v 151 mneOÙai UUT' tou m a. m. ÙV large posters. 2 p. m., and at Newcastle froni 2.30 un- FRED. GRitFriI, President; TEAs. WHIT.. tii 7 p. mi., on the second and fourth PiELD, ist Vice-President; AiîsoN TÂTr- Mondays of eadh Month. LOR, 2nd Vice-President; -P HOnir, Treasurer;,J. H. CowÂN, 'Secretary. Gold plates, Crown and Bridge work and Painless extraction are specialties. O b icidre n Cry for Utagyard'u Yt>ilow OH curem, apraina, brutues, mores, weunds, oute, frostbItes, C1A ~~T"u R t A.. ohIiblaisn,suaof1ur.so1 wnenl your watcn goes wroni RPickardIis located lu Bol See his watches before you He will save you money an satisfaction. Caîl. Grocers due bilîs talkQn a T. N. RICKW Jeweller and .Optician, Bo j;') 41 4 ~ 'y- Dem --- - -

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