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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 9 Nov 1898, p. 4

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The 'Souvenir Range < z 1.-Where tire fresir air enters. 4-Indicates tire action of tire air in 2.-Circulating f resh air flue (and where passing througb tira aven. it becomas beated.) 5-Exît flue for impure air. S.-Fresh heated air antering aven. 6.-Back view of fire box. Tis is the secret of SOUVENIR'S success. It has undergone ahl the tests -been weighed lu' the balance of experience-but is neyer found wanting. They are a perfect stave and neyer disappoint users. EASY TO BUY, PRICES ARE LOW. Cail and sce them at Phone 66, BOWMANVILLE. This is ttrue of! Ptriees in many ines Books for instance --,A ehoice as- sortment of the best authors, fulil cloth bound, good print, 25e eacb. Regular 25e illus- trated cover, coated paper, 20c. Wall Paper stili to1 the front. 1A large lot, bouglit at great re- duction, just received. You get the benefit, al my regular stock also reduced. Linen Window Shades. I keep no culis, and my new stock just opened are mounted on best rollers. Yon will have no trouble wlth these. Picture Frames and Framed Pictures, lower titan ever. Room Molding,--I have 'it, plain oak, gold or tinted, fromt 3c per foot. A special hune of "Souvenir of Bowmnan- ville" goods, just the thing for visit ors. As usual full supply of school books, scbool supplies and stationary. SP. TR1EBILCOCK. BOWMAfNVILLE. BOWMANVILLE. NOV. 9, 1898. 4IROWTH AND> PROSPERITY. Great interest and importance is ai- ways attacbed to the annal meeting of the Canadian Bankers' Association. The one recently beld in Toronto is of specially great importance to the Do- minion, for no business or profession is so closely in sympathy with the prevail- ing conditions of trade and commerce, and no wbere can so sen sitive a barom- eter be found to indicate the state of the country. The proceedings through- out, from the address of the President, and the discussions at the business ineetings,to tbe speeches at the banquet, were of tbe highest value, tholigh it is true 'Opposition papers would' seek ta qualify their significance by a querulous criticism that there was a little too much of a political flavor therein. 0f cusif to point out, as did President Wilkie, tbat bis year of office bas been marked by an increase of trade, and ruanufacturers, by an increase in the price of farmers' produce, by a develop- irent of the gold area in the Yukon, a*d the mining districts lu British Columbia and Ontario, and by the ad-t dition of many millions to the nationalt wealtb, if to mention tbis is sbowing undue political bias, then not only he, but many others who took part, will bave to admît the impeachment. 1t UJnlike the aforesaid Opposition, thesei are bard-beaded 'business men, whot care notbing for the political aspect, tof whom it neyer occ urs that there is at political aspect; for in tbese matters,d their business is carr led an aloug re- y cognîzea econamicai and commercial lines, and tbey go at once tafrst prin- ciples for tire interpretatian of axisting conditions, and for tire guidance of their aperations. It is therafore tire mare satisfactary aud' valuable te flud tire cutire proceedings carried tirrougir witirout a minor note, avcrytiig is prosperaus, evcrywherc is confidence, tire futur'e is as bight as tire past bas beau dark; and tirat bine rmin and national disastar, which was se confi- dentiy predicted iref are tire general elections, if tbat sbouhd bappen wiicb bas sinca cccurred, is evidently furtirer off Ito-day tiran it bas been lu a genera. tienl. Worth's. 8AY1NG UQOD-BYE. Anent the series of social events oj tire past month or so lu the matter ol farewells to tire Governor General anÈ Countess of Aberdeen, while under an' circumstances, tire defereuce due tc their irigh office, 'and thre requirementE of social custom, would demand recog. nition, the fact tirat the Vice-Regal representatives were about to, leave thE country bas given tire receut functionç a persanal ciraracter ta a most noteý worthy degree. Every organization tirat has mad direct -contact witir their Excellencias and have feit the indlividual advantage fram tirat association, and wirat arganizatian lu Ottawa, and lu- deed tbrougbout the Dominion bas not, appeared ta feal au individual desire for a personal farewelh, and as a resuli the past week especialhy bas beau taken up, literally hour by bour, wvith valedie- tory receptions and leaves taking and there bas been notbiug, superficial ar perfunctory in the proceedings. Lord Aberdeen and bis estimable consort will leave the shores of Canada with the warmest good wishes of every chass ini thre cammuuity, and their terni of office wilh long be remembered as among the brightest and best sînce coufederation. E1WPTINESS. Tbe pubhisher oi aur caontamporary bas aur heartfelt sympathies for baving ta devote twa columns oflbis valuable space ta an alheged reply ta THiESTATES- MAN'S hast editorial on the Fira Engine. At this season of the yeair wben 85 a columu is freely paid for business aun- ouncemeuts, such a sacrifice as bis is wortby of a wealhy philanthropist. The sacrifice would nat be 50 intrinsie alhy great, howevar, did the article lu question possess mnent commnensurate witi tire space occupied. But, compar- atively speakingwhen tbe insinuations, inuuendloes and literary foam are elimin- ated, thre residum of argument and rebuttal evidence an the merits and demerits of tira tire engiue in evideuce is iufinitesimally meagre, indeed, un- warthy of the axtraardinary litarary acumen and argurnentative ability suppased (by himself) ta be pas5essad by this acrimoniaus and vindictive public critie. We are told on unqrrestiauabhe- authority that considerabie portions of the original article bad ta, be scared ont before tbe Editor would publisb it, and aven then gave it space sorehy against bis better judgment. We bave ru vain carafully perused the article twica ta discover auy uew or untouched argu- ment, so we bave notbiug additional to say lu defense of the premises accupied iu previaus articles. Sa far as we can guaga public opinion, nine-tentirs of tire ratepayarsof this town regret that tire white elephaut of an engine was ever saddhed ou, tis corporation, and! the tramendous increase over last year lu their tax bis, recently delivered by the collector,a portion of whicb increase is ta meet the uunecessary autlay for tis equally unuecessary liviathan of a fie englune, will natý serve as a balm for their lascerated feelings. Before fluahly droppiug this contraversy, wa may pre- mise for the speciai benafit of thre hearu- ea and gentiemanly auttior andI defand- ar af the purchase that bis articles 'aver iris own signature" in reply ta tire STATESMAN editorials, without a single exception ta aour personal knawhedge, bave made hlm fha laughing-stack of tira business men of Bowmanvihle, and avery time ire bas delivcrcd. himself lu print ire bas baapad mare ridicule an himseif and expascd more clearly tire ebildisir vindictiveness af bis nature. We deligirt in maulv cautraversy, but tbat is a decided]y minus quantity lu bis recent writings. 1It'a so pleasant to take that childrssl, ryfor it;.but it deoathtoyworms ofenic 2 5C. Ml U.alerc, PUBLISRER'S ~O1E Owing to the recent purchase of a Nortbey Gasoline Engine to replace the steam englue that we bave used for 16 years. we flnd it necessary to ask ail persous indebted to TriE STATESMAN Office for advertising, job printinzysub- seription or otherwise to make immedi- ate settlement by cash or, note. Ours is really a cash business and we are not supposed to give credit to auyone, but occasionally p ersons take advantage of our good nature and place us under the unpleasant necessity of asking for our- own. As oue good turu deserves an- other, demonstrate to us by quick settiement that you appreciate our, leniency. We really need several hundred dollars this very week, and as every dollar belps, no raatter how small the amount is you owe usbring or send itta us AT ONCE, please. lJnderstand, friends,tbat whenever you see a"Idunn- ing notice" like this lu THEu STATESMAN money is urgently needed. As we pay cash for stock, etc., it takes a lot of mouey to pay our bis every week, and as money has beau coming in slowly for four or five months our little surplus from subscri ptions at the flrst of the year bas long since been spent. Now this is the wbole s tory. It pays to ha candid with our customets. Now, how many will pay us before next Saturday nigbt ? Ieader, do 'ý ou owe1 the indul- gent edîtor auythiug? NEXT FALL FAIR. Now 18 the time ta plan for your, ex- bibit lu some classes of next year's Fal exhibition. The' directors b ave very wisely barrad outsiders fromn competing lu several classes iu which what are knowu as'1 'professional exhibitors" bave lu formeir years captured the bulk of tbe prizes. This makas it so much the better for local exhibitors. Iluudreds of Young women, aye and yonng girls, too, should begiu at once and get articles ready for next year, The long winter es-enings afford ample oppor- tunity for thea work. The class for " girls under 14 years l will be enlarged if the girls will take greater interest in thair owu department. Many farmers sbould keep an e ve to adding one or more thoro'-brad or higb grade animaIs to improve theair stock. The swine prizes were gréatly increas- ed last year. Grains and, seeds should receive more attention, too. This class is for caunty exhibitors only. While the exhibition was a splendid success this year, we are desirous of improving it greatly for 1899. To this end M. A. James, Secretary, will glad- ly raceive suggestions from anyone how to improve thre Fair. Note any changes deemed desirable and make any suggestion that will be ýhelpful. We want next year's Fali fair to be a record-breaker. It is already a record. breaker iu one respect, viz. - Member- ship. Mr. W. F. Allen, Treasurar, re- ports that the advance-paying member- ship is already considerably larger than ever before to bis knowledge. There, are aiready enrolled over 100 names as fuli mambers for 1899. Isn't tis A splendid beginning? Truly, it is. Now we want fo see every one of these members bring lu one new member before tire annual meeting lu January, tiren we shahl have a' record-breaking. annual meeting, too. Tickets are ready and may be had from tire Secret- ary. Only members for 1899 will be eligible to take part in tire election of officers and directors naxt year. It is easier to a.~ ~\\ hound frem thre W scent than te ~' ~.shake off a disease wbich is fairly roeted ti yonr jconstitution. No doubling and twîsting will deceive the bonnd until thre trail is broken short off;- and the hound of disease pursues jus,t as relentlessly along the trail cf weakness and debility. Many diseases which are called by different names are ail duc to a weak itspover- ~Ii, isbed condition of ire blood. 11 i. The liver fails to siff out bil- ions impurities; thre stomacir eli annI o ie yt do its prop rk; cane stmgetsnoelvetWoTk ment, but is flled up witb poison instead. Tire appetite and stràngth, and vital ener- gies fa!!, and frequenfy thre delicate long tissues become affected. But tirere is ne use in cougir syrups aud " appetizers"'I and mere stîxulatîng '5extracts." Titis trail of wasting debility' must be broken short off b>' getting at its fondamental causes in the plood, and ne medicine in the world does thï sos scientifically and thoroughly as Dr. Pece's Golden MedicalD'iscovery. It dis*ctly reanirnates thre liver and diges- tive or'ns and gives tbem peWer to pro- duce sifabsîndant s,,nn1' of 1,,,,,-n Vs-sifé-Ç givinig blood wvhich stoUs the wastiné pro- cees and creates fresit fîssue, healthy flesit and Vemianent strength. It is the invention 'of an educated and widel#g experleuced phbysician. Dr. Pierce bas betu for nearly tbîrty years çhief con- suting ~ hysician of the alidts' Hotel and SurgiceIustitute, Of B*ftd, NY. Hislzoto- page illùastrated %book, "'The Èeople's Coin- mou Sense Médical Adviser,"1will be sent free for the cost of custins and mailing on/y 3 one-cent stamips, or cloth-bosrnd for 50 stamnps. One chapter giïves a fu accoutit cf same astonishing recoveries of apparentiy lsopeless victins of lung and throat affections and other wastinag dis- cases which seemed beyond the reach of mediclat. Chlre nùry fr My baby s! ster had a rash, causlng her in. tense suffering. We had doctors, and tried everything, vithout a cure. It would &cab Over, crack open, a watery mnatter wonld Ooze ont and the scab fail off. We procured a box Of CUTICURA (ointment), a cake of CuTicuRA SoAIP. and CuTicuRA. RE-sotvENfT, and site was entirely cured without a scar beiecg lefl. Miss LILLIE CHASE, Bristol, Vt. Spzsny Croo TaE TMET. -Warm 1Jaths with CUTI. cossA 5oÀP. entle asoistinga with Cugscuss, thse 5158 kîn CUre, Vsd sild dses ofg CU RRcc R SOLVENT. COPd jthrOPSuhix he WssrId. POTTERDRuo Aiwi CnsiM THE qLJEIEC VOTE. The secret is out now why the vote in Quebec was so 'overwhelmingly large against prohibition. Mr.John J.Mason of The Mason Co., Bowmanville, who has returned from Ottawa, after inter- viewing Sir Wilfrid Laurier and mem- bers of the Cabinet, tels this story as told to him by a gentleman f romQuebec. It seems there was much haziness.:in the minds of the Frenchi Canadians about the real object of the plebiscite, and many of tbem got the impression that a great politician in Toronto or somewhere in Ontario, called Mr. Pleb iscite, wanted to get into Mr. Laurier's place as Premier and "tbey ail love Laurier" so they of course voted "No." We understand this storv was only re- cently taken ont of Bond. NvEW HAVEN. Mr. Ed. and Miss Maud Wicheridge s peut; Sunday in Oshi' .... . Miss Clara Goode visitedl at Mrs. Oke's recently.. .Miss Maud i{ouck, Warminster, is visiting ber aunt Mrs. T. Power.... The Christian Endeavor is to be led on Friday next by the Juniors of the soci- ety .... We weÏcome to our midst Mr. J. Clarke and family who have recently moved ta the VanCamp homestead. Iu last week's issue of the CAýNADlAN STATESMAN, in Enfield news, Mr. Alex. Smith is getting quite a send off for having over five hundred bushels of n)o- tatoes off two and a quarter acres. Mr. Ormiston of North Dakota bas over five hnndred bushels off three-quarters of an acre. 1 would like to ask where does Mr. Smith's potato patch corne in ? It's like the man that drove the hearse, he "lisn't in it.'" Pisek. N. Dakota. Nov.3. -Subscriber. FREBIAN WAIJGII L. Do S., BOWMANVIýLE. Dental Office in the Rooms above e0z Will be at Orono from 9 a. m. to 2 p m., and at Newcastle from 2.30 un- tii 7 p. m., on the second and fourth Mondays of each Month.. SGold plates, Crown and Bridge work and Painl1ess eiztraction are specialties. A Good Thing When You5See R? Those who purchasedi watcbes from pediars dîd not. You run no risks wireu you buy from T. N. Riekard, Bowmauvilla. Tira gaods are AI and tire price is s0 how that no-ana naeds toba without tire tîme. Besides price and quality ha guaran- tees the watcires ire sehîs. You say "se doas tiraother man," But where is ha whau your watch goas wrong? Rick-ard is located in Bowmauville Sac iris watches befora you purchase. 11e will sava you money and give you satisfaction. Cali. Grocers due bills takien as cash. T. N. RICF{ARD,' ,feweller and Optictan, Bowmauville Hogs Wanted Tire undersigned wilh ba lu Bowmau- vine nl Py roo~ery k5aturaLay for thre purpose ai buying live bogs for sip ment. We desir tire, continued patronage and ca aperation of farmers, sa tint we can hautle tirem lu large uumbers,tben - we cau sirip cheapar and maka better sales. We can also stop toce practice af pmerngcommissions aond give tire far- ertie benefit. Came and sec us whan you have bogs ta sali. J. & H. B. Fos'rnn, 1.Dravers. Box 202, Bowmanville. '28 4ms C.hildren Ory for We are selling lots of Saskatchewan Buffalo Robes. These are die best madium priced robe on tire market. They are woven ahi wool, flin' cd with rubber which makes them wind and water proaf. We are sole agents lu Bawmanvilla for thre makars and aur prices are away d3own, We also sali thre North W est Black Galioway Robe, these are c-onsidere thre best fur robe now on the market. They are guaranteed neyer to e bard and wil wear a life time. Boots and Shooesà Ladies' Pebbled laced Baots, rivited soles, guaranteed salid leathr sizes 3 ta, 7, regular price $1.25, spacial 98c. Ladies' fine Dong. Button and Lacad Boots, extension soe,.0 tn tip, coin toc, sizes 2-1-ta 7, special $1.25. lsp Men's, Four Buekie Faît Boot, gaad liaavy sole, and very wtri special $1.75. Mau's Two Buckie Grain Fait Lined Boots, stout soles and go' wearers, ragular prie 2.00, special $1.50. Extra gond value ln Men's Top Boots, big range, pnices $1.65 ta $3.50 Boy s' Boston Cal£ Laced Boots, hand. pegged -with Toe Cap, od school Boots, sizes 1 ta 5, spacial 75c. Youths' straug scirool Boots, rivitad vamp, band pegged with tý cap, sizes 11, 12 and 13, special 65c. Girls good strang sehool Boots, odd hunes that were 81.ffO and $ clearing at 75c. Grocery Department o '"%7 b*kgg * îaj0ij.L ts. j.U, fle5V5UUo , Englisir ware, naw patterns and. naw coloringm, gaods that yon do », sec every day, wa have marked at close prices. Wc are showing son extra nice Toilat Sets, special importation and salecbed patterns, prli ara right. Fruits. . . . . . . Extra nice selectad Val. Raisins, clean with no stems and brigi speeial 3 lbs. for 25c. Currants, large, clean and espeeially nice flavc at 3 lbs. for 25c. Have you triaci GToodwil Soap, tire heaviest and be 5c cake on the mnarket, no picturas goas with tire, sap, we seil 6 ca]i for 25c. Gypse Lauandry Saap, spacial 12 cakes for 25c. POULTRY.-It la a littie early ta get b st pricas for Poultr wîth steady cold weatber prices will imprave. fle sure and dry Pl( ail poultry. IIIGIIEST PRICE PAIDý FOR BUTTER. EjGS,.DI APPLES,,&C. DEAL AT, THE WEST END HO USE. JUOHN McMURTRY cup- IN' TVNo -t -t 1 -1- -r - 1 1 - rt 1 WEST *,FND:r,,eHOUSEI Lowor .e ýUR large business enables us to buy in large quan.. tities, we are thus in a position to buy at ri 1ght prices and secure any good. Jobs that are going. You* will find us with a most complete a,,prtment of goods for the present season, we are in a bet-ter position than ever to pleaseour patrons, both in price andi quality in every department. Dress Goods and Silks, Ladies, Jackets, Hosiery, Qloves, Corsets, Flannels and, Blankets, Underwear of ail kinds, Fur SCoats Ladies' and Men's, Fur Minnies, Boas and Gauntiets, Flannelette NXiglt- gowns for Ladies and Men, Clothing of ail' ktnds, Boots, Shoes and Rubbers, Groceries;' Crockery and Glassware, Right goods at riglit prices. Justsecured a job in Flannelette, Black and Red Plaids and Checks in Flannelette, re- versible, fast colors, first-classpatterns, regular price 12îc special price 1 Oc per yard. We have a splendid range of iFlannelettes in pink strips, good wide cloth fast colors at 5c per yard. Flannelette Blankets in White and Grey, fancy pink borders, fast colors 10x4 and 11x4, splendid quality, for '75c and 98e per pair. lleavy White Wool Blankets 64x84, 7 lb., spec'ial $2.25. ilorse Blankets, big variety at all prices. Clothing, QualityTus And our Clothing has çýiality and fit toýperfection, no doubt about our values. Men's Frieze Ulsters in heavy all wool frieze, slash pockets, good length, well lined, special at $4.5 0. Men's Frieze tlsters, e-x-tra heavy all wool frieze, heavy lining, slash pockets, good length, extra special $6. Men's Heavy Frieze Suits, tweed lined, double breast- ed coat, good fitters and well made, special for suit $6.00. Boys' Pilot Cloth Reefers and, Pea Jackets all sizes. Boys' Suits, both 2 piece and 3. piece at special prices. ' Boys' Frieze Ulsters and Pilot Overcoats, very warm and very cheap. Boys' Knickers, liued throughout, made of good tweed) and fine blue serge fromn 50e up. j We have a fine range of Men's Fur Coats from $290.00 up to $5000. If you want a fur coat give us a caîl, w guararntee to give you extra value.

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