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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 Nov 1898, p. 2

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PRCEuLj NO.t. *Thesenti uaii of tue south.west quarter Ôf lot numnber sixteen in the fîft]e oncession of the Township of Clarke.. PARCELINO. 3. Ttienorth quarter 0f lot numiber fifteei lu tbe fourili concessionI of tIIeý Township of Clarke upon whjch there is an old barn erected, PARCEL NO. 4. The northwest quarter of lot number four teen inl the tourth concession of the Townshlgof Clarke upon whieh is erected a rouohcast house andi a barn., Trie above landi is mostly clay loam andi is iu a godi tate of cultivation. T 1e abQve landis were recently ownediby the late James Cowani, deceased. TERMIS 0F PALE . Ten per cent of the purchase money at the trne of sale and the bal- ance thereof lu fitteen days thereafter witbont interest. Further particulars andi con dition of sale may bce had from Messrs. Stratton &Hall, Barristers, Peterborough, or from Mr. W. A. F. Campbell, Barrister, Norwood, or from thie uudersigned L. A.W.TOLE, Auctioncer. Dateti at Bowmanvilie this 26th day of Oc- tober, 1898. A Book for Young and OId., 'EORD ~E CURE ci Î5O,1O CURE av usinneti Y ~ aq DIG MN~nature the fainating allureent8 0f bis ci habit? When toc late avoi t 1ete- rible resuIts, were yeur eyspneit yTor parl? Bld you lteron l man heoti ontractacul R1 VT ,or 0(O dises_:e? WeYOUCUred? Dyno andi then sec soealaarming symýptoi? Dare yon marrysun vour preent dt"on? Yeu kuo, ' LI(E FATHE:> LIbifE SON." If macrieti are yeon- r ;tautly living ie dreacl ? Is maarriagE(-a faîce ithyououaccoutof "y weak nes caxtsed by early abuse or laterex cesses? Have ynbecu drngged witb mercury? This booklebsill pont .'Uttro yo t resuîts of these cestni en ont how car NEW METHOD T!EAT- MENT ,Yîlîl pcnitively cure yen. I shows h-w thousautis bave beau eavedby OrNEW TREATMENT. lb Prove bow woe an u <ARLANTEE TO CURE ANY CURABLE CASE OR ýNO PAY. We treat andi cure-E MISSIONS, VA RICOCELE, SYPHILIS. GLEET, SRLIICTURIE IMPOTENCY, 817- RE T DRAINS, EJXNATURAL Di S- CHARGES, RIDNEYï,andi ILADIIER diseases. CURESGUARANTEED "The Wages of Sn" sent froc b enelosing 2c stamp- CONSULTATIO F RinE. If unable to eaul, write for UETiSTTOJ Tý LANR for VHOME D ETROIT M. -Par1flon--tl11at snob a bolng w ar con- structed for no, purpose,,aud to execuite .o mission, andi wiîhoit eny diino nl- tontion'towarti some, end. The object of tbis sermion is to belp you to find %)Ut whatyou are madIe for and heip yen flnd your sphere and assist yonu mb that coon- dition wher., yen cal. say with crtaluty anti emphasîs anti enthusiasem andi triumnph, "Te Ibis end was 1 born." 1First, I disoharge you from ail respon- sibility for most of your environments. Yeu are not responsible for your parent- age or grantiparentaga. You are not ce- sponsible for any of th1e cranits that may have lived inl your ancestral lino anti whi a hundred yoars beforo you were birn may bave lîveti a style oflilfe that more or lesi affects you to-day. You are nlot rosponsible for the fact that yonr temper. ament la sanguine, or melancholio, or illions, or Iymphatic, or nervous. Nither are yon responsible for the place of yonr natlvity, whthramong th1e granite his of New England, or th3 colton planta. tiens of Louisiana, or ou the batiks of the Clydie, ur th1e Dueipor, or thie Shan- non, or th1e Sens. Neither are you re- sponsiblo for th1e religion taught iu your fatbcr's bouse, or the Irreligion. Do not bother yourself about what, you cannot help or about otrounistanbas that you dld not dccree. Take Ihings as thoy are andi deoide the question se that you shall be able safely te say, " To Ibis end was 1 born. " How wifl you deolia it? fy direct application to th1e only Seing ln the univers@ who ls compotent to tell yýui-th»< Lord Al- mlghty. Do you know th1e reason why hoe la 11e ouiy one wbo oan tell? Because lie eau seo evrytbing between your cradie andi yeur grave, though th1e grave lie 80 years off. Andi besides that lie ls the oniy Being Who eau Sote what bas been happening in th1e iast 500 years ln your ancestral lino, and for tbousands of years clear back te, Adam, andt Iere is not oua peason lu ail that ancestral uine of 6,000 years bat lias somahiow aiffeeteci your character, and even old .Adam inisaif wili somaîlmues burnuUp lu your disposi- tion., The only Belng wb an au esai things that pertalu to yen into conaitierl ation is Qod, anti le Is t111e a ou ean ask. Life ias o short we have no tîme te cxpe;ri1nunt with occupations àna profes- Pions. The ceason wo have so miany deati fallures is that parents docîiefor cblidren What, they 'shall do, or oîlidren theni- slNes, wrought ou by soma Whlmo fancy, decolde for theniseives, withont any, imploration of divine guidlance. Se we bavw ncxw lun ulîtîs mon iak mg sermons Who ougbî te b. lu bl1aoltsmlth sheps makleg pl.owshanas, anti we bave lu the law t'hosa Who inaload 0 f mnling the cases cf thoir clients ougbî te lie pound-' lng shoe asts, anti tocteca Wheoaae111e Worsthinticances te theïr patients' con- Vaiescenco, anti artiats trying te paint lantiscapes Who ongbb ,te ha wbitewaab- lng board fonces, wble othre 'are othora miaklng bricks Wbh'o ougbî to ho ramodel- îng censtitutions er shoving pianes Who ougbt 1te1e trausformhng lltaratunes. Ask Goti about what worldly business yen shahl untiertake uti yen are se positive yon eau lu eannetness smite your band ou yGar lew handie eor yonn cacpenter's beuCh, or ,ouir Blacltsýtone's "CoImmIent- aries,"oCr 'you'r nmdicai dic'tionary, or youar Dr. Diel's "Diactie r1IheOoOgy", smying, "For his antiwas 11m,." Thareý ara chiltiren weerytaeo îa affiitos fer certain styles of Work. We the father of the astronomer 1ob~ a al treale, and you.. ýy la yurseuÂ, -pce la somethlng gooti belng tionei, yet on a amall scale,'" but If you goleto a faetory coverIng many acres anti you flni thons- antis of bauds pulling on rhousais of wheels anti shuttles ting andt 1e whole scane bewiltiering vith aCtîviies, tiriveon by watec or steni oGr ýectrie pýower, you caolutie that th1e factory was put up to, do great work anti on a vast scale. Now, 1 look et yon, anti if I shouli finti that you hàdiouly oua facnlty of botiy, oniy oue muscle,, only one nerve, if you coulti ea .bnt net bear, or coulti hoar anti not se., if yon hati the use of only ona foot or ona hanti, anti,'as taonur higher nature, i 'f ,îou bati only oua menutal facnlty anti yen bati xemory but ne judgigent, or jutigment buit no wlli, anti If you hati a seul with ouly oua capaclty, I woulti say not inuch la axpecteti of you. But stand up, oh, magn, anti laI me look yûu aquarely in the face. Eyea capable off seelng evrythiug. Hands capable of grasping evrythlng. Mîntie wlth more whoels thon any factory eývery turneti, more power than any Corliss angine avec movati. A seul that will oiltlilv al the universa excapt beayan, anti woulti ont- live sli boaven if 1the liflaof taoe other li- marIals were a moment short of t11e eternal. -Now, wbat haq 1the woilti a rlght to expeot of yen? What bas GIotia right te tiemanti of youn? Qed la 1te groatest of economigsailuth. universe, anti ho, makes nobhing usslessly, anti for what j)urpose dld ho builit your botiy nnt anti seul as 111.7 are built? Thace are only t 'wo boînga lun1the universe who enu answer that qnestion. The angels de not know. Tho achools do not 1,11w. Your kintired, canuot crtalnly know. ioti knows, anti yen ought te know. A factory runIng at an expaense of '500^0 a yoac andt urnlng ont gooda worth 7É) cents a year woulti net bce sucb an Incon- gcuity as yen, 0 man, wlth sncb seomj- infiuite aquipmant tiîg uothiug, or next te nothing, lin111e way of useful- nossa."Wbab shah 1 do?" you a-siz. My brothren, my jsterq, do not ask me. Ask Goti. Tharo's semaü path cf Christian ue fulnesoen. Il mnal ha a rough pabh or lb may ho a smnooth Daüh, a long path or a short path. Ib may ho on a xnennit of conspicuiby or lu a valley unobserveti, but it Is a'pabh on whicb yen eaun start with SnIcb faitb anti sncb satisfac!tion anti snccerit tat yen eau cry cnt lu the face of oartb anti hall antibeaven. "ýTo tbis end wes I bor."1 Act at Once. De net wait for extraordlnary qualifica- greateat ictorias scttteti un a mule, anti if yen walt for soma capacisoeti Bu- ceýphalus te ride mb 1the onflint ou wl neyer gat imb 111e wochlda e lIgbl aI a]]. Samssen slow telb. oct'senemnios witb l. aow boue of 11e stnpldest besat cabt.Sbamgac slow 600 0f111he ot' anemnies witb au ox geaiti. Untier Qed spitthe curati the blinti man's eyes lun1the New Testament story. Talta al bbe facnhty yen bave anti sayx "0Q Lecrd,bore la what I bava! Show ime U..e -bIdantibacme np by omuliipotenit poyer. Anywhere, anlyhow, auy lim)e foar Qoi"Twe mon riiting ou horaeback cama IQ a treugh te water the hersas. W1ila lbhcm hsea were drinklng ode o f1 the a mou saidti tho11eothet a lew wortis abouitt 11evelue cf i111esoni, thenthey ràoea ayanila opposite 1ifrections9. But 111e wNortis utýereti wece the salve- lion cf th1ee t ouat bm bhay were utei'- et, antiLehomcme tho e Rv. Mr. Champ- ion, U of th be most distinguisbed rmis- oxaiM jk eathan landis, t1* ça years Were fow. Loclfg atî111e Iitta th1e youngost pacson lu Ibis asseinbly anti supposlug that b. wiii live te be a nonagenarian, how short tbe lime anti FOou gonle, while bneIun lu front of us ls an eternity :0 VaSt th1at arlbmelltic lias net figures enougb 10 ex press ts lngth, or breadth, or ticptb, or height. Yon have exaimînedth 1e fanilly Bible anti ezploredth 1e famllly records, andi you may hava seen daguorrectypes of some of th1e kintired of previens generations, you bave hadTi hotograplis îaken of wbat you were lu beyhood or gîrihooti, and what you weroe ten years latar, ant iIt ls very interesjting 10 any oua to be able to look baek upon pictures et whaî 1he was 10, or 20, or 80 years ago, but have yon ever hati a picture ta&en of what voti may b anti wbat you wili ha if you "sa: aiter Gioa andi feel t11e splrit's regenerat- ing9 povwer' Wbere shah 1 plant tbe camera te balte the picture? 1 planit il on tbis plabform. I direct it baward you. Sit stîli or stand stillil1,I take the picture. lb shil hcanauinstantanos pie- turc. Thora! 1 have il. It la donc. You oan sec the pioture lu its Imp.tcfect state anti gel some idea of what il will bc whan bhorougbiy tievelopeti. There la your resurraetid body, se brilliant that the uoouday suni ls a patcb of imldnight oompared ivith il. Thora is your seul, so pure that al 1the forces of tilaboliani coulti not spot It wlbb au imperfection. Thora la your belng. se mlighty anti so swif t that filighl from heeven te Mercucy or Mars or Jupiter anti baok agaïin te hetaven would net weary v'on, end a world ou each shoulder wovuld neot crush you. An eye that shaih neyer sheti a tear. An ecgy that shah nolver fuel a fatigue. -A brow that shahl neyer throb with pain. You are Young agalu, bhongh you dieti of decrepîtutie. Ton are wall agalu, though you cuigbad or ahivereci yourself mbt th1e bumb. Your everytiay associates ar" the aposties anti propheta anti martyrs anti most exalteti sonîs, masculine anti femnine. cof all thu centuries. Th. Eof oAil Life. If yoeai ethat Itlb saun uIperfeot pîcture, My apolop y le what the apostie John sali, "lb dtoh not yet appear wbat we shah be." -)ToiIs anti waa I boru." If I tiid not thluk so, I woulti be over- wbelmad wlth melaucbonly. The wocld tins very we.11 for a littie whill, 80 or 100 or 150 years. anti I think that human loiigevlty niay yet bce im, proveti up to that prolongation, for uowv thece lasO ittle rooin batween, outr catle anti our grave vie canot aoceomýplish riuch, but for aIl eterniîiy. Some Ibink Ibis eaact xiii flnally ho turueti- Inte a, haven). Pechups Il xnay, but l weuht bave 10 untierge radical repaire andi tbordtugh ellmineblens anti evolutions anti cevelu- lions anti transformations indruate t malta il deaicebie foc etemnel residceo. Al1the cast wxnds woniti hava te becoma west wlnds anti alil te winlecs changeti te apringtides anti al tbe volcanoos ex- tinguiseetiand tih1e eceaus cbalned 10 their batis andtih1e, epidemîca ferbitiden outrance andth1e world se fixoti up that 1 tblnk it weuldbat more te repair Ibis olti worlti than 10 uxak.le au onbtirely new ona. But I musc, Say I de net care wbere heavon 3, l .,we au euhy gel thora; wbatber a gardenled Amen'ica or an emparadlis;et Europe or a worlti central te 111e whole unliye'-,." To Ibis anti was 1 humri." if caoâ une efus coulti saythat, e oweuul go wIbbfaces shinJng zanti hopes eRbhilarant ainiti carth's wnýràt mis- fortunes anti trials. Only a 11111e whi]e, kand thon 111e capture. Only a lutIle whilo, Treatitig-Sitike Bites. "Physicians are nul agroca on bbc reatment for suake bItes,"' saidi a leati- ing physicien, "lespocially asýý toatmn- weing unflimiteci tireughts of vwhiky te norsons sufferiug from t11e bite. The fact1 of th1e malter is that, tbough b heo laa very general dreo th e bl.e of a suaka, thoa are few, very few pacsons avec bit- ten by bhern. In a practica oexteuding over lbîrty years, savon years of w111c1 was la bhe country district, I bave hati but tbraesnake bites to anttend te, ant inl oua of thora I was inet entirely sure that lb wais a suake bite at ahi. Thoe IbmQ cases I hati cauterizacdtih1e fleah wlbb nitrate of silver. _Any other stroug censR tic woulti prebiably bave donue as well, but th1enitrate of silver or luer caumstie was bantiy. I gave whisky m n samali quantitios, but aI froquent iulervals4. I know therc is a very general impression lu existence that whlsky shoulti bcesim- ply puureti down th1e bitten pacson, a, haif plut or se aI a lima, 111e theory being' that th1e poison f romn a suake neutrahizes 1the affects that whisky ord!tiIkly causes., 1 ami frea tesay 1h11 I would inot dace te give a person a Plut of whisky under any clrcuinstances-,, anti weuld not foal safe li glvlng a chilti as Muchb as aq quarter of a plut. 1Tabîsaqpoou doses givet ai utervals of a balf heur for bwe or tbreboucs - wlll bue ail thattla noeet, tbeugb lu cases wheca the pacson useti stimulants frequeutly 1 weulti not lie se careful, for a largo quantiby mnight net tio thon any banm. I feel sure, however, thatb aîf plut drinks of whisky are hiable 10 do more harn than a suake bite. Il la miuch safer, lu My jutgigent, teatin thtr 1e whisky hypoteirnlcally. Thoe affect iLx pro- tipooti mnch quicker anti more satisfact- orily. ,d"net" is oua tbiu;ae "went"la i another tbing. Wa WaUt % great nîany mo2o thinga than wa neeti. A «ooti parent wanls 111e childti t h1avo whatever ha neatis, anti is ready te ocuesncb thinga for hlmii if wltibis' pnwervj. Ha would ha a culpable parant who woulti gve bis ebilti whataver 11ngs howanted whethar ha, needeti thomi or flot. A parentr ta, lu feet, sot te the tiuty of keeping his ebiilti fco!ni haviug mauy a tbiug ha wants, as wcll as socnring for the chilti whatever ho neotis. Our HeaveulyFaîber la truest anti hast of parents lu tIis sanie discrim- Ination of gif ta 10 Mis ebiltiren. Ha kuoweth whaf thIngs we have ne.r ofI bef'oro w e.£as lm. WC ell Hlm the things that we want. Wu ought to be grateful that God wili flot give us 1the things that wu want unless He knows that we also have need eft tem. Learning Slow to Leari. Sir James Paget spolte upon one occa- sion of th1e importance of "learniug te learn,"' and ssiowed that knowiedge, not immÀeilàely useful ln Itseof, may ba the means of tievolopiug the power of Icare- lng. The cuitivation of 'the faculty cof knowing -is f inComParahly ge merl- portance than the, more acuiitin;ani to the student, this faculty 50dVGloj)Od that when neotiarisce lnowledg lge m bc1 quiekly obtainoti, is a botterpriin for 111e business of life than is afre by th1e lar -srntirichest storesr, lu abjout is tho p»%vcr of i!lnçllng tpesr andi learnirg at -'11 pruoiSely whuti.1 needed. LUNGS V BRONCHIAL TUBES. CURES ~ ~COtND~ .HATRADEN, yLmDU Grladuateý of ilhe Roy al Co1jae c f Daubai geuOntario OFFIE.-ppoiteExpress(me. VITALIZED AIR J.M6BRI1MAQM B Offie.-earof Mecssrs. sBOWPMAN VILL E. 'rBr'rL AbatflPresent toeovoryo CONDMTONS: -L e i Cb peria sending us 2 Crtgj t tr boi s bcrintion tb 1ïi u N r ARMR MAAZINtu inciotir pv ,SpeI"l Christmas nuînbcr, Àany ceue nofthe lollowing prese Aselect FREE: A beautîfu Qi A ocit Enameled Scarf Pin (11e I fo1r lady or gentleman) valuct i Ï' Klondike Diamnà iScari Pin-- ýN -VRled at $1.25,or 5 Pieces(e A Sheet Music (Instrumentai and' ON 1t 1.25. (A value of $i.So foc 2, 0. Ven sabui iltake advantage A Â,T ONCE. A - THE As le ho Ianisoxuest Ferr.i 1 A - in America AIt contains g6 palges proftiuciill As iedîted ilb a viwto isake it;a Àiiespensible visitor toc, vvfr ite n lecierant ln C; FA AManhiattanBilpn,1ij e i Cf- A- 1 tiens. Philiu. the conauorûr. ffained his 1 wilo WQUILI wZinu liu ariti mave muuu 01 1 ýv, -1- --t -L -r &LLI p2-r. -L -L -L ' à

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