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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 Nov 1898, p. 4

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(I The Souvenir Rlange 1.-Wisera thse fresis air entars. 4.-Indicates tise action cf tise air in 2.-Circiating frasis air flue (ansi wbare passing tisrougistise ovan. it becomes beatasi.) 5.-Exit flue fer impure air. 3.-Frash heatesi air antering even. 6.-Back viow of tire box. Tisis is tise secret of SOUVENIIR'S success. It bas undergone al tise tests -beau weighad lu the balance cf experience-but is neyer found wantinig. Tisey are a perfect steve andi nover disappoint users. EASY TO BUY, Cail and sec thom at Rdil Phone 66, BoWMIANVILLu. CUT This is trUe of Prrices in any lines Bocks for instance .-A cisoice as- sortment of the best nuthors, ful cloth bounsi, good print, 25e eanci. Regular 25e illus- tratad cover, coated paper, 20c. Wall Paper sîlil te tisa front. 'A large lot, bouglit at great ra- ducticu, just recaived. You gel the benefit, ail my regular stock aise reducad. Linen Window Shades. I keep ne culîs, and my new stock just cpaned ara mounted on best rollers. You will have no troubla with tisese. Picture Frames ansi Framasi Picturas, lower titan avar. Reesu Moding,--I have il, plain oak, golsi or tintesi, frcm Se par foot. A spiai&na110of "Souivenir of Bowmaul- villa" goosis, Just tisa thing for visit ors. As usual full supply cf scisool bocks, scisool supplias ansi staticnar. P. TREBILCOCK., BOWMANVILLE. XNOV. 16, 1898. The law is'very'stringenlt about har- borîng stray cattle, etc. Ifaniy mecmber of your fiock or herd is missing, adver- tise it A well circulated country paper like THiE STATEsmAN is the very best help that you can possiblW have iu your searUh It bas been proven mansr times. Election p etitions are being dismissed with great celerity, five being disposed of in Toronto on Monday, and four Liberals and one Conservative retain tiseir seats. The Liherals are Hon. G. W. Rloss, Tailor of North Middlesex, Bowman of North Bruce and Pettypiece of East Lambton,andI Jameson of South Gray, Conservative. At Ontario County Teachers' Conven- tion 11ev. Dr. Hare deplored thie iack of sympathy extended by many of the community to the teachîng profession, and the difficulty in procuring adequata remuneration for such valuabie service. HFe thought the governmaent should make it a misdemeanor for trustees, to advertise askîng teachers to name sal- ary required. 11e gave some strîking illustrations of the effects of the squeez- ing process to which teachers are being subjected, and expressed the hope that tihe honest men. and women of the country would soon see thse injustice and crueity of sucb a policy and stand by the teacher. The whoie volicy of theConsarvatives Mi JIL nnt.- au pulito, qn.vý, the iU arelb rV0Ilvuecq)tilý?l 1 A !lpak n tir n nt tn - iye Toronto Telegram, bas beau basasi upen tise mistaken assumption tisat tise province is just inchipg to put tisa Grils ,out ansitise Tories in. For years tise party orators bava taîkasi as if Ontario wara naturally eensetvativa ansi as if tise opposition bad a isaaveunborn rigist tg' rula,wbicis rigist il couisi noe xorcise owing te an iniquiteus combina tion of circunestauces. Censervatives under varions leaders hava triasi te break tise cembination Se far they bava triasi in vain. By ansi by a happy tis9ugist will strike Col. Whitnay, ansi ha wiil realize that Ontario is wiling, tiat tisa Grils ,, siaulsi stay in until tisa opposition givas tise people a goosi reason te put tise Grils out. PRICES ARE LOW. VICE ilOYAL CHANGE. Ou Saturday Lord Minto was sworn in Governor Genaral' cf Canada at Quebec ansi was cordiaily weicomed by Lord Aberdeen, Sic Wilfrid Laurier ansi membars cf bis Cabinet. Lord ansi Lady Aberdeen ansi Lady Marjory Gordon tise sama evaning ambarkcd on tise Dominion Staamsisip Labrador ansi sailesifor Englansi. 'Bystauider"'very correctly says that ahîquent tostimony bas beau borne ail ovar thse country te tisa regard in wisicb. Lord ansi Lady Aberdeen bave beau bisi b v tise people of Canada. lu almcst avery centre cf population, farawail receptions ansi banquets bava beau given in tiseir isonor,wisilealal tisat is bast in loquence influontial in position ans einent inl intellect, bave off eresi their approciation and bornage. Soe hava tisought that Lord andi Lady Aberdeen wara beo familiar, tisaItisay ciseapenas tise higis office Iby minglîng witis tisa lu ocf tise common people, wile it bas more tisan once been hîntasi tisaItisaedesira for no- toriety was net absýent from those sar vices ansi appearances whicb rugs them se frequontiy int tlise public view%. It bias beau saisi tisat no action eau be absoiutely disintarestesi, aud te argua tisat our motives ara froc from ail tinc- ture cf alloy is te postulata angelie perfacticn;wiihis à tiseol.ogical ' heresy. What. is certain is, tisat wiile we may bava hasi a more brilliant, we hava nover bads s industricus -a Governor- Ganeral as Lord Aberdeen, wiilc tisa splendid wiork of tisa Countess bas made for tise amalioration cf industrial,. social ansi moral conditions. Botis hava iden- tifiesi tbemselves in thte mcst cordial mannar witis tise 'thouobt ansi life cf ali classes of tisa people. Tisay hava smil esi upon evory worthv object. Tisey bava encouragasi every wise or patriotic or humiane endeavor. They bave sup- portesi avarv plan or sciseawicb made for isuman bettermeut. Aboya al in tiseir,, own life ansi conduct, in thte unequaliesi haauty wisich marked tiseir home relations, tisey bave set a au - ample whîcis will bear fruit wisa tise naines ansi nets cf the illustrions pair are but a mamcry. Lord Aberdeen was svmpntisetie ýansi tactful te a degrea;- but the womanlv qualitias cf tisa Count- ess, ber -constant appeal te the sacresi- uess cf wifahoecl ansi womaubood, bar axisaltation cf tisa home, of wbicis tisa weman muust remain tisa Qneen, ber alequance ansi wit provokesi an intense admiration. It imay ba saisi of their Excelleucies, in a word, tisat thay teck a stand for duty ansi houer ansi service iu tisa cause of Gosi ansi man wbicb bas reactesi, ansi ehicis will stili reaet, (aven now they are withdrawn), hopefuliy andi savingiy upon tisa country. Tise bearty words of welcome givan by Lord Aberdeen te bis successor in thse higis office were . "Cordial wal<ioma, is offarasi te Lord, Minto ou bis assumptien of tisa higis offic e whicbha is te fili as tisa represantative of Uer Majesty tise Queu in Ibis fair ansi wide- spraad Dominion. Tisa greting'wisicb ha wiil racaive in Ibis historie city cf Quebec will be 'enly tisa forarunner of couutry, for bis experience will be the samne as that of bis immnediate predecess- or and former predlecassors, namely, that he has come antong a loyal, law- ablding andi a hig-inidesi people, actuatesi also by a firma andi buoyant confidence in tise resources andi future. of thair country, which forms se splen- did a portion of tise Britishs Empire. Again I offer congratulations andi ai1 goosi wishes for the naw Governor- General andi the Countess of Minto andi ail their family." C drn ry for INORTIL WVEST BOOMIN(G. If figures m-ean auinii-, the raturiis frone the Department ocf't1)e Juterior oU the homesteasi entries grantad during the twelve mionths endin-- September 30th, are most significantlY eloquent of the manner in which the W est ha s been developing under the present Liheral administration. From October 1lst,1895 to September Bth, 1896, 1845, home- steasi entrias were granted, durinig the f ollowîng year the numiiber was 2213, andi frone October 1st,1897,to Septemnber 30tis, 1898,, it increases iuarly ofle hundrad Iper cent., the figures 1-being 4337. Neariy every homestead means a f amily, andi the average family is computesi at fIve personis, se thiat it is reasonable to estimate that over 21,000 persons have, during the past twelve months, sattlad upon their own home- steads in the North West. If the returns of the free homesteasi entries are satisfactory the statemant of tise C. P. R. landi sales for tisa first nine months of tise year are equally signifie- ant. In 18.96 thera were 48,234 acres of railway lands sold in thse first nine months for~ a total of $168,4063, for the samne petiosi in 1897 there wera 114,496 acres sold for the total of $8i88,281,while this year..îisere has beau sold up to the ôoth September 288,395 acres for a total of $930,974 so that the salas for this yaar are considerabie more than double those iu the same period in 1897. Taking the free homesteasi entries andi the land salas together it will therefore ha sean that more than twice as muais land has been taken up this year for settiement in the North West than in 1897 and tisat 1897 was far aheasi of its predecessors;- and al this occurr- ed under a Ministar who has been more systematicaily abusesi than any other Minister in Canada in a long period, and under a policy which bas been just as persistently misrepresanted. This weuderfuily satiîsfactory show- ing is no doubt due ilargelly to the changes in the regulations affecting settlement in the Nortis West wbich have been made by the Departmnent of the Interior within the iast two years. Tisera hava bean numerous fimportant changes made,,cf a nature wbich can only hae appraciatad after practicai ex- parience of tisair working, but it may ha safely assertesi that tise systemn under which the country is baing sattied to- day is more advantageous te thie set[lers and ocf greater permanent value to tisa count ry than it could possihly have beau made under the regulatioiis prev- iously in force. One chang.e affected is in coninection witb parsons who hava ob)tqineasa second -eutry fo iands. It is Dot nlow n1ecessaryV for such pacsns ' ; t t lte ordiniary residenice cf threc earts or cf six mots i acfl of theý-three year, residence on tisa frst homnestcad being deamad sufficieut. So aisorgadn the isomesteasi by souls of parenits wbo ai'e ,aiso farmners, tisa residanice cf the son with the fatiser or motiser as tisa case may ha, whetber they are living on tise nomesteasi or net, so long as they are farmers,is uow consideredl sufficient rasidence te qilify the son. Anothar very desirable change wbhlblas lu mnany cases removasi a pravions injustice is that which parmits the residenee re- quiresi by iaw te ha countad fromn the time it actuaily commenced,evau li thg the homestaad erttry basi net been made; thus obsarving tise intention of tlie Act where the letter bas beau teebniicalyv brokan througis misuniderstainGii-or otbarwise. deligltsd Joy ilelier Ileautiful babis ýalwatyg accompanied by mlore olessarea~i](! selici - tude, and a certain de- grecof din In ba ndsail the strenpgth- iepwictis possiIble to be obtaineud, ili ordr not to fall a vicim teý lte organic weakiiesses incident t mL, piy Tite granidest l~lpiin the world for el ~tazt motbers o r Ilnu 7Tsil g neotiters is Dr. -Piei'ce's Favorite Presc,,ription. It imparts c Itealhand direct'y to thse nierve ceniter-s involved in motitcrhood. Tt re'nders the c>lri.g of baby safe and anctfrec 1 frone pain. It tranismits constitution-al lhealtit andi itardiitood to lte cbild1; promotes thte ,ecretion of abiundIantniourishmnent, and fortifies the mother çith permanent vital cuergy. Ail diseases of tihe feminine organisu, arc completly cnred by this remnartable ',Pre- Scription." ',No théer mediinle wa"s ever dev7ised for titis purpose by an eduçited, skiiled physician oftitirty years' experience and an experte in titis partieuilar brancit of medical practice. Tite marvelous effects of titis raseiie Ry Pei cesthousan.d-pagillustrgtv(ýd ock, WeP'êople's Commion'Sehse MedicaI Ad- isr"abooke whldli every wanOrghit Ae rs.Apapertitbounieopy Will ha set aoL.utelyfe on recv.ipt -cf 3 t-ent stamps t' psy the mnye" cosi of cusfftïns Medicai Asseciatieon, BllNY. A bazud- sorne clotb-bonnd ccpy for 50 stanps. W. Il. Malcolm, cf Kuobel, Clay Coiinty, Ar- kamsas, writes: "Siincelilast wrote,yoti we have lied ababy girl bornt teus. Mywife toc kyoeer 1GoldenMeieal Discovery' snd alsss your 'Fa- vorite Prescription' all during the expectant period andi suntil confinement, and she had 110 trouble te mention. A totter, heartlr laf was neyer born. 0rc hild wil i e orme year'of age the Stli in.;t. and she bas not benck att day. Ha.; net lied seanch as the collec. Itis a fact, sir, aud we htave et bhsd to bhe np sý'ith er as ofien as twice ut nigitt since her birth.' Harsis, purgaive remedias are fas, giigavyte tisheu(1lt Ie eaîc t ionns milsi affect o)f Carter's Little Liver P'Ilîs If you try tis enilsy Will certaiuly please you. The point bas been raiqed by a bank teller in Toronto as to the lilbility of contagiouïi diseases being carried by the conitiua use of dirty,so.iled,g-rensy bank bis. Some writers'assume that it is the duty of governinent to provide young men and women fnilly qualified for cv er 'v calling in 11f e. It is not the duty of the state to do anything of the kind. CHURCIS AND MINISTEIRS. 11ev., R Taylor, Newcastle, will peathi morning and evening in the. Methodist church next Sunday. 11ev. J. J. Rae Will Dreacli annniversary ser- mons at Newcastle. According to an arrangement made at the last meeting of the Whitby Pres- bytery,,Rev. G. B. McLeod, B. A., New- castle, wiIl preach Missionary sermons in St. Paul's church on Sunday Nov.20. The pastor goes to Orono to preach an- niversary and missionary sermons. There will be an aggreeable exehange of pualpits on that day throug-hout the Presbytery. On Sunday Nov. 27, the anniversary services will he held in St. Paul's, Pres- bvterian church. 11ev. J. B. Mowat,M. A.. DUD, will preach morning and eve- ning. Dr. Mowat is a brother of Sir Oliver Mowat and is widely known thoghout the province. 'For many yeasie bas been Professor of Hebrew, Chaldee and Old Testament Exegesis in Queen's Collage, Kingston. TnE S&LVATION Aitmy.-Tbe well known effort of Self.Denisl week will bs observed throngbont Ibe Salvation Army in ible ierritory fromn Nov. 2tb 10 Nov. Mbt. Mdre iban usual activity bas taken posses- aion .3f the> Armny's eziergetie members in anticipation of tbis Preat event in tho salvationiste year. Tbe Army bas few regular subsoribers and its beneficent overations are mainta«ned by the free will offFrings of the people. Tbis dees not leave it8 leaders ranch inargin 10 lanumh ont in its vast zmissicary Jabors and ex. tend is daily growxng social instiutions. The need oi the heattten and the soeilliy dawn.fallen are chiefly met the now world wide agency of Self-Denial iveek. Officers and soldiers of all ranks join in tbis migbty eoart,derying tbem- selves in many cases aven of wbat niay ba considered the necassaries of ie, tbat the proceeds of this week may be capable of great realization. 'lu tbis endeavor al cul- sida friands and sympathizers of the work tire invited to join in Rui or sacrifice. During the past year extensive additions and developroants bava been made in thé social departrnent of Sthe Âroy's3 work and to meet thbasdditjonal dlaimis of these il ià boped to realize a total whicb shall axcead ail previens achiavemnns of Self.Denial week. The Massev-Harris Company Satur- day shipped $1500 worth of bicycles to South Africa. There were onîy six divorces in the Dominion in 1897, as against 10 in 1896 13 in 1895, 9 in 1894, 15 in 1893, and 15 in 1892. 1 Ixad eczema of the scaly, itchy kind seven years. 1 tliought my face and arma were afire. My face was f u of large white scaleq, and niy heafiwa.s full cf sores. I was ashamed togoilucompany. I'took fivabotties ofCuTi- CUXÂ RESOLVENq', wasbed with CUvrTIORn BOAr, put on CuTicunA. (ointinent), and found great relief instantly, and got, a eleau face agarn, thankg to CuTIOunA. VALENÇTINE EGN'EP, Aliarahi7, 189. 18SagS. roln . 5PE.xaar OrnTRxIT-MEN1T.-W.Tmbatts wlth CUTI- cUBtA SoApgentleareintisegswýtlh CU'ICUII(o!týunt>. Vumset of emollient ekin cu-es, rild doses of CUTICUIEl I£ESOLvBEî,*greatest otlond pueteero edhumoreeoze. Sotd throgbout theworld. OTDUGA c,. CoRp., Props., Boston-Ro HavIeCure Eskiaesasee, fris. IIndred 0f 1People Wanted. T. N. RIOKARD, Bowmnanville, has the finest and well bought stock cf Watches in tiss fair land of ours, wniting for you. surprisingly small amount of your monoy. ,Al bis Watebes ara guar- a nteod. No where in Canada can yen do botter-prove il for yourself. Sanie lime when in, look about for Christmas. Tisera are haro as muany pretty tbings as in1 a city- store, ail yeucs for a trifla. No wisera will your eyes receive better attention, nor less be taken from your pocket for spectacles, and tise Rings, well you will need te sea tbam, words carn net convey 10 y0u thacir benuty. Cail and see tbemu. Croce]rS due biLs takeon as(csh T. N. RIOKARD, J'eweillr ansi Optician, Bewmanville. WEST oEN D eHOUSE, BOWMIANVILLE. W E are showîng the flnest range of Mnsand B ' Clothing to be seen in this district and cioui- prics cannot bc beat aiiywhere. The real vatlues caiiot be thoroughly understood without inspection and we r always pleased to show our goods. Men's. and, Boys' Frieze UlIsters,'Men's Blue anid Black Beaver Overcoats, Men's Fawn Meltoxi Overcoati s, Black Frieze Overcoats, Boys' Pea Jackets, Boys,' 1Blue Np Overcoats, Men's Odd Pants, Boys' -.ickes, OddVes,4 Fancy Corduroy Vests, lVen's Suits, Bcys' SitPrs, &e,& Men's heavy Frieze 'Ulsters for $4.50. Men's extra heavy Frieze Ulsters, Tweed Iinedi, large Collar, slash pockets, in a nice dark brown shiade, w 7 lbs.,3 oz.,,special .price $6, and other prices $8 and O Men's heavy Frieze Suits, double brea.sted, coat, ci th lined, very warm, special for suit $6.00. Men's heavy ail wool Tweed Suits, double breasted coat,'farmer's satin lined, well made and perfect fit, for $7.50 and $9.00. Men's extra quality, imported navy serge Suits, doub~le breasted coats. first-class trimmings, warranted flot to fade, specialprice $1 3.00. These are a few, prices picked, at randomn, copie and examine for yourselves. Fur. a Buy your Furs now and buy them from us. Our furs are guaranteed to be first-class in make and material, ai-id our prices are as low as the lowest. Ladies' Black Astrachan jackets, Satin lined, perfect fit, and latest styles, very warm and very stylish prýice;s from $25.00 to $45.00. Men's Fur Coats, Wal laby,Coon, Australian Coon, &c., these are ahl well made with extra strong linings and sewings, prices range from $20.00 tô $50.00. Ladies' Fur Ruffs-Black Oppossum, Grey Lamb, and Sable, puices from $2.00 up to $10.00. Ladies' Black Oppossum Caperine for $ 10.00. Ladies' Black Thibet Lamb Boa and Muif for set $10. Ladies' Gauntlets-Black Oppossum, Grey Lamb,Per- sian Lamb, Astrachan frorn $5 up to $10. Ladies' Imitation Grey Lamb Gauntiets, well linied, and well made for $1.00.i Men's Imitation Astrachan Mitts, caif faced, g(. d, lhning, very warm, special $1.25. .<Black Galloway Fur Robes, -warranted not to get h ) d the best geuine Fur Robe on the market, prices $18 to$ ,-5. We are the sole'agents. in Bowmanville of tL-mak ( rs of the Famous Saskatchewan Buffalo Rbie, a wo,ýven wvo robe, lined throughout with a rubber lining, fancy tr -a methoroughly wind and waterproof. The large & ies seli for $8.00. B10oots anîd Shoes. We venture to say that you can save good mnoney by, buying your footwear from us. Men's Grain two Buckle Feit ined Boots. hand ,g ged, speciai $1.50. -Men's fine Casco Caif laced Boots,, very clressy, extein- ,sioni soles, globe toe, regular>price $1.35, special $1,0. Boys' fine Kid laced Boots, extension soles, coin toe, sizes 1 to 5. regular price $1.50, specia] $1.00. Youths' fine Buif laced Boots, extension soles, roui-d toe, sizes 11, 12 and 13, special 75c. Ladies' fine Dong. Kid button Boots, coin toe, McKay sewen soles, regular price $1.50, special $1.00. Ladies' Kid Tipped Button Boots, coin toe, HeKaty sewen soles, special 75c. Misses Fine Pebbled laceci Skating Boots, pointed te, sizes il to 2, regular- price $1.25,, special $1.00., Uruiser Birand lias no equal at the price 25e pér lb. We have a f ull assortment of Canned Goods, ail this season' s pack, bought direct -from the factories. W e are selling at about the wholesale prices. Tomatoes, Corii, Peas and Salmon have adIvanced luice vry uch siuce we bou ght. Our Raisins, Currants, Peels, &e., are the best and at special prices. ilave you tried Goodwill Gop bars 2.c. Rough Dressed 1?oultry. , We are open to buy Turkeys, &c., rough dressed. Dry Vick leaving Win--gs and Tail Feathiers on, starve for 9.4 hours before killing, would adivise holding for colder weathl-er, tho-ugli the prices wiil be better-, JOHN McMURTRy. -h -t 1-S 1 1 -t

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