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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 Nov 1898, p. 5

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4-,'s stock sale Nov. 18. Port Perry has some typhoid cases. Mrs. F. . Coucli has returned froi m4 Read local news on insîde pages. Deer hunting season closed Nov a vsi ha aunt, Mrs. Wm. Jackson, C m' Bi4 attraction at Nicholl's this week 1Local and otherwise on inside pages. Mr R.OlndAolffB .,Pco Low Price. News of great interest on inside High RchOrlol sa ff, spen Sucay iton Colotr ~ ~~~Ladies' and children's all woolhosiery pages. sus t afrfW, Ten's ....uêI. ê.ê... in1 P Tofw 01 - at Nicholls'. Men's lined kid gloves cheap at Mr. SaulHeard of 62 Victoria **4 ~ i Read the inside pages or you. will Nichoîls'. Ave., Noth Haiion ac1qpae 10 e nt .miss haîf the local news. Attend Dempster's big stock sale at by his daughter Mrs. Smith, atended SPretty things for Christmas arriving Courtice. Mrs. J. il. Hanns' funeral here last .> î e For over a year ers.J K.v Alln R wcadstle Clrk very Oide)agso for ain entlr.ea ois a acdyealsroel î, ne ae fD.BitaMsnMd de vstdfred u Intemticlto shlrhp xrty~Aefn o 'o have been selhing our, Mr. Samuel Wilmot had a large gang Newcastle. anhina tions in, theologv at Queen's Uni- Are you fon ofa odcU,. Butr Clradcs fmen working at his pond to raise the Rev. J. J. Rae, preaches in Newcastle versity, MVr. T. J. S. Ferguson, B. A.,u of Coffee? Are you satisfied Buter olr ad CSdam. next Sundày. of Blackstock, wîon the Buchan scholar- tomers like it. We want Col. Sam. Hughes lias arrived home 'Pumpkin Pie and cramn socials are of Soyatk .Mr P hWl stndn luothe wbee the eoffee you have otiiers to try it. It costs NrtmhWst.omnh usns n inv tlie noir ere your turkey for exmntin.C'gteg lehee o Have you seen the beautifuLl range Thanksgiving Day? - '~remember a fresh egg looks oft Notice 10f atts Marriage aif ofth Faîl styles in Ladies' Misses feit hats Notin thi pape inie u adthn 50cn s; whenarriages aicnseas et1 a ea n you like it. It costs you atTeMsnC'?read the other side. obta in ilo(1cr fanerai notices printed ai ti nd te t New suliscribers can get THE STATES . .. iis offie. insertion free. -1c p.until ti opnd he is end of 1898 for 25c.lirMRID f e nt like f fo all ou ýhave Farmers, read Mr. Carveth's new an- Fifth of November celebrations were FROST-- A viflv. n Nov. 3, at the resîdence yornouncement in this paper. He is now not se numerous as formerîy. of ntkhen Jade's Fbros byRndS.G Bloda , n- to do is ask for .oro brie faheros bynvdS. Rhok, o -s moe ak. Eeyready for business., Mrs. Nix from Winnipeg, Man., 1S daughte r oif Arthur Avery, ail of Burketon.' Ail Coffee look alike till tried. money back. EverY The ceremony of marriage May, in visiting Mr. John Somers. lier uncle., WALLAcrE-TuRNER.-At the OldManse, Port Try 'Our Coffee and be convinced one of our preparationýS On nro, lie solemie on P Davi panson Ongaace oifrr andck debtdn Mics, Rachel T? that we have the finest. We buy: are sold with this same it is estimated that there were s ies H mno forate longrteter evengs neyugs aultro r Gog unro nothing but what we are sure is: thousand hunters ln Nonthern Ontario NewcastleTuesday night for the Metho- iiltadti stu ltol guarantee. If they were on the track of the deer.' dist church. DIEv . ioonMate coffee but ail food--deal with* .---= not guod w could not Men's Hats in the latest English and Decide what newspapers and maga- coilin of Whitby, aged 70years.usady ilbeseththt: afor o k hi of r Aerican styles just received at Couch, zines you want for 1899 and order them OsnoaNzç i.-In Winnipeg, Man., Nov. 8,, Ailan you get is good and pure. Fresh Jolisto & rydnma's.soon. Osbornle, third son of Mr. W. H. Osborne, Bow- Osesawy nhn. Cs affrd o akeths r . W.nson Abyrmns. Sprnedn t n wsScevhsbe manville, of inflammation, aged 20 years. Osesawy nhn.Cs Mr. . Arstrog, aperntenentformed at Port Penry. G. M., Gibbis is C"'aK-, Feneloni, Nov.7,Mar Jane Clark, paid for ail farm produce. Er1Utt3tr Co1or. of Newcastle Fish Hatchery, brouglit fofCalsCrtiige27yr l Rer. O.Cuffs gg rmWatn secretary. months.ChreCritage2 rsl'I' it ,seven cases o lheg rmWatn hvI8atrsi tc ob miEL-nLnsy o., h hrel Re7-.C el Welngo , dR cleaned onttoneat unheard of prices Fov. 9n y btyo Nov.. 24,AVILE WiTimnnte ôtott-I & J u rli W RyoungB.A., Porintoe, Rex-. Nihv 1lant n Fosokyole ma.-In hindsayonNov. ,JoWnlliam ll BowANvLL y changed pulpits last Sabbith- lide. A.Ncoi.ony, only son of Mr.. Wm, Foy, aged 5 years, The Druggists and Optieians. When T. N. Rickard, Bowmanville, Now is the time to leave vour order il> moNntbs. ,-ý __________________________fits you with spectacles you do flot look for a new Suit at Conceh, johnston & BWAVIL AKT as if yon hadl been shot at and missed. 'Cryderman 's. BW AVLEMRES W e Real ize soigsm utfulgosinf Lad. her niece, Mrs.'J. J.Rae,at th~e Meth o rrcebJ11driyesh:s; HE-~UL . Capes. Burglans are rampant, secure yonr WHEIAT, Fali, bush . O 00 0 70 ~~ itv The Mason Co's. is showing, a verv doons and windowsjand keep the 'watch 'i Sprino 0 00 0 070 ~à%N4 %V T ? T ~ ~ ? T46r IIiRs.> sbilIt natty little coat for girls fnomn 4 te 12 deg' neady for action. t' Red }fife 0 00 (J 72 - LJ '< J'.'.JD Pyears of ag-e a t $2.50 lu ahl the leading Barns and stables owned liv E. J. 'i GOOSE .... 0 00 0 70~ Resting on us as opticians. We shades. Wheeler south of Port Penny wére buru- BARtLEiY, P bush, No. 1 0.934 il 0O5 rehz tat glsssmn Mr Frank Bennett, proprietor of the ed Sunday night week. " "2 0 026 0 85 < relz btwronig ,lse ni'i8.. 25 Il 3 siglit. Wec realize that care Oriental Hotel, and Mn. Aif. J. Bennett Pontf pool has had several important , tTwo rowed 0 25 il 0O4 an sil ntony iv atsfc o f Bowmanville, are At Chatham enjey- bunglanies, herse, buggy, robes, $30OÂs, wàite............O 0 00 0 25 few days' hunt.-Times. worth of dry gloeds, etc. RYE ..... 0 00 0 50 ory resuits and strengthen the Black Dress 'Goeds-a beautiful Demenest's Magazine, one Of the old Bulx-,vAT...........0 00 0 J 7 ruanently curedl in many cases. ods imperted just received at Ceucli, announcement, Srd page. il Canadian Beauties.. 69 il û 70j____________ We realizeý that a mistake on Jo6hnsten & Cryderman's. Capt. A. W. Crawford. Toronto, was fi Mumimey fi O 00 il 0 55 ourpar wodd urtus ore The date of Thanksgiving Day is in tewn this week leokiîng well aften an- il small, fi Ü 00 i fi is'5l7od tayprc u e again being objected te as tee late in ether season ef "life on the wave." il Bine1, fi 0 17 il 0 55 g than yen. Realizing these the seasen. Theblleakest end of the Bny vour funs fnomn a furrier whe un- BuTTER, liest table, P th.. O 00 "i01 od at a low prc. This is one of the thing-s we cannot. be. carelçss lileakest month of the year. derstanids his business, Mayer is that ËGGs, 'P dez .............~ 0 00i 16 gospie or Inaccurate in our sigit, test- That's right Bro. James, bring the man in Bowmaniville. Sec his aOv OÂOs uh....O9 O rea nsoou 6retS ces in.Nor were we satisfied fair te Orone. We have a splendid We beat the record hast week with Hlay per ton .......... 0 û l 6 00 wvitbi "a littie knowiedge" but trclnegonsadynaesure oun new Gasehine Nonthey Engine. -We enable our patrons to indulgei we hae spnt hndres ofof a heanty welcome.-Orono, News. Read the article conrected te date on an JJOJSE TO LET.-Frame resîdencewth tetrvgn . P f Peruse our advertising columns. inside page. & on Fuenr Str. 4pl aM.DWIfAM dollars iu attending the. best Many ef tbemn are clranged weekly and Are yen interested lu magazines'?& o'Funresr.41tf Optical Cohieges iu America contain many bargains for purchasers. The Amýerican Menthhy Review of Re- nALF ASTRAY.-Came on lot 16 I.±AI2,l ha-ve yocï bouight yourt and we are in a positi.on te Do net fail te sean our adventising col- vjews makes a special offer on an in- C_ Cýon 1, about Oct. 6. a heifer caif. owncr gurate bshtesaifatin uuseer eek. side page. D a aesm yproving preperty and ngtnttf No robl ad e hagete A barn of Mn. Chas.. McMnllen, near More pensons are neading Dr. Tai- exlees JouO TvaaBwa îe4~a tes yor sghtwit th laestBethany, was1 bunned necently cansed mage's, sermons than ever oefore. Read CHEEP, A-TRAY-Cam ono tetyorsgltwthtelaetby a spark fnem a steamn enigffe.. Mn. this week's on an inside page, on k 1!2, Darlixgton about 'astofugst1 scientific instruments. Wm. Coulter, tenant, logt ail his grain, 'Wrestling." -rorytndpynxess.M. Mi The pp art ofhefit and elegance No insurance of eithen ban or contents. 'A huntin partv from Stonffville lu TyLErý, Ewavle .O 6wo u ot swd-ped Stott J u r. m Thoma Srnale, -Darlington, Monmeuthtnhi ar liainggadCAl SRA.Fe lt2,sadtls St it& J r .w'sot, shipped ont eîght aligtnabu J l t It selt b Wo stilh examine eyes free of charge. lu tewn to-day. He is a candidate for and thneebears. ht ifrsriin two year oldï( InomtoniiMoneybu the Wandenship and is a gentleman On the 7thi pa-e will lie found( a col- ing to tercovcry wiii be sýu:tably reneardeci ; u ais Casadae i '1' justly entitled te the same.-Guide. umn of editonial notes, an'ediîor's houi- 'ME GI. ET - ded CSý ae on Correct. day ramble, Cartwright and Bowmani- ÔOST.-Between Mn. John Gaud's'~ letlign GRAND [RLJNK RAILWAY. h Drtw wls lydl il oni eot.I and Mr. R,)bt. Sinelair's.Scngog St. B3ow- h akrgnw Bewaî'vîILu TATON.The on all tow veins" lat i ile Penoni rehortes . Talmaoe's auo Thnrsday Nov.3rd,a sniatch block, mfor inch rope, with large Iron Ilook. Fin der sbs eahsao QOOWMÂsr. GoI STWTr. cthe twnal and vnnslatwe esns.wora 1r amg Thisb y stor shows etc eao th(, and had goed houses. Negro melodies, sermons eveny week in this journal will oblige by retnrning ht tu Mn. JoRNa GAuD, nbegos -GIG AT.GiN FýT ckwak addancing formed the value tliem highly. Get ail the youn or to cubher hardware store In town. 46 tf. fullest assortmnent of seasonbegos 'Expýress .. .....019ýa. m. Locales .. 5 23 a. chief attractions. The comiecoalloqutes people te nead this week's on the 'ur- ATnATRY-Cm nlt~N Pasege...3 0 .m asener.i 5p xiweno vony laughable. -pose of Life'. C ico, 8, Cias*ke, four calves. The owner s i No old goods are given sheif roorn. Local.... 6531p. m. 1 Express... 4.31 p. M. Ennuinies are numocrons among fan- Bowmanville seldom has a fatal case rejuested 10t prove nropety pay expenses andi il103 1~ Express... 7 39 I ail.v. i Sundaysgonîy. mors about animais that have gene *of typhoid fever-on any typhoid cases 1take i away. MossFloas , Lekad0 creditlossfr ahcut estopy STOTT & JURY. Town Aents astray and it may net ho amiss te ne- for that matter,,but the insid ions dis-TOLNTestoras sw yorgod ___________________________ that- a 5Oc adventisement in ease is increaslng the death roll lu su- 850 00V0 onaon wood mort- are and' THE STATESIIAN will doulitless save neuniding towns. gage senrta inoderate rates of inîerest. prices keep us always uy. them~n considenable trouble and expcnse. Miss Lillian McLean of Bowmanvihle A.E lýAGLioictrBwavleot ________________ ___________ Dr. Archer's littie son narrowly os- is Secretany of the new Litenany Society 16_________________ - 6m.II capd no dowingatPot Pontypool and a member of the c- USE TO RENT.-That desiah e TAI L RING. BOWMANVILLE, NOV. 16, 1898. 9He and anothen weo lad strayed ocutîve. Principalh T.J. Ryan of Tynoe l brick residee now oceupied ym ut n vrot to re byt, ________________________ __ down te the lake,, hittie Archer feul in is the honored Presideuti. Rigffinbotham, Centre st. 8 rooms, halls, etc.SsadOvrot rdrb h and his small companien pull hlmi eut. A eîh opn isbnltthe bar and sofi water, smail garden with frut te Curtalu Polos lu great vaniety a t 'elh omaybsbnh Iomdavpsion. 39pl tf R.w~ bcstEFR worktnen and low price. Aso Rer dy aors' t a surprise. how eue se small did it. fair grounids at Port Penny for park and BImmie pseo. Ap 39t . T BN Morris'.It may fairly he stated that the ready- necreatien purposos. Original cost Gladte ec m. . W.Bun arundMade clothing business% lu Belleville 15 $23.000 of whleh'thec ý mile race track BOARS FOR SERVICE.-The under aeCohn ugo ait. Mnsf again after hisserions illness. lu the hands of Quick & Robentson,who, cosi $4000. The agricultural exhibition hoio, a thoro'bred Yorkshire %Vhte. 14ed6- nisiSnfgs S.~ Inti lprmn WE A E /1 Mn. Z. Bailey of Toronto is the 140w altheugh they have bieen only a short May be reorganized. from lamons Imported Show pigs. Termi; c75r, Socretary of the Durham Rubben Ce. time lu the city have made a large Oshawa is agitating fer waten womks. T. Woonta-v, Tyrone. 46o*LEADERS. Corne and get a correct idea Messrs. Wesley and George Crozier, number of friends, both lu business aend Mn. John Gait has given estimates for B OAR FOR SALE .-LargeYorkshîire3 of what f ashion has ini store for the Faîl îind Scugog, have returned frmMntb.lI oiiwy-ntelligencer. gravitv water works systemn brinu1g four, 2 years old, a splendid hog anii;lC a Tin tend granite ware toe ocleaned Miss M. Mosetta James, A. T. C. M., water'fnom, near Raglan '80,000gand suresýtock-getter. Wiilbc soli chap Have Wiuter season. ont temake reom ,ferSai-ta Clans at Soprano, Mn. Everett C. Brown, hani sewage $30,000, -total $110,000; also a also âk for sevie a stn parkonae of gret' Nicholhs'. toue, Mn. J. H. Alexander, tenor, and hlé pumping water-works system for Roselaý wndvae Stock Farm, Solina. 13* NOTICE.-Poultrv, Butter, Eggs aend Grocers' ]Due New suliscnih-ers eau get THE STATES- er prm favorites will sing at $67,000. ______ MAN aend Toronto WEEKLY GLOBE te Thanksgiviug concert lu lecture noom The Epwonth League has, been sue- i~'~N ustkna ah end of 189,8 for 25e., of Methodîstchunch on evoumng of Nov. cessful in socuring Miss Nelle Polad VI'..ii G 'f0 MNOVEO Mns. Fred. RZ. Clark and children 2t.Egefo tTiksony1eeloeutionist, for thein concert ou the wero guests ovýen Snnday of Mr. D. Me- Yen say youn eyes ache, well nlowoni- evening of Thanksgiving Da-Y. A E Kay-Port Hlope (guie don with sudh a pairof spectaciesas yen large house should greet Miss Poland JAMVES uoiu lb- have on, ahi tied up with cotton te îeep on this hon finst appeanance lu concert When T. N. Rickard cleans youm îîîem on. You go straight te T, N. Ric- home. Vocal solos,'duets, trios tend in- Is about to move bis Bo AVI E biwah, e wheo s lit plac ten,'d lard, Bowmanville. My hoe dees fit stmumental numbens will aise ho given. 1TEUTTLRY BUINS hls ganaute ges wît his onî. one's eyes well, tend the pnice of ý r tehnBace Cade, o tiLA BSNS xnîly. e o eîng sueti. WEEKLY STAR on thein excellent Seue nA0 il , WiII ho at Omono fmom, 9 te. m. 1to BA S FOR SERVICE.-The 'lm- Tiï STATESMAN invites ahi its ribad- Mn. James Goard, jeweher, findiug premium, THE THIN REVD LUNE."Pic egtoecontnihuto te this cehumn aihis present place of business tee limited CanadiausatndrmauA Aenicans tee arei 'n trnhenlnii7p,lonithNewcseoin - tedfut o302, Lieaeea'mprei yhfr .G s ,oï, pensonal nature, sncb as the las secured the lange store west of red bot for tenvthing at the present.time, .a No. J.2 ofxrlnt niqaiy hG, va ~d eprtreofguit, IcHigiboham's drng store (Ellison's fiavonhng of British sentiment. "The -ine eC_î ' Modyso eteci MentI. q.(Uî aCd ee'R vemOnts ofwehl lnownpoople, huIld s a)tnd will shontly occnpy the Thin Red Lino" filîs thblli te efco.- neHmon, etc. Ail that is required. 19 same witb a langer genenal stock. Hoe tien,atnd the pubhishons oftbe "Famih y God'lat s, Urn"v ilaatjj to snd a post card or drop a slip iet is tddinrg another department t9 bis Ilenald tend Woek-ly Sýtar" well deservo 1ii T' ' ."tlî,d NS STÂTESMAN letton box.lisiness,tliat of Stationery,and intends, the cenigratulations that aro eapi up- anu'~J tdPihe vtpîo repcîle ya. 1 VtklieOk.Ld loignoveWtes tend staple god uon them. "The Fa'!y Honte d ted11i~ ibaiuvtw'erts,~"lhL ÇhiId ren Ory for fIat ino inicludiug scbeol books tend Weelv Sltar" fis -weel wve notice is 21 !g *mc fbieFR ~ L oeti'o 14 bshga rvf 'ml sebool uplee. Hoe will lie0 ploas- pages. Onle of t1ic Wendenes of tie age! wrbsw n orToouhrdTtit otebs i otsba aiefu oen ed te mneet bis ohd tend many 110W us, Sucli a paper tend sncb a picturoý for oe wmnh odfrsiesip.Tr istclrsa.T.JCOE price right.tan D. J. Gisz 20,mnile 12aptoè Grote Lot Coi, Co.23Dr-gon tA omons inl the new standI. dollar'! Can our readersueranitBXe2 QW NVLE .uklt4 Cn.ICCXiiP '.-.16

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