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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 Nov 1898, p. 6

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t - i t- 1~ The C anlad li ittlia fOi DR0M KN r) A, 1UE &E ENIN. colurn N\ý'saper BOWMA'"NVILLE, NOV. 16J, 1898. 171,O lu N 1 0 EOnDS-[6 PAPErs The -New Yo(rk Independent, the leiad, An Elght Page, Foligh ounesae P-IN"TED TEE FIRST MINUTE. ing wveekl ' newspaper of the world-c is published and onie whose pages exercise the wid- EI lR JENSA MORING est influence, is entering uDoII its ff *Whn doctors fail and ninety-nfle EVERY WEDESDAY MORING, ~ fl~ Who1~ ~~j1v ~ Loal aflu viierwlSe.tiethyear of publication. Thelndepend-redesaep elesogieeie ATw The OFFICE r4aftl ca L l'n 1O ent emphasizes its fiftieth yerby rmdlsaepwrest ierle AT T-IF OFFCE chngig it fom totha of maaier and cure, to, the Catarrh-stricken suf- chagin its Cure toh ontefa-aazn 2~STATESMAN BLOCK, KING STREET, T 1 +Qnl(A4 Over 300l communicants Jecived and by reducing its annual subscription ferer, Japanese CatarbC ethon- vress iiOii ai Sma10.1 cUo3, Sacrament in the Methodist; chuitrch at prices for $3.00 to$2.00; single. copies hundredth-comes as the never-failing ROWMANVILLE, ONT.. BY the Quarterly services and over S,21 was from. 10 to 5 cents. The Independent rainbow of, promise and will cure as lt contributed to the Poor Relief Fund of in its ne 1w form will print 8,640 pages of cured John Crow'of 421 Keefer street whichi Mr. T. C. Jeýue1 is the treasuirer ,reading matter ver year at a cost to Vancouver, B.C., who for 15 years hacd Subscribershtor who have been carryin g .~.subscribers of 82.00 whiIe the promient re vr eeyh ol a î B u s ri t o $î 5 arN N e f o k n mo n evyb e lo n g in g to u s in th ir p o c e tS : m a g a z in es thlc h seliy fored $ 4 0 0 ao l y e ar h ldso r Sbcitoimprannnm, or $100o if paid No N e f L o ig for somie months can make us happy by print only about 2,00pages. The sub- miebeetoraca tl n dv~c, 11 transferring our pockets forthwýith'. scriber to The Independent gels 82 per -only to have the parts weakened and strîcy InavncnS abby ,even though cent. more of equally good reading more susceptible to most violent returne 7'mr. T. J. MeBride,, of h asy n the tect! is no of the malady when the effects of the Hari Cmpn ,Toronto, M.ndismteatfalse cure bad passed, off. He used 6, 1-larisCompanvonlv the leading family weekly news- boxes of Japanese Catarrh Cure. Three ADVERTISING RATES Times, are liard-Easy McBride, lef t Monday bY the Canadi an ae but by far the cheapest and best. years have elapeed since hie did so. andi Transient Advertising. Ten Cents per Line, Pacific railway for Sydnev, Australia, pA feper mncp a ehd ywielehsbensbett h an Eequt insertion.Fv et erLn ahSb to Mak olu Go n and h mlyéso h works hceadled bY rhe power now used in'running the addressing TilEINDEPPNDEI1t,130 Fulton exposures, there bas been no symptom5s leetineto.a band accempanied them to the station. :f E TTSA o.~ ttN Y f a return of the Clatarrh, and hie wlnds CONTRACT RATES. Suits Look like >New Mrs. McBride was a Bowmanvil le girl presses iTH ATSNPublsing Steet, New York. up bits testimonial letter with these gi.Iouse is the Northev Gasoline Engine, Th odrwahrasmdbu! os:"yifalose torei- TIMES INSEETED. StctoLws e have tida g cut of which is herewith hw.Ti BIZ1 OFDES M th -uh -,ts when One knows how. good many wormn medicines but during is a wonderful machine and as .'%ny per- ness very lively at Tha Mason Co'is aches and it gives instant relief." 127 1_____________ Yr the past file years have stuck tu Low's sou of ordinary inteîîigence can oper- during the past week. If Sou have flot Japanese Catarrh Cure le guaranteed On1e Coînmn .........$20 00 $ý40, $60 100 as it proved to be the best." SamnueiT. ate it, au engineer isunnecesýary. wealready donc so, you are invited to to cure any case of Caterrh,or money Raif Column ......... 13 00 26 40 60 Sargeant, Brockvil1e, Ont. got a practical engineer from Toronto to inspeet their magnificent range of refunded. Guarantee and conditions quarter Co1nmn.. 80 6 2 4 Bgt oluma......::5 00 10 16 26 We heard an old citizen over to setý up th nieand the next week- aisFsinbeCasadbyfr i vr 5 naa i Twenty-five Lina ...4 50 .9 12 18 It is astonishing how much can be the names of the womien in Bowmranville 'Mr. W. S. McKowan, foreian of THE the finest range of black and colored Drnggists or by mnail. Twenty Lines ......... 400 6 & 18dDesGod hyhveee hw Fifteen Lines...... 8 0 7 50 12 made fromn seemingly useless garments who deal considerabiy at Toronto de- ýSTATES'.AN o lice, took charge'of it and resodstyhaevrson.&MCERO TROT Ten Lmnes .........2 50 4 506 50 Il by the woman who knows how. The partmnental stores, and to our surprise lu soventeen seconds from the time of Mrs. David Labor, Waterford, Ont , aRramu, MCHESN OTOOT Five Lics.............i1 25 3 50 6. 10 old faded gown that is, out of style can hie named the wives of three merchants turning on the hattery that produce-, says ; 'Il can recommend Hagyard's The above are eonti act rates, and apply Only be readily dyed with Diamoud Dyes to 011 King St.. and two professional men the electric current that iguites thegas- Yellow Ou1 for pains of any kind. It 1ore-golar bnsinessadvertisere. a fashionable color and thein make over who makeo their living among. ouir citi- oline, speed was up and a paper deliv- cured -me of a distressing pain that the ChngsoSeotract advertlsements mnst be s0 that it wil look aute-S w as new. zens. ered on the big Wharfdaie press print- doctors could not b-ure." T andinoiajter that one o'clock onSa',tul'day Sutis for the boys can bc made from old WEAK LUNGS. 'Il was trolibled cd. This statement will be bard to be- West Durham teachers are different. -this ride ywills strictly enforcedi. ons, discardcd by Ille 'father, and a bath with weak lungs and a sore throat, and eecnieigteonotieibaTh rdTH SAESN:Anih- L Paragraphi ade"iaee amog e tes .O far .ae to -e eysemi h e oigconysprnedn s 100 a ne eah the wonder wo11krng Diamond D',es was completely cured by Dr. Wood' o4rc ~ n~ e psemi h nwbrn onysprnedn se wits 5 arý,e n nill make themlook -likenew., Dresses Norway Pine Syrup." FrankJennîngsrengne but an0esnwoeeytahra h nttt h took meiltnr, 25e aarae and elnseattehitgil cnbeCldÜeOn. 111a, doubts if is requesfed to cail on ,Tues- the local connty papers to hold uphands A sharp tngn paý1in ciale ,,ýd iadertlet a re maered. adcloak for fbu litte girl ca be ClwteOt day evening and be convinced by actu- OnIy six responded. 11e expressed inteac outnkt caeo oidopreladsucagd mae ithuf ite trob le a carùofcte- We have just receîyed from the Globe ai demonstration. Lest the re-adermay great surprise and said -"IYou don'tintetLc vu h1t t Orders for diseontinuing àidvertisements ly an eaes fromom 2he cage offhet clothes- no qut nesad u e i doesn't: arno-unt to anly- be la wriln otherwjse t he publisher wili not of, the eider folkis, and when the color i adoe2 aepmplt oti-ntqie nesadormaig we spend a dollar a year with those papers, (A'e -ý thing- le ail! rin a, No, rapernill a. op ni i araae changed wif h Diamond Dyes the mnade- ing pictures of the townis and cities be- mean to say that our foreman can come yet vou expect them f0 print free of v' - e asbut it dcn Noepap, excatatie oton( ii- tlishrer.A eis tweilltani and as erePac-ifie in to the office on Monday morning, tumu charge notices of ail Sour school doings, geairitkdnyar post office notice to dic n o suffiient. fresh from kh thougli eys which it circulates extensively. The on the battery and have the two presses mnhyrptsreosofcvnin, j ntdigib-rdîyandci Doberýia ae ,r ir2( brn7 Diamond Dyes were made specially take a large volume to hold the record scns We have now thoroughly pec thm t dvrtis you aliou a/ ' t fî l"me o ipa deisn o on- r home use, n h li ietoso t aygo oscnp i oaelis you asis ough the rroxe r, pi-ebiandfar '!)and Octber ovmeoit adtepin ircosoffsm ygodoints. No othier paper tesfed this gasoline engine, havg us of climb the ladder to better positions ~ - gigaltruhtess tractedl for by the yecar, 01n eae a make if mosil for in Canada comes within range of if as a ed it a mltand -we uhbtItgglytn 411kinds of Job Printîng doue with neatnass even thie mnost inexperienced to haIve newspaper. state-if meets our expectafion in e aer retur-nFie wihup 'n tds aceti and despateli and on reasonable terms.f The porlckwith these dyes. They col or Avr reun-h i pno office lis supplied -Aith a great varietyof the any thing from ribbons, feaf bers andi A usa,î,Gi."Iwsveyecp utw aeue The alngtéépoeservice was backaecb, s latest and mosi fashionabie styles of type. scarf s to ueavy coats,jackefs and gownls waad rlybetowIl. Mytrifle more gasoline than the comPany bec-un in Bowmauville Nov. 1 and wîll of ilîs. Busiessnoties n loal r nes cIums fretblood was f hïn and my face as pale as say is requisite, but as the cost Of gaso- 9 insertion 10 lcents rar lina Noupareil-* 5 cents par and inake colors that are fast to wash-dah entlabu odsSr-ln iTrno nyi5o,16P1e banpt-aecnvinet iizs liue eachsnbseq-Luentt insertion. iNotleSofmeet- ing and the, sn-colors even handsom- dafh.a Beg ing abot anod'sSr n in Torw al onto isol r1cprbauin uptodae. conen c créit izdesA SKD E -'L haredr colecioisakemutbpadfo. roesionl arll Ibga tkig .tperwh h ouis -h I Mair 'p.onW . î IN Y IL og f anyv kid ait Which an admission fea s erthan those made by the monthsona ISahandatadiwafwglo,.h ofpe orilesta2 Mancger crdfo isu ail communc a vltion stae nhud i addrasatl, r. otsIhdgne twent 'y pounusii Pe H. P. whce is insignifican. in an Mr.e acomoati. Manger for this b.eovn hecue AR__________________________________d weight. I kept on with it until I was ordinary printing office. ade ac àmdto.Cr h icaeb eoigtecue well as ever." Arthur Milîs, Dres- At a test last week the big Wharfdale Rev. William Wye has made a not- , W 1. Popham, Talbot St., St.Thomas, Ont, tiA JIES en, atttempf to adapt the chlloquial sas I hava for a long timne had serions press was vemnacula of ScfaîoBbethemes. o ba.k and kidney trouble. My bac], was so __________________________ Hood's Pils cure nausea, headache. seconds after turniug on the electric Aeaples o er Stare ao Bie tepes- tiff and painful that when I sat down I had PIJBLISUJSR'S NOTICE. "Andersou's Physical Education" isurn a fmn sions f rom the Sermon on the Mount: ohave taenmen four aoxest me tu at upi,ý the latesf work 0f Dr. W. G. Anderson, ute af fer connecting the baftery 16 p- I hnS.wdd uewr,1 Pnadte aetkntesifts n phefrs were delivered ou the press ready Wnyer webala do jalgude whatrk la4Pind thamy hae taend tenbe siffOee a TthTTeUN maldreual well-known Professorof Gyninastics pers fodig We fob if nhi recoo .htatn pt pain orrmybc a d aiedina ty. TESTEMNi aldrglryaf Yale University. If treats of everv odn g Wedufi hsrcr eee an ojs ayee trglenp thupanodifcty' to is sbscibes utila dfinte rde ca bebeaen y ay cunfy ofic luriclit haun is thrang ws'." "And anent toissbciesutladfnt rephase of Body Building, Cadisnada.ceei why soud Se hae sic cark and The ac aine box, C o.î, ailnto Ontg. to discontinue is received and ail date" lu everyparticular. The illustra-_ Canada.we a h llesoth e arrears are paid lu full, Subscripfiou tions, about one hundrâd lu number, The manufacturers have nof asked how they growe ; the-, toil-na, nor spin, are takenn fromnc rinsad ie h s to write up their business, but we yet say I., that Soion, in a' his glorie q1,50 per aniumai. Ifpî uavnebook will be sent posfpaid by the pub-jý are so well pleased wifh our flew en- wasna buskit brow like ane o' thae. 31.0 pe anum.lisersfor15c Adres-TH HAOLDgîne that wetake this opportunifvfîl Copies of "lMatthew," postpaid [25c], A. XVnLsoýN Co., Limifed, 35 King St, ling STATESMAN readers, especially our may be lad of the publishers, Imrie, West, Toronto. farmer friends, how the machine is OP- Graham & Co., 31 Churdli St.., Toronto coriSWMPTieO and RiuE: etesre.kns eoe ihu painES-M or sor t aqiind on mams everyd f alum.o ofat ranaoa to.taieal i ll£ M AMES Issuer of Marriaga Licenses., Tendeir corns, soft corins, cornIs of ail erodd ro ~î i r DBliS LICENSES,-M.nds A.mve ableou aain how itr my bemteavau n hratrt.ario.e,, PI~XG. DLOOD spots by Putnam's Painless Comn Ex- The Nortbey Gas and .Gasoline En- *AIMETIN.3 ThousandsI5EDITy, the~ benelits orfthis wtile A. E. .MýerAIGHLIN, 1x1 trector. Thwistest ify that if is gine is the result of soîpe years of ex- Canadale Grentes-t LinIment. ai% Mîost aiei Bf~kie BockR n teaer iOwmnee-iila.ipaiIeý and po t.Do) not prmnigin the endeavor to Lget a Gîfth'enolLnmt sherat BI,~~cetan painles prompt. permenin stet .wiýife rffts'MnhlLnmn stet By tis aid of Thîe D. & L. Emnîston, 1 have Money to ban aireasonabie rata. 48-nyribIniposed1 upoulbv sulbstit[utes4 offered power tliaf woiild bc cheap andi easy to est curative dlscove y cfthe ae. Pene- gundfhcigcuhhciatobe _______________________________ fr tIc enuin P tna' painess hiandle, and the perfîeced(,7 engine that is trates muscle,.membrane and tissue to the abl fIr oveig erai aegindcnsd Ilx-\tractor. Sure,_, safe, bale11(ss. the resuit of this l ong exprenin iS 'Very boga, banishes pains and aches Wlth a abylweg. OR. J. C. MITCHELL, dArapsidly re-placino- almost, ail other uoW- power Impossible wlth any other remd r ýWNHM .. et-a EMBERFCOLLGEOFHYSICANS adieý, dovou wn acheap bu ,ve protiucing machinery. The engine Use It for rheumatism, neuraîgla, head- fOc. and $9 per Bottie M sud Surgeons, Ontario,Coroner, etc, 5.excellent fashion magazine? -an afi~~i1~5~ aches and ail soreness wlIgndu- DIS&L RECGOimtd Residerîce. Enuiskilieu. '74 varied are the handsomne grinsfrpower. Iorse demmation. AIldrugglstr, 25 cts. 8 ______________ladies mise an chultren sliowçn . i man. The simpletfurning Of a stop- The Peace Commission in'Paris is D. BIRKE IMPSN, -Tint DESIGNER for December. Surely cock and turning the fly-wheel once described and ilutate ine Noe a 9 fashions have neyer been more fasteful, around by baud starts the engine. You ber Magazine Numnber of THE QUTTLOOK Im BARRISTER, SOLICITORI, etc.. MORRIS' nior their mode of presentafion more -ur of th muieadteegn yastf orsodn nPrs h BLOCK, up-etairs, King'Street, Bowmaîn I pleasing. Weil meriteti praise is neyer toff. ther gasom dander ele b ataffe correnssponete lu Paris. he A L L Im ville. Sol!i'cito- for the Ontario Bank. out of place, and we are Most wligto frr sn ir'ncnetom wire as amrtic con ansthe Cofmsio bothýN L I Prvt oeslae tlws aesaata rmcvrt oe ti bright The engine is tmue to the motto of the witlh portraits of most of them. Jacob 71 ~interesfing sud practical, publisheti b Northey Company, "Built for hard A. Ruis, the author of IIHow the Other STEAMSUPS MISEL.5. QusnEc, ROBERT »UG, V. S.STANDARI),FASIruON CO., 32 West 14tb work. " Ail bearings being of the best Hall Lives," contribufes a graphic 9 A. M. 6 P. ». ROCER T URHAM V. WS St., New York City. metal obtainable andi the actual work- article coîîcemning the New YrPoieParsa 3 Nov, SameIDay, 0 Block, wbere bimef or hie assistant will It is quite common to sc very hearty ing mechanism of the engine being lu- Department. Mr. Rius bas lad except- Lueta befouudfrom8a. m. to 9 . m. Night calîs et j'< aters very thin, this indicafes fauity cased inside the frame anti mus in an ionai acquaintance with the met hods of Nomîldian fromn Portland Nov. 26. telantor 171pon yilreev rp aî1îcrv ourishment and don*t get if ; ai- ed anti as this engine clamber i8 practi- h m anv m t idvuand eeds fheos S JOHN MAIL SERICaîE tlrhote elpon 11rcev popta 171 rv yfeso nbpoleolbt epn i- contatl lui a th Departmenf. adefs tfheos s th fS.JMHLFXAf îsuo~RT umthougb overworkîîîg their digestive or- cally tiust-proof there is very little wear etlsasi p .Pau Bgt, the ST. JOHN EALIPFÂJ. tgans they are starving slowlv because and tear ou the working parts. famous French essaylst andnovelist, is Californien Dec. 211, Dec. 22. luwhat they eat doesn't assimilate. Mit- The Northey Company are achieving the sut ber of- a notable story, entifleti Parisian Jau. 11, Dec. 12. l'.rP-E Am F , TAILOR fUT Up AS A POWDER., lrCmpudonisnceeth great success in introducing their En- 'Anitigont,,'whieh portravs witbi ex- *SteamersmrkdbsdietoLvpol power ofdgetonadasiilto, 80gine aogpitn ofce.A n ceetiing lofry perrcius-- Lanrentian, ist cehin ouly. Gentlemen'sClothes made to Order. (IVE-S NWL F~E ta h ulbnftwl edr e mad]ft e ric - tha te filbenfi wil e drieufomprogressive papers besides THE STATES- sonality. Among theillustratei articles Passengerà wll lia transferradwith their a TII E FLOW what is eaten. This is noficable in lu- MAN that have pIi.Ân the en lue we in this number are a picturesque accouit, Of~1h el r aiwysato NEVvL~iLOî, ~ OP. INCREASES TH LW creaseti weight anti strength andi the May menltion, the B3racebridge Gazette, of a visit f0 thecountry of Sitting Bull, RA E 0FP SA E NEW ý£AïLOÎG S-Ë--ÎOP.OF MILK IN COWS. general feeling of comfort thiat follow Meaforti Mîrror St. Marv's Journal, bv- Rosa T. Shelton, with many striking. R T SO A A( . Lisw. Miius A (' D'ce rýQo. their use. Markham Economist sud'Orangeville pictures of Indian lfe frnm original Liverpool and Lor.donderry-lst Cabln,$52.0 The undersIgued who bas beau carryiug on Af the Quarterly Boardi meeting of Banner. Pý le;i anti an article hy Dr. Cabin, eturu onn $114 00 sud up a tiie tailoring biness in counection with tILtT M""L PICSu h8 Tue englue isrpdy1taking plotmore nBlna' sudi nLvepwar y eis, so London) $5.O Ste tlaescu s Dry Goods Store for a numbar of yeas e »waedsuît cuncb alast: esstrs. isSpt. h mrWBafuto uyns"i-(nluigBlai lso od aes commeuced business for himseif at his roome twrseeeettib alt ess place of the windmill on the farm as grim's Progress." ($00 a year, TES' Perisian or Califomnian ,28.50; Casiuor X Kin S. wst wb~ali leprpard e mke 25~ ~50t aks-e Dr. W. E. Tilley, (Recording Steward), farmers generally are findiuc-that for OUTr.OOu COMPANY , New York.) midiau $22.50. Kg t sud bo yse lu dl thepae a4to tyles sur5 n c.a ~ PTbî' ____ New l'ork te Glasgow sud Derry, eots aoyes rices Fora the lbo 'wistes ard ______ an 0es akg. P. Teblcok, 3. M. Joness, Geo. C. al purpose but pumpîng water for Mongolien, Nov. î1th let cabiu 847.25 upwar a oetpie.FrtoewowstaodtHaines, JonHellyar, Sen., Cnin Mt.rg a2.0 suits, lia will carrysa foul lina cf samplas in ail]Jh .M catfle in afar off fieldi the enieis FOR OVER FlieT Y YEARS. 2ud Cabin $82.50,;serg 2.0 the neest ptterns Giveimacal 4 î?l7wl % 17/ Cawirer,J C.asoe represent- o-reatly the 9uperior of the winidmill, It NMrs.Wlnslow's SoothingSyrup lias beanu usdby For tickets and every information i? #il ue es pa te ns Give .i eoo B oard Bili n of motnin rs fo Ci V anstone. T hel y t J. T. ALLIN, SiIIIê l O.LIf > alives to the Sabbath Scho Bad is very annoving wheu the work thsi millins f mtrers for their cand ru e o if t were re-elected: Messrs. C M. Cawker, oihv od goes on ail the time andti u teetg bf dtrlaetih sdbkno!M. A. JAMES, Fshiouabla Tîlor. Tels how Milburn's Heart and N«Vc Levi Morris, M. A . Jsames, Joli lneli11ar, thwinti stops. witbthe.palnoe uttiug teathenaudtlonce sud Alle Lina Azent. Bewmanu J. C. Vanstone t Church Street school, gai a battle of Mrs. Wiuslews' Soothing Syrup PUis Conquer Disease. sud& Messrs. Dm. Brimacombe, Charles One of the men fmom the ativemtisiug fer Childran Taething. Ih wlralieva the pour '1SxyN Yer1 QLfà Like tle conquariug ermies of Britan Cox, John Grig.-, Thos. Shierin anti eo frMmTal, thoeais ne mistaka aboutit. It cures Disrrboea 183 THE ONTA'RIO BANK, tein, ~~Walter Todgham f0 South Warti Tab- dt be fl the bouse of M.Tyo.r laethstomnacb sud lels, cures Wîud Bowsnvil Agrcy macigt itr neeyMPP. o ot idee navr olestegmrdcs'famt contiue~os te do a Generel Baukîng Business ai quarter of the globe, Milburn's Heart emnacle S.S. Board. to 'L oin: Sundayi-Ay anti%4 oh ovrainsdgvstues nrlt iU I U I it -om a v i l G L O BEy o r. T î t A T-A a n a r a n i M r . T a y o a i d t e l a d nb e s in n s e r i t i e n o n e c f t e e l e i s u i s i f m -z.. 190, fo $1. otI or 3.75. o o griti feti or th les fou week b _cieu auf nursstluthe nîtef Staes. ____ Su l ie t he best ana L ax-Liv r Pil, a d now afiar avlirg in ,- a watch. Go te Rickard'she w i etnc ne$urne 7 oio a 4 a year print enly about 2,000 pages. t os uh a frn a s e nt à, y PPOS c~~usd a faw boxas, I amn bette fl4Ifuyuwa ilsi oa e DJ aisancerdu te tlia eeitth ok 8 pher sbcentmre of Teqaygot rneatiu Doassc nas tha et cheapest .coal in the have beau for years. My nenves are whtYou wae biluyit ua 11 e l bu st acodngt t ,8 waak The subcrbe tes T e n ent gets wees restorad te foul force and vigor, I eat and tisert ou re s in , oitio f0 si rigît e Write at once. Name refarances. matr?,n-afth ot otuigyorefwt eao market. .Try it. Deliver- sleep ivell, and my enuine system has Be wiefor-orgoiat telmb-~OOeaieKitn e eot~ Only $2 per year, ed to ail parts of town. a "Milbomn's Heart and Nerve Pilla, 50c.-or yor puchse at rate for anv part of y ear SN O SE1E a bo, or3 fr li--5,at ll duggits.Ail disorders causeti by a bilions stafe sendPostal card for free specimien cop Wbicb willb li miled ifreeand pomar box,~~0 or3fr*.5 ialdugss hî 0 ff th sytn car b witil suy Otherrra"aal P ETER MURDUUCH. . rty Cate' ittled!LiverfPiiis. LaaLîe THEl Nay JEoEhEn louhîoey jledffer A0en. 1 Constipation andi dîstresaltrs tn.dsoÜoticTEIDPNET Th air action la naturel and ef1@«tve.- -r ti R iiîrhiIi, ,Aet TÉ a-ý R A o tei use.Ty hm 180 Fulton st., X. Y. 44.2wv

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