Sie! Ir i edceadrlieealtetroubles mci Jent c t cho> e e fth teni. such as Dizcnes ,Ncsa osnsDistresq aftcr eauing. an c t 1id, c.Whe theirmost lies>'- - 't Cxcvsa,'S LZ a~Ltvera Pn.c. chie 1lConstIpation, ouring i eV er and ri-ugut à C u bwels. .Ah V,~ wou7ld hal a Os,~ p11lc:1as te thâsb er,,, ti uw ooce tryý t ,r vL! flnd these loIs 7r qli vj l'a gos m wrys that thy iil flt1. wiliing to do without thern. 19 thibe os nayXv atcth ln where wei nieke ou grat boast. LuL pilla cure 1t; ,while others do flot. C.usvaa's LiTTLn Lîveca i tLs nro vcory sînali andIvery easy te t-ko. 0 ce oi tv,,nrilkc unalze a close. They are stlîyvgtlland de net gripe or purge, but b, t heir g oeaction please ail] who use ti-en.' tialG at 25 cents; flve for $l. Sold ove-ywh--.~.orseit by maiL GRATEFUL COMFORTINIG Distinguished e-verywhere for delicacy of flavor sup- erior qualities and nu- tritive properties. Spec- ially grateful and comfor- tii-.g to the nervous and 5dyspeptic. Sold only nl 41lb tins, labelled JAMES EPPS &CO.1 Ltd., Home oeopathic claerists, Lon- don, England. t BREAKFA5T . SUPPER To Cure Britl' s IT- IS il PROMPT RELIABLE AND NEVER FAILS Ask yrour Druggist or Dealer for it BRISTOLISSASPRI "Last summer 1 wva, troubied with Sick Headache and Biliousness, and could flot sleep at igýht. 1 tried several doctors bDut to no effeet, and got corn- pietely discouraged. At iast 1 saw an advertisernent tell ing about Burdock Blood Bitters. My hus- band induced me to try it, and te- day 1 arn using the t~f~UIthird bottie, and a Ô~LLtruly sayit has done, PâLsnme a wonderful ameunt of good. 1 feel better ta hI have for years, and arn con- fident I owe myi restored healtli te B.J B. B. MS. EDWARD BECK, River-side, N.B. Bj.B.B. is the best remedy for BiiiusnssCcý-stipation, Sick HedceCoated T îong-ue, L-iver Scr-ofulIa, Bloo 10 O ' uos, Ilnd il! Diseases of te~~OL StornachLveKd neyýs and l3ow\"elIs. 1 Uà THECD I(S ES'~ PI-V èht *MRMA4 z~~t~~ ToId By The Editor, BOWMANVILLE. NOV. 16, 1898. __________________DURING A HO1LIDAY RAMBLE The protest against Mr, J. J. Foy in HE VISITS TH-10 OLD HOME- South Toronto was abandoned. STEAD. Miss Mary O'Connor, of Montreal was, He Pound Changes That Astonished sent back from Buffalo for alleged viola- Hlm, One of Whieh Deserves the tion of the alien labor iaw. Widest Publications for the Bene- It is said the e'ection of the Hon. John lit It Mlay Provo to Others. Dryden ln South>0Ontarîo will Ibe pro. From t te Leader sud !Recordtr, Toronto tested: although his official majority is uein 156~. The editor cf the Leader and, Recorder, during a receut holiday John H. Douglas,the Liberal memiber trip, through the counties of' York, Shed forSatn i. On mùtion the ~ne o? r H. NMNaily. at $16.25 wai a'CCpted, Mre. Parkea' tender-bàing $12. 00. On motion, orders were graînted- on the Trea,ýsurer for the flown amomnts : J. Morrison, R Elýgerton, Jas Crozier, indigent aid, $1.00 each ; Jas. Gaile, Publisher Bowmanville NEsm s, advertising Votera' Liat, $2.50 ; R. Phiip, repairing, culvert on road divîiin No. 36,' $i.b0; J. W. flooey, nepairing culvent, $1,00 ; R. J., Nes- butt. twco-tirds value of sheep kiiled, $13,,34;, E. Fitz, do $10,66 ; G. Mar- i-w, dto ?$400; Frank Harris, 96 loads of gravAi, $4.80 ; Henry Pool, 66 loads, $3 30 ; W. llooey, repsiring culvert -on roRd div;ision No. 21, $1.75 ; S. PaRe, gnavellirg on Daiington boundany,, $15.60, haif cf whieh amount was for East tNortnum berland, nas ceea un- - ' Vu"-' r '-"Ul y, ' JLIL a LCw ch'rged up te Darlington Council; S. seated, and a new electi on will be held. days at the cld parental homnestead Page, work on road division No. 2, Br*ibkery by agents was admitted, and wheîe he was born a,-d spent manv $13 490; A, Demili, repaire on rosd the court voided the election. happy years. The old h omestead ijs divisiojn No. 3, M~40; J. Mahafiy, re ______in t the township, cf Buphnasia, Grey bate ors dlog tax, $1.00, Rcv. E. R. Young, B. A., and. Mr. ccunty, about oeeand a haîf miles - ouncll1 then adjourned ta the first Frank Carman, B. A., have been ap- south cf the village cf Heathcote, W.riuayin Dec Tp. leik. pointed assistant editors te the Christian and about ten miles from)r the tewn - ___ Guardian. Mr. Young is the son cf or Meaford. It is occupied by, the T0W oOUNIqon. Rev. E. R. Young, formerly pastor of writer's youngest brother, George F. the Methodist churcli, Bowmanville. Fawcet. The latter was the picture Regular monthly meeting held on ________-o f health, arfd nemembering that Monday eveniag asat. Menýbers ahi when lie came from Detroit, where present, except Couns. Jeffery,Mitchei Th tryToune elgrm rits lhe had beenliving for severai years, LSrY. Mayor Loscombe presidivng,. the followtng: Conservatives miglit and teck possession cf the homen- Min)uters f iast meeting read and coni- frankly recoguize the fact that the sed ewsi uhfel elhfinmed stea liewasin sch 'eebe helth Commrsnuicstions were received froai record cf liberalism la Ontario is flot that hîs lite was despaired cf,1 the M_ A. Jame, sec, cf the Agicultural vile, as records go, aud that the opposi- writer suggested that the bracing Society sud aiso from the D. O. & P. tien is handicapped by a public belief cliniate cf the notheran egions must Ce's Baud, asking for use cf all f ree that the gnits on thé whole have net -be the. best medicine in the 'werld for rýeot autertainaients heid.' Laid doe ady.for a shattened constitution. The on table. reply made ccnandsatmot Froin a Relief Committea at Thorald Anumber cf complaints are beiug remankable, that we conisiden i a aakilng for assistance te sufferers by the 1 s ot i totheGam1 D eprtmnt om plasue a1 sw el asa dty o it late istoras there. Recetved and fyltd. sentin e te Gme eparmeu co- peasne s wel a a ctyte ive Frein W. H. Williams aud W Heard plaiuing cf the large number cf inox- them as wide pubiicity as possible as3king for nebate on Street Waterng perieuceed hunters who are ini the wcods threugh the colums cf the Leader Tax. 110ow These ien, the hiunters say, tire and Recorder. A severe attack of On motion cf Mr. McMrrtry, secou- ia the direction cf the first seund ('ithev malaria, centnscted whilst i ,n Detroit, ded by Dr. Hiler, Mr. Wiliams' was hear, sud huntiug is becoming hazard- breughit the writer's brother to reduoed te $2.25. In reference -te Mr. deat's eorfrc whih h reov-Heard, the matter wasa laid over for euts. As this netie appeared in a To e- ' orfrmwic L eo-further informatien. route dlailyv while Bowmianville hunters ened only te fi nd himself th e vîctim M~essre W. W., Tamblyn and Jas3. wVere yet in the back woods, we rise te ef a conmplication cf troubles which Gilfillan com-plained, that they were ask, Who is ht ? unfitted humi for work. He was at- asaeaoed for dogs, but had nene. Tho __________teuded by seme of tte mest emin- taxes were remitted in both cases. , Sir <Wil frid Laurier said . "I am prend ent physicians in Detroit, but hie ne- A numiber cf other Tax appeals were te say that if- Queece has cast its vote ceived lîttle or ne benefit from theinre ffelred te t'le Finance0Com. Frein the Bell Tlephone Ce. acecm- agaiast prohibition, Quebec is certaiuly tneatment. Change cf air was fin-ally psnied by a petîtion signed by a nom- a teînperate Province-more than eue recomm'ended and hie irnoved with ber cf citizens, agkîng that a Tetephone + h al? cf the rural municîpalities are his fam ily te the ccîînty of Grey. A be placed in the Chie? of Police'a rosi. under a local option law. Ont cf 933. slight change for the betten was dence, seo that la case cf a finéeat night, rura muieialîiesthenumercf muni- notîceable at first, but hie soon n e- the alarin couid be more speedily given,_ rrluncipalities t ih e ne er lapsed into the cld condition and Recelved sud fyled. 1 cipaltiesunde whîc hicnseswere scught heip from the edin Froin the Merryweather Fine Engine îssued last year was 880, while the agan"'stic intun.Ce., in neference te te different styles number in hieh ndectenses c is-dotr f the cileeitp- c : f Englues made by thein. Received number i0n.wh e e es webreu lessness teck possession cf hlm and and f yled. cd ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~$o lai0.Tepol c ubeae~e e was wasted ýaway te a mere Mn. Bagnali, Supt. Cemetery, pre. satisfied wîth, their law, sucli as it is. skeieton. Then the doctors declaned sented report shcwing number cf inter. We have Lad a local option law ia they could do nothing more for him, ment for the past month. Qnebec siace 18i64. It has always been aud. advise d hiai te go te Calif ornis'. Fronie rk,tiving statemeut cf mcn- <* eaforced in more than Lai? of the Prov, Puring ail these weary7 months, he les pasCig though ie hepaîtmonh mnecs sud cutside cf the tcwns sud cities edi h aesfoatm e rn he ava nrfrnete ra j ,8 rad n th paers rori *tm" ' mission of Taxes on certain doga, sundë 1 think it is pretty weill bservedt." time, sud laughied at what hie t ?rmed whichi waa referred te hLai at at lmeet. the "miracles" wrought by Dr. Wit-i- log01n motion the D,)g Taxes of Mes- Sheuld the archipelage of the Philip liais' Pink Pilis. He had ne faith seers Creeper aud Withenridge waa remit. pines romain nader the American fiag, ia such rem edies, and it was enly ted. the Christian citizens cf the U S. will when the physicians told bira that Corsa. Tait preýsented Repent of Poer hav tofac th prble c wht atic thy culddone oreforhir thtRelief, shewing an 'expenditure for hav tofac th prblen f wat ctin tey oul d nomor fo hi thtthe par3t month cff$6.5. Received te take teward christianizing their like the drowaiag mani who catches sud adopted. brethrea there. Dr.. Wflliam Elliott at a straw, hie thcught he weuld try a Froin W. W. Tamblyn, Sec, o? the* Griffis Las writtea for The Suuday a box cf the pille-. Te his great Poor R1elief Associationâ, recenly forra- Sehool Timês cf November 19 a scholar- astonishment Iiis sleeplessness had - cd iin tewn, ssking Cauacil to co-operate* ly resume cf the present condition in vanished befone lhe had been using wîth thent by granting $500 towards* the far-of? land, which gives one an ex- the pis a week, sud lhe slept like an tifhelanpsud hometc. MaIsse adresse cellent ides cf the 'factors that enter infant. Gradually his strength ne- the Couinnacdl, epliuingalthe move ard rate the probleai, fromn a missionary tuîrncd snd his appetite improved, giugn figures of cost ia othen towna. pontc ve. heathrs og resid- sud soon hie feit ike a new, masa. Coasideraàble discussion followed, somateý cace in, sud study cf, the Far East, fit A fcw menths after takîng the fînst memnbers ef the Councîl expressing ae him 'pec ui iarly te treatcf this subjeet. dose hie was as well as ever. For fear that after the money had been John 1). Wsttlcs & Co., 1031 Walnut more than two years past hie has net grated soins of Chose new gettinz as- taken anynmedicine whatever, sud ais tance front the Council, would abject *4 Street, Philadelphia, Ps , are the pub- t(, te the Honte, sud that they - lishers. te-day ycu wiil net find a stundier 'wo) Id Le cailed upors for an sdditional - specimen cf mankirid in Grey than aiiowaace. Other members theught Say, ladies. de you ever stop te thiak Gee. J. Fawcett. "What do I think that 'if a Home was provided for these ýwhere yen weuld be if everycue foliow- Of Pink Pilis"? hie queried with a people wharse hey would Le comfort- cd your exýample. Ycu are the wife cf smle ; "wey I think thene is nething ably housed sud f ed, and they would a blcksith capenershoasaerlike them oc arth for building up net take the opportunity given thern aayer r doctr poes hoemapepetesyta;bt o r Wiim that they ahould be loft on their cwa Jawyr o docor.Suppse liepeope te sytem bu forDr.Willam ra'0onres. Fiaally, ou moriDn of Dr. cf Bowmsnvilie gave ail the work or Pink Pis I do net thiak I weuld Hîlliier, secDeaded by Cours. Tait, business they Lave in these hunes teont- be alive te-day." Cours. Co)rnisli, Spry sud the Mayor siders, suppese they leoked for bargain The experien ce of years bas wens appointed a Committes ta set la dJay redactiens in the trado that yenr proven that thene is absolutely no cujoniction with the Board cf Man- husandiseagge lusudbeameth disease due te a vitiated condition ageniest of the Peen Relief snd report dupeba s e outed infakir, bereal cof the bleed or shsttered nenves than te the Cuuncil. dup-s o ousid fadrs whre oul Dr.\Vilias'sPin Pils ;11not Mr. Tait proented Report from the yen be? 'It strikes TnE STÂTESMÂNDrWiiassin iswlnt Public Prcpierty Coi., ian te absence that twe eut cf thrce cf the wcmea wýhe plromptiy cure, sud these whlo anc cf thechairMan, Corsa. Mitchiell, in gotoe Tronto te miake purehases suffcrng fira sucit troubles would rfnaete the lit'htirsg cf te "own te geavoid mucit misery sud save ýmeuey Hall by incado8cent lîgita. The rs- woldn't havemae enough te psy by proaiptly rescnttng te thîs ireat- port was laid ever ountil nýext meeting. W~ their railway fare, if other people, te et e tegasnePu us Coui. Percy pr.esenred_ report o? the aay considerable extent, felowed their eVery time sund do net be persuaded Financ Coin. recommsrsuding payment t exemple. te take a mtton orseme o. cfaccuats asmouuting te $483,9. $ __________ u iitaton tlir1Received sud adopted. -remedy freai a dealer, who fer the rhe Finance Cen. aaird For another te The Canadian Epworth Ers is the sake cf the extra profit te himself moath Cc report iu refereutce te the 75 naine cf a aiew Methodist paper accu te may say îs "Just is good" Dr. Wil- ce fth leaeinLre hc a Le issaed lai the iaterest cf the Epworth -jiains, Pink Pis cure whea dthern shot acordirsg te statutes. Gýranted. League, Rlev, A. C. Crews, editor,. The medicirses fail Corsa. P.ircy gave notice that ho startiug of suother MetLedist paper is a wo'Uid aý-t the next mieeting latreduce a re Luge mistake. Methedists find it burdea- OARTWRIGEIT COUNOIL. By-nwCcamead the Bylsw lu refan. st( some euough now te support the var- auc3 te CIte reu)ting cf the Town Hall. tCm lou seems o te curc, ud he TowN HALL, Cartwright, Nov. 7th. Oui motioni the sont o? $50 waa grant. Sh iousseh' ees o th chrchandThe Regular mouthiy meeting of Couiscil. ed to tep Clark for Peor R8lief. b Guardian which la not Ifouad in more Nmarbers ail present. Reeve 'Aneon i Oc moction cf Mr. Perey, seconded b tItan s third cf the Methodiat homes la Taylor presidiuig, Minutes cf lait by Mr. Coriah, tise application cf the cd the Dominion, sud Low the publishing mastittg read aud cenfirmed. Agicu1,ijtonîlSfci,îty for free, use of the ~ommittee came te Le led by an office Communications were received front Towc 11Hl for a conert, was received mý seeker iute startiug a rival publication the County Ti-easurar, acknowledgingas yea ieRoa epaswn.fa we anut iagie. f te saceusul-receipt et nonr-nasdent land neturnu. ed t, Hall sud wquld have paid $8.0 wecant mgie I hý sul Froin the Clark cf rte Peac, crn oritta am igt iy dcvotecdte agricuitural imatters la fying te the due performance o? Select- Tnhe Baud wasj granted Che use cf the Guiariani-adepartmeîttthat should ers o? the Jurons. Hl for tir recen entertainaient for nover appear lnas Sunday paper-was Front thea Jodge cf the Corsty Court $4 0 0. STTVtiiSSrIIIIIUIISTIIlfIIIIfflhiIlIIfIflVIIfflhITIIIIIiIIIIIIIIIisiincciiOs, 'ness and Rest.Cofltidais either OpîueNtMorp1iae Inor 'Minerai. NOT NARICOTIC. Rdom J&7a- A perfect Remnedy for Consfipa- tion, Sour Stoi7iachDiarrboea, zXACT COPY Of NWRAPPER. et4,etc. FAC-SIMILE SIGNATURE IS ON THE W APPER OF EVERY :BOTTLEE 0P la not Beld lu bulk, Don't aslow soyons te sli yen amything ai3se on the pies on roulos ethat ih is "ju't Pas-good" snd "-will aulswce very pun- pose." * a Sothat yon get OABTORIA mi cmileîs on wrappe,. Until fnirthier notice SPOT CASH .will buty fresh mmi',cd, wcllrýserecned Cei at the folowing -prneUs: Scrauton Ceai, al! sizes, at harber $4.75 peu ton; eivrdte any part cf tewu $5,25. Having handled this Coal for 24 cen- s ecutive ycsrs sud aimost aillother kiads at timos we eau recommeumd it as both Lest sud choapest. Our shed e iapacity being suifficýient for the snpplv of this section the pulc au depend on -alway-s gettîug cdean, As in the past wc are preparcd te psy the vory hîghebt market price for aIl kinds o? GRAIN AND SEEDS delivored at car storehouses corner King sud George Sts., or at Port Darlingten. SALT-coarse, fiac sud dairy la bags aud barrels, aise Rctsof Rock Sait for cattle snd herses always on Laud. Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Sash. Deers, etc., lu stock anti made to order. Inspection iavited sud satiiastioa guaranteod. BoWMANVILLE. rhne Beavlïer Bl0ck SaleU" Of Boots and Sho es Stili coing 0On... 0 We have sold piles of Boots the last five or sîx weeks and have lots dispose of'ýyet, and very cheap-irst-class goods at very smal]. nvices. M~y Sp2rfng stock is in-most of it-and we find our shelves erewded. ve limt Mniore room. and are bound to have it, if low prices have any- .ing Lo do with it. Oui carry agood assortment of Ladies' Oxford,coîored and black at 1.00. Men's Caif and Cordovan Blms, sewed and rivitted, from.$1,40 :$2.50, worth $2.00 to $3.50. Children's Button and Blins 25c, 50c, 5c, worth 50c, 75c, and $1.00. Misses', Boys' and Youths' to correspond prices. We will tell yeu what the stock is ini each and every pair. The ason we do that is because we know. Latest Spring styles now in tock in every huie. The publie is invited to inspeet our stock; no rouble to show goods-we do-it with pleasure. Trunks, Bags, Satchels; hawl Straps, fancy and plain , Dresming, the very best that eau be ought. Cheap trash dressing is dear, it will muin the boots it is appli. dto. Repairing doue in ail its branches ln first-eiass style. Fine work ade te order, sureý fit or no sale. Thanking my custorners for past ivors and heping for a centinuance of the tame. eî Beaver Block, Bowmanville. 'i vin -, '.5 ...- 'i J.gP~TT~«&CO. MONTREAL '~< t I nani P,.- --ni . h.- 1 k -L- -1 1