114E IFIRSI _ ~S gnoa Go1d Should remind you that the best thing to - do is to get a bottie of am-~ dm---4w en--4.g or-. M-- é5-It cures .3ronchitis, Coughs, Colds, Asthma, 2 *- Hoarseness -and allThroat andLung troubles. a-We have a complete line of Atomîzers, Hot-, am- Water Botties and Chamois. JOHN RIGQINBOTHAI4 &SON. SChemists, BOWMANVILLE, Four Signîficant Facts. COURTICE, Mr. à E. Clemenis, TIyroneý, spent last week with friends helire. M2iss MUabel Walter has retiurnedl fromn a two month's visit at Langiord MVills and 0ri1ia.. * Messrs. S. S. B1'rooks, John and Chas. Stacey have returnied fromn deer hunting. . .. Mr. J. M. Robeits, teacher, bas re-engaged at Mýt.Carswell and Mr. Norman Heatlie at No 4.... Mr. D. Clarxe, oureerti butcher, is kept busy.... Mr. C. W. Lent is do- ing a large poultry business this season ...Mr. S. S. Brooks is havinig a wind- iii erected on bis barn. . .. Mr, W. R. Courtice is selling f cascarnages and harness at very reasonable pnices. "Our Lady of the Snows" is a dandy. TYRONE. Missionary services will be conducted in Tyrone church on Sabbath, lu the morning by Rev. H. Thomae,Hampton, in the evening by iRev, J. J. Liddy, Oshawa. . .. Tyrone Division S. of T. will give an entertainmient at Christnias ...A prof ound interest has been a wak- ened in the revival services now in Srogress, Ail heartilv welcome.. everal of our farmer friends received a scare at the turnip prospects during late froste .. .. A number of citizens took advantage of the excursion to Toronto, Friday... Telegraphie communication betweenTyrone and important centres has been eut off for several days, hence an uncomfortahie sense of isolation. A C ARTD.. We,the undersigned,do hereby agree to refund the moue y on a twenty-five cent bottie of Dr. Wills' English Pille, if after ueîng three-fourths of contents of bottie, they do flot relieve constipa- tion and headache. We also guaran tee tbat four botties will permanently cure the most obstinate case of consti- pation. Satisfaction or no pay when M. ills' Pis are ttsed. Stott & Jury, chemist, Bowmanvîlle. J. liigginbotham & Son, chemist, Bow-, ville. AUCTION SALE. FRID)AY, Nov. 18th.- Mr. James Demp- ster's annual stock sale at the faran of Mr. Sid. S. Brooks, Cour tice, 25 milch cows, 50 head of yearlings and two-year-old heifers and steers, 75 young breeding ewes. The cows are fnomn Dempster's own herd. See bil1s. Sale at 1 p. m. sharp. L. A. W. TOLE, auctioneen. WEDNE5DAY, Nov. 23.-Mr.J.W.Brooks lot 29, Con 5, Dalington, will sel about 10 acres standing timben on the premises(Tnemeer Fanm)sale at lp.m. See bills. L. A. W. Tout, auction- een. FRIDAY, Nov. 25.-The lands of the late James Cowan, Clanke, are to be sold in 4 parcels at the Bennett ilouse. Bowmanville, at 1.45 p.m.n See advt. ln Tins STATE5MAN. L. A. W. Tout, auctioneer. MONDAY , NOV. 28.-Mn. Win. Baker, lot 23, con. 5, Darlingt,,'ou, close by solina, wvill off er for sale his splenid ffarmn of 75 acres on whjich are new frame house and good outbuildingýs. Sale at 2 o'clock on theprie. See bis. L. A. W. ToL, autoer 1 BARGAIN < v z THANKSGIYING -BAR' More "HAPPY TH-OIJGIITS" are made every year than al others combined. More 1"'HAPPY THOLJGHTS " are lu use to-day than_ of any other stove or range the country ever eay. Not one user of a "IL.XPPY THOUGHT" but is pleased wth it beý ond measifre. -Not a single buyer of a -lHAPPY THOIJGýHT" lias ever re- gretted hie ehoice. 'Tic, said "'There le a best in everything-." in view of above are we claiming too mueh lu stating that the "HAPPY THOUGIIT" RANGE, is the best on earth. Phone 74, BOWmAN-iLLE, BOWMANVILLE. OV 16, 1898. The choir at Zi"on are having a lec- ture andl'social 1on W- ýýednesday evening Nov. 23rd when RUev. J. J. Rae will give a lecture on "or open and closed." Admission lc Mrs. (Rev.) Savage, Toronto, je guest at the Parsonage... . Miss Johuston, Cartwright, bas heen guest of '4r. J. J. Gibson .. .. Mrs. (Rev.) McAuley, Pick- ering, gave a very Interesting address lu the interests of Foreign Missions at the Presbyterian churcli Friday night. CADMUS. Great snow storm occurred on night of Nov.7 .... Mr. I{arry Henders bas been off north for hie annual deer hunt ... Grain threshîng is almost done and clover threshing le beginnin,-.. lier teeth are gone, her cheeks are hollow, H'er hody is thin, her skin t le yellow; Has fiery red hair, with a squint in her eye, No wonder the men with Biddy are shy. NEW HAVEN. BROORLIN. Mrs. Wm. Bond is about to leave Brooklhi to live with some of lier rela- tivs.. .Hu.Jon rydien le taking active part in thie Lenno(x political cam- paagn. ..JMoe. S. Mauning & Sons had a vers successful sale of their live stock4 Monday week. Th anmi were lu flue condition and brought goodEpnces. . .. Mrs. F. Walker,former- ly of Lindsaty, lias brought au action* a gainet the Ottawa, Annpnion & Panny Sound Railway for $10,000 damages for the lose of hen late husbaud in a colli- clou in May last..,. .Mr. W. J. llIaycraft lias taken over the butchen business hene and wili do a good trade. HAMPTON. Dr. J. H1. Elliott, Gravenhunet, was home Sunday .. .. Pastor Thomas occu- pied the pulpit Sundav morning and evening pneaching two excellent ser- mons. Rev. I. Snel, Tyrone, le ex- pected to occupy the l&ulpit next Sun- day evening..Mn. . Shot, sr., is quite 11 ..., Mn J. Y. Cole's horse, rau away while coming down Burns' hlui. Mn. J. Whitesides of the Toronto Police fonce who le spending hie vacation'lu the village captuned the horse which was considenably damaged .. .. Emn- ployee of the evaporator teudened the manager, Mn. J. Wamsley, au oysten suppen Fniday niglit.Mn. Wamsley lef t ton Wapoose eZoday. Total out- put of the evaporaton this season about 16 tons. Mrs. J. L. Dickie, Oshawa, visited TO CURE A,,COLD IN 0O1NE DAY. lier sîster, Miss M. E. Vancamp.. - -. Ma55 Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. Ail Stuar-t of flavan has heen visitino- at Drugekists refund the monev if it fails tocue MnCT; auape ..is eli T_. Godelas been visiting friends in town, ... Mn. Russel Langmaid and Mns. W. Jeuninge led tbe meeting at the Chris- tian Endeavor last week .... The Ehen- ezer League will take charge of the meeting here Friday. . .. Mns. Walter Oke has been quite hl ... .Mr. James Clark, Clarke Township, lias reuted and taken possession of Miss M. E. Van- camp's farm. for Infants Pnd Children. ý1iq- h m 1 tlest7ce 1Ove!?1 or 4tew ~af m Prlce 25 cents. SOLINA. Mn. Frank Cryderman, blacksmith, le making the anvil ring from early moru till late at niglt. ... Mn. Lewis VanNeet, OshawTa, lias been,ý staying at hie mothen's. fie shot two foxes one day.... Mr. L, T. Pascoe will nepresent Sollîta at the Grand Division at Oillia M, Jas. L. Hughes, Public SchoolI Insp'ector, Toronto, lias kiudly accepted au invitation to be preseut at the clos- ing exercices and concert of Solina School .. .. Mn. and Mrs. W. Ashton and famlly attended the funenai of lier fath- er at Columbus Wednesday. lier mother, Mne. Ellins, le visiting.hen...., Mis Estelle licynolde, we are pleased to report. is výeny mudli better. .. ,RvI Snel, Tynone, p"reaches ,he",e next Sun- day. . . .Miss enoPont Penny, las Fl Acconding to resolution passed b y Town Council the Collector must ne- turu hie Roll by the l5tli of Decemiber '98. Rate-payer will please takýe notice that ail Taxes must lie paid befone that date JAS. MeLEAN, CoIIectc. Bow manv i le, No v.8, 1898. 4 5.3w DARLINGTON TAXES I will be at the followitig pAces fromn 10 a mn te 4 P. M., On the dates mnioned to collect taxes : Burketoni,Mroniday,Nov. 25 Enfield, Moniday, Nov. 28, Enniskilleni, Wednesday, Nov. 30i, Hampton, Friday, Dec. 2, Bowmanville, at Mr., John Hellyar's Shoe store,evcry Satur- day. Two per cent will po bielyh added to al seras remnafinng unpaid on thie 1lth Decemnber. Tyrone, Nov. 14, 1898. Wili issue Return Tickets at SINGLE istlass FARE Between ail stations inCnaa;andall sta- tions in Canada to and fronDe-troit and Pori Huron, Mich.,from ait stations in Canada to th Suspensloni Bridge, Niagara Feu, i3Blac k Rock andl B uff 10), N. Y. Oodgoirog on ail, trins Novemnber 23 ansd 24.1 Good", rcuri froadestination no1(t later than For Tickets, rates and fu information appiy to G. T. R.Agns rWrite to M. C. D1CRsuI1D. P.ý A Mrnoer .ODowunil stott. & Jry , Ageunts, Bo'w111anvillce. GAIN SALEI DAYS NOVEMBER 1 2th TO NOVEMBER 23r.d, INCLUSIVE., OULTRY and Produce wanted, any quantity, right 110W during the sale. We take Chicken, young ýor old, also Turkeys, Geese and Ducks,'ail wanted dry- dressed and no giblets. SAMPLES 0F TEMPTING OFFERS ALL THROUGH OUR 6 BIG DEPARTMENTS. DRY GOODS. Sea5onable goods at very low prices. We have secured corne great values iu Grey and Fauey Flannels. LADIES' UNDERWEAR. Tastely designed and spleudidly made garments. We're watching your intereets as well as our owu iu ofiering you underwear that we kuow is good. Ladies' Veste, heavy cotton, open front, long leeves, extra value 25e. A better lin e, part wool 50e. Hygiene Veste, rnb- bed, ail wool natural, long sleeved, 75e. Ladies' Flanuelette Wrappers dark and medium colore, fitted lin- ing, $1.25. LADIES' COATS. We have received a new lot right from the ma4 rs '~They are beautiful uew designe, not shown carlier lu the season value at the have marked them. J EWELR'Y <WATCHRCASEC2, We are now giviug careful per- sonai. attention toour Jewelery de- partmeut we huave decided to boom this departmeut by'selling Watches, Cloeks, Jewelery, Silverware at prices neyer befùre heard of lu Bow- manville. You wili bc snrprised to see how good a watch wve now seli for $5. A haudeome lot of novelty Pins just reeeived selling for 5 etc. Better quailties as equally good value. We are selling Silverware at about one' hall the price you SPECTACLES. Eyes Tested Free and Spectacles properly fitted, no faney piÉices. Thee-v e is so valuable an organ it should not be neglected, the liglit- est defeet le too important to over- [ook, aud there are very few cases -o bad but may be helped. GROCERIES. We have many uines of Teas and ail are good valne. We shall mn our favorite 25o tea for this sale at 19 cents a pound. A good Japan Tea worth 20e for] 15 cents. Lemon, Orange and Citron Peels, 15 cents. Choice Mixed Pickles, qt. botties, 20 cents. 6 ibs. Raisins, Valencias, for 25c. Ask for Oderless- Pipe Varnish. 6 lbs. iRice for 25 cents. 6 lbs. Tapioca for 25 cents. Goal O11 by the barrel at lowest wholesale prices. Best'Sewing Machine Oil, reg. 10c, for 5c. FlavoringExtracts, reg. 10e for 8c. Heavy 72 feet Clothes LUnes, reg. 15e for 10e. We seli the pan dried Rolled Oats the best made in Canada. GENT'S 'FUR'NSHJNGS. Men's Heavy IJnderwear. We are showing the beet value we have ever had. We have a big lot of the Aretie Merino Uuderwear. The kinde that do not irritate they are as soft as dowu, try them. A very large stock of Caps, a nice navy blue cap for boys, 10e. A fine lot of Corduroy Caps. Fur Caps and ImitatioiA Caps. Men's Kid Gloves,, iine4 and un- lined. Meu's Seames Sox. Top Shirts laced and buttoued.. New styles lu Fedora and Stiff flats are just lu and are very nice. New Tics and Collars. Our new Suitinge are excellent value and the proper shades. WINTER CLOTHING. Ulesters and Overcoats, oi ýer 200 uew in, we eau beat ail former values. Meu's Overcoats, a suap at $4.9,5. Meu's Overcoats, an elegant huec at $10.00. Boys' Overcujats fromn $1.75 up. Pea Jackets, a big stock both Boys' and Men's., ýAlso double breasted Suite, -we ai- wav s lead lu value, Imported Black Worsted Suits and handeome Conduroy Veste. Fur Coats, Leather Coats, Cordu- roy Coats, Moleekin Coats. Meu's and Boys' Odd Pautsý in godqualities, miade fromn our owu eloth aud prices are very Jow. Lined and Uuliued Work Pants and Coats iu both Meus and Boys'% BOOTS & SHOE11ýÀS. One of our very beet chances in bargains te lu this departmuep', OUIr late special purchase at ai (1r great sn ap. Mleu'§ BuiffRA, whole foxv, fimr stitched, reg. $1 !4ýJ, for this sl 1 Boys' Do. reg. 81.25, tu-,s sale 90C. Men's Box Caîf, reg $2.25, $1.75 Ladies' Dong. But., regular $1. 4, this sale $1.10. Misses' do,, reg-. 1.25, this sýaleS Ladies' Felt Fox Bal. or Coungrýs, to clear at $1,00. Ladies' Strong Boot, 1bî-h eut ,e 90e for 65e. Misses' Strong Sehool Boots, heë eut, 85C.e Boys'Dong Bal. very extrav Rubbers have advauicedl, bu~t had ours befoie and will s"i.at prices k WATERPROO0 We neyer had sueli a ice(- Waterproofs, Coats, iUimb1)ré,711' Ladies' Circulars, etc., niow l1ai,ý'; our owu importations. 1INl - At this season when rai to pog.r dowu any -time,i to be prepared. We are fo suppiy'your wants lu Cail aud.sec our goods. We have made great praparations for this big sale and we believe, -ec it profitable for al Who maay corne, the best bargains generally go first sQ early as you eau to this great Tlianksgivingz Bargaisii feast, The Maso n C v -~ M E3OWMFýNVILLE.