A Case thati s Ca-"suuingTaIk. When a ladc about eight yeatrs of nFe I fell into a cellar a distainciof en ceet, striking on i-ny bead, an-d causing con- cussion of the brain. I was t.aken to a London, Eng., Hospital, the first seven days ndrrecovering consciousness. I amn 110W 35 years old and fromn the time of My accident until I began taking Dr. Ward's Pis five months ago I had been subject ta faintiug speils, neyer being moire thaii two weeks without an attack of fainting. As I grew older, these speils became more frequent, lasteti longer, andleft me with less vitality. 1 was weak, hati nu strength or stamina, always very low-spirited and down-hearted; imagined that every tbing and every person was goîng against me, and I fe only had a dark ide for me. My appetite was poor most of !bc time, but I ar nonw happy to say that; since taking Dr. Wards Biood and Nerve Pilla, I have only had one fainting spell, shortly after 1 began taking tbem, so I bave no hesitation in, saying that Dr. IVards Pis cureti me. Before takîng these pis I always looketi for a fainting speli flot more thanItwo weeks apart; now, I would be greatly surprised at a recur- rence of these speils. Life is now bright -the constant, mnrbid, down-hearted feel- ing is gone, being replaced by a content- ethopeful feeling. I feel like working. My appetite is good, and in every respect I have experenced the health and strength restoring properties of Dr. Ward's Blond and Nerve Pilla. ,Thiey certainfly bave proveti a great blessing to me. Yours truly, (Signed), Thomas Stanton, Brigh- ton, ont. Pr. Ward's Blooti andi Nerve Pills are solti at 5oc. per box, 5 boxes for $2.oo at druggists, or mailed on receipt of price by Tbe Doctor Ward Co., Limnited, Toronto. By Public Auction In> the Townsllip of Clarke Under andby virtue of the powers of sale con- tained in a certain mortgage w ich will be pro- -duiced at the time of sale, the undersigned will offer for sale by Publie Auction et tbe BENNETT 110IUSE in Bowrnville At the hour of 1.45 o'clock p. m., on Friday,November25 19 tbe foellowing parcels of land: PARtIEL 1%O1. 1. The niorth quarter of lot sever.teeni in the fonrth concession of the Town- sbip ofClarkee. Upon this parcel there is saidtt be erected a onue and )ee aif storey brick house 2lftby 30rtt witâ a one ana une-haIt storey brick addition attached 2loti by t28ft, and a frame woodshed attached thereto 20f t by 28ft, a ftrame barn 30ft by 90ft, and a frame barn annexed thereto 3Ot by 45ft and aanother barn annexed ther*etaol8ft by 24f t, with Stone foundation under tbe tbree barns andi stables for herses andecattle PARtIEL N~O. 2. The soutb haîf nf the south.west quarter of lot nuruber sixteen in the fif th concession of the Township of Clarke. PARUIEL NO. 3. The iuorth quarter of lot isumber fif teen nintbe fourth concession ofthte Township of Clarke upon which ibere ie an old haro erected, lot numbeýr fourten iii b h fourtbconcssion etj the TowosbIipor Clarke upon iiois e; recte-, a The aýýbovela11d is 1motIYCly day Ioan antdi le h a ondstate 0foiivittionl. The above" la:nds weoie recently ownedby the laie James Cowan, d&weaised. Dr. Talmage Draws Inspirac-tion ,From an O1d' Oriental Story. Caleb's Weddling Prasent ta His Daughter of the Springs of Water --WealthWithout Religion is Worthless-- God's Gift ta Mankind. Wasiington. Ndv. 2.-Taking for his taxi an orientai sene seldaîn noiloati, Mr. 'liage tilecusses the suparnai ati- %antages of religion for this wariti anti the noxi; taxi, Josisua xv, 19; "Thon isas given me'a sauts landi; givo e ais s sprInge of, wator. -Anti lie gave ber tise upper Springs andthie natiser eping." T'£isa ity ut Dair wae th,3 Boston uf antiquity-a groat place for brain anti books. Calais wanteti hi, anti ho offareti hie daugisiar Achsais as a prize tea any ona wiso waulti captura hai ciiy. It was a simcngaeing for Calais tu do, end yet tise man tisai couiti take tisa city wouid bave, et any raie, twu eloments o! man- haon-hravery anti patniotîsin. Besicles, I du net tiink tisai Caleb was as toolisis in offersng bis daughter te tise conquaror 0f Deiir as thousantis ln ibis day 'isb seek alliances for tisir chiltirn wiih thase wisa have large inoane wltisaut eny rafar- once ta murai or mental acquhremants. Of twa evils I waniti ratisar measure isappinese isy tisa langis uf tise sword than hy the languis of tisa pcketisaak. In une casa thora is sure ta ba une gooti elomenàt of ciaracter; In tis e tier tisera rnay ho naneaet ail. Witis Caieb'e taugiste as a priza ta figisi for Genarai Othniel rode lnto tisa batte. Tise gaies o! Debir wene tisundaret inhtu thý. duet, andthtie iiy ut bsooks iay aitisae feet of tise conquerars. Tisa work dune, Othil oaies'back ta claIm hie brida. Havlng cunqueredth ie dlty, it le nu groat job for hlm ta canquer tisa giri'c heari, for, isawaver faine hoari- eti a w osan hersait may ho, she aiwaye lavas courage ln a man. h nover saw a6n exception tu ho The wadtiini fetiviiy havlng gens by, Othnieal anti Acissah are about te go te thiar uew haome. Hoivavor ioddly tise cymobales mey alashs andt ie laugster ring, parents are aiweys sati when- a fondly cisrisisat daughlier goo« off ta tay, anti Aciseai, tise daugiofu Calebs, knowe tisai now is tise tino te ask almosi auy- iiing seawauts ut ber faiSan. it eeeaa tisai Calais, tisa gooti aid man, isat given as a wotidiug presect te bis tiaugisier a place ot landt tisiWas mauntaînous anti eioping sanihwarti towandth ie desarie of Arabie, swapt wihineam very hot wintis. i wae called '"a sautShand," but Achs- sais wants an addition of property. She wants a picautf landt ta is ivail wator- ati anti fertile. New, it le no wondon tisai Calais, standing ami the bridai pariy, hie eyes go tul ut tears iseceuse se was gohng away tisat ho caulti hartily gag bar et ail, givasber mare tissu gheaseks. Sise sain ta hlm: "Tho~u hast givan nie a goutil landi. ive me ae pringe ut water. Ant ieh gave liar tisa upper epringe anti tisa natisan prings."- 1A Worthless Portion. Tisa tact is, tisai as Caeai, tis a'fetiar, gave Achssei. tisa taugister, a sauts landi, go Goti gives ta ne his wonld. I 'an ery iisenktul ha bas givon h ta us, but I arn like Acissaisin tisa tact tisaiI ar nent satisioi witi tise portion. Traes anti lflowers anti grase and ishue skies are very well l171tisoir places;, but ha wisu bas nej portion e t aI, i l amontamiouis 1ai, slpingoff towarçl tisa dosent o!son - row, ewei by flery siroccos, it sle-" soutis land," a poaon orton for -nY -mal tisai trios ta pui his tr.nstinlu f. ".Wbase make this day tao ur FtsrGoti: "Thon hast givan me a souCis landi; give me aiea apringe of watar. -Ant iehagave lier the urper epringeani tise nethar eping." pleasura uf Religion. Whore shall I tinti wortis anougis tbreadati with iigist ta set forth the pleas- ure of religion? Davidi, unebie tu tiasoribe it lu, wards, playeti h on a harp. ' Mrs. Hernans, net flnding anoungispower in prose, singe thai prasea in e cantn. Chrie- topisar Wren, unabia ta deecriba, it lu languaga, eprung hit taotise arches of Si. Paui's. John Bunyan, unahia te praseni it lu ordinary nisraseOiOgy, taka i h fascination of aliegury. Hantil ii ordinary rmuelounable te roacis ih haigst out tisetheme, ronces le up ln an oratorio. Oh, tisera is nu lite on ejartisos happy as a really Christian lite! h do mot meap a sharn Christian lit., but a reai Christian lite. Wisretisera le e iboru, tisera is a wisuie garland af rusas. 'Where tisera le une g'roan, tisboeaare thres ',dox- alogleo. Wisere tisera Is anaeday u cf lçmd, thora je a wisola season ot suneishine. Tlao tise isnisict Christian muauth iat yunj know-2v-an ýguis of Cati cauopy hlm witis tisair white wings; tih i.gitniinge tofLa- van ara hie armeti allies; tise Lord le bis Siapisarti, picking out for hlm green pastures by euhl waters. If ha waik forth. iseavan l i is odyguard; if ho ie doan to seap, ladeers ut ligisigaugel blaesomu- ing, are let ie h ie drearns; if ho ho tiroiy, tise patenta-tee aif leaVan- are hie0 cup isearere; ifha mit daown ta tooti, bis plain table bloominitiste Klng's han. quoi. Mon say, "Luak et that guoti fel- 10w wleh tise warnout coa.<' tise angals uf Cati uny, I"Lift up your beade, yea ven- lasiing gaies, anti lot hlm coa in! Fasiioue people cry, "Get off rny front stops!" tise duor keepers of! heaen Cry, V "Carne, ya bleeseti ut my Fatiser, la-! isrit tisa kingdurn!', Whonuisecarnes to, dia, tiogbha may ha carrieti out in a pina box ta tisa potian's fieldtg > hat pattar'e fieldt ne chariots uf Christ clil connîn down, andthie cavalcada wili cra-wd ail tisa boul.evartis of iseavan. I blase, Christ for tisa nresani s:atisfac-' tion ut religion. ' t makes a man ail rigis i wtis ete reuce ta tisapast. Ih makes a mari ail igisiw witis reference ta tise future. Oh, these naihar epringe ut cansfuri! They are perennial. Tisa funut- niion o!fCati standetis sure having tis seal, "Tise Lard knuwetis tisam ta ara his," "Tisa mountaine shahl depart anti tisa hbis ha rernoveti, but may kintines shall nut depart tram to, isenitisar shall tisa cnvenant of my poaca ho nemuvatie, saitiste Lord, wisa bath moarcy uipan tse. " Oh. cluster ato diemontis set ln isurnîisati gulti! Oh, notetisepringe uf coinotr bursting tisraagisail tise vaiiays ut triai anti tribulation! Wanyau son, you of tiseworltl, -vhat satisfaction tisera le an eartis in religion, du younonttiirsi aftt)rri as the daugistar of Calab tset atter tis a wer epringe? htist nu stagnan-t pond, secummcd iover mithis niria, bu, epringe cf w 4ter leaplug tram tisa Rock of Agesý! MTe sup acup 'ut, tisai s ý1prîng1 Vwater niaMIýcroSe tisataift t isaChislice) wçili fihat tisý e tiilcateSisdos0ftie heavenliy walL, tishellwo! jusepr, tia kzreeni f rneaiitiseoisine of ronx tise Ï.re uof cnts Opringe of comfori. I wis 1 cauli meike van undersianti ral rchestr.a, tisaugh nat near enuiugh ta eti, i a ts ogh knrow wfvu lo Ows the cornet or who ing- haine wiîb r.. ' ii w i-dla poor1 crs the harp). 2My oul snreade out both faundation ta buiki 1 . Jt is han winigs and clla-is thaîn in triumiph at ihe wcrld, and it lea i ýtl tbougbit uf those uriper ep)ringR. Orle of elfting sccns anti the l.gjgsni thein breaks frojiu beneath rthe throno, areu nlyibiemso! alil artbhly expeLcta- anuther breaks forth tram uhenaath the tion. Lt r ncslilce tiis day altar of thea teiipïlc, anothar ahthtie door tbrongh ' iop ~d. 'Toa many uf "the lieuse of maninasins"Up. of Ur, it is ti. hrke then par sprIngs of giadnessl, Upper springs sunsbina, storm and arnesthon after- of iight! Upper springs uf love! It la nu wards a littie sunsicu, now agaiu dark- fancy ut mine. "Tisa Lambs wih le in nase anti etorm. Oh, build i ot yaur hopes the midst of the ibrane shall leati thbra to upon ibis uncartain wurld! Builti on God. living fountains uf water' Confide In Jesns. Plan for an eternal O Saviaur divine, roll Inrispou aur residenice at Chrlst's riglit baud. Then, seule une of thuse anticipated rapturas! coa sickness or health, cerne joy or sur. Pour around thea rotseouthtie parchoti ruw, coa life or death, aillaiswaii, ail la tangue une drap of tisat liquiti lifel Tobs weil. batare unr vision those fouintains of Gad, In tisa namneout tiseGod uf Calais and rainbowed witis etarnal victory! Hear It! bis daughter Achsah, 1 thîs day offer yuu They are neyer slck thera;,nut, u usucis the "'rpper apringe" of unfading and as a beadacise or twinge rheurnatic or oerlastmng raptura. tbrust neuralio. The inhabitant neyer says, "I arn eick." Tbay are never tireti Could Row a Little. there. FlIght ta farthest wurld la enly The Englis Farnily Haralti has tisa the play ut a holiday. Thay never Sinfl fllowing: "lThs e mbers o! a New York tisarè. It is as easy for thamn ta haoisly rowing club once tuund themselves a as it is for us ta sin. Tisey never tis man short lu a boat's cow. A straniger thera. You usigist go througis ail the ont- stuod hy ihe landing stage anti was skirts ut the great city and finti nue une hailad hy the ooxswain, "Say, mister, place wisare the grounti was Lraken for can yuu raw?"' "A littie," repliedth ie a grave. Tise eyeslght ut the radearnetila stranger. Thon, tise answer camne truin neyer blurrati with tsars. There lsaflaalth the coxswain, "lIf you lika ta take an oar in evary cheek. Tisera is spring lu avery we'll coach you up the streain." "Don't foot. Tharele rnaîesty un every bruw. mind if you taire îhelow)y." Tiese tran-, Thare le joy lu every heart. There la gar îouk the seat affoeat anti tid hie fair hosanna an every lip. How they muet ehareait the wark. The curswain. un- pity us as tisey look ovar and look dawn willing te lot tise crew appear tua oasily ranti see us, anti Bey, "Pour tisings, away stiefleti, gave tisa word ',a quiken tise ciown lu that wrld!" Anti when sume stroke, and the men respondati admir- Christian ia hurieti into a fatal accident, ably. At the end tiheis aftarncon, tisa thev cry, "Guati, he lF camingl" Anti captain saiti, as tiha crew steppat onut when we Stand araunti the cou eh of someliste iboat, l'Yeu gui an very well, sir. If, laovai une wisase str engtis le eoing away yuu coaedawn agaiu, we'll give yenu andi we shako aur heads forebodingly, anatiser lesson."l "Tianks," repliedthéis tisey cry: "I'm glati ho la warse. He bas stranzer, "I'11 ho very pleaseti. If you lai beeil down tisore long enougis. There, ho me have a lino l'ilhbc ure ta corn," andi la deati! Caine homo, cornehoino!" Oh, ha handati the captain a card whicis re- if Ive cousîti ay'gat aur ideas-about tisai vealedth ie tact that tise straugar was nu future warld uutwised,-aur' thought of othar tisan tise thon champion ecullor tranafer hurm here ta tisera would hcasa Hanlan. pleasant ta us as i was ta a litile cbild Whou confroutati with tihe article yes- tisai was tiying. Sisa sali, "Papa, wisan tortiay Aid. Hanlan laconically replieti. will I go hume3?" Anti ha saiti, "Tu-day, 'Yas, ht happenoti met like tisat, but it Florence." "Tu-day? Sa suon? I arn su was in San Francisco. "-Mail anti Cldi ha ose Your f ortion. Empira. I wiis I couiti stimuilai. you wîth 11 Weights and _Meagures Act. thsese thaugise, O Christian man, te tisa The Dominion Weights anti Measures hiîghest pos- sible zexisýilaratIon. Thu day af Act, Section 16, whlch was assanted ta yaur deliveranco le carning, le oom11lng June lOtis, 1898, is as halaw:, rolling on witis the shining wisebls of tise Iu Contracta for tise sale anti dallvory day, and tise rat whoeaofuthtie nigisi. oi any oft1 he unteirniionati articles, Evary tlsump ot the hsart is only a haim- tise buehel ehaîl ha determiniet by weigis- mier etroke striking off anathor Chsain uf ing, unlese a busisai by measuro le speci- Clay., Botter ecour the dsck andi coi tisa ally agreeti upan-'tis weigist equivalent rOpe,,for'harbu r le onlv six miles away. a busel being as fallowe: Jesus will coaeduwn lu tise Narrowe te What, sixty pounde. meeu yn. "Now la e ir salvation nearar Lime, eighty pounuts. ihen wison you iseievoti." Ilndian corn, fifty-aix paýunde. 1Man ufthtie wurld, wiil yau nut .ta-day Bye, fifty-eix pountis. make a choica isaiwoen tbase iWu par- Peas, elxty pounds. tiane, istween tisa "South landi" out hie Barley, oty-aigbt pounde. world, wisich elapas ta the désert, andi Malt, thirty-six paunde. th15 glariaus land whicis ihy Father Oats, thirty-Jour pounds. affers thse@, rtlLning with éternel water Beane,,eixty pountis. eourse? Why lai yaur tangue ha con- Clover seeti. eixty pountis. surnet wiis tist when thare are tise Timoîisy senti, torty-eigist pountis. nether spings andtihie ulppor Springs, Buckwheat, forty-eight pounde. cufintoisre anti glury bereaftar? Flax seeti, farty-tour pounde. Y(un anti I nead sametbin-g btter than Bîuegrass soedt, tourteau pountis. this worli onu giie us. The tact ie tisat Castor heanie, oty pounde. le cannai give us anytbing after awhile. Potustripcrtnrepeai i le a cbaniglng wurld. Do yuu knuw beets, sixty pountis. tisai aven tise mauiains on the back ut a Oniane, flfty pounde, tisausand etrearna ara iaaping inta the, Bituminons coal, sevonty paunde. vaiiuy? Tise Ailegisanias ara dying. Tise Every poreun who violatas a"y pruvi- dows wîtis crystailine niallai are hammai- slun uf this section shallhoha habla, for ,a 1nz away tise rocks. Fruste anti sbewers tiret uffenca, ta a penalty flot exceeding anti ligistnings are sculpturing Mount twanty-flve dollars, anti for each suisse. Wasinzion andtihie -Catekilis. Niagara 1 evay yar e tiggng or isat aqulkerquent offanco, ta a penalty not axcaoding plonge. Thse secail arounti tise aris on ffydlas les sisitiing shoreI s lmraking migisiy ToS ftesn c1iangas lui bar anti iay anti frlth andiTS ioo ieOa prasuuon. Sm t I ho asti ecacoase Here are ea fa-w tacts about tiesa seaf i are midiùanti now. Off Nnto eaight yuur ecnpisok: etact blow îow watar mark, ara Xund 1Tise Pacilie cavons 6S,100000,tise -At- nuv tise stumpe a! trocs, eswigthathantilo3L),000,000 andthie IndianOc'n tise waves ara Canquarlng thse lant. Parts ýArctio and .Aniarctlc 42, 000,000 squar o- Nova Scatia are sinkig. Slipe ta-day Miles. -i _ - - . ........,U ow wy h onetso h a You firsi notice tisat you cougis lesa. Thse pressure oni tise chest is lift,'-,. Thatt'ehing of suffocation is remuoveti. A cure is haýtýýcti byplacing une of Dýr. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral PIaslel over the Chiest. A Rook Free., It is on the Diseases of tise Tisroat andi Lungs. W,'Ne am Fpeey. If oen have any compiaint wisateve3r amd dair the estedalaic o ean pessli ee-e wietadco DR. J. C. AMER, Lowell, Maus. Poor humanity from thse cavs ufAdam is mostly made up of tatidists. You can't be healthy if your blood is impure or watery,-if poison is circulating through your arteries insteati of rich, pure, life- giving blood. If. you feel dro wsy, languit,- are constipated, have pimples or blotches breaking out on yoi-Ur bo the renýedy for you is Burd#' Blood Bitters. 'II have been uising B.B.B., also My brother andi sister-ini-iaw, and we finti it a most reliable anid e fliqacious blooti p)ur;icir, ai miostriayrecommend it. We purchased it fromn J. R. A' ult & Sons-of Lilis town. M IlSS C. M. WAT- SON, Aultsville, Ont. loui!tisnk for a single moment ihat censump)tian wili ever sîrike yo a udtien hlOW. ht-ues'st ctn Ifetwav. Icreepa Us way ehong. Firsi, yen iisink il is a uttle caici; nothing but a hagle hack- ing cougis; then a Ilittie ioss in weigist; then a harder congis; h thsn ie fever anti the night swents. Tise sutitennesa cames when you ba-ve a hemorhage. Beiter stop tise disease whiie it is yet creeping. Yon cen do it uith