TEE LÂ'TE Wi. B.ELES WI. . . Ele, w o died Nov. 7th QJ à cod i aner-Iast, was, born ini Devonshire, Eng]and. eu.Dtje t In 1818 hie came to this colntry, and in etthe start of Yen. A ew osscfmy1 e6sttled on the Brokena Front Coli- --,)d Cure wili ces!sion of Darlingtoh wrkno then fcold in a fw wt i obor ithi, ncie of M1r.ivieiafcholia *s a Grave Disease and hours and prevent grippe, diphtheriaIRobort Býeith, 'M. 1'. for West Durhan,, aIlpeuona.t and living withhm twelve vas le shoud bý lt PerYLeads LO Insani It Is impossible to) promise particular fcatures that wilI appear insthe sh ud be In every ye e onieiedfrniiar Sol,aitr. *AMVERICA1 .CN THLY during th, coming year, for it 15e as tehock aet. ryI bet wihh cmecd amn a oia knnay, agatthan a lite însur- Darlingt,Ïon Toývihp where hi e omainl- Bomnayt getmonthly newspaper." As such, ît prints for . once polioy. ed for il viears. fie theu linoved to Col- itsraders an illustratedi account of the notable things which makre the histj MUofON, umbus, '911l worked MLýr. LeWis Gras the month fi, f te plitical, the 1am illý o Atal Iuaii,25.avil uiet at "W nwo orve ulsei'tiýeconomic, andlterary happenings after whiich hbcdecci1ed to gLivo up orkr nnry or ihi Europe, winch combines 5 so ucess- vwlich are of value te intelligent and bon,,glt abhorenel thevillao", whoro fuJy as the AMERICAN MONTHLY the alerness, . . .r ellnesss, nd, energy f journalsm wth the men and women. The Edjtor's ho residod llhi dath.Mr C 1 n f Toule snd jdgeacrefully weighed opinion, exact 4 .owledg, and weil-chosen English of the purely "Progress of tihe World " tells suc- ______________________ was konail ovor as a practical faim- errypeidiaL-TeOut!ook. cinctly an illustrated sfory of thse .r, which was soon at bis sale, realizing month. Thse 4Leading Articles" ~ J fW %~ Xt therefrom oio r 3,000. Mr. Ellons had £îv the bzst thotsgls2t anci informationcf thse current magazines in five conW __________________ a largo faily consisting of six daugh- nts; tise contribulted artic'les furnisis the character sketches cf thse man cf the ors aind tw,%o sonis-uamely, Mrs. John r i esC l yCo p u .s moti, and g4ie timely discussions by autisorities o)n any question of immnediate 12OWMANVILLE, NOV.23 1898. aud "Ir-,Ja. ancock, of Couirtie;" us mpet.Mrs Wm. AshoSln. Mrs. Johni N erve 'Bracer and - I ealth .Thse resutItof tiis cempreliensive effort te e dit in cone mentisly volume thse UNIVERSALAIIJIOTIIERI{OOD. Ashton, Ohw;Mrs, John 1lutchinsý kfrntion needed by intelligent peeple cf " live" instincts is best gauged in cf Foley, and Mrs. D. Asht1on cof Myrtle. e t r r lfopinions -which thse readers of___________________ JhadPtrad obtanPu, The sons are Levi, wbo stili works the «e t r . &seeRCn f e xpes.Thes SEIL F God in his wisdom creatod themi ail. farm-hiîs athor gave up, and Wesley5 of ___________ bae use inoeess. Fo r.. T LOFFR, John was a statsa n Ptrasae, Courtice, ah cof whom surviveh, an tfiinkcuin es men, clergy- he urrnt umbr Rbert a proacher and Paul was a knavo woero present at thte lrg uneral ser- Do yen brood frem day te day and cause the root cf the disease is net M#,editors, lawyerst profese l~ an-d the two preceti- Evil or good a.s thie-,case might bo, Vices on1 the 9)th inst. fils grand child- miake life a cniudmsr oryn-rahd t s iewd-aaewmn C ing issues. . Whîtu or clored, or bend or free, ren actedt as pali1 bearors, lu compliac1sl1ad ai yo ju are a victim cf iofcs-ofrý,ii er ica.Te rt ia ie__________________ Jh n bbr eer a u an with lbis last -,sud seilrequest. Much rmelancholia, nnderstand az once tbattfurdsocasofmlcoian t ?ICAN MONTHLY ~* you are suif ering fromn a terribly graveaistgshabve afedheet 'nsable"; "is siMpNHLly nauis e t eees~~God ilu bis wisdom creï:ated, thom al, symipatby is eltfor bis widow, wlhe bas disease-a trouble that induces suicide medical men bave hoon scesul Wipesa1";"i irpl nvlubeý; isageeris ibay n tdf; sbeen a g-reat and true helpitate forse and homicide. cu red bv nature s nerve edcie- Pan ýsCiry Compoiund. Tels imar- 'ihtoricý!' ryclopediaef tiseweld"; "tise.beatmeans of aid fer'a busy man"; Out of earth's elements, ming-led witb iniauy yars. fie was a kiud aud affect- One cf the mest celebrated physcians voîcus medcal prescip.tion doos s t ,tebest périedical cf tise kind we have ever had "; "a triumph of editorW l lame uiate, bnsbaud çnnd fathor and a god of the day say thore are, sevoral formswrkdrclcutenrs. ttes Mi "tise world under a field glass," etc, etc. n flfý epnu fgoyadsaechristian noighbora ~ vai~.ao eauhlasml eacoistrengthens and braces uip the entire Fashiened and shaped by ne will cf their sieweee n e l.few Iîlanhlaaiaa melancoi t.-norveus organLiizationi, and, as a couse- SUBSCRIPTION PRICfl, $2.50 PER YE_, ml leee n e i.Hitenia, and melanch-olia witb -stupor. qune 'h tissues n uce r YA own hoe missed byv a bost cf frîends and ac- Tho first twe are the most difficult cf buenîthG. and rlife.-givig lcoesr ADDRESS .And bolpiossiy into iife's history tbrewn!reontnadrehefrs a s bo i 0Votly Reîew -~ veJ quaintances. In politics ho, was a rcgiin n retofrsta freely suîpplied te yr part cf thebody. rnerican M nlll eiw ot evq Born by, the law that cempels mou te ho stauni ilRoforirier and voted at the îast pecially endangor the ]ives cf the Vie- ASO. i.i'.,. NWBorntoteconditions the « cenid not forsee, geniel election fieddi n luhis-8th tiras and their friend(. eadsberthis soulfho an ai l ipcrt- yoR John and Peter and Robert and Paul- Some f the. first a in mst impertantatsujttoytifenresepss G13 u hi widoPLreaCdE.onNEWyer.-ef1re1.symptois of rmelancholîa are aleepiess- despondent, languid, olit-cf-sorts, de. God inhis wsdom r(-ýRüed teia aL nuess, depressien cf spirit-;, slow mi.t.lPresed lu mmd ffand mental faculties Johin was the head and( the beart of biis;moetent, terrifv-ii,, hallucinations impaired. Yeur path cf diuty is clear. ~tae, ud verionte cd.Thewhoe 1erTerrible dangjýers aeahead if yen ail ui _ # ý ad erIk ofüý. h, hlen ebanisht the first symlptomus. Veur C4 -L 5 éa 4Was trusted and bono-re,was noble c ousditotm i on ol ms alfermîhgpresent and ftuehappiness and and great; ~ ~ iLases tully baiLfthe stoýkiesa luintho world. Icnitole ~,e~~health depencd whollv on yonr oice of . etr asmae nat lfos ureu e tains the dlgested food toc long tn the bowelt Ion, medicino. oThe, j,,of aine's elory lvii rowas nadci th ls ur cfsintektoAtàproduces uiliousness, torpidlilver, lndjadvniiaia hwits CoUS ound t his ineJ,' Cnw if gËa *pExei eapre-en that thiEordîn*ýi- bealtb, vilOr, activity, fuilinental There a re miany kind-s of' Sewing Machines,, but where purchasing And ,nover once dreamed that bis seul ary trastsnentofcferm elcob ils sa be ent f ap yas a nw machine vou sbould by alnieans get the very best-This la the was bis cwn ae n c vr onapy e kInd I seli. Robent groat glcry and houer, roceived, For Tailors' and Dressmakers' use, our Machines have no equal. For zealcusly preaching what neoncitesion, bad tstcoateýd% Pncsreasonabli, terms made te suit the pttrchaser. Pl urne believed; tnu~soshaahl wi0h vevery mrachine. Inteùding purchasers sbould eall and investigate, Wbile Paul itepasr osntokL:cslainadal RDL or snt posal card au -agent wll bo around. Best machine pilifor sale, bis fil conts esipyato d aly.Me ittsfl Buy no other. Machine parts and repairs supplied. And gave up bis life te the service Of ili. Preparsi «!,y.C. I Fid & Co., Lcwel1, Mass.~ 1 have a heautilul Six-Octave Piano-Case Organ for sale, a big- bar- Ttcbaced that tise men, lu their passing Theuiy Pi1L- te take with Hood's SarsapariU& gai. New supplies cf Boots and Shoos, 'Wall Paper, Pure Paris Frcsueatha ndiscefit, i ie h o radilvcon atb o n rat, lA B GA L UL ndbest varietiecf ('Turnip Séed. Foecr adiscnfitald h ot, ern, bea t or e1onbran, wil NU sanie day. F àaJohnu was mourned tbrough the length reswobveaptbcie ýJLTON.- and brea;dth cf theý land: ad asyadabotnees ol Peter bell 'neath a lash in a merciless 1e ' itertr rmi ykepn ... VN ae vt h ri n oi uiesi baud; ~ ~g-eese. A ~few woid gtms fterI ARý"rW,' i obert died with the praise of the Lord summ fcdfo nbaso n ilBw nville, lately carried o n by Messrs. Loc-khart .-~ ~'~' ' ~ j~ on bs tonguepav botter iii propoio tetircs _ Wil Pal asccnicedcf urerthanmay othon stock on the farml. Brosi 1arnl prepa,ýred to pay thie HIGRIEST PRIC-E for al ' ~~andhuiing. ___________ kinds of Grain and Seeds, and wkl1 endeavor to conduet 4>-§ v- oh ad, Peter and Robert ad 1Pu1 ~ Go lu is isdo cratedthon ai. 1Ji , business on business rinciples. 4 _ Mon said cf the statesman, "fiow noble J1prs3ïi __________________andbrae!",,~stCoal will be delivered to al at of the town at 0f Peter, alas! "fie was only a slave!"' FOR THE - M. 31AYER woul1d eall the atnin his O f Robert, -Tis weil witb bis soul-it 15Lnus er lowest possible price for CASH.- numeouscustomers and friends that theé woil;" wintcri is comingi and now is the time f or Mebl altbycuînd etetr yo-u to get your r furs altered and repair ed *MMW, monts cf bell. -Chicks rai.sed in the manre pile andth befoe te bsy easo co menes.Born by cite law thrcugb ail nature the lu the pig-pen nover reacb fui develcp- blio, 1ebs esn o mne.samne, ment, are scrawny and lu rcugh pluro- - Hats, the Iatest, cheapest and largest Wbat made tbem different and who was age and bave a mest offensive breath OMNVLE - sockahays k(-pt on band. tu blame? Sometimes sbutting boens off grain,- - Cpsotai knd,0ens ndBos. A John and Peter and Robent and Paul - rd feeding moat wiil cause. thein te Cavs o al knd, -M-s nrBoy. God in bis wisdom created tbem aIl. lay. Sonietimes a changý,ecf food will lrestock of Gents' Furnîshmngs, i is n u htran f1niielgt cause them te ronew eg,ýg production. j - Cllrs Brce, hirsSokset.,always Where t ho seul of the black man is as The averago byerof pcultry buys on hiand. Give us a cafli. ** pure as the white; that which bas the hest appearance. -I. Me. Ont wbone the spirit, throngh scrrow fie goos largeiy for appeanances aid WA T Y madewise, TO VISIT OUR ST ORES, AND SEE iyl. n A 9 *',1ý No longer reoets te deceptien an1d lies; 'Look to it that vour pcultry appears BoW'M AY- VILLE, rcia re. Ont where the flesh eau no. longer con- well Whou it is scld- H.H IEN TYDSG SI '~ 'i" Tefreol TaHEfith f te Qe gien iseDESIGNS IN ur ion 1 Y. 1 --- - , 'A T-D - - "r S __ We aise carry Cockery, -Main-ie Oil, Paint Oi], PinsA Ges, have digested the o'il nTO) OUR Wire, Nails,, inder uTwine, Field and Gardon Seeds, and Paten cots mlso f o PiEREG neÀes in bull 1 iné. We don't ask you to bou"eve, bu- ask yen to !nvesýtigate. liver Oil with Hypophos- -I o r okn o agihr ti phites; that is, we have -A1THJE STATESIVIAN' anid Twîce-a-week 'DETROIT FREE PRESS' broken it up mnto littie glob- Bt aesoeya o ny $I7 UÂMPTON nes, or droplets. W'ýe use machinery to do - -CPRGT n e btAVlal 500 page BOOK FREE. Th' ~ te wrk f te dgesive AnYnesndti~akethRndesr¶tonnsYFr,ýýe Press Year Book and ENCYCLOPMIDIA for 1899. wOR le, ,o,', of,- the , nvenion a prbabt paentbe.Cnýne oret Concise. Complete. "FEE..'1néa* y, W 1 ooan nd otanth iesatgticnidentfieil. raandOooOn tent4 I c-' atentanaken torb hiMenu &J,.ôrecelv dooea packagea eofEthisite 5'efeee 2nnOQec wtl-)Utc!-" ýin he aed , p ruiiaia List. a iyre uwh itetT1he I188edition was the success oi' the year. -~ uied.Set te v'um amuryerbat ic. yu Oer 5,00copies sold at 25cents. ttc,,to. eepid Tissageuii t a & IYI l 'ow. anvilleofOnt - iepec.ti sitgmiieiisîpC. iso, ud$.ceai rugits ea'; four ,uou Is,-L oii ye Il newsdealra M . essA. JA ME ,P bih r - flsffitSpelCa.6Vitrat.reat owm CeisTroo. M