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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 30 Nov 1898, p. 1

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TERMS :-$1.50 PER AiçwUiM. OttR TOWN AND OOUNTY IIRST; THE WORLD fl'TERWÂRDS. M. A. JAMES, Editor and Proprietor. NE'wSRIs BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, WE1JNE SDAY, NOVEM3EIR 30, 1898. VOLUME XLIV. No. 48. man gaHAeEN . Ki- IOSAWA~. The Late Johnliolman. magva odinner party on the eveh- 3tBat was attached to the Royal sbire, Eng., in 1826, and died a i Thanks3giving day to about fortY Grenadiers, Toronto, drn hns home, N wtonville, onSuay o. a erneighbors and friends After aonda miiitary manoeuvres..Mr 27. Mr. Hoimancm eCaaamn j upun inrwsprae f ~dl s arry Jackson, Orillia, spent years ago and settied in the township baaelkoknl n arosohrT1ngvn a with his parents, Mr. of Clarke on a farrn neai Newton ille omewreegaged in until alt and Mrs Wu. Jackson.. .. Mis s TBir die In addition to his sorrowing %vidow, Spur, when afer lsingsaing Auld la Balles has accepted a position in Clifton one son and four daughters mourn the 1yne" and "odSve the Queen" al~rnsSntru . r .TMr oso nafcint ubu n dispsedtotei oe S avinsenarow, formerly in the Joseph HaIlWorks kn ahî r.Gog odn Svery ,enjoy ableeeî died at Oak. Park, III., 'Nov. 20th, Hope; Mrs. (Roev.), Williami Learoyd, _______________________________________from heart failure. Mr. and Mrs. oli: Epsom, are daughters of the departed NEWO'ASTLI,. ver Pascoe eelebrated the tenth anni- genltleman. Miss M. Holman is a Cap.ý Do you really $4 know that you may wear *vs'rsary of thoir marriage . .. .Theregu- tain lu the Saved Army and is at pres- good cloth anld yet be very poor]y dressed, for 'hn,,ýi1 visitors: Mr. M. Gar- a'1flea meeting of the Quarterlv euteuadlu vaeiti work in vin, ETanivý,ing .Mr .. hpliio Board of Simcoe street Methodist church the'city of Montreal. Another daught- your appearance depends.more upon the eut and M,. in, Hoailpatn ,rot, at Mr.W.HChpu; the fol lowing gentlemen were elected er, Miss Eliza Holmnan, is an iuvalid ake up of Miss Joanna tawsoudTorouto, tat ma. stewards for the coming year : Messrs. and resides with ber mother. John is maeU fyu lte hni osuo h a.Jos. Parsons7; MISS Helena Carke at .1 osJo ure .A uj nteodfrM.Bla a eil s i aigteMrs. W. B. Alin's; M~r. anüd Mrs. John E. I osdo ure .A uj uteodfr.M.Hla a B. Keddie, J.O. Guy JW. Bors- cousisent member of the Methodist erilsosesinmakngthe? 5Wecome; Messrs. H,%rry barrv and J., F. Nicholson. Mr. church aud died lu the triumph of Toron n o, a ome'; M. Roland, Jamies 0. Guy was re-elected recording christian faith. lu politics deceased m Fuln als at he; Mr. Weles- steward. An unanimous invitation was a Reformer. The funieral took If V nHutahi*nson11, Miss Mabel and Master was given te the pastor, R v. Joseph place fromn his late residence on Tutes YouWilToronto .. ..The Motliodist SunV Wi!son, B A., for another year..,. day, Nov. 29th.-G'C e day School is practisin.- for a Chriztmas . .A happyeovent transpired on Wedues- Eve ene..a...nt Mrs. Johines Nov. 2grd, at the residence of SUBSCR1PTION RITES FOR 1899, Barrtt died uesay ater xvo outs Lldin, Abrt Street, wheu Rev. J. W ant ihs. ..... M1r-. 1). . MeBrie aves J.L ,y performïad thie coreoyw.h s în enhsfthrM.To.M-mde Mr. Fred anuel and Miss Mary SrEMNtedof19 uew) 81 0 Brie,.&istala.Doidge man and wife. -The. wedding STATEsIL&N aud XVeekl.y Globe 1 75 Brdo usrli.wa a very quiet one, Tho preets tu STATEsm.AN and Weekly Mail 1 50 terieer yhadoeand, 11' ,S4 TrëmNsi and Family Herald 'i 90 A pom inehiding a kind renéembranc.l froin STATfflmÀŽ and Farrn and Fireside 1'50 MiSl ola. t. Witaresme liMn"C laeWGrkS. Mr-. nnd Mrs. STATESMAN and Farmer's Advocate 1 90) Mll CileoSt.Cahaine, hans.ManalYî reside où Brork street.... STi&A nd Guardipn 2 0 giving,. ...Mr. G. 11.R. itchllSchool The àanh'rsary services of Simeo» St., S.TU aIM ndtMontreal Witniess, 1 75 of PralniSeienoe, Tot, spent Mathodist chu.rch, Sunday wpok, 'woe STâTFI-SMANaud Montreai Herald 1 75 Thanksgý, ing at home.... iss Mary ominently successful. , liv. Dr. Work- STPATEhsMMA andt Western Advertiseri 75 iruvitdfyoda Port Perry.. mninToronto, preached moruinj' aud STATESMÂNand Breeder's Gazette 2 50 .Wilamssont is acation evenlt,' vý-ýry large cùngregafioüi.SrrsINadLsi' eky 85 l esumed d4ty ati the, academtv .. . .Mr. qnuex oito of truth; ho à evi- STATESMANý and Dally Globe 4 75 Iiake: Ste eirs is home fr!om MUanitoba dently oeueOf the fOreMos PrOachers of STATESMAN and Toronto Daily Star 3 0 well p easet îh Ibis tip .. . .Mr- duO. thé day. Tka paer, Rov. J. P. WiI- STATEsuàNaud Eveuing Globe 3 50 Cowlîug alicifasaily have removed te son, asked bhe psole for $200 and they STATESitAx and Daily Witness 3 0 SMr'. Mall rry' tariiinuorth of the villaz' respoud.d by plue ug en thie plates $255SM TSA u eoeti8 Style NMr. Frankk Ho8kins has reuted Mr, The ehuirck is beiug renovated and A. ManMka'sfarw .. . .Rev. B. hi. Phalen, wheu compioted becsouch improyed in A.Il other publications at Proportion- an C t B. A., arei a fery iteting and lu- appearace. ate rate. Al orders must be sent ta siuc ôTâaiikivlng aditrese at the .A JAmEýS, Bowmanville, Ont. Ou alrn eatetcngaateyu. .The Methodisi ohoir speak highly of OJA THE LIVING AGE FOR 1899. Our Tailering Dpartcneuteai uarantee at Bva, iinsoii ..- peî'tect satisfaction and it will cost yeu ne more than ter out E tanne u Blackstock g.. ~ Re. E E.~IowrdBlakatok, ave Mr.Wmi. Baker' had a paraiytîc stroke it dees te buy an il-fitting, slovenly made suit elIse- a eceltdse:o1rse lu the Methotlist ....MieLl Batn iom@ fri h ogcuiudhf tti ee where. OVERCOATS.-ReadY made te suit Men Churcli sabathe0veniug. oianil very lî...Mrs. D. able and valuable eclectic is aniother and Boys ofMlganihes na ineenlnitlitorly n,!bltte. ustabec of the survival of the flttest, lu vain .ay~he~. AMP'3N . ",pM. and Mel. o sr., that ih, the best, of ail, lias absorbeit or vale -nyher-.Port Ferry, visitefl Pears ui and s9urvived ,every euee ofils, numerous MisesQ.M.Brou ni Lrea SasWili~slast week. . ... àn. und 1?riva 1.,4or imîtators., Its preseut vitality Misbe C. , Brýýviiaif - Mrrna H. G. Pasuoegav a art1onis evîdenýed 1bv the that Saitr septThaksevî holidays Thnksivn2tay Viho0r 1 ra1cosoidae1 SRobbins v ,roTbaniksgviguesss Mutton iss 1iwivreoenugfei awhl wt theisue cýf Jiu ,189,be o, h.1tite shoulder i Luý AE d Mis dl M ~ a , owm u - rl M gazne an Methy ditonconh <JUJIIÔIUI tJIWJIIIUII.~1V~ficuits ýh('e 1asLw k. The 1E. L.C'. mr eflo,...M.NlîM LivigÂge. Lt ,P*~J~ E. animwal4hautsivin- social enter- vii a t Enfield last week..,. essra. h rmil,-,,scesflELv WNil1i eWard unit Frank Westluke have Ti eulai ucs fTsLv tanmntpovitquite a success this returueit trom Manioba . .. .The cou, ING AGE is owing to the tact that it -BMAVILE.ver ideredvbai sitne tcnand social ut Zionon Weduiesday ena hies elle with a, coiparativeiy sinal Scot reuGrci ealableassitanc ita t was a decideit success. Rev. j. Qutlav 0f timc anit money, te keen puce temait o!th eguertu provud- ae elihte the audience with a with the best thouglit and literatùre et PrcedLatou 16. h aa capital lecture. Mr. C., E. Bnown sang the day. Ilence itsimponîance te every Thank . eniu services will be helitseone solos very nicely anit the choir Amenican reuiter. Deci8~. ..Mr.R.Avey uitMr~ Eaditei greatly to the ententainmeikt of The magazýine bas neyeýr better ful- Fedeate BllÎliss Clle es. Hlbin wer u1Leitlu mryan rsE. ou e vening a s aise did Rev. E. E. filled thte purpese indicaten by ils tif le ThanitativigBdayessv.W. delhffeHowand. Vroceeds uearîy $25.00.... thaudliing the past vear. 1ts weeklv -- o ý-ii. CenwerWu.atieus.Te Mise Mary Rogers bas accepted the issue bas enabledit ilte give ifs readers 1-IMITO BsinssColee, uiuam amponBuerw1tinof onganlst ut Eldait. ... Mr. J. promptly the viéwseof the ublest British 'ifot-ui BCrao"-s' wod sale on nesday andlCintnetal unl aaie C,. R. McCu 1lough, Pri ncipal. M.C e(r'yodFýeo rdyea neet net .'Vesr. ic ro. veh i n ailoenhly Suppiement a departý- GALT Business College, '~PI RV.- an exoeptlouai hoiivy scason's work unitd n u urdci w er g Cuit, Ont., -- ~~~are net tinislhod yet. -People kulow gvn ieuîg îr e ok. W. BrookPrircipul. Mr. Lew X imtbiett is very îow ut woet o ei okdu...ra hsw Il beuuîîfisiued, unit a new edit- Busnes racic btwen hethe tirnecf 'witinLg. Mrs. Ranton anui preparations are going ou O for the X'nus orial departineut devote tef0 notes ou "tus ,,Inter" ki sî latwoBusiesPrsae b usn teiMs eiaTlraeas ery ... Sceeol concert which pr omises te ho-'Books unit Authors" udded. Schols.Enfeelter ad ejoyte, est n M. C-LoTl,)t5rMissetuneoraomThe prospectus for i899, which ap. excelen tim tobegi. Creulrs ree Wery'"a's oti attndig ber liew peurs inuanother coinuu is weii werth Addess C..Mcullugh Prncial,: - J "orili, h hoida niconear Kedron the pust week .. r eet ni as ? 'XV e Aitres, CRMCullugh sehol, _'nt, speut thoSholiday hiârsatteuteit service ut Mt. theinroediîîg natter fer the now vear. ati ohm..M.antMs ai la' una'mrigt er~ To new subscibers remitting no'efo ton u iit m1y sp MiT susg i v tE. E.Howard. ... M . F. S ry bas beeii 1899, the interveinii numb r f 19 i aLve saa sete Mrs.R AitChse engageit as foneman fer Mn. W. Van- are sent gratis. sbr f19 - ~ , ni heSt isIRo't vryhio' ~ n-..Mn oeËlýýt Beliwt of a bsineR Ass ...Nest .... The famili' o! Mn. unitMrs. RAntd Ee the Picslar Right, vey.hngHerber lnefasbnicesdA __ ht Eventhe ricesare RghtPort PennY iast woýek .. ..Rev J.S.I. i- fiffy prt Fentof!the liva -eof -nceusei C A R 'Ell irIs'on per eeuttbvtfie arrivaIdo!ialycun and newv is, the Riglit time te buy. Y U iiiIJ. o' cr~nt i osui dau"hter .. . .Mr. John Reynoldtslias, We are gniïig te give a special iy 10Sndyat7,o wsgoalye jythait'nup ite famihyl css Wh nesgeohsei ge unti NewYear.~Is pmacficaly andtthoroughly y>I' . A ý,_womuu's issionary-s o sfiakesuit .o... ha e usshsit te ro unflesmoue, o hternty-e discount frem now uni NwYer. Èciety was organizeit bore hast Entai' etaeadHsi av ii8e orfn hemie natet-i IV agth'epr ocesu ttmenb isTuje titO- grain threshiig unit have sturteit ut cent bettle et Dr. Wls nhsuPis SSec our goods, get eur pnices andth feno Mi TujeDirctO-WlsEzil Pl, the ~ ~~Zer ~ ~ ~ coer.... Mliss Estella Reyhoids is im- if after usilngtre-onbso etss compare them with offhers, We are ",-Y TSH AM RCA assisýtiug.Thie foihowingofdcers were preving^niceli'. Mr nd nit s. W. N. ebof îotle, they do net reliove constipa- ~seling cheap anit if yon don't beileve electd:1' Presideut-Mrs. Jucob Stev- Pso iietl avn nTuk inui edce eas guaran. ut cati andt we will cenvince y0U.USN S C L EG en;'tfVPeet. Mrs. C.- Frank gîving .. .. Mn. J. WY. Brooks soit three tee tbaf four befflos will pormanently BUSINESS C-Presi eeut.1Miss Esoher - herses recently... There is scsreely cure the mest obstînafe case of cousti- M. ~HHi~S ~ Y..CA. uiling Tron~o~~ c2 erâd v Ms wstherSoweo: un oithon n uthe neighbonhood as Mn. pation. Satisfaction or ne puy wheu Report Blding oronto.d %,P Mrs. vilSnowdoneu Runnaln, jr., Welcome, bas purchunzei M ilîs' Pilîs une useit. strttofiih d idsuae asîted..i cors ! tenfor a Canuing tuctoni' lu Stott & Jury, chemist, Bownaiie to positions. Write for free prospec- Treasurur, Mrs. W. Foioi'.PotHe.Eirsntekr swll.Hgiboam&SceitB - recevOsl)neflp uni atentin. us.eau rehi' on goitchieken pies arouîîd ville. Charterefi Acc"t,Principal. Domire new.____ ManuntMi. Alfreit Ganiti- '..) waranted r s inge mey reinnîu n 1a -scresieene now occupîe Oy S direc ro1er1.1c1n nChu îhe stur. mgrtîîbotlem, Cenitrest 1St.UE 5 roN N omeite hallslfc etcn Tu Bod mlû-.U2Un.,arigtn wl si-j)i coli, ati hart8 rom, hafsstanding-timben lu small ',ý-ts, Salcn Piiest from l n p.Loe trlser mots Mod hs. d n sot water, small -arden with fruitQuil J IlTA't BKeSle,~WtSYLoe . tf BoDR ilES u u ildmmull ~oey i ii fails u' cure. huaci ium&ueyWifh 1 P. 111. Sce bills, L. A .T~ ki

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