The~~~~~ Raain saem around vou will hold you up. Whoeu your Iny heir, the twentieth centary, peaco of T R 1 B E IF IS AH. 'appetite burns,, and you feel that you iiationA; swords, whicli T tii; -t, ta be BOWMANVJLLE, NOV. 30, 1898. must gratify it, comoe to îny bouse. Sit beaten ino plowsbaies, ai,- à _________________________down with nie in the studv or with the must lie turned !rite pruiaîun hocilis; arii- u,Ê fanîlIy In the parler, and 1 will lie a arias, ta L-ý rhangeti înto schooihouses Rev. Dr. *TaI m age says that they vvere sild ta You. Ail ýthai I eau do for you and fortr-,c ý;t' horo,' iltinto nhurche, witb xny books,ý my sympathy, nIy experi- and 1 orÈi,jna hýr b u Mvh 7n e st o tnonce, my society, moy lov, my money, I on tbose who sw -a a tipo tn ie e . will do. Yeu shali rorget your appetite ýwlo destroy it. And'faith ner ls caused by tor idiliver,wil Mrentsîgs anti masteroo tth" A 0k0 hp lwe a eaenwatandths ntos .ion andi permitsfood te ferment and putrify in n atri.I ,lo fhp lwd a ec o tandtoetontos on the poor mian's face, and hie repiied, Spin andi Turkey, do flot stop their tysoah Thatis vherthe diferedfroeth inc mpeent "Sir will you do ail tbatf" 'Surb~ly I cruelties, let the other nations, bne That i wherethey dfferedf romthe în om petnts wiL, Il ThonI will overcome.' He together, exteîaporize a police force ta ayproshv ý rgo d rp r o trig sigfled the nledge and kept IL That plan wipe those countries off the niap Of na-Mn esn aetergo of o-d y W sh ul f President- Davies whioh sa'red one tiens as a wet sponge wipes-froin a boy' d ay and their bad day. O)t'h.ýQs eve tsSprad 0f he Cosel man, trieti on a large scale, wiil save a slate at s'-hoel a liard sum in aritbmetîc. are about half sick ail t1ý umnevose, andSpe dofteGo p l million nmen. uTi last ivill 1,sign andi seal andi deliver hyavhedcbrï ifnoti reevbounss aever Alexander the Great nmode an imperial on the Iliet day af Decembur, ln the yearThyavhadhebç. andi are restless and nervot O! boodpalsnin. Hod'sbanquet at Babylon, andi, thougli lhe bai of our Lord 1900, ail lie civilizeti nations ifU ne elveblos ee l crue[ S5pain expEsits by procrastlnation'be Food does flot taste gooti, Fulis stimuiate the chom e dMOUtes asigoN.27-hssr Of andi intrigue ta get back wliat she lias nithe lieaitil0f guests atleosecond and ailofhhaglorîtieti nation the digestion is poor; the rouge the liver, cure lîeadahdzieS-cn Dr. Talinage ls an anticipation 0f thinge surrendored, then the warships Iowa andi ho___20______anh_____theolt is dry andi saliow and disfigured stipation, etc. 2.5 cents. Sold bly ail druggists. near at ba~nd anti urges preparation for Indiana andi Braokly and Texa" andto lea h 20ets, a lieu drankl foe heCncecitdbfr.wihýmlsoreutos Thbe ony Pilata take with 1100 s SarsaPala. Pirring events; text, I. Chronicles xii, Vesuvius and Oregon Must lie sent. baok cu f e c uls ear the la, cang for h e onscience aof Reformi alwah sepimplegs nor ertiad os ____________________________32, "The chidren of Issachar, which to southen waters or aorbss la, the coast OOp,0 Herculles, tian t, ane I mte Te tea bag o tntheiel of e i anday see etadw were mnen that bail understanding of the of Spain to silence the insolence, as de- cp i lldat rîe ttiet ogi n nteIet Itemdat a~lndn One is always srrsdt-scfttmstako atIre bis endurance; but as lie finisheti soul of the individual. The contestants What is the cause of ail this? people mean. Ilpie osefttet ko btlre uh od. cidetily as last summer tbey, silenceti the the last draft framn the cup of Hercules, are conscience on the one sidae anti Saine Imipure blood. Grea trie, hat ribaaI ssacar.Wlia Critobl Coon nondo anti Maria the giant, lie droppeti in a fit, from more or les refinedte frni of self u. Ruiiîiing away from, home in youth Joabi toolt the census, thora were 145,600 Teresa anti V'zoaya. Wlieu we get those whicb bu neyer raeovereti. Alexander, -gence on the otber, TIhe, self-indulgenceAnterme? runs in the blooci. of tliem. ,ui6fO'e thle almanac was boru, isiantis thoron-gbly under our ,prdtector. wolalcnurt adsat oqeeiza oaybn rmata adrn Sensible 01(1 men alwvays liate a- man thog srlgclsuy hyke tfrtelrtlm u isoaisin Halîcarassus anti conquereti Asia anti ta a vicious appetite ta dislike ta do a who blaclis h is beard, froru stellar conjunctions ail about tbe China wiIl bcenae. The atrocities Imposeti sonquereti the world, couli -not conquer conspicuoue and unusual tbing. The first ________ easons or the year. Bofore .agriculture on these gooti men anti wornen in the huiseif, anti thera is a lhreatauing peril stege of refarn is the awakening af cou-@eN bec-ame au art they were skillei In the sa-calleti Flawery Kingtiom weill neyer lie that Ibis good ]andi of ours, having con- science, which always follows tie pcrcep-&Qk raising of crops, Before poliis became a resuinet, for our guns will be to0 near qetialwt am ilasergoe io f wrong conditions. Conscience o- rscience they knew the temper of nations, Hang Kong ta sllow the massacre ofrns quie batI inay yem t as vero b tiuen kee mertvi dmni anti wbenover they marcheti, elîber for sionary settlements. 111the cup aI the giaut avil of the landi- that soinethung must lie done. What? pleasure or war, they marcheti under a On that map mnust lie put the Isth mian that Hercules of infaniy, srang drink. The attgmpt ta ansWer test questian ls R le 1r 3.,> isII tree caloreti flag-topaz, sardine anti canai, begun if Dat comtileteci. No long Do nlot let the 1staggering anti hloateil lu the second stage. Self lindulglee n- R h qu-- m cdùtlo4m carbuncee But the chioI charaoteristic of voyages araunti Cape Horn for the wonld's and embruteti bost of drùnkards go mbt lias ungenuuty an its side, anti there foi- Ébat trié eof Issachar was that lbey un- merchaudise, but short anti cbeap coin-, the next century laoklug for insane asy- lows a sortes of atitemplts ta stifie or sai- derstood the limes. They were not like munication by water ineteati of 'expansive ]uniu and ainishouses anti delirium-tre- lsfy conscience by pallativas or camproni- the polilical anti moral incompetauts of communication hy ra4i train, anti more ,meus anti dielionoreti graves. -leIes, atleînpts ta perfori the inmpossible our day, who are lrying ta guide 1898 by millions.wil le aditet ta aur national Another lhing we must gel fixeti Io a fest of serving God anti maiman. But p ÎM 'Q CEJEYthe thearies of 1828. Tbay luoked at the wealth ana the world', bottermient tflan national law caucerning divorce. William the ,hislary of the world lias yet ta show COVIOUDdivine indicatîions in their own parlicular I have capacity to calculate. E., Gladistone sketi me wbîle walking in the ffrel instance oLthe succese of sncb PAIESCEERYCO PO NDcentury. Sa we ought to understand thie On Ibat inap it muet lie matie evitient bis groantis at Hawarden, "Do youn 110 attempts. 'Ibo lidmn conscience .once 01ipies, not the tumes wben Amenica was that Amrenica is ta ha the warld'e civilizer think Ihal your country is In pbrll froni arouisLdt hy li vision of wrong wiil nover 13,colonies butdleti togeîber aloug the 'anti ovangelier Free froni the national, wrongootions of divorce?" Andi before I lie ouiet aI ai 11 that wrong le abol- THE ONLY -MEDICINE Atantic cost, but the times wlien the religions of Europe on the one side sud bail limes te anewer lie seil. "The only isheil, utterly ant i nally. tcer"othe hanl nto ln the oeeen On One frointhe superstitions cf Asia on the gooti law of divorce tbat Yeu have Ini The tesuperance question Is ta-day in I las'uttecanl T H T V ORK CO l- side the contuient andti he other band in other sida, It-wlli- bava fatcilities for the America is the iaw lu Southi Carolina." the seon 0ftesages. The mioral thraugh which poisons are TH TWO K C M the oceau ou the other sida the contin- work that ne -other continent eu poe The fact le thal Inatcad of state laws oni lulqulty antie eacononio idiocy cof ai. carrieti fromn the body. Wc eut; tinies which, put New Yark Narrowgsieuhy ii055ei5. thie subjeot we net a national iaw iowing thiuge te go on as tliey are bave ail impunities aermvdfo ani h Gldnbm 0 te aifc The work of Ibis century bas beau ta passeti hy the Senate cf the Uniteil States become evident, anti conscI1 ence je demauti- the blooti nature takes right luolti P LETE AND PER within one flash of eleclrictelegraphy; gel resdy. ,All the eartliis niowftrac ta andti he Hous: of Re'proentatives and lng a change. ,Interest anti saf-indul- tivels o a l ereenly aoi- Ai 0 th a &Oplecetu t heretl 8ostone lb. lanl The re re tsadu cf t hre pee gnt, ar9îiai aygoiat and completes the cure. tiey ssolemnly, a rmdauy saper gind oue in Africa, white ab -the hie- 'of the country?. honeet people hy the suggestion oI plans-, ter is contiaon tke ManNdCRE tie quick revolutionaf evnt ash 1V neewl ana thra uaiect t fiiran s who ara unnaipy a ni otigt neer ta drinker te drink ant heb seller ta sejl,' drowsy action of the liver; they nse thrngh i Holynt Sorptures Ted andthorancter ta e anyIslad tat for- bave been wedtied. Tbey were tieceivet, anisa1asmaowo lir rvu cure biliousness. us hrughth IolySoiptre. he ad otraceté an Ilans ndlargeo ei<hey were recklese, or tliey wer bos am frena reciulting. The air le voice Ga d einl Providence le as impor- rachies cf cninc n. Borsia reies or tbey were caglil y dInie, or long full of plans; licene high anti lw, the W rief e of 0 01 r The ablest anti best men anti women aul as the volceof >aI O inl typoiogy, for anti Fiji Islandi eanubaliin bave given by a curl, or married in joke, or expected Gotbenburg systen anti Ils Ainerican ebv ti aseeiso of aur country-doctors, clergymen, lu, aur owu day we bava bail orSi nais way, antiail Ib* gales0f ail the cautin- a fert'eat lttintcmo gooti coushê, nationaluzaîîon, anti tihe reel, ail toheUnte 8ee ý ns the bankers, merdiants anti literary wo- witb tIbuntiere af the Almigbty, anti Cal- ente are swuug open with a claug that habits turneil ta brutlity, anti hence lbe cf theni attempt ta legislate In sncb wise paricalars lin -yer case. Yeu vil re- nsen-highly praise anti recommenti varies of sacrifice, anti Gellisemanes tbat bas beau a positive anti gioriaus Invita- ilonestic wreck, but maire divcrce laus thal tWo andi two shahi malte tibree. A cevAp~ Pain's eleyCopouti s asur cue swat rea dzus f boot, sil livt ion for Chrlstianily'to enter. Talegrapli, easy anti yau niake lbe humin race more great uauy people, wbose enlire liouesty for rheumatism anti sciatica. a' ascension, anti Mount PisRahs of fer- telepuione anti piioîegraph are la lie con- >cautions about euterlng uipou lifetime anti goati failli wç ivoull bce tha very last Ilemember liat disortiereti nerves, reacbiiîg vision. The Lord wlia roundeil socrateti ta gospel disgeemination, anti, alliances. Let people ndarstaudti hal ta question, are being misleti by these fauty igstin, nt a lowani icom tIis wonîld 6,000 aga anti sent bis insteail of the voica Ibat gains the allen- eanirage la not an accommodiation train luganîuns altempts la salusfy conscience peènutrition of the body invite rheu- t erd ii ea ,0 er g iaslin ct a few huntreil or a fcw lliousand Ihat will lei yen leave almest anywliere, liy Speclons argument anti empty prom -__________________ plete as rhy do ervou debuityVer mucli ta do willi Ibis radiant but people wlthln the church, wallâ, Ibm tale- bul a Ilircugli train, and lhen tbey wlI ls. Teutmt alpe0 i hs atdisai . jUSIe ag niei noa et Maye Go ale s k graph will tlirll the glati tiluge andthlb net stpn the train naisse they expet sobemes cannol lia for an Instant doubted. Clover has, eut fine anti steam edie e for rhco nitin. thn u -d w , ev en thaI bail undrsandng of the limes, lons, Oh, the infiute aivantage thal the O ua brave man bis coanng wiuer, ris- question of the irst rank, Il is open. Il escodto.ta kuow wbat Israel cugbî te ce."I twentiatli century bas over wbat the ing amiti the white maruile cf yonder eau neyer hoe closadtill l a edrih You cannot cure nheumatismn by ont- The grave f IbIs century will soan lie nineteenh cenur bail aI tha trling! Capitl li, coolti affer a resolution on aP Ervr Àu Rs Eisurg ward application. Tie disease is due dug. The eratile 0f anoîber cetrynhl l preparatIcu for Ib-is comiug century thbe sulijeet cf divorce, that, couiti keep andSJ4.PPE,.AIR.E6 s A ta internai troubles and must coustitut- soon ha racket. Thera la somathimfg mov- we bave lime in the intorvening yeare ta oul of tbe nexl century mmcli'O the rac ionalEy attacked anti got riti of. iug Ibis way out cf the etemnitles, Borme- gîve soine tiecisive strokes at the savon 1-ovism anti iissontemess whicb bave A Little Surprise for the Bridesmaid. Paine's -Celerv Compoundi gives a thinff liat blrilîs me, blanohes ma, Sp. or eigbt great evils that ourse the worid. cure tbis country. Two girl friands niaI In tbe street aud Kidnuy PainsAil Gone. healthy tone ta tise stornaci, increases )ais mea, axhularales me,' enraplures île, Il would lie an assalt antt ',ttery Ûpon À-aother tbiug that wa neeti ta gel etappeti ta shako bauds.i the appotite, anti reg'ulates the boweis, It weill wroatbe the orange blossomus for the comi-ng century by this coealury if w. fIxeti np before the dlock shahl stnike 12 "'Sa glad ta se, you, Grace,"I saidtihe -What Did It?- liver anti kidnoeys, so liaI îhey easlv Millions cf wed "dings. Il will beat the allwed the full blow cf present evils ta au Ihat niglil of ceutennial transition le lailor matie Aices. "Was justî ou the wayDonsKde Pis lhrow off poisanous matIons that lie dirge for millions OI Obsaquies. Il will -faîl opon the future. We ought somabhow the expulsion of svar by the poWai et ta ast you, as My oldest friand, ta ba Dons-dnyPls slugglsi sslemn has alioweti ta lod ge in ýcarry. the gildeti banuers of brîglitesl ta cripple or minîfy semae aI theser abani- arblraîlon. WiIhin the naxli Ibrea yaars, ona cf My irlilesmalde." lie looi, ausfigriemaîim ati amungeant Iheblak lageaI iarestinatfine. Alcoboliinl la t-day trinai- we ougbl ta bava, andt I hope will hava, "lBnluesmaiti How lovelyl I dld, not HwD o n like disorders. - inidflights. The* Warld wll- play the pliant, anti are we la lot the ail. tevour- what amiglit ha calleti "a jury of un. know you ware eugaged," rapieil the fin AKnso aiSy a ,Bear in mind tiat rieumatisma nog- -grand, mardi of, ils heres anti saunil the ing monster that bas Ilirattiat Iis cent- tuons," which shahl rentier verdict ou ail de olacla Grâce. AKn tnMnSy'o rogues' mardi cf ils coymarils. Olliar prc- ury seize upon the uiext without 1h51t conîrovtad ntercnational questions. Aill "It's sutiteu-very sutiden-but. bals lecetimens nceasti ufo.nug aniceseions aîay blt or break tiowu crfl baviug filoti bis accursati ide wlIb civilizeil nations are reatiy for ut. Great just a leo ely ta live anti Io awflnly lu Mr. W. J.> Pappa, 112 Barrie St., King. cerfain measur e i segtile ye. Usve haek, but the procession lad by thal leati- stiuglng arrows eaough ho waakeu anti Brilalu *iîh a standing anny of 210,- love. WIll yau sot?" soOtwie sflos Hvn Paine's Celery Compondt and banisi aer moves sleadily on anti will sccu lia staggar liai? We bave wasteil about 25 000 Mien, France witb a standing army "Act? Of course, lil hae charmeti. been tronhîcti with kidney disease for disas liI as o erc wen l habo. Il will presida avar coronariens yaars. How so? Wlîtle wa bava been watt- of 580,000 muen, Genmauy with a stand- But," mavIg forwamd anti speaking in years, and not having received any par- disese hathasno erc -wen t o-sud datirouenients. I ball il! I blese il! ing for lie là-tw et the landti a probibîl lug an-ry of 600,000 min, Russie wvith a an untiertone, "do corne aront the cor- maneant relief anil I nsed Doan's Kidey tains the màstery. ,Il soleiy romains I walcme il The twantietli dantuny of* intoxicants wa 1sf a done littho ta quencli standing anmy of 900,000 mon. Europe uer antll me ail about It. bore comaes Pills, I take, great pleasure ini hetting wiîi you la, determîne wietier you ivili tle Christian ara, lia 'laines if appatite lu the palale 'anti wllb standing ammies of about 3,500,000 liaI idiotie, imnepressibia toukey, Will others similarly afflicted, know of lhe banisi danger or remain in misery and Wbat may we oxpeet cf il anti bow to.naua"of e whole generation. Whera are men, the United 'States nroposiug «a Morton. He grnning as tbh le wneflcraiepaete osess, wnecienes. hahwe repra10vil rc lemomnt-to public nti enîhueleello meetings that standing anmy cf 100,000 men. What, sent la stop, anti 1 don't came 0 lie seen liy Doan's PuIls. Before taking them 1 Oms uesionsI popos no la isese.useti te lie belti 30 ySars ago for the ane gloriaus idea, thatcI disarm îament! Whist talkiug ta hlmi." atoueiatnghbyavntorie Lots af peopie nover gel at buggy As lu familles bumnan nalivity le antici- purpcee of pemsustiing thn yeung anti an amancipaltion of nations anti enturies! '"Will Martien? He's the mail P'm go- but cào now sleep, anti do ria( feel sveary ride oxcept at a luneral. -pateti by ail sanctity anti kindlinass anti ruittlati aiati anti oldti hat stron g drink IThe Czar af Rassia last summer proposcul iug lao marry." in .the morning. I hope thait this may Very Iew mcaI will adimit liat tiey solemnily anti came anti liopeiunse, go is palsonous anti darnng? When wil it Iu wanld msoundiug manifeseo. Dis- induce other sufferers, fromn kidney or were worse than them bays. ouguit wa prayarfnlly, hapofuhhy, Indus, w. learu tuiemi wa muet oducate public armement! WhaI au inspining andi. ba- Doa't B.rool Uver Trouble. u1r5 ay ftfuble t iai, for m' Kino tatno Most cf us have a kinti of sneaking lisicntety eaefrteal-opinion up te a prohuîîiîory .a or sncb van descandeti thongit! lu soma quarter. Whou trouble cames il le fally la ait other remedy couid bave acteti g0 well idea tiat a piano is a sign of luxury vent of a naw century. The iiineteentb a law will uatliha passeti or df pasoi will the Czar's Mnanifesta wae -trealtid willi ilwnanti brooi "ver IL No situation asteyiiinycs. century muet not treal thea lwenîieth on net hae eactad? Godi grant test all stale derieiou, ant i w wra tld thaï hoe was washe avenn imr i caseh."sy Goa Itseni a s fwoenknwio IsarivaI as the aigbteauhh daLtury anti national laglelatura iay bul op not in amnet wbaî lie matie il. 1 know amersaucias eall fen great strengîb or Doan's Kidney Pills are the cniy, suire cure ugly nets on their bain looks tiey wauld treatat , 11 inetcenth. Our -century lu- againsl Ibis avil a wall which wll bc an personally that lie titi moan IL Six yeame fpotat orgetaîviy h ad r Drpakad ail Briaey ýea -, arytrobes wersmtiges.heninail the wreck of ravolutions anti the impassable waih, ehuùlng cul h lca- ega ha axpressedtia1 me the saine tbcory tihe Pressure the more us the nsau why Prire 5oc, al nrggîstý The Doani l Kiey superstitions af ages. Amountiits cratile ballc abomination. But whîle we walh in bis palace at Peterhiof, hoa thon being you éhoud play tire Man. If you once Purl Ca.0 'o nto t. Ask for Doans anti stoodti he enmeti assassin of olti worlil for that let us, iu aur homes, In our on the way te the throne, not yoî liaviug giva up anti wasîe lu !ie repiîîung the refuse ail a h rs. S. tyrannies; tha "«reigu of tarmer," ba- sdhails anti oui, churcuies anti ou our neoheti I. Hie father, Alexandear II. euergy thaït enght te lia spant lu courage- qneathing ils bornons; Robespierre, plat- plaîfanme anti ln aur nevipspars, par- ltehon t narne, exprasseilt m ini e1 us effort, thon you may as wall die. r-TdrT '~ l ing bis diabolisai; the Jacobin club, ..athl. peopho to stop takiug aicolhe bis palace tha saine sentimnents Of Peaca, Your casa, let il ho as duiflcuit as il May, jJ.,iS .J 9, with ils wholesale massacre; the guillo- stimulant unoss prescnihati hy physi- and fais svife, the thon Emmiress, wIbh le ne werseL" IlanlaI0 Iouaas tncppn lsbeatmil.Taclans, sud thon persuade physiciens ý nt r in lier eyes, saiti, ln naPiy te imy aIliers wlie have, noverthelese, kepl a IARN ENLDS grounti quakiug *ilh the 'great, guill Of 1e prascribe it if lu ail the dominions cf remank, x"Your Majesty, lioa 'will neyer stout baart andI won the day. Gadi le im- 0 A N - ,LDS Th eaig pcalss fAneia aego, Wagram anti Bailajos. Ail Eu- îlmralautice thoa may ha fomnd sa ha anotier great war hetween Christian piy puting yen ta the test In order ta Graduateof th e noyau Coller' e oe Dental Sut nope lu convulsion. Asie in ccomparative other remady. nations," "Ah, I hope liera neyer wil dtieemina, the qualily cf your rîninoct. geons. Ontanl 20 Years In Detroit. quiet, but the qulaînees oI daatb. Africa Sean or aiglit years ega on the anni- bie! If thora shonîti aven bi anothan lireat Ha lias noeavil designs againel yen. Ahil OhFICE. OppassterEixprcss Office. 250,000 ~I thed u b chulehes of the @lave Irada. Amen- vesr llea ftaNtoal Tamper- war, I ai aura il wil l et sat troin t's baîi eis orsfae1cmawî uuVIrALIZED AIR 250,00____ d cen savages lu fuil cry, their scalping ancae Society, ln New, York, I daplorati palace." oIfryu ol lyuwî nyacp ~ kive hitet. Te eisotet ani pveny le ld tmajwo lad loft pehitios la de What e boom la thq Wanld If Russia il la the nigist spirit. WL .h~II.U L îutpai fAneiaeetn uia iIwlhméral emasion eniy ebulil do anti Ganaiauy anti Englantd anti the Uni- menaýretroahled7withthisdisease-many Ravalutlonary war lied loIt them. Waeli- drunitard, wandering along thus Straet standing arînios anti diemanilethblr fort- JV .BP VA OIJB nncoiusly. Iirey inay haves asmant- . ngton just gong, iua lhe long eleep a1 lo-niglit, sanuld sea the ligîts kintileti nasses anti spita their gunsi Wbab un A wemnan af tremaudous avoindupois DENTIST. shar cting ansat lima s. ug is-igstem Maunt Vernon, anti lie nation in be- hi Ibis brilliaul assemblage anti shouiti caumiuet millions uI dollars Wauld b.e enteraI s Bradtway cable car breatuilese- jchange, tiifficnity in canmaencing, weak reavemant, Aarau Bnmr, the champion coa nu anti, flntiug the chraracter oI the saveti. anti, moe Iban Ibat, wbal a cei- yat eatt ih rnn uhsc organs,~ omsios isdsl the symptonis Ilnertine, bacemlng seau aller thie vice- mactina',eullatoratpnacaptaestInoioenlugla!Wal pceettebemn Ibbeewap gang ne mssdeintsho hav sTICpapeidulehaGvauanoa haUi.petgaaIa itmgiheg i udbganaa ipovnan o iemraeethe nsnn uli erer ffc.-R raIMsss TUlE -on- lo ioon L-.nien onul as fraggîn.ce nâ. - EE Ifua--.-c ,wit or w -- - - - 'w-z-- 1utla raihl' Away back in early-îimeîrsse ......Jaaea wp w~iacp fmlsa, c-hoi nAed FRE.Ifunll t eUwrt fr is nd aa ws letwitiî te mauy Pi-esltient Davis ef Pnincoa uclaeO Napqclejonlo wusr /aiIeAcioSaubeietaponn IsleiisteadaA inaia lt îWV Amaeriawaaeat siagliar mant paie lck yo weh IsaI- contains 96 pages prio f se y i Iustrated, an d V QUESTION BLANK Ior HOME barbarisme anti rail wrItl tee MenY anýay e o a tisarlaîecrnosel0fbteaik. w rall hia A hieîpensih viito taey a firomasi TREATMENT. IifournI man'ln sitier Wh a rûodfor tuis batdnina- plutofbteil.Tk raisold idspnbevioteeyarnrsd, luge r s s e w1t boa many suffar- bea-ase of thse blirail oI Etnang lln. Te anth tentury! It mnates ail pandam,-on- flur fEv. iron.-Laias' Homes Jcuni ntmcian naetn KENNot uK .~ N s e s sse toui tha on th:t man jsd aa hlmn: "Sir, ha of goeio uiciuka ta fanonr of overy cjais. h~ avti S3n le WilIt no ualli grand if omn tle flrsý day The Blasslng.eofI'ov.s'ty. A VueDla ar TnCasCP~* UlluhItg AvadSeboooan le a Christîanlïzat continent- -phlga." "Ah," sail the ilespairnug via- of the tweutialh century tle iast wiul Why-plty lire ragged paon? lu Ausînia A Brother Jonathan Publishing Co. Cor. MihgnAe adSef' St. sdhocls, collages, churcies anti goodtim ' Il have deue sIgned- tic pheige, but andti estamnt cf the nînetéantl cenunry ici people are flocIsing toa "cure", wliere A DETROIT-1, Mic. lamas in long lina Inesa ocean beach Io I Lv aîways broklen in pladge.'1 hV ni~11~fl ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ AMuti ulig oceaM bech O' tisa aa ua ut "But," seuld the presldent, "*I wihI h rad: "In i-he naue of God. ameon. 1, lbe jt4ora mayg*4. t h r A Chicago. fra., Portio Rico muat b. Irse. The anchl- A ~hi .>I.p.1,Iwl a u-,d aetl a aiwl '4444~ @ 44<~ yorý,*otht ete the P1iîo b. ____ _ myhig _______d__ak hi xi li wl 1