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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 30 Nov 1898, p. 3

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1! is impossible te promise partIcular features tisat wilI appear in thse "ASMERICAN MONTHLY » durlag tise cemiag year, for-it is, as tise Bookmnan saYV, "a great' monthly newspaper$' As such, , h priats for ils readers an illustrated account of thse notable things which malte t#e iistory ai the mentis, of tise political, tise We know cf no review pubiihed, in this economnic, and literary happenings country or in Europe, which combines so auccesa- whc arof auet itelet fully esa the AMERICAN MONTHLY the alertness, Wihaeo vlet nelgn timeliness, and energy of journalism wth the men and womnen. Tise Edito's- saund ucgment. carefully weghed opinion, exact, kncwledgt, and weil-chosen English of the purely -"Progress of tise Worid " tells suc- literary perMoical. '-The Ouflook, cinctlY an illustrated story of the i month. Tise "Leading Articles" xve thse beat thought and information of tise curreat magazines- fa five conti- nents; tise contributeti articles-furnisi tise cisaracter sketches of tise man of the ýextn, n 4.g ive im Luc i-ussions by aut or, es on any question et immediate dous import. ti opeesv fott dti n otî ouefi The- result of hscmrfesvefott dtion >nhyolete frmation needed by intelligent people Of "live" instincts is best gauged in e opinions which the readers of e. AMERICAN 3MONTHLY1SEALOFR vesci1fit to express. Thm se ForOFE ,thinLing business men, clergy- l The current numiber e,~ editors, lawyers, professors, and the twc> preced- giners, the wide-awake womep Mig issules. .1,> America. They write that the 25C VRRICAN MONTHLY "4is iisenstble"; "Î5s smply invaluable »; "I a generous iberry in îtseff »; la f4istorical cyclopedia of the world »"'4the best means of aid for a busy man-'*» he best perbodical of the Icind we have ever had", "a triumiph of editorial mzii » tihe world under a field-glass" etc., etc. .SUBSCRIPTION PRICE, $2.50 PER YEAR) ointDhly R mcan Monly ew of Revies - 13 ASTOR PLAC. E W, YORJY Sewig Vacins There are mnany kinds of Sewing Machines, but where purchasing a new machine you should by ail means get the very bet-This is the kInd 1 seli. For Tailors' and Dressmakers' use, our Machines have no equal. Prices reasonab]e, tèrms made to -suit the purchaser. Full guarantee wlth every machine. Intcnding.purchasers should eall and investigâte, or sent postal card and agent wilI be around. Best machine oil for sale. Biiy no other. Machine parts and repairs supplied. l'have a beautiful Six-Octave Piano-Case Organ for sale, a' big bar. gain. New supplies of Bootsand S4oes, Wall Paper, Pure Paris GreeD. and best varieties of Turnip Seed. . HAMPTON. tlenry Elliott Jr., * M. MAYER -)ould call the attention'bf li is d-5p I numerous customers and friends t1lat the W- winter is coming and now is the time- for 4i' §r you to get your fturs aitered and repaire d ~ before the busy season commenceS. 1-lats, ihe iatest, cheapest and largest ri--ý stock altways kzept on band. -i < " Caps ol al kinds, Men's and, Boys. A ;1:II- large stock of Gents' Furnishings, in Ties, Collars, Braces, Shirts,. Socks, etc.,' always onl hafid. Give us a caiL Wl M. MAY"R, f EOWMA2NVILLE, Practical Furrier. Seve rairacin Plubilic Attention, But the mnost important billi.s the DOLLAR BILL. For this bill we are riow prepared to.givet hepulicl better value than ever before.., For Ordered Clothing we carry a tasty and up-to-date liner of Tweeds, Serges and Worsteds, at prices just exactly even with qualty. We have just received a new shipment of Drcss Go ods , Prints, Ladies' Blouses, and Straw Goods for every day and Sunday wear; and the pices wil seli themn. fiGroceries we carry only the best goods and wil always be found ,ç*btf ull assortment of ail uines in public emdal priced bargain- tWe also carry Crockery, Machine O11, Paint Oil, Paints,Axlc Grease, Fene Wire, Nai]s, Binder Twie, Field and Garden Seeds, and Patent Meiines in fulll une. We don't ask you to believe, but ask you to investigate. FranLlk 'A. eole.0 -Pl MPTON. FROne Day's Work' F We give this fine Watch for selling twe at te-Cns nh en oraddres and teforward the prfuine, postpaid, ----a-nd our Preiifliti Lst. No moneyre qired. S lte ""fns M' ong Y""t friends, retnrn the ,.nne. --d we setd therea Wat prepn.j g his ish gthettine titrepiece. In writing mntion tIi$ paper. lfome Specialty Co. 60 lictorla St Toronto 1 will guarantee that my Rheurnatismn Cure will relleve lum- bago, sciatica and ail rheumnatic pains >in two or three hours, and cure in a few days. MUNYON. At ail de'nggists, -j 25c. a via]. Guide t o Healili and imedi- cal ad-vice free. 1505 Arch st.. Phila. BOWMANVILI.E, NOV. 30, 1898. (JROOKED CREEK. Mr. G. Deuer's faithfài dog strayeti on1 Sa[ tuda'y..Miss A. Fer gusen spent Tliaîîkgi; iinl Pickering .. .. Miss M. Ferguso,(n and Miss Hughes, Newton- ville,,were guests of Mr. G. IZ Reid..;. Miss T.Ftruo was home from Port Hope for Tbhanksgiving,..., Mr. W. Reid, Lind(say' , visiteti the Messrs. Rob- inson... ., Mrs' Geo. Workman bas re- turned from the Toronto Hospital .... Mrs. J. Býurleigli. Newtonville, ivas guest of lier fatber, Mr. 0Oco. Decker, recently. S. S. No. 5, CLARKE. Mr. Solomon Harris will work Mr. Josý. I(rieard farm .... Mr. Charlie Reid andi Miss [>. Haliowell visited at Mr. S llenry's.... Miss Ethel Scott bas returu- ed from a pleasant visit lu Orono.. .. Mr'. Clifford Brown lias been sick but is reco>vering slo1,wly.,,Mr. Jos. ileard lias returnieti from a sucefu-l deer bunt north. . .. Mr. Morrow and dauglit er. Oshawa, visite.d beie recernx Publshed Weekly at 86 a yoýar, pOstpaid. Samploe opy loc. FR .fer the remainder of thse year. To ail new suliscribers for the year 1899, FEremitting before Jan. îst, the weekiy numbers of 1898, issueti after re- ceipt ef their suliscriptions. hoicestLITERATURE AT CLUB RATES.' For $9 The Living Age -COiesanti any $4 magazine, orllarper's Weekly or Bazaar, sentfo a year, or for 88 The Living Age ant ily $9 magazine., THE LIVING AGE CO., P. O. Box 52o6, Boston, Mass. Ne An' Pap An' Mother. When 1 wuz a ittlechap, 1 sit at the table Tween my mother an' my pap; Eat ail I uz able. Pap ud feed me from ore side, Mammy from th' tother- Tell ye wewas chums theni days Me an'pap an' mother. Sunday wed take great long walks Through th' woods' and parters; Pap he al'ays lied a cane. Mother an' me'd pick asters; Sometimes they's a sister 'long Sometimes they's a brothier, But they s'ays wiz us thsfee- Me an' pap an' mother. Pap lie neyer gabbled much,ï Held 'is head down thinkin' Didut pear ter hear us talk Ner th' cow-belV*clinkin; Love-steaks n1lI 'peared worried out Bout one think ernuther; Didnt al'ays understand, Pap-tbats me an mother. I got biz an' wentaways, Lef t th' farm behind me. Thinkin 'o' thaàt paitin' yet SPears to choke an' blidd-ne: Course I'd le ail safe and good Wifth my married brother, But we Lad t' part, usthree, Me nu'pap, an' mother. Hurried back one day; fouud pap Changed, an' pale an' houer; Seen riglit off he'd haf te go Where we couldnt foller. Lovin streaks ail showed up thon- Stuck to each other,, Taî kin just to keep back tears, Pap an' me au' mother. Pap he's dead, but mother aint; Soon will lbe, 1 reeken; Claimis already-ishe cau see Paps forefinger beekon; Life haint long-l'il go myseif Some these days erurthler. Then we'll ha ve good time again, Me an' pap au' mother.. Purtier his we'll have to climb, Sanuterin long, old fashioD, Hear the wil d birds singin round Sec the river spiashin' F God ud only let us three Be loue, like we'd ruther, Heavéun'd be a great et' place. For mne an' pap au'mot her, -S. W.Gillilau in Iudianapolis 'Journal, Children Cry for (Condertsed [rom the Times.) NEWTON VILLE. 11ev. J. A. McKeen, Orono, preached lu the Presbyteriau churcli Sunday week .. ..11ev. M. E. Wilsou Jectured at Col Springs, recentiy .... Mr. Edgar and Miss G. Hug-hes and MissFergusou visited 1sewcastle . .. . ev. J. M. 'Wilk- insou, Frankfort, ci)nductod revival meetings iu the Methodist chnroh... Mr. Jas. Nesbitt had a most suocessful plowiug bée on Tuesday week .. .. Mr. John Jackson, Kendall, was here col- ieoting taxes .... Mr. aud Mrs. Wm.Mc. Cullougli spent a few days' with, their sous on the farmn.. .. Miss Mary IUnder- wood, Kendal, was guest of Mrs. Wil- son at the parsonage .... Mr. Arthur Smith bas returued to bis duties at Peterboro .... M iss Maud' Ferguson, Lotus,hlas been guest of Miss' Gertie Hughes. 1Thin in flesh? Perhaps it',s natural. 1If perfectly well,_ this is probably the case. But many are suffering from frequent colds, nerv-ous debiity, pallor, ýand -a hun- dred aches and pains, sim-ply becau ,se they are not fleshy Mr. Cecil Scëott bas returned after a happy time in the west. . .. Mr. W. J. leniry was at Toronto recently.... Mihs- Edith Browni spont a pleasant time with bier sisters lu Rocýhester anti looks much botter. S. S. NO. 9, CLARKE. Mrs. Thos. K eat bas returnied home from ivisitiing ber son lu Belleville... Mr. and Mrs. S. Turner, Starkville,and MXiss-Lizzie Clemnence, Sbaw's, spent Sunday week at Mr:.Win. Jeweil's... Mr. John b'eilwood is laid np with an abcess on liis back. .,. Miss A. Grose, Newcastle, succepds -Miss, Worden as teacherof our: sebool. . .. Mrs. J-- Awde and chilclren, Marsballtown. la., arc visiting bier father, Mr. Hlenry Middle- ton. e..Miss Florence Bellwoed intends leaving for college shortly..,. MissDora Gibson was recent guest of Miss Ettie Law.... Mr. JohinMiddieton bas re- turneti frem a bunting expedition in the zlorth.. Mrs. John l3arrett dieti 'Nov. 22, Mr. Mack Whlte, the wewlknoýwn traînier of the Toronto Lacrosse Club antd Osgoode Hall Football Club, writes. I c.onslqùer 5Grlffths' Menthol Liniment unequalled for athietes or thosetralnlng. I have used It wlth the bert success, andi eau heartlly re- eenimond It foi, stlffness,, soreneso, epraias and ail lormrsofo!sweilllagandi Inflamma- tion, . AU drugglsts, 25 ets& 22 FARMES' INSTITUTE MEETINGP3 At a meeting of the Directo ra, beld on the 19th matý, the foliowing program lias been arranged for the West Durhani Farmer's Institute. Bowmsanville, Monday, Deý-5th, tweo meetings. Thse first st 2 o'clock, lu the Ceunoil Cbamibor. Speakers, R. MoCul- lochi, of Siuelgrove, Ont.; on How te In- orease -bo Eertility of thse Soit with Little Outlay ; Duncan_ C. A'nderson, Rugby, Ont , on Breeding and Feeding et EHogs for Market ; R. MCullocb, value of iLusilage as Food for Farmf Stock î D. C. Andersen, Preparing niilch Cowo ,and Veale Calves for the Canadian Market. The speakers will lie ailowed 20 minutes for eacb sulijeet, and 20 minutes will also be takien up in discussion, ln the evening at 7.830 a meeting ,will be beld la the Town Hall when tihe saine speakcrs wbl% address tise meeting. Mr. Meculloch, 0on Elements of Suceesse bn Farming; Mr. Anderson, on Ton Acre Farming ; Mi. McCulloci, on, Butter Mak;ug anti Marketing.- The local dealý ers are speciaily invited toi be prenant and take part in the disicussion on this latter subjeot. The Harmoay Quartette' have alau been invîtedtu te lcprasent and the sposkiug will lia interserseti witb miusie by them. Orono, Dec. 6:h,two meetinResat 2p.m. and at 7 30, te be atidresseti by the same speakers, as follows: Afternoon, Mr. Anderson, Care of 'Mapure and How tr, Apply 1! ; Clover as s Fertilizer. Mr. McCulloch, Caro of Milk for Cheese Fac- tory, Gleramry and Priva! e Dairy:; Rog Raiaiag es an Adjur.ct te the Dairy. Evening meoetirg.-Mr., Acterson on Ativantages of Farm Life; Fieldis, Fonces sud Buildings. Mr. McGulloch,-The Farmor's Wife; Butter Makîng sud Mar- keting. Discussion liy local dçqalers finvit et Blackstock, Dec. 9, afternoen meeting, et 2 o'clock, te lie addressed by Messrs. Anderson andi MoCullocli, as foilows: Mr. Anderson,on preparing milcb cnws sud Veal Galves for the Osuadian Mark et ; Mr. MoCullocli, lleg Rabsing as an Adjunct to thse Dairy ; Mr. Anderson, Gare sud Management of Farm Ttams ; Mr. McCullocbi, Butter Making u the Farni. Fermersararecoially invlteà te attand these meetinigs. H. C. HUoAR, Sec. JAS. GALE, Pros Bewmanvllle, Nov. 21st, 1298. A Cuaranteed Catarrh Cure. japanese Catarrliscure-use six boxes&- buy theem at e-ue tixne-apply exactl7 et- cordlng te the tilirections--and If eu are net cured see your druggist; li.e Iil arrange to pay yen rour mener back. Theve's a positivýe guarantee with every box that Jýapanese Catarrh ,Cure wili cure. Ne cure, yeu get your mnoaey back. Guarantee Iu every package, 50 cents at ail druggists. U15 CANADA FOR THE CANDINs.-There is ne neeti for Canladian readers te pst. ronize American jounals, Iwben we bave lu our midst a home production like tbe CANADIAN HrOME JOURNAL. The thirty-twe larg-e pages of echd issue are always fiuli of interestiug, instructive, sud bighiy profitable matter, especiaily adapteti for our Canadian homes. Tbe Journal, since it bas been lu the bandis of the >present publishers, lias greatly iunproved, and the Noyember issue, wich ls tbe Tbankiisgiving Number, 'is speiÂly~tratie.Yen can secure a CO EYIGNTS&C Anyone sendlnig a sketch sand descrietion may qnlecly Pscertain our opinion free whether. an invention j, prob ably patentable. Communica- tions strietly confdiential. Hlaadbook on Patente sent frce. Oldést tgaeny fer, seuring patents. Patents takea tbreugis Muna & Ce. recelve special aotice, withoajt chargeta tise Ahandsonuely llustrated wee ly Iore Sckntitk (,rka . euiationef any sete ournaýl.TnsF year; four moroths, $1. Sold byalli aem seealerý, M4URN& Ce.O, -Bradway. ff Me iBrtaeluOffice, 6Z5 F tt. D-isatol u~rw~w te lbe brouglit into direct touch wiith ablest DO YO WISwriters anti the ripest thinkers ? If so then I1HE LIVING AG is toyou a necessity. Tt presents,as no ether magazine does, the world's movement along ever ' une. No sphere of tbouglit or action is -left untouched, but the reader is kept îniformed on ail thoughts that movo the mind or stir the imagination. It reproduces the la test utterances of the highest British, anuCniena h orities, French, German, Spaniali, Italian, Ilussian, etc., upon questions of inter- national politics and the treshest contributions in every PeId of iiteraiture,scieuce, investigation, travel, discovory, history, art and biography ; and prints inevery number short and serial stories of bigli excellence EULVï N G AGE A Weekly Magazine of Contempgrary Literature, For~ng oll Laro Vliniesannuaily, aggrogating about 3500 double Formig For Lare Vonuiecoluma, octave pages. .It alone, among current magazines, bas the space to present with completeness and fresh- periodicai literature. Practîcal and ,Popular, it apl3ears to ail alert and intelligent readers. "ilere is readinoe matter. ant the best of it, for el th e orltq "n-hiirhm.,.'K 50 YE RS, A"S ERIEINICE XPjà - . . - -ïy i -- - -- ý 1 i - mif!ý T -L- ORAl , FLOUR, SEED H AVING taken ovei the Grain and Coal Business in, Bowmanville, lately, carried on by Messrs. Lockhart Bros, l'arn prepared to pay the IIIGIIEST PRICE for al kdsof Grain and Seeds, and will endeavor to conduct business on business principles. Coal will be delivered to ail parts of the town at the lowest possible price for CASHI. Coal, Flour, &c., wiil be.delivered to ail parts of the, town. J.Carvt h. BoWMAN VILLE. Renie*% mbe r TO VISIT OUR STORES AND SEE THE CHOIGE NATTY DESIGNS IN FURNITURE ....... Largest stock, latest'designs, lowest prices is our motto. We ask your-inspection to convince you. We have the'latest ideas'in Easy Chairs., Writing Cabinets and Centre Tables, also a larQ:e lne of Parlor Suites and Couches. Dining Room 'Suites at ail prices, allo-w us the privilege of- showing, you our goods, we know we ean please you. Levi Morris. Fun eral Director and Furniture Dealer, Bowmanvllle and Orono. TO OUR RA FS If you are looking for a bargain, here it is ,THE STATESIAN' and Twioe.a-weok 'DETROIT FREE PRESS' Both papers onr.e year for only ,$1I Y5 And you get A Valuable 500 page BOOK FREE. The Pree Press Year Book and ENCYCLOP}EDIA for 1899. Cortect. Concise. Complete. The 1898 edition was the success of the year. Over 35,000 copies -sold at 25 cents. Address: M. .A. JAME~S, Publisher, Bowmanville, Ont, Bismiarecas an 5so5 A Stocktholm newspaiper tells a 0tory about Bismavck, for wbicb an aged Swedish lady ijs tise autbnrity. Nearly sixty years agoe, whon a girl, asit went ta Berln, where sbe expected ta meot a cousin, then studying at the pnivérsity thero. This cousin appeared, landi proved te hoe a fasclnating yeuth. For sevoral dsys ho wass s constant msort, and a charmlng'companlon. It was only when ase was on thse ove et departure that lhe matie tihe explanatîon: ý"You eoe, my dear cousin, I am net your cousin. My friend, y1otr cousin, is ce very husy pro- paring for au examînation that -ha lias asked me te takea bis place. Myna-me a Otto vo-n Bosrk"lu 1886, when theh lady naeba ntvk h te Ilerln, ïhe calied on tise Cisa7ce'Hav, wbo re d.tti 111 bave te tisank you tisat I onces _ed- eti in beeing tise Berlin mnseumns. I bava ;irrzsmh ntbem adain."

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