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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 30 Nov 1898, p. 6

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-f T fiCllaii ttsla SAVE MONIEY Anu igisi Page, Foriy-EigbS Columu Nuwspapu, by is publisheti EVERY WEDNESDAY MORNIN,JHOME DjYEING 26 STATESMAN BLOCK, KING STREET1 ROWMANVILLE, ONT., BY ý1 Easy way' to- make Subscription$1.50 per annui, or 81.00 if paid strietly lu advance. ADVERTISING RATES - Trafisient Advertislng. Ten Cents per Line, tirstiInsertioni Five -Cents per Line ýeach sub- sequent insertion. CONTRACT RATES. TIMSES INSERTED. BIZEOF AfVE3iTISEMENT 1 Mth Sths 6nths 1 Yr. ? O0 Clum u.. ...... $ 0 00$40 $60 10 fCo n....13 00 26 .40 60 arter Co umiu. 8 00 16 26 40 9 lghth Columun ........ 5 00 10 16 26 1 Tw-enty-five Lîne ...4 50 9 12 18 TwenityLines ......400 6 8 13 Flfteen Lines.........:3 50 65 7 60 12 Ton Linos......... .. -2 501 4501 65011 Flve IÂnes........... 125 3 50 6 10 The above are contract rates, ami apply only to regular businessadvertisers. Changes of-contraet advertisements must be handed Su net later that eue o'clock on Saiurday -ibis rnlu will bu strictly enforced. Paragraph adverttsements among uews items l0e a hune each insertion., Births, 25c; Marriages -and Deaths, 50c. Dlsplayed advertisements are mneasnred 1y: a cale of soiid noupareil and se charged. Ordurs for discontinutug advertisements muet bu lu writiug, otherwise t.he publisher wll not bu resDonsible. No paper wll be stopýed until ail arrearages are raid, exept ai the option of the publisher. A posi office notice-te discontinue ls net sufficient. Double regular rates are charged dering Mtt:3'c, April andi May and October, bNovember a:ziî eIember for display advertising flot con- tracteti for-by the year, Ail kSuds cf Job Printing doue with neatness and despatch and ou ceasonabie terme., The office le supplied sith a g ceai vaiety of the latesi andi mosi fashionable styles of type. Business notices ln local or news cubains ist Insertion 10 cents per Une Noupareili- 5 cents per Unie eachlubsetiuentinSertioni. Noticescf meet- Wsg of any k d at wbicii an admission feu is haged. or a collection lestaken muet be paid for. AUl communications shoulti be atidresseti, -m. A. JAMES, Bo&wmville.Oût P JB LISHER'SN OT ICE. Tan STATESMAN is mailed regu]arly to its subscribers until a definite order to discontinue is receivedý and al arrears are paid in full. Subscription $1,50 per aunum. If paid ln advance $1.00 pet, annsum. MARRIAGE LICENSES,-M. A. MJAMES, Issuer of Marriage, Lîcenses. Btesideuce: Centre street. .&.BE. MeLAUG HLIN, ggBrnlstec, Solicitor itnd Convey&ncer. fice:- Biakey Block, King Street, Bowmanvilie. Money to loan ai reasonabie rates. 48-lyr, DE. J. C. MITCHELL, M EMBER0F COLLEGE 0F HYSICIANS Mand Surgeons, Ontario,Corôner, tc, Resideuce. Enniskillen. 74 D. BURKE SIMPSON, BAIIRISTER, SOLICITOR, etc. MORRIS, BBLOCK, npstairs, KingStreet, Bowman ,ville. Solicitor for the Ontario Bank. Private moneys loaned ai lowest raies. ]ROBERT YOUNG, V. S. OFF1CE IN WEST DURHAM. NEW5 '0 ý lock, where himseuf or is assistant will lie founti from Sa. m. to'9ý p. m. Nigbt caIlis ai residence, direetly opposite Drill Shed. Cails by tele raph or telephone wlllrecuiTe prompt ai- tention 171 - yr. R.PEATE, TAILOR Gentlemen'sCiothes made to Order. NEW TAILOR SHOP. T'he untiersignetiwho bas been carryiuk 0on thSe taiioriug business lu connection witb Mason's Dry Goods Store for a numtrber of years has commenced business for h'linself at hie roOms, King St. west, wbere lhe ;jprepaced 10 Isiake gents and boys suite ln ail thç tise S ty lOS, and ai lowest prices. For those wbo ývish to 'order Sus, bc will carry a ful une of sampies in ail the newest patterns. GivehMi a eau J. T. ALLIN, Faeionalle Ta lor. ONTARIO BANK. continues te do a General Bauking Business at liowmanvlile Agency. DEPOSITS received in Savings Bank DTeprtnsent andi an interest allowed at ecrent rates. Notice of withdrawal necessary. Ali eposits payabi on demand. EXCHIANGE Boueht andi sold anti Drafts issueti eupon Eucop Uflet States and Canada aise Gld Silveran Unitedi States Greunbacks 'bought and seiti COLLECTIONS Promplymade ai current rates upon ail parts efGreatflritain, the United State and the Do- minion of Canada. Telegraph Transfers GOAL CR Supplies the best and cheapest coal in the market. Try it' Deliver-. ed) to ail parts' of town. 1- New Autumn Dresses Out of 01(i Faded, Costumes and suits. t Don't wear failed gown- Dont look shabby simply 'because you cannot aford to buy a new dress. It is flot necessary to wear ,clothing that is faded and shabby because you have no money to buy more. With one or t.wo packages of Diamon.d Dyes, that cost only ten cents, the old dress can be dyed a fashîonable and beautiful color and made to look like new. Thousands of women will haveý autumnn dresses this year that cannot -be told from new, but wbich have cqst them only a trifle,, the result of coloring over their old ma- teriais with Diamond Dyes., Diamond Dy)eS give the newest id most beautif utÎ colors that will flot fadie, creck or wash out. and are the ont' package dyes that have stood the test of years o! use Neyer risk your goods witth any of thîe common adultcrated dyes. Q<O>-oooooo-- 0:00 :o >O O O ITo mL.k Butte one must have good milIk and this cornesonly froni healthy blood must be kept clean and pure, and the digestion good to ensure this -~is nothing so asgood for this purpose a Dick's Blood Puri- fier,. This preparation is speci- fically made -for milch cows and possesses real menit and power to do iwhat is clairned for it. Given regularly with good food it ivili convert a mere bide and bones structure înto a profitableg member of the herd, SLEEMINO, MILES -à CO.- DICK xc.; Agnts. Montrl Prpioo 25 cts. and 50 cts. a rackase. CURED OF PALPITATION 0F THE HEART AND SMOTHERING SPELLS BY MIL13URN'S HEART AND NERVE PILLS. Mrs. D. E. Lasalle, Canal Street, Dunn. ville, Ont., whose. husband keeps a jçwellery store, end is one of the best known andi most progressive citizens of Dunnville, Ont., givus the following de., scription of her rucent expurience in thse use of TIMburn's Huart and Nervu Pille: I took Milburn's Huart and Nerve Pille for wuak nurvus, dizzinuss, palpita- tion'of the huart, smothcring spulîs ai night and sleeplessness. Before 1 usud them I1 could nfot gui resiful steep, and rny nurvus wuru often so unstrung that 1 would stant in alarm at the luast noise, andi uasily worried. "lLast February I communcedt aking this vaînable medicine, and it provedth te right remudy for my weak and shattered nervous system. Milburn's Heart andi Nerve Pille restored my nerves to a strong anti healthy condition, gave rugu.. tar and normal action of the huart. "Iý sleep well now, and arn butter in every way, andi I rucommend thuta huartiiy to ail who sufer as I diti." Miiburn's Huart anti Nerve Pis, 5oc. a box, or 3 for $1.25, at ail druggists. T. MiLBuikN & Co., Tomonto, Ont. Laxs..Liver Pillasý ure Constipation, Sick pili gearanteeti perfect, and ta womk with- eut a gripe «r pain. Price 25c., ail c.suLr.its. MIONEY TO LOAN $100,000. A lr I Il.. j Utiieci ~Jci. lit, '.4. 1-eon placud ili my stmeni, on alui-m cf -ercetnt 1SatlisIacl mautvi11e. 4i1 - if. 1 t BOWMANVILLE, NOV. 30, 1898. CANIDIA'S IEXPORT TRADIlEý. Recent returns from the Agricultural liepartme nt indicate that the, expecta- tion of la progressive inecease in^ theý volume of export trade is not being' be- lied; as the following comparison of the three years ending-June'à0th, 1890,1897. 1898 respectively wili show: 89. 1897. 18D8. Cattie, $ 7,082,542 S 7,159,388 $7,723,292 Pork,bitcon ,ham, 4,446,884 5,871,988 8,092,930 Butter, 1,052,089 2,089,173 2,046,686 Cheese, 13,956,571 14.676,239 17,572,763 Pouitry, Game 18,992 57,271 100,736 Eggs,8 807,608 , 978,479 1,255,304 Wheat, . . ,771,521 .5,544,19,7 ,17,31,916 Flour, 718,433 1,510,851 5,425,760 Oats, 273,861 1,655,130 3,041,578 Oatmneal, 364,655 462,949 554,757 Puas, 1,999,491 2,352,891 1,813,792 Apples, 1,416,470 2,096 1,306,681 The total value-of the animal and ag- riçultural produce exported from Canla- da lu these three x-ears, with the propor- tion cf those totals sent to Great Britain and the Uinited States respectively is as, f ollows Totals. To G. Britaîin, To U. 'S. 1896-$18,791,844. $40,694,222. $6,173j875 1897- 55,533,592. 45,825,601. 7,090,647 1898- 75,986,761. 66,142,305. 5,054,814 lencetipirt ie blto ! tis ur 1898 being subject 10 revision. a piîeneitonhe.aolition oashe qsay tise ieast. very uîîfortanate tisatthse MORIAL$ AND> DRUNREiNNESS. efforts o! -tise late Government were not -- mono uccesefalla nbrnain&- about tise Tise ciminal statistie for tise year imiprovement which tise presoîst Liberal ending September 3ts,. 1897, wontd ap Administration so easily secured. ear 10 indicate tisai wé are not as a nation gettiug any botter, tioughis ilCANADlA CA SUP-PLY BRIT I1%, muet ho confessetiwe are not very- mach.worso. Tise number, o! convie- .Anotiser levidence o! tise continueti lions are given ai 11.06 per 10,000 in1- andi growing -înterest whichis l being habitants as againet 10.25 per,10,000 ini nowtaken la Canada isy ail classes ln 1896. Ia New Brunswick anti Nova tise Olti Country may ho !oanud in a care- Scotia tise per centage bas decreaseti, fally comapiloti anti excellent little la ail tise otiser Provinces il has la- pamlet prepanetiby Mr. R.J.Potiifer, creaseti,and now rangesifrom 295 la a promineat anti nepresentative Britishs New Brunswick 10 21.73 in Britisis Col- workman who came oui to Canada tis ambla. The per centageofo! womnen sumîner to epy out tise land. Lie laye andi chiltiren'la tise total number O!, spocial stress on ise tremendous wiseat- convictions romfaine practicatty un- pgrowlnZ »cpacities o!.tise West, andt cîsangeti..Tise educational statue o! kpointe out how suffiient breati stuf! s cau tise convicieti persons shows no appreci- bu producedt 1 feeUth ie teeming millions able change. Convictions for drunkoîs- o! tise Otti Land, upon. a fraction o! tise nese have tiecreased, , but offences ýavaitable ternltory in Canada., lHe a.-ainst tise liuor license acte isave in points out that in lManitoba atone 89,000 creaseti. more familles o! wheai-growers iniglit la connection witls lise abovo fact il ho located, each farniiy wiîis 32C acres ie interesting 10 note tsaI o! tise $217,691 o! lanti, andt tisose witlî flic faîtuors ai. collected inl fines 470 were fines for of- ready enzaget inluwisat groîvihî ln fonces againt tise liquor licence acte Manitoba atone, could produce al tiat and 14 % for draîîkeîness.. - tise Unitedi Kinigdom requ, ies. Ih is aise îuterestîîîg ut tliîs jancturo Mr. Pettifer continues witis the unique 10 notice tisat since 1887 tise number o! proposai tisat tise Ituperial Go .-ernment convictions for drankenness bas ill- c oulti ',ell fford t0 put 5,000 Britishs creased î'i every province o! tise Dons famîlies lapon Caiadiaa isomesteads eno xcept Ontario where for some witlî $750 a piece f or implemeisîs, stock reason or otisér a rem -arkablo tiecreaSe, anti seti for it, vould cost no'nmore tîsan occuî-s, wisiclî more tîsan balances tise 10 bud one firet class battlesisi!p. This- lacrease in ail otiser places. Tise perl' a modermmeot oof beating s)vbrds centages for tise tivo years 1887 an-~nopogssscrbtast iesu,- 1897 by- Province is as !ollows:- i gestion inav Le impracticable. tise idea, Ontanlo, from, Quebec , Nova Scotia " New Brunswick Manitoba 1 Britishs Columbia" P. E. 1 N. W., T. 1887 52ý. 8 % 25.1 8 6 4.0" 4.5 2 2 t 2»4" 0 4 1897 23 3 ' 36(~.5 4 7 6 0 2 8"e 2 8 "~ Tise number o! convictions for tirusk -i ennese wae 25 3 pur 10,000 inisabitants la 1887, anti 20.4 la 1897; for offences agiinsIt iquor iieceî:se adîs, 8.1 la 1887; anti 4.0 la 1897. uIsderl3 ingi- î is anexetîcîst one. Can- ada wants tise population,-tIhe Olti Country wanîs tIse wheat, if 11ev i onlv senti ustise people to cultivate tIhe grounti, we caîî sendti se abundance te feedt iosr tîsat are left. lui hile coîînection il înay ho menstion- eti incidently that nearly seven limes- as manyAngi o -Saxon set liers woe br ouglît into Canada Ihis sea4on tisali duîing tise tact season of tl.e te Tory Administration; tise Immigration policyV otise present Government lse vltýentiy ealculatedti 10attract Britisis settîcrs. For -~eby A i'OT1i, & JURY, Lowissanville. Ijl rot)- YEARS. HOME WOBK FOR FAMILIES, =We wvant the services cf a number cf f amý- ilites te do knittig for ue ai hoe wholue or spare trne. Wu fumulIs $20 machine ant sup- piy the yaru free, anti pay for work as sent. tDistance ne indrance. 87 te 20per week MT I Tte ai once. Nainu refurences. ItCo-Operatlve Knitting Ca. Tor~onto.& le r > 1 In cènnectioa with Caaada's expont trade in agricultural produets, the ru- turns o! thse caIlle export business witis thse Unitedi States is particularly sug- gestive o! tise effect that unnatural re- strictions, fiscal or otiserwisefi nave on fiade. lInJ1891 whiea tise vexations qun antine regul'atioits betwpea .tise two countîles wore la force tise total numbor of cattie sent from Canada across the b order reached tise huge total of 1256lbead! Tse number incrcased 10 862 ln 1895, and 1616 ln 1896. Ia spite- o! complote f allure e!tihe, laIe Tory ad-'secure a reciprocal ne- moval of tise severe emîbargo, flon. Mn. Fishoer. tackled-tise Washington author- 11es directly ho asssxosed office, and with immediate anti complote success. Tise resatlt isat ln tise elgiteen months ending, June 1897 (one-isal! o! w hicis perioti, probably, came under tho ne vision o! tise regulations), tise catilo ex. porteti amountoçi to 35,421 iheatias againet tise 1616 o! tise previons com-, plote fiscal year; while againist tihe 35,- 4-21 o! tise olgisteen months ending Jane 1897, tiselast fiscal year euigJune 1898, showt3a total exportation o!f 87,9D5. Witi tisesefizures,,bofore is i t is cas,- 1 realize thse tremendous los.e o! business tisaitishe Canadian cattie breder oxper- A BIG OFFER. This is the day o!f big bargains. THEF STATESMAN has struck a snap. Every subscniber can secure the bonefit,, How it is done: Get one new subscriber-anywhere ln Canada or the United ýStates, send us (or pay into our office) _$2 for your own reneuval for THiE STATESMAk for 1899 and the new sufbscriber for 1899 and we wiil send EACII o! you THE WEEKLY SuNý, one o! the best family newspapers in Canada, for one year. What does this o 'ffer mean ? Why, that for $2 one, o! which is for a bona fide new sub- scriber, we will send from now te Jan, 1, 1900, two STATESMANS and twoWisaK- LY SuNS. We employ no agents. This lîberal offer is for one- month. Money must ho sent or paid to M A. JAmES,- Bowmanville._Ont. "iS4qUIRE RICKELL DIETAINEI). Mr. Robent Beitis. M. P.,- Bowman- ville, Ont., exhibited his fine yonng llackney stailion, Squire Rickell, at the' New York Hlorse Show. But a most annoying and uncalleti for delay occur- red in getting the, animal Ilirougli the customs. Squire Riekeil was regîster- ed in the New York Stock Book, and was bonght la the United -States, but uvas not allowed lu go throngh the cus- toms free of duty on the presentation of his certificate o! registration. Be! ore Mr. Beith, could haye the animal passed lie had to pay a heavy dnty., Besides, the delav caused by this uncalled for imposition ,p revented, Mr. Beith fromi getting the, animal to New York tilt four hours before, lie had 10 appearirnl the show ring. Stili for ail this hoe suc- ceeded ln winningk second place in his class; no smail honor under thse oircum- stances. For $ome,,tipse the Unitedi States authoniies have not recognized Canad- ian bord books la the admission o! breteding.stock, and- now it would soeem that they do not recognize their own lierd books, especially when animais from Canada are under consideration. Unless there has beon a mistake on the part o! tise Ctistorns officer, which is ai. together likeiv, we may. well ask: Wisene are we -at ? If the Americans won't rocognize eithen our boerd books or their own, la making' importations, Canadian breeders will have t0 seek a n outiet> for their purebned stock elge where. Mn, lenry Wade, who has just ne- turneti fromn New York, reports tise Hlorse Show a grea 't success and that Canadian exisibitors cannîed off a large number o! the prizes. One Canadian solti a exhibited at the show for $2,500. _______ FOR OVER FIO~T Y VEARS. imrs.Winalow,'s Soothingsyrup bas beun uset b y millions of mothers for the r -chiltiren wbSle teething. If disturbeti ai night and btoken. of yonr ces b 1c iuisuffering and crmln witb the pain of cntting teuili senti et once and get a bottie of Mme. Winslows' Seething Syrup for Cbildren Teethiing. I willi relieve the poor ltile suiferer at once., Depunti upon lt,motbers. thure le ne misiaku about i. It cures Diarrboea rugulates tbe'etomach and bowuls, cures Wlnti Celie, sofiens the g ure, ceducus inflammation, and gives tou and energy to the whoie systemn. Mes. Winslows' Seothlng Syrup for childeen teethlng le pleasant te the taîte and le tise pre- scription of one cf the oldest anti bes female pl»esicians anti nurses in- the Unitedi States. Frics 25e a bottie. Solti by ahitiruggists ibro' gb. eut tbe worlti. Be sure anti ask for Mme. 'wt1[N. sÉows' Sootbîng Syrun. AGRICULTURAL EXPEiIIXMENTAL UNiON ANNIJAL MEETING. We have necoived thse pnogram of tho, next annuat meeting of tise Ontario Agricultiiral, Union which is, to be held at the Agricultural College at Guelphs. The "Union" will commence With a public meeting la thse large Convooa- lion Hall on tise Ccllege grounds on tise evening of, December 7th. -There will be six sessions la allh and the) meeting will close.,opu Friday afternoon the 9th o! Dece mber. The summary -rosnlts o! the field ex periments conducteti this year on over three thousand fanms wîll ho prose nt ed and discussed aItishe meeting. Titis along with the reports on co-oparative work in Horticulture, Dainying, Bee- Keeping Soul Physies, and the Weeds of1 Ontario shoulti make the meeting ln- e IWTF _ Positive' Cure for Asthma Dis- covered. It has long beenl recognized by m edical scientists throughouit the world that nature has supplied ail creaion with some remnedy in the vegetableor min oral kingdom, where. with ailferom of ail. ment. can be cured, but it Was not until the dlscovery by Stan- le'of the wonderf ni Kola plant along the Cogliverin Afric., thatg.,hn was per- manently curable, In facl,itwasnotunlltil the investigations ma de by. Dr. Clarke some yecars later this dis- THE OLArLA . case. waq. found eur Lble: he founid that by cemabining the ex- tract of Kola -Nut with other vegetrt 111 extracts the comipund obtainEd w >u permanently cure Asthmna. Olarke'e KZola Oomnpound was th-en tried on over 100 (,ases in, different hospital3, wîth the mIarvellins resuit that over 95 pur ce,t. were permia- nently curod in less than 60 days' treat- ment. Oarke'e Kola Compouud il now recog- nized to bu the onîy permianent cure for thiýq dreaded disease. Sold by ail druggists. Price twvo dollars; threu botties with curËe ilaanteed for f ive dollars. The Griffiths & Macepherson Co., 121 Ohurcli streut, To- ronto, or Vancouver, B. 0., sole Canadian importers. VRClarke's Kola Comipo-nd Is guaranteed toý cure B~Y F~ 1{ay Fever. .AU1 Drug- gists spdI t. 17 Raw .I have been for years more or lesa subject to eruptions on niy sk in. The left side of my face from the top of my e-ar to haif way down my jaw was Inl a very bad state-beingalmost raw, lit shaving very painful. I was advised to try Burdock Blood Bitters. One bottie perfectly'cured me. I .can honestly re- commend B.B.B.,to al who suifer froM any skin disease." G. WHITEý, Cai-ie- vale, N.W.T. B.B.B. cures Sait Rhýeum, Eczemna, Tetter, Shinigles, Bois, Pimiples,. Sores, Ulcers, and ail forais of Skin Diseases and Ila Eruptions, from the srnallest piniple to a a the worst scrofulous W THROAT aDNO RCAFFECTIONS Large Bottes, 25 cents. t- DAvIS & LAWRENCE CO., Limlted, Pro Perry DavispainKiller. N-w yor4 Montreal STEAMSHIi'8. MoNiTaEAa. QusnsEC. 9 A. M. 6P. m. *Laurentian 17 Nov, Same Day. *Numidlan from Portiaix1 15ev,.s ST. JOHN, HALIFAX AND LIVERPOOL ROYAL MýA1L SERNICE. Pasir.anJOHN HALIFAX. ParianDdec. 7, Dee. 8. Laurentian Dec. 21, Dec. 22, Parisian Jan. 11, Dec. 12. *Steamers marked thus direct to Liverpool. Laurentian, lst cabin only. Passengers will be trans ferred with their bag- gage from the rallway station to the wharf fre ofcharge. RATES 0F PASSAG~E. ~First cabin, flarisian and Californian. $55 and $70; returli $104.50 and e133. Mongolianl, Numidia, ,Laurentian, *55 single; $104.50, ce- tur $104. 50;.2nd Cabin 035, steerage $225ô0 and 23.50. New.Yock to Glasgow-Neèbraska Dec. 14. For tiekets and every informuation ap- piy to M1. A. !AMES, Allan Line Agent, Bowmanvllle, 18 1Sixty-Ninth Year. 1 9 Goulltry Genlemian INDISPENSABLE TO ALL COUN~TRY IRESIDEIVTS» rWI0 WISHI TO KEEP UP WIT.H THE TIMES Single Subscriptions $2; Two Subsoriptions $3.5); Four Subscriptions $6 Special Inducemnents to raisers of larger clubs. Write for particu- lars on this point. Free to ian. 1 to, new subseribers IU-will be seen that the differcu ce Iletween the cost cf the Country Gentleman and Shat of other agricultural weuklies, none cf which even at. telnPt to cover the agricultural news of the daZ, may readily be cudueed, by making up a emali club, to Less.than a cent'a week! Doesncb a diff eren ce as that J estify- yen iu contentiug yourself with Someother paper lu- stead of baing the best ? SEND FOR SPECIMEN COPI1, Which il~l O m'I. . athtb with any OtI îer îrd weekly ; it wilî not take loig to scetiie dffeiruncu. Address LUJTUER TUCKER.&7ON, Albanye N, Y. il $< s -t- Bore.

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