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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Dec 1898, p. 4

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I 'A -We hiave on hianci for the Xmas Trade the largest as- sortment of Cutlery ever -offered iu this district. Silver Knives & Forks Razors. i Table " Tea & Dessert Spoons SCarving Sets. Table Spoons. B3read Knives, Berry Spoons. Pocket Knives.* Pie Knives, &c., &c. In ail the Newest Designs and at Surprisingly LowPrices. 5 Our line of Skates leads them ail. Very best quality. Ail sizes ini Stock. Prices lower than ever. We invite your - M careful inspection. RK""d. Worth, 0 S Phone 66, BOWMAxIuL. z In the case is, that in Holiday Goods, my variety is the greatest, and value the best yet offered. Don't bc late, but aiong the early ones to take a look through, a nd make your selections. Sauta Clans is here, get the best and let others be sorry. Xmas Cards and Calendars in, great profusion. Just to enumerate, Beautifully Bound Gif t Books 25c, others at -40e, not quite so nice but very mucli larger at 25e and 35c. Very attractive, leading authors, 75e to $1.50. Poets, leather bound, 75e up to $3.00. Toy Books, paper and linen, great value, some at haîf regular price. Asplendid Photo Album, 50c, and 75c. Pocket B ibles. from 25c- the value here is great. Ladies', Companions from 25e. Toilet Cases from $1. Glove and. Handkcrchief Boxes from 50e. The same low prices run t hrough the whole list. Dolis, Games, Fancy Articles, Stationary, Toys, Xmas Novelties, Work and Fa ncy Baskets, Faney Cups and Saucers, Vases And China. Sun day Schools note this : I suppiy ail Lesson llclps and give special attention to selection af Libraries. Let me hear from you. Bo, NmANviLLE. Po TRBB3ILeOeK.ý EIs practically and thoraughly gtaugbt by expert teacbers at g:the BRITISH-IAMERICAN g:.- BUSINESS COLLEGE SY.M.C.A. Building, Toranto. - g: Reortîg mehadiused.fram the - ar afinish gra"duates assisted .. d-to positions, Write fer free prospec- - DAI HOSINS, Chhare red Ac"t,Principal. -o Fedorated 'Business Colleges. MAMILTON Business Colleffe, Y. M.C,A., Bldg., Ham ilton,Ont. C.R.McCU 1llugh,Principal. GALT Business College,1 Gait, Ont., W. Brooks, Principal. Intereolle late Business Practice between the atudents of &ýese two Representative Businessi i8choals. Enter cutber and enjoy the best in business andi sharthand instruction. This is an excellent time ta hbegin. Circulars frce. Address, C.R,.MCCullough, Prineipal. Hamilton. B OR ORSRIC.Athorough hbred and a Te amwrh onel Modi bed F-' -3. .O dg Lt84 O~ ,Clre w TYRONE. A very pretty weddiug toôk place at the home ai Mr. Ed. Virtue on Wednes- day ast, the cotracting parties being Miss Jennie Kerr and Mr.ByronFarrel youngest son ai Wm. Farrell, sr, 1e'v, R.- N .-Adams in bis mast happy miauner performed the pleasing ceremny u, Init- 11ng the laving pair in liymen's tbonids, The bride, a beautiful blondje, was attired lu blue siik and was attended by Miss Etta Farrell Prettily gawned In) bite cashmere trimimed witb silk. Mr, -Arthur Stock ofllciated as graamsuiau. Little MissGladysVirue,maid ai honar,, fairhy rivalledthe bride lu ber fairy-like attire , cowned with a wreath aifiow. ors. A very enjoyable evening was1 spent by the friends ai the bride andi groom aiter the wedding dinner was served. We wish Mr. and Mrs. Farrel ail the happiness passible in the new relationsbip sa anspiciaushy entered. '» Pleased ta know MViss Ethel Curtis' is recoveriug irom ber recent -illness.... Another ai aur Tvroue boys, Mr. Pred Maoré, bas arrived iromî Manitoba. The magie word 'home' bas strauge at- tractions at this season ...Haydon, League will visit the bretbren and sis- ters ai Tyrone on Thursday evening, A good time is anticlpated. . .. Bethesda Chiistmas tree will drnibtless draw a goodi number thitberward' on Friday oenn.... Mr. and Mlrs. Harry Hooev are the proud parents ai a twelve poud bab.... Remember that the groat eveut ai the soason is ta be the Christ- mas entertalument in the Sans' Hlall on Mouday evening 2fth. Admission 25c, cbildren 15c. The Sons are adding ta their membersbip and doing niissionary work in adjacent Villageos in the near future...A lineofa sleighs bas passed ta and ira tbraugb Ty roue of late laden with brick for M r. iR. Byers' prospective Inainsion, New Pa.rk. BOWMANVILLE, DEC. 21, 1898. OBITUAICY. Since aur last issue two f ormer mem bers of THE STATESMAN staff haeps ed to their eternal rest. Williami McKowan who for about 25 years til ed( the position of mechanicql foremnan pa ss ed quietIy away abouft 5 o'clock Friday evening and Thomas, Francis Jamies who was for somne time a compositor lui the office, 1WiLLIAM MCKOWÀN came ta Canada from Ireland when a verv young mani and learued the trade(, of a printer lu Rowsell's Job Printing. office lu Toronto. Hie afterwards wo)rk- ed lu the Globe Job rooms, at the time lion. George Brown was at the heliii. Subsequently he filled a situation in New York. Rèturuiug ta Canada he secured aresponsible position iiu TjiuE ExAmiNER office, Peterborough, wbere hie established a reputation for arti:tic- printing. After some vears he was eni- gaged bv the late W. Ù. Climie as laore man in THE STATESMAN olffice,a position hoe held coutiuuously for some 29 years, excepting about four years thiat he served as foreman in the office af the defunct Sun. Mr. Mcekowan wvas a very skillful and artistic workmnan, there are not many as comipetent ail round printers lu the country lu inthecse days. THE STATESMAN office ever since his connection with it bas born e a iepu ta - tien for highi class printing sucb as any- printer ur-oht envy. Beilides his, son' Mr. W. .%}cKowan who suc-eedýed ta the position vacated bv bis father, ou Jan. 22, 1895,and who is one of the best artistic printers of bis age lu this part of the broad Dominion, hie turned aut such skilîful printers as the late Mr. NI W. Williams of the Cobourg World,whio died last summer; Mr John M. Marri- sou, Cleveland,Ohio ; Mr.Sid.A.Jewvell, Detroit, Mich. ; Mr. Lewis Werry. Grand Rapids, Mich., and W. Colgate, late af the Truth office, Toronto., who are now or have been foremen af larg-e printing establishments and cammand- ing verY bigb salaries. Several others wbo served their apprenticeship under bis tuition are now or have been holdt- igprofitable situations as printer8. Two others of bis graduates, Mr. Thos. Lynden and Mr. Bort H. James, be- came proprietors af newspa per offies. One statemnent bas aiten been made re- specting graduates ef THE STATESMAN office, narnoly, that every one ai thema who was industriaus and finisbed bis appronticeship under Mr. McKowau, ,,ai leaviug commanded a gaod position at a gaod salary. It is satisfactory ta know that the good reputatian. af the office for high class work is being so ad- mîrably maintained. Mr. McKowan was compelled ta quit work in 3January, 1895, . and bas ûonly twice beeniluthe office Eince, haviug become a confirmed invalid as a ýresult 0f kidney disease. During theso four yoars hobas been agreat suffererso that death was ta hlm a messonger ai mnercy' . ie slept awavwitbout a struggle and was buried on Sunday aiternoon n-1 1 der tfe .aàuspicos aof the 0ddfellowýýs' do- ceased lbavingi-beenery2yara memeraigloeneNgtuaeLd' No. 16 .0.0.F., BowmDauville. T he, funeral services wVýere colductebd by l'kev. J. II. Barnett of Trinity Coa gregation-al churcb, Thiere wasla large turnouitof Oddfellows,friend(s and,. citizeus. The, paîl bearersvwere: Bras. R. Allen, Markus Mayer, Geo.C.liaines, W. H. Williams, Wm. Jeunings andi Mr. James Gale. The beâutiful cere- mouy ai tbe Oddiellows was conducted at the grave by Bra. W. Walker. N.. and Bro. Sid. Scobeli, the latter per forming the duties af Chaplain lu a very impressîvo manner; indeed, we have seldom hoard it doue so. well, Mr. McRowan leavea a wife, five sous and one daugbter who have tbe synpaý- tb.y ai a wide circlo of acquaintanices iiu theïr bereavement. MR.' JOHN SOME1IS, Sn. Mr. John Samers, ai the River Road, Blanchard, was the ouly person present at the Aged Peapfle's -sermon lu the -Methodist cburcb lately, over 90 years ai ago. Mr. Soiners will be 93 years on tue l9th af April next lie iSstili hale and bearty, anud bas bis daily rout- ine ai, lbors, mihking, etc. lie was boru in Saîersetsbire, Englaud, cm ta Canada in 1820 and settled lu Daiii ingtou. Ou bis first visit ta Toroùîi the chief building. in the place wasbu a lagaffair sot upan posts Tri,. bas mauy strauge and interesting rceolc tions ai the early bistory ai the co ury Mr. Frank Somers, River Road, Blans- bard, and Mrs. Keat, St. Marys, are children, and Mrs. Alox. Murray. St. Marys a granddaugbter. One day last wek Mr Somners, bis sou Frauk, b is granddaughter, Mrs. A. Murray, and( bisgreat grandison, Master Frank Mr ray, assenibled at the photo gallery (I Mr. J. L. Webster and bad a graup pic- ture af the four genorations takýen. M.r. Somers bas rosided for 2u years ýin1 Blaushard, is hale aud lîearty and _Las many friends who hope ta see bim reýec!b the entuary mark.,Ho bought thiarmn owned b y bisson Mr. John S. Somners, Daringtou, 79 years ago and butît the secoxd hanse oast ai Bowmauvilie on the second concession.-St. ai Post. .DÂBINGTON ELECTIONS. To thte Electoi-s of Darlington. LADIES ANDGENTLEMEN.- Having served the municipality as Couneillor auc4 Doputy Roove for tho- past'seven yoars, during which period 1l bave strivon tao faitbfully perfar the duties devolving upon me, and'i', far as 1 cati learu given general satisfaction ta the ratepayors, 1 naw offer mýyseli as candildate for tlhe hig ber office ar Reove for 1899. If elected 1 shaillgivo the same faitbiul attention ta. the business ai the townsbip as in tbe past. Tbanking ahi1oector orpssupportl and wis hing ail the coplme thte season. I am roSpectflyors Mîr. NMontague, DUNNVILLE, Ont. Has an Interesting Chat about ,.Dr. Chase's Ointment.. Hlis suffering from Illcerating Piles Cured.. piles for five years, and was badiy ulcer- ated. They were very painful, Sa niuch Sa that I couid flot sleep. 1 tried almost every remedy heard of, and was recom- mended ta use Dr. Chases Ointment. I purchased a box, and from the first appli- cation got such relief that 1 was satisfied1 a cure wouid be made. 1 used in ail twa boxes, and amn now,çomipleteiy cured. Every remedy given by Dr. Chase cost yearsaf study and research, and with an eye single ta its adaptation for the ailnents for which it was intended. Dr. Chase detested cure-ails, and it has been proven tenethouàand times that flot one of his formulas leave a- bad after-effect. Dr. Chases Ointment is based on lanoline, and the best physicians prescribe it. Sold by ail dealers. Dr. Chase's Cioth Bound Recipe Book i ,ooa pages, sent ta any address in' Canada, price So cents. Edmanson, Bates & Co., Taronta. CHORAL UNION 'CONCERT. OUR ITZN DELIGIITED IMMENSELY. Seldom, if ever, have citizens ai this town enjayed a botter bigli-class musi- cal treat than was given tbem iTuosday nigbht in the town hall when under the býaton oi Mr. H. J.* Knigbt, musical di- rector, the Choral Union (nearly 50 vaices) rendered that lovelY sacred mu- sical drama "Rluth,' The Gleaner" (by Butterfield) composed ai solos, duets, trias, quartettes, quintettes and char- uses. Miss M. M. Armour wvas pianiste and Miss Florence Tillev, A. T. C. M., was assistant pianiste. Wbere aIl did so remarkably, well it would ho invidi- "ous ta make personal men tion toa avery great exteut. -Some ai the principal soloists were sufferiug fromn colds, heuce apred ta very great disadvantage. Thýe chief parts were ahl exceedingly well taken but consideriug the exten sive parts taken by Miss Saunders she !S certainly entitled ta special mention and ber praises are lu evory mouth. Miss McLaughlin. althaugb taking a less number af solos sang 'splendidly and dxvided the bonors with othor solo- ists., Miss Worth showed a sweot vaico which with careful training will place ber bigh lu musical circles. We canuot refrain fro;m making brief mention ai Mr. C. Everett Brown's singing,ior cor- tainly ho was in capital voice and nover lu aur hearing did so well before. Mr. Gaard always a favorite and Mr. Alex - ander also sustained their gaod reputa- tiens. Messrs. Frost and King had sucbcolds tbat it was with greatest diffi-- cultY they took their respective parts. A pleasing feature not on the programn was the Presentation ta Miss Gover (Ruth) chief soloist, of a ban dsome bou- quet ofiroses. Want oi time and space forbid a more lengthY report, but one cannot close without sa.ying wbat very great credit is due Mr. Knio'bt for the successini rendition ai this line drama, and no mare expressive appreciatian cald be gîven than the unauimity -witb wbichi the roqu1est of Dr. lclaugb-Ilin ta bave it eeae was supportodt by the larze audience. A fluie instrumental number was the pianio quartette cautributed by Misses Armiour and Tilliey aud Misses, Editb Freeland and Nellie Hall, -ail keeping excellenit tinte together. The ioloists and mombers ai the chorus were: PERSONJî. RUTH, - - - The Gleaner, Miss ErrA Giavnu. NAOMI, - - lier Mother-in-law, MissNEILIE SAUNDJERS. ZULEIKA, - - Queen af Moab, Miss M. MOLAUGnHUN. ZILLAH, - - Thie Shepberdess, MISS MOSý,ETTA JAMES, ORPAH,, - Sister-in-law taeIRuth, MISS M.ARY WORTH. TIMNA, Lady ai Eglon's Court, Miss ETuEL TR-EBIL()cOCE. BOAZ, A weaithy citizen of Bethlehem, MR. F. H. FROST. 3ELZARADAN,Eglou's Chief Captain, MR. W. C. KING. EGLON, - - - King of Moab, MR. J. H. ALEXÀNDÉR. HASSAN,- Au Egyptian Artificer, Ma, C,. GEVERETT BROWN. TUBAL, - An Aged Min strel, MR. JAMES GOARD. MEMBERLS OF CHRUS. SopRAN,,.os-Misses Glover, McLangh- lin, Jwmes, Worth, MoDowell, E. Tre- bilcock, H. Reid, Alexander, Morris, Gýrigg,Martyu,E.S.James, J .l.Werry, G. Saunders, L. Key-s, E. Carscadden, M. Wright,1 J. McLean, N. Hall. ALTOs- Misses -Saunders, Trebioqcok, Fligg, inSherlock, A. Lyle, B.Prower, M. Wr-ight. TENoRs-Messrs .Frost, Bragg, Alexauder, Goard, Cryderman, Smith, Aluin. BAssos-Messrs. Kiug, Brown, Higginbothamn,W. R. Knight,Davidson, McT(Laughlýn, ýA. S. Goard, C. MoLean, BratggW. C.Werry, Rice. DIRECTOR- -Mr. Hf. J. Knight. AccomP.&NIST-MiSS M.1 M. Arrmaur. ASSISTANT AcCOlfPANIS'r- -M0iss Florence Tiiley, A. T.C0. M. THE 313ST J 91 -ane wbo- bas educatlon-speclal training. Wýhy flot qualify for the best places goilg. You have the chance. The C[N1lRL R S~S OL~ TORONTO apenýis the door toasuccess for many young men and womnen each year. It off crs splendid equip- mnent, thorough work, a trong itaff and good resuits. You can enter auy time. WV'rite for prospectus. W. H. SHAW, Priniiepal. Toronto. 1J ÔUSE TO REINT.-That desirable briek rsdec o acepied by 1fr. igibtsiCentre, st. 8 roonms, halls, etc., ha~d~d sftwatrsmall garden with fruit. Tmndani~sesion. pply ta R. W EST EN D M.HOu sE BOWMANVI LLE. Wewish all our Sfriends and patz ~r ons a very SMerry Xmas, --I order to aeeomntodate the -rush ofCustomers at this'season of the year We are keeping our Stores open in t-he evenings until Jlanuary lst, 1899. -l .-1 Special Sale of Blouse Silks. .We are offering sorne great inducements to buy Silks for Blouses. We have'a big range of Blouse length and we have marked them away price. Blouse lengths for $1.50, $2.00 and $3.00. worth a great deal more money.' ladies to SiIks in down in Really Iiandkerchiefs. We are showing an immense variety of lovely lland. kerchiefs. What nicer for a present than llandkerchiefs. We have a big range at 5c each and from that up. Silk, Linen or Lawn. Men's Tics. New Ties for Xmas. We have a particularly nice lot made up expressly to our order for thîs Xmas trade. All the new shapes and patterns. Some special hunes in falncy Boxes. We are renewing our Fur Stock this week and expect týo have a complete range of Grey Lamnb Caps, Gauntlets, and Collarettes in by the time you reàd this ad. -We have Persian Lamb Gauntlets, also Electrie Seal and Oppossum Gauntlets in stock, also Ele, Oppossum and Grey Lambh Collarettes, special value in Ladies' Astrachan Jackets. Men's Fur Coats and Fur Caps.. Weý have had a very large sal 'e of Furs this season so far, our values speak foir themselves. B5oots and Shoes. Baraiîns for thi s week, buy yourself a Xmas present. Ladies' Feit Hbuse Slippers from 25c to $1. Ladies' Felt Foxed Congress, special 75c. Ladies* Fine Rubbers, point- ed toe, special,25c., Ladies' Vici Kid Button Boots, J. D. King make, Goodyear welt, extension soles, coin toe, self tip', reg. price $3, special $2. Ladies' Fine Don gola Kid Button Boots, McKay soles, coin. toe, very dressy, sizes 2j to 7, reg. price $1.50, special $1. Ladies' Fine Dongola and Vici Kid Strap Slippers. also fine range, of Oxford Tie Shoes, new style toe, extra values. Misses' DongQla Kid Button Boots, pointed toe, sizes il to 2, special $l.ý. i MenM Fine Kid Laced doots, McKay sewen soles, extension sls coin toe,' reg. $1.75, special $1 .50. Men's Patent Leather Dancing Pumps, J. D., Xing make, reg. $3, special $1.50. Groceries. Corne to us if you want, to, buy or sell Pou ltry, leave your orderfor vour Xmas Turkey, Goose, Duck or Chick- ens -and we will filîl it to your entire satisfaction, Just in fresh new goods, Malaga Grapes, Jumbo ValenciaOrangYes, Ordinary Valencia Oranges, California Oranges, Jamaica, Oranges, Mexican Oranges, California Figs, Dehesin Cluster Table Raisins, Jordon Shelled Almonds, Grcnoble Walnuts, Sicily Filberts, Roasted Peanuts. CANDIES,-- a big-assortment Finest Chocolates, Creams, Boui Bons, Conversation Lozenges, rnixed, &c., &., at bottom prices. China. e Dont overlook the big range of fine Chinia Goodïs we are offering. The, prices were neyer so low, the assort- ment neyer so large. Cups and Saucers, Five O'clock Teas, Porridge Bowls, Jardineres, Candle Sticks, Bread and But.tet' Plates, &c., &c., also a fine lot of Lamps. Bring -us your produce and ()et highest prices'.Iligh- est price paid for Rough, Dressed Poultry. John McMurtry, !GRANDESI DISPLAY EVEJR IN TW -I Sa do not forget when you- are looking for Christmas Goods, that for the xnoney you wish ta invest there is nathing nicer or more useini than a nice Chair or IÉoeker Faney Table, Writing -Desk, or oneofa the many Novel, tics we have in the Furniture Line in ail the latest Woods and Finishes,Mahogany, Cherry,(Verms Martin) Curly or Golden IBirch, Oak, (Forest Green), Walnut, Antique, also the Largest, NeWest and Cheapest lino of Ilattan Chairs ever brouglit ta town at Funeral Direetor and Furniture Dealer. Bowmanville and Orono. r ruti - - - - - - - % q! lnv2xtably gop's t9 MA Oné. ýin 1 kl 1 ýwj ý 1

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