Eng-lisýh lolly-leave youn orders early aV Stott & 1uys Miss Mgi Lyle, Titsonburg, is vis- - .ing Mn. JohnLye Tfhe cutest little preseuts imaginable 10e aI Stott & Jury's.. Elegant and so cheap ! The toilet cases aI Stott & Jurys, Iinpoted for Xmas-Pnettv atomizers 25c o $1.àO. Stott & Jury. Fariner-s ahould eoàe to Bowmauville the stores are worth -seeing. Mn. Harry Allun returned Friday xig-lt f rom a summer's sojounnl Mani- t Obfa. SoW old-Stott & Jury are offern.g specia ',ilues lu solid gold spectacles for Ch i,,,tmas. 5o cents buys a good pair of spectacles at Stott & Jury's-a nice Xmas present for father or mether Genulue seal pu.r4es for Xmas:.aise gi-iatior and other fashionable . unes at 'Siot & Jury's [rom 5c Vo $8. *We neyer hiad such a variety of baud- some g oods hu perfume celutoid cases and purses, see them. Stott & Jury. TheOga & Piano factony is kept lxmigandi both foreigu andi home trade is brisk. Meit always ceunts. Ani apprepniate gîft-that imported perfume ut Stott & Jury's. Nice pack- ages2o an p Children's penfumes fc te 15C. The mendiants neyer had nicen stores and their eunters are loaded with holi- -day goots-Stott & Juny's store is par- ticularly attractive, Imponteti French and English per- fumes, best lu the wonîd, cnt glass botîle, satin lined boxes See our pnices. Stott & Jury. The prospect for a livcty Xmas are excedigl god.Many larmers from Cartwight anti Clarke are taking ad- vantage et the geed sleighing andBow- reanviùe merchants are glad te wetceme mianv old custumers from a distance. Stott &.- Jury have beyond doubt oe - of the netsok of bandsome Xmas ;oods le be feur n lu y town lu Cana a0 .Early last spîniug they placed or- ders for im,ýpentaud their goods are a xcarvel o! beauty and every eue is sun- prised at theirlow prices. ) Gentlemien needin g a new suit or au Overeat should read tCeucb, J ohusten - CrYdermian's adlvt tisexuen luthis ~paper. This firm R iý!s always been ntee for mnaking np frst-ctass Cloth- ing-suchi as would cest 25 % more if - rçiered f rom thie city clothing establish- MtenIs. -A very tole(asing event toek place at te resý,idence of 11ev. E. 0. Irwln, past- or of the Disciples church last Wednes- I I of te en ýr -aiou et t th chrch We bave ever ything a amoker eau andheicongieatbndmtt the curcb gewish for. An elegaut lune of pipes- joaudedihbaes fitîed with the goti Beautifaum anti brier root, lu cases. ttlinýs hic the ladies o!, the church Beuiul tobacco penches, rubber, - knw s wel hw tepreai-. Aterleather anti a nice hune of plush eues, IkigpeaJesie !thi ateshm each put np iu a separate bex, just the the purpose e f 1n-h a gathering wa thing for an Xmas present. Alsouaflue made nownte Mr audMrs. asinlu ne o! cigar cases andi the biggest and a very happy speech by Mn. Jas. Gil- best liue o! cigans in towu, inclnding a ilan, Principal of the HighSchool, wiie speciallino for holiday gîfts doue up in oubebaif o! the congregation presented small fancv boxes and pices nright thein pastor an-ibis wife with a baud- every time GRAND CENTRAL. 49.3Sw. some book casc and lu, a few wetl- One of the &reatest winidow attrae chose .worsgae exresson te the' tiens -in town 'is Mn. S. W. Mason & churc.'s high esreemý;ý for Mn. anti Mns. Son's. Por unique desigus lu windew Irwin who bave made themselves se dressing Ibis firm takes e lead. Every popular since coming te Bowmanviile, few days a new design is developed that Af er an apprepniate reply bv Mn. is a cnedit te thein euterpntsiug window Irwin nefreshmen(nts were panlaken et dresser. This weetr the design is a ne- and the balance o! the evening pleas- presentation of a great snow drift with antly É,tit iu soc;ial intercourse andi an express train piowing threugh It game~ fis seen Vo best advantage at night. ga1neýHundreds have atimired and compli- MODEL SCHOOL. menteti the designer, Mn. A. Humber, 1on bis aste and ingenuity. SuccessfuLl candidates at the final ex- TeOilaTmssekn !acn Hopm itius e heMî eleoo, or cent in that tewu receutly says: "A rich HopeheldDec.5-8.treat was lu store for the cougregation Mise lana Bcee, Betbany; Fieor- in Vbe two sacned solos by Miss Etta enceCar on, Pnt ope, Edua Fielding, Tait, Tononto, wbo sang with great 130mauvitl; Lilian Gamisby,' 0>ono; feeling and expression "Thie Citdren's Nelle Hldaay;Port Hopp e; Myri ome" by Coven, and '"Etenn)al Ret" JenknsUxbidge Etel ose, Port bay Piccýolonimi Miss Tait haq one o! the Hope. Messrs. Edwin BesI, Onono; richent soprono voices heard lu Orillia Loreuz-o Dunbar, Garden Hi1lI ichard for somre veans, anti the con.gregation Hoskin, Russel Smale, Bowxnanville: negretteti the s omewbiat austene discip- Arthurn Melioberts, Pontypool; lHarold hue o!t b hn !Egland pnevexted Piekup, Millbrook. a ma e Church of tEapesain 1 5e tV s. l0, 911%, 6.';H, ï ,,ýl iti5 bUUuiUasemau tiii ruers to THEi STATSmAN. Mapte Grove Division will hold their annual oyster supper on Jan. 10. Par- ticulars later. Mrs. Thos. W. Undenwood has been visiting her mother Mns. A. Colville, Bowmanville. MA.James is agent for the Christian Guardian, Christian Herald audLadies' Home Journal. Have you seen the beautiful range of Paît styles'in Ladies' Misses felt hats at The Mason Co's? Butter is stronger and brought 21c, lu Montreal last week. Heavy increase in exponts are reported. Mr. John A. McDonald representing the Canada Paper Companv, Toronto, was in town Wednesday. CarvinZ sets, knives,forks and spoons and many ether useful things for Xmas presents, cheap, at Nicholi's., Books, scrap albumùs, photo albums, fancy note paper, and gond writing paper aIl going cheap at>Nicholl's. Good crokinole boards at 75 cents at the GRAND CENTRAL ; also a fine large stock of children's sleighs at right prices. Mn. Wm. and Miss Mabel Biekie, Canton, were guests of their sister Miss Ada M. Bickle, teacher. Shaws, over Sundav. We congratulate Mr. W. C. Tole on obtainîng second-class at the Junior ex- aminations of the Ontarlo School of Pharmacy. Ladies, if your winter hat or bonnet wat Terig a bit take it to Mrs Dingman. Timmings ami- bverything going very cheap now. As usual the GRAND CENTRAL will be the place to buy your Xmas, confection. ery where they have a large stock of candies, nuts, oranges, etc. Black Dress Goods-a beautiful raunge lu aIl qualities up to the finest goods îmported just received at Couch, Johnston & CrYderman's.ý Ask to see the best Robe in the mar- ket for appearance, warmtb and dura- bitity,wben you Visit The Mason <Co's store ; also a very large range of horse blankets . St. Paul's Sabbatb Sebool will hold its aunual Christmas entertalumeut on Friday,Dec. 28rd atî7 -80 p.tn. Friends may look for ward for a very favorable evening. Silver collection. Miss Mabel Tait was lu London rec-' ently when she was engaged to play at theAnnual Couver sazione of Knights Templars Perceptory No. 4, and also at the Annu4l Conservative concert of that city.,, Over 50,000 barrels of apples, have been stored inColbourn e,tobe reshipped toiEngland during the *inter. 0f this quantity 80,Oobarrels; lu l75cars,have been received over the G. T. R, from pints West. Mr. H. Willoughby Laird, of Cobourg bas been appointed Assignee of the in- -solveut estate of Andre w Laidlaw, pub lisher of the Reformer newspaper, at Gaît, Ont The estate is a large one, the nominal assets being about $28 >000, with liabilities amouutiug to about' the same. Misses Winnifred and Helen teith daug'hters of Dr. A. Beith of thîs towu, atteuded the reception to Lord and La- dy Minto at Goveranment Ilouse, Toron to, Friday afternoon. They were alao guests at the farewell guven to Miss McDonnell, Toronto, prievous Vo her marriage, Mr. E. T. Slemon, B. A., Literary vice President of Bowmanville District Epworth League, is tryiug to stimula te the Leagues of this District to do better literary work. H1e has addressed a cir- cular letter to eacb society callinz at- tention, to MnI.5te3adl's peinny addition of the.poets and recommended the memo rization of a number of ipems. Bomanville has one. of the most exten- sive ogan factories lu the Dominion, ma- king largely for export.Mr J. W. Alex- and~er, the manager. has the premises well arranged, everv department being equipped wit!i ai modern improvements They are very busv at present and are fully employed: quite a good share of t hein instruînentsgoing toG reatBri tain, -Monetary Times. ing aud excuting ~.f(~ sehenies, and the Ibody is wofn oct witb constant, unremitting toil. Jnst aboutthe tune a man stops to take account of things, he finds the dollars have come, but bealth bas dcparted. Then bc reverses inatters completely. Hle devotes the reat of his life to spending bis dollars to regain bis healtb. What a man with wou'n eut body and tired brain needa nMost of aIl is a gond stomach. Dr. Piercei-s Golden Medical -Discovery is bbc proper re-medy- to set the sbonîach right. T is medicîne will mak-e his appetibe goed, make bis weak stomach srong and belp it te digest the food be pubs irute it. Gond digestion niakes pure blood, aud pure blond viilizes bbe wbele sys'teni. Thxis great remnedy also cures those who have sore throat, a Persistent cougb, weak aud leeding lîmgsaud brouchitis, ail cf wbich often arise froni weak storiach and cousequeut indligestion. Tt la a cleausiug, Strengtbening, purifiying, invizgoraitiug ai- terative tonic. lb poits lifé into the bleed aud nerves, into the brain aud body. Tt cures every form of indigestion, maltes the mIeep souud, andi nerves steady. There la nebng se ogond, auid vyen sheuld refuse ail ubttesoffereti by dealers. 1I had7 catarrbi for four y ansd also liver adkidnt-y troulbIl,"Vrites John 'A. caîîoway, Xrq., of No. 218 s6th Streetobs, Ga., -when itwoldcommnce treubuing zm, 1 -W'Vlld bave a sIigbt àachilqg a littte 1,0oW the cat, 'In i8ç4 1brok 'onIt in luups aII Over and when these Ieflthe S kin peeled off 1 teckix boues o'DI' irCe'sGoden MedlCal Dlscovery, 1-0 botues of bis «Pleasant Plea'andi 1 be- lieve 1 am aouind andi well. I bave a good a pe- tiÏt; before 1 roimsenSd treatmt I 1bhaïma em tilt ai."V Crullers fresh every day at Todl'>-. Curtain Poles in great varietly at L Morris'. Faucy cnps and saucers from 5c up, at Nicholl's. 1Try the John Bull Malt Bread mnade by Thos. Tod. Home-made Humbugs and Taffy at Thos. Tod's-try them. Makers of Zood countrv butter can- not begin to supply the demand. Have you tried the Angel Cakes made by Thou. Tod? They are dainty. Mrs. W. H. Osborne and Mrs. S. Cornish have returned from Winnipeg, Man. Purseýs, peek'et books, mouth organs, pen kuives ata bargain at the GRAND CENTRAL. Those wvho appreciate artistic pr!nt- Silver , . Allinvited. Cbit a Suday will be dluly obser- ved ilu the Methodist churcýh. lu ,the morninig theý pastor, 1ev. J. J. Rae,will preach ou 'CbnristmasHomeComing, "At 8.45 p. mi., thle Sunday School will hold an open session when a -ôod program will be given b'Iy the schoiars and others Ilu the eve t special song service wili be îiven. The public are cordi- alty inivited Vo these services. Mnr. J. A Mcl(,Feeters bas been appoin- ted homie dairy instructor - of Ontario Agnîcltura-,,l College, Guelph. Mn. Me- Fetes i graduate of '97 daigy elass and bas been employed lu the dairy of th,ç <Fowler Fanm" near Cobourg for one year, and lattenly on the Detonia Park Farm ow3ued by Mn. Massey of Toronto. West Durham boys always give a ,good account of themselves and we belîeve the DiySehoot of 1899 will give, a 1;d1,cut f telI under the supervision and instruction of Mn. McFeeters. Mr. Wmi. Duncan, Osbawa, reponted ln last issue as being found unconscious on the noad between hene anid New- castle, was fouud dnowued lu a creek nean Port Newcastle Tuesday. Next day tbeOsbawa authonities identified the remiain s. Deceaseýd was au unmnarried manl of!18 *year 0f age. 1He came Vo Canada aboit tet yeans ago from England, and to al k1.nowledge bas no relations lu hs couuntrr. He lias been aemployee- of Mn. George Asbley, grocen, Cedardale, o! late anud was liv, !',ng witb, him. 11e was in easy circum- stances hiaving- a good ba-nk account and an insurance endowmnent policy wiceh would have been due hlm lu two years. Notiees 0f.r thls, larriages and Deaths 50 cents; wheln marriage licenses are obtaîned or f uneral notices printed at' this office. insertlon frée. mense evariety to cho65se fýrom1, at Nicholl's. Miss Marv Haml.ey leftMonday moru- iug to attend the funeral of Mrs Thos. Oke at Gaît, 14 essers. T. Baker and P. Trebilcoc-k were re elected County Councillers by acclamation. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Coombe have re- turned from visîtirig their son, 1ev. W. Coombe, Wilfrid. Bring in your furs and have themn re- pained and made intu Iatest styles at M. Mayer's, the Furrier. Men's Rats in the latest English and American styles just received at Couch, Jobuston tt Cryderman's. The Public SDhooi will close on Thur. sdav Dec. 22. for the holidays and re- open on Tnesday, Jan. 3. If you want somethino. to give a friend for Xmas, caîl at iÏ? Mayer's and hie wilt sell wbat you want. Buy yonr furs from a furrier who un- derstauds bis business, Mayer is that muan lu Bowmaniville. See hîs advt. Caîl at Coucli, J ohnston and Crydèr- man's for the best pair of Blankets at $2.50 sbown by any house lu Canada, Couch. Jobnston & C ryderman are bong some beautiful goods lu Lad. ieFur Boas, Capes. and Pur Lined Capes. The Mason Co's. is showing a very, natty ittle coat for girls fromn 4 Vo 12 yeans of age a t $2.50Oilu ah the leadiug shades. 1Rev. J. J. Rae preached a very inter- esting sermon ou "The Common People" lu the Méthodist chuncli Sun- day night. Mr. Geo. McKowau. Woodqtock, and Mn. and Mrs. S.Small, Port Hope, were here attending the funeral of the late William McKowan, Tninit 'v Sabbath School is prepaning for a splendid Christmas entertain- meut on Wednesday, Dec. 28, at 7 30 o'clock, Admission loc cildrer.5c Wheu you come te town'to buy your Christmas presents don't failt o see our assonîment of useful and common sense articles suitabt e for ail people. J. Higginbotbam & Son. 11 The Canadian Epworth Ena for Janu- ary coutains a photogravure of Mn. T. 11 okhart, son of Mn. M. Lockbart of this town, Supeintendent of the Junior Epwortb Leagu-es of Toronto. Couch, J ohnston & Cryderman have opened out a big stock 'of men's and boys' overcoats lu freezes and. beavers lu all sizes and qualities., These coats are weil made and, speciailly good vailue. Read tbe Christmas advertisilng fin TunESTATESMAN. Read althe advertis. iug in these columus, flot only at this season, but aIl the year round. Yen will find it both interesting and profi- table. The Teachers of Ontario Ladies Col- lege. Whitby. gave an At UHome to the students du Fridav evening, Dec. 9th at whieb aIl thoroughly enjoyed them- selves. The annuat Conversazione will be held Feb. 17,1899. The 111gb Scbool Glee Club presented their teacher, Mn F HI. Frost, B. A., witb a lovelv set of ebony-backed brushes as a foken of good-wilI 'and es- teem for hlm for the interest and trouble hie had taken-lu training them. Mn. James Dempster, drover, Gana- noque, didwhat we consider a gener- ous and kind act last week in coming here and takiug over the stock bought by Mn. S. H. Reynolds, who is sick and unable Vo attend Vo bis business. It was a kindness the farmers verY much appreciate. E WEAUGH, L, D. S95 D. D. S., BOjWMa.NVILLR. Dental Office lu the Rooms above 0. . WIt[1IMS SON'8 FurRimre 8iore. WXIlII be at Oroin fromn 9 a mu. to 2) p ni,, and et Newcastle from i2.80, un- tii 7 p mn., on the Second and fourth Mondays of each Monith. Gold platesý, Crown and Bridg-e work and Painless extraction are s'pecialties. STiIA'iED.-From Lot 9, Con, 6, kJ Drlinion on Decý. 2,a lrge Rerkshire- Tamnworth sow, Ay prsn ivî informna. tîon leacinig to her reove'rv will be sn(itabiy re- wardIed. Aaý r iu Wt. Aass Trne. 6.W T? AM ASTRAY.-Came, on lot 41, con aC,1,Drtg)oî a ram. ,Tliwe i re qurd ~prvYopri , ayex penses au iakebIlim aa %Y. . 'EÂGG, Buwmnvi le. Tis Not The Hien. That Cackles the most that iays the' [argest Egg19 TUE:iTATE5MAýýN is a day late. Try the Short Bread made by T. Tod. Dressed dolis from lc' up at Nieholl's, News of great intere$t on inside pages. 1Fruit for the Christmas season at Thos. Tod's. Fur Caperines, Ruffs, 'Gauntiets, Coats, etc., at M. Mayer's. Doîls, dolîs, dolîs, the greatest vani- ety of dlolîs lu town, at Niehol's. Mr. Frank Trebilcock is home from Trnity Medical Coltege, Toronto. Mr. Edgar W. Allin, Trinity Medical College, Toronto, is home for the holi- days. Mr. John Sheridan, Oshawa, was in town Sunday, guest of Mr. R. Tre- nouth, A Mery hriswasto ail. Guml0rps- lc.per pound at T. Tod 's. Mince Pies at T. Todl's, tbey are good Try them. 'Iry thie fome-mrade Maple Cream , at Thos. Tds Mr-.1H.Gale' of theoColborneExpress was in town over Sundfay. RHone made Huuvpbugs-9c. per pound twice on Saturday at T. Tod's. We see by thie tJewellers' Circular" that a watch 1onitaining a portion of the U S. batlesipn "Maine"' was pre- sented by the W. F. Doit M'f'g Co., of New York, te Admiral Dewey, the hero of the Manîfla fleet. An ententainment in conn ection with the Discipes'SunDday School, consisting of a cantata entitled Dollikens Flat and Christmas tree will be giv en in the Ch- than we bave space Vo enumerate. We are filleci np with every.hing that goes Vo make your home happy at this festive season, and the prices we are akn cannot fail to tempt. Below are a very few of theixany things ln store. Royal B. Clusters 25e lb. Bevans Extra Dessert 20e lb. .Connoisseur Clusters 15e lb. Fine.Sel ected Val.Raisins 3lbs for 25. Choice Sel. Curnants 3 lbs. for 25e.ý Griffin & Son 4 Crown L.Mescatells. -Almionids. Waluuts. Glass Sets. Pecans. Brazil. Fancy Cups and Saucers. Cash paid for any quantity of dressed or undressed Poultrv. Peanuts, Filberts. Candies. Pickles. Catsup. Qysters. Dinner Sets. Tea Sets. Hlanging Lamps. 3o WMAN VILLE. eawker & Tait. FORYOU'. iLADY, We have only 31 Ladies' Coats and 3 Ladies' Capes left. Ail of themn new this season. Sizes 3to -12. We don't caràny Coats froi one season tWo anothýer. This lot miust lbe so thli:s S montlh. If yo u wanit the ehleapest caialy.? ~~ 5 ONLY,WERE $5.00 FOR $3.75 4 ec6.00 cc 4.25 46.50 " 4.50 a7.75 " 5.75 8 8.00 " 5.75 * 2 10.00" 7.50 9 12.00 "8.5 0 2 ONLY, WERE $7.75 FOR $5.7 5 ~ 4' I10.00cc 7.150 4 We wish you aIl a Merry Xmas, '~"v~and the Happiest New Year in your 4 experience. 8cJiO SN SPOPU lar Dry Goods House. BOWMANVILLEl7x lo oSunlrlEik 4~~ N T do o tnar4ak 'Watf_cs, Jewelry, Rin-gs, Plated Gosand 1341verwarc, also qterlinig Z: Silver Novelties, Evehi g new anid Iatest desiguns. lines of Statioary whieh i vll be found to be assorted and Cheap. A splenididl c.ollection ofWitn and Memoranda 'ý Pads. WVATCII NDCLOCIK REPAIRnNG -A- E: SPECILTYý. -Ai work prornptly done and graran- J~~ ~ Aig w~Hkns~ FRUITS. Merry Xmars to al Ten full days before Xmas. To make buyinig-more convenient. for you and for us, w~e would kindly a sk you one and ail t(-. commenceý{ at once. Th mnyGod things w.aei tr orvi r oenl n 43trail 91 e 1 T T -1-- BORN. ASHTOsi.-Ilu Darlinato, near Haydon Dec. 16, the wife of Mr. Re,eoen Ashton, of a daugh- ter. TREW.-In O-shiawa, Dec. 10, the wife of Mr.S. Trew, of a sont. ALEXÂNDER- At the "Ever-greeiis" Bowman- ville, De(. ri, tour adMrs. j. W. Alexander, a danghiter. WALLACE-SÂE. Pr HpDec. 14, by Rev. W. n. Young, l3irdie M., youngest daugh- ter ofJ. W. Wrll a e, Port Hope and Geo, Ed. Stacey, Kingston.ý I3ONE-REY-NOLrD3.-At Oshawa, Dec. 14, Mr Thos Bone,Grn Rapids,Mýich.,and Miss Rosa Reynolds of Osbawa. STENENON-EARON.Nov Oh y Rev James H. Ha;rris, Thol'mas E. Stepjhenson,. Pick- ering and ra E. Pea:rson), edstdngb e of Thomas Pears-qn, Ahun FÂAliEAsa-KtElta.-On the Dec. . , l' Bey. p. N. Adamis, at heeidec f r . ie Darlingion, Daid yroFrrlianuMssE. brides fatbe2r, Dec. !:i, Iby Bey.> E. oa Mr. John ti nCsrai ad Miss Annie May, dangliter of Mr. IHeniryPoiand(, -Cadmns. JOUNON-ÂREE-InOshawvaDec. Slstby Rey. J. J. 1 iddy,. A., Mr. George Johnson, G. T. R.Oto, Bowmanville, and Lilly M., fonrth da(Ic of Mr. Samuel Barker, former- -ly of Maple G4;rove. DIEO.. H-ENBY i -in Taýtnton, Dec, 6, John Henry, aged i79 years. McGiî'L.-Ii,ý Orono, Dec. 5, Mrs. Minnie McGill. rlIýct of the late James McGIlýaged 4 years, 10 'onis, NFwsOMi. in California, Dec. 4. Tillie, wife of Samuel Nwof ourth danglter of Mr. E, B. Wilco:x , iimdsister of Mrs. Pediar, Oshawa. ALLIN.- Ai Brnssels, Dec. ist, Ena Reece, youngast ýhil(d of fRev. S. J. AllUn, aged2 years 3 months. VîcKis.--in Clarke, Dec' Irli, Thomas Vick- ers, agcd G:;3, ears, McKowxAI.-Inl Bowmanville, Friday, Dec.16, William clown lare foreman of THE STATIESMAN oý ffIl U, iiged 61 years. JAM5.-n EwrnnvileDec. 17, Thomas Fra l~Jaeslu isi4r yer.Brother of the Publishier of Ithîs Journal ALE~NDER-InBowmanvitle, Dec. 2o, the iîîfant dnllr of lr. and Mrs. J. W. Alexan. dier, TYLFli.-fni Bowmanville, _Dee. 20, Luella Janetta Tleriý-,,,,ed 20 and 6monilis. BOWMNV LLEMAýRKETS Correct.ely J.McMuelr-try eaeh Tnesday %LU11, p 100 lbs......190 to$2,2C WIIE0, a0l bus .Oil n US6 fi -pring ....0 (00"i0($ fi oo ... 00 il 062c BAR yE, bshNo. i1..0O45 0 o48ý lt 12 .0 26 0835 n if 3.. 0 25it j80 n nTwo rowed 025 'fi 04t5 OATS, white 2...........l 00 Pt TO27 Ry.g Tt000 Pt(1051 BucOTWEAT I ...... 0 l't fO042 ýPRuA, Blake Ilbush.. 0 69 'il 075 Tt Mummey ' O Oul 1 00 lO055 fismall, nf O 0 n lO057 ilBlue, f, 0 47"fi0 55 BUTTER, est able, e lb.. O 0 00 O14 Ecs, 14.Noz ............. 000 0 17 POTATOES, bs..... 0 00 Ol0 llay per ton.......5 <)f" 6 O0 Men put in the best years of their lîves În thle pursuit of riches. One class works with the heati, and the other with the mus- cles. Each cares more for dollars than for health. Trhe brain je taxed to theutmost -L -4 SELECTED