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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Dec 1898, p. 2

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PUBLISHER'S NOTICE. TuE STATESMAN 15 Inailed regularly to its subsceribersý until a definite order to discontinue is received and al arrears are paid in full. Subscription $1,50 per annum. If paid in advatnce 81.00 per annum. M ARRIAGE LICENSES,-M. A. JAmEs, Issuer cf Marriage Licenses. Ilesidence: Centre street. A. E. IWLAUG HLIN, Barrister, Solicitor and Conveyancer. Offie:- Brfakley Block, King street, Bowmaeville. Mcney te boan at reasonabie rates. 48-lyr, DU. J. C. MITCHELL, M EM BEROF COLLEGEO0F PI'YSICIANS and Surgeons, OntarioCoroner, etc, Residence. Enniskillen. 74 D. BUREKE SIMPSON, ARRISTER, SOLICITOR, etc. MORRIS' BL.BLOCK, up-siairs, King'Street, Bowman ville. Solicitor for tihe Ontario Bank. Private moneva ioaned at lowest rates. ROBERT YOUNG, V. S. O 'ýFF1CE IN WEST DURHAM NEWS VBlock, where himscîf or hls assistant witi be fouadfrom a. m. t09p. m. -Nîght calIs ai residence, directly opposite Drill Shed. Catis by telegfrap)hor telephonewill receive prompt at- tention. 171 - yr. CGentlemen'sClothes made to Order. DNTI SRY" C. I11ARNDEN, L.D.S. Gradtiate of thre Royal College cf Dental Sui geons, Ontriro OFFICE.-Opposite Express Offie. VITALIZED AIR J.M.BRIMACOMBE DENTIST. Office.-Rear of Messrs. Higgin. botham & Son's Drug Store, (Down stairs), BOWMANVI LLE. You an'tbe hcalthy if your, blood,, is imlpuire or w-aery-if poisona is circlatcieg thiroug,,h your arteries instead of rich, pure, life- gîving blood.. If you feel drowsy, languid,- are constipated, have piMp1ýs or- blotches brêaking out on your body the remedy for you is Burdock Blood Bitters. "I1 have been using B.B.B., aise My brother and sister-in-iaw, and we find it a miost reliabie and' efficacions blood purifier, anid'most cordiaiiy recommend it. We purchased it from J. R. Ault & Sons of this town' MISS C. M. WAT- SON, Autsvilie, Ont. B.,B. B. is a highly concentrated blood purifying vegetable remedy, --on1'y i teaspoonful at a dose- you add the water yoursel1f. What distress and anguisir corne to the mother when ber littie eue wakes up at night with a nasty croupy cougir. Wiso Uiotherb, always keep on baud a bottle cf Or.. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup. It's so pleasant te tire taste the youngsters take it witirout aey fuss, and aitirhe same time its prompinoss and effectivenes are such traItirhe cough is cirecked before anything serious develops. From one end cf the Dominion to the oficer peope are praising Dr., Wood's Norway Pine Syrup as tire besi remedy for Cougirs, Coids, Croup, Whooping Cougir, Bronchitis and aIl Lung Affections. Dra' Wood~s Norway Pins ~saeera 25c. ai aîI druggists.; Dy-'IGS FOR SALE.-- h oice lot of -rT amwortis ase iire Yorkshire boars. Alitbred f-cm rgistered gtock. Big eut ou priez tis moun.T. . -COLa, BWMnanville. >A S O RSER ICE-Athorough Farm ai uepr; ire is au immense heg cf good guality aud great iengîh ; a young Berkshitre eight mentis nid, cf gond quaity aud tirer- oughbred, sud a Tamwortir nodet cf tire breeti. Terma $1. D. J, Grnsoar, Lot 34, Cou. 3, Clarke. DETROIT,Mich. W'INDSOR,Ont. I3OWMAN VILLE, DEC. 28, 1898. IGUARANTEED TO CURPEl Township Of Darlinigton They have stood the Test for Years. No. 4.-Sure cure for pimples, black- heads, bouls and skin dîseases. No. 1-Remedv for men. No. 17-Sure cure-for Kidney and Bladder troubles, wetting the bed, etc. No.120-Sure cure for Headache, Neu- ragial Faceache and Toothache. No. 44-Sure cure for Rheumatism, Sciatica and Lumbago. This is the very remedy that wil «ffect a positive cure. TRY IT.; We have remedies for ail discases . FREE TO ALL. Our Medical Advisorv Department, under the personal supervision cf Dr. Lonys Marchaux, is free to every sufer- er, costs you nothiug but the postage. Write fuiiy just hew you f eel. Tell us in your own words. TESTIMONY. I,GE . W.HILL, cf the Lity of Windsor in the County of Essex do solemnly de- clare that I have been troubled with Rheumatism for years and treated by 4 of the leading doctors of this city, but received ne relief. I was recommended by a friend to try Dr. Marchaux's No.44 and after six weeks' treat-ment ami able te be ont again and follow my oe-icupa- tien as contracter and carpenter. Pre- vieus to taking your medicine I was totally disabled , Ihave lived bore for I1) years and my friends are surprîsed to see me ont again. Wishing you success, I romain, yeurs truly, GEo. W. HItL, Declared before me this 8th day of Nov., 1898, ALEX. BARTLETT, P. M. Free to ahl for one morith, Dr. Mlar- chaux's Medîcat Book, cati at STOTT & J URY 'S,sole Agents forBowmanville. You can get your own paner free for 1899 hy sending us $2 fer two new sub- scribers te THuE STATESMAN. HERLTÏHY; HAPPY WOMEN. Pain and VWleakness Banished thrOugh the use of MiHburn's Heart and Nerve Pille. It's sait to think that se many womnen auffier fromn paie, Weak Spelis, Heart Palpitation, Sinking Sensations, Nervousness, Sleeplessness-who could be rostored te the fuit enjoyment of per- fect bealth by a few boxes of Mlburr's Heart and Nerve PuIs. There çacabi no question about the efflcacy cf thiis nrmedy. Thousands cf womenl, havefounidit doallthatisclaimed for it. Here is the testimony cf Mrs. Gillen, Wesley Street, Moncton, N.B. "Before takin Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills I us oý sufers untoldag.ony from violent hea.-aches, irregular action of the, heart, together with pains or spasms in varinus parts, cf my body. 11Sometiines I feit so weak that I was unable to look after my domestic duties. Mdowever, 1 had te endure this worry and trouble, because ail the remedies I tried failed to give me relief, unil ba;piy I heardof Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pis. I bad only been taking thern a short timne wben I feit greatiy benefited. This en-. couraged me te continue their use until a compiete cure was efected. "I1 bave net been troubied with a head- ache since tatking these puis. They in. creased In, appetite, invigorated miy en.- tire system, and gave me back my old time strength and vigor." Take a f..aze.Liver Pili before retiriiig. "rvýîî wok while yen sieep withouf a grip, or gripe, and MIake yen feel better lu the morning. Price 25C. Soîd iy ail drnggista. ONTARIO BANK continues te do a General Banking Business at Bownianvllle Agency. DEPOSITS reelved in Savinga IBank Departmnent and an interest allowed at current rates. Notice cf withdrgwai necessary. Alil deposits payabi' on demnand. EXCHANGE, Bougbt and sold and Drafts issued upon Europe LUited States and Canada, aiso Gol d, Silver and United States Green "eks bonght and sold COLLECTIONS Promptly nrade at current rates upon ail parts ,f Great Britain» the United States and the Do- inion of Canad. Telegrapli Transfers Made for large or small sunms on 111 parts cf Canada. This i pcal datgost per- Bonis living linilb rthe North-West, it inakes the fnnds avaiable at ut 1te ithe lwace af payrrneut. For other narticulars caîl at the banri. A. J. MOCLELis, GEO. MeGILL, Aecountsnt. Manag~er BICYCLES Send for Price List Munson,470 Vonge St. Toronto. SUN DRIES THRE PEOPLE'S GOAL GOSI Supplies the best and cheapest coal in the market. Try it. Deliver- ed to ail parts of town. PETER MURDOCH. Agent. Financial Statement ofr 1.ceipts 1and Expenditure, Township ofrlson Deceînber ltS7tDcme ftî 1898. 1897. REcEirrs. Balance on hand, Dec. 15, O 568 S Pollard, taxes.,........904 S S No 18, Debenture 5 ~ 5G Dotinet paymoents .......4680 Balance on hand ....$ 1393 IDR. NARCHAUXIS REREDIESI Zkt ïanaiaigu itattentan PAYME NTS EtVncm, Blanchard, work ......GOSS.Allie,.. C.Wilbur, wora...... ...... 7 2 J Kigoht, ..... T Ellott, ...... $ 10 25 E Moore,.... - 1T Seowden," J Oke, gravel............... 52 T T Jardine,. ...... Municipal Worlds ...GO E J McCulloch, re«it road.. M A amsprinting ..8..41 iT Woodtov, -sheer damages F Griffin, sheeu damage(-s . R Snowdeni, werk........ CGPielre, 66 J Percy, spikes, braces .. C olar, 4GOG A Stephens, lumber,.. R E Os borne, gravel. 30.. J Worden, Il..2-..AuGUST., J Heatle, sheep damag-es. 341 T Creeper, rent Sons' hall.. G TamblynsonI " 3 341 R Darch, bridge irons.. J Oke, 1; 8 7 A Peters, culvert......... Hl Elliott, bank charges 1.. GOfE J Clark, work.......... I L Brown, Council services, 42 J Astîton, ... Rl', oster, 4 70 J. Mountjoy," L M-,Courtice, "46 A Samis, gravel..... A E Clernens, T Elliott, 41 T Pascoe, 4 SEMPTEMBrf. Board of Health,services. 2 00u County rate- ..........4 14 G N W Goodman, gravel.. Indigents ......0... .. JSalter, .. T Creepe,r debenture,8S s18 15 oA Gibson, e .. ______SAin, sheep damages .. S 464 03 OL Byers, Expenditure, as per list, 10 27 R Pascoe, J Garfat, " $46807 T Brimfacombe, plank.. M A James, printing ... 1898. REeEI'vS. FE J Clark, work ....... ... Jan Balance on band .. 1 7393 B M!oorc, mwork ............ S Poilard, taxes 1897.. 1 887 -71 J Hecken, piank .......... R Martyn, sale animal 6)GO W Rundte, cedar......... Mar. Co refund re lunaties.. 81 50oJ vers, cedar....... T Baker, rent of road. - 4 (D W H Cowlîng, rentad.. Per centage,ar'rs taxes, 14 41 J Aldsworth, ýroad work... April T Pascoe. rent road.,_.. 5 GO Cartwrig-ht, T'p bal, acc't.. Bal, a/c E. Whitby.... 51 OcroBEx. I L Brown, timber sold 1 50 Se Tp Clarke, share work 1393J lmon, sheep damages.. R Knox, license fnnd.. 147 83 L Potter, Geo Haine-s,E3q, f nes. 5 00 J Byers, Interest, Bank teois 41 co G Cochrane, Mr Courtice, cedar sold - 5 A W'ght, MrsReynoldsland p'mt 00 GOA C Aliheep damages... S Pollard, taxes .... 14 903 Go W R Knîght,ý ----- -- G W Soper, Total........... $ 18 9-51 82 Mrs Gilders, G Aluin. Jan. PAYMEN;TS. J Curtis, grave]........ J Gallagher, gi avel .$-, 3 25,: J Balson, ....... J Hoît, sheep damages,4-GOEKMilîson, ....... P Tyler. "46 Selectors Jurors, services ... F Ceurtice ....c8o E J Clark, work .......... J Snowdee (;~ 71 T Creeper, nails .......... S Brooks .1 JFraser, work .......... . Wordeni, gravel ..M..A TJamers, alpinting a/c J Ok............. .....' s Vorth, eau , spikes. W Knapp, &I'" - 510 E Moore, ctiivirt.,....,... Aid Sick Children's Hoi)*tal s Gi O, W Avery, cedar....... Vital Statisties, express,,, etc t NVEMER C-J WiÙdatt, extra services 7 GONVEMER S Pollard, collector......... 10G T Woodley, sheepdaînages. FEBIiUARY. C.Hooper,rent roaci....... J W Soper, sheep damages, R Windatt, services... J T Pol lock, services auditor F L Ellis, ' l "extra services .. S Pollard, postage, etc. G A Steptiens, cedar .. 1MAIICI.' Hl.Elliott, jr, insurance .... E Milîson, gravel,......... M A James, printing'. G A Stephens, lum ber. APRIL, W R Courtice, relit hall . R Snowdeîî, e .. J Potter, 16 .. S Penfound, shieep dairages Aý Ta.-lor, worl-......... W J Roy, services assessor.. el postazre, etc ... A Richards, scrapers... A Wight. ç.oiig bootki.. S S Nu 14, use FýcboOl-house. 7 003 7 00 1 00ý 4 G 19 7151 150i GO) 1 0G 27 75 0O ,Mrs Gilders, ! Brunt, gravel ........... J Thompson," .......... Municipal Xorld, stationart- Hlart & Riddoll, e Rl J Mallorvt, Court Rovision I lIioit. jr,services... G A Stephens, lumler.. Dunstan 8&, Heai, nails.. 1 ',Worth, nails....... R il Flamb~le,.... R Rynld~, ork.... J Arnot, ce ..r.......... F J Cenugravel... B' Courtie71..1... U4 B'ranch, danalges.. 1, J Clark, rvlig FA,ý ýoie. spikes .......... F JClark'espikos ......... DECEMBERt. W, Allie, taxrefunded.. A Laigmraild, ta-ý refuuided. J FNe, eda.... ...... MAY. W J Roy, extra services... J Mulltto,culvert......... Browii Brjos, caÈh book.. McLean) & Mason,2 scrapers P' Murdoch, fenin ... GA Stephens, lmber.. JUNE. J Stainton, gravel ........ Mrs 1Hooey, ...... B Couirtice, ...... A IGArgue, E Milîson, ..... J Stainton ..... j Hall, ..... G; A Stephens, plank, cedar, C Soucti. culvert.......... JLyle, afe.............. , Hoain,1 sheep damages,. Hi Elîjott, jr. salary... JULY. J Webber, gravel........ A Trimm, ...... grsllooev.' ..... 5 50 4 75 2 75 28 O 2 67 4 (00 4 6i7 161 50 83 35 4 O 1 62, 3 80 2 70 1 10 2 Go 16 GO 6 00- 1767 8 GO 10 67, 4 G() 5 34 6 GO 2 32 5 34 2 GO 18 GO 13 65 6 50 21 92 7 GO 10 80 8 3 25 S30 261 1 30 1 GO 10 GO 2 67 3 34 60 1 10 1 70 4 '29 4 85 1 50 2 60 10 42 6 25 85 36 4 68 S0 390) 2 95 7 0O 6 24 3 10 1 13 3 21, KIDNEY-SIbK PEOPLEq ry fe'lh a'get amr fslesp lu the wopld %*PoIle te duey-lk peopl-u h aM telree xay of the eux.ed ce trbt hh reease fo dIsse ti tho ie gat South Ame=ianKîdne C '. cures BVIght'e disease. curus d1abetes. cures a&R bladder 1liments Kidney disoasos are tire most la- sidicua cf ahl diseases common te humanity ; mitin the past few years medical science lias made wonderful strides in coping with uts 'n ravages. Southr American Kidney Cure lias proved ricir in ho-aling /1i~ powor, and every day testimony le pilod up for its great curative quali. d.,, tes. Wirere idney disoase existe i t as generally ndicated by certain chang-es in tire uriné, sucli as mucus, sedimient, albumen, brick dusl, acid and btood--pain la net necessarity san accompaniment, whichi only ag-gra- vatos tire insidious nature of it. Test- ting and experimonîing iras disciosed tie fact t1hat tire paasing tirrougir thie organs of tire solid particles Iin tire ordinary course cf circulation dolan a remarkably short wirile 'clog np, grind out aud impair lhemn so jtiraitirhe fenctions cf tirese organe are on thie patient with a ruthlesý hand. Kidney diseases require a solvet- 'OJI..~Y Southr American Kidnoy Cure is a s3olvent-it is a kidney specific- dlaims te ho ne more-lhsee tested by eminent medical authorities on id cney diseases, aud proved and testified te by tirem as tire suroît and safest cure foýr ali l dseases of tire kidneys and bladder. It's a purifier-a healer-a iroaltt builder -effi.cacious alike to man or woman. OCoi News frein the North Coaktry-. began te realize for iimself tiraiiris case was A young machini in a large maznufacturing ceeo- irepeiesa ire teck bis case te his own bands, de- cern in Northern Ontarie, fell a victim Iote r tennincd te fîg;àt for bi i t. lHe experime),nted dropsical form cf kidney disease threuýg% ak 'ur hmauy s-calLeti cures withoni relief. Souda mospireric changes In following bis tlaiiy labo-- Amercan ltid.ney Cure mas brougiri te bis notice, lie sonttaued iis worit mtlaisict cDunmsd4 an ia t everyting elae, ire trk-ed it-te iris te quit by thre pirysician frcm ivioin ire iad beels astonishment ire began te feet botter under its receiving treatument. He viited Toouto und use. He couttnued te gain strcngtir-ire teck six consuiîed an eminent autliority on kidncy dia, ir.ttles-and te-day thnt ame yeung inu riie esses. Tire docterseut irniomewiiirasliopcrfi tu,,d aitirimne latIne, working for tirai saine a story cfimiseif as ire could give, but wrot* cenceru, halee sud hearty as the first day ire went privatel.y te the youog ma's physician tiri ijtirere. He gi-sesaill tire creditto South AnrErcaxs was ou1 y a matter cf Mure muith i riuntl dcaiIh Eldhey Cure. woutdcdaim anotirer kidney victini. Whien bc-i SOUTHI AMERICAN NERVtNE-Isa anerve .,Irealer. Cures indigestion and ail stomacir-troubles, which are forerunners cf ,'ervol's coltsapasý SOUTH AMERICAN RH EUM ATId-CURfB-IMas liR en e off a bcd of pain aller a few dsys' use, mire bave net been free frein sndIering for p& DR. AQNîW'S ONTfLENT cures Wmmd, bleeding, itciriegci: uiceraing piles tas fom ticree to rive nigiris. .as ots. For sa.le by STOTT % JUR~Y, Bowmanville. 8 00 1. 00 8340 10ý 00 12 00 59 46 14 50 2 55 8 30 21 35 38 84 15 35 3 55 39 73 3 50 30 Ou 9 75 100 00 10-60 50 2 10 4 95 6 50 3 60 7 80 8 25 20 60 3 25' 3 00 42 67 4 75ý 7 03 20 451 Total ............... $ 18 951 82 SculOOL RATES. 4 150 , 1 0 3 0 No5 oolScin. $15(l, $175, $275. 26...150, 170, 23. 37...150,1235, 385. 48...150, 150, 5,00. 9 ...150, 25, 4275 10 ..150, 160, 450. 712 .,150, 125, 275. 13 ..150,1350, S75. 14.. 150, 1250,340. 15 150,.. 150, 30040 16 1... 50, 3500,50.ý 127 ...150, 225, 395. 18 2... 50, 1,025. 149 .. 150, 15, 325. 1520.. 150, 150, 300. 216 ~ . 150, 350, 450 22 " ..610, 145, 295. 23230, 00, 650. Total..................... $8083 DIVISION, No. 1. F Bradley, work.... ...... J T Pollock, work......... W Montgomery, road way ... J Ilillier, work ............ E J Clark, work............ A E Gilders, ....... J Hoskin ....... A Taylor ....... J Pye ...... W JT Clemens .......... R Slemon "....... R Rham, eulvert........... W Creeper, work........ F Smith ...... J Stainton, ........ R Burns, gravelling ........ W Jeffery, werk,........... J Cowling, ....... D Cherry, .'...... W Creeper, A Goode, G Hlami.'gradîng..... E J Clark, work .......... W Short,> ........ J Stairîton, ........ Cowling and Hawken, work. J Martin, work...-........ J J Virtue, gravelling ... J T Clark,work...... ..... C Stonhouse, work ....... J Pye, work ....... -....... J Ward, - ......... H Wilcox, culvert......... E J Clark, work ........... L Potter, lî ....... C Cox, gravelling......... W Fo!tiy," E JCole, ...... R Stacey, work ........... W Allin, culvert ...... .... A Peters, " ......: J Mutton, repairing bridge.. W Creeper, E, Moore, culverts.......... Jl Cowliug ...... EJ Clark, graàvelling,... JMountjey, Il .... R Stacey, work ............. T Brîmacombe. culvert. . W Creeper, work.......... E JClark, Il...... J Hillier' roadway......... A Peters, work ....>........ J Cryderman, werk. ....... E JClark, 4, .......... J1 Martin,' &(-- *« W H Foley, culvert......... J Crumb, work ............ E J Clark, work........... J. Thompson, roadway . W Creeper, work.......... J Wardi, draining .......... il Wileox, culvert ......... G Gilbert, work ........... E J Clark,teaming... .. ...: E J Clark, work .... ..... . J Meuntjoy, culverts....... T Snowden, work.......... G Gilbert, 41...." J Pye, . ..... Divîsiors No. 2. G A Stephens, work....... Il posts ....... A Trimm, gravelling... J Trewin, breaking stone... A W Allun, setting posts .. ý 4 teaming ........ J Darchr, grading............ A Wilkins, work........* R Bonetta, planking bridge . A Trimm, teamîng ........ R A Bragg, -rading hili.. noi ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ £Ui VU... . pem mk.a ies as lii i- ( .bn4. mI 4R nt,, fl , S.JUWLA.iSlVl.r W M Joness, work ......... A Trimm, gra ding ......... gravelling... W Darcir, grading ........ 1. bridge ..... .... A W Aluin, drawing stone ... .1 gravelling.-.... W R Knight, gravelling.. J Trewin. breakingo stone... Town Road Machine... A W Allie, culvert ......... A Trimm, grading .......... A W Aluin, work ........... T Jewelt, breaking stone...., W Creeper, culvert. ....... A W Aluin, road work ... Town Road Machine....... J M Joness, work.......... 1 50 6 GO 2 50 1 30 1 50 3 25 1 00 2 50 8 25 3 00 20 GO 3 50 5 85 1 i0 16 25 21 35 7 50 30 00 43 00 131 25 15 50 20 Go 12 50 3 75, 12 GO 10 GO 20 GO 35 00 64 75 31 75 1 50 6 50 3 GO 7 GO 24 75 25 GO 25 0O 1 50 2 25 2 Go 2 00 1 O0 3 00 5 10 15 75 5 Go 3 0G 1 50 7 00 8 50 1 50 3 50 3 50 3 50 17 60 31 75 2 GO 3 59 13 50 6 50 7 00 2 O0 6 50 8 GO 8 50 8 75 723 29 2 50 3 75 3 90 1.O< 2 00 6 GO 4 50 9 Go 1 50 2 00 1 50 4 38 5 10) 7 GO 2 25 17 75 4 50 16 66 43 20 1 GO 14 00 2 90 3 GO 18 Gi 12 GO 75 50 00 5,00 10 00 $ 259 53 Children Ory for ~C&8T-O Il j PercY,SIesirons.. 'MeClellan & Co, lumber. ... McCleIlan 1& Co, ptank. U Wýoodïly, lumuber... ... D Galbraith, sheep damages, Hi Elliott, jr, nails........ J Stainton, gravel,........ 'j Coates, .... B Courtice, ..... J Oke, T Snow den, lé H Eiliott, jr, stationary ... M A James, printing ... I L Brown, council services. R Foster, g L M Courtice, -61 A E Clemens, 9 T Pascoe. c il Elliott, jr, bal salary .. H Elliott, treasurer salary.. W Creeper, janitor....... Board of Health, seryices ... School rates, per list. Indigents, per list........ Expenditure Division No. 1. 46 cg2. < 4 cg 4. 44 lé 55 5. Balance on hand......... 3 10~ 7 41 5 29 5 60 8 00 50 2 20 2 00 3 65 8 75 15 00 15 81 2t 77 87 25 45 10 47 80- 43 85 44 55 50 00 85 00 25 00 23 0GO 8083 00 343 00 723 29 259 53 287 09 524 77 254 48 6 026 97 ASSETS. Balance on band.........$ 6 026 97 Taxes yet te be received..1 498 66 Township property... ....... 500 00 $ý8 025 68 LiABILITIE$S. County rate .............. $ 3 498,GO Collector's Salary ............ 100 GO $3 598 G0 Balance. ................$ 4 4,27 63 THOS. PASCOE, HENRY ELLIOTT, IReeve. Treasurer. Hampton, Dec. 16, 1898. Thos. Pascoe, Reeve. L. M. Courtice, First Deputy Reeve. A. E. Clemens, Second Deputy Reeve, Rd Foster, Il. EIliott, Treasurer. Il. Elliott, Jr., Clerk. W. J. Rov. Assessor. S. Pollard,' Collector. The D. &L,, EMULSION The D. & L. EMLJLSION le tl beet and most palatable preprain st=2ac.. me Dj. & L. EMULSION The. D. & L. YEMUL8ION a marvoU llesfesh producar and wM ggive Be sure yen ge jDAVIS LÀW lui CeIa ., LimueS4. MLtLeai DIVISIcON No. 3 W White, break ing stone... J Aldsworth, gravelling. G Cook, breaking stone . J Arnot, turnpiking .... W SOke, work .........._. T Snovden, gravelling.. W Stacey, breaking stone .. W White, work ........... G Revnolds, teaming. . E J Clark, bridge .......... J l3alson, breaking ssone... W White, 1Il .. T Bickte, gravelling .... J Flintoif, repairing bridge.. W Staceyv, breaking stone .... F Nich oils, gravelling .. C Nich onus, turupiking .. F Nichols, work-,........... T Johns, ce .... G Cook, breaking stone.. Reynolds & Courtice, teaming J Aldsworth, gravelling .. G Gilbert, breaking stene... Reynolds & White, fill ditcti. R E Osborne, drain........ G VanDy ke, breaking stene. E J Clark,: rapairing bridge., Reynolds & White, work. T Snowden, rveln DivisioN No. 4. J Byers, work ............ R Reynolds, work .......... A Taylor I ....... R fteynolds, ce B Moore, ce . J Mutton, building bridge... R Revnolds, work. ........ J RCole, ...... il Hooey, ...... P Curtis , ... R Reynolds, ...... J utton,...... TGoodman, breaking stone, W Brent, work......... B Moore,,I ... W Ilambly, work.......... W Nixon, breaking stone..,. J Cowling, work........... J Byers, c .... .. . T Brown, .... . R Carter C Dean, claying hili ..... J Tape. work ............. W Brent, Il ........ L Berry, repairilg bridge... H C Hoar, graýveiling,... B Moore, 4 ... W Hooey, 9 W Virtue, work........ J Ashton, ' R Woodley, ....... J Mutton. ...... B Moore, gravelling ........ A Brown, work............ W JRoy, ...." ... A Staples, ........ T MountjoY, c ........... A BrownI ....... W G Rundle, work........ J Byers, B Moore, R Branton, W Hooey, ce RU ranton, breaking stone.. J Mutton, wr..... WV Couch, .....". J Fraser, ... .... B Moore, gravelling ........ L Brunt,repairý,ng bri dge... R Revnoids. work........ J Mutton, B Moore, , e ... .. W Farrell, l .... DivniîoxNNo. 5. R Stacey, shoveling snow... H Argue, work............ R Rham, gravelling .... R Stacey, J Orchard. ..... S Souch, ce ..... S Page, repai ring, road.. F Smith, gravelling ........ W Ashton, Il ..... P Williams, .... E Pascoe, I, .... J Meculloch, work........ R Hall, graveliing .......... J Hobbs, repairing roaci.. J Baison, breaking stone.... R Stacey' teaming........_. S Souch, " J Stark, road work........ J Campbell, gravelling.. J E Dyer, gravelling ... R =tce, repairing road.. L Ratire.repairing road.. teaming....... J E D.ver, work ........... S Bush, ........ WPotterc W Werry, " Hl Fascoe, J Balson, E Reynolds ............ J Barton, ........ R B Mitchell, work........ Cartwright Tp. share expend. qFý i -9 - 1 x ýt 1 > 1 1 8 0O 84 54 5 00 7 00 2 50 6 21 3 00 8 00 15 87 6 0O 6 00 5 00 21 60 10 0O 1 50 27 70 4 40 50 1 0O 1L) 46 12 GO 80 GO 1 50 25 GO 3 0O 8 25 1 GO 6 GO 14 GO 287 Oa 1 00 3 00 2 50 5 Go 4 50 1 00. 1225 300 300 5 25 27 00 '25 00) G650 7 (JO 7 50 15 00 50on 1où 5 75 2 00 14 f6 279 29 70 28 00 4 W 1 50 3 50 4 00 50 25 50(» 9 00 15 50 3 25 13 50 7 75 29 25 12 30 10 50 8 GO 1 00 3 00 3 GO 3 25 40 40 2 50 2 GO 2 75 4 75 1 75 525 77 3 5'0 il Go 2 50 8 GO 13900 il 30 24 100 5 20 12 80 15 GO 12 GO 4,00 3 00 2 50 4 25 10 tlO R 75 10 Go 15 00 I50 12 50 2 50 363 5100O 9 Go 3 Go SoO 100 50 3 Go 8 25 14 25 B254 48

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