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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Dec 1898, p. 3

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S~ TheCatatrrh Cluýtch rrTLE 130~~BWMIANVILLE, DEC. 28) 189V8. Ti igsigP1ld sa h _______________________ Ti isutn aad sa h S. S. No. 5. CLARKE. Throat of 900 of every 1,000 of our OCountry's Population, Mr. Osacr S ott Orono. spent Sundav wee at orn......r, . Iar-This Is Net Hearsay. It is Borne Ont byv Carpfklly ris and Miss F. Ellenor visited friend; Compiled Statistics of Dseases Mosl PrevalenIt. in Bowrnanvi le, recentl ..Mr. Jas. Its Development is Watched Carefnlly Bcanse Stapelton has purchasedi a handsome iti lassu Sure a forerunner of Consu to if McLao'hln ctter Mr.and rs. Neglected. Most Catarrh Cures Contain Cýcaine, 'Igfk IHeadacheadeieealherobs n- Mrs which is a Dangerons Narcotic, and Pro£. eys of dent te a bilions 3tt of the systeni. sncb as Eber Milison, Moorish, v sited ber brothi the Ontario Sceol of Chemisty and Phlarmnacy, Dizziness, Fausesa, owsiness, Distress after er Mr. Jas. Stapleton..Mrs. S.Fligg Says:- eating. Pajin -theSdeî e Whle their Most entertaineie a number of ber 1 ren "Afier an examinationnmade frein samples pro- reniarktable scsa i ae shown in curm lady f îin ered on the open market, 1 declare that there li, no at a Ave o'elockz tea..Mr. T7. Heard COeCANEcontainedin thepreparationof Dr.Chase's bas returned rom vis3it-ing, triends in Catarrh Cure." Most astouishing resuilts are jaily W ity . . .Mr. . Rihiaris, ewca- tming juto Dr. Chasesoffice ofthecuresmade. nere W itY .,..r. . Riliiir(s, ýew a re afew in condensed forai. We ask yen to cal Catrs ih Lvrtie, and Miss. F. Ellenor, Clarke,, wer- Drewrite te the following parties if at all sceptical: Eeaàacbe. yet Cre* t Lv Plg are gues s of Mr. Jas. StaDleton Sunday OSWALD BIRKHARDT, T't9 PORTLANýD equally valuablein Constipatio.n, cning and prO e ekSRETRNO aiee rs aar o vening thisannoyingcor.ilaintwiletheyalse _____ ie yST ETaRNT, dw sured y r ChsCaari-lfo correct alldisorders oftbe îomaeh.stimulate the nO Cu re. adwscre yD.Cas' aa liver and regulate the bowel.i. Even if they ouiy Cure. LE o9uffer froni ibis disstr ,aatsly ibsirgooduesas who once t-ytheni l] able in seinauy .wsysý 2lng te do iithout theý IB the liae o e SOans We iake unr grea t 1LD petbers do not. Carier's Litte Livei very easy te talte. On( They are strictly vege purge. but by thieir ge Use thern. Tu vialatý 117 4rLggists everywb, CARTER ;MEDIC GRATE F U Dist ing,,uish2eý for delicacy erior qualî tritive projp ially gratefu tbýg tIo the d'yspeptic. 11btins, lab, EPPS & Co. oeopaathic el don, Eng1ar BREAKFAST E pPPilS- The Greates Stomach and A SPE9 Rheurnatism Chroi They Cleanse B. Ai Lruggr PortH Mr. W. A. RuS91 trict Agent foi Machpine Corn Doarà's Kidne, rive or si-x years jkidney ronlcs wben drivngr Wou the horse, she tt 1I could 1 n et S no iyod. I tc pilîs aýt Watso'sE for one monh, an I reardthecure mnoiy to the \vîrtn1 arn on ly too gplad! al sufferers fron DonaKidisev I mient in thle Uine, of cuidrn o duit $-5a, ail 0drnggîsts. Co., Toot-o>, )Oilt. Pýremember the ni nu otherciS. THE COOK/SI A QUICK FOR PYyR The CanadL DAVIS &LAW] Prop'i. Perry Ncw York à r.D. F.r. Port Atuwiein To'otlat wekreported thlat the( IlUyiverrala is beinga raidhr",! puished and is expected to becorpleted as far ai KabaIbeka FaIls by a s and ta the Mattwan iron- range Juily Aire fre f roll Ial crudeqandirtai. Goacentrated miedison oi!ly. Carter's LittieLir Pilîs. Very srnall; very eas- ilyv ten n pain; no griping; no purg.- in.Trytem Thie first niumber of the Canadian pwrhEra,the organ of the Epworth Leagu, i to ',and. It is brigbt, newsy ae ui0 good tbings forMeods young yeople. Epwvortb Leaguers will 4hud it verY interesting, but it -cannot suoýply the,, up-to-date news like a week- ly nagein The Guardian.' 'ýofUos-ro FIREMEN TESTIFY-M.Mc Cartnev, Lomnbard Street Fire Mall, Toronto, dlated Mardi 4th, states- "An iibjee-t to very -painful conditions à a m m i 1 ftfR.j.PALI\IER, HAIR DRESSER, 673QUEEN m rit! iïÈ!Ù-ýr iviiiiiýIMQ rOQ'.1t.- 1 I STREET WESST ORONTO, coulA 6 fo iL .aeIsvuet .u u ub uul ccss Mr. and Mrs. E C. Hlillam have re- years on accoutOf the Mucus droppiug ijiu th,-, rfo, u '3 la osytat ~ Von~e ieUnChef1 turedto ewast.efro Cboug nd hica; cured by Dr. Chases Catarrh Cnrs.,have fcund( a perfect remedy in Dr. iiessadRs.oitains neither bogttede n omryondBMR. WHITCOMBE, 0F THE METHISýT Caes snv-iesuiItrsani pud 5f pi~no1inr1 rnsplceless; t ortwhobought the e rd n fmry we OOK ROOM, TORONTO, snffered for îwO yîars; m.yeofeift ootes. ItutNhs OTeNAoRC In C . kU~ H ssncmlctbtfru yMs aeF ad ured by eue box of Dr. Chasesa CatarirhCure. in eo eii oohr.n i-I 1 lP lfidteseitiepilvau. rs Ge. rBlIisvisiting lier par MRS. COWLE, 467 QUEN STREET>- EAST, IT uary 26th issue of The Youths ____ thstby wllno beWl..ents at Iradf ord..Mr. WilladMss TORONTO, thirteen yeacs ago was aacewthcompaInion will contain one of John ra elier. Nt seye r. nwhaias 10 aveanyBurougs's instructive and entertain A I us.Eu atealsikhs4Mabel Bickell, Canton, are visiting fr-rleunl he aADr.CassCtarrh Cr.I T. of T. visited Newcastle Co uincil th will give her endorsation asiher cure. irs"ler aî m n ist cso thI W RA p P R %ed ee Bwavle oni .yn rubldw aar al nMs ol n rtils, entiled "The nstnns of Thursday nigt ..Mr. Adams,, Stark- _________________ lverneas of birds in outwitting cýrows, IwfS& - yliestht eriaw.r vUeviited at Mr, Thomas Douglas' WHY SUBSUKIffE. qirsskcesesndobre- Our P'a cre I w1le latweez....Mrs Danels pentSun-iiBls, and at tîtu saine tinte tells a story VR astOurptlauroiwhus lat wek.Ms. anies sent un~or t'wo showving that soute birds cani b)e nte- Dr Plns arevery qman andi day with Miss May Pitch .. .. Mr. Thos.Q e 4-Rr iu oortwopillgrmakeaoe Ellison preached at S. S. No. 2 Sunday One matter we take special pride ina tpdassrefls staesdd o iteo afternoon..Miss Fanny Ellenor and is that THE STATESMAN lias no peer is DPr. Chuase's Catarrh Cure, blower in- e action please ail hicatsmaialyen _5 cenuts; fvo for $. 8o14 pupils of S. S. No. will give a concert this district. Our staff sets twice as1 eluded, 25catsmgcll n ures Aperfectflemedy for Constipa- ere or setibyrna41 nte colUusTusayvnn.mucli type every wcek as our cmei- ucl.One, application allayspans lor, Sousoaciarhn :INE CO., Ne~w ïyrk MLs, Getie Pear(ce, Bowmanville, ors do, while we publish an immense cllrs the passage, rduces inflammation omoviiosFvrst spentSuudy at ome.amount of interestinz correspondec and gives comfort. Cures cold in thse ________ ltyfv ue iOn ureCae.and valuable articles during the vear bead, ilayTFever, Rose Fever, Catarrhal MLS nLs FSEP Iiat Cue InOn R drd acs such as other county newspapers6 o Deafnhess and ail bead and throntffi_ i:ý ft ~~Witbin aperlod. f Ixty days, one huni- receive. The best paper costs no mnoreý tions which if flot taken in time ivill lead aiinllSgauee OA dild cases of Asthrna treated by Carke's than the others. The best is nu too to hroi( Catrr an.laercetu, ola czorpund showed the soarvellous per- ooO( for you, tberefore take Tinti-, ni. It is suire, putre and hrlsa-TEV O K stral u pl e-Iebtisc!.I cenfage of nbnety-five abslute cures-sund STATESMAN, It is very mucli more sat ily appl'ied.Il-l"VA1(_1SlIl1, 1 - asozi ptrincGsz 'otcquy t C OMFORTING, the-e figures are gathered froin hospit9 al tla tebet aer t inet scld lu bu!k , Da't allow anycus'à to 0el1 records. $2 a bottie; thi-se botties for $5. îfcoyt aetebs ae. is The Domainion Presbyterian published iA t i ct everywhere Sold by ail druggîsts, or The Orlffiths& often provoking to take a papeýr that b rCBaktRbno e ntdges nts iso rma iti Macpherson Ce., 121 Churchstreet, Toron- does flot contain the news or iniformia* h cnuto o'oer l at asgod" ,ýa "will anawrer evsrY pur. offao u- t.2.ildcnutrfrôe _ey psasi ,,,Ses flt 7ct ye e -.S----I of laor LI- t. 1.tion you want. Subseribe for TEEyer o heCaaa rsbteini ties and nu- yaso h, aaaPo )vLrlti.i 'etes pe-KIRBY. STATESZIiAN then you will nlot require tc its f irst isstue gives prominence to wh"ilole - ' WAPPEtaca- )ertie,--. ~~~~~~borrow your neighbor's. One dollar a ieand iuiteresting readling, for o1ldandt XýT O",F RPEýe lL and comnfor- year and big value at that. young;ý presents tlie rasoayatv u. f*W5y5 nervous and Mrs. Elliot antd son Wawanesa, ManT. ie fts hrhi natatv as Sold only ri arevisitinghler brother-Mr. Thos. Bragg uer; gives a proper place to tbe impor- ...Mr. Jas. Morrow, and fanily spenft A RD elled JAMES Sunday week witb bis brother here...A R , tant wýork heing done l) vtbe Ycoung .,Ltd., Home Mrs. B Rutherford, Orono, visited at todae papoceiCnd inse ail 11 ýhemists, Lon- Miss Gertie Rutherford's and also,.Mi. Wh uesgeohrb ge eprret.Dr N. Stuart,, iecenÏtly. Successful part- to refuind thse rnoney on a twven1ty7-ive Pîffî 19 ,Tbe Dorinimon rst -tra nd. lus were held at Messrs. P. Galbraitb's cent bottle of Dr. WVills' Enzlish l s l publish a nme of specially val- SUjPPER A. Rutherford's. P. Kivls and T. Ilent- if after using tbree-fourtbs,ý of contents' YOuSinouLiz ý,ow-Wh1t lood's Sar- 1 Until furtlher ntc SPOT CASH na derson's..Mr. Wm. Sheppard lias of bottie, they do flot uiv constipa- sasparilla lias ipower to do for those i wl u rs ind e1sree UR OA business meeting of thse Suifday Sclool crthenototn ae of fourti theld currsci pure J, Coal at the foîîowing:cS - when Mr . F. M. Brimacombe was elec- pation. Satisfaction or no pay whnsia aarremtsnevunsSrno ol, aicizs'aaro ted to the office of Superintendent, and W ills' Pis are used. are* trouibled with any ailimient $4.75 per toni; delivered to any part* - a adres, ngossd nd raeda.Stott &'Jury, ernmist, Bowman.ivil]e. caused or promnoted by imýpuire blood,- eaadpeetdbMr cb .liibotham & Son, chemist, Bow- talte lood's ,Saraaii at once. of town $5,25. TO L S petiondof a quatedMr.of a cysabor easy tn' Iod t Sae esyomoptrae Uscuie 'ar ndamotai thrkid behaif of the donors, marking the com, ville. llH' usaepop u fiin,11laving hiandied this Coal for, 24 con- as Suda) -ScIool worker, 15 years of I)ARLINGTON COUNIL. Neyer bie idie: if your bauds cannot t1> 1LGra i euivasadams i te id whiclswas spent in the capacity of Snp- b)e empl%3Ted usefuily, attend to the cuil- _______aittirnes wecan rcmed as both best e ëlsîtficieut for the suppiv of tbis section the Canada'. Greatest Liniment. members ail presenit, Reeve Pascoe A.f J Jfl'4 public can déend on always getting dean, Funarilla - Griffith.' Menthol Liniment Io the great- pead andontson was ofimed and dry doSa. and trates muscle, membrane and tissue to the sîgncd by the Reeve. A commnscaii- eA i h past ea( preparediioiila 4 vestryee atie soprain heage iPne- prsiding. ines foft metin HI Bvr TR(,, ar topa vey oebnih Span and aches wltis a iowarcevdfmP.HBrce'. the very higilest rkei--t price for ail kid pP . .. _ ower Impossible with any otheit remedy. Secretary Provincial Board ofIlieaith ______G_____AND______a ou Use it for rheumatisim, neuTralgia , headl- -acknowled.ging receipt of aunual ric-soehue cr-neriad GoreSts., < aches and ail oeresa*, sweillng and Iu- port. John Potier, sanitary inspector, o IPr alnln st otf ail Liver, flammation. Ail drnggiats, 25 et*. Z r2 nîu bsreot.Teeaco.Gt*Tr, . , ALT-or arsem, ubg Blood Medicines. KDONpromntownls ep oCrtwriebu rwok sieasITtlI? iiaSd Arrcn-selsanso e'lso RkhiSait fo done on towu ine was laid over to niext à ait* caiebandrsesalas ltsfon h and lt for~ ýCFfO FOROu eneayeeigasmbro meeting. Thse Treasurer p-reseuted 'LL S. bnls asbl, Doorsý, etc., unstck iGant and - fricnds gatbered at the borne of Mrs. tIs fnanrcate ort hav chub Is le sti 2ad1 cl'to order. - Hi opait. larvey Kerr, before tseir 'removal to lws inructd t hae pb]ilfewae li0- 0(1Wand satitfaction Iarnpectio xnîe Compiints. Osbawa, and made ber and lier family lwdrcs Mrs. Reynolds paid $1-0o 1 ~ i~md urued te a presenlation. After "Ail hall the wbici w'as acecepted un full of balaniice and Purifyti. PwroJeu'am"wasugan due on dlaini for land sold. A by),-law 1 . ______ ~ ~ orea of Mrss. Keraverycompiimnand munipal lcin.TeReewsîls[D al&drsadM. onLepeetd1 rn ods ý of the qM~[L II Iood.Rev. A. E. Tonkin offered prayer, bie wspse roii>frhodn ft redt r.Kr eycmlmnayautborized to grnt rdb* th era ieadrs dtrMsseMayndaKr, and Mr.JhLe rs. auer$4 . lu err n1as'eisment ists, and.lber with au easy chai r. Au add ress, Treasurer as. follewS- Wm. Rankîni cost y__________B,ÂVLE read by Miss E. A. Cole, was presented ofr11mtl(fidiet Kr nd- Arot and famîly. Mr. R. J, Luke pre- $.0 .Lnmi eudo ttt sented Misses Mary and Ida with Ox- labor tax $1.13; J Pye cedar$3 )21; J. ford Bibles, in bebaif of Kedron Choir Percy spikes and iror1îs 3, .10; McClelilan1 and Sabba th Scbooi. Miss S. Farrel pre- o ubradcdr$27.Rc sented Mrs. Arnoît a daughlter of Mrs. 9W;oodlev lumbger $ 0 . Gîrat;Pale sialnnn Kerr, witb a Bibie, and Masters Levi sbee daae ;H 51it rnil îe hala." Q l and Harvey, Ida and Jessie Arrt 9;JàSanon rve5.0;J oVe wt itrbokae$2B.Courtice gravel 3.";P. 'c rs. aliagher a ew -Mi ~ nu wthpitrebols. Msr. J. Lee repiied gae 2 nwe gravU1O a I I'JI , VUI ùpcý Onte iln bebaif of the fansily. Speechies were Oke gravel $8. 75; T. Snodn,,1ý% made by Mr. J. T. H.. Hancock, Mr. J. $15; H. Elliott, jr., postage, statiouary ce, the Popular Dis- Luke. Mr. F. Lee, and Mr. H. F. etc. $1580;M.A Jaepntg Lease of Liteu4&î WNerry. Letters front Mr McBrien, $t77i.l.Bow ttua ci on f'o ts anîS oe r"" ige eig Public Scbooi Inspector, and Mr. J. D) cil, mîleage and services ou _ommiitteesz1,3oQ S e îpahy, Proves that Howden, of Wbitby, expressang regret 32; R. Foster, do. $45] o L. M. Cour- ýy Puis Cure Kidney at not being abie 10 attend, were read lice, do. $47.80; A. E. Clemens;.(do. ~: I~hUs~ by -the chairman, Mr, J, Davis. Tea $435;T. Pascoe, do. $44.55; H. Ellot, u 1ItI j5 II ment:~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~j- "Isfee o asre yteldeadatre~j.balance on salary cas Clerk s$50; H.L Expsure 1cold, indigestionau with pains acros m joying some imusie and pleasant co îoînsaar a trasre, $5;Wm d sei, liing,împurelol(,ds-____________________ dizincs, nd indedversation, "Gqd be witia you tli we Creeper janitor $25;Bor of Hleati downssen iis nalvnîae Igot very bad, and meet again." was sung, and théecoom- $28- oni dore o audy om n oo arudn yinc We h-ave sold piles of Boots the lasI five or six weeks and have loIs id ftc hae t sop anydeprte fr Ieirhoms.Dec. 81st aI 1 p. M. H. ELIiOTTE,,11a - conditionts, areý ail causes of erysipelasý. ai tns haie sver Township Cek. Il ill afford comfort 10 thousands 10to dupos oyet, and very echeap-flrst-class goods at verysmi -rcs lstaindshnn tere d A A Pomt eievueicrbadce, 1i-know tIsaI, ordinary care and tIseusec of My Spriug stock is irinost of it-and we fnd Our shelves crowdect. ches, but they did me ziness, nausea, constipation, pain in- P,, 1(aine'rs oCelrv Copound, thü v,,eimnl ew.tmr om n r on aei, flwpie aeay ýn got Doans Kidncy Avr laateettoside,zuarranteed 10 Ibose uin-tsedagrsofcrdsposca b aoie dnstrtook thern ALvttyepînasanî event tookaplace.aI aer s Wbeaîay fto ym m1aov r«î n Ou! crry it.o i nicopitlyc~et.the residence of Mr Wrn. Rvods iiteive us neads.Sml oe rmîcsl ise use of Paiîie's ulcrya odassorîmient of Ladies' Oxford,,olored and black at asù reii l eCnte tre, edredy veondose. Susalpili. ceiery Copon wil quickly banish ailI's Calf and Cordovan Blmns, sewed and rvittd, foni$1.40 s of Doans Pilla, and wben their daugliter Rose was united b dngrs,10$250, worth $l2,00 10 $3ý50. Children's Button and Bls 5c, 50c to rccommend tlsernto marriage te . Mr. Thomas W. Bone, TheJanuiary number of theDeinieator Iî, unfortuniiately you are subject 10 --. 1 kidney troubleinu any of Grand Rapids. Midi.TIse ceremony is calied thse boliday n.umb er and is Ij theli disease and have flot used Dr.75c ohSO,5,ad$10.,ByauYohs10orepn was performed by Rev, J. H. Talbot. most accurate and complele index o0, 11>f helps'g,>reýaî prescriptuon, we say, witih in prices. ?iiis are a never.fibing of St .George's, a d the bride and groom thse requirenîas of fasl-ioni, aniei - a d1c'ire for your weifare,t give Paine's WewIteiou hatesoc slecianeerpi. Th D1ses, Diate, e, Do-wr îeddbyMs d enls mo oshl ndsca noîstion, cl Cou u an nsant t ial, sdgoreason we do tIsaI is because -we know Latest Spring styles now lun raek acUi zi y rol, esi and Mr. Robert Reynolds...TIse Thse first of a series of six pap)ers on ts rsI oma eabe10fll udeo ýta. priee-, c.aý, box, i for Oshawa Roier Milîs h i aan changrd( deveiopmenl of a boy, by Mrs. AUice stock in every Une. The public is invited te inspect ourstock ; no .The Doan KiAi2y PiI bauds, Mr Campel liavgsold out 10 Maynell, t-cals lu a delighîIIful way of Mrs. Johnl a.glier, Mablelon, P. Q. trouble 10 show goods-we do il with pleasure. Trunks,BgsSaces sue-Doan's-and refuse Mr. McLaren, Renfrew..Mr. Good early evidences of co iuns.Tliti one of tbe manyý saved fromt deatli hy Shawl Straps, fancy and plain:. Dresning,- the very best Ihat can be heal aspurbaedtIs eatregrocery c ivlo o Ie oc , y Elea.,port Paine's Celiry Comnpound, wriles as bouglit. 'Cheap trash dressing is dear, il wýIl muin the boots il is appli. sto ýk, of J. A. Thornpson. ..Mr. M, C Georgen. deai.s with flexib)iiilyv of tone. follows:d to - 4s Rose, traveler for tIse McLa ghlun Car- TIse ousehoid Loipics, linen: Ils care and "thlIe winler of 1897 IIsail evr e o riageCo., has moved 10 London .,... Mr preservation, sorne Scotch ishsand attllack0ot rysipelas. At tIse saine lime Repairing done un ail ils branches in first-elass style. Fine work Govue of thse town uine, Darlingî nl, deliciotis small cakes, witj Ise mýiiattîer 1mY lood0 was ont of -rder, I was comn- made 10 order, sure fit or no sale. Tbankîng my cLstomiers for past feif from a hay mow toelIse barn f loor isuse in tIse correspodec of tIsh ltiunonadS wa Ia favors and hoping for a continuance of the tamne breaking bis lefI an, Th rsday..Dr department, from a group of sub)jeets of could flot stand alone. I commcnced aI J J. Thiompson, married 10 Miss Emiiy particular home interest. TIse dIres once 10 use Paine's Ceiery Compound, Lick, daugliler of Mr. J. S. Liciz, of Ibis makerniery., lace ai- croch - and afUer tcking five botties I wasD .A VS nl- Bombay some two years ago, etîngý, t atigkntting, etc.,arýe of file greally bcncffited, and seemed bo takle- died inDenver, Dec. 101h., linte 351h 1isualgi order of ment. The Delitn a n)ew lease o-f life. I know front exper- Bae lok omnil' year of bis age. 1lie had gone there alor Puiblîshin-, Co. Toronto, l'iliitedl icce Ibal Pa.ine's Celcry Compound is Bae lc.Bwavie KES M d', ga S. CLO for bis heallb, but tIsaI dreddisease '33 Ricbimond l ', West, S100-Lyçr. possessed of al the mlerits clairned for ~ 1 AAD. consumplion, claimed him as ils. viethus. it, a nd I iiil recoonmend irto1 ait sufer- Tbe remains werc.brought 10 Downie -ing- froan ery-s'pelas, headache or slomi Tonhbontret. _.Likws roubles.-Î,' 1IQAlso consuder-4Paue's -1 f

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