_ _ _ T, lle e Illl ~ BO MANVLLEDEýC. 2S, 1898. E very year the demiand for usefu1 and common-sense 1* Xmas Visitors: Mr. J.reinanti - gifts increases, we are therefore ready with sucli Christ- family. Bowmanville; Mr. W. J, Colo mias presents in abundance suitable for ail peopie. Our .~ and familv. Oshawa ; v.. . lorn, P'ic-______ Iines this season are neat and artistic-nothing better for keriug ; Mr. andi Miss Elliott, T ronto. ..,,. Gloomuwas cast over the village' ~* the money anywhere. AÏ& Saturday wben it was learned that~ Mrs. Fancy Celluloid Cases,-Comb, Brush and Mirror Wl' ArthurStott had passet awa . at the Set.s,Odor Cases, Nechîle Cases, Shaving Cases,Glove andi Toronto General ilosptal, -wheresh M&. went for treattuent somne weekýs a o. H'd'k'f Cases, Photo Cases,.Collar adCuiff aeetc, h oywsbouh oeSnly Christmas Perfumes lu fancy botties and boxes, al Sh avs 1 orown hshni ut stlsand shapes, or lu bulk-the choicest odors, made %Yzsniali children to mnourn lte loss of ai, 41. by the best makers in the world. V.dehtsiecud"..AusaRe Hair Brushes anti Mirrors in Ebony, Celluloid, Metal doewa seeiii. I.A uia é and ail kintis of wood at lowest prîces. J. J, Raodel-hted. his auýdienceMo-., We av alare ssrtmntofNovltesfro 1e ,daynight. eotal proceeds ,of Thuk. LJC'u t We avea lrgeassrîmnt f o-vills fom 0e p, jçoffering antd lecture over$60.. The 'e incldin Puses Papr Kniys, tomiers Poadescitool concert Friday drew' in a gýood intludingVayse us, Pape Ktickesetomet. Pmd 't'audience and everyone seemneti tÔoen_ llaving had a Bote, ae, us aViftik tcec joy the programn givon by lte schoül. w aedcddt J. lHICQINBOTHAM & SON, ra NFED w aedeieit .j msVisitors:-MissCamieron, TIor- E ~~~~~ ~~~~onîto; Mrs Homer Huribut,OwnS1d /.Wadosh ~$i *~t t~~ 'Â ~Mr. F. Mitchell, Oshawa; Mýlr. W, ich- ols, Courtice; Mr. andi Mrs. J. T. Rn to our store and wei de, Solina; Mr. anti Mrs. Sapig Piiot Butte: Mr. anti Mrs. otsnOur regular $15Coal Burnt River; Mrs. Kitts, i owa, US., tg,.12 Coa- SMv R. Pascoe attendeti lite fuaneral of bis aunt who diet inl Mariposa; Mtg 10 Coa Bradley obtaineti second prizeono~ i .0C M M In e r a le driver. Those who attended tlite annual7.0C ~ M lli er _ S a e!oystersupperofthe Sons of Englanti 6.00 C( 'ý,,rhglpesdwith the mianner5.0C ofeseertigith htbey were entertaineti.lio 5.oiC MilS. DINGMIAN flOWbor Lodge, No. 222 Sons of Enhn, hr i lo ut ithe store at reduced urices in order to soIl, have electedt hese officers: W. il, vm. icuc ntife the whoe to Mke roon7for nw S rig St 'e Griffin; Vice Pres. Sain Bra ; Chap T. icue nti fe thewhoe o mkeroo fr nw pigStc Courtice; Seer, J. F. Hurlbut,; 3ireas. hnw syteR to arrive early in the New Year. EvertigFeirfi,0 G o.Aho;I .C mustho oldbefoe te sasoncloesandSelby; Committee lst H ik n Every coat is mre niut e oldbeor te sasn loss,ý1ndDeacon, lirtiJ. Webbev,, 41h A. Beach, . as been vicul eai i Ladies wîilfind 5th N. Nichols, 6th CThompson,P,.W.P. M Bargains in every lune of MiIIiinery, ej oel Ma n,,-thinigs wll be soliaaybelow cost, The st'ockis ' l assorled wth the Newýýest Millinery Goods of M àessrs.,Fred. Farrell, Hamilton and____________________ This ýSeason, and il will pay intendling purehasers to visit % ý Etwarti Farrell (son of John F'arril, Kincardine,) are vlsiting frientsi bre..played ainstrumnalr,11emr l1the store. iRemember this is a bona-fide Clearing Sale .-.Mr. Byron Farrell's eios and practiceý will makýeher anexlen of a large and fashionable stock. ltiascao v ttsîqnibld rsca.Ms v aco inie surprise party Friday evnn.Thiero Bakîer anti Vera acteti a talu ~A1 ~ f IN~ ~? JI'l ~was a lively lime ... La gip is pror- spiontfildîr. sixteen irlswith Union AVI'Lo . l NA l'âAVAM A 3 'W".aIent.,...Mr. J. Phare's lithole is Jackýs gave a lancy diii with grand BOWMANVILLE, Fasitionable Mlliner. very 11 ... . Our quiet towývn bas hai i le,,cs,.The-Irls atiboslav a ýî rple of oxcitenienl over the presence ehiitonofsctol aes.The scitool ~~~~~ ~~~in our mitso f aparlicipatar inlte e votho ag Dwei h hm anio centCubn onageent-r. eDua" witbi great zeal, Miiss Me-' H-er bert Aia ms, Michigan, Yho 18 ý isit- Cullocli playing the accomplaniment. in incle at the Parsonage.., ,'Mr. A tableaiu Santa Clans eniet the first SJ. Awie M'il! conduct service noxt Sab- rnart of the progratu. bath evening anti reati the pastoral ati- -M.J .Hge eihoilt ni tiress in the absence of the>junier pastor MýJ .Hge eihe h n! SRev. I. Snell-... The Christrmas enter- once with an adtiress oî an hour'sl en-,th tainiment of the S. of T. was; a suiccess Hoe reviewedth ie past anti spoke of maýny financîally. Miss GIlover, iomavilje rmnsocsasscciated wilh his life sustaîneti themuia part, whtle the turinig isý scitool days in Solina anti _______________ligitter parts by Mr. J. H. Camrevonl how hoc hat ibeen benefittoti physicaily, I ____ ~~~~~~~were quite up ho expetations.Missmntaî nimrby osoeo Just arived fo the HoidayotrdehNewr1'f'ant lte wosanti roaming the fieltis anti Jns aiîed orth Hoidy rad -N wpiano retitaL;ls. Poceetis ý17 yh oi futal!cidonhu have. Mo-s, ew Curants ew, Wm. Curtis, Dakota, is vistîngi vo, plenty of freedoin. Duriag bis aidress; Fig, ewCuransNo Risis,Ž'ewPees MssMaPole.ecea e,hOpseti the school whthe coat o eà rydte Leag e atifor r S T-. .A ..-r,.. lneofitksar'anis îsnational Laws" a book compileti b, poemas. Universýa1rlrert isexprcssed - ~ Ostr~in ul ~waS feh at herdertl.Ms Ida Adam 1praise on the other continents. Mr. readthe address and Miss Lottie Mc Hughsi' neountsekradw Ous s om lee reey ndProoso Laughlin mnade thie presontati _A- would ho pleased te, hear h m again. vey lesat ftrnoawas pe at Miss 1da McCulloch then played au .% Stor. Wht yo wan anddon' seeaslifor.ý1K the sehool closing in the aftiernooex pro- inistrumriental. Mr. C. E..- Brown, a ~toe. Wht ouwat nd ont eeasç r eding. former teacher. sang nicelv "Keep the À>d% old fr'ieifds witli the new." 'ibis was i Y l" OLIINA. fllowed byrcoitations fromn Miss Estelle 4~a U ~ g-,~ --Reynolds and Mabel Argue whieh de R e a l fiK s serve special mention A scene in a Phoo 5. Csh rocrs.Xmas visitors: Mr. TP. Frank Wrigt detist's office was thon acted and hlianBuMiss oElfod f rtih mo-brought down the house. Mossrs. UOMAVILEsthanBie s lod s Cllege, r (ont, o ri Niddery and Aloxander with violins A Ester lfod, sla; M. Sott Ppo~and Mfss McCuilloch at organ furnished to; Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Reynold, la-mse betweacs -0 forth,- Mr. W. G. Cowle,O. .C, Guelph; Mr. H. Reynolc)ds, %Weliand; Duriinthe 1c vening the teacher Mr. __________________________________________________Mr. and Mrs. Ferguson Pon1tvpýool . ,Mciihwas present-1d---than Mr. and Mrs. J. Web)ber and faiïîy, address and a handsome albumir and Enfield; Mr. Chtas. Hieys, Tnonto;l înkstandic froi tilte pupîls. Master AI- M Mr. and Mrs F. L..VanNest and amlgro Vire reýad the addross and Cecil M Mr. and Mrs. Johin Ashtonanrd aimil, made the presenmtaton. He replied by - Oshawa ; Mr. ,los. Treleven, Meaf-~;takn h uisadsaighwh Mrs. Philander Thomas, Souith Dýtlota. hjad g-ot along SO wïell with the p1upils, *.,.Mr. and Mrs J. T, Rundie are at ini fact so well that corporal punis hmont W â'ïZ AS tending the funeral of Mllrs. ý_race had flot býeen needed for the yoar. This TrmeMariposa, Ms url' endeod one of theo mobt successful school VV~ A% aunit.. . .We congratulate MNr.T., daer exhibhitions given here for many years. IJ~! 1AY ~ J~Ion eleetion byv acclamiation for Cýunity Proceeds over $18.00., Councillor. HAa eveu a u l,1At the clos;e much hanid-shaiking- was Porous as C1eoti. Watcrproof as a forth pst wo).arsan d srvle-idugdnbyM.H he, rad T gheluction . . . . cion of offi2ers ivi-Is A. J. RZeyaold1s and Joe Treleveýn Dtsckts back. Soif as a glove. og ion this week. î f MafrdWho were verY pleased to as oak- Kidduc' that ICW andThe concert givon at the 'Sonsý'Halmc old sch1ootmtsût a np cifferent lather cocntrolled in Ca-nadaý on Thursday night ln connectioi with re union indlee 1. by hemakrscf h. s~mpprîedSolinia school was a decidcidsý, ce s-. h -1d Mr. McCulloch ever have an- The hall was nicely'ftted up foi, "le, other leitertalument we bespealz for Goodlycar 'V ted.- occasion with evergreens c1., u nt on imacode os 0on0 side was the school flag aindthe______ C~TALGGU~ ~front of the building wa.s lte Don 1_io CAaterU endîgu won by the school at Bvml-N WATE ville fair last faîl. The setiolars~ werei - well trained and acteti their ps Hoiday visitors: Miss Ida Eitbeck, cellenty and were promp)t in respond1- Toronto; Mr. D. C. Argaîl, Clinton; ing. lieldom if ever have wwe seeni Mr. Walter R. Douglas, Toronto . Mr. youing scholars speak sO niaturally, and and Mrs. J, Lglow la Toronto, Misses JOHN HIELLYAR, Sole Local Agenit. distinctly, and the selections -%ve 0XAnie Creopr and Aima Trewin, [Ia-edon, atMMr.J. Douglas'; Miss Lilli Reynioldsý of S5carboro wh-o for tlr'oni Pickard home «front leveland, Ohio; 1~lN!T8KILEN. teo. .. .Ne Years dayL3 eannual -years taught la this secItion wIIas caihed M. . . Aga,,O-awa M,1., festival of the. Presbvteriait church wiîî upon 1 esidhe. forle,'iu a cferds,àSimmrons, Toronto ; Miss Mabel and1 Visitrs- Ms. S.Thoma, Tauton, ake lace.The uual god super ad thnkod hem fr thehonorcoxieredWllieSymon, Welomo Mr. Mr.Jame MVsrs. Thms D.akoa wsTtso ; Mrs. ae.byhe rulds. J . Tundullupon hlm and was pleased to rineý, o 0Rckr'Mr. N. A. ickard,Norwood; Mrs.ThoasDakta;guess o Mr. adreses y Rvs.1 H Tunbl many old associates once more and Mr. and Mrs, A. iI SimgMons and cild- P. Leask. Messrs A. N. and C. H. R. Bowmanville, and S. G. Rorke, and concluded by callîno. upon Pue Vice ren at Orono ; Mr. andi Mrs. Jno. Rick- Mitchell homo from Varsity, Toronto; music by Port Perry choir, Mr. J. Bal- for the open ing adÎfress, followvýed by a ard andi familyat Mr.1.Powers',Kirby Miss Arnot homo frotu OntaroLde four, Prince Albert, andi Prof, A. A.cou rmteshlw1ih-%qsuv college, Whitby; Mr. Bowen. Manitoba Beach, violinist',See bis, .. .The pulpit M.u9rmtosho llhwssn TeCrsta readetran guest of Mr. Robert Byers. The Presby- of the Metbodist church Iwas ably filleti w'ct at estkigthe olo e ha ll intunto lt MthdstSndy coo Recittion tho folowedbylMSs>"4u'11 Fid, ynight was a decided success. terians are making very complote ar- On Sunday levening by Mr. Taylor of Ileynolds and Charlotte Trul 1ihTeprga 'sitt fchrssb ragmnsfor their annL ^service Peterboro ...Collections in both woro welThgven. Master ordon Rey-fte schools re n,- r m... -i chuohnieps unday were, devoteti to the -1 ,; P-, ,-, , th, - olrittltiofls by Ethel Colwill, W( i 0WMANVI LLE. itile Pricles iii Two" alarge trade lu Ladies' ýanti Misses' Goals Ibis season, clear the balanè3e of our stock lu this lino aI ACTLY HALF-PRICE. is mean ? Read thi5 list anti sec. Then coure straight will tiernonstrale as follows: 1t, Black Curi or Fine Ail Wool Kersey, very nice, $7,50 at, Black Curi, Silk Lineti for $6.00. at, Fine Beaver, well trimmeti for $5.00. >at, been a gooti seller, for $3.7,5. ,oat, Warma, Stylish and Serviceable, for $3.00. ,oat, Neat Fitting, goot 1 wear, for $2.50. avariely of intermediate prices. Every coal lu stock Iz s r, ail 10, be slaughtereti aI the same niarvellous reducîlons agular Price is so anti so, that is exactly wha,,t we man ti in plain figures,,ant in eacb anti every case the pric r two. Moncy back if you are nol suileti. le mason 0eo. 41f. 4 N>_ e1-**4f4f 1'*4&f. Y 41& we . te. Thos. Tod Has received his Holiday Stock of Confect-. ionery-Fruits, Candies, N uts, etc., anrd finer qualities nover came to town. lis B3read, Buns, Cakes, etc., are equal to the bést and prices are right. Try John Bull Malt Broad. Angel Cake, Short Broad, Crullors, (fresh every day) and homo-made -lumnbugs and Taffy cvlyand chreYOu m1odestly. BOWMANVILLE. Thos, Baker * ~' 41f- 4,4. Uc ~1 "'-M Wiose ouseýkeeper akes it a point to keop lier kitchen, Liows how important it is to do s'o. well eqtdppod, ohl cooked meals do much to make home life hç, Super houd argoVoT _Sick Chibtre' Hospitai, Toronto .,,, Master Go. Nortitcolltan h oo tiluBrie.Coill.meit Baretand thoy can't bo had without'good cooking utonsilsan SWpe soutiliarge Mrs. .H. Mrinsustaineti a severe vie andydo te iýolaj I Visitors: Missss M. anti SIrwin, Miss i W. . atr t flin o hevîeat laeio ie uoap"Carl Piekard, Etina Brown, Gai 'o ice a .Yucnfn huad fhue. qnu anda îu yLaîgo egathering roses look o o the t!io!iS Paons dKice age o a in hisnd fhue Editit \irtue, Miss McLaughbin, Toron - ifor. Telite thodexens tsMoise..,.., Etna RikadDaisy PGrons, k opr h ol rte atwt h in hn 10 - Mr. W. W. Noble, Whitevale; Miss ic....Ttenîihrooietni liss Aima Truil gave agoc recitalion Larbeý Fisher, Eddie Warren,Gere eps h wol rae atwi -epantbtï Minnie Rogers, Pickering; Miss Bur- sympathy 10 £ vs. (Dr.) J. C. Mitchell followeti by Master Willie Spr'y wo l. o ngnt dviiby1 os oithi H PYTH U A G. It worlks like nt,----- -b sooMarktiaie, guest of Mr. R. Mc- who veetio e rd Straiber of en a lear distinctmianer. Miss show; by 6 girls, siiigitg by prituarya'cam ndibusdaadngltitinoruleo Laughiil; Mr. anti Mrs. Hutchison antid tuutet f e rte i r Viola Truil then vendcred a vecitati on clas,Edit Jgbow. dialogue by 10 boy, ehr n tbrsdyadngt ti otobet chtM. nt vs rîkmnaniJardine, well known iu these parts. followed bv another chiorus fi'o'nilte ar ady oilhrl is h "ctieady child, Mr. ad Mrs, Brinkan and Mrs.MitchclloolcnThanMadanti girls, OIec. Misses Edit Orchard, look atr n o ol adyMs h 1ctl a daughlcr, Brightton, a r .Rgr rMr.iTh arinetOsbwaber rtt- ho "hMpic Leaf Forevoýr." Media Couci, Ada Alin, Mary Alin, Mr ad rs T Pul ndahyH.RoerMr., Mv. T os. rinefor haoatobf tMiss Inez Law antditit Vie r-citýd iRerv. R. Taylor anti Mr. W. Pickard ofcoal that it uses. anti Mrs. James Ashthon, My rtle, at Mv. uresent aI lite intorment. ... Mr. anti nicely, floe Yatheu"Tetandtecide.Rv .Tyo W.,.ýotns Mis egsnToo-es Noblewill laIte up hoskepn Gipsy s wavning" turing whicli Miss was prosenteti wiîh a goîti oateti um- Mk tat alo stefrttm M.Wottonin; FevgnsonToM . Nol hek e eîng oled VanNislsang. ecitions brella froyi lteBible Class anti Misspit or hoca aniPof. Geo t rgeBitiga rniyinWiîvbe rs.Nbewl evr oîwt yMs în~Aslittoni,PervvAaAu a rsneiwî o~dw on n ol epesdt hwyutem MedcalColeg, t MWBinhams;mucmiset... .o elcme uroact Tesbao, eln gi, Ea aoe hadeti parasollurecgnteitoan o her no advanage of te p"HAPPY To hcvOUIthe." MsLasgC2esarea, at Mr. J. W. WslkIee 1-rlEaPý-e Willm. ..Avory pleasant enimngorM.Sacyntbid10lebus Effie Vie'Ela p ',Fet.Brtanton, ýservi;ces as corganist of lte scitool.f e superioravnae fte"AP . TG11T was pen ouFriay a Ie Mthoistformeviy occupieti by Mrs. H.Sybvester. Mn ie lrneVcVr ~~v chrct Tepvgrmbyltech1irnFrank Vice. MserAritr (eîtFs anti mus ylMr. A. Beecb anti Com- T0'C CREA COLD NNEA. ar]ra*ed hiaPastore ipe bat ui ilCilden fo pany d digteieverybody whll ieT aie f Tb i ae gave in a ino imanner ê{qyiew ithoodt.nsroite Xmas I'riie~eî,~a A orte soreda. Mli PAsio hone 74, BowmANviL,î,. Q J s .1' - elz, %?P, 'Mup %,%P, 'Me. et ý%1,& ý%fp- à. ijoývv Year's Dav. 'riie prozram ana i noids recited -A Bov's Troubles. 1 ýLýLLUý JL.L«aliili.Y -dix- -div. -fà%- -,fw -Wtï' vw -iiv Tod9 ,r and Confectirmier.