PUBLISBER'S NO0TICE- Tia STTESM lumaiied regularly to its iisrier ntLil a definite order to d,,iscontinjue is received and ail rrasareý paid in full, Sublseriptin 150per anmn. lifpaîi l atnce IVL JMESissuer of Matrriage, Licenses. DR. 1YIAIIXS 1EMEU1ES DETRqOIT,iMich. WINDSOR,Onit. BW AVIL! S, JAN. 11,189 GUARANTEED TO cUIRFPureIy Canadian Newsl They have stood the Test for Years. No. 4.-Sutre cure for pimples, black- heads, boius aaid ,skin diseases. London has five e policemen. Guelph IIis irouibled wiI tihieves. Douglas has a w satngrink. Cllred by Paîne's, MLES STANDISH'S COTJRTSHIP. Cairionis Old P.-m ]irought t. Llght by A. A. Ashrnuni, principal of Public School Go 7, f!riabstes the Blrooklyn Citizen wilh th6 foillcwinig literary ,carl. asl<,y: Dizriug several yaars thure was pub. lished in Lausiugburg, N.Y., a smal magazine called Thd is" issue of Decenuber, 14,hpubisbed ibis poOm, sîating that ih was copied froantise iNcw ork, Rover, and also "'Do 111 ~ll OtIice.-Rear of Messrs. Higgin- bothýam & Son's Drug Store, (Down stairs), DR. Cures Coughs, Coids, Luag and Bronchiai Affections that other remedies won't touch. Mr. THoS. J. SMITI-, Caledonia, 0n',.,%vrites: "A year agolIhad a yery sec-vere cohd which settled in my lngs and in my throat, sa thalt 1 coLd scarcelyspeal ouder thaaïm îwbisper. 1 tried several meiiebut gati no relief untîl 1 nsed ana and 1a hif botles of Norwa PineSyru,7whicb coin- pletely cured rme." 25C. a hottle or five for $1.00. Ilu the Sprin;lgtof 1897,lI was attacked ,ith Dyspepsia and Heartburn. Sa severe waaiý the pain that 1 could flot sleep o)r eat, and I was troubled with hieatdat-"ca ,st ail the time. 1 remained Mn that state for three montha, and tried everytLing 1I c-ould think of. At laat one diay 1 aa in the paper about Burdock Blood fittera, and thought I would try it. Great was myv surprise on fiahing the frst bottie ta find I could eat better, thehahe left mie, auid before 1 had used 1the secod bttIe, I was completely c uvr c - . I c a n o t a v i s e o o at r o n g l y a l aufferera fromn stomnach troubles ta try B.B.D." MRS. WM. GRATTAN, la- dianto-wi, N.B. The universal testimony from ail parts of Canada gives the palm cf victory over ail diseases of the Stoirach, Liver, Bowels and Blood B URDBITTERS, J)IIS FOR SALE-Choie lot of a orh;ait-o Ibrea Yorklsbire boars. Ail bred frorergsce stock. B»ig eut on ps-lcs ibhis manth. T. i. COýLF, BoýwmanviIIa. t'. \, I ~ n'Ail With a stroug, steady, regular pulse we nay expect vigorous health. Wibh a weak, irreguhar, intermittent pulsa wve caa tell at onice the vitality is lo-htDizz.Yand Falot Spei, moth- erig ad inkngSen1sa'-tions and similar conditions are bound to esile. By thuir action in strcngtbening the heart, toning the nerves and enricbing, bhe blood, Milburn's Heart and-Nerve Pilla relieve and cure ahl those distressing conrditions juat enumerated., Mrs. B. Croft, residing -on Waterloo Street, St. John, N.B3., says: "lFor sorne lima past 1 have suffered frons pahlor, wcakncss and nervous pros- tration, 1 baC palpitation anC irrçgular beating: of bbc heart Sa severe as bo cause me great alaîns. I was treated by physicians, but got no permanent relief. IlI arn glad ta say that frons Miiburn'a Heart and Nerve Pilla I de rived bhe firsi real benefit that 1 ever gai frons auy mediciue. My appetite is improved, my entire systere toned up, and 1 can do no less than cheerfully recommend these pilla b aill requiriag a reliable heart and nierve tonic." Misa9 Mary E. Hicks, South Bay, Ont., amys Laxa-Liver Pilla cured ber o! Sick Ileadache, lreni whlchs aled suilared lorsyear. flI\TARiflRANKIV continues to do a General Banklrg Business at Bowmianvllle Agencey. DEPOSITS reevdin Savings Bank Department and au ineetallowed at current ratas. Notice of witbdrawai iaeîar.Ail deposîts payabi on demand. EXCHIANGE Bougbt and sold aud Drafts issued upon Europe Uited States andCanada, also Gold, Silvar aud tUited States Grcenbacks bougbt and soid COLLECTIONS tromptly madeatai urrent rates upon ail parts of Great Britain, the United States and the Do- minion of Canada, Telegrapli Transfers Mtade for large or smaîl sures on ail parts of Canada. This iaaspecially advar tageous tu par- sous living lu Manitoba or the North-West, il mireks the funds availableata once at the plae nf paymeuit. For othar narticularS cail at the bank. A. J. MCCLELLAN, GEO. McGILL, Aceonuutar' Manager * I4IUIi-S endflor * LJ~JI~> " Prce List SMunson,47o Vonge St. T'oronto. TIIB POPL' GOAL G. Supplies the best and cheapest coal in, the maý-rket. Try it. Deliver- ed to ail parts of town. --BFE rd bUR' t t-SO, Lo-~4,~e~~ ~.Agent, Warsaw Baptist churcli has under- gane extensive repairs. Billiard license fee la ýOrangevilie has been raised ta $150. Ashburîîham Public school has al kindergarten department. North Hastings expects abioe lumber- îng boom ibis winter. Jolin P. Bowker, an old resident of British Columbia, is dead. Five former wardens will be la Leeds Coaat-y Council aext year. Victoria couaty r atepayers are agi- tatiug a flouse of Refuge. Woiiviiie, N. S., lias the oidest agri- culturai society la Canada.1 Robert Wright, who died recentiy ai Picton, was 91 vears of age. 'Ihe Methodist clîurch ai Holland Landing has been re ,opened.11 Mrs. Dr M~cKeIiur, a native of Laba receniy cied la Pennsyl allia. The debt on Aima Colege, St. Thonmas, has beeîî wiped out. An Essex iCounty fariner had 5,000 shingies stoien the other day. The, best*rmedv for acrofula is Mil ler's Componid lroî Pis .50 doses 25 Thos.1I. Naismith bas been appoiated iown treasurer of Deseronto. Mentai and u)hysicai vi-or foilow tihe use of Milier's Couipounid'Iron Pis. Peterboro's Counicil cannot agrec on tbc purchase of a î-oad roiler. ' Pickering's public iibrarv bas puir- cbased $75 worth cif îîcW booksý North S duev, N. S ., eîjovs an im- menise trade with New,,fouîîdland. Truro, N. S., is considering a pro- position to) nacadamize its streets, Oniy 187 votes ivere polled la the provincial election la Aiberni, B. C. A new Methodisi church was opened ai High.-aie, on Snnday, the 18t4. MEs. Louis LEFAVE, Chapleau, Ont. À CARD. t - refundtihe moaev on a twentv fix e ceai boible of Dr. Wills' Eng'hish -Pis, if after using three-fauribe of contenîts of bottle, they do not relieve constipa- tion audheadacbe. WCl also guarante four botties will permaneaily-cure the mosi obstinate case of constipation, Sat- isfaction or no pay wheîî Wills' Pis are used. - Stott & Jury, chemist, Bowmanville. J. llioginboiham & Son, cliemisi, Bow- manville. 2 4w' Little Men'and Woman Ls full of jin- gles ta pleaee the baby ears. Stories thai cail forth the "teil iagain" re- quest. Kindergarden articles that far- îîish play' for active bab *y fingers. Amongtbitecouiribuiors for 1899i vol urne are, Sophie MaY, Etnile Paui2soa, Margaret Johunson, Ediih Thomas. Two splendid serials : The purpie Owl' 1Rug by Sophi', Sweet ; The Five Little Smithers, bv NeliK.McEihoae. Speci- ai short stories by, Kate Upson Clark, Frank Pope IRwmpbreys, Margaret Crompton, Carolyn Baiiey,Aibert Bige- low Paine. Other notable. featires arc Chassie Myihs of the Many Nations,com- piiediluseveral papers by Cora Haivi- land. The Pastimes ofGemnCid ren,bvrMiss F. 01ey Farier, Hll- davs is Japan,by Mrs. Ada Wooten Shaw. Qucer Swiss M2issAnniie Beecher ;Scoviifeb, and frequent Fairy Stories, Natural Ilitorv Siories, Stories of Arivarture. Little Menanaîd Womea and Babyhand have been combined giV- a 82) page magazine foi' 50c a year! Little Mcn and Women Ca., Troy,N.Y. F'or Wae by SITT & JURY, Lewmnanville. MY poor wife IRose lias go ne, Aud lu ibis wilti and savage land 1 connotIlive alona. "'To Mr. William Mutlilua then. 1 wisb youl40 ropair, To sec if lie wili give mie leAve To wed bis dangbter f air." Priscilla was this daugliter's nanie: And kiud o! beart, ,,ha ias wi.thal, As any mald could be. John Aiden. f0 oblige bis friand. Straigbrway to Mulus' went. And told bis errand lika a resu. And asledà for bis consent. Now. Màr. Mullins was a sire Quite rationial sud kind, And sncb consent w ,onld neyer give. Against bis daghter's mmnd. He toid John'Alden if bis chid Sisonld ha incliiied that way. And Captai,, Standish was ber choice. Ha baC no mnieato say. Ha thon call'C in his daugliter dear. AnC striiglitw-ay did retire, Pliai she might with more freedore spaak Ini absence of bar sire. Jo-bu Aiden baC s brizbt bine eye, 1And was a handsonîe man, And, when ha spoke a. pleasant look O'er al bis feainros rau. He rose. and in a coirt.eonýS w-y lMs errand did deelare. Anîd said. "Foir msd.what *lîal 1 To Captoin Standish bear ? " Worm blushas glowe-.Cnon îthe checlus 0f ltai fair niaiidon thon; Ai first she tnîned ,w a-,- lier eyces. Thon looked at John- aiain. AnC then. ni h Cwnaj ioer ncn. She solO, wo h troînhing toue, "No w, pritheea JCohn. n hy didst thounent Spaak for thyscif alono 1ý*-," Deep rad then grew JonAdonis face; 1 Ilebade the mil god be. But w'el! shea endbofore ho n'eut 'he language or Iis oye. No mtter wbat the language sald, Wbicb in that aye was rif- Iu oua short rnib hPriscilla was John Aidens loving wifa. London Costerý' Lanîguage. Landau "1coitars" ba-vea alaunguage af thair own. Nat Ibat whhch ia comonly designated "Billingsgato," but a long- nage o! a harinless nature. Thera le notbiug very reusarkable about it, is chia! chareciarlatie beinE a ilalpable kind. of hack-spailling. Iun manyiniatters n casier will speak o! a bal! penny as a "fla-tch," whie "gen" iu a shilling; but "tetich guy" is eight shillings. "Conter" means a sovareign, half a crawn ueing given the somewliat anpronounceoble torm, "flatoh-ynork,." A curious meihod o! ezpresslng mul- tiples ha ahown by "ortb-ewif-geiis," rneaning M5 shillings. "A dougheno" meaous'"a gaad market;" "dahheno," a bad one. "A ragulor trosseno" stands for "a regular bad an." "'Ies" and dnu" are reprosented by "on" and "say." "Tuinhie ta your barrIkin" ex. presses "Understand you." "Flash itl" signifies "shuw i." *'Cross Chap" monus a thiaf. "Show!uls" is an aqul-raient for. bad money. "Do the tightner"-a very expressive tarrn. the derivation o! wbich la not diýfficuit ta undarstad-meians "go to dinner." "Noiunus" stands, for "hao off," and "toi" e18 "a re"Sncb-terme as "round the 'anses"l (trousers), "beana" ($pra), "pearîhes" ý(buttons), "01,1 Dutch" <wi!a or aid womian), "dooke" (dasta). "splosh" (money), aud thie liae, wv.,li b iaiiir tu Most peuple. Deflii tons. Church bazar-A moral affair gotten up hy, woman as an object lessrn ta show a a o yha for ,bliÇn ta get bis log puiled., Santa Claus -The,,patron saint of' the storakeepers. New IolidAy goods-Stock left over frorn last year. Rlaisn-One of the fe-w good tbings thai corne from sSpalu. Stocking--A garment that la best illled If your parents are well off. Bob) sled-.A preîsen1, tbe amaîl boy re- ceives the wlnter thera la no snow. Aunt-A k1ziad. aid lady whose oexist- ence w.remsber about thisý tinie every Mlialb,,B-A pla-nt that la flot as green ~tha giris you flad under Ut pretent te "13 u 26 40 6 ~4atr ouu 8 0 16 26 40 Elgbtb Columu....... 5 00 10 16 26 Tweuiy-five Lina... 4 50 9 12 18 Twenty Lles.....4 00 6 8 13 lFiftea neus...... 6 0 5 7 50 12 Ten Llnes........2 50 4 50 6 50 il Five Liuas............. 125 3 50 6 10 The aboya are contract ratas, and. apply anly to regular business advertisers. Un1aIges uf contract afivertisementa muet be hadeln not later that one o'elocg on Saturday -this rule will be strictly enforced.- t'aragrapb advertlsements amoug inews itemg Oca lina each insertion. Blrtbs, 25c; Marriages and Deatb>, SOC. Dlsplayed advertisements are mea, red by a scale of solid nonpareil and go charge-d. Orciers for discontinuing advertlsemeuîa muet be ln writing, otherwiae t he publisher wlill fot ba responsible. 1No paper wili oe atofpped inutil ail arrearages are paid, exct at theoption of the publiaber. A p)ost office notice to diacontinue jseflot sufficie> Douba reularrates are cbarged duiril. MsVR 1I. April and May and October, Novernbj)é ' a-.:l n(e.ember for diaplay advertising flot con. tracýtad for by the year, . Businesa notices ln local or uews eLlumna tirs insertion 10 centa per Une Nouipareil i 5 cents par <lue aach subsaquent insertin . NM.- eacof meet- inigs t0f any kind a whioh an "admission fea le c liarged or a collection la taken muet be paid for. 1Ail kinda 0f Job Prlntiug doue witb neatness ziud despatch and on reaau,,able terme. The Affce le supplied m~ith a grant variaty of the latest and most fashionale styles of type. Ail communications should be addressed, M. A. JAxES, iiowmPuvl1le.Out ]VI0ONE Y -TOLOAN, $100,000. A large Snm o! oniey bas beau placad inu my baudsIy a private pereon forinvestimeult, on approvediûoan ufarm sacurityfor a term of 11, o enyarat 5 -2p)er.cenlt tory conditions for repýygn1it iwlibe arrangsd D. B. SMSN Solicitor, Bowmanvllle. Datad Oct. lai, '94.4<. f NEW TAILOI1b 5110. The uudarsigned who bas beau earrying on tthe -tailoring business 1iu1 co11unec'tion wlith àlason's Dry Goods Store for, a tnmbar of years bas commencad business for himiself 'at bis roomu8 Kiug St. west, whara ba la preparad to malte gants anîd boys suite ln al the ltest stylas, andi at lowet prices. Fbr those wbo wisb to order- _utbwl arry a fu lina ofsampAes ilu ail tbe newestpatteruis. Give hlm a ieaU J. T. ALLIN, 'J'inbl a lor. ST. JoHX, HALIFAX AONLIVERPOOLR. OYAL.> MAIL SERVI lc 'rS T IOHN HALIFA17A CalifornîJu 3 kJan.-11 Janl. 23 Parisiai e.i a.1 Californian 27 5 PORTLAND. .Buenos Ayrea J:in. 14 ,*8ardinan Mongo-0 n an82 SNumgdHall2 *Turall;il 1Castillan (new) 1 18 *Buenos Ayrean "2 ISardinian 'Mar. 4 * Steamners do not ca1lrrypsues 1 (,oid Storage. Passeugars wili be tranisfarredwlth thair bag- gage froni the a j aion te t I,., f. 1. ;i.;,. RATES 0F PASSAGE. Firat cablu, Parisian sud Californian, $,4 sud 570; rature 1,104, sd $1;3. Mnoin uadan 55 W _sd $W0.Oaigl e; 514. 15 re. $23.50 _ je For tickets and eer~ nomttîas ply ta U- p Alsu Lina As-eut. Bowmaujvilla. Keep yourself inncta if you wanid. be happy. IniPOrtnt ta Athletis. Mr- Mach Wbîc - aikontae a!f the Toronto arsaCubsdO I-all Foo t l CU, ite's: t c witb he hat sncesssud a earbedIij cags i for sifea sorenesa8, sprla ~a al -ai -o!swlln afld lafum AU d41 ruktgl,ýs,25 et& 1 A PROMINENT VANCOUVER Plerniauenatly Vitre& et Asthsme - 'Urikeo' Kola Ioiamouzi Cu'îrres. Mr. F. j.* Bob, 'tho e wl-luown pro& prietor of Painton's Mugie Store, Vauou, ver,. B. (3., writes : "Ihatve been i great sufferer from astbima la its worst for=l for, over four yeara, very often having had to sit n enri y aillnight. 1I bad cnsulte& phiysiins Iboth I .adad canad% We. the unders!L-ned. do 1 -ffl F.!,- sh- li i -i -u rail way buarlon ro ine. wna-rt ti -r 1 --t