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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 11 Jan 1899, p. 7

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Sewijïng JMachines, There a re mauy kinds of, Sewing Machines, but wheme purchasiug ra new machine you should by all means gel the very best-This is the kind I sel. For Tailors' and Dressmakers' use, our Machines have no equal. Prices reasonable., terms made to suit the purchaser. Full guarante w *th every machine. Intending purchasers should caîl andI investigate, or sent postal card and agent will be around. Best machine oil for sale. B#y no other. Machine parts and repairs supplied. I have a beautiful Six-Octave Piano-Case Organ for sale, a b'Ig bar. gain. 'New supplies of Boots and Sh)oos, Wa411 Paper, Pure Paris GXreen. andi best varieties 0f Turnip Seed. êt I JdAtMPTON. "T~~ aTired Feig Is jus, as common and just as resnble in horses as it is in Q Men. Whien their'blood is im- pvrished. their appetite and Ij i enrgy leave them-their work ~ Sfe-els twice as hard. B -loo 0d Purif ler ~_ reztores-7 this lost vitality-The food is enoed-Every particic is dieted.-The hide frees itself. Bots ai-d kindred worms are des- truelad the'horse'thrives. 50 Cents a Package. Trial Size, 25 Cents. LEE.mING, ,MILES& Co. Montre&], Agents, DICK &GO., Propriefors. Get Bui1 s. Are, Now Attracting -Public Attention, But the most important bill is the DOLLAR BILL. For this bill we are now prepared, to giv e the public better value than ever before. For Ordered Clothing we carry a tasty and up-to-date line of Tweeds, Serges and Worsteds, at prices-just exactly even with quality. We have just received a new sbipment of Dress Goods, Prints, Ladies,' Blouses, and Straw Goods for every day and Sunday wear, and the prices will seil them. In G. ceries we carry only the l5est goods and will always be found ewith a full assortment of ail lines in public demand-all priced bargain- ishly. We also carry Crockery, Machine Oil, Paint O11, Paints,Axle Grease, ~ce Wire, Nýails, Binder Twfieé, Field and Garden Sceds, and Patent ~tiinl fulli hue. We don't ask you to believe, but ask you to investigate. HAMPTON.Frn teoe $RA Ürî,FLOU, SEED SANO, GOAL BUIl Esse flAAVING taken ovel the Grain and Coal Business in Bowmanviile, lately carried on by Messrs. Lockhart Br-os, f arn yrepared to pay the HIGIIEST PRICE for, al k,-inds of G-}in and Seeds, and will endeavor to conduet business on business principles. Coal wîlI be delivered to ail parts of the town at the Iowest possible price for, CASH. Coal, Flour, &c., wiii be delivered'to ail parts 'of the town. ê JCar Veth. BOWMMN \VILLE,. I>GASTTIAlY.-Strayed froru lot 27, Con. î5, Darlingian, a Whist 50W pig. Ii formaltion l tstt reeoveny will bo tbank- fully recelved ia. PAScoE, Solina. SREE Il ESTRiAY .-Camue oni lot 18, Con,-, Darimugtoi, about middle of Octois- r, one ewe.Owereau have thtsanme by pro- Vîe -ep-'rty an4ti payiug cxpeuaes. Joua Loi], lHampton. 493w" OAR FOR SALE.-LargeYorkshire B Boar, 2 y cars aid, a splendid hog anS a eu nstock- getter. W411 bc solS cbeap. Rave oLs( for service a yaung Yorkshire of great oms.Thanks fao- past patronage. W.WERav leandvalc Stock F arlm, Solinia. 46.3w* DÀARS FOR S EPVICE.-Berkshire boar, Dandy Il., sire anS dam bred by Green, Fairview, the suceessfnl exhibitor lune at Toronto Inustrial. Dandly I.,Isaa "'Oîos b" nS ibs1ar be wn I"e .21, cone lDrb gt Y'3rs : $.nS 'v 'DE, id. Bawmyn earP.-O. '3. w - r BDOARS FOR SERVICE-The im- 1:proved long "Bý'1erksbire "rneLee' No. 4802, Sire and Da mporteS ,y Mr. J.G. S ell. Algo a yniig r y,>birtPInce Roy al' No (,5622, of extra lcngtb anSqnaLity ; this boaý _rm first l i cisc a t rin sd D- Byxhibition, Wiisy anS hI eaded tisepeu Ibat won tie Dipoma for besIIsar .and two sowsof i""YreS bY Mr.J. 15 Brtlinr Aiso thlin beaten 1ynunilg Yr iC~0kLteColllmo or4t"No 104, this boIlia povd in-.If tW letbe best six mnh oril, tise four C0,- ships. Termma $1 Stock for sale. T. J.CU' Mbaple Grove, LotiSý, GCo.2', Darliiigtoon. Bow-J lumasale. P. 0. 4M.ft C ATTLE ASTRAY.-From lot 28, %YCou 8, Darlington, about Jnly lst, twa red heifers,risiug two years oid. Information lead- ing to their recovery will be snltably rewarded. JAMES GILBERT, Enfield. 46.3w* S TRAYED.-From' lot 15,' con 6, Darliîîgtoîî, about thse latter part of Octo- ber, t1iree two-year9old steer-s-two colored rcd, i velýw. Informnation leadiig ta thoir recov- ery wil le sitabiy rewarded ,Joint FosT-R~, drover, iiîwuanville. 49.sw BnOASFOR SERVICE-The under- JLPsignedbas for service on lot 8, Con 8, Dar- litigtan, a lhoro'bred Yorkshire Whit. Silver strain improved ,'ýhester. - Bred from. famous Imported Show pigs. Terms 75c. T. WODPLFY, Tyrone 46.6w* AM ASRAY.Cameon lot 4, con JL 1,Driugton, a ram. The owner ia re- quired t'a prove property, pay expeuses aud take hlm away. T. S. BRAGo, Bowmanville. 50.3w* SQTRA"YED.-From i£ot 9, Con. 6, ",Darliugton, ou Dec. 2, a large Berkshire- Tamwortb sow. Any person giviug tuforma- tion leading tu berrecovery wiil be sultably re- warded. ARTHUR W. Amius, Tyioue. 51.8w* TO LEND ýgý .'J'PJ....o7 on.good mort- geg seuriy a moerate rates f interest. A. 5 McÂuGHIE.lolctor,Bowmianville,Ouit. 16 -8n. C ANiARIES' FOR SALE -EveyBr waraneSa ineror m,,,yrendS dlirect ranc ermaycmesu ea heioln . Priesfrnc î p.Love birds, Proa ok inBbr a b e Sa .C Ealî~ tht ny Kldney Cure 'wl lCUre 0 per cent. 'of ail forms of kIdney COmplaint and In Daany instances the moast serions forme of Bright's dsea,,e. If1 vlioated send a four- Gance ial of urine. We wil analyze it and adç'ise you freu what to do. At al drgg '..a iiGudtoBih -l* f~daavc ree,105Aneh t..Pi Doctors now agree that. consUmption is curable. Three, things, if taken to- gether, will cure nearly every case in the first stages; the majority of cases more ad- vanced; and a few of those far advânced. The first is, fresh air; the se-. cond, proper food; the third,1 Scott's Emulsion of cod-liver1 oîl with hypophosphites. To be cured, you must flot ]ose ýin weight, and, if thiri, you 'must gain. Nothinig equals Scott's Emulsion ta keep you in good flesh. 1 50c. and $î. -11aIldruggists. SGOTT & LOWNI, CIýemis3 Tor-ontco. îL iet miafline te expel won.l rIedcs ewea edr5 MoE't2n RiSit-worsudoai 3fr Ioc lu fur 2ac ANTIOCH. Mr, Wm. Býe1nueît sold his three year 01J c-olt ta Mr. John Green .. . .Mr. Lew Bcellamiv is filliu Mr. Gre.on's position duýriiuga:vacatîon which John 18 now ..... ug Mrs. Dmum, Coe H11, is iitin,4lier sister. Mrs. John Smith ....- Mis Beatrice Poster entertained a party of friends Mondav eveniug e . Mr. Tiios. Noabes, Laike Shore, visîted frbd ere. Mr. Geo McGill, Bow- inniispeut the holidaNs with bis couisin, Mr. Sandv Sommerville . -...Fl- low\ing is thse result of the late pi amot ion eýxnms: From Sm. 111 to Jr. IV-Willie Wjaddell, 1-lelena Waddell, Ethel Rowe, Mary Waddeli;'From Jr. III taSr. Ili- FredBeuetî,Perv Dahy;From Sm. i ta (ýJm.11-Fred Pearce.Iarr', lamm; Prom Jr. Il ta Sr. Il-Bertha Waddell, James Waddeli, Elma Foster, Nettie 1 )ý4 l', v L.ýiii"iLL Cia i ý i (Canderssed from thte Ti mes) CLARKE -UNION Miss Irene Jewtsll bas resuîmerld îîl as teacher. . «.MnJo.sepli W. Rickabyý vîsîlod bore rccenîly.M,ýr. sud Mrs. James Gilfillau, Bawmanvi lbe. visitod aI M. r.las Bers.. . -Mr'. Truman PoWer anS sister, Miss Ethel, MVapiýe Grave, Miss Alie Soucb. Mm. Frank- Doîvu and MissVelma Je1well Bowmau- ville, visited aI Nlm. Charles Soucb's recenitly, .. --Mr. Herman Davis, bias been confined ta the bouse wiîb a sare Ibroal: A.Cuw'ranteed Catarrh Cure. Japanese, Catarrh Cure-use six boxes-- boy thesu at ont time-apply exactiy ne- cording to thse directiona-aud if you are not cureS sec yaun druggit; be will arrangeý to, pay you yanr moncy' baek. Therc-'a a positive gularantet with every box tisai Japanege Catarr-i Cure will cure. No cure, yau get your money bacis. Guarautet ln every package. 50 cents at ail drugglsts. 115 S. S. NO. 9, CLARKE. 'Mr. Jas Dicksou is vîsiling friends in the West. ..Mr. sud Mrs. Jahn Gibson hiave la grippe. -... Miss Jasephine Love- kmi bias retunend home.... Miss Munday Toronto, was recent guest aI Mn. Thos. Cibson's. - , .Miss Bous ,Dodd, Exeter, visited Mr. Miltan Pollard, mell. . ... M iss Edîta nurnham, Cobaurg, is vîsîl- ing hiem sîster Mrs. D. J Gibson . There was a pleasaul family gathoning at Mm. H. W. Henwick's on New Years. M.A. Sharpo was elected School Trus- teeci place of Mn. Jouas Samis wvha me- lie .... Mm. Frank Osbamne is exhibit- iîîg his fauci' ponllry at the Ontario Poulîmy Show in Toronlao. Your best inlerests wiil be semved by makîng sure of healtb l will hoe a loss of time and moncy la hoe stricken wilb seions illness, Take Hoad's Sarsaparilla sud pnnifYyoyum blood. In Ibis way ali germs of disease will ho expellcd, sick- sud suiferng will beu avaided, and Yaur beallh wilho irest'rved Isn't Ibis a Wise course? OROINO. Mr RobI. Hooey bas hiad la grippe.. --Litte Percy Lawrie lias been quite l. -... Mm. Thos. Vinison 'vas home ovem New Yeams ..Miss Pauny lloney bias nommred home fromn Tilsouburg ... Mr. Jgbu Gilfillan spcnt New Ycars lu Bow- manville. -....Mr. sud Mrs. C. E. Cutîle visited bis fathier. . .. Mr. Wm. Tbomp- son, jr., haý returued fom Manitoba.. . .Master vValter Sisson is vigiing bis aunt at Little York . ... Mm. Fî-snk cBal, ton, Türonto, ivas home New Yeams. - .Miss Francis McCulla-h bas bad iii- fluenza... . -Mîs. Len. Gaînsby visiteS hiem father Mm. Wm Adams,' Bowman- ville. .. Miss S. Morrison, Bowmanville, Wàs rcent guesî of Miss Ethel Boos.. - -Mrs. Geo. -Musgmavo sud danghler spent Christmas 4n Casîleton. . . Mr. Frank Couller bias retumned ta Ponity.- pool - .Messrs. J. Hem sund Norman Hockin, Bowmanville, visit(edMm. Oea. Beers .... .Mr. W. L. Long bias returned fnom Calgary. .. . . BÎeers bas pur chased the lot adjainiug îLie Oew 10w s hall.... Miss Lillian Gaînsb v etisît-in- etI a nuruber af friends rccontly in lion- or ofhem gnesîs the Misses RuLnledge.. ..-Ornoa Division, Sans of Temperauce, have electi3d the following oflicers: W P-E Sauch; W A-Miss E Clark; Treas -D.T1. Allin; Fin Scribe-Bert Dobson, Roc-Scribe-Oea. Jamioson; A R S-P1 Long; Chap-Mrs G M Long; Cou-S Soucb; A C-Miss Ida Gorry; I S-E Hlamm; O S-Heber Souch ... . Oona Lod go A 0 U W No. 16Î officcrs for en- suing year are. P M W-J G Houe 'y; M W-Oscar Scott; Foeman-Wm. Cooney: Overser-R 1-1Brow'n; Record-i er-J P Williarusoîs; Financier-S Culîle; Receiver-R Moment; Guide- R Hl Allin; I W-S Hlamm; O W-Ad- dison Rickahy. Trustees-A Tamblyn, John Davev aud A W Carveth. Repro- sentative ta Grand Lodge-J P Wil- liamsou, alternate. J G Honey; Medical Exarhiuer-Dr M M Tueker. 1One malter we take special pride iu is tLhat TirE TAESM i as ino peer is thisditit Oum sqtaff sets lwice as mnuch typeeverywek asour competit- ors do, while we publisb an immense amount of initerestiuz camespondence andc valuabbe articles duiug thec year sýuch as, other county newspapers do not receive. The hesl paper cospo naore t1han thCe Obiers; The hegl is noue too good for 'yoit, therefore take Tui STATESýMAN. l is Very mclimaret iîsfactorv la take thelebest paper. It is aflen pmaovOking la ttake a'paper thlal daes ulousi Ihte new-vS or informra lion \Ou wu.Subscibe frTr STATESMAN thon n OVý-j wi ot requiretu borrnw yournehb 's One dollar a ) eam at% i-dvalue aIthat, similatinrelood andlegula- 1 the Stoniarhs and]3oweLs of J*rm Seed - jAperfect *Remedy for Constipa- tion, Saur Stoünach,Diarrhoea, WormsConvusions,Wèerishi- i ess and Lo ss opSLFEE, -ac Simile Signature of &JIF m 9 1 arnv, vîîellie l; tram [Part II ta Jr II-Frank Rowe Bennie Bennett, Jeu- nie M'offatt. P'. ÏÏEED, te«gche-. 1Iiich mcd hlood is Droduced hi' Miller's CopudIran Pilis. Thev possess the gntvitalizing principle upan whù-h1 dcpend health and strength. NE WCASTLE. Foliowing are the narues of the suc- cessful pupils of Newcastle Ujnion Higis and Public Sehool, ln order of menit, at the reent uniform Promotion Exanîîn- allons: Pt I (a) -to Pt I (b)-Eric Lockharl, Ernest Wrighît, Helen Toms, Arthur Barrett, Robt. I1alcîliffe, Stanley Bar- met, Wesley Walmsley, Charles Bran- ton, Alfred Gomme., Pt I (b) to Pt 1, (c)-Marv Parncombe, Aima Douglas, Louis Thompson. Pt 1(e) to Pt I (d)-Arnold MeLeod, Hughi Wright, Jatmes Quinlan, Gordoni Lycelt, Fred Thompson, Margaret Seymour, Ernest Barreît. Sr Pt I ta Jr Pt Il-Douglas ýDavidý son, Irwin Barrett, Anniie Gomme, Etta Tebble, Clarence Bonathani, Joseph Huniter. Jr Pt Il tao Sr Pt II-Edlith Orpwood, Lýucy Brault, Edna Brown, Birdie Bar- fett. Pt II ta Jr II-Olive Wilmot. Amy HunIer, Ruby Taylor, Charles Finley,, Frank L vcitt, Sara 'Moise, Fred. Gib- son, Oliv-e Barrett, Dora Laugler, Hec- tam Wrih -it. Jr II ta Sm Il--Edith Uglow, William Fiuley, Edwatd Quinlan., Sr Ilto Jr 111-Ethel Walmnsley, Eliza HunIer. FIlomence Wright, Sydney Bar- f ett, Jessie Davidsou. Jr III ta Sr III-Ernest Orpwood, Jack Wright, Ina Riekard, Weutford Barrett. Sr III ta Jr IV-John Grieve, CluIaitn Barfett, Hattie Mason ('scq), Chas. Ehl- beck. Jr IV ta Sr IV-Meda Brown, Emi]y Orpwood, Ette Toms. It is quite common ta sec vem' hearty eaters very thin,, Ibis indicates fauîlty nutrition. The systems of sncb -people crave noumisbmeut and doîîî get it ; ai- lhough overwork-ing their digestive or- gaîts tbey are starving slowly because what thcv cal doesn't assîmilate. Mil- ler's Comipouud Iron Plls increase the power of digestion and assimilatian, so that, the fuil bene fit will be derived from what is eatcn. This is noticable in lu- .crcased weight and slrength andI the general feeling of comfart that follow their use. TYRONE. Pollowing is the report of Senior Div- iSion oIf Tymusce Public Sehool for Faîl tetrri. Standing j: based ou writtenex- ami natians hoN' durîng tern iin cansid - eration with class womk. Commercial Class. Maximum 1000: Alice Creeper 790; Cora Scott 600; Bert. Creepor 590. Public Schooi Leaving Class. Maxi - mumi 1000. Bort Creeper 795; Cora Scott 780; Percy Clemens 769, Mary Sanders. 750: Will Stock 419. Entrauce Class. Maximum 1000: Loule Welch 825; lloward Sanders 800; Addie Lin'd,,5y 540; Gertie Skinner 495.' OSHAWA., - The mesidence of Mr. J. W. Ellis was 1he scene of a very happy event, Dec.26th iwhen Miss Helena Russell, youngest daughter of Mm. Andrew Hall, and àMr. George bander, of El Paso, Texas, werc unîled in marriago. Miss Winnie May,. cousin of the bride, acted as bridesmaià . aud Miss May Munro, Toronto, ulece of the bride, as maid of honor. Tîse grot ru was supported by Mm. JohnMedlid, Toronta. Roi'. J.P Wilson porfarmed the ceremony in the preseuce of the im mediale relatives of the bride and gr om Afler a sumptuons mepast had been par taken af andI speeches, toasts, etc., lu- dulged iu, the yonng couple started on a short trip. The presents were botb costly andI numerous. Mm. andI Mrs. Lander leave for their new home in El Paso lu a few davs. Goal, Gralil, Wood, Luffiber, etc., etc. SIGNATURE IS ON THE 0 orEVE1RY BOTTLE 0OP Oasera a utnIla ena6-Bise boutlas enly. It is nlot aeld ini bulk. Don't allow anyoas to oeali yen aaything tise an tiseplea, or promise that it la " i st las goosîle ana ilwill answer avary pur- Pesa." *e-Se thawt yu engt OASTORIA Thoa lu.- similevOs7 ê*** >********4'***** Unlil furthem notice SPOT CASH will buy fresh mincd, well screened Coal at the following prictes: Secranton Coal, ail sizes, at hambor $4.75 per ton ; delivered to any part of towu $5.25. Ilaving handied this Coal for 24 cou- secutive years aud almost ail other kinds at times we-can recommend it as bath beat andI cbeapest. Ounr shied capacity beiug sufficieut for the suppli' of this sectiofn the public eau depend on aiways getting dlean, dry coal. As in the past we are prepared ta pay the very bigliesl market price for ail kinids of GRAIN AND SEED S delivered at aur storehouses corner, King aud George Sts., or at Port Darlinglon. SALT-coamse, fiue sud daimy-in bags andI barrels, aisa Retsaf Rock Sait for catile anti horses alwa ys on hand Lumb r, Lath, Shingles, Sash, Doors, etc., lu Stock aud ruadecta orderý Inspection invited aud satiisfaction guaranleed, BOWMANVIILLe. *****************... (',,,,******* *1 I i i wvvvvvvveg--.**o06a-I The Beaver BlooCk Sale Of Boots and Shoes Stili Going On.... - We have sold piles of Boots the last five or six weeks and have lots to dispose of.yet, and very cheap-first-class goods at very small rr.iccs, My Spring stock ts in-most of it-and we flnd our shelves crowdeu- Wewaut more room and are bound ta have it. if law prices have'auy- thing to do with it. Oui, carry a good assortment of Ladies' Oxford,colored and black at $1.00. Meu's Calf and Cordovan Blms, sewed and rivitted, from $1.40 to $2.50, worth $2.00 to $3.50. Chldren's Button and' Blms 25e, 50c, 75c, worth. 50c, 75e, and $1.00. Misses', Boys' and Youths' to correspond in prices. We will tell you what the stock is in each and, every pair. The reason we do that is because we know. Latest Spriug styles now in stock in every line. The public is invited to inspeet Our, stock; no trouble to, show goods-weý do it with pleasure. Trunks, Bags, Satchels; Shawl Straps f ancy and plain ; Dresming, the very best that eau be bought. Cheap trash dressing is dear, it will muin the boots it is appli- ed to. -Repairing doue lu ail its branches in flrst-class style. Fine work made to order, sure fit or no sale. Thauking my customers for past favors and hoping for a continuance of the iame. Beaver Block, Bowmanville. De.AVS rSay "INo" when a dealer, offers you a substituite for Hood's Sarsapaifila ITheme is nathing "'jnst as good" onlylload's. OWR AIRLEEXcIaLLNCE-Parm sudný Home, advertised elsewhere, is a journ. of rare excellence. Evemy numii-ber reploIe with suggestions andI informat. ion of especial intrest. The Hlan. di' Atlas of the Wald, conitaiuiug 21a pages, aud ucarli' two hiundred Colomed Maps and Views, is inceluded wvith eaci, subseription for 35 cents extra. CIidre SrT for We gua-eantee that the., -PLasters wml relleve pain qisiciier tisan"ay, othea-, Put UP 0-* ix ~ETIOL25C. in boxes nc $LOO allows yots to eut tfii PLaiter axy ma"e feO D&RL Every famîïy PLÂM~ ready for au ounor- -V EXACT COPYOCE WRA PPER. -L --I- 1 la canised by torpxd liver, whxch iprevent s diges- tioni and permits food to ferment and putrtfy ltu 1he stomaci. Then fo110w dizziness, heaýdache, insatmn, nevosuea, ud .'f not relieved, bi ousfee o"ý blood polsoninig. Hood's S PuIs stimulate the stomâ-cb, rouse the livea', cure headache, dizziness, con- stpto, etc. 25 cents. Sold by aIl druggists. Tiue o.,Y Pilla to takevwitb iioo's Sarsaparilla WHY SUBSCUIBE. *,q.~****.444 ~644êéééé.àé~

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