An Eight Page, Forty-Eight OolumnuNcwspaper, iA published DETROIJ,Michi, WINDSOR,Ont, EEYWEDNES-DAY mORNING, 1 GUARANTEED TO CURE AT TEE 0FITCE 26 STA&TESYlAN BLOC, -KIN STREETVJ Thev hiave stood the TestforYears. frierids End relatives is unvaryiug. ~TwQ~intUau~t~ttrnz our spacýe fo)rWIds imentioniLg ail the 1am Ioterwse ond but I cannoti BOWMANVILLýE, FEB. I,189 pasitotmnonoMr.hms EN~LSU ETTE. locken, a dear old lady with whilomI'1 NoTE-Thsuaeterhum MluJames A.soeo yGadohrWry WVerry of Soloina, who is speud(ing the UnilSauray Dc.3 .- pent winerwihK~lih eltiesand friends4 k9tGolnLswtihS~Vni Plymouth next day. Saturday mnorningl was taken 11p) isiting parks and sig-lt, seeng.Thedo)zenls o' fishinig c'_rafts were int1eresýting and not less so the fish and fishermeýn. I stood upon aILstone1 which marks 0te sit of the embarkýationi of th'e Pilgrim iFatheors i 62. ablet i'1 thje wa ll ls vmrstevstof some f thir decen nlu189L_ Thle Olarke sKola. compound OOoaIUy Tented by the BipltIuh olumabia Qov* ernmnsnt, gat the 1HOme 57D- Ineu'- Su~x'itenentPxonounced Long- Ma emnrar-Y roeef mareed r os) . 1 *',er, is a su and bireeder of Devo &Ns~rmPii~ ~+nr rtvvof~~Fer4~'rIrn its~ ~ec~tk~r~ ~itt~~Lt~i. Thtit~4tt~ ~tVfftWt. ~,~ .IttZ Trt~t t 1> 1~2 S S 'i 7 1 usrCor anly deo ying tic ~. Pa idav clo id stati ry- main T'C' Po. V'. FIILL, of _the ity i ilithe, (2maitv of t Lu -si