, - l The GanadiailAtat'sIlan D. MARGHMJX'SREMEDIE'JlS ~* ~ ~ ~ < An Eght lPalge, Fort y-EiglltCo nusu 1;Nwsjppr ERIih IDOnt BW AVLE E.8 89 EYERY WDMDY ON ,GUARANTEED TO CURE 'ie,,,,ýy ;l cctOunuses'Cuni AT THE OFFICE 'The,have ,1, -d ,ui rhebers anC~duî umet 26STTSMNBLC, IG 1TREET, 1;;g w.3s ,lled order î,y tbaCIlerk1 No. , -ure urefor imples, baick- M jurMc c',,nie~a vn No.iO-emev fr bn. asAîcccde ist1 stricty lu dvanc. ragal Faeachead Toothache. drwfouthcneas helribl No. 4-ue uefor Rheumattisým, ltietd sflos DV 1t, il Scitia udLubao.This i tlhe eySao,8 een,, h eeo ii ADVEERTISING ATES remedv that w1 feta oiiecre û utedthbis way DviM.1 IRY YI' 0Welaveý remiedies for sdi Sialie, 7; ceu4. Cn.Dvt Tranis>int Adveriisinig. Tan CnsPer Lins iesswa co igly aeleeted Wa1rcu! e i-o firsi Inerton;Five Cents p ler Lina cadi suh isae 5saquent insertion. FREE TO ALL. year 1899. Warde-n Deviti was esoried to the, CONTRACT RATES.4 Our Medical Advisorv Depaxtrneut, covoted chairï1, and havicig doped tisa TIMESINSETED. under the personal supervision of Dr. robes of office, said: 'silGeruewn cf t'ho SIZE OT1FAfVEUTI5EMENT __Lou',s larcliaux, îs free toever ysuffer- CuclAlwnet bn e iet LI li Satha Gîtls 1 Y ir. er, costs you îîothing but thse postage. îyfreetn eWrs o h OneCounn......$ eoo toe'M o 0 Wîite faliy juist how vyen feel. 'Tell nuspresenit year. 1 eau assure you 1i eel 1>111C1me......13 0 26 40 60 lu pour own ivprds.precfbaostn.h oudb uat'om . O i) '9 26 40 TESTrIONY. ipossibfte ptornt.eaItsune wh Sghl Cum....5 GW 10 16 26 Twny1 ve Lille. 4 50 9 12 18 1, GEo. W. IiLL,, of the ity of Windsor wudapeir h oîruoehgi Twuycs....405 7 50 12 in the County of Essex do solemnly d(-le y lian 1i(do.1feth épniiiy Ten Lin es....... l 4 50 50 1 dure that 1 have been troubled with. feltsrsoahiy Fiv Lnes........1 5 so s 10 Rbeumatism for veurs and treated by 4 fsu îwskuoral yonr Co- The aboa recotraýt rates, and appîyny of the letding doctors of this city, but oeainr h ieag fm eis ta rgnir bsinss dvetisrs.ouyreceived no relief. I wasrecommeuded IwL endoavr ta o eeyh1gt d Clauesofcotrciavertiseîvieuts muei ba bv, a friend to try Dr. Marchaux's No.41 vauicef lie ba3sf intereat@ of the counieil lsudrdiintlaertiatue 'co oSaturday and ufter six weeks' treuaruent amuable 1 again wiab te, thank yen for the boeo -tirllbsr-ttlrnore.toehoiontaugain und follow v 'yoccupa- courerred (,ilrue, but cauunoi. 1ud words i, Pargrpi dvrdsmetsaoneý'wsitems tion as contracter anid creîe.Pro f0 express irny gratitude. 1 i saliYeua tOca he cdiinsrtin.vieus f0 tuking your mtedicisie I was prosper' ns ys.ýar." Biib, 5e Mrragaand u' ls 50c. totalîy disabled. I have .1ived liere for 19 la tho e a-Iesion of J. 11. Devi tt, Dipaed adersements are measnred by a scac c soidnouarel ad 0 cargd. years and mv friends are surprised to Esq.,. Comni2isoner for No. 6 Division, Orer or d(iseon,1tinung advertisemenis musýi sec e eout agaus. Wishiriý x ou suceess, the coucil is to bcs conmnded. .,Mr binwrtgolrwsth puhisher wili flot I remnaiu, yours f ruts-, Oo. W. HIILL, Devif t has4 had a long and honorable be r.eseanaible. Declared hefore me ibis Sth day of Nov.,couicaerisîrnbycner No pajýtper will aeasoped ntil ail arrearages 1898, ALEX. BAIi1LEI'I, P. M. Baut whil ris eeda aud r covirer.nt ara p aid, excep situe option o!nde pulilisher. pas ofie otce o isonine S îotaniliet. Free toalal for one mont b, Dr. Mur- of the coiluties, has always performed Douui reutr rte aechargeadnriug chaux's Medicul Book, euh uat STOTT bis public dues fearlesly sud con Ms- 1'Apian Mylu October, November & J1 URY'S,soie Agents forBow%mau ville. sclentïoilly3, and ever been au aosidý a-d Te"emer or displ avertiaing not coi- tracted for1,hy ibe ye-ar, nons commtise workser, sud bis Pro. Buinsnoii, tice nlclor uews coliurasfirs You eau gef x aur own paPer free for amotion is well userited La lascapable insertlin Ienspr)ueNoupareili 5 centa per 189 linaeac suseqnnt issrton Noice8o99eet v'seniding tve $2 for two new sub- of filling the position wîth gi-ac sud ina f nykida aician admission fise rsa sribers te, TuEr STATESSIAN. dîgnity. ai d the, counei will noever cbalgdor oltnl'ataken minustbepaidfor. __________________ ave uecasîîs te regret iliat lbey have Alilkinda !so ý li Pîntiulg doue witb neatnesshsoa nb, h ~thuri and de-isicli hand coie :easounable terme. The Dililivione Jimi the hiIATI'jI ther ofin offeilasnpplied nýlt h a Vgreat variety of ithe ir -'g 1 fL laaiand Most fasliiciable styles o! type. Tho conmiffees to appoint the varions AH commuications sliold bce addresaed, CURED OF PALPITATION 0F THE standing committees was appoiuted, HEART AND SMOTHERING SPELLS after erbuch thei conrecl adjoned M. A. JAMFS.-, BY MILBURNIS HEART AND UNSA PERONs«IIN ilowmanville.Ont NERVE PILLS.WENSAAFraON5ESO. Mrs. D. E. Lasalle, Canal Street, Dunn- Wardor, Devift f0 k thse chair at 3 PIYBLISMRR' NOTICE. ville, Ont., wlioss liusbuud keeps a o'clock, sud otîened proceedings by jewe ery store, and is ans of the best reaciug thse scbj oined address THE STATESMAN is mnailed reguiarly Ta thse Muiial Cuneil of tse United Coun.. to ifs subscribers untîl a definite order .tesoNrtumranadDiree to discontinue is receivcd and ail G'ENTOSIIElq.-I flily realszc the lionor wu nr you have coulai-ted upon mue, by my arrears are paid in fuil. Subscription e ectien ta tise position ef Wardeu cf these ( Uiuted Couîiei, ih wîll lie my dasire ta $1,50 per annutu. If paid lu adyssuce carry an tise business of thse Councîith $1.00 per unnum. 4 stc ud îqoity, sud tei study tise ter, ______________________________________sts of the elsctors, uisný due econanv le die administr-ation of tise businesù s! tise M/ARRIAGE LICENSES,. . ii'ou4s.Ivldslctyrassanen .VJAma5, Issuer of Maîî lage Licesa - i'on4ivar1îcusdaouint uai staock ta Resideuce: Centre si-cet. 17! pi iicli yiî may ha assigured A. B. Hi f((îl A.Isuibofetcowunicationa ýwill lis A. Ii. oLAUPHLN, L LI l~ - oaeod befiore von for cou,ideratiou. Bfle1y Block, Kugstreet, Bowmanville. Ti ea ftcVlos Compan..- M on t loaat reasonabýle rates. 48-lyr, i es wîli be laid hrfoi, ylufor - insp)ection knowu and mont progressive citizens of [The returnis (i l ft, i a. n acoidauce' wit DR. 1-J. C. IIL, Dunuvilie, Ont., gives tlie following de-. ie tatute, frime Divisio-n to I lerks sud EMERFCLEGOFHSIIAS scriplion of ;lerreceni experience in flie Reistrars w1î ilî r equ insyo ttention. M an'ýlcfsreuynioolis, ùc, ns1 ' î.i iurn's Hear an Nerve _n ~-i'iac .1 .nd taus o~vl Milurus adiNrv!equîs 74ît sre5cmlise valid ly o f tise Pilafo;r -weak nerves, dizziness, palpita- îý Z id b0o eý.rr yoan to pais thse tion effflic licart, smofliering spelis ut necessRarliv1 i. i ppitrss fCrus D. BURK4E fiflpiOnighf and aleeplessuess. Before I used .ml i-itAd l. uricipal Audirors, ARRSTE SOICIORetc MOfRI' iemi 1could 'not get restful slcep, and rDiuhSi-iol Trustüsi o. Cussion'-rg of B -' vman- ~would éafin ularm ani flicleasi aas y î ville. Solicitor faf'tic OntailaBank. noie, on wî Arpie te appoint ,iîinuifees Private sasanevs loaued ai îoweaî rates. and easilyworricd. , 1ý1 fot tibe dîffereut departu enta cf tise Cocun- "Last FeliruasrY I commeuced taki.ng tles work ______________________this vlualile miedicine, and itproved the lti!t iil le r-es si-y forui- picivg..e dire<'. ROBET TONG, .,S.riglht r.Žmedy for my vek sud sbuîlered iion in i-ifer, us(e o tise invstîsent (f the R011R TtNG V , 1evens ysteus. Miibur's Heurt and -iinkiný- lFenrd 1, ch sssiaccunuliste on ne O FCRIN WEST ]3URRAM NEWS Nerve Puis resiored my nerves te a ceon' - ! ldebî- tui-e Oibt. ý lDock, whjrelsnsself or isassistant -Ill sirong and helliy condition, gave regu-. - ýOo-do , isui liAu -dd Muni. befeudidfroinS a.us. toC p. us. Nîght callis ai lar- and normal action of flic heurt. rps Ai -9 u' i Fr sci- 1,tu(.arI tele î l 11 lionewill rceive prompt at- ISePwllnwen a etri tentan.111 i-. evcr xvy, and I recornusend fbem aep' u, ielaiî utts uute beurtily toa il wlio >1suý ifrs I did." e.rru ots itleelesi Millurn' FlurI ud ervePila, 5c. atuin soiîl laosad beore be Si d TAL a ox'o11fo 1,1 aicillruggist. Jnur;Cr e fts iasrishv T. MILerN&o, rrtOn. cnpioibtsee. Genteme 'sClthe mu e to Ord r. 1l~m Uve li si- u~i.~iyatcnSick Ina1 s-sauer .-prta ine' fe let ieet T.g'f1li-- oîvil ît susc ftseC1îf rwith.li T-l th o , l atli ÀHdue-,i $8000 l ic alnce ~~~~~~.aiP EA N EN .D.. T E L ' stLce anad is 812492 03. ade Graýduai fle lRoal Colee o! Detal Suî OAL C OFIR-psaloEîrcaOfc. Supplies;D th zet and V 7ýr ý-ïkot. ry it._ DIVar- J.M.BRIMACO BE- q.ailparts ofown PýjET-1E R ïîMuRO cHFi.Tortr B.p avll Agency. DEPOSIT s racclved lu Savînga,,-, Baink Deprtuen sd B ASFOR SERVICE.-A thoÇrough'l ineeiallowed i cur-eult raite s. Notie c, rdershr Boar bred ou flic Mode, witIdfrawalý uaotesay Ail depasits3 pa.yabl)'e Faru i (sipli; ,le is se immenîse liog o! goodl en demad qulity sud g- e-if leugtih s yon Berkslrei aiglit moi aid. o! good qualitv"îs ierJ EXCHA.? GE ughhucd ani s Tausmwortli modél o tise breed. Bongt nd alsP Drfti ssned- l-5on Euirope Ts-s$1 .J Gnae Lot 34, Con.3Clie 1Ulted Staýtes sud CaaaasoGi iver sud ______________________ Unritad States Groenliseka bought sud sold COLLECTIONS B OARS FOR SERVICE.-The jus- -"provcd long>'ershr "Princ leý Les mrmsyuade sieur-cnt rates s-panall parla No. 4812, Sire sudf Da;m ilimpoe y ý Mi.J. G. of i-et B tsl htcUssjted States sudfie Do- Stiîl. Aieoa syonnwiersic"ru' Royal"j miinof Claaa. No. b622, of sxalugtbl sudo quslty tilbg won Si-as i Triser clas iOîtra n urir Telerapi Trnsfrs Ehibtion Whtlîy su licdedfliepeutha Mp'de~wa fore Dipom fi beiba sud two"J aowsi: o!a 'atso Made foi-lai- g eor smil suma ou sllpai-1 J.f avasx. Ipimrast YrslbetlikLe - GanIlit, bis asp-cTa1~sdVYthe' ct pa-Emgan"No 30,ie IolyslEigs sous lifgi a sl rts iic et îpre i .E iehu.As h u slps ermai $1i Stck fer sale. 'J7. J e A. J. CCLELLAN, GEOi. WMeSIli, Map Gi-ove,1 Lot P,), Con. , Drgo, Bam-- necuiat Maa5- as lie, p, O, 48.ft. fesrs- Torudyke, Und er waod, wlhonf s precedlent lu tise provinc fa -Jcouanid Mise7'e, frmr mmbers do as,,; ggs îdin he eot e! t one w1are 'nvte tetase Coun. Csrlaw aaid Ihat Dr. ChamibPr- tsawithin. the bar. lain hiad stattd thaýt eacis, indigenit in Cotin, agetPresan;tOçd tisheort týhe gqeel -3e a prisouer. The Goveru- of t h_ isaicomitrt e oaappointad t1 draf t tis ment promisPed tise depufafion Ihaýtîhey stnig caminittees, wtîioh wss would paso special legisiaf ion in the. adopi cd. maiter if the ceucil wished it, but Pub'!licSoa Inspector Odali was iisey would prefer tnit ta do se. Tisera praseul and preseuted a report awhicli wouid blcis of rooru for tise indigents Mw013o!dvital intarest 10 aIl who bave ai in tise Govarero's preeut resîdeuce, S eLart tie aducaition ef tise yout of tise sud lu would bu lise heighi o!flnountsn, connu-1y. f0 bnild a naew pour hansundartia Canei.Sml moved tisai Inspee-tor ciluustna Odell's report lia adupie ud idprinied 1Cocu. Spence ssï hidtsa Cicou was in tise minlutes o! tise 1session. takeýn to tise committal oif indigents. to Coun. Trebulcck onddtise rao1tise gsol ais prîsouers, sud tba judges lion, arîd spureislly c immerided tie lu.i-had l ime snd agaîn dauoucad. tise spector'scsses in refereuce Éo tise practîce. Iu was fime tre obviais flua fra ion cfhidiarias in lise ehools. lu semae way. Our interview wiîi thie Hae rafar-ed ta tiba scarcity cf îaading Goveruruent lias promptedjcs f0 proeani imuffter in soýie saci ions, sud cited flie fhe report we hava. The rasideuice la finstance o! oua8isouseisold freim which U2 x 50, is fl-as staries, snd wonld se- ehildi-en wara sauf te acisool in which commodala fi-r 75 to 100 indigents. tise hiferature cousisted o! Cisase's Hae poiuted ont bow thie axpansa of re- Famiiy Recaipe Boak sund catalo-guies committals wouid lie saved. fri-an fwo depariruenlal stores. Mi-, Cana. Trahiicock said if tisa residance Trablffei heariiiy sudors.id wha thlise nra fitfad op, li e it confident tisatit Inspecter isad saîd alieut fags iu allwould lie abaudouad lu a few years. tisheiscools, by plauiinz in tisa braais Ha ihougisi ilaf ihase caunîries shocld of thie boys sud girls paîriouc feelings place flseme'ves in linae wiih cuber wocld make anneaxtobr wiîstiste conutes, sud bud a poor lieuse. Be United Statas an imposaîhuiity as if wa3 wss opposad ftisah proposai, wisich ha naw. (Applausa.) disaraoîsrized as a make-aift. Notices of By-laws wera given as fol- Cou. Srusle objeîted ta a temporary Iows :-Re Municipal Audîtors, Cou, arrangementsud couusellad gaing slow. Fisher; rua Auditors of Criminel Jus- Cou. Tro5ilcock did flot îhink the lices Account, Corn. Riekard; i-e Coin- Inspecter would paso lise resîdenca missionars la Supeiitend' Bridges, witisout considerable expenditture being Coun. CarIais; ie Comusiisîrsao!fruade osait. I hava nolicad tisaI every Couuly Offices, Cocu, Sarueit; i-e By. deptto eun rAn rma n jl'sw tbappeai By-law INo. 613,' Cocu,. teputa th refu ri-n mtliana u Trebilceck; re Hîgis Scisool Truriteas, Cou, Bkar-Deputations did not Cou, Smale; re Raiming Fauda1teimseet conte away' fi-ar Mackenzia samiling. oui-ieut axpandif ci- unlil rate je paid (Laugister.) in, Cacti. Rickard. Cou, Trabilcock-lî was becausa lie Ca. Trebicock gava notice tisaiisad bis shet gun. (Laughier> Wa hoa would moveflihat Counicil supply eac~ have onîy tisa promise cf a politician. member witis a copy of tise Muniorpai Cun Stuart said tisatin No. 3 disý World. t-ici bis conarituanîs were satisfied wiîli Ceca. Rickard gave notice tisai lie s present meiisad o! lakiug care o! woûld may a ta a fi-ca poddlai-s' l tisa indigents alihaugis fbey did ual ceuisa ha ýranted ta, W. T. Andraws, o! like theru uamed as priariues. Ha ah- Orono. jected ta tisa exponse on lise ground Coun. Mitchsell movad lIai the cocur- ubal lu would oeatually prova ta lie a cil deai niti tise Warden's address îeruporary arranigement. clause by clause. Carried. Caun . Baker said Ihaf liseGavai- Cou. Rickisrd wlised fise varIous ment would not corupel nstb cd a standing commilfees tu gel dewn ta pour hnte. wark a s son as possible so as noft te Coun. Spence said tisaIlise proposai, impe'de flue Finance committee iu tise if adopted, wocld oliviale lise neessity hast heure of tise session. of building a nis gaol. Tisay wara WEONE5DIAX' EV.ENING'S SESSION, ci'awded for room eat lie gaoi uow. Cou. Rickstrd presenfad a repart of Coun. Wessels ssid tisai some change ne cmmitt.aa appoînted o enqcîire wanmary in fise malter o! daig juta tise vshidity cf the Treasurar's witis thte poor but lie was nol lu favor bonde, whidis wera frind f0lie salis- of maak lng tise expenditura on a mare facrory. promise. Ha would bava lagisîsîlon Cou. Trahuilcoek preaaused a report secured liefore apendiug tise money. as corumiesoner o! tisa West DurhiamuTise report mvas tison adopued. reLeisîry office. Several By-laws were given theicir ('on. Walker prezaeid report ia fi-si readiug. Tise By law tu app .oiut refareuce to tisa proposai te use a par- auditors udar municipal aet was given tion o! tise gaol promises for a Lieuse ils second reading. Mesiare. A. A. o! Iudustry. Afuer carrespoîsdence and Becker sud Jos. Therndyka were ap- consnultaîtiste Govorîsmaut had( given POinted,aud lise remuuersîîon was fixed uheir consent. Tise Coim. recammaudsd >ai tiity dollars escis. tisaitisae preserit gaoler'a resîdeuce ha Conn. Carlaw gave notice o! a isy-Iaw usad for tise Indigents aud recu-enuzesi ta g-rant 8100 loecaci o!flthe agi-icciý as saisouse o! indnetry or refueand lural sociaties. bisai theresideuce a ebuili octaido tise -8Sentinel Star, pi-saoul gaoi naihsansd within tise ___________________ -grocundsanse adjoiniug tse saine for tise tise probable coas o! Ilierasidsuce o! tise gaoles- would lie fri-oî1800 f0 $2000 ;' ' We would reconaueLdsbttihe materX lic mefi oeat- clithse jupie session 5and ha i-spot-ted upusu ai fisctima by flie port ias siguad by H1. Et. Waiker, T. ER O ROSV T' B. Cariaw and GLo. Spence. G Rough Ridera " (slustraied seria1l, sud Cousu. R ckard 'wîssled ta kuow the allbis ailier war writings, i-cadi- et the interview wisis the Govern- nient. lia eaîd ttissuou lid fuit foirlOEEPF LOUIS STEVENSOY'S LET' sema 5 a 'iai htÉie inaruey expe-sdéed on T'.IRS (neveu hefore publisissd), editad by impraveneuta eali ibo -l naspi-sdi-. caiîy mnr- tlsrown u a uss e qua- RICHARD IHARDING DVS tre tu-i-s scout- aî orisi-a"E':svoîsld buS aandon- sud special articles,. ud. fle dusi ni niais b pend mouey RUJDVAPrD!KIPLING-HENIIY VAN,ýil se ~ ~ ~ ft sugseh u hnfind lisat tise *DYKE -WILIAM LLNWRT wi i. É,-) dbav btuhoa1;adonecd. sud mnycbes:'iin.te.0 Oîbr oîotie s-c-eabeto taIse cars e! th ii-poor i les tssuif ua u , e GEORGE W ,'Aj'LU$ NW tIRI XL etary -a! NeW Ores. "Tie ntnm ceusa ne,;_d d nui t haa roes tlosy ola"-IutaebyR-f. uttie c te agfreedctini tise--- ~ aîyiruetist ler- fi' cluiilutis MS, JOHN DREW'S Stage Reémiais, ma'llr. îIl wocld be a nasadepariere esuesa illîise Q'S SHORT 85ERIL "A Slip so! Stars.' For sale by STXT &k JUR~Y, Bwavie ROBERT GRANT'S 'search Light Let. tara ('auman-Sense Essaya --7 IDNEY LANIER'S Musical':mprcsîoi2s. C- ). IBSN'SThse Seven Aes c f -mer- seau Wma.-and allieýr ntb Art Fea- lui-es by ailier ,Arltista. The Fnll EIstrated Popcuinclud. sg Discriptions0f tise Abo, rent fi-se to snuy addeess. Tie Magazine is $3.00 a year; 25e a naul- br CHABLES' SCRIJINER'S SONS, 15M-l157 Fifîli Avenue, N8w York. JOEL OHýANDL9iR HARRIS' uew ce)I. lcuion of Storjas"Thea Clrirueaof Anut Minervy Ann."1 THA rzLE LT --TO- Steaers do0 nai carry passgers. 1 Cold Storage. D~T '~, L~ ~iT~LS, Passsngeiswill he tiansreri.ed wit t -jr ak SAN DIMGO, o! charge2. SAX "1;QZàsoo, RATES 0F PASSAGE. Fi-i rai,,,Parisian suad CaIifornianj, 5.e sud allier points iu California, Arizona, sud $70 efu-n ami sd 1.Monoin Ni-w Mie ooaoadothuer pacifie Numidianý, 5 sd $60 single; $95 sud$114 CoastI Peinte.' If yoe iscanteru- Second Cabin 3, tergant5~sd plating a trip-for *1 EIEALTHI, PLEASURE OR BUSINESS For tickets and avery iforimaion a p. Proma a Canadian winter ta tise land ofM.-. J ES SUNSIIINE FRUIT & FLOWERS, ha IsAet.Bwavla Tlisaugli Tickets tealal Foreign Points, AGNS WNEÀO iis For Descriptive Guidas Tine Tables,_etc.,- iTim sand Co ustriet,4.i 1ýe sG K'.-Ï7S-,ýstîem-,saiiluc esd exclusiv, e 'tairaiy. Ts desiing god dist.ict sbald write ut n. C IXSI. W. WOS ebv vr60arscdrcivto~Ou. ui Diet. ~"Yli Goverumeni t set. gente umisll £~'Tiketela al po;nI; nluCa;ýnada. Unito eI wit o-etcri aefW lo adfél~ states,, Mauitolia, Neru WsiB .Mi-Write foi, part!cahurs. PELHAE lNURSEET Ca; Europe aI Stoti e- J ry'â Dhlug Boffre. Toronto, Ouin iHUIad StOPpecd Up!1 Cure Detlàrouod the 1ion"&er Dlsea., QUIeti, calffley, p1ensant1y. but surely- ias A. Nmt' cWb cW , a iard One But This lievyliemedly XWerked the 'Wonder. Miss Nott Is a wl !",(nlay IV fReach- ville, Ont ., and anbod 1. at liberty to veiiy by Gre4crueo btis printed heei~err .f cre of oatarrii oE log stand. Irig 1y Jnpancw!)se Caar Sur.hle says- 1 lad tLkrhb foiea .MN badwas 9o mopef 1U Icomid lotbreathethrough miy notri1s. 1M1v brealli was ii s gutstingWy, fouL. I o eatpaninlu mny le over în yesý". Ieothiug 1 ould get gave me auy elif1pr'nvcnty util I use 1 JaPan- ese COatarrh ur. I frs apictin gave Luti almoFt istn rlef nd ii a very short wýhile rny Tose and broatwerO clearj the pain JeU y bea and eyeýan ad lts effeot on-m brlalà, was ruly wnderf~> fi purified it, and lias reýi.ove-d iary Ye tige o! the d 21sse. A guran e oourd printcd in every pa1,e r oncy reliind- cd. 50 -enuts at aH i ruggists or by mail, Griffitlis aprouC. Toronto. 103 Nhnety-atve Cures lni Oue. undrod Cames. Within a pàriod of sixty days, one h dred cases of AFtbmai treated by Clarkf Kola Compound sbawed tbe marvellous IX centage of ulne±y-fivPa lsolntS el'eLs- these figures are gathiered frünu ei t recurds. $2 a bottle ; three bottIes for Sold by ail drnggists, or The GriOfths Macpherson Co_, 121 Ohureh sýt:eAt. 1 f MO0NEY TO LO AN $100,000. A lage smofmone lis ben pieedlu y bauds by aprivate person for inivestient, on approvefi bans on farus secniiy ý,for, a ,terni of inieesi ilIbe aked ayale yarl, 8tisfae, tory conditions for rpyeiwl e arraýnzed Dolioitrani-vile. Dated Oct. t, '94. 40 - if. NIE W AILOR 8H01'. The undersigned wbo lias beau cea rii ylng ouo thse tailoring business in ocin witb À%ason's Dry Gýoods Store for nbr of years bas commenced business for hlusseift 1bis rooms King St. west, wliere lcie s preparedt to make gents and boys suits in ail the latest styles, and atlowest prices. For tbose wlo wisbl to order suits,lie will carry a fulil lina of sampi' les in i al the newesi patterns. Giva hlm a eal J. T. ALLIN, Faslilonable Tas lor. You don't seern to be able to throw them off. AIl the ordinary remedîes y ou'x e tried don'. touch thern. The cough remedy foryo,-uiýS Dr. Wood's Norway Pinie Sr It loosens ýthe phlegm, a11iys .the ýirritatnon, heis and soothes the in- flained lung tissue. MR. WMi. FmRy, BlenLiselî, Ont., says : "I cao recomniend Dr. W.ood , ___Norwny Pine Syrup na-s ieve best mediie for couglhs and 1o1s, sore tliroat knd weak lungs. Neyer failsto 1Cure. *m~ Kjdney PisAl Gone. What Did t? Doans KineyPis. Mr. W. J. Palpa, ï 12 Barrie sê.'King. stan, Ont., wrte is fol ow"s : " Haviug been treubled witb kiuey iseu)se for years, and flot liaving r cvedai-y per- mnanent relief until 1 usied D oau-'s Kidney Pulls, 1 take great pleasure in letting others similarly afflicteýd kuow of the Wonderful curative roprtis psssed by Doan's Pilla, Beýfore tu1gtle was troubled ut niglit by lhuviug ta rise, but can now sleep, au1d "do)noit fel xveury in the mortiing. I hiope ibhat this imay induce ather sufferers from kidney or uriuary troubles ta giveDon Kidney Pilîs a faithful trial, for I1no that nio other remedy could bave acted sa wefl ýas they did in my ca9e,'*