SOUVENIRS ARE THE Most Econoilical M4ost Servocoable AND Most Durable, Ranges in the Market. They'stand to-day the recognized leaders.' Actual nmrit place them. ahead ot ail others. Souvenirs always give satisfaction. If you will compare their Special Advantages over os-di- amyranges you will rcadily sec the points et supcriori ty. PRICES LOW. LIBERÂL TERMS. Phone 66, BoWMANVILLE. Rdl. Worth. (Opposite Ontario Bank.) BOOKR&S! Beautfully Bound Gît t Books 25c, others at 40c, net quite go nice but very mucli larger at 25e and 35c. Very attractive, leading authors, 75c to $1.50. Peets, leather beund, 75ecup te $3.00.- Toy Books, paper and lhïiex, great value, some at haif regular price. A splendid Photo Album, 50c, and 75e. Pocket Bibles rom 25- the value here is great. Ladies' Companions rom 25c. 'Toilet Cases fr$1. Gleve and Handkcrchief Boxes from 50e. The same low prie- mn threugh the whole list. Dolîs, Games, Faney Articles, Stationary, Toys, Xrnas Novelties, W.rk and Fanc)y Baskets, Fancy Caps an.d Sancera, Vases and China. Snnday Sehools note this: 1 snpply ahl Lesson llelps and give special attention te selection of Libraries. Let me hear frein you. Mollinery- - Specia1t3 MRS. DINGMA' BOWMANxviLLE@. Fasiouable Millîsa E I cm. e!ash Groeery! Just arrived for the Holiday trade- New SFigs, New (Jurrants, New Raisin~s, IsNew Peels of ail kinds, New Canned Goods, Sardines at 5c per tin, Pork and Beans at 5c per, tin, Oysters in bulk, ai1ways fresh. Ours is a complete Grocery and Provision wwStore. What you w'ant and don't see ask for. I-eal Bros SPhone 57. Cash Grocers. BowmANviLLE., I Il If~ I l1~j c) s. < FreghtCars vs. üicycIes. The mn'an who builds frei-glt cars could hardly build a fine bicycle. And the men who make coarse shoes could not succeed in iuàking the fine gen- tleenIus shoe you want to wear. .The " Siater Shoe"' is made ini the ni factory in Canada where only ge4tlemen's fiue shoes are made. Goodyear welted, sole staniped witl imakers' trade mnark and Prioe: $3,00, $4-00 anid $5.0. Suces by mail. Catalogua tfrec, JOHIN JIELLYAR, Sole Local Agent. The Catarrh Clutch This Disgusting Malady is at the Thiroat of 900 of every 1,000 of our Country's Population. This Is Not flearsay. hIt s Borne Ont by Carefuhlly Compiled Statistics of Diseases Most P revalent. its De.veiopmenlt is Vatched' Carefnflly 11ecause it is se Sure a foreruinuer of Consumptnion if Neglected. Most CatarrhÏ Cures Coninii Cocaine, whtchi is a Dangerous Narcotic, and Prof , Hys, of the Ontario School of Chemistry and P1harmaoy, r"A-ýfter au examinatton made from samples pro- eured on the open market, 1 declare that there is no COCAENE containedin thepreparationof Dr. Chases'_ Catarrh Cure." Most astonishing results are daily roming into Dr. Chsesoffice cf the cures made. Here are a W in condensed form. We ask yet ta eaul Dr write ta tise following parties If at ail sceptial- OSWALD HURKHARDT, 5 PORTLAND STREET, TORONTO, suffered front Catarris for nine years, and was cured by Dr. Chses Catarrh Cure. MR 'J. PALMER, RATER DRESSER, 673 QUEEN STREET WEST, TORONTO, could not sleep fer years on accoutait f tise.mucus dropping ie thse <Jrat; cured by Dr. Chane% Catarris Cure. MR. WHITCOMBE, 0F THE METHOEIST BOOK tO0M, TORONTO, suffered for two years; cured by one box of Dr. Chases Caturri Cure. MRS. C0ýWLE, 46Y QUEEN STRETET EAST, TORONTO, thirteen years ago was attaeked wirls Hay Fv",r. Neyer kuew what it was te bave any, relief tautil tise used Dr. Chasese Catarrh Cure,.I anyene troubled with Catarris calis ou Mrs. Cowle e wilgivo endorsation os to hor cure. 1OwANVILLE.' FEB. 8, 1899. TOWN FINANCES. The regutlar monthly meeting wag heldMondpiy n ight ,membergalal present. The aucitcrs in presentingthir- port say:1, hire We beg leave to repor't1 tat e have audited the Accounits of the several Officers connecteci witb the Corp)oratioýn dnring the ast year as aiso those et the filiî and Pulblie School Boards atnd found the salue correct., The usual abstracts, &c,, you will flndherewith duly eertiflcd. The balance in the Ontario Bi nk at the credit of the Corporation on the Slst of December iast was $251.55. The Collector's roll for 1897 was bal- aneed by us and returned tei your Treas- tirer. On Deceïnber 8 Ist last there remained outstanding on'the roil for 1898 taxes te the amonnt of 812146, and at- the samo date the amnount of notes under discount in the Ontario Bank was $10900. We aise enclose the usual statement of .Assets and Liabilities Showing the total indebtedness of the Corporation aise the statement for the year 1898, from which you wiil see that. upon real- ization in fuit of the Assets and the dis - charge of Liability mentioned there would be a surplus in the Treasury of 81694.94, but the exact anieunt cannot be ascertained until the Collector's rol for 1898 has been returned. 1Statement of Receipts and Expendi- turc eofiHigh School Board shows a bal- ance in Bank of $977.77, and that of the Public, Sehool Board one of $47 81, against which thereis a liabilitv of $100, AUl of which is respe~tf ul ysubmitted. Your obedient servants. J., MOOenCiAT, Auditors. S.<S. EDSALL, Manv citizens will remember with what great satisfaction thfty listened to the young Toronto tenor, Mr. Bruce Bradley, when the Varsity Mandolin Club visited Bowmanville last year. On Monda y nigbt Mr. Bradley nmade his debut in Massey Hall with Plancon and Mlle. Trebelli andThe World says, was h*Iro>ughly successful. fis vice- is a p ure lyric tenor ef goed range, bis delivery was geod and his voice smeoth and true. fils meother. Mrs, J. W. Bràdl,ýy,voca1 teacher in OntarioLadies College and Toronto Con,,,eratorv ef Music, accompanied(1hlmï, and the im- mense audiervce testiÉild appreciation by a most unanimious reçali te which Mr. Bradley responded with a pretty baliad. AXvery pleasant meeting of the W. C. T. U. was held in the Epworth League Parlor ot the Nfethodist church on Tuesi day last. -In the absence of the Presi- dent, Mrs. T.' bar, MrsM.Cry-der-man, Vice-President, presided. Atter devot- ional exercises t he minutes of the prev- ions meeting were read and cenfirmed.* Miss Martha Smith, B. E.. addressed the meeting on 'IHereditary and fiy- giene," with an appropriate recitation, alter which she abiy s owed thie great importance of rîglit nethods of living to maure good health. The attendance was fairly good and ail who listened were pleased and edifled A heartv vole of thanks was given Miss Smith who wili ever receive a warm welcome in the ranks of the W. C. T. U. et this town. The second et the series ef University stsuu seale,=y r tanailîtn tf erature as the etr as exceedingiy iutere8tiug and was theroughly appre- ciated by the audience. Before the lect- ,ure began Mr. Hl J Knight sang a solo,MissTilley playing the aceemnpani- meut, and at the close the Hamony Maie Quartette sang a selection la capital style. Mr W._ B. Couch occupi- ed the c'hair -and in intýroducing t he lecturer spoke et the grand adva nce- ment made by Canada during the past two or three decades lu Agriculture, Mining and Manufactuming as weil as in the production and stud et lîteratume. A vote et thanks te ýIrof. fiorning meved by Mr. D. B. Simnpson, seconded by Mm.W. F. Allen was enthnsisistically ,ame.... A votleoft thankaL was ald'o given te those who had taken part ln the musical part of the porm Oilidreri Cry for CAST'OR lAX TERREIBLE FATALITIES. The sad intelligence reached here last week that Mr. William Cator, wite and two childresa had becu killcd in the snowslide lu the Selkirk mountains, wýýhich occurred on Jan. Biat. Mr.Cator was lu the employ ef the C. P. R., bciing station agent at Rogers' Pass. The station and roundbouse at that place were cernpletely demolished killing seven peoplec and injuring others, Mr. Cator was formerly employed by, Mm. J.- B3. Fairbairn, P" M. as opemator lu the G-. NL. W. Telegrapli office and ivas well known anDd îgbly respected'heme. fils ite wýas aniece of Mr.iWm. Scott et the firm et Sanders &Scott, and hier parets iven Manvers. Mr. Cator bas;a brotherý living with Mr. John ilickard near INewcastle. The bodies will be bought bere for interment. TUE LATE Luwrs Quicm. Death has been very busy during the past week, Mr. Lewis Quick atter a short iliness trom pneumonia passed quietly te rest on Frid -ay. Deceased was wvell known and vemy bighl 'y re- spected having camied on business beme for a g reat number et years but later bas been living retired. The tuneral teok place from bis Jate residence Tempéranîce St, ou Monday and was conducted by 11ev Mr. Kennawin, who supplied St. Paiil's pulpit on Sundav, assisted by 11ev. J. J. Rae. The pul beamers wereî Messrs, John McClelan, John McMurtmy, Peter Mudch, Thos. Bassett, Thos. Yellowlees, andf James Bcith. The members et Jérusalem Ledge No. 31, A. F. aud A. M., G.R.C., attenided in a body la regalia. The beautitul Masoule ceremeuy was read by Rigbt Woshipful Master D. Burke Sîmpson. Mm,. NoRTHeOT1n. Our itizens wereshecked onMonday te hecar that Mrs. A. Nomîbeote, widow ef tie late Franklu Northcte,otWelceme, had expired very suddenly. Dcceased bas neot been feeling verv wel et late but iîothing serions was anticînatcd. Sîse went for a short walk in the middle et the torenoon thinkiug the fesb air might do bier good and atter making sorte calîs went inte Mrs. James Gale's and toid hiem she was net feeling well. Ms-s. Gale went iuto another rom te get sometbing te elieve hem and was shocked on ber return to find hiem insen-ý sible. One et the neighbers was called and Dr. A. S Tilley, deceased's ucphew, ,was summoned but betore belp could reachbher, the spirit had takeu its flight. Great sympathy la expressed for the children-Misa Mabel Northcote, ergan. lat, Wciington St. Methediat church, Branttord, and Messrs. .Frankiin and Norman Notbcote, in the empley et P. W. Ellis & Ce., Wholesale Jeweiers, Toronto and aise for bier aged tather, Samuel \Tanstene, Esq,, who bas been living witbhhr,and ber brothers, sisters and éther relatives here. Deceascd was a consistent mem ber et the Methodiat churcb, an earnest,, chriatian womau and the sudden eall from earth was sudden giomy. She bas taugbt music for severni , cars and snany lu this town and district bave receivcd 'their musical éducation under ber tuition who uow witb a boat et other tricuda job in heurt- teit sympathy with those who have se' auddenly been bereaved. The tunerai takes place tbis (Wednesday) attemnoon rom the residence et hemr brother-in-law, Dr. W.T E. 'rilley, Chus-ch St., te Bow- mauville Ccmeterv. SAMUEL WE5TAWAY. The many friends, la this district et Mrs. Jea. Ward, Hampton, -and Mrs. John S. Ashton, Esifield, wiil svmpath- ise dceply wtb thcm lu the terribly sud- den bereavement that bas been brougbt upon tbem by thé Brantford tatality on Jan, 28, by wvich their broth- er, Mr Samuel Westaway, was instant- ly killed. Dcceased tormcrly lived at Hamipton and bis wite wbo pre-deceas-. cd hlm some years ago was a Miss' Wbitlock wbose famiiy lived ou the tarm xsew occupied by Mm. James Tbompsou, just soutb etfIHampten. The Exrpositor aays: SSamucel twachiet engineer at the Verity Plow Works, was instantly killed. The drviug kila located ever the bolier'reem, collapsed a 8 a. m. buryiug deceased beneatb au ava- lanche et beavy oak plow bauidles, weigbiug some fis-e tous. Wben taken rom beneath the debris, the body was fouud te be crushed in the meat horrible manner. The face and particulamlv the upper portion et the bead had beeùà subjected te tremendous pressure until almost fiattened. A, hee.vy pipe lay across the body in sucb a manner as would have caused deatb alerte. The bcl etf eue boot was greuud te frag- ments, evsdencing thse power et the imact. The Messrs. Vemity are deep- yexercised ever the sad tatality, -the victim baving beets a valued employee aîda trusted friend. Samuel West- ilway sýias a bighly estimable citizen, lie resided at 85 Sarah Street lu the new brick bouse receutly erected by by Contracter lliddolisfie bad been in charge et the Verity engine-reom nDg DY b fhsss iet paring, a pleasaut heur was spent in search efthtie tameus painitinga (1). Choice retresismeuta were served and tise guesîs dcpartcd feeling that they bad had a vcry plcasant lime. lira Freeland la a capital entertainer. Tise attendance at the lleaith Taîks continues geed, ln spite et the gloemy clotsd La Grippe bas spread ever lise 10w», many new faces arc accu each, week. flealtis a eten a malter et choice, we wcretbld A.bundanceoetkno-wledae along th ise'hues ef hygiene la easily ob- taluable and yet the majumity cheese ignorance. The esult ameugat women is a great prevalence et derangemnent eft lise nervous syslem Viavi la a nerve fnood and its universal success ln remov- ing these d fficulties bhas given it a world widle, popuilarily. Truls- Viavi and t1is ea lalth movýemeul whicb iiIlbas inaug-u)rated ia the grealealt blessing tias century bas brougist to women. r-v Nicholîs' for wriling paper and *uvelopes. WEST* ENuDý'uHQUSEY BOWMAN VILLE. 0f nterest Vle n tvIIUDUS Success has attended our Clothing Sale so far, we hav.e de- cided on continuing the sale fo another week. Dont, misà this chance for Bargains in Clothing. Men's Frieze Ulsters, dark browuàlarg<Ye collar,slash pockets eloth lined,,reg. $5, r e to $3 50, sizes 37, 38, ad 39 ouly. Meu's Extra lleavy Frieze U-lsters, large coilar, slash pockets, heavy cloth lining, well madJe and tr-im-med, i Brown, Grey,- Oxford and Black, reg. price $C).50 to $8, redueed to $4.50. MLen's ,Extra lleavy Frieze lJsters in Black and Brown only, extra niee coat, reg. $8 50 and $9, rectuced to $6. Men's lleavy Frieze Ulsters, lined with, Corduroy, makiug an extra warm coat, reg. price $8;* reduced to $6. Boys' Frieze Ulsters, at pri ces ranging from $3 to $6, will make a reduetion 25 per cent. off reg prices. Boys' Pilot Cloth ileefers, the $2.75 huie for. $2, and the $3 line for $2.25. Men's Beaver Overcoats, good heavy quality eloth, farm- ers satin lined, good weariug and warm coat, velvet collar, reg. price $6 and $7, redueed to$457 Meu's Beaver Overcoats, fine quality -cloth, extra,, good farmers satin lininig, velvet collar, splendid weariug and fine fitters, reg. price $8 and $8.50,reduced to $5.50. Meu's lleavy Frieze Suit, clotil i ned, reg. price $6.50, it duced'to $4.50, Men's Black Frieze' Suit, double breasted Coat, havyý quality farmers satin Jining, extra well. made, reg. price $8, reduced to $6. Men's heavy ail wool Tweed 'Suit, double'breasted coat, farmers satin lining, wel l made arid splendid fittiun. suits, reg. price $9, redueed to $6. Meu's lleavy Tweed Single Breasted Coats, G-reen aud Brown Plaid patternl Tweed, well made and trimmed, reg. price $7.50, reduced to $5. ,3oy's 3 piece Suits in Tweed, 28 to 32, reg. price $2.50 to $3, reduced to $2. Boys' 3 piece Suits lu Tweed, 28 to 32, reg. price $4.00 reduced to $2.75, aud 2 piece Saits for $1.25. Meu's'Corduroy Vests, reg. price $2, reduced to $1,45. Meu's Fancy Tweed Vests, reg. price $3, reduicç< t'o $2.25. Men's Heavy Tweed Pauts, reg. price, $1, redueed to 75c. Men's Heavy Corduroy Pants, liued thiroughout witlj heavyfactory, reg. price $2.50,.reducýed to $1 .75. Boots and Shoes. A few specials for Clothîng2 week. Men's Buif Bals, extension soles. globe toc, standard scea reg. price $1.50, special $1. Men's Oil Grain Laced Boots, round toe, toe cap, han, pegged soles, good strong a9 d dressy Boot-s, regular, price $2, special $,'1,4. Meu's Casco Caîf, laced Boots, very heavy soles, coin toe J. D.King rqmake,rivitted soles,reg.price $2,speciadi$l.75: . Men's 4 Bucýkle Feits, reg. price $2, special $1.2.5. Meu's Waterproof Overshoes, wool lined, special for- $1.00. Ladies' Fine Vici Kid Button Boots, extension soie, eo4je toe, patent toe cap, J. D. King miake, reg. price.$,. - --- ---- 1 - -- - - ---ý ý . - - - -cal,< puli. P£ Î" Ladies' Fine Tan Goat laced Boots, Goodyear -Welt, cc toe, extension soles, J. D. Kingr make, reg.price $2, special $1.75. (iroceries. Just received fine Seville Marmalade Orange~s, a, extra choice Lemuous and Swee t Oranges, Now is t time to make Marmalade, and our fruit for that p'trp< is choice. SPECIALTIES,-Cowan's Coeoa, Kolona T( special Blend Coff ee our own grinding. llighest pricç& produce. John 1-%McMurtrý ýt 1 1 ! 1 To P A &.% A