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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 8 Feb 1899, p. 5

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FOR 20 YEÂRS EXGEhSIOR t~OiJ~H SYRITPbasstoodun- rivalled as a speedy cure for Coughs and Colds for 20 years and there is flot. a remedy in Canada to-1 day that will give youi botter satisfaction~. Large botties 25e and1 you get your money back if you are flot sat- isfied with resuits. STOTT & JURY. C"OSTSO% ING TPo have your eyes care- f ulIy tested at our store <by the onIý, Post Gradi- nateOtca in the Country. Our prices are )ý,wer than the lowest ý,nd you get your money back-if we fail--to give. Gold Frames a specialty.1 - STOTT & JURY.1 The Drug-gists and Opticiaus. GRAND rRUNK RAILWAY. BOWMANvILLnSTATION. GOING EAST. GOING WEST. Mr ,ress .... 8 1 a. m. 1 *Express-..ô 23 a. m *e~ress... -0'19 a. n: Local... $18 -, P asenger .... 5a4,.. Passenger.. i 35 P. m Local ...651p.m. t Express... 4.31 p. m. 1103es... i O Express... 7 30) *Dab,.t Sandays only. STOTT & JuRy. Town Agents BOWMANVILLE. FEB. 8, 1899. Join the procession and go to Nichols', Cturtaîu Poles in great variety at L. Morris'. Waliaceburg- has another Chinesee laundry Miss 'ýa Sparling, Pontypool, spent Sundtay al home. Miss Maryr Gohoeen bas been visiting friends in Oshawa. Mrs, C. Goheen is spe nding a few -weeks with friends in Pontypool. Suits whiebi al ways suit when made at Couch, J ohnston & Cryderman's. A muLsical treat is in store for ail who attend TrinitY church this eveuing. Mr. Albert Cox and Mr T.-Dickinson spent Sunday with friends in Oshawa. F4clirCounicil, R. T. of T.. are practising a niew drama to -be given shortly. Mrs. Thos-. Fox, CamhraY, is visiting ber iece Mrs- Wm. Mclleynolds,Brook- bill Diryv. Those who appreciate artistic print- igshould send their orders to -R STTSMN Several linos of Dress Goods selling off be1mow eost at Coucb, Johnston & M.A.ame~is aentfor the Cristian Home Journal. Men's & Boys' Over Coats selling off at greatly rodluced pricos at Coucli, Johnston & CrcdoIrmanï's., Bring in your furs and have them re- pared and madle intu latest styles at M.Maver'stbe Furrier. Mrs. M. W. Williams, Cobourz, was recent guest of ber sister, Mrs. M. Mayer, and other friends in town. Buy your furs fromn a furrier who un desstands bis business, Mayer is that man lu Bowmarnville,. See bis advt. A new viiniierv shop is to be opened ishortly in~ the Corner Store, H1orsey Block, b~Mse Veal and Mediand. Cali at Couch, J ohuston and Crvdcr- muan's for the best6 pair of Blankets at $2.50 shown bY anY house in Canada. M~r. T. W- Uniderwood?, Orono, lost a valuable robe ou Monday beftween Neweastle aui Bowmaille11. See ad. The annual Cýonjeersaziciof Ontario Ladies' Colle-e, Wbitbv, will 'be held Feb. l7tlb and i i1.e a,"brilliatt une. tion. Ladies shoitld mnaze a note of the fat that Coucli, Johus,,ton & Crydermnan are selling off the baaneof their T.*dîos'CoaW at hall Prire Mr J. S. Willisou, editor-in-chief of The Globe, wbobas been lu North Carolina for the benefit of bis health, i rocoveriug. Mr. A. L. Vaustone's grocery estab- lishment, Brantford, was eutered by burgiars Jan. Slst and about $12 ln cash stolen. Do as your neighbor doos, use Nicolis' Big 5e,, bar of Sloap, tbe largost and best bar of soap in the market to-day, 6 lbs. for 25c. 11ev. J. T. Morris, Daveuport, bas been invited to the pastorate of MeCaul St. Methodist cbureh, Toronto, for the coming yoar. Black. Dress Goods-a beautiful au g en lual qualities un to the fluest 0oodS imported just received at Coueb, Johuston & Cryderman 's., Mr. A. R Wickett, Toronto, was guost at Mr. M. A. James' this week and atteuded the funeral of bis aunt, the late Mrs. Colo, Hampton. Mr. Lewis Jollow, P. M. W., will re- present Bowmanviile Lodze No. 99, A. Lodge, lu Toronto next week. If you want to bear some music that will do you good eall at T. N . Rick ard's Jeweliry store, hear the musie boxes ie' bas for sale and formn your own opinion. Mr. and, Mrs. A. R, Fawcett o f the Leader and Recorder,TorontoJunction, eelebrated the thirteentb anniversary of their wedding on Jan. 28. Congrat- ulations. Mr., Thos. Yellowlees, Toronto, preacbed verv acceptably at Salem Sunday afternoon lu the absence of 11ev. J. J. Rite wbo was. couducting a funeral service. Rev. Chas. Brout, eldest son of the late Canon Brout, Newcastle, has been compeiled on account 'of, iii bealth to resigu the charge of his cburcb lu Boston, Mass., aud go to Denver, Col. Mr -and Mrs. W. R. Goodwin who bave been making a trip tbrough the West and Pacifie Coast of our great Dominion are now at Tacoma-Washiug.- ton. They expeet to returu to Bowmau- ville in April. 1Mr. Thos. Yellowlees, Toronto, was guest of Mr. Thos. Patterson over Sun- day. Ie attended the funeral of the late Lewis Quick kith wliom hoi was OrM'r.Y'aSOCItet 1,IiineSUbIn 11 te frmof Yellowlees & Quiek. The Plaindealer, Canton, N. Y., in eommenting on a concert givon under the auspices of Universalist ch rch of that city saYs:. "Miss Phillippi Alexan- der (of Bowmanville, Ont.) showed de- cided abahity' and grace in ber club swinZing. " Thursday evoning, Jan. 26, Miss Eva Braund, Port Hope, entertained about tbirty of bercfriends in honor of Miss Kate Elliott, Bowmanville, who is visit- ing in town. Games of alildescriptions wore partieipated in until an oarly bour when the gatboring broke up. Between three and Ifour liundred ac- eompauied the Osbawa hockey club bore last Thursday nigbt and cheerod loudly for the victorions toam. Score -7--3 iw-favor-obf Osbawa.- The- Oshawa team is coniposodt of strapping fino fellows, 'the physical peers of any club ini the Midland district, Mr. aud Mrs. Richard Worth were vory pleasautlY surprised on Saturday evening~, Jan. 28, b v being vresented witb a case of verv bandsome peari- haudled silver kuives and forks, bv the members of their family. as a token of their good wisbes on -the oc- casion of their pcarl wedding-the thir- tieth anniversary of their marriage. Tara STATESMAN offers congratulations and hopes that Mr. and Mrs. Worth may live to cleIPbrate their Golden Wed- ding. '~~W Many a poor Ç ' mother Who feels t ' that those she Vholds ni,%st pre- cions are gradu- -aly slipping away frofta lier over the terrible precipice cf ;5!ee, be ,,.-,i Ih tIel-f1 know what Dr. Pierce's won- derfal " Golden Medical Dis- eovery"l bas donc t. restore thousands cf weak anS wasted children o comiplete rounded, rosy, healthy, activity and life. Mylttie girl had a severe attack cf fever," writes . Win. S. Volimer, cf Concord, Cabar- rus c., N. C., ln a leVier o Dnr. -,V. Pierce, cf 3nuffalo. N. Y." I baS Vwo physicians for lier. She had a dey aSconigh, rie a greaV del an ail wa tu ogamere slheleton; onlyhe feet and ankles were swlleni. I knew wbat Dr. Pierce's edcines baS done for us before se 1 eominenced giving ber ' Goldien Medlical Discov- ey1and a 'Pellet' occasionaly. "in a few day. I noticeS thfever wgs es ber cougb gradnally grew btter; expecoration grew less; in a few days she sat opn bcd, and scon she could ake a few stepi. She kept oni imuprovhng slowly and after a few weeks the âwelling in feeV anSd ankies went down, iind she kept on step by stecp until she geV weill. TIbis i. more than V't'c years ago.,, 11 ast wnter, LuIs (my oldest daughter) 3usd Grippe Vcry badly. lier physician was nneasy; lie VolS me o be very careful or she wonid have paieumonia. ShIe as left witb an awfi cole. I aeher 'Golden Medical Dhiscover' and it caneS er eengh. 1Iv,111 be pleasedI o bave imy ltter pub-iisheS., if porions w;ising te know mere about the greai bene-fits we bavr e rceived frèm riîing Dr. PIierce's medicines viii write, enclosing iVvnp. 1 viii gladly aaswer." ,f mothers will onily write te Dr. Pierce coacerninz the ailiments cf th.eir fàmily lie wili send them sound and vainable advice in a plain sealtd envelope, anud vithonit any c-harge whztaever. Ris reptaarkably wide etxperience hla, qnalified Iim te Ses] witbh - ~ ~ ~ n titàs %i bS b Il >uell.u 11ev. A. C. Courtice, D D., edfitor of the Christian Guardian, bas sufficiently recovered from bis illness to resume duty Messrs. Alan Williams and E. W. Loseombe and the Misses G-over atten- ded the annunal Assembly at Whitby re- cently. Mrs. (Rer.) W. P. Goard, Lethbridge, Alberta, and cildreu are visitîng re- latives and frieuds lui and arouud Bow- mauville. Thero is no botter time tban the pros- ont to make your Marmalade. We have the finest assortmcnt of oranges at bot- tom prices.-CAwzJtn & TAIT. Miss Mertie Curtis, Port Hope, and Miss Kate Curtis, Ontaris Ladies' Coll eoge, Wbitby, wero gîîests of Miss Nellie W~illiams at Mr. M. D. Williams' over Sunday. ,M.A.James, Bowmanville, is Gover n mont Issuer of Marriage Licenses for the Couuty of Durham, durîug business hours at office, at bis residence Centre- 9t., at nigbt. the League of the Metbodist ebureb was held Mondav uigbt. The topie was "Idblu i the Market Place." The testimonies wore very belpful. Mr. W. T. F. Tamblyn, B. A., '95 ,bas been granted bis degreeo f Ph. D. from Columbia Univ-ersity,. His thesis ou "The Roman O-'ccutpationi of Britaiun' is considered eoevr-Torouito World. The appeal for S2,000Oo for the Toron- to Hiospital for siek eilîdren bas been generousl.y responded to, and the insti- tution is uow "ont o! tbe woods" bav- ang received $25,284.76,lu subseriptions. Services at the Cburcb of Christ at the usual bours ou Lord's day. Subjeet at 11 a.m "A Couseerated Life"; 7 p.m- "The True Basis of Christian Union." Ail are cordially invited to attend these services. MissM> Mosetta James and Mr. J. H. Alexander attenàed the MPol ýPlancon concert in Massey Hall, Toronto, Mon- day nigbt. Theofamous French basso deliglîted the immense audience that 'tbrongedthe building, Misses Vioal & Medland will open up au ontirely new stock of Milliaery lu Horsey Block-big corner store. First- class milliner will e ready o t ,.,,tnm, aimeaS in +l e c Ia.fnatniin& Ïurtaer - rti cul -ars -la ,ter. Mr. D'ncan Taylor, Woollen Milîs, H-ampton,has been appoiî3ted guardian of bis neice lu Spain with a fortune of $170,000.00, deposited in the Bank of Eugland lier father was secretary Vo General Weyler lu the Cuban war with Spain.:- - Messrs. W.Alexander,W. S.McKowan ant Miss Alexander attended the grand concert given lu the Musice'Hall,' Newcastle, Mouday ni-lit by MissEthel Webb and Mr. W. G. %lodgsdou of To routo. Tbey gave a capital program, Mrs. Asa Otton sang two selections andI Mrs. (Dr.)Farncomb was aeoompanîst. Miss Martha Smith, B. E., represeut- ing the Canadian Viavi Co. of Toronto, will speak Vo the ladies of Bowmauviile on "Hlereditv" lu theo Royal -Templars'- Hl1 on FrÏday at 3 p m AIl welcome. Ad ision free. l'ers"xs wanting in- formation about the Viavi MAovement P lease eall at Miss Uenrý'., \Wellington St,, any afternoon befoîe« 3o'clock.ý STATESMAN readers andI especiaiiy shopkeepers will do weli Vo remember that by the new Weights and Moasures Act aIl scales lu grain elevators, rail- roads, collieries, fiauring milîs, cheese factories, grain warebouses, publie markets andI scales used for weîghing coal must be inspeeted annually. Al these should govoru tbemselves accord- ingly. A meeting Vo consider the matter o! the re-organization of the Durham and Northumberland C. E. and E.L. of C.E. Union will be held in the lecture roomi of the Metbodist cbureh, Cobourg, on Tbursday, Feb 16, at 2:30 o'cioek. C. E Societies, E. L. of C. E., Epworth Leagues and ail Young People'sSocie- ties are askcd andI urgedà to sentI repre- sentatives. An, informai reception was held at the Home for the AgetI and .lnflrmn Wodnesday evoning at wbicb. quite'a number of citazens were prosent. The Matron, Mrs. Stevous, very cordially received the guosts antI they were sbowu through the rooms which are veryv con - veulent and the inmates veryý coimfort- able. The gifts donated by the %,isitons were a ver useful collection. Mr. Jos. Colo witing from RetI Deer, Have been havln' a ry pleasant opon goond sehinz until a week ago antI no very- cold weatber. For some woeks before the last snow it seemed almost as if Sprnu were comîug. The crops last soason were quite good thougb not so beavy as th)e crcp the year befone. Wisbing tbe STATESMAN a prosperous year. The Bowmanville and Darlinglton T owuon-hip Sabbath Sebool convention will bhhltI in the Presbyterian eburcbi Bowmnanville, on Fnidav, Feb. 24th. A splendid Drogram is bing prepared anda profitable meeting is expocted Superintondents will do a favor by' -,endin,- lu the numben' of delegates f rom the varions sehools as early as possible to Mn. John IIellyar, jr., that suitable provision may be made for their ententalument, Mnr. Willard C. Stevens, one of Ontar- i's boys wbo bas suceceeod&( in the Can adilan WV,,, was married Wednesday, Feb 1, to Miss8 Josie Cooledge, third ,laughton of Mrs A. Cooledge Dndas, St., Wbhitbv. Rev N. A. MlcDiarmid, S. T. D , tied tlhe kuot. The bride re ceived a number oe coýstl y and beaufl presents. nI. antI Mrs. Stevens leaver sbortly for their home- in Duffenin Ccunty, Manitoba, takingo- with Vbem the best wishes of a large cincle of -1 Tere, was a very exciting time on King St.. Saturday afternoon when Mr. John McMullen, K~endall, with his horse and cutter. took a somersauit. Wt4hthe exception of a broken shaft ail escaped uninjured. Ouir town air seem- ed to disagree slightly with the Clarke man 'shorse. Rev. J. J. liae in response to a very hearty and unanimous invitation from the Quarterly' Board of the Methodist church unas unconditionally accepted and whl romain pastor of this church for a third vear. lie bhas received sieveral invitations from other churches,but lias roýspictfully deciined them al I-lis pastorate bere has been successful and exceedfingly harmonious, therefore al of bis congregation as well -as citizens generally wil1 r,ýjoJice to hear that ho has consentedi to re main another year, NotIces of Births. Margean Deaths 50 cents; when mri~ ieses are 0itained or funcrai notices printed at this office. Insertîon free. BORN. k. T. Siemon, B. A., of a son. GnEGoOa.-In Oshawa, Jan. 28, the wif e of las. Gregory, of a s3on. ALCUiMBRÀcK -In Bowmanville Fcb 3, the wife of Mr. Phillp Stanton AlcumLraek, cýf a danghter,1 HÂlwR,- Xear Hampton, Jan. 27, the wife cf Mr. J. Eri,t fawke, of a son, MARRIED. McPiÂ~a-UTLÂD.-I Oshwaby Rev. J. RodesPan li, D. MPhalof Maniilla andi MISS Alice BUtiand ot shawva. 11, byRev. J. Hiodiges, B. A., Miss Chrissie Meflonjga1l and Wmr. A. Raitherford, S'rEENS-OOLEGE. thie home of the bride's mnother, by ReTv.N A.MeDlarmid,S.T.D., Mr. Willard Curtis Stevens, of Manitoba, and Miss Annie Josephine Cooletige, of Whiîby. DIED. Qîne.-In Bowmaaville, Feb. l,LewisQnick, aged 67 years. ELFORD.-Ia Darllagtoa, Feb. 3, John Elford, aged 66 years. Coaz.-In Harmptoa, Feb. 3 Jane Pascee-olé, beloyed wife of John Y. Cole, aged 64 years, 6 monthe. DiLiiNG.-In Bowmanville, Feb. 3, Agnes Hayes Dîliing, heloved wif e of Andrewflilling, agefi 24 years. Noarcor. Suddlenly la Bowmanvllle, Pcb. C , Ada Lni"a Vanstone,relict of the late Frank Nor theote of Wlome,aged 50 yearm. - SmVENs.- i En ikilnFeb2J an2L-evns Iimônas-,ý--.ý- ----- 'ý; '11, .ýýi MUTTON. -1n Tyrone, Feb. 5, Hannab Ilegina Moore, bieloveSl wife of John Mution, agefi 39 years. Bci'u. I Eowanville, Pcb. 6,AgnesBeith, aged 70 years. MISS ETHEL MORRIS, ARTIST. Instructions given la PAINTING la O11, Water Color and China. Sketching ana painting from nature. KILN on premises, tir- ing ai osual prires l51.6m. H-TORSE FOR SALE.-Blaek mare -&& years 015. Will be solS cheap, Apply at STATESMAN Office. 63w" SERVANT WANTED,-For general house work, Appl1y Vo Mrî..MCCONACHIE Higb St., Bowmanville. P OBE LOST.-BlaeL Robe,-md--lin- ing. ne(tweeiliNewcastie and Bowman. ville. Finder Diease leave at Bennettflouse, Bowmanv'ille. Reward for the same. T. W. UNDEýRWon, 'Oro no .1w" F. WAUGH,1 L. D. S., D. D S., BOWMANVîrLun. Dental Office lu the Rooms above M. D. WILLIA1M8 8 80N'8 Falliura 810[e. yY-û Will be at Orono from 9 a. m. Vo 2 p m., andI at Newcastle from 2.80 un- il 7 p. m., on the seconîd and, fourtb Mondays *of each Mo nth. GxoltI plates, Crown and Bridge work and Painless extraction are specialtieés. 4 1spi.Xcticalyabdtl oroughly 4 the, y oxpert teachers nt4 BRITISH AMERICAN 4 4BUSINES.SCOLL EGF3 4~Y.M.C.A. Building, Toronto. Reporti,î,g mot1ods us,,ed 1rom.theti startto fiish a d _.ats ssistc'd "~t osittins. Write for free prospec- Cliartered Ace"tPrîneîpal1 FjUR AL LSa IN O-NE DA Y for well qna1ifîed Yeu ag men alid tm -0a(cept positions'in Bnsi- ness Ofielsntacmo vn v n Inthe leading Busine(,ss Trainilng Schooliii and, thle EnVitaetaly ocuredoJanJ'1. 2t;' -as fol, lows: (a', Telegramp for youný1g vwomanýj, Stenlo.rapher, f rom, Fort Me Leod. (b) Telephone for young man, Cierk,Uno Station, TrOnto.1) (C) Cafl for yonng ladly, TelegLrapher, Templef, Buildig, Toronito. (ci) Te1ephOT1e for yoning mari, Stenographler-, Dom. Express Go. This explais why car coimwctn tdsget ,00(1 position!s. MWe train ithem rfperix a uinsmnklnow it-. embers adrhtted a t anly time. Catalogue f'ee. W. H. SHAW, Phiv.Pa3, Strict No change in markets. Nichoîlls always sells cbeap. Ail ac counts due me must be paid by March lst. to savo costs. MISS SHAW, Milliner, Bowmanville. Good Friday comes on Marcb 8lst this vear. Mr, Jon. Lane, Port Perry, was in town Monday. Miss Stevenson, Port Hope, bas been visiting friends bore. Mon 's warm suits almost given away at McLMrty's. Seo advt. Messrs, Frank boar and Wm. Allun speint Sunday lu Port Hope. Mliss Edfit hMacklin.Cobourg,has been visitinug friends ib Darliugtou. --Mr . lànd M rs.- Osh -or ne, Morrisb, ar visitîug Mr. Wm. Gist, Bond Cottage ~s. W1l MASON & S.ONi.S Dry Gàooods Store. IÊargains T141S 1V10N114 1Prolits Nol Coidere-iÉd. Must Reduce Stock, Corne Early and Get The Ripest Plurns. LeýNotice to our Country Friends,-I3utter and Egsor Grocers' Due Bis taken as cash. Packing cases for sale. s. wV NSext door to Standard Bank, Bowrnanville. PRJE E-chiseleotinTS.j Watehes, Jewelry, Rings, Platedl Goods and Silverware, ailso Sterlinig 511ver Novelties, Everyting new a.n(l E latest design,, STATIO-NERY.--Staýpie and chic E lines of Stationary which wîllI be fomnd )to be assorted an(-! Cheaip. A splendlid collection of Writhin andieorana E Pads. WATCH AND CLCrRPIUN A ~ teed. -Caiiad see hîmii. King St., JA .e RDI c- Good black mare for sale cheap. Sëee advt. .Miss Teenie Colville, bas been guest of Mr. Thos. Bingham. Note the change in Messrs Couch, Jobnston & Cryderman's advt. Salem Pink and White Social is au- nounced for Feb. t7th. Attend. Miss Ethel Joness is home from To- ronto seriously fil with la grippe. Furs of ahl kiuds selling off at a big discount at Coueb, Jobuston & Cryder- man's. INineteen applications wore received for the position of organIst lu Port Hope Methodist churcli. A choice musical program will be -givn l TrnRychueh ths-evenin-g.- Amission 15e and 10e. Evoryoue is invitinA Wood is scarce lu Berlin. Port Hope firenien laeld a bal Messrs. A. W. Foley and F. B. Whit- ing wcre in Lindsay Wednosday. Mrs, W. Raukin and daugbter, Tor- onto, are viitîng Mrs. Chas. Tod. Lindsay is askîug for a vault lu con- neetion witb the Rivorside Cemetery. .Mr. D. B. Sim pson attended the fun- oral of the late Judge Dartueil atWhit- by, Saturday Bowmanville citizens are enjoving the sleighlug. A littie more snow would improvo it. Major S. Hughes, M. P., Nortb Vic- tria, bas goe to t eining districts oBritisb C1umi. sip, bas rotrnd fter visitin red To the wants7of our customers has taugteht them to look'for a perfect service. at our store. This is a littie inducementl: to ho Great Cîearing Sale oi Cïroceries With prices away down is a stili further ài- ducement. Secure the grocery biargains <while they last. High Grade Coffees. There is no botter nerve-tuner than a first rate cof- tee. 'Our best Mocha and Java lias just that cmia tion of soothing and stimulating qualities,ý whîeh keeps one up for the business of the day. And its aromna will stimulate the appetite of any real eoffee lover. 40C. a lb eofes at other prices,but noue so good lisrbet BOWMAK VILLE. .- t- ýj- rr -L 1 Li -L 1 Attention.

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