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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 8 Feb 1899, p. 8

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SThelFamily Remedy for - - Couglis a n'd Colds. Invaluable for Bronchitisý, Hoarseness, La-' ~vGrippe, Asthma andi Lung Trouble. We have a select stock of Chest Proteet- o1s, Atomizers, Hot Water Botties, Fountain ,;Syringes, &c. J. HICCINBOTHAM & SON, BOWMANVILLE., Druggists. 4,f. 4,f. eNif. Furniture Dealer-__ BOWIiANYILL ~ORONO. BOWMANVILLE, FEB. 8, 1899. COURTICE. Mr. L. Corveil and Miss Heal, Oshawa ,Were guets cf Post Master Lýent Sun- day..Mr. M. J. Gibson visited friends in Enfield recently..Mr. Alfred Hluggins, Pickéring,_ wil I shortl2 t ake possession of the Sulley ferin..Our hunt club has secured several foxes this season,. The annual meeting for letting the routes and arranging other business relative te the operation of the D. U. C. F. was held last week. Ar- rangements were made te have milk ail the year round, thus keeping the factory in constant operation by menu- facturing butter in thec winter, a great improvement on fthe old systein cf simply making cheese for 6 montbs. Fermers find the butter factory business païying very well. ORONO. Mr. John Proctor, Toronto, visited friends liera recently .... Mr. Gilbert Tossick gave a Tenuyson's "Enocli Ardea" in the Sons' Bail Saturdae v- ening..The Austrelian Medicine Ce.t attracted large audiences. A silver1 berry spoon for the best lookiug ladyt was won by Miss BessielKerr ..Mon- day, Jeu 23rd, Jane Reed, rellci cf the late James Reed, died from'puerunomia aged 72 yeers, having lived lu this -village over-lerty years, Deceased wes a member of fthe Methodist church Jier twc daugliters, Miss Florence and Mrs. Davey lived witli lier. The funeral ser- vices were conducted by Bey. W. H. Adams.,.After a long illncess Margar- eft Barrett, wife of Mn. Chas, Barrett, p assed away ou Jau. 26, aged 58 vears. Two sons and twe deughters meunu her loss with lier husbaud. The funeral services were conductad by Bey. Mr. Adams. SALEM. Ounfthe evening of Friday, Feb. 17tli a Pink and White Social will be lield in Selem Churcli, under the auspices of the Epiorth League. An excellent program will be giva etfer which the reiirents will'lic servcd. Doors open et 7 o'clock. Admission 10 cents. One by Oee i old laudmarks are passiug eway. Wc were surpr sd te hear cf fthc death of Mrs. Gilbiert et Betliesda on Safurday. Wa axfcud te Mn, Ste-,ens Our sympafliy...Mnr. Thes. Yellowlces, Torcuto, occupied flic Salem pulpit ou Sabbath affarnooni least. lMn. Yeliowlees à salwa swel caete a Salemn audience aud his aid timne friands were delilited te shake lis friendly Scotch hend again.A sIeig-Ioa d wclt te tnSet urday Mn. Chasý,. Reynolds .. . .Mr. John Colla- cuff. Tvrone, assisted flic Saem choir Sabliafli afferneen and lias kindly con- santed te faka partl ic pherognem et - tha Pink qaidIWhite Social FMli17.... The Ep)wonfli Leaguaetfwhich Mrs.i Lewis Quick was formnerlynamesf active inm ey etads sN mpatiy te hanr in flic b,, eieavaeuf iuflicfed by fli ccmpenat- ively sýuddIen deaf h of han husband, NEW HAVEN. Mr. Levi Bartletti and Mr. A. Htall, Caesarea, visited Mrs. W. B. Wood... .Mr. W. Cary lies returnied frein .Moorcfleld and-'haý cngagcd for thec coming eason with Mr. J. Metcaîf. Mrs. James Towns is vcrv iii with in' flammation, .... Miss Edna. Vancamp bashlid LaGrippe..Mr. S. C. Rundia who lias beau very iii with pneumonie is slilitly better . .. ..Nr. Oco. Powcr_ ccnducted the service hcre-last Sabbatli afternoon in theaefternoon in the absence of Bey. J. S. 1. Wilson who is holding special services et Ebenezer. MAPLE GROVE. rMr. S. Snowden, jr., lied a successful chopping bec.. .. Mr. Chas. Frank lias, a severe eteck cf pneumonia... Mr. SS C, Rundle and Mr. Geo, Trimble are improving. ... Mr. Lewis Gimbleft is very low .... Miss Veina Tyler is able te lic ouf again after 3 mouths illuese.. .Mr James Trimble,Scarboro,is home ...Mr. W. C. Frank, Toroufo. waé celled home on account o! lis fatlier's ilnuess. . ... Miss Peari MeGili, Oshawa, has beau visieg, Miss Ida Stevens.... The Epworth Lea.-ue is preparing for' a pie aud cream social, Feli. 23rd. Seve flic date,..BRey. J.- J. Bac, Bowmau ville, will preach liera nexf Sabbat h et- farnoon. Makos Pooplo Wollî Paine's Celery Comfpound the Cliosen. Medicine of al 1 Classes IIn r Dominion. The reputation etf ainc's CeleryComn- poued cxfeeds fromt day te da 'y. Thosa wlio stand in uaed o!flie lialing and recuparafive =owrsof nature's hcalth restorer arcedîsdto use if by those whosliave- been made wil and sfrong. Iu flic liuse, ounflie streef, and wlicrc people congregate, Painc's Cclcrv Com pound iseaven recommeuded and spoken kîndly cf. lu t is wav thc popularify of flic great medicine is made enduring and ifs immense sales- stir flic cuvv of flic ord inary patent medicine proprietor and flic jealous minded doct or. bst and mosf observant people lu our cihies and tcwns, an&dtflicocmmon sense people in our egnîculturai districts,plece Ce]ery Compound fan above ail other knownu remedias. Competant niadical authorities daclere thaf Paiee's Celcry Compouud is flice great madicine for ruudowu and plivsi- c 1atly weak people. Wlien flic vital forces are low audtfli nerveus organ- ismi sbattered,flien if is thaf flei mrvel- eus medicnea manifasf s if wondcrous healieg vintuas'. Waakncss,depression. fircd feainglanguer,digestivc troubles headacha, rheumafism and neuralgiea ar= uckly banislied owving fo flic nour- isbanfflat Paine's Celarv Comipound impents tebrein, nerves a isisua,. If is flicgreat evary-day home maedicine for al classes of our PoPulation. lie-Akli: F.' WV Lec, Edward Col, T. J. Coi, Thos. Snow,,den. A. . Wickef t, W Werry, M. A. James, John XanNest, Jr., 8amuel.Bravý, John iCle, Sen., Jno T. Cola, F. A. Cola, Jas. MeLean, John .MclGeggor. R. Walter, John S. Ashtfen, Jos. Wand, B Eliiotf, Jue. Luke, J. J. Sitihl, A. Trenoufh and ofliers includ- ing flic wives or other members cf mosf of flic familles named. The ens wer:-Messrs. 1. L Brown, E. BHastings, E. Tranoufli, Chas. Bore, F. Rogers, Michael Cryderman. 'The caskcf was squpplied, by Mn. B. Katerson and was e very handsome eue. ffh-dren CryPfor CRIME AND CRIMINAILS. Five boys, renging from 12 ta 16 yeans e! aga, ma' re udgrarresi at San Francisco, chargad with attemptlng te wneck a train. Mrs. Place, whe killed ber stapdaugh- ter lia Bnooklyn, sema turne agi, le te ha slactnocoted et Sing Sing Prison durng the weak bagiuning Feh. 20. William Miller. colonad, wea banged at La Grange, Ky., yestardey, for a crim- Inel, assanit comrqittad Sept. 1 on Mnm Gertrude Lest, wife 'of-Frank Lait, a fermer. Miller was only 17 yers old. Mm. Cordelle Botkin was enteuced te paultentiany for l! a at Eau Franoisco on iýaturdey for the murdor e! Mrs. John ýP. Dunning of Doene, Del., wshom she kllled hy minsef! ixisoue4 qsAndy sent tbrqok tbh. ti~ RUG AND MAT MAKERE Color t he Rags and Yarri withi Diamond Dyes. The World Famed Dyes for Producing Billiant and Unfedinig Colons. 1 have mada e verylia ndsoe Rugs and Mats for i iip bouse fliat 1 am very prend et. The rigs and pieces cf clofhs euâ flanci used în my nugs wcne ail dyed wifli your wond enfui Diamcnd Dycs. The colons are rich and bril liant and I flud tliey are uîîfeding. Diamcnd Dycs are flic basf I aven usel. MilS. L. F. BOY NTON, Winnipeg, Man. IIAYDON. Mn. B. Weodiey and femily, Mn. B. Burgess, Mn. Sulas Tnewin, Miss Mande and Edifli Tnawiu are visifing friends lu Maiposa..Miss Ethel MeNeil bas refurned home fron visitieg !ieuds ai Tornub and Maple Grove..Miss Campbell spent Suudey with friands in Tyrene..Mr. and Mrs. T, G. Colwili and Mn. and Mns. S. Vansfone, Whitby visited fieds liere recently..Miss Mabel Colwill, Whitby, is visiting et Mr. B. Woodley's ...Mr. McGill, Befli eny, spent Suudey wif h fienis liane... .Miss M. Creepan spant Suuday wifh lier grand parents luniHampton..La Grippa still bas e few victims in ifs close embrece. .. .Professor Venning, flic Pbreuclogisf, is visiting Mn, P. Mal- Ionv..Mn. aed Mrs. J. Thompson, Bampton, spent Suudev et Mn. J. Mc- Laughuin's..Miss Cewling is laid up ifha spnained wnisf flic result et a fip-np. ENNISKILLEN. Let thosa new drink Who neyer drank before, And fliose wlic al ways drnk Now drink flic more; But lie sure fliet yen drink Wotten's celebneted "Victor Chop" 125e. Japan Tee. Tny Wottec for Ext reofs. "Ludella" Cavion Tee is lierd ta beet. For sale et Woften's. Pure Maple Syrup et Wettau's. Miss Mand Spinks, Manitoba, wes guesf cf Mns. Jno. Dency..,.Dr. Mont- gemerY, Grand Forks, Dakota, viqifed frieeds liane..Thos Blezard, Esq. M. P. P., East Petenhoro, wes guest cf Mn. C, Williams Snudey. lHelias beau twent.y-oua yeens a member o!flice Pro- vincial Legisletura anti next f0 Bon A. S. Har dy is flic eldest member of fliat body..Mrs. (Dr.) J. C. Mitchell lias returued froin Winnipeg lookinz wcll effer lier sojouru lunfliet colii cou.ntry, Sbe met a great meuy lunflie cif y frein thi.ý part o! Ountario and fonnd then ail prosperons and lu good heaîtb ....Mn. Mns. and Miss Meroney visited Mr T. '1. Jardina, Oshiawa....Mn. and Mrs. N. Byers have beau visitîug et Port. Penn.... Mns, Gilbert Stevens wio lias been va 'ry iii for fthc past five weeks and lias beau in very pon liealth for saveral vears passad awey peaceful- iy Thursday morning lest, l'le funenel fi.ok, place on Fridey ta Bathesde. Bev. S' G. Renke officiatad. Mns. Stevens wes an exemp'anv Christian womau and wili lie gnreatly mis sed lu lier home. The familv have flic sym patby of al lu thair bereevemant....Mn. F. W. Leas' been visifing lu Pickering... Mn. B Remman Pickerini us fM.F Rogers.- u eges fM.F TO CURE A COLD IN ONE\DAY. Take -Laxative niomno Quinine Tablets. AUl Druegists refond the money if I fails to cure. Price 25 cents. HAMPTON. Visifors:-Mr, C. Goodman and family and Mn. C. H. Burrows, Cedardale, et Mn. J. B. Burrews; Mn. Jas, Truil, wife and dauglifaer, Pickering, et Mn. B. Averv's. ....Mr. Lewis Pasce. Mn. Chas. Plasce. Jr., Mrs. C. J. Pascoe, and Mn. A. B. Wickef t, Toronto, atteude tholi funeral et 'Mrs. John Y. Cole, Sundev.. ..Bey. E E. Howard oceupied flic pul- pif Sunday aveuing-. Bis many fieuds liane anc alwaYs pieasad te sec hlm .. Maor Schoo! lectures lu the S. 0. E. al, Friday, Fali. l7th. On Sundav lest was witnassed oe eof flic langest funerals s0au liera for soe tina. Affar a brie! îllness Jane Pascoee beloved wifc o! Mn. John>Ye Cole, tanner, pessed te lier baavcnly home ou Fridey. Shlied beau a haplesinvalid for about 35 years, one etfflic patient, cheerful "sbut-ins" whose devofed, Christian life was so e lcpful te ail wlio came wîthiu flic circle of!lhan influence. W-1e--,ol eay lulierlesti;lu- s b IDOINGTS 0F ThE VEEK CFMSO ITEEi ROM AROUND t THE WORLýD PuePunctuated and Preserved in Pitiiyý Paragraphs fer the Ferusal 01 Practiçal People - Per6onal. Political and Profitable. THE AGRLICULTURAL WORLD. There are 30 thriving obeese factorias luI the unitad counties of Lennox, and a Addington. f MARINE MATTERS. The Gerinan steamer Fulda, et Liver- t pool fromi Cadiz, prevlously reported in- jured lu the graving dock, tbrough the keei blocks giving way, le tound ta be serlonely injured. SUICIDESi. A - mann aaned Treleveau jumped frei a Canedian Pacifie train neai' Swift Cur- rant on Saturday and was tound yester- day saima distane. frin the track with his throet out. It ls clearly a casa of sui- cide. THE WEATHER. s A message froiBed Rock, Montana, t tes tbat ail traffie over the stage route ta Salmon City lbes beau suspended. 1Great loss of stock is reported, and several 1people caught by the storin in the mÙnu- 7tains, it taared, have porishad. POLITICS-CANADIÂN. Poeamptory ordars bava been givan eat Ottawa te have the Bouses of Parlianient ready for the session by March 9. * Mr. C. Ernest Gregory, barrister et Antigonish, bas beau chosen as the Con- 3 servativa caudidaS e fr Guysboro, Noya Scotia, fer tha uext genieral election ta the Bouse of Commons. THE VIRE RECORD. About 8.80 o'clock Thursday morning the Grand Truiak station et Bright, On- tarie, was hurued dowu. The building Was a trame structure, and was va]ued at $2,6t00. The harns, sheds and 00w stables of Mr. Dawson, on the fltth concession of Etohicoke, were antirely consumeci by tire Thurgday etternoon together with five tons of bey, some straw, a few pigs and sevaral hans. The bss eabout $1,200. THE LABOR WORLD. Fred. Bais, jr., sued the San Francisco Typograpnical Union for $25,000 dam- agas, because) the unionforced hlm out o! employniant, he baing a non-uniie man. Tha Suparior Court bas awarded him 81,200. The strike situation et Colon, Colora- his, la growing worse. The strikers have threatened to fire the town and the m@r- chan ts bava asked for âtronger military protec tibn. Over-zea.ous policemen have beaten soins peaceable foreigners, ristek- ing thain for strikers,, and intgrnational complications are teared. Complints have bean laid at the British consulats. RAILROÂD IRUMBLINGS. Ottawa and Toronto capitalias, with $800,000, ýwil1 construct locomotives et the former city lu the neer future. Grand Truuk Railway systani earniugs frein Ja.i. 22 te Jen. 31, 1899, wera $636,366; 1898, 8596,203; iLorease, >810,- 163. James D. Layng, prasidant or the West Shere Railway, bas resigned, and vill retire froin activa work with the Van- derbilts. The Yorl: Couiity Conneil bas tavor- ably considered tbe air lina projact trom Toronto to Georgian Bay. It di'd so torm- ally in a resolution. CASUALTIES. Michael Devina, n 13-year-old boy, 10sf two fIngers in the jaîn of « door at St. Mary'@ School et Kingston on Friday. Richard Quinn., a G.T.It. sectionmnan at York, lest bath armes by a shuntiug angine running over him. Be died troin the ehock on Thursilay nigh t. W. Higgs, aged 21 years and 5 months, yard maet Toronto in the employ et the G.T. B. eor two or threa years past. was killed en Fridav atternoon whlla eoupling cars. At Cameren, N.Y., Wednasdey algbt an Bria Railwhy angiue blew up. ýEn- gineer Solomon and Brakeinan MeCor- inick ware bacily scalded and Firean Chamberlain fatally wounded. AIl the mon blong to Borneilsiellfi.. On Frilay morning William Webb of Elfrida, a farmner, wes killed In a mun- away acciden, near the Hamilton raser- voir. H-ie teain hecama trightod by T., B. & B. R. expess and rau eway, throw- lng hlm troin the rlg, Hi@ oheet Was zrushed in. No inqocat will ha heid. TUE DEAD. Miss Sadie Croft, second daughter of the late Richard Croft, dropped dead et Cobourg. She was 16 ye4rs o! ae. Nine days ago heý father was laid in tirs grave. Dr. Stepben Dodge, e Prominent physi- cien and o5culist o! Balifax, N.S., diad euddenly In bisi office while elone en Frn- day afternoon. Beert àliease was the cause. Regulur meeting hald on Mouday evening lasi, Mayor Loscambe prasid- ing. Preeaut, COUDS. Mitchai, Gai- biraili, Spry, Tait, King, McMurtry. Minutes cf lest meeting read and, cou- hrmed. The Clark reed a copy cf an agree. ment made betweeu Bunr & Co., for the buildine cf the bridge east cfflic town, aud whicli wes recently wa3hed away, frr the m of $2.75. Racecived and lyiad. A communication wes receivad frein W. Hill, aSking for $1 par weak and a cord of Wood. On motion the coin munication was naeceivad and fyled. as thé Home la now ready sud.Mn. sud Mra. Bill coold avail theunselves of if. The Cooncil do net infend te grant any funther relie! witli thé exception cf two or three widows wl h familles who .ccold nef go te the Hoine. AIl othens necalving aid frein thec fewn. ara te go te the Home, wlieré thay will hé wall taken cane cf. Thé Clerk waa instructed te purihase a copy of Harrison's Municipal Manuel for 1899. Front Canadien Fine Ijnderwriter'a Association ne Automatia Alanai, Beferred te Fire Com. From W. T. Ashbnidga, Toronte, Civil Engiînear ré syrstera of Water- Warka. Refamred te Fjne Ceta. A pplications weré racaived front R. *MeDougal, J. MeConnachié, W. M. ilonaey, L. A. W. Tolé. S. Burden for position of Assessor. Laid ou tabla. Froni W. Jenuings, aaking fer Sp. peiutmeuf as Nlght Watch. Ét'ont Jas MoLean, aaking for reu appeintment se Collecter. Thé Clark preaented atateumeuf of Finances passing thougli bis bauds the psst mnui. Racelvad sud fyled. From W. Baguail, Sopt. Cemetary, Lving statemaut cf informants in Carnet amy durnn pant mont h., R. Jarvis reporte . lu rafareece te application frcm W., Adamns, for refund cn Dog Tax, tht Mn. Adams was au- titled ta psy the taxes ou dog. Re- céivad and fyled. Coun. Tait prasent éd report frein Poor Relié! Com , necGrmmendiug pay. "ment cf accounts amouetiug ta #12».1. Receivéd sud sdoptad. Coun, Mitchel preeuted Report o! Finance Coin., naoomménding p'aYient cf acceuts amcueting te $286 19. Roada & Sti. Coni that rhey lisd erpet- ,,à e temponsry bridge ovE3r Soucêh's Créek aud would bangta lair e thora iýach tiight; sud aise that MocCelasu& CY ,.had sgneed te fomujihthé lumbar nsquired for proeant year et aimé ternis 4a leit year. Raceived sud adopf éd. Coun, King prasenfad report frein Public Pnop. Coi. eefnmendiug the claclpg o! a liglit lu front o! the Durhanm gubber Ce-, ae par raqueat from a .sd Ce, Aise the placine o! a talaphoea in Police Office, haîf the cent te ha charg. ,ad te Police sud haif f0 Publio Prop. Coon. Mitchel presautad Report erefli Fine Ceni. etating that a Hester lied beau placed ln the Eogiua Rooni, ii requetad ad alo ncomméuding the purchuse o! a tea.m of bornes for fire purpCgeB and asking opin- Ilcf Counocîl iurefarence in this latte '4a- tien. Recelveil and fyýed. The Auditors presonted their report îiving statement of Finances. Referred to Finance Coin. te report on et uext meeting. Court. Galbraith asked, leave to in- troduce By lawrfon the appontinernt of Town Oflicers for the year 1899, and mcvad its irat reeadin.g. Onmoio Rl- 3wae upne and Ccon. went into Coin, cf tbe ýWhole, Mn. Galbraith in the chair, wlien the tollowioig appoiutmaànta were madae,- Town Cler.k, John Lyle, aalary $500, Aaseor, Jas. UoCoýtnnchie," 150 Collacton, Jas- MoLbes, " 1.75 Chiaf Constable, R. Jarvig, 50 Nighf Watch, B. Mt4f $30 a £MontIj, Supt. Cemetary, W. Banil alary 8426 Chet Fira Brigade, T. uoar, 20 Engineer, R. Fîsh1IagliVS Asa. Euginaer, T. Tapscu, 60 Stieward F.Dept.,W. Todgham '40 INarth Ward, Thos, Guard, S Souîh Wa"d exOrD. Flatcerw Fonce Viewans, , ID. ' tCh0n, Jqg. Grant, W, Law. Poundiraaper, G D. Fletcher. iTruent Officen, R. Jarvi., Fruit Tieeansd Thistie Inspector Janvis. Soine disccssion teck place ln ratr once te thé appointinent o! the Ngt Wetcli. Coun Galbraith stated thttJ those epposting it could s3how a 50cer how thay could avoid it hoe thouilik junterait of thé marchantesud busnu men of the towu, Messrs Spry, Mithe sud Rin)g epposed ih ce thé groud that it was not fairtt toýsé retepgi@P who rasided off the froný,t straet, te thoght tht it cculd ba divided p beîween' thé maerchants sud the on aud flot assea the towu for the t amount. On motion thé suni cf $25,wýa a ted te the Clerk for Peir Relief. For Years. Sore Ail Over. CouldOb Uose Thom. Physicians No Ben* Tried CUTICIJRA REMEDIES. Irn" diate Relief. Permanent Cure.P I-lt- -.-*-. -oble- -th ------rjeV$n 'm he. euto.ldwt tta o tender that dean watar, aveu, smartad iI B eapread ver my arma, neek, sud face.j beau treaed by pbysicians, witbout bancf begen usiug CurîIcunt remadies. (ýfou: lief beforelIlied teke the flret fettta. 1 tbnee or four bottins o! CuTxruuaa ' CIue cake cf CCncuTE4BoAs', VeuS Crrnîcuns fointrnant), aud it bas neve troi me since. ELLA CURZON, Eppinefrtej CCnadA BeîLVU ni'ïfn he lbbiod and latîntguOide of lluaea teau. d th.. reinei cause. while warrn bathis with C UrzcuRL Bo ÂP ado gneineinge vith CerICceA (ointment) eleanse ti endeeapofoeat~aaioesI.iy itehinog, iziflarnatinsao he astevery tain efskin ' flaIdthzoulhOtth worId. POTRAns .b'ý DolePre..,euta, ande CuandHarv,, SAVE YOUR 8KItt BIagynIrd'S Yeliew Olt euPS j. ln Man or bne; fore bruises, cellOils lutmp,,w znatlon, rhieumation and neUrae ft ntan 1 - Èv T Co, Just R ecei ved I- We just received to-day invoices of our Large Direct ImfportationS; from Glasgow per S. S. Ormiston. These are coming to hland very soon and we are hustling f0 make room for thiem, aI winter goods mustgo Six wçeks more winter as the bear saw lis shadow on Feb. 2nc i, o cold weather is coming, oh don't you believe in if, well did you ever kie, it go wrong, anyway you are safe in buying any heavy goeds you ean use at Rlf price. We are offering several lines at Haif price to clear, netably the" Ladies' Manties and Ends of Dress Qoods at Haif price and many other Unes at less than eost, 110w is the time. Mon's Linod Pants, reg. $2 for $ I1.50. We have a great many orders placed for Pants and wvar-t t0r toff some 110w in stock. We are selllng a good tweed pant for 90c. [mnens, anrd Cottons. This is a favorable time for buying these lines and we hiave soine ends of a good quality which will go very quickly. Underwear, Odd garments are 110w offering at slashing prices to clear. It would pay well te buy for another season in some cases. Boots and Shoes. Men's O)vershoes, reg. $1.25 for 90e. Ladies' Dong,. Butt., a sup- erior grade, reg. 82.25 for $1.10. Boy's Top Boots, waterproof, reg,$1.75 for $1. Ladies' Leggings, long reg, price 90e now for 60c. Do. mediu, reg. price '70e now for 50c. Men's Dong. Butt, Boots, reg. price $.9 now for $1,10. Do. $1.25 now for 95c. Gents' Furnilshings. "Neck)wear.25c uine for 15e or 2 for 2 5c. Reduced price in Under- wear hcavy shirts, &e. Slashing and cufting prices,ail flirougli the store is the order for fbis monfh, -,1 price le common. Weare bound to clear out ail winfer goods no matter what loss may bc. Saving money le as good as making it, The biggest snaps are going quickly, s0 look after your ewn interest by acting prompfly. THE MAoO 7OWh 0 OUNqciL. "f ., Il- -T

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