I 4 I ~ The BeverBlock Sale Of Boots and S-hoes Stili Going On. 0 .1,. Weae sold piles of Boots the last five or six weeks and have lots to dispose of yet, and very cheap-first-class goods at very small nrices. My Spring stock is in-most'of it-and we find our shelves crowdet. We want more room and are bouDd to have it, if low prices have any- thing to do with it. Oui carry a good assortment of Ladies' Oxford,colored and black at $1.00. Men's Caif and Cordovan Blms, sewed and rivitted, from $1.40 toÏ2.50, worth $2.00 to 83.50-. Children's Button and Bims. 25c, 500, 75e, worth 50c, 75c, and $1.00. Misses', Boys' and Youths' to correspond in prices. We wil tell_ you what the stock is in each and every pair. The reason we do that is because we know. Latest Spring styles now ini stock in every hune. The, publie is invited to-inspect our stock; no trouble to show goods-wc do it with pleasure., Trunks, Bags, Satehels; Shawl Straps, fancý andplain ; Dresr3ing, the very best that ean be bought. Cheap trash dressing is dear, it will ruin the boots it is appli. ed to. Repairing done in ail its branches in first-class style., Fine work made to order, sure fit or no sale. Thanking my eustomers for past fa4vors aiid oping for a continuance of the stame. Beaver Blo'ek. Bowmanville. DIl DILIS. Prevention of Cruelty Many a pour herse, utterly ron down by impoverishment of biood 0. c, ~and ils accempanying juls, is blamed Ç> f for Iaziness and harshly treated. OICK'S BionO PURIFIER 0 wonid strenghthen such an ene, 4 would fortify bsm to endure fatigue 6 ~~~~enable him te copis oi *without loss of tissue and make him a cheerful, willing worker. It pays te use Dlck's Blood Purifier. It greatly increases the flow and rich- *es of a cow's rnlk. *50 CENTrS A PACKAGE. TRIAL SIZE 25 CENTS. SLEEMINS, MILES& CO., Agents, Montreal. DICK & col, Proprietors.. Grat Bis Are INow Attracting Public Attention, But,,tl,e most, important bll is the 1) )LLAR BILL. For this bill we are now F~epared to give the public bet er value than ever before. Pô6r Ordered Clothing we carry a tasty and up-to-date line of Tweeds, Serges and Worsteds, at prices just exactly even with quality. We have just received a new shipment of Dress Goods, Prints, Ladies' Blouses, and Straw Goods for evcry day and Sunday wear, and the prices wiil seil them. In Groceries we carry oniy the best goods and will always be found with a full assortment of all lines iu public demand-all priced bargain- ishly. We also carry CrQckery, Machine Oil, Paint O11, Paints,Axie Grease, Iience Wire, Nails, Binder Twine, -Field and Garden Seeds, and Patent Medicies ini fulli hue. We don't ask you to believe, but ask you to itnvestigate. HAMPTON. uRtAIN, FLÀOUR, S""EED ANO OAL 8BUSI'ý1N ES H AVING taken ovei the Grain and Coal Business in Bowmanville, lately carried on by Messrs. Lockhart Brqs, I arn prepared to pay the IGHEST PRICE for ail kk,;-ds of Grain and Seeds, and wil endeavor, to conduct business on business principles. Coal will be delivered to ail parts of the town at the lowest possible price for CASH. -Coal, Flour, &c., wiil be delivered to ail parts of the town. J.,aveh QRipp'Fis E 015 Shattered Nerves and- Weak- eiid eat-AtJ- nLady Tells Aboît lR. Mrs. John Qaigley, who resides at 30 Sheriff St., St. John, S.,tates - "Som e turne ugo I w ce attacked by a severe eold, wùieh ended up iu a bad attaek. of La Grippe. Sir, e thiat turne I have nover reguined nsv hýeqcl(Ih, being weak, nervous and run down.11 " I suffered very rnuch fremi ndiges- tion, accumulation cof gas in the stomach, and was in alrnvst cons tant distress. I doctes'ed with soeo f tise best physicians in this ity; but got ne relief until I beg'an nsing Milbuîn's Heurt and Nerve Pills, and arn pleased teOSay that they have cempletely ensed me. ',My appetite is sescored: mv nervens system lias been toined up to its old-time condition, and I have no more trouble from tihe Indigestion and can eat any- thing I choose. "cI ami only too glad too testify to the mnerits of snob a marvellous remedy as Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pis for the cure ofnerveusness, heart trouble, Indi- gestion, etc. Price 500. a box, al druggists. - BOWMANVIILE. FEB. 22 1899. Few parents truiy realize tise vital importance cf baviug a deutist regular- ly care for childreu's loch During the time the temperars- teetis are being lest and permanent nes are taking their place, the visits te thse dentist should be frequeut. Tee eariy or delaved removal -cf the temperary teetisarespensibie for much cf the irregulnrity cf tise perman- ent cnes, resulting in an unsightiy menti, wbich eau only be relleved by expensive and tedieus operatiens. A Cuarantood Catarrh Our& - Japanase Catarrh Cura-use six boxes- buy thm aet oeatina-appiy exactly ac- cording te the- directions-sund If yen are net curefi sas yonr drnggist; ha wili arrange te psy yen yenr mcnay back. There's s positive guarantee wtth avary box the Japanese Calarrh Cura wIll cure. No cur yen gel your meney back. Gnarantee every package. 50 cents at ait drnggiats. ORONO. Mr. Edward Davev lias returned home-Mrs. John Miller is recevering from bis recent iilness-Miss Saida Kelly, Trenton, is guest cf Mr. A. J. Leigb-Mr. R. J. Williamson bas re- turned te Port Perry-Mrs. John Mc- Ccmb is recovering-Mi3s Olie Wal- ter, Oakwood, is visitiug lier uncle Mr., W. Walter, sr-Miss Della [Doncaster, teacher at Fligg's scbeel lieusie, vîsited friends here-Mr Tises McComb bas recevered->frei bis severe _illess- Messrs. I. N. Walker and G. Cooper, after a pleasant visit with friends ber e, hiave returned te Nýorth Dakota-Rev. E. S. Rewe, Secretary Toronto Confer- ence, preacl inssîenary sermons bere Suncia',---Chas Jas. Kix cll died ou Tliursday Pcb. 9. Deceased was ap- parentiy lu bis usual heaith and bad at- tended a wood bec tic day previous at Mr. Alex. Rutberford's. During tise ucxt day ise werked around sud after baving caten supper was resding the vaper when ho droiipcd over dead. llenrt faîlure le tic cause cf deati. He was oniy surviving son eft Mr. John Kîveli. Lite Was a Blirdoil Till Mrs. Lalnpian Used Paine's Colery Comfpounld. The Only lvedicine ThatGives Trile Strellgth alld Keeps the Body Nourisbed. A Letter that Tells of Trials and Sufferings. A New aDd Joyous Exis- tence Experienced Af- ter Use of the Wonder- f ul Medicine. Mrs. M. E. Lampinan, Woodstoek, ont., writes as follows regardiug iser rescue frein suffering sud ageuy:. "Af 1er serions cousîderalion I tiink it mv duty te acknowledge thc great goodl tiat I have derived frein Paine's Ceicry Compound. No living mertal eau imagine tise suffcrings I eudurcd for four montiss. That demosu 'La Grippe' got a fast hold ef me; I became nervous sud was se prestrated that I could not sleep niglit or daj,. 11I was rcduced 10 a uscre skeheton, sud lite became a burderf. My appeti te was very poor 1 sud I was s0 extremeiy nerveus tisat I coulinet bear to baye any person in tise reom inwtb me., "Onue Sabisetii uflernoon I rcad oee cf veur bocks, sud feund tisat Paine's Cehery. Co=pus had cured many people. 1 t 1 gilIweuid lry a bel tic, sud bought eue liai atterucen, aud commetsced Go take it sccordiug te dir- ections. lhie relief wasalmest instant. 1 centiuued tise use cf tise compouud, witis tbe resuit tisat I can now slcep al nigist and teed rested wbeu mcrnîng' comes. My appetite le good, 1 amu gainiug iu flesi sund teedlike a ucw pacson. "I cannet fiud words te express my gratitude for ycur great Pais- e's Ceiery Compound sud for lie wonderfui cure it bas brought about. 1 amn 73 years cf age, sud eau uew walk five miles .witbout teeliug very tired. I amn tcliiug Mys friends sud uigibors who are sleeplessud nervous sud suffering as 1 was. I wish yenu ubounded success, sud hope Ibis mýay be read by some oe who is affictediaud suxicus for relief." VIOTTIS 0F THE SNOWSLIDE Bodies of W. Cator, Wlfe and Ohildren Recovered. TIf E RMAINS BROUGHT TO BOW-MÂJNILLE FOR INTERMBNT. Thse bodies cf Mra. W. Cator and two cbîldren, victiis cf the snowshids diaRaster at Rogers' Paui, B C., ou the 3lst of Jan , arrived bere on Wed. ueaday of last week, aud Mr. Cator's body, which wss not recovered for s <Inn d ays sfterwsrda, reacied liera on Mouday niglit. Ail but the littie boy, bore evideuces of the sad catas- trophe in thse shape of bruisesataid ruina. Dr. Taylor, of Golden, was conveyed te the scene of the accident by a special angine which arrived ab-,ut 8 30 Tuesday niRht and did wliat lie could te maka the one survivor coin- fortable. and brought her back te the, hespital here. Thse lîde which wrought such fearful havoc, followad the track eut eut by alides of previoui years, but was of muai greater magnitude, beiug of suab aaize aud weight as te run fully hait a mile on the levai bottom of tise Valley. Mr. Ostor was about 35 years of age, and came originally from Bowmauville, Ont. Re lias beau station master at Rogers' Paas for ten or twelve yesrs. Biglit yeara ago haoî»arried a Miss Scott, alo of Bowmsnville-, whore they were botb well and popularly knoWn by a large circle ef friands. THE G26ET -TO- DEIT7EIB, LOS bTGELEBY SAX DIEGO, SAX FBAIS0O, and ther pointa in Calfornia, Arizena, NGw Mexico. Colorado.sand other Pacifie Coast Pointis. Tf yeu are ceutemn. plating a trip for HBALTH, PLEASURE OR BUSINESS- i'rom a Canadian winter te th e land of SUNSHINE FRUIT & FLowÈns. Tbuough Tickets te ail Foreign Points. I'er Descriptive Guides, Tinse Tables, etc.,, p!y te Agents G.ý T. R. System, .0 DLCKSON. W. WOODS, î$ît. Passr. Agt., Toronto. 1 Depot Agt. feikets te alilpeints lu Canada, United States, Manitoha, Norths West. B. C. or Europe at Stett & J ury's Drug Store. IsTsiJ[fisistieihT,,fi sii , AVegetablePrprtinoAs- dSiriCiling 9 ooadieula- Ecss and Rest.Contains neitter iOpiutd,Morpbiae or ltIial.a INÙ)T NÀUC 0T lC. Yk~,,odjStIJLIr , m&Z- Aperfect Remedy for Constipa- tin orStomach,Diarrhoea, WoriiÉ,onvt,-idn,Feverish- Tc SmleSgnature of EXACT COPYOF WRAPPER. Undertaking Bstabijlirnaunt of Messrs M. D. Williams' & Son, wlîo prepared them for burial. Tsagh t the four bedie,fathar,mothar aud two chlldren, as they lay aide by aide, wss a sad oea aud %vas suierreusînder cf ýhe un certaiuîy of lite. The, intaermeut touik place from the reaidence ef Mr. W. Scott, Horfiey Street, yasterday afttr- noon and was largeiy atteneud. The service wae conductad at the lieuse by Rev'. J H. Turubuli, M A., cf St. P4uls, su)d that cf the S. O. B , at Mr. Cator'a grave. Tisa procession with threc Heaisee, was a alght that alicita expressions cf sorrow irons ail. The SonsietofEngtand, et Bowmsnvllîa, Newcastle and other Lodges, cf whica Order he was a membar, atanded in a bsdy, ont cf respecîte their decoased brother. Mr. Cator, who waa station Agent at Rogers' Pans, carried an la- sursuce in tise Bons cf Etigiand cf $2000. Hie aise conducted a Restaurant. turnishing meals te passengers on the trains whieh stonnpd î1-ha . , both lie aud hie wife worked liard sud warA saving money.'Tlie following addItional particulars cf the accident, wa have elipped tre ia Ee Eset Kooteuey Miner, pnblîsbed at Golden, B. C., not far fromntthe scene cf tLe accident: "A terrible catastrophe occurred at about 3.30 on Tuesday atternoon, wheu thse sationhouse, roundieuse and watertanrk at Rogers' Para were carried away by an immense snowslide wbicb came down froin the mounitain te the nerti cf the tracir. Some cf the shacks used as bedrooma by tise men, wiere aIe carried away. Sevan parsons were ltîstantly kiiied, sud anotier, a young IaIy waa severely injured. The saion agent, W)lliam Caser, with is wlte and two amalil abldren, ware buried ln the rmimiscf the station, sud were lu stauîly killed. Mise Berger was ataylng at Cator'as at the tin.fe, sud liad juat gene upstairs te attend te nmre honse- liold duties, wben aie fait the hoîsse move, sud, tien Éuew ne more until1 sha regasoied lier censcieusues-, witi the timàbars cf--the reof -pïnning lher- down. Ih wafound aseliad oee eg broken sud had recaived injurias te lier back. Sie was the only onaetofal lu the station house who survivad the terrible calamity. She was brought1 iie te the Golden llospital, wbareshe eaIs oig as weiI as ceuld lie epc under the sad circumstancas. Basides sistainiug Injuries,seraceived a severe sheck freim theseudden trans formation cf daylight te, darknaas, which ail occeurreol lu an instant, sud this le aIlteagirl remembera ef the alida. having gene Into s deep swoon4 immadiately on being atruck. Frank4 Corson, night oerator, was asiaap at I the t rne cf the accidentand was hurledl loto etarnity wiLbout warnlng. Tiare 1 ware twe ethars anguifed by the aval-1 sncb, oeeasyouug mnunamad Jim Ridiey, s wlper, sud who was a brotbar-in-law et' Scetty'* Simnone, wio la well known iu tbus district, lihaving beau aas enRinear on the bill for a number cf yaars pasî. The death rol aie included a Chinarnan, whose name we are nnu.bie te learn. Mrs. Sîions aiter cf Rîduey, sud Mr. T. MoMalion hied juat lef t tisa station a couple etf minutes pravieus te the disaster. Up te the lime cf our golng teprs SOVEREIGNS BOW. Set au Example ta the Wortd for Regu- iar ity of Church Attendanee-Aj Itecent Stsnday's Record. The rulars cf Europe spent n raceut Sunday as follows: Firat of ail wns Ber Majesiy Qneu ick, thaeDuke aud Duchesa of Connuglit, wili iheir chidren, and aliers cf the royat fnmily, atteuded service ni the nil- vate chapel at Windsor lu the merniug. The Vicar cf Windsor preeohed frein Isalali, lviii., 8: "For My theuglits are Det your tlioughts, neither aie yonr ways my 'vays, sain ithe Lord." Iu the aven- ing Quesu'V loterie, read prayars pri- vately Francis Joeph -cf Aurie, wiih bis dnughîer, afiauded mass at Budapestinl the memning. Thse priest rend frein Mettliew, chapier 24, beginning: "And Jesus waut eut nnd departed frein the temple and Bis disciples came te Hlm for te show Hlm thse buildings cf the temple." Ring Leopold Il. cf Baaura attonded mss in the private clapai ef Laeken Palace ai 9 n.m., wlîltsAeOnasu and Princesa Clemantilu. Tbsjee was ne ser- mon. President Faure of France dîdn't at- tend dhurci. He speni ail Srsnday buni- Iug at Nangis. The Czar cf Russia, Nidbulas Il:, and the Czarina ationded xurning service at the privale clapai et Yalta, TIoe wag no sermon, Ring Chlristian IX. of Denmark at- tendefi service et noon witb tise number- landi family et thea Cumberland Castie, at Gonuden, The text was, inken frein tise 14&711 Psalin. Aipheuso XIII. ot Spain heard mass vth i Is'motiser ln the privaise ratery ni Madrid. Therg waa ne sermon. King Oscar Il.anud famliy of Sweden ailendefi uhurchln l the Palace Churci .ai Stockhsolmn. Tise court paster teck hie texi frein Mattisaw, 25th rilaptar. Don Carlos, the Speantal pretender 'si- tended privata mass lu the Royal Cl nel ai Lishon. Tisera was ne sermon. Wilhliana,,bIs uewly crowued r 'ar of tise Neliserlanfs, attandafi mois -g service lu tise privata alapal at bc Bagua. The taxi was Luke vi,, 81. Thse Sultan cf Turker heerd the Roran rend. Thse words ware tbose of chap i 114: 'Il fly for refuge unto the Lord ot men tînt Ha may deliver mse frein ths misehief of île whisparor, wle whisper- ai "vil seggestibus lote thse lreastuet o Presîdeut'MoKiliîay or tle United Stutes stayafi ni home lu Wahington. ArTTHE SIGNATURE IS ON~ MIE OF EYErby B13OTILE 0F asatorla la pnt up ln oas-site baIlles only. h la net sold Is bnlk. Dou't ashow anyone le ssii yen anylhing aise an lhe pies or proiuls iat Il la "jeut as goed" andd"iii answar avery pur- Pasi" ,< ' * Ses tint yo eat aAsToRIA The fan- simile é, // Ç . Isosu sigatr Until further notice SPOT CASH wîil buy fresh mxined, well sereeued Coal at the fellowiug prieus. Scranton Ceai, ail sizes, at harbor $4.75 per ton; delivered te any partt of towu e.25. 1 Haviug iandled tbis Coal for 24Àa -w secutive years sud almost ail etier kinds at times we eau rccommend it as boti best and cbcspcst. Our sbed capacity being sufficieut for tbe supply cf tuis section the publieceau depend ou slways getting dlean, dry ceai. As in the past we are prepared te psy tic vcry higbest'market price for ail kinds cf GRAIN AND) S-EEDSýdei-ivered atour storebouses corner XUng and George Sts., or. at Port Darlington. SALT-coarse, fine and dair7 lu bagi and barrels, aise, Retsof Rock Sait for cattie sud brses aiways on baud Lumnber, Latis, Shingles, Sasb, Doors, etc., lu stock sud made te erder Inspection iuvited and sati8faction guarsntecd. BowMANVILLE.I Sarnia's population was, increased by 141 birtis lu 1898. Columbus Presbyterians intend re- pairing their churcis. IMr. and Mrs C. Williams, Enniskil- len ,rcccntly visitcd tiscir cousin Mr, E. Elswrti, Newcastle. A CARD- We, the un dersigned, de bereby agree te refund tise mouey on a twenty-five cent bettie cf Dr. Wiils' Ene'lisb Pills, if atter using tisree-fourths of contents cf bettie, tisey de net relieve constipa- tion andiseadache. We aise guarantee four botties wili perarnenntiy cure tise most obstinate case of constipation. Sat- ifaction or ne psy whie Wihls' Pis are used.. Stett & Jury, chemist, Bowmanville. J. Higgiubothamn &Son, cbemnist, Bow- mauvîlie. 2-4w Aurera bas another dentist, in Dr. Butler. cf Toronto A new moter bas been piaced in Ah- iisten's peweriouse. Mr. John BaliDow, Whitby,' is nursing a broken arm. Steps are beiag taken to deveiop tise peal iudustry lunlise vicinity cf Brock- ville. FOR OVER FI4'T Y VEARS. iMrs.Winslow's SoothingSyrup bas boens used by millitonscf moîhers for tbeir chiidreu wisile teeîhing. If dislurbed ai nigîht sud brokan cf youî rest b y s sick child sufering sud crylng wlth the psin of euîting leeih senfi ai once sud gel a botte cf Mis. Winslows' Soottiug Syrup for Oilidren Teethlng. Il wilt rOlieva the peer ltlie suferai ai once. Depend uponl it,usothers, Ihereisu nmisiake sbo»tit. Ilcures Diîrhosa regulates Iheslemach and bowels, cures Wlind Celle, softeus tse gums, raduces inflammation, sud gives loue sud aergy te the whoie sysîaus, Mis. Wiuslows' Soolhisîg Syîup for childien Ieeîiugsplasst blietaule sud is the pie- serptinoonecflieelestl sud hast feussie ph~'iaiu ud urss ltlie Uiteîd States. Fiss 2e shoue. oldbyatt druggistq tIbm' gh- ou is ld esuesd ask fer Mis. Wîst. SLOWS' Soellsing Syrup. 11ev. T. Manning, Lindsay, preacbed missionary sermons lu tise Metbedisi cburcis, Catupheliford, Sunday. r .Fer Infants "nd. Children,. rhslue- Iml496Eu Ladiese and iGents' Watelies, Air Rifles, skates, Jewelry, idves, ,ýc, teeuyelse wbo- iil a5sist us te intresince our uiew Si LVEFs ALUM INUM TH 1M BLES at 1GOceach. They are llghtcr. more durable and better iban sterling ,ilver or steel. We give F R E E with, esch siimbla a package of the bet assorted Needies )r a Tapa Measý.ure 1oer ecents>. ha are tise fastest seiing geoss that 'ae gsr Leen put on the uar. EVERY LADY BUYS AS SOON~ AS SHE SEES THEM. Simply write ns a few Ilies oun apewst eard and we xvi forward the goods andf oui prdein i ist. Wlsen sold, send us tiha molley, andi tie un eminu yen select wili ho sent by finIt mail. W e pa alit chasses. Ouri prcnsiiunis are striciv fùrst chusq. We have numbers (-f testirimia16 frees delighted pris.e winnr. Vhe wiiniasention Ibis paper. IIUUSEIIOLD &PECIALTY CO.,Bay Street, Torao, cutr The bodies weie É%ka.ý i- thm -Goal, 1 Woodi et.,etc§ 1 1 1 1 Ji f t c t t f t D r WFlllÂýPPER