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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 Mar 1899, p. 7

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r I But the mrost important bill is the Lf-ILLAII BILL. For this bill we are L. St. Loule, Moosomin, N w in llsueusecvorsng bau iecover the source ef nwt îethe publie bever value than ever before. ted bis uncie, Mr. Joe Henry.,, .. Misse, the Gerinan Kaiser'. extraordlnary S.ow prepared teringA.giveKo aissarount of Information, mmcii et whicii Fo!Ordered Cohn we carry3 a tasty and up-to-date Inl f Mr-on .~alu, .MKxa,19 0compriseti among whathabasitherto FoinelohOf S. Hocken, anti Messrs.'John Hemn, N beau censideret Iin tie ligit e! ofllc;ai Tweeds, Serges and Wonsteds, ah prices just exaetly ex-en withquality. Hoken H. A. and W, S. MeKoîven, secrets efthlie Brilliés Governiant.-Key- We have just received, a new shipment of Dress Goods, Prints, Bewmanviile, atteudeti a surprise parhý aoue àah Mr. A. Tembiyu's on Tuesdey even ________ Ladies' Blouses, and Stnaw Goods for every day and Sunday wear, and ing week. . . Mrs Chas. Waihems rais the Frtse~e ~,f I,,id.HE ENGLISH VERSION. G iven. afný7,dIïavalemble possea- riîMe Fi:, ýTreat e tà T h e. A m er î ffln ac bool l2us ory b as be au UVai o asdiuï,7,e n 12 I ou y e e rii d b t hie tai nl bar t renII d liDG Is w ith E ng- w h n w r h s a v ri e e r A w a y to any j L a ý y r ad s of t ng la d breron f I s c m n ts o th In sirrir toadaA-tist ami introdure out ness Fast Color Tiome Dyes we are prearred to send toianyo tbasruo yiy'ad anbyeao c!isomtnlonif wh',answ, ths acý,ýrisemnumber of assiorted packages of both wool and cotoi dyesro seli for us rit 1o enseach, togther with our extensive preist and one sample package entirely free for triai every eamergencY. If it 'were possible te igudmn18 eae1m e eau use. Wh-n -Id return us the money and state which prertiumyou desire for your services and it willb e figure oînt IL.millions of emlsinatiens tionary war was treated ln Engliali by retuire mail, These dyes are ail fast colors, and are guaranteed to hoe the finest that can Le manufactured. colWtrebtteel itr As this offer la only to get themin lto the hands of new custemers, it Cao Le easily understood that our -mj and permutations of avept.e ad set atter colitribuii.elhityI ojeect is to give the Lest possible value for the nmney.hIibtis way ladies and others cao sen d fr double their each a ru]. te follow, @vonen the b re. founîd, ln a littie village alihool that I seasons supply and sellhalfto a friend or neighbor, aodLy su doing earn avaluable prize that la worth more sul wo'jid h ll nigb worhm. For iitecl, d igniissed the. n.atter wîth a moe tlhathevaiueofthedy Snbofleceaewithesedyes thatwe offer the "sample package FREE iti weli ue nxti tuimposeiL.le fr ayBt1ileent shat ln a certain ysar w. simply to have ladies or othtrrstry it anîd Le sailbd before ecommejý!nir it to-their fiemds. Ladiý1 s, oyefomte ohe outy n and girls.,iare now working for us ail ovrCanada, asad are dl5tdwith the prrîzes rey baive receved. on. tu se menter the mice ofaction S uffi-d rmsh ohe ontya Aogcromerous tai-es ae:Lni Gent' nad Bos' StdSilver and Nce achs os iceutly vieil tu appiy t11m ipranly Mes Up a reaublican foriof government. Rfie; oc-er Knives; LaId and Sle rclt;Blouse Sjets; JabUle and Teaspoon;Foki f i ; 1 wheu neded. But when ane rseas %but The ]Dors ab- GodlÀg; Magaies; Books; Lc utin,&. c Do net delay. Write us a post card te- day and we -will senti yon the dyes and prite ist lt once. Cao an] eorgemey bas coma about, Whou air- setionhit W Our country, anis I came away fairer tceatme,,nt Le bad anywbece ?Xe trust you sinlply because we bave confidence in eue dyes and know cumetances so combine as te r@quire im witb the impression so naany Americans youi ca- s1i eYu cn no risk as we.ask no mouey; ail unsold gouds asy le returued. Whcn writing medinite action, it je tihon that tiag wel. have, that the Englisb *eboolboy in Kntotehipper. A few linos are sûki rcient. trainesid idiSI alive. Tb@. very comin i taugbt far jess about Our country than IOR 0NMTO D YE COMPANY, S ay Street, -TORONTO. !mg ef thbe circurritanceosoeui a brnz I;, importance shotîld warrant, 'Witibn a ____________________________________________________________ about a reanît la the' niind of the, Ob. ttl0th I have domno acress a"Schaol server, and a course of yruccedure sug- inzory eofPEngand" fer boys of wbat geste lîsel!. Il le met foi-ced, Lut in M a w wuld ocal] lgh-scbool aga, andi have malurai as, '.haevant itiself. This liéthe betisImore thain aslonisbed at lie manner DI gîems Mmimd vihich l8 ln close touch Witî the -in whicii tie i, ter, Cunningbam- IUI Uprinciplee ot nature andi of action. Geike treats lthe subjeots Wici bave se :2 1ýSeveralý evenings eue at a public con- long rensained Open @Ores witm nslarge- Oort the aecotnpanist was IPlaving trouts h because we have supposed lias the Bdes ath i. pertormer,, vIOg a.corea- Englisb wome eithhr wllfully Ignorant of OdIS panaiment oiavwe piaylug, wass oitII3.Uhe virongs w. inifered t t ielr banda or ER w ~iebbi back te ler. Ssîadely a beat 0et etIcat woer. nrepentant. I found lat t ii G o ng n. * teom.nammnet, nd1,200u peuple E»Uland'a gevernînents, a e t lm ues et Wor Wachig br.The accompanlat diaOUT ruptures Wlth îhenm, moe.severely ____________________________________Bot sene te lie lustereti lu the leacti. Sheanin laharsimer lenguaga lien I remom-- kePt an PlaYIIIZ eaimly andi coolly as if ber ever te have men inan Amnricen We have qo!ld piles o-f Boots thec last five or six weeks and have lot, sobkg bchd liappened. When she came -celbck f1r nmr tin he bar- to iso-c ý-I ytiarnd very cheap-first-elass goodS -at -ery smalt inrinces - te a ceoI ara ti yeaSy passage __lu the n jUEit, _Wich _Grenville c dipoe"tytiO R, h. k-epe on playimag wite Onee tOdupon US, thehistorien goos on ta MySpring stock is in-mnost of it-and we find our shelveii erow'de 5 hnad wltb ltsaetimer, leaIàg vrieeae ielsei !l lg n h abe pleaia efilen hee. bhwas ighees ýtPit et a hater date (179ô). me We wanit more room and are bounDi ti have it,. if lnw prices have aniy- das opasLe ant uly as if , Iitsij ay ialb ruser etieoa- thüiug to do wîth it. praetisei "eh things al hu er i.. Imntotwere 111 fitted te tae ,PII'a piae, 0w. carry a good assortinent of Ladies' OXford,eolored and black ai 5ikoNekt ber proience of mind. ad eue .special]y, Char-las Towaîimu», $100 Men's OnUf and Cordovan Blmns, sewed and rivitted, from $1.40 HUAIM UE 1 Chancelier of lb, Erchequer, ",wantlng hi RHEUATIS CUED I 4 HUS prmÏUdece anti sel-restreInt, was deaîiaed te '52.50, worth 82.00 to $3.50. Children's Button and Blms 25e,- 5c. Mm. H E. West, Water-Streî, Vat) e ta, c ýLe vii geninset0 Englauti aI ibis 75c, worth SOc, 75e, and $1.00. Misses', Boys' and Youths' to correspond couver, writes: I have heen'Sufferlî clas".-Fo Anglo-Saxon Afluities, in prices.trem.i a verv paintulattack o!f Rhouma- 14Y J ulieu Ralph, ln Harpr's Magazine. We xiii tell you what the stock is in each and every pair. The titan in mx- right shoulder, andi could I o t ___ ._ . Ltet prig tyes OwiLattempt lu aiSe mv etin, 50 great wB s The Timigd Led by thie 1idu reason we do that is because we know. aetSrnsye 1Wl the pain. A frienti procured a baotleof stockin evry un. Thepubli is iVited to inspeet our stock ; no Griflth's Menthol Liniment, and ini les-, 'swanolrm~kbocroc trouble to show goods-we do il with pleasure. Trunks, Bags,-Satchels: tn four boni-s the pain entirely lecfîOn th@ Stret the Oeue> day," Sali a pi-- Shawyl Straps, fancý and. plain ; Dresîing, thie very best that can bc ruean al, us îlot returned. It certainl aslonal maue, "and iti madie a deep im- is tho pmat{ain rellever. 25 cents b jross)Iozn on an. A lady 'cames down blgi.Ceptrash desn is dear, il wUlI run the boots it is appliý ail dîrfîse Unlit avenue anti stoppee aItIhe <mcer bd o, h.Ce~ tefci lisreet. 1511.eviclonlu wanted le Reparing doue un ai] its branches in firsýt-class style. Fine work The Toronto World Sax's: Hon. £1Eroa-s te the ether ade, oft he avenue. maet toordr, urefitor o sle. Thinkig m eutomrs or astwamd Biakse wiii etutu to Canada fo; Si. Was fot a Young womaa anti she mad t orer sue it r 10 al. hanin mycutomrsforpai ood j'l Mav. He wili be i ven a bai- didtineoo0k Stmong. Thoe ,Was quit. à favors and hopng for a continn-ance of thle m. u th te Iisi Homee Rulers on bis iam Ot vulsioles l'a lie Street.,enetor cama,* 1departure ironsthie Old'Laîd. Mr wagons ant i bcyclu, anti aie seemeti a *ý c%-t BiaIse says hlievii not enter politieti,l i t e limiti about irsking theepassage. y ý- Canada. As she hcsîated a nian, camn p ]Bond * __________Street anti pansedbstiede he. 14a wasaa8 Beaver Bleek. Bowmanville. A A ~ ~ .WI-trosâad titan and carrild a ieavy vvoma s u~iiion cane. whilib I netîceti b. useti conataaitly ________________________________________________________ Vas'if h. mightbclitig111elae SI-aid the lady te bita, 'en 1 SAfter Au Experience of sk eu a oferme te Potetio G c peour arra î» crossismg the street?, i naTwe~n y Years. ia~ aVr~W~mip Gauurot Leexpccted in a herse whicb ls "ruadesrn" 'Oct Ms IGEO AS DAoWDvs "'Jrany aan"b ee, and of soi-ta" thre.îgb impovershnteat o! ticbloci -Lui. uilti Dîck'spsys DAmN yu Crtil, iaam"h rp hi= up wigssLlkk'a Parifier and lie basbohU. I11 W Aita RELIMiLI5 ÂND N5VER-FA1LLG" offereti bis aria. As tlîey crossed the desijc-ý ail the impuiieslu is systemi and fartifies it. -Stt-1 Ifollowed close babindthuniem. The fe feelsgood sudlbisspiritila igh. 1Viaida igeaki man witum the.came was very cArf1ll I givre glo;1sa to bu coat-hrigbkoess to bis eye--vi.mte hi- I have uSed lie Diamond i)ý os toi lialteti several limes, but -hep reaclieti aciu 1k.Iw i double bis usefuineas and value, ever twentv v.ears andi have ne,%er ',e' Cie othur aide Withont nsisliap. A.s h : 60 CENTS A PACKAGE, TRIAL. SZ C CENs. ailed ta got«i Zod misultasvwhiî-t 1ift;tilady 1ot go et hi. arrai se Raiti: Iowed diectiOUs. 1 would îlot use )theI 'Thaak you, sir, fom pour coertesy DIK& O, RPREOR.dyes even if they weme give tue ftee c n4>eteio. cdst Diamoîîd MILESare Ce.,- bie anc "Y!Care 'aquite welcome, inada," ho j nvc~f~~~ ~ MCREjR repfliet'Bat I tear yen everval.e qmy j A-nbemly , 01t, <Adtecisbis bat aanho tura- 4* ~~ - - -" - ~ S~usdM J. W. Odeil, Cobourg, was bonI- iwA Ese-es ek f Sinaweelk.,.Mm. Oeoallbasre --turneti home tmom lihe North West... uve fthle -ceont discussioninte i -' Miss yev May lias heen visiting frieud, Englislî Parliament about the necessity - -~ ~ in Cobourg.... Mr. Mort. Andrus, Lind kepgGranntohriquiiv * t-sav,-isited bis father ecentiv .... Mr toreignees out nfBritish tiokyamds, it la W in, Heard visited Mm. Thos. DonCas ratier amuslug tu learu Ibat Emperor* ter________.....___________Miss_________Jean Adam, cmatvle ag vlm, ot :n int n - nied er er Toient, is visMin be exhaustive partieulars about the. con- sistefoTooti vstn er structiom andi armementandcutihiiecl- Mrs. JO s. Richards .... Mm. T ails teey rtsbw hp Antia Quinn, Parry Soundi, is visiting Vr. M L. Tavele,. .. MaterClitenGis il to 10poke fan at tise Englisi Goveru- h.a l:..MatrCito as\ment, i. bas sent a cepv ufthle compila- heshd an attack of' rieumatisai l. ion, wiîh bis cùmpliments, te every Mî-s. Knox vias strieken with paraiýsbasmme tlebarie tmmlyl Are 11N4ow Attracting on Satumday week and now lies lit. F ebr ttebadofamrlyi prearius ondtin... âr. nd rsLondon. Tii. "Lerds"-ter that là the pasre a ndsrco ndit i . T.I.anti Mrs eýlcI itIti. 0of to l iie atsan utipollti- clans who are entrust@d wItb lie destin- P ublic Attention, Daie a Mr.m. CldrsaniIrT..Lititles of the royal aavy-are Dow engagt MrP-c hnefnor..,f. xr- g APPEARS ON EVEPY 77ER. "G-., J'4 Grai,-ec the prices wiîî se.11 înem. points of a pair ofl scissors thmougli the WaaE Locno Drinks Yeerly. j -..C rL a- In roerestie carry only the best goods and willl always be found Palm of ber baud.. ..G. M. Miller, Esq. Some curions particalars are given lun' Architeet, Toronto, inspechedth ie new Ti. Rom, Magazine coerning wbat J.T~Y&Ca with a full assorîmnent o! alI lines in public demand-all priced bargain- lewis hall lest week. Londion tirknks every pear. No loss tien IIONTREAL ishiy. 27b.000 000 gelions et watsr lnd theu ________________________ We also carry Crockery, Machine 011, Paint 011, Paints,Axle Grease, way annuebbp down lie tii-esof Lon- Fence Wîre, NailBne Twine, Field and Garden Seeds, and Patent only. The. beor censumeti ameaI, t Nedieines in fullhUe. lü15,000,000 galions every pear, aqual te a We du'task ou o bu1 I w4 youtoinvetigte.distribution et olmoat a plutthoe Vem'yl We. the Untiersigneti, do herebyeagiee We on' as yu h beiev, ut sk OU ivesigae.Lir bln.esz, pepsia, beasiache, const man, womau anti chi lu im e worli. Of terefundthie money on e 'tweuhy five paîen sar tomaci, ndgesio ar pomplyneal spirite, Lention demanda about cent hottie of Dr. Wiiis' En2-iisb lPille, ourai by b.ud. Pilla. Tlsey do theur 'worh 4,400,000 gallons a yeer., Oui- tea rnk- if after usiug thee-tourtbs of cenreunts * o . fl e rs ca an y outrmillions, anti ccli fer cf bottle, thex- do net relieve constipa- HAPTN.25,000,000 paunaiof tee, wtic, waen tion antibeadacie. We aise guareutee icryapinîtfoi- every ilii abitant efttheii.facticn or ne pay when Wills' Pis are werld. 0cr teapot, it preperby sfiapeti, useti. esilyatr(i rugille. valicitrai tk utewoeeStctt & Jury, chemiet, Bowmanv"ie. îlesur<tr il. St. Pasta Cathbdral, for il contains oeor __ _ _ __ _ fl5et,.s.Aildrogias.928,000 cubie yards Of aeraled waters îi'ibha oceilt, Baw- 1;pr7ib .1.Ruti&O. Lond s odn drink. 50,00,000 gallons overy_______ 2 4w m-1-l'The euh- PHt ta talie witi Rodt'a Sarsaparilie. year.-Loacîon 'îelegrapl Pon OVEn F1OTY pAS. A CI~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~AA RTS FOR SALE -Evemy BirdSsnl-ieSutteiig f itreia lgtat rknu k, - m'ar,.anted a singer or mcccv refwidet eiî sîaiuuo -u oul, î irtu ik hlisteiîgat ti diet tram Gî m upvue .ihercP mSli-witblîlue faut ut cuttîng tceth senlti ai one anti rcstrmOup. Lôve irtis. Farmots, Mark- Carlyle. get abLîttie utlra. Wlnsiows' Soothiug Syrup ing hirda.eceutcbda F. C.ý PETiIICId'S Tic worlti eau go on witiout ns,- for Chi Idren ,Tcethiug. Il wiltlrelieve tise pour Barber SLap, tiowmnaîville if t. Longfellow. liccle sufferer et once. Depend upon it,motbei-s, 'b@lie md iatIte nufet isi.aise un- there ila nu nisiake aboutit. It cures Diarcea îGENS WNTE.-Fr cies s.oed.-EýP. hiple.regula teatise stomacis sud bowets, cures Winti A I tknovei the Grain and (Coal Business in twa niCountry Districts. Free reiniyi i bgctpi-exo tCuti, gîves ttîcas cry ta tse infftale sslcm sampta casesantiexclusive terimtai-y. Thaseth ghâeretoofcA -sf:ýanee'ytahewl 5sùm tiesiring agond distr-ict shaniti write -at once. buanry -Jebason Mis. Wiiiîs'Saathlig byrop for chiien Bv1aýaui-, at-ycar,-on!) 3 ,s,'.l,-l-,s+ We baveovci-600acres under cuttivation. Our Lnhor l hagretest po ut etig aofcatotatbe taste atiti la tie.c stockis pratauticeti ires tm Sas, lois Scale iwaîi tmïs .î l. aue,-ci-îhriin aîinussl ts t - S. Bros, 1 pcrepared topay the IIIG-IEST PRICE for ail by Goversiment Iiispector. Agenstas spllec To . igoan.1 t o! aeiu",-ra~ otlt wrd 3sr nt i o- Inns qï : i iîî uJSeeds, and will endeavor, to conduetwiefr teitrs P-LEMNttaastv GY i'~s.' ti-arnsa h onHita rn iu' Tai-auto, Ont busû<'s o buinss rrnîpls~Oce LAXA-IIVER PIIL every nlght aopeneti by e grand Concert on Wetiî.,s Coa wil b dlivered to al parts of the town at the 5foefa Pb-nah IlXi11het1. t5e5îLahi. day, Meis et -' lepricefor ~-ju t 25 eents lobe enred. Goyerunene' are Èoing te find lowest posfsUle iie fr AH.l HAGYAID'S YELLOW OIT, cures'ont if Il 10e7pyrast-i. .bleta Istock wti 'k ~ "~ ail parts the St i-ai e, lgotass, aires, woun-dl, enta, IotC-li aeO.,tetcna oî Coti 1 jur X.,will ue uiVruL f frostbltes, chilblnlns, stings of inseecl-. bai-nls, acalds, ecoonhassons, etc. Prie. 2- et freilh saen b tuerln niy one laite town. D~~~~~~~~~R. LOW'5 WOR11I 5YRUP l a safej ah.wrt-aeBakiecoi tl h sur'. vd ellable Wrmexpeller. Ada deflptiý, ant i leo].y40 etepe.ntl orIfas'n hdi VOWURu 5UrOthe irorsthesimee a 4geaeotdphslule2,0 td hi- 1ie.s' 1hu fomfaio twc,..nifu inutne, ndo.- g,, rive!in..u r- u ï. nrous 1ft- te tsynOne , deavc- 3 .a âmislutib naxetr, nai irueofuts - rn Until. furtîser 'notice SPOT CASHI will buy fresh mined, welI secened Coal at the foliowing pnecus: Serantoxi Ceai, ail sizes, athbarbon $4.75 per ton ; delivered to any part of town $5.25. llavuîîg haudied tbis Coal for 24 eu secutive years and almost ail other kintis at times we eau ecmmend it as bothibest andi cheapest. Oui- shed capacir.y being sufficieat for the suppîx-ofet ts section the public can depend on always g-eting clean, dry ceai. As ia the past we are prepamedti o pey thie ver', higihelt marî-ktt price for ait kinds of GRAIN AI)SHEDS delivemed at our stoeeonses corner King andi George Sts., or et Port Darling-tci. aT omeftfoid.iri bg cattle antibred ia o adLnbr Lath, Sîingles, Ss.i-,tc.,iunstoc anti matie tao o-der T!i-,iection initced anti satisf action guaranteecl. BOWMÂNVILUS. i .1 i i I i i I a. -hi-- JMr. Wannamaker's Advice. Temkins.-"Good mning, Mi-, Weunamaker, I have 'celiedti o see if yen cen give me e position in you- es- tablishment, I cen tumu my handti t aimosý i. aîthiug,." Mr. W.-"'No, we are uil luiex-ci-y departuseut. and yen are lie lWentieh man I wPave mousetilto.tiay. Whb'y ton't voit talc7 1 up a buse lu wbich there is iess coînîetihia;i anti botter pey ?" Torutpklns.-"I'i only be tee thenk- Sui if ',out couiti put me ou track o! sucb a posh on' 'MI. W.-"Wisen I was hxventy soars ut aze. 1 was; àt stranger lu a strange lanti, withn isitier womk uer money, wboîu .frieuti cf mine, a lawx, atadis- ed - aXe1 ( a bock ag-ene13v sey iug he hai e- mto bitîsseif by canvasbing;- tikedîouin- nen grasp.ah strews, I o a i, ad ice, ant i u ive yeams sax- Idsd' id witi Ibis sun startot mny pî-e~..l- ,uus. tilejust ftfty years. 'ii I 4-l tdiOr huefet- ta h. i.earini letors an ietadvice, ast rutjsu a ut caîefio.yn see wic e' hv teofe" Tcmriniu -1 baesenthe etivar tismt-t.t uttits lm,lfor agetsfer thaa*iikî!i ta -)u àMm. Wannamnaker, for Castoria is for Infants and ýChildMren. Castoria. is at harmless substitute for Castor 011, Paregoric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. Tt contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. It is Picasant. Its guarantee is thirty years' use by Mllions of Motlters.' Castoria destroys Worms and. allays Feverish-, ness. Custoria cures Diarrhoea and Wind (Colie. Castorla relieves Teething- Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulcncy. Castoria assimilates the Food, regulates heStomacli and Bowels of Infants and Chidren, giuig healthy and natural sleep. Castorila is8'the Children's Painacea-The Mothcr's Friend. Castoria. Castoria. "lCastoria la an excellent imedicina for "CalerTa ta au weiliadaspted ko ebjîdreat ciiltreni. Mothers bave repeatediy tolti me thot 1 recanirsend-Il as-superïor b auy Pre- et its gooti cffwecL upoa ubeir chuildreni." acriptionu knowVko me." Dv. G. C. OSGOeen, LceelMa il M. Ace M«a. PBrookly-nA. 'Y -THE FAC-SIMILE SIGNATURE'0F p VIVIVIVIVývvvvvlqr

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