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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 8 Mar 1899, p. 8

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'ait- ~ît~r 4 g 32 4 g I. -~ Furniture Dealer___ A ND THREE HUNDRED AND ONE. TheiFamily Remedy for - - - oughs a n d Colds. Invaluable for Bronchitis, lloarseness, La--~ Grippe, Asthma and Lung Trouble. We have a select stock of Chest Protect- $1,1- ors, Atomizers, flot Water Botties, Fountain Syringes, &c. J. HICGINBOTHAM, & SON, BOWXANViLI Dr ug gists. -............-1t t'm',~ISI r -IT ou ORONO. Mr, James Hallett. Toronîto. w-as home recentiy... . Mrs. Graham, Ponty- pool, is visiting' 'trs. Pope..Miss Mamie Day, Port Hope. visited hem father at tfe, Prîinceofe Wales hotel.-* Miss .Eva Ma y hasretufrued to hem liome, in St. Thomas ..Mrs. Thos. Vinson and Miss Ma. Vir son attended the Mil- linery openings in Toronto..., Miss Mary Henry and Miss. Martha Smith, B. E. Bowmanvil IQ, visited here recent- ly.. .. Mr. Geo Carslnake,North.Dakota, who lias been visitig lier mother, Mrs., J ohn McCombe, bas returned home.. .Mr. Bert llocken and sister, Miss Nel- lic Hocken, Toronto, visitcd their moth- er who was danzerously il11 .... Mr. J.ý C. Mastin, Gardon 1H11l,, was recent guest of Mm. Wes. 1hornton .... About 9 p. m Mardi lst. lire broke ont lu a house in the North Ward occupied by Mm T Walters. Tbe brigade was on the scerse promptly and had the flames almost under control when fthc water' supply gave out. -The building and contents were cutirely dcstroyed, the occupants being away from home. Covered by insurance. QSHAWA. 11ev. S. G. Rorke,' Enniskillcn, preaclied in Simcoe street Methodist churcli Sunday week. The sermon on Cliara-iter building was a fine effort and was greatly enjoycd b 'y tic largee congre- gation present .... Mr. W. i. Walkcr of tic Dominion Banik bas been trans- ferred toCobourg Before leaving lie was presenfed witli a bandsomne.cigar case by î.tbcýboy)s." Mr. Pearce, Seafortli,fllls bis position Ore.... 11ev. R. Taylor, Newcastle, preached in Simcop street Metbodist church Sundav. . MissSmoith cf Seaforth is bead milliner at,,F. E Ellis & Co's .... The Marines,tlie Junior Base Balteani, bave decided te enter thc rani s of tic, seniors under flicpamue of-the Oshawa B B. C... . Mrs. Spamis, Torooto, was recent guest cf the Mis ses, King .... Miss McCaugliey, Cobourg, visited friends bore recentlv.. .. Mr. G. A. Coulson of tic Antomatic Seat Ce,, of fils town, losf fbece fingers and had bis baud terihly crushed bv- slipping wile boarding the train at Lon'don re- cenl.... Mm, W. H. Dingle bas been appiointed oganist of Dougia-q Metho dist ciurch, Montreal. . .. Mr. and Mme. W. R, Clark,- Fenelon, were recent gupsf s of Mr. Cý H. Thomas ecenfiy.. .Mr. Albert Chambers bas efurned frem visifing bis parents in Milbrook, KIBRY. i ________r-i At the leagu Fria enin thd-names of a nuniber of citizeue who had riiiiunerai Director - bate, "Resoled th nature lias done Onee on eedfo dogewr buk had . non more for the world than education," On. Tait doe ee Retrk cff.rolm ~fX I ~~~~was the leading feature,. The leaders yoo at rene eotfo luwIIN YILE ~ ROOwere Jas L. Powers and Jas Walsh. Poor 'Relief Cons., reconsmending We have redueed our Groeery stock $1000 in Jan. J U I 'Plie judges were Jos. Chapman, Arthur Payment of accounte amAuntir og ________________________~Davey and Miss Doncaster, and thev a $27 88. Received and adopted. and Feb We have re.ceived some new goods to keep as- ~ aded the palm to the side championed He alsô presented Report frons sorted, or it would have been several hundreds imore, our --a bY Mr. Powers who presented nature Oenititery Cons , in reference to repai r- ~ Tbs o as the potent power.... Mr. Wm. Mil- ing crib work on the batik of the creek, groceries are seling elieap. We pay betprices frpro- ~ eanitoba. is visiting friends here.. and recommenlng bhat viles be driven duce and shall continue to handIeý frdc af fir I~1~ - * - . = ihiur'~r-fsr---m'-4a.s'2 rat-.- o- -ys..,-r-sCtj' Ti-ss- r a I "~~~N% V <IItiIIV I.1d~1Iji ~Mrs. C. Coxn is under tbhedoctor's care. YiA0 Qu snaIr. .;. .Mr. C. Frank has been sufferîng from pneumonia and pleurisv but is re- AT 8 O'CLOCK, coveriiig slowv... Mrs. S. Cole has been at Coumbus visiting lber sister Andi the following dlays of that week. Mrs. J Lee who. is ver *y 111, ... We re- gret to hecar of thesudden deathof Miss Corn'er King and Temperance Sts. BOWMANILLE. Mamie Barlier at Oshawa on Sundav mo nirig., She was a briglit littie girl and a favorite with hier class-mates liere.. 'Oin Wedîîesdav eveniug-,March Is laatevent was celebrared at tti reidoce f Mr. and MNrs- William ___________________________________________________________ ]olev, it bourg the marriage of their onl 'v daughter, Mary Gertrude, and TYPeONE. Mr. John D Stevens. As tlie cock was Zht striking six tho, weddin-- mardi was ___________________________ Mr, and Mrs. Thos. Lang-staff are played hy NMiss Olive Stevens and the wel comeî citizenrrs ot Tyrone. Thev bar e bridai party entered the parlor the bride BOWMANVILLE, M1AI. 8, fl talion up residence on Miss M. Weicli's leaning onulber fatber's arm Mics pprt.. . .Messrs. Byama and Newton Electa Goard, Peterboro, and Mr R. R,' SQLNA ~haveo heen laying in plentiful 'supplies Stevens ablv supported ftOc coitracting, ----0. . . 1anyw~ere- disappoinited ar -parties and 1ev. J-. S .L Wilson, B. D., -- no- being- able- to--at tend Bethesdat secnreb. s,,ealed the bonds- in the--pres- -_ior~Mr. E. Steveuson, Oshawa, Socy ...Re R LadMsId eeoheiwndt rlte- tr -andi Muss Aima tShort, Folev, atEx- -Adaîns attend-ed theLS. lecture,11oWm abuna-ntwedin-ftoastw1-sserved- Mrs E. G. Parrurjc,, ti.JG.BraY, Lu-Jt eîu League meetings are an-iehîe eiidrci r tn --field,--Mr jand M .M. a-mes,BOWticptd nFie 'a :8 .when sm olcin fpeesfrmlier maLlI t Mr.i. WeXruir's, -.Solna 1rWJIo s-o elwflthsbic any-red a ap p;ness an-d- Dixsin s alkingn--preparations-l for '-Seîî Maslery,"-and o-n abbat-bat --p-prospeLrty atenlthnr ait open entertaiuirieiit 01, Fridav, Mar. ni, when Nîr. A. W. Annis and Miss,- E. ______ 24.. wing tgo tle rain- Friday niglit- -m -Wry- assist-d by tflicehurchi cOu- tire xisitiisg rebr' id l-ot- visit wil cotrn, t 1e-sarvice ,...The Ladi~ lia s thogl -a&rWftlPO-Y ber rtt is MStl- . . frfi I stipessr o A splendid audierice L 500 iha good drieid apples wanted at go oiMss mtî tlerHclliiaI VVutteu'~.pliimuuîieil on their puilctnality, as ail- ~r ifs Hig'hest markei prico for ail your mstevers one xvns there'at i o'clock_____ prudluce at Wott(i,11,s. AtIt close NMiss Smith annunced ibýat That îsto oay, tt purifies thre bood and ciron. à1r. anîd M rLeut, Part Perry, si', isAd Or-pl eased, for the rext f1 ît- 1tting fluid ofIlumoGrun, and rrs remnoves ha' s-be-. ti is ad . Mountjoy iii .Lie, causbr- A rlsîziîr errrrr, rhilr, x.p ba i v th Cr 5cr- rrý Lïi '-. i. sreturned t utl0e Viavi wrniklal?,, .'r., . , and ete'rrrrtrgr'V'- r r I & - fi'i 'trîî ; , tL ira 1e.and au- r ,fre fre t ' ~gretL', of c. --1' s4nc res e ~r .0.Xi.i r jr rte trend hee t e ru, 101St., Brrwitaivilite .,.1er tin and scalp of crus sr rt -tralay cîjý,cjt st one of 10V ý iîs Ma diC 'reilrer, :Ha rng, burntng, and inflamiraro n, rrrli T'e. lest ro, . - Air. .1 O eatl. rrr arec, "r-. pr nrrrrr î b ur x il4 IrI , r~t O s-i".froni in- Il îîuraeto er-coorn'aiiy crred ticnrs trr' .r lluîu t :* rLr- hr )Litchel h!S fi t'l ,k -S tire Otituo li dolit ilf 17:t b 21au' h 1 iag ui.r.5 o f tGi L' -Vï. el r';'r.toCti aud [aili wbat -Mood, ,!0vi 'o's of ,t .inthre 1 Ai' l11C . '1 of ni 'ldiPaper at BusimEss No-],[OF g.riasand ail t ter rernêrieefait. ti rrt it a ~ru. srt orroIu1gfor you -. ieis betebx rix'eiitir-r t Sid ihtrhou ie vri u -crrvinn srrL- r t , tt i s . ,-qring goods 1acc-, itii tire i soo-t f t Ire rr1O.rr$;(rruritrer ' ai 'ri u U- t i-r5o a rollup. jIl - 'i îiîw T o ie, r'iii L r. - 1~rEpiUrrs .rre e L S' .,iTElt n aîAAOEe.rr 1il 1-t, 1899. Tes is'r %V n nu f r îl -r a<Jaohe In 1 r- itivel rbe p rii 0le z. i,r s Olt-I UP 1sa 1 f. , r- t r nti eave tir 'tor 'I I toceasfS*,îoud>r2uçafisuttue s mate4aihùnc -uce .ýou ilorr hi gU.B ~reer=û-tcLae.-eu.îrur -xansinued,the_-_ Auditor% reprrrt and,- ibrd thse semae ery careiuliy preetrted in dàtiu. also a cepy 0f ther, Higis rnd Publie Scisool Audit, aittcf w hitti we tusd corîec'. -Wa would recom- mmed tisait te TownAccounts lie audited on tise 15th orf Ueoambfr ineaob year and tfuel thse Trîrasorar's Finuncîal Statemeni ha andited before iseing printed. W6 îoutd rn commend tisatishe Taxas lie colncted qetrrterly iusteed rof yearly. tisai an irrduce- oiant lie offered tise Retepayers cf a rebat@ of a percentage on the dotlar, te bis de cided by tise Courcil. upon payment cf-Taxas un fu ut tise Si-st quarter cf tise year. Weý w; urd reî'petfultly rquast thai à unitad effort 0e marde te keep tise rxpenditure for ihe con-mot year doýn as low as poseiste, cosstemnt vis ute jntereîrts cf tise town We are j f tise opinion tisai if each cern- mniiiee will endeaver b iruard tise town'o rieret in a carefut and bisrSs lke osauner and tisat if tise Finance tjominotiee twill have tise co-operation of tisa several Cnnmitttts of tise Council, we stI b e rrnahled te strike the- rate lor tiseceming year ai 17 miii-o.n the dollar, ail of whicis iti reectfully euboiited. On motion Cocot. McMurtry wae guveu another month te report in rafar._ -noce le Nîgh-t-Wtoh, Moved by -Mr.- Tait, eacciied by -Mn. Spry--tha-sunrof $ICoew-as grantï-- te u ret.o _hii Hme or t1km -Poo-,bengthse. fitEr - payniac)t mut -uf - ~ ~ ~ ~ ti li $c0g-nadis Ou (oncil forý-- hat, purpose. -On. motiorn cf Ar.m.Spry, -tise -Mayor Cr-s , and in caea-lha coeld net go, t hat - C uci ,'(Galbraiths hc senst teI re t1e deifere t Msusfsc.îrre ïkercaiaînalitifrrn tnonjreferene to On mrton cf C nues Ktntg aud Tait, ceiriuce d le cntferwith the Cfiairmun of tise Higis and Publie Scisue; B silOs -mnd recemiain df aoy iaving c ;uld 0e af It was airangad for the *vetrîrti Corn- 1 - . i tinre on the me- Or- mn lie;; ôf Mr. Galhratnh, . . nà -O( 0ýV VIi-. rait, the, ans <of $20 wee tou trrm Bein-sl, Sup,. _ïCernF r x -ar .brdurîn snk! tI ru 0f, r 0-p .cn-îeîî-lhiîig wr ýtot e meesoh e r1 I idjourned, 0- P.ORK ---Lade gîti ru SALEM. Thec fficers olr'ctr'cl o-n Tbnm.,dav cv- ening forF2. L.C. KE or Mtheleîssing six oîîb~ ae: mesdenf,-Miss ifow- son; jisf ice-M H Hcif on; Con- venerlifmr dnite .F. Lý Sqna r- ConvenIor Social Comomitte- Miss Logan: _Secretamy- Miss Scott; TIrocsure- Miss Hiodien; Organist-I Miss Coilacott One cf flic most chmoiiccases et Ec- zemia ever cured is fijo case Mliss Gra- cde Ella Aiton cf Hartland, N, B. On a swemn statetment Mm .Aiton says: 1 berehx certif v m v daugiter Gracie Ella wqs cîîred etEEzenia of long standin g by'uring four boxes osf Dm. Cbase's Oint- ment William Thisfle, druggist. cf Hartland, aise certifies thaf ie solO tfour boxes of Dir. Cbase's'Ointm-ent iviieli cured Gracie Elle. -PayiUg'Pr-ir- for- Rrass Watciles- fruits, etc. Wedding Cakes made te order. -Alex. Luttreli. Clarke"; 010 IStand. Bowmanx-ille. 'l'is vitan cbe asrediuced the W I pricos agaî ii for your benctit. I~JtIt1 lOI Atrl w bile his present 8took lasts A powerful nort-irritant in,,l boalina.ý yott cri î ottsî a gooti Watch -fer' prepanaflui î tctmrl~rl rmo >, ,l aîtost îîotîiîrg. illtrr-fs o.r r rrîroprruiar it rnerpand cattie If is i rlur- in dî i tteia frTýt <i\ it U Lo,u or- r- n 'nj gel, urît. fr-r- tire 1 it, rr ritatiîi m e uita-r;id i- r, rfî fv whole.s 'le pi-icos ar~e o~îcinr Olmr-t ot'nf sut-lin f ur'.nn- rros M,-eet frerrsclaire tIr have bule trl ndcabrs Mr. E. A. l1't ef-'r ' losut 1$ flilO\ ,aLvi mitls isn] p oVil 1Wi",t stock l' ai ,elrof)tr i l. :s1. 1'tf .l 1ît'rer- it rr'îttr_,i fat i; r-.r rrri trh tifrire t iey rne bound tlfr, srîa jl, iit. CIî i'nrr tnrrtti.wî'j souîeth r il. , (-,U5r' i III' c ii lit- I'.ýîil--1ig - i ria a tOtOr'- tsire tlitVon tako rrl vruut- i jsi-emi lîrite-t r ff t-tuI rvaiI age nrf 1 -'ad's prosent pierces tr ra'e s1 -rtIr'r il tdit - Or far-its--i -ri i rii . t r urca r t wih ci rfýrr1) P,'r rite55-icecCt for ~~çr~ ~ r1t, wc SU ire c' rrespon ere -' î u îrKxA Pf I 'ï Ii"tnlml Icastanor e et OtaioteSt Bowmnalliivie. 4s- tu Jeri cIter aid p& 5an, Bowman-, fllc STOtUFYILLU, O -., TOW1h OOUNOIL. Regular mnthly meeting, held on Monday evenin.g lr&at, Mayor- Loionbe presiding. Members preeýt Coun- cillors. MiltoltIr, Tait, King, McMur- try, Spry and Gabraith. Minutes of latit meeting read aud on motion confirmed. Communlcationg were reoeived from W. G. Raymon.d, Mayor of Brantfordi, re a8etiment of Tilephone Companya, &o., aeking the Couicl te seeud a deputation to Toronto to Interview the Govt. on the queistion,. Recelvtrd and fyled. SFrom. J. 9. Jardine x'e 1apace for Manufacturer& at Parie' Exposition Refeirred te Manfa.5Co. Frous tbe Lieut. Gov. re College at Khrixtoum. Received and fyled. ,W. Courtice, aeked leave teoct downs a dead trtie in front of bis prenmiseis. Referred te Roade St;reets Cons. with pewor to &et. Froni 1. Tabb &&king for a grant of $4 50 te aaalet ln building a wire fonce in front of hie prernsie, as it would save Council expense In ehovelltng snow. Granted Froin J. Gilfihian, Pros. of Board of Relief for the Hiome' aeking permiseion te grant ald te Mr. and Mr. Botterel. Requetat ranted. Fi-ens Township Clerk of Darlington, copy of Financial Siatensent. The Clark wae inatructed te acknowledge, raceipt of eaine. From Txbridge Oouncil, re Resolu-. tien pased by tbanà in reference te remuneration to Cotincillora ilirougliout Ontario, aeking Council to join with tiens in petltioning the Government to amend preeent aist in reference, thereto. Received and fyled. 1Fromn ev. Mr. lrwin aekiog for rebate on rent cf Raili for racent Lecture in the jntereet of Mre. Rîjn- hait, bow trandcd in China. The caee being a charitable one, the request Was granted. Froin Col. J. Hughes, askinR for zrant of $40 towarde purchaaing Helmete for 4Oîli Batt. Grantad. Mr. Bas!naul, Sept. of Censetery, presented report of interment lu Cemetery daring past month, amount. ing te $21. Raceived and fyied. The Clark presanted Report of Recelpte and Expenditure paesiog tbrough his bande during the pastt month. Brrceived and-fylad. Mr. MoLeau, Collector, preseutad, Report, In referance tc- colle rtlon of Taxes. .and aiseoin reference te li8t of B3oWlMA N VILLE. OUR BR ITISH GOODS,- ARE HEIREO Af fer a very rough passage thev have arrived safe and sound with a few unimportant exceptio)nS.VWe aro now very busy markitig these off for sale. We have ali ready passed into stock some very choice lines in Suiý îgs andl Wo rsteds' The new stylish shadesare here anti k i excellent qualities: See our' new suitings There are some very choite -fancy Trouserizs., We notice several boxes of Infant's Shoes and a quantity of Boys' Jersey Buits, tûese aie sirnilar to lines that sold well with us last year. Ladies' Capes,, a good stock of newe-,st styles. AI kinds of -new Muiisns, Erubroideries and' enAUess variety o! Laces. Some veiry choice Veilings. Waterproof Coats ,and V'mbrellas, also CarniageUbela.Tapestry Car- pets and Cretonnes., Shîirtings and Flannelettes. Loora Damask Tabhungs anct Turkey -- Tabling. - Towels and Towling some wonderful values. Pongee end Taffetta Silks and Ribbons in great vaniety. Elegant!lfreis Stuffs and bea-tiful Satins. Beits, Fingering yail'îîs and scores of other lines ail passed under the new pirefereiitial tariff, giving, a ýconsiderable saving to us and also toyou. Our N4ew 1{ats are f4ere. We are auents for Christie's celebratu d îi îî nil are showing a nice assortunent of their good.s. We bave the 1899 new shapes in botb. Fedora and Sîifl ilats, in ail the proper shadles. See our new Hats,\\ e ai-e ahead with oi', immense stock, of new Caps. Tïew,1oo.ts,Sbioes &' ,ubbers- We have received several cases of new~ gooù s in this department, wre shall positively seli poods so as to, main- Il _iNk uPý ý%t& -Npý lqpl -1tý1wlp e4l ANîpý %le. 4&-. ý

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