TOWN OF BOWhIANV1LLE. -Bowmanvillle i bea.utifu.lly ituated on an Omînnence, surroutded i,y pictureýquo sceuery, overlookiug Port Bowmnalville BarberuLtako ontaripMe, a3Cof th-' preltlest epa (eif water in Canada. lu siimmeýrboais pi y daily in ful viewunptand down aad the fine bbatsof the Otario & Richelieu Lia cail boSSa ways i summyrer. The population of Bowmanvllle is be- twVeen 3000and 4000 Streets sud sidewalks are firs clansansdliandsomae residences are numer- 005. Streets, publie buildings sud residences are lighted wth eectricity. Abundance of spring water, gond drainage aud reliablo fire g otectien. The potal service is ail that eau he esired. The Domiuion rgan & Piano Cols. great factorii-s for, mauufactnring Pianos, Or-~ à sa, Bicycle Rims, etc., are located bere ; aisn e.Bowrnanv7ille- Rubber Cols works. Theme are erxcellent Publie sud Bigla Sebools, uot surpass ed in Canada for cquipment sud efficiency. The churehes are Mehodist Preabyterian. Eplscopalian, Cengregat onal, Disciple sud Roman Catholie. Only two hotels with tesson- able rates aud other modern conveulences. Stores are numereus sud carry fublhUes of ail kinds of first class gonds ; competitien is keen sud prices as 10w as lu a ity. Telegraph ansd telephane systems conneet the tewn with al iplaces near sud distant. Port Bowmanville ln becoming a favorite summer resort, belng oe of the most healthful locations ou the north Shore. THE STÀTESMAN in the popular local ucws- D aer aud enoosavr extensive circulation. ha town stand ready teoffer liberal induca- qienta tefactorleste locate in Bowmanville. f»rospoudeuce lnvited., PIJBLISBER'S N4OTICE, T'm STATESMAN 18 mailed regularly to its subseribers until a deflite order te discontinue is recieived and ahl arrears. are paid. in f uil, Subseription 81,50 per aunum. If paid lu advitnce 11.00 per annura. M ARRIAGE LICENSES,-M. *A. JA3ms, Issuer of Marriage Licenses. Residance - Centre street. A. E. McLAUG FILIN, B'.lrrister, Solieitor and Conveyancer. Office:- iii a&Iey, Block, King street, }lowmanvllle. Money to lan at reasonable rates. 4-lyr,, $ 5O .0000 TO LEND $50.00 * ongood mort- gage seculrity at moderate rates of interest A. E.MCLAuOHLIN,qiolicitor. BowmanvilleOnt. 16 -6m. DR. J. C. MITCHELL, MI E MBERO0F COLLEGE 0FPHYSICIANS and Surgeons, Ontario,Corontr, etc, Rtesidence. Ennlskillen. 74 D. BIUKE SIMPSON, flARRISTER, SO LICITOR, etc. MORRIS'i J..> BLOCK, up-stairs, King'-Street, Bowman ville. Soilcitor for the Ontario Bank, PaIvate moneys loaned at lowest rates. ROBERT YOUNG, V. S. O FFiCE IN WEST DURHAM NEWS Block, whereblinself or his assistant will be found from 8 a. m. to 9 p. m. Nght calis at residence, directly opposite Drill Shed. Calis br teeraph or telephone will receive promptat tent io . 71-yr. R.PEATE, TAILOR Gentlemen's Clothes made to Order. DENý%TISTIRY 0. HARNDEN, L.D.S. Oraduate of the Royal College of :Dental'Smi geons, Ontario OFFIO.-Oppkbsite Express Offie. VIT ALIZED AIR J.MSBRIMACOMBE DENTIST. BOWMANVILLE. MAR, 22, 1899. DO TOURý LEVEL BEST 13V THBRE1EV. DAVLD JO1INSTO0Ži, Do your 1evel best, boys. Always-evervwhere; Nover mind what others do, You act fair and square. Duty's cali is urgent, And life's no empt.v jest; Pull yourselves toget her, boys, And do your level best. Do vour level best, boys, What'er your lot may ho; Grinding in the study, Or sailing on the sea, Peu or piough, or hammer, Or in scariet tunic drost; PullI veurselvos together, boys, And do yenr level best. Do yourte vel best, bovs, ()f indolencebeware,, Yours is now the spring-time, Improve the season rare, Use each precious moment. Ail trillrng ways detest:, Pull yourself together, boys, And do your iOvel best. Do your lovel best, boys, Ail honest work witl toit; Though the task be irksome, Resolve 50 do it welt1. Tinsel oIt may glitter, But will net stand the test, Pull voursehî together, boys, An7d do yQur level bosS, Do your level bost, boys, To live a noble lite; I, sstem under every varietv of local! A SOCIETY EVENT. conditions, sud extend a knnwle-dge, l'lie Engageent f Lr Crewe and Lad3 it, operations as widely as nossible,. Hrae 'iio SThe greatest intc-rest was tkeb b te The engagemnent of Lord Cr8we to people of the locaiities selected, i( at Lady Margaret, or, as shu is aluiost uni. rtendance at the spraxviiu nurnbering verily knewa, Lady "Peggy" Prim- 8,538 versons, ina addition to many ?roselaZIo'w au fait accompli. 15 bad bean whîsperod for somne urne ln society C subsequent visitors te the sprayed that such an engagement was iikeiy ta Sorchards-the niumber being 700 more comao Off; but until the officiai announce- thA tht o th yef pevius nd vermeut, It was impossible for anybody to doubleha the t ar prnevious, and oher ake any public allusion ta it. The visit dobeteatnanen 88 h of, Lord Rosebery with bis danghter te a plan adopted was to spray when the Crewe Hall, tho seat of Lord Crewvo, ap- buda were swelliig, thon just belote Pibrentiy brought this f0 a climax. ~ th opnin cftheblosoms an îatîv For several years Lord Crewe bas beau à te peungof heilosô lat- regarded by more than onea sxious wheu the blossoins bad fallen-at interý mother as one o! the mest desirabie vals of about twelve days, utitil the partis. He bas been a widower for a long danger of scab was passed. The re- timeo--ndeed, bis attachment to his dead suit was a very itrc( mrvm wife was se entire, was sa profounid, and marediniroemnt bis grief at baer lms was se terrible, that, in the quality nf the fru,,it, sbowing that many of bis relatives thought ho would th' etctrpla n ther ns enver bave rnarried again. The years ho pesta had been vanqnished by the treat- kas remalued a wldower are proof of the ment A rgid exminaionof thesruoerlty of bath bis affection aud his ment A igi exmintio 0fthesorrow--espeoiliy as, filling great places, *yield was made, and ail scabby, wormý snob as that o! Lord Lieutenant cfIe or other defec tive fruit rejected, and ii, lsnd, and oue o! the leaders of sooityl manyý cases from 90 to 100 per cent of his own country, bo must bave mlssod the companiouship o! a wlre very greatly. dlean, sound fruit was obtained. The Lord Crewe is a itru of sucb. pro- seasoxn owing, te the i ong-continued xnounced indlviduaiity that 1à Is not dîffi- heat and drouth, was unusually favor cult ta deacribe 41m. Except that ho là ableto isecs, nd te rvage ofthedark, and not blonde, he mlght bo spoken ablete nsetsandthe avaes f tt a as a man wbo could ncver ho mistakofi caterpillar and other vermin proved ex for auything but an Englishniana hrj tremel.v destructive in 1al nnspra'-eo ever ho was found. Tail, sllght, and y,-f orchards, the contrast between the wlth th, air of an athiete, witb "tn heathyconitin a th - ree an fritmuscles sud splendid nerves, lho bas a healhy cndiion f th tres sd f uli rlry knlghtly air-if the word b.» subjected te treatment and those where' permissible. In the long, thin face, in tbe the posta had been unmolested hein;.fine eyes, in the expression, at once self-l very apparent m~traindan suggestive of resolution, To bingthenecssit cfthespr~ -clear, alert, straight figure, thore are al mgt process home tn a larger number o! the grace aud distinction of the weii-bred farmers than couid'avait themiselves ol Englishman. Au 'expression, at once of the oppprtunîty of 'witnessing the ex hauteur and of shyness, complotes the pic- ture of that type. the uuiquoness o! wblch periments, -an exhihit cf sprayed and b as struck foreigners alternatciy with urnsprayed fruit was made at the To admiration and with amusement durlng routo Industrial Exhibition, whici ail the generations they bave been cou- attracted much attention. sidaring the aristocratie and the travelling Englishman. i1 The report, wuich is a valuable ex- Lord Crew wass hot bhem with the position c! the sdvantages of spra'. in g titie, nor, indeed, was he legally be(ir ite may be had on application te th~e 01 it. He is the son of Lord i-Ioughtoni, who, as Richard Moncton Miliies, wu-s kuown tario Department of Agriculture1- the goeratioliof! bterary mou ta Spraying experiments for the curren! Zwlh aan..Iv1 .î a-A-t - 4, a ? year are uow lieiug arrauged, for, antI the routes laid out. A Eist et the orchards seeted, and dates of opera tlous mayho had on applyin.- to Win. Orr, Buperntendent o! Experimental Spraying, Fruit Iand, Ont. A bulletin giviug information as te the more injurious insects pests, and the heat methoda of suppressing theni bv spraying is lu course e! preparatii n by the Departmeut cf Agricult ire. Totento,,sud every progressive famer shouid apply for a copy. Pandor net te passion, .______ Wage the Christian strîfe; FOR OVER FLO~T Y YEARS. Mrs.Wlnslow's SootbingSyrup bas heen used hy Loyal hoe te conscience, <Millions of! mothers for their ebjîdren whilI' hon lave to God fhe reet; teething.' If disturbed aS night and broken nf Your restbyi'a slekehildosuiferin g sud crying Pull yourseives together, boys, wiih the pain of cutting teeth seud at once a d And o yor leel bstget a bottie o! Alis. Wlualows' Sethiug Syrujý Anddoyou lvelboS.for Children Teething. Itwl relieve the poo ___________ t nc. epndupen i imothera there ls ne mIstake about il. 15 cures Diarrhoea reguatsthe stomaeh sud bowels, cures Wlîîd EXPERINLENTAL SrRAYING. Coie,softeus the goma, reduces inflammation., and gies oisuad energy to the whiole system. Th iMs.Winlows' Soothig Syrup for chiildreu Te report of the Superintondont of! teet ing ispleasani 10 the taste sud is the pre Experimental Sprayiug for fhe Pro- scription of nue o! the -ldest sud hast emale vin~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~h ceo uai fr19 a mtbe ,Yia an sd furses -in the United States vinc ofOntriofor 898hasjus betn M 'el25èa bote. Sobd hy ail druggista thro' gh 1ont the wnrld. Be sure sud ask for Mrs. Ut ii received, and couSins a good deai 0f sLoWs' Sothing Syrup valuablo informuation for the fariner sud truit grower, a s oe le nfs ef Good 5Xaanei's Proclaixa the Gentleman. pnocuing sound and saleable fruit. The Gcod mnsners are a social obligation, raveges e! inuect pesta of late yeans and a yung mnu hould neyer niake of poitics o! Whlcb Gladatone was the greatest ornameut. Lord H1oughton was a litterateur of gra gifta, wrote Toryr tonching poetry-"Straugers YeS" lu stili popular lu the drawlug-room-aud was, perbapa, oeeof the very 'bosS raconteurs o! bis timo. His children inherit bisli t- erary fastes. Lord Crewe bas publlshed a volume o! poems, aud the Hon. Mrs. Heuniker Is weil knowu as.the authress of soveral very charmiug novols. As son of Lord Houghton, Lord Croeo Inherif cd considerable weait h among the coalfields of- 1Yorkshire. lu Yorkshire ho bas a fiue old bouse, known as Fryston- a bouse lu which Carlyle stopped on the way to speak'lu Scofland as bead rector o! a uuiverslty, the speech wblcb brongbh the pont old litterateur at oncesa letter o! burulug affection sud admniration from bis wi!e, sud, a few hours sfterwatds, the news that she was dead. There le a vety amusing and at the same fime pathetio accont o!f tua yisit iu the essays of Professer Tyndall. Pryston la lu a ring fonce o! railwys; the wist ling o!f the engluas kepf the dyspeptlc, sage awako ail, niorhf, aud ho was in ,sncb a maniacal temper next moruing that ho made up bis xulud to leave that day-whether bis hast iiked It or not. 'Tyndall persuaded bum to try a ride wifh hum uext day; for two bouts the t wo phiiosophers dashed over the couufy; Carlyle was brongbt -50 perfect good humor; and that- nigbt, clotbed lu the strange, lonig dressing- gown whleb B3oehia represents-50 wellu bis statue ut Obelses, and Whistler so vet! ectly in bis immortal nicture. and kuowc, was a Rothschild, and one Of the greatest heiresses even in thut- famlly of cooslweaith. The girls have bota largo fort;uneýs, whIicb were",from iaummedi- ate but àlso c<llateral relatiOnL Thie Ladiles Pýrimrwo are al-ways beau- tifully drffsed. In London sooiety It bas been the young marrled wornan, Who, in recent years, bas inslsted on havîug the best clothes and the most attention. They' are credlted with hsving set the exampie of ýoung ladies being furned out as wel as married women. Lady "Peggy" bas inberited some of the inteilectual gifts, as weil as physical resemblauco, from ber father. As overybody knows, the Duchau of Cleveland, Lord Rosebory's mother, is upWards o! 80 years of age--arld lu sýlte o! that, eue of the mesS active beings in existence. Mrs. Asquith, on the othar baud-who was once Miss Margot Ton- nantý-Is, it is eqnn.liy known, a perfect type o! modernlty-her darlng iudepeud- once, ber wit, ber deep intore-st lu the intellectual. as Weil as the sportlng inter- ests of mon. Oue night, Lady "Peggy," seoiug Lord Rosebery betweeu the Duob- ess of Cleveland sud Mss, Asqulth, ex- ciaimed: "L1oek aS Papa, seated bet;ween the last cnuyand the next!" Isu'5 15 a littie like yblat Lord Rosebery blinsei would have said? IS THE FAMILY DECLININGt SnStaltl.ticq W'hiela .te Thruw, Llght atthe subject. There are fewver marriages ltu propor- tion t" population than formnerly; fami- lies are smailer; they ar e os o cherent; they are less lastiug. Iu Rngland the marriage rate f cll from 17.2 par ceut. lu 1851 te 15.2 per cent. lu 1881, sud from 1873 ta 1888 the agea o! mou sud wi6men wvho nrried rose respectively froma25.6 ant-4. te '6.3 sud '?A,7. The tise in the num11bor o! divorces, 1860-1885, -was nl- versai. lu 1871 England aud Wales show eue divorce in 1020.4 marriages: Iu 1879, one in 480.83 From 1887 te 1886 divorces in tho Uait0d States inecased 157 per cent., wi1e the population increased 60 per cenit. Oue o! the causes of chainge is the Nvhole modern movement of libera- bion-of subjects frein sovereigus, slaves froin masters, Wlves !rom bnsbands, sud chldren frein parenlts. Another is tho disappearanoe o! thoe Ecciesiastical 'çview o! marriage. A more speclal cause bhas been the growth o! large cities. wbleb ofcglsmD. Meu becomn e bsdepeudent on womnen for Sheir home needs, sud WOM62L hav reouoosandlueretawhiob the sqim'pIl !.o!fthe couuftrv denies thein. Thon, Soc), attachimneults forlled 0ou sllght acquaintauco O! underlylug traits o!' char- acter arsioss likely 50) provýe lastlngx. The nuniber oifnarriages amoug womjen Of bigler educaf ion is lesaý than amroug the neducnted. O! 1,486 ex-studeuits o! Îhe chie! oef colleges o! Englaud only M38 married. The now, ecouei, e ni oppor- funities for womea of themlddle class rival the domestie aud social 11f e whlcl marriage offers, and also bring jute, the industrial market a ciass o! competitors with wbom the standard o! wages lu simply what is sufficieut te support the individuel. Among the working cias marriages are nota less frequeut; but the homo is apt t o b less coinfortabia on accouaS o! the teudeucy o! wornu to gor ont ta, Work. Iu the ligît o! these facts 15 is held by many thaf the monogamie fam1ily is a relic o! a decsylng forin o! elvlizatlon.-Philadelph4 -press. MRS'. MERINGTONS PHILOSOPHY. Som@ Very Pertinent Aphorisans That 1Wil ne New to NMstFolk. Of Irish birtb sud Scotch upbrluging, Mrs. Merington hsd iived la London, Paris sud Vienna,, sud bad bsd lu ber day opporfunities o! sfndylug men and manners, love sud life, sncb as are afford- cd te !ew o! ber sex. About life sho bad mauv charitcto,-istîo GAN BE OURED A.nd laSeiug FermancuâatY vuwes ISaly by Clarke'» Kola Oompound -IHere l Wlat a Hfamiltoan aU Bars i Mr$, GlihomI. 106 Rebeeca street. Eaeat- ton. Writes : "I suifered frem a badfemoti cf asthma for over ulue jeers, sud, nozwi*ls. standing ahilSilo doc-tots conld do for aie, metwos sud averse. se. hat my ueigb!sorm. death et any SIMüo. i ent In Ilo lavisbly la the el'e-rts to g et:ee, bat az to ne purpo>se. iFor six wesat fa ,ile 1 -)uld net get rap or dowu st ali. sund waLS in a malacerablce condîlion. MY daligri- ter, wbo cj lerka In a dru, store, bad hear s gon d)A o!f 1akesKoLa i put aud urge(i lme bt,>mly il a ahatL eot.f p aid$w o eîe but the "i. lanothlng, .i[or 1t la worth nce tata fr COrerl teupnn~u4 1wo idoses gave Iune sp'act' reliefC, sud, after nslug but onue bottie, 1ifA a mnarvol te ail Who-o ir wme. 1I arn JOIe miy own iront, eau gel around ras wed as ever. anrli fooI l lkon s-w no'imetoreý. 4G'e1rk.. Kela Comupouindr bas bena odzend lt('Ie, aud 1 look ulunIt as s marive' eus mý1oemei: lou may use 5psteetimee-y as yen që.' Et sud 1 sbali bf gLad 4Se g iiiencr parti' cilars to suy une inqjufiIn. L gratteNluf? rudor&e OakesKola , pnnL Sold by 9,11 dtaggists.* A frue sunewlit bo sent to anýy pe-r.sen [teed wlth f'4 ê'1. ease. A~r~rTho Grîffitha &Mchre Ce., 121 (Shurcla atrüet, Toronte. Ont. LEGS ENTIRELY From bis feot to his body, and ran a btood ting.rd, irritating water. Mrs. A. Korstead, Snider Mt-, N.B., teff how her littie boy suffered, and how B.B.B. cumed him pormaumýntIY. There is note* mother in this _Ianf wbo bas a cbild ct*t fening froiniskia dils- ease in auy for-m b«l will thank Mr&-. Keir- Sstead, of Snider ML. ~ > '~N.B., fer telling o thc remarkable masn. - uer inwhich hcrboy,ý ~ of one of the sever- FîtrLEDy KEJSTEA», est and most tortair. ing of skin diseases by the use of Burdock Blood Bitters ; an4 flot oaly relieved an d cured for the time being, but, mark you, after eight "a~rt the disease hair sho'ar no sigva frelun 'Mx. The following is Mrs. Keirsteads letter "Wih gratitude, 1 cari testify to the wonderful curative powers of BurdooJX Blood Bitters. Eight years a go our littié son, Freddy, was affiicted with sait rheaim and was in a dreadful condition. His legs, from the soles of his feet to his body, were entirely raw, and tran a bloody water, wbich appeared to born and itch catil ho was often in great agony. ".;After trying several remedies, we r. sved togie B. B. B. a trial. "You ca magine with what delight and gratitude we saw eur boy cantfruly cured after using one bottie- anà part of the second. We gave himn the remaindes' of the second boutle, and from that tinie till the present he bas neyer bad a siWn f sait rheuni or.%~ sick day. You nee simot wonder that 1 think there is no other inedicine can equal Burdock Blood Bitteirle to purify the blood and build up the beaithand strepgth.' They Reach,. TheKÎ nys continues te do a Genral Banklng Business ai, Bownanville Agoucy. DEPOSITS rueeved in Savinga Bank Department sudj interest allowed ai entrent rates.1 Notice o! Wthdrawal not necessary. Ahl deposits payable on demand EXCHANGE Beugltansd sold aud Drafts issoed n on Europe tliited States sud Canada aise Geld, Slvean u United States Greeubacks 'bogbi an'd sohd CJOLL ECTIONS Prompfly made ateurreni rates upon ail parts of GreaSButainthe UtedSae adh. sainlon of Canada,. tdSae a b e Telegraph Transfers Made for large or small susoInS ou a paria cf Canad&., This isilleeially-advaatageons to pet.- sons livîin uManitoba or the North-West, ht inakes the fuafis availahie ai once ai the place of payaient. For other Dàrticalars eall atulthe banik. A, J. MCCLELLAN, ' GEO. MeGILL, Accountart Manager d- ANARIES FOR SALE -Every Bird warranted a singer or meuey refnnded; !rocStf roua Groauy, cor nsd hast them sing. Pricesrom $3 np. Love birda, Parrots, Moek- loghirds etc., Cao hohadC~ F. C. PIErmc's 'Barber S§hop, Bowmanville il. , P JIGS FOR SALE.-Choice lot of JrTamworths ; also three Yorkshire boars. AI] hred from registered stock. Big eut on prices this xnonth. T. J. COLE, Bowmnanville. NEW TAILOR SHO?, The underaigned who bas been carrying ni the tailorinig busie,sa iii connection wth Mao'or onds St -,f or a n umber of y eara, bscmeucýedbusineSL r _whimself at bis romrn Kiî'g St. West. wliere bce 1 prepared to make genrriaund I oyq suit.s hi all die latest styles, and atlovlest p les. Frti rwhnwish teo rdet euýts, !jf> mitl Fcari- a rIm . r saniplesinu air tbe xiewestpatterns. 'Give hlm a cali JT. ALUIN, a4oaieTaller, For sale by STOI T & JURY, 1kw inanville. frindùfitthbat h é was entitled to recog- nition; bis unole (lied-as Lord HoughL- ton'a vlce-royalty was about te close- leaving hlm b is weaith, and the Ministry at once conferred upon Mlm the vacant earldom. Lord Crewe bas a splendid mansion Inear- Crewe; lives in London, la that tiny but dlqtinç-lshpd little street off Park lano called Tilney street-he bas Lord Brampton, by the way, as a neigh- bor; entertains, largely ln both town mad country, and .is8 fond of the society of sportsmen, of litterateurs, and of politi- clans-lu other words, of-the reprosenta- tives off bis own xnany-sidcd interests. The son-in-law Of a Prime Minister that was, and that may bo again, Lord Crewe willi probabiy now mi llgreat offices. Ho@ is Jnst the mnu 50 homadle Viceroy of India, in case there sbould be a _vacancy -Wben bis partY. is again lu power. Lady "Peoggy"' Primrose, though abc bas been "'oüt" for only a year or so, is already a well-known figure iin London society. Lord Rosebery, -8ith ail bis mod- ernity in poliies, bas been quie a father of- the--nid achool in -bring7ing n-up bis daughwrrs, Tbey were broughta np in what might aloaost be called secinsion unfil the cime for making t] eir- appear, sf00 in publie came. Tbev we'ýe eadated at home, and under the, charge of a lady of great reflnement and "xjýnu.vaccom-i Dlishecents. ThFs lady did nfot live in baduesa >O!fg900d peOPIe sud the goodus cf bsd." "'It la fluer noS te suspect evii than ta excuse IL ," "Hard words break ne boues, but fbay off on break heurts." "If la impossible to ho botb jasions sud just." d" ýSome people are like nettles. If you do net want te bc stung by thein yen muas ither'avoid or crusb them. 1 1Speakiug o! those who are carrîed away by impulse sud have cause laSer te regret Sheir impetuosity, she said: "The pieasure Se ho lad eut o! making a foui o! oue's self isataSbost but momeutary."1 -PulMal magazine. Jatur e.-y ut"f irt i l Bail. The otherjday, -asys- The -Sydney -Bulle-_- inu, a young man at Albert Park, (Vic- toria) tueit ap a revolver froan a frieud's man tel shel! witb which te b ammer a J ack into the wall. The revolver Was 1ioaded sud weut off, the bal cut a tbiek - gold ring froin the mnus littie finger, fore threufflh bis f-ouse'-s, strhck ou nm sîlver he bad lu bis pokeb, ricocbetted and pierced the toc o! bis boot. Resait,j *IIPOage to tI0Ussud ansd 14Ioe brokeni ring. Thb ma did nI stier te, the exteni of! pin prlck. Moeral: Always carry some unic - inl voutr poGkets. ua meny P-ark, but luina bouse close b r<v,, t s~r~tal- and carne over every day te attend te the Dealiers lnuceut glass aunoiince a retura educg ai o!,bery ng charges. 'Ice te t-heobigh-umr dgoblt tstyle o ae you ais do great cro'.. . lb 'br glass. It carar) ho denieil tirat gobleirs teacher. Thýeir maners areo - perfect are mcm( decrrrrtive lu effetit on the table -aI once modest sud sl-pt. . Inuthie turabler shape. but lu eareles The fwo sialoms madie tbeli ;)roi te- bauids'the de.astutiainof tire-fnrmr r s gether. Ihey were Jint -esrut aIsmuuch 1more apid. The ýýbcv'of t', vn splendid cnîerîninmeut Fi' -Lord g xx r.,-15 h.ior bro -a-er tesa er Rnsebery at bis bouse in Ber, asq Urare wiîlle itsst-e n10- !a lug r i , the se4son before last. Al oi \n vas oun re saine glatsses vea t. - there--ocil, rtisiepOltrir' letwo alrrroýt exclusive Iu_î 1er waLer -:.a Young girls atood Sat thiý, of tho fear yeaI78 ago. staira, and were 'touc'I vtheir fabrhe oall bis 5rICIsI.'a tithne ir. fr- dunies of I ostesas welli l tIi y bal T'ie View n ex'a]Vri - beeu at iii al hirihves, lu are - raanc. u" slairi p r, i r the fwo sistpra are singularly hlerc r ore'"r nihei rer'.d-, Itîv bavLe hi, se. 'r; , - rr'iý, murLrd earu'rs.andi a g r'd deri O-r5'1., w 1fhe- repo.qe o! expi-eassmn. The rich bî-nwn - col'în o!thecomlexon a areiini s îr~îrrlyvar-ions Pncercrry, S'rmdi,0 col-i oft.hecmplhexio i'a. rmm au101 wvild pecies cf the genma caUîs, as wOvsnf udinkT kuown. Mr'. Conrad Beyer% a-,t E,. K. suyder's Shoe Store, Berlin, out., *as Shis Qut Whou be asys:- 4Aunyoue suffering wifh kidney troubl* umnuot do botter than take Doau's KI-d- Bey Pilla, for tbey cured my wife wbo bas been afflicted with pain ini the back snd other kiduey troubles for a long Simo. They have heëlped a great many o! my asequaintauea in Ibis town, sud 1 must say they are the medieine that neach the kiduova witl, the best affects." Byen Hurt bY Po'%,% indow Glas,. Aooording to ocubtats, poor windly elais la.leospoul ie eroye m&* WooUar 0£ the fauhty refrachlea. The U14pupuýisxty os 1 r Aighe time tes was lntrodeced 1il te, Europe there wss mnoh oppositioen le' its use,asud much was writîen agaipo it. Mr. Henry Savilo, witirig te bfi unele, Mn Coentry, lu 1678, called itI about lbe sainie. dna,says le is --a I4lby ens toml, 'and suds: "Mo e ~u em oueý ý'e Aan omulimns sand -Wcmui. sfur i aw ar s te yr r or i6 se-a lys r'geAlwaaes te behà. SThedAnunisalwn s e. b, se es, ayatrsie rar for urnoad, ce, ', a1,Prs 8.