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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 22 Mar 1899, p. 4

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- uilders' Hardware. We have just reoelved iDto stock a fuR l ne of: Locks and Xnobis Wire and Cut Nails, Tee and Strap Hinges Hock and Serew Hinges Barn Door Rollers and Track Barn Door Latches. T'r'd and Pl'n Building Paper Large assortmeut at Lowest ?rices. Our facilities in- the lowest market, pay spot cash, and seli close. Your inspection in'vited. Fbone 66, BoWMANVILLE. os00OOKS! 'Rd. Worth. (Opposite Ontario Bank.)1 0 0' 0 Mkitful1y Boand Glft Books 25e, others at 40c, not ýquite 80 nive but Y, much larger at 25e and 35c. Very attractive, leadtng authoys, 75e t~J.53, Poets, leather bound, 75e Up to $8.00. Toy Books, paper and lit, great value, sorne at haif regular prise.. A splendid Photo Album,, 50c, and 75t. Po&ket BIUle rom 25.- tàe value here is great. Ladies' Companlons from 25e., Toilet Cas"s $1. Glove and Handkcréhief Boes frvs 50-e. Thaae wâW Dolls, Garnes, 'anzy Aricles, M&atioEary, ITopi, Xs ldot1i, Werk and Faney Baskets, Fancy Caps and Sancer,, Vss and CMhi. Munday Sehools note tbis : l supply &HilLeeon Relps and giv'e apeulal attetllion to selection o! Librarles. Let me hear fromf you. 14WMÀNVILt P.m 'TREBILe0DeK. CI s TELEtP1ONE -NO. 57. Figs and Dates, Peaches and Prunes. TRuy OnY LO)Y-& 'IUMAL Soinething newjust arrivred. Wiih Granite-ware. Highest price for Farm Produce. MRS. DINGMAN'S Millinery Open- ing is on, Everything in Miflinery JNovelties that can be got in -Toronto, winii De shown. BOWMÂ>IÇLU ashionable Mlliner. iM JOHN HELL.YAR,,Sole Lolge. 1 WEST* ENim!D.«HOUSE, 80 WMAN VILLE. The Cata.rrh Clutch ibhis BisgUsling Malady Is ai It" Tbroat et 900 of every 1,000 e1 Our Country, Popiluhlga. This la Not E ra.It i. BorneOtbyCrfu Conpilee1 ta8sicOMfllseaae Mo reae its De'vemmrnnt t Watebed C&oe.fuly ecam Ite la se Sure a forerunner et Consuneonid lieglce&d Most Cataff h cures centainCenti. whisbh sa fangeoes Narceete, amd ProL HCya, the. Onta". Schâdof oSChemisery oad Pharmaq, " u*nlm xqmlnailsa made from samries po. ilied on the. open naket, 1 declare thm thete »t* COCUINE «titainedin ehepemtain*fttr, Ch.a'@ Gaturh Cure" Most estouihng resulta are daily Dr.Cbae'.fioeMte ê*r4UsdIo HMR ÙSALD ]UTXýRDTaPa Roo* 4»14 dew. uffer"d flm tw4 yeus aered 1 ebin eb. d3rC aaCaem-rk Cue. and accurate advertisin~ announcements will do ii~ anv j ~ .-- ____________ -~ - W~p ev.r. Uve new w1bat Ite W"sto bave. ai& bsfrf uud W oIumlk.Chase,% Cataà Cue I fy.etreible4 ',uth Catanie calls en Mrs. Cawlt BOWMANVILLE. MAR. 22, 1899. ILAXING VIE VAJB $LUC'SSFUL.' The officers and directors of our coun-l ty agricaltural soiety are lookingi about for new features for the Eal Ex- hibition and are xnaking such altera- tions in the prize ists and regulations as will tend to make more popular the Fair. Our county agricultural fairs are, or shoul d be, educators, institutions ,of learuing, and we should be am ready to consider new ideas and advanced methods a&s are other inistitutions of lcar-ning; iu fact, te keep abrreast of the tie adhA wAp-m n.A , n .tA «s factors tu promotîng edueullon and science, Our fairs Must not, stand stilîl The fair o! ten or tweuty years ago VIII flot answer the purpose o! 10 day any more Ihan the hundreds o! other thisgs la vogue a decade ugo fill the purpos now. The fair of thf. year eau not 1111 the requirements for next year., and hence managers must be on the lookout for new things and ready te, sonsider uew methods ihat appeal for recognition and thal seem likely to con- tribale ta the general Interests; n-or should we wait for appeals: rather il is our province te seek out the things thai ehould be represented from -\ car 10' 'vear, for the zonsideration af the public, and to study up new methods o! sini pifying and imtparting the Information and knowledge that conie 'wthin the Seope of the fair. Làve ti sales ut azrIculta a faim~ ofan a the new ideas, or, &t leasft, un- developed ios that la worthi ot our Mostl serions cousideration. The lime lsripe for their introduction, and thal, if introdueed, they 'wlll become o! great- er weighl iu attructing attention te our fuirs than May appear fromn surface in- dications at the present time., A pro- position should have somethiug ta sup- port il. Let us see what there ls ta sup- port tbf. one. The objeet of 1he annual fairs, il f. ugreed, le la encourage and promnole especially agriculture, stock- raisîug and the mechunicai arts, the work o! the fuir being ta e-timaulate by example, and thus encourage the lu- troduction or that whicb is improved, uew avid useful, 'and thut muy tend 10 facilitaIs labor, increase production and enhunice the profits on thut ic w produce. The snajority of agricultural fairs, suceessful though tbey muy be in their exhiblîlonal and amusement churacter, do not puy, flnancially., Weeks and months are devoted ta the work prepar-, alors' to the fuir, and the thousand and one details incidental to tbis work- tax the, best energies and resources or its Management. Nothing more lurgelv determines the success of a fir than the umonut and character o! the pre' lminurs' work bestowed upon il. ilere- lu ls one 0f the great weukuesses of the average fair-lack o! forehanduess and busine ss Ireatment. A fair must be conducted upon sound busîues3 prin- ciples. Ways and meaus must always be kept well i view, or cIse 1h. nost arduons labor, the best intentions. and the most couscientions vare o! depurt- mental details willlrsilualre The direction of the finances of a fuir should be vested in business men o! known ability. Incrne, and outgo must always ln proper fuir manage- ment be as sludiou sly observedl as lu auyr suceessfal mercantile enterprise of Neit a wel-ordered systeru %hould gorruail the detail work o! the fair. There should be a division and sub'div- ision of the work of the varions depart- mente with a suffi cient force of persons ln 7charge to give a f uli and faith!ul ai- tention to the acquirements of each. Eeads of departiments should have full and utraixmelled countrol, eubject, o! course, to a central authority and this preférably the president, secrelary and1 Que or t-WfQ cîker active mm en.ue en-1 oe.e poeo.rila axthoriy vii, a8 a iii., ptfetu uoft aja< better rk sha. à ..nm tte birdinar' essietfts1 4na.i a»Md t. p.y a rglrmaager.1 We moy 'bà eonsideedextravagant, but ira tkiak l. k* "lW*a badIdtap departreents also. The Floral Dapart- ment can, by good management, be made to pieuase the eye to an extent which will please ail classes.0f visitors. Everybody likes fioôwers, but for show purposes two-thirds of the effect is secured by their arrangement. This is one branch o! our fair that needs more attention, too. What is true o! the womuu's and floral depurtments of a fair will apply, if only in lesser degree, to other departreents as well. Order, classification, suitable provision for aud arrangement of exhibits, cleanliuess of buildings, ventilation, good lighl, etc., are greut essentials. On the score of "special attractions" by which is uaderstood leatures o! a fair not covered by its preminre list, ýmuch eau be said. Suo crities deplore the promis ence giv"n to these, holding tiat mec fair proper suffers ia couse- queuce.. This May iu some instances be lirue. but il does flot netessarily foi- low. The faire!f te-day eannot be the fuir o! a quarter or hall century ugo. Our people and people's tastes have: chunged wonderfully duriug ail thesee vanlshed veurs. The "attractions" have corne ta stay. Il does flot follo'w th at standard foulures o! tbe fuir must la conlsequence ho slighted lu the emaîl- est degree. _.Proably no clieutage is more dtversified and difficaît to please~ than Ihat o! a fuir. Is it ual the part of~ wisdom, then, to caler te as many tastes as possible? Next cornes advcr lising the fuir. Here is ose o! the strougest factors lu the'success o! the fuir., No malter how good, how large or how camp letely ar- ranged your fuir may be, unles A be rpso criy a4verttsed sceucna e looked for. It pays ta advertise. Thiis is a truisso, but itlah one whicb hal b. borne in mind caustantly. Taking. the total arnoual o! the' appropriation for advertising, letfi be apportioued I variously. , Use the local papers4 gener - oasly. Have your advertisements -weil written and do flot be niggurdly in the amount o! space used Use di8pluy ï"ads", local reading notices and illus- trations, if you can gel a few good one. Do extensive bill pasting everywhere, within the territory from which you ex- peet ta draw your pat 'ronage. Use plenty o! plain date sheets, sa tha t lie who ruas may reud."- Use- large size letlers on tdpe posters; do flot attempt la get too mucb detail on them; that for newspaper adverlising. leave As ta the preminre list: make this at- tractive, 100, with classifications up ta date.' Offer liberal prizes for live stock classes. Everybody likes la sec fine an- imaIs. Give a well.bulunced list, make every brancb un inducement ta exhibit ors. Circulute the premiurn lisI !reely by mail1 and- personal dclivcry, and do this monîlis before the fair, as Ibis is advauce advertisiug o! the most effica- clous kind. In the hline ofÇ.speeial'at- tractions, try ulwuys ta present navel- tics. The amusement palate o!fuir visilors is very capridlous, and is always demauding a chan ge lu the bill of fare. Have plenty O! good musie it adds ta, the suap and vitality o! a fuir ire- mensely. Suggestions along Ibis liue are naw lu order. Finally >ta attempt ta sammarize the whole malter, a fuir may be said 10 be a vust kaléidoscope show of amuse meut and instruction, prescuting an evcrchunging view and vuriety. The fuir is a composite, and the greater the cure and shili cexercised lunfruming it the greater will be ils success lu every respect. This journal wîhl be At the service o! the directors o! aur Aut-ieul- tarai Society ta assist iu every way pas- sible la curry ont the ideas herein ud- vanced. Lt everybody ulte their e! - forts and energies ta make aur Euhi Fuir Ibis year a true record breaker. AhI Eastern Ontario will sincerely re- joie. witb bis fellow-citizens of Cobourg and West Northumberland over the ap- pointreent o! Mr. Wre. Kerr, Q. C., LL. D., o e .Senate o! Canada, Hie ap- Painiment wus urgently udvocated by tis journal lu 1897 and by very niuny ethers o! botb poitical 6î!ripe. Sen&t«e Kerr mede a capital speech on Mon4ay lna miuoig the address in the sens** in r.ply tte . peech frouthelb.tkree. Want of roora forbktn an eto.ded at- tu. aItb.ue time to buy_ the goods advertised below is on SATUTRDAY, MONDAY or T1JPSDAY NEXT. Table Linen, fine bleached and pure linen, do inches wide, uice pattern, reg. 60o per yard, Table Linen, haif bleached damask, 54 inches wide, reg. price 25c, special Towels, pure line'n, fringed ends with border, 40x2O, reg. price per pair 35c, spocial 2 for Turkish Towells, very large size, spécial each Towelling, nice dark crash, special 3 yards for Bleached Factory Cotton, one yard wide, very heavy, reg. value 10 - per yard, special per yard 'one pattern only, reg. price 25c, special per yard Shirting, extra heavy quality, fast colors, nie bIne check, reg. price 12-4e, special White Bed Spreads, -Mareelles pattern, regular price 90e, special White Apron Mquelins, extra wide, ni ce large ehecks, veryheavy, special per yard at 8t and Flaunelettes, a few pieces yet to seil of those Tartan Flannelettes, extra lice goods, fast colors, real value 10c per yard, special per yard Hosiery, Ladies' fine all wool blacck cashmere, ilose, ribbed, sizes %~, 9, 9X, reg. price 35c, speci-al .Handkerchiefs, ladies' fine hemstitehed lland-, kerchiefs, nice fine quality lawn, special chief 5, large size, special 3 for Dress Goods, fine black figuired Dress Goodýs, mostly Prîestlev's make, 42 to 44 inclies wide, reg. price 75e and 85c per yard, spesial for 8 days Dress Goods, Brown Sicilian CIoth, Very heavy quality, splendid wearinig goods, particularly nie for skirts, 54 inches wide, reg. value $1.00 per yard, special per yard for 3 days Men's Black Overalls with Bib and Braces special Boy's 2 piece Suits, plain baek and front, reg. price $165, special Waist Liuing, very fine and heavy quality in light and dark drab, real value a yard 15e, special Bioots and Shoes, Meu's Split Grangers, -whole stock uippers, good heavy soles, sizes 6,- 8 and 9, reg. $1.25, special -$1.00 Men's Grain two buekle Boot8, hand made soles solid leather with lace holes as wvell as the buekles special Boy's Boston Calif laeed B Ioots. with toe cap, hand pegged soles, sizes 1 to 5, special per pair Ladies' Glove Grain laced boots, lîigh eut, standard screw soles, reg. value $1.25, special Ladies' pebbled laced boots, standard screw good to wear, reg. price $1.25, special uroceries. New Prunes, finef, iee goods, speelal 4 lbs. for, Canued Tomatoes, best quality, large tins 3 for -Uorn-Muaren-, Zpackages-for Salmon, Clover Leaf braud, 2 tins for Coffee, fresh ground and pure, special per lb. Extract Lemon and Vanilla, 2 la'rge botties for Soap, the best 5e bar, fuli 12 oz., special 7 bars Tea, our special blend mixed tea, 2 lbs. for 1 Highest price for produce. Remember the days for the above Bar-zains, 25tht 27th and ý28th March, Saturday, Mondayud Tuesda-y J oh-n- Mc 40c. l~c. 7c. 15c. 4e. 25e\ - 50e. $1.25 loc. $1.25 75e. 25e. 23e. i ~c. 25e. 22e. 15e. 25e,1 should be taslefully decoraled, both ex- ternally and int ernally'. A few dollars expended in paint und attractive bunt- ing produce an effect upon, visitors which will treLly justify the outlay. Grouping and classification of exhibits with intelligence and an eye to artistie arrangement, go far in aiding the effect. How depressing te see exbibits piled in a heterogenous mass, as if they had been deposiled by some convulsion of nature ruther than by human ugency., The womns department o! a fuir should be the central point in the ex hibition halls, as the capabilities for at-. tractiveuess in display are greater here tliau e]sewhere 'We went to see far more attention and encouragement gwven to this depurtment. We may be called fanciful, but we dlaim that if a fuir cau at the start in- terest, please'and satisfy its lady visit- ors, an advantage is gained which will March 25th, 27th and 28th.' We want you to corne and caîef-ully .examine th#~ goods represented by these items, and comare them with our statements concerning then. Nothing but, honest -L mi= ýr 1 4 ' 11 ,good. Put us to tue test on this- ýlist. Remem'ber the

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