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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 22 Mar 1899, p. 5

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lTu Kanitoba?.39- 1 ýIf so send and get ourl prices on tickets -via North Bay or Chicago. W e have a variety of literature concerning the advantages of Our Canadian North West, which is f ree to ail inter- ested. Cail and get par- ficulars. STOTT & JURY. OO0STS'I NOTE- ING To have your eyes care- f ulIy tested at ôur store * by the only Post Grad- uate Optician in the Country. Our prices are lower than the lowest and yo'u get your money * back if we fail to give You a peffeet fit. Solid Gold Frames a speciaty.'~ STOTT & JURY. T1hemyDiuggists and Optieiaras.. >GRAND VRIJNK RAILWAY, BOWsxANVnLE STATION. GoINs EAST. GOIsie -WnT.- â pres. 10 19a.. al 8 18 rmw .... 6 51 P.. M asne .. 5p oj!xprss 1103 U Express.,.. 73 M ~Daif. t Sundays only. SToTT & Juav. Town Agents BOWxvt.NVIILLE, MAR. 22, 1899, It s evident that some of our local merchants have faitninl the future for ,We noticeti that Messrs. Couch, J ohm- êton andi Cr3 derînan got in an immense lot of new geetis last week. most of Wbich we understaud were direct im- TenIeeti scarcely adti laittis firm ib the laugesi direct importeus andtihle moist extensive lu higi ciass Dry Geetis in Wcsl 1Durham. ApprenUice wanteti. Soi ati. Se. bueys Pair Site Combsai Niciolis'. 9 Cakes et Complexion Soap 25c. et Niciolis'. Suits whici. always suit wiea matie et Couci, Johastea & Cryterman's. We ke9ep itsbesi ciunaanti wasiing machine la lie woulti. CAWKER & TAIT. Tiose who appreciale aulistie priai. igshoulti senti their outiers te rr Several uines et Dress Gootis selling opff below cosi ai Couci, Joinstea & Crytierman's. M.A.james îs agent fou lie Christian Guartilan, Christian Hleralti antiLadies' Home Journal. »very bey la West Durhama will wani t e ucathle poem '-Do your level Besi" on an insitie page. Men'ls & Boys' Ovet- Ceâts selliig off ai greatly rednucetil prises ai Couci, J oinsion à&CrAdermam's, Every fermer sieulti sec Evans' *eteetrie spraycr ai P. Murdoci's. Reati ils adtv. on an msitie page. Feeticu Bonis Corsets matie te seil at omis Dollar now sellîng ai slxty-nine cents ai Couci,J obastea & Cytierman's. Dr. Talmage traws soei practicai lessons troin bis'ewa observations in * tieti"sreets et a ity." Everyone wll be repaiti for a perusal ef ils sermon on an insitie page., * Mu. W. W. Buchanan, edtor of tie1 Hailtoen Templer, deceaseti, has goe te Winuipeg, wiere he bas accepteti a position ns assistant manager et a New York insurance cempeny. 11 To titis ubl-lf von wîll watch Ibis paper fromn week te weisk, yen will finti a notice of differemi reductiins, which T. N. Rickardi is making inpices. Kinti- iy make a note et tie same anti wien yen are taking 3-ouu summer trips anti oi»ings compare bils prices witi ihose ,et otie places a ni Nou will tins prove t* you owtî ati-ifation, tiat yoù arc *W.u piston Noti, vaeh glassoes arc t4 bis 10e eacl i fa-r- h99 A neýw stock oi ,iurv heav, omes jpîsl la. Reinmember the place, tire doorH casi et ibeStaindard ,#a* - ~1 I I LMY tJ. Mr. Clarence Meath is attending the Central Business College, Touonte. 1Miss Proweu is visiting frieuds in Ottawa, guest of Mu, J. Poikingiorme. Mu. Ralpi Rutherforti, Oshawa, was a passenger ou the iti-fateti "Castilan".: A 50-acre farmt t reni 8 miles nouth ef Bewmaaville. Apply te HE@AL Bueos. Mus. Geo. Webster anti Miss Annie Barrett are visitiag NMus. S. Small, Port Hope. Now is the tinie te buy cheap tars, eall at M. Mayer's and yen wil get a bargain. Rev. C. Parker, Napanee, lectureti at Tamworth Mentiay evening on "The Noti-W est Rebeliion." Prudent buyers know that here tiey eau get the best groceules fer theleasi money. CÂwKEFR & TAIT. Antier lot et Men's IHas- latesiý styles-epenedti his week et Couch, Johnston anti Crytieuman's. WVeltington Lotige S. O E, wil helti their annuai At H ome la the Lotige Rom Tuestiay March 28th. *Major Sacîgrevn leeture inlaCeobourg on the evening ef St. Petrick's Day on - 'The day anti ail who houer it." Th'a report et Supeultendeat ef Ex.. * erimentai Spraying on an insiie page ;*iil be inteuesting te fruit zrewers. Nickle Waltiam watehes are almost gven away ai Richard ' anti fully guar- anifet. Groccer's due tIls talten as cash. Couei, Johnstou & Cryderman Say that iheir stock ef New Gootis fer ihis sprlng whli ecilpee anytiing ever shown in iewn., Black Dress Goods-a beautiful rauq in l ail onQalities up te thse fineât oouds împortea just reoeived et Couch, Johuston & Cr-yderman's. The geod points eft he Gendron Wheel are built into hcm net talketi mbt theta. Ride a Geadren, 7.0. Pu'urn- i Agent, Bowmanviile. Couch, Jebuston & Crytierman are showing the very latest styles in Mea's Hlais Just receiveti direct frem the uman- utatturers lu England. Mu. W. J. Hayeratt, Brooklin, re- cenlly shippeti a pair of emitiAn geese te a breeder la Nova Scotia, anti he wriies back thet, he Is well pteascd with th em. M.A.James. Bewmanvle. fis (lavtri.I ment Issuer ef Mariege Licenseq fou Ihe Ceuntyicet Durhama, turing business heurs ai offic, at ie resitience Centre- si., ai night. Miss Diana Cale is pueparedti t do drcssmaking itier ai heu home King St.. ouraitibeshomes et heu custemeus Gooti fit - guaranteeti. Charres me- derate. 11-4 w. Mu. R. E. Osborne, treasurer et Bow- nianvilie anti Dartington township Saibaili Sehool Association, rejqnests liai superlutendeuls et lhis La bbath schools la tuis iting senti lau er sub- scriptiins AT OINCE Couci, Joinsien & Crytieuman inferm us thal their Febras-ry sale was a big success. Everyeueetf heir Latiies'Coats are solti ant i wnieu geets et aIl kintis puetly weii solti oui, But liey are stili selling Purs, Over Coats antisoei limes ef Dress Gootis ai verviewpriciss. Rickard is running off some 17 jewv- elleti Waltiema Movements in 20 yeaur gelti filleti cases ait tc price ihai is chergeti by others fou niekle walches. 2c. buvs nest eggs this month, at Nie- holls'.' ' NCholbs. las the proper thing in Side' Se. buvs box Matches ibis monili ai Nicholis'. Mus. Dingman's millinery opeuing March 22 anti 28. M. Mayer is selling off his entire stock ef furs at cesi. Mr. C. H. Hutchings, Toronto, lias been visiting Mu. S. Souci. Excelsior Concil .T. of T., visiteti Oshawa Councli Tuesday night. Mu. S. Harris anti Mr. F. DoWus have. gene te Toronto te fili situations. Oel at M. Mayer anti see the new 'Presitient Brace" tie latesi ont.. Rev. J. J. Rae will preaci educa- weea. Mu. Gie Wilbur, Darlington, visiieti his sister, Mus. Job. Dickinson, Zion, recently. Cayeu Coupcil- bas granteti 840 te-, wards purcbasing helmets fourlte 46th Battallea. Prof. Huntingford was guest et Rev. R. A. Seaboun, at the Reciory, Centre St., whitc in iewn. Miss Eva Lultuelattentiet Rosenîhai pl e cital la Massey Music Hall, Toronto, Tiurstiay niglit. Mr. E. C. Thounten, secretary-trea- surer. et tic Kaun OrgaCe., Wood-. stock, -as ln tewn Fritiay. The Wiling Workers et Whitby Metiotilsi Tabernacle heiti a "Charas-, ter" social Mentie veaing. Miss Laura MeAmmonti. Ontarie Ladies' Celege, Whitby, was guest et Mus. T. E. Higginboiham o6ver Suntiey, The people et St. Paul's church have decitieti te builti a new Salibath Scheel- romn d purchase a new pipe organ. Captein Hentierson, Whitby, has been gazetteti as Major anti Lieut. W. H. Gucenweet Iis puemetedt t Captilu Mus. Chas. Kirk who hes been visil- ing hier sister Mus. R. H. Henry, cfti r eserday morning for lier home in Bewmanvilic Royal Templar Drame- tic Coe., will give "Kathýleen Mavour neen*" ia Oshawa Music' Hall, Gooti IFitay. They ehoulti have à fullllieuse. St. Paul's Churci inteuti building a new suntiay school roeta anti putting in an organ tiuring tic coming summisu. They wilt iikelv be in a position lu a tcw tiays te let tiecocntreets. Miss L. A. Wilson, asbistant principal ef Whitby Ladies' Cellege, chaperoncti a bevy ef the girl undeugratis oethtin Ceilege at tue Resenthal recital in Massey Hall Tiursday nighl. Rev. Dr. Weukmen, Toronte, witi preaci missienay sermons la tie Meli- odist ehuueh nexi Sabbath. Subscrip- tiens for tic missionauy funti will be taken. Go earty te get a seat. - Saturday i, g11ceniains, an article o hydo the boys leave ibis Farm" that gies severai pueminent nien's. views on this pertinent question that isveryoei Woult do well te reati. Mayer T. D. Punyn, Napanise. bas been unsealeti for lack ofe proerîv. uaiîcauunUIîd~ punwt'lC, ie ;maei Ilecaratilea bing owneti by is wife,, anti encamberedtat nearly full value. ,A number et youpg people fuom iewn aitentiedth ie A.O.U.W. "At Home" la Orono Friday uight. Tiey report an excellent puograta, flrsi-class refresi- misais, gooti altendancis anti a spienditi lime. A final setiement between ibis Coun- îles ef York anti Ontario has been effeci- ed the miiatter et Rouget river bridge, by York couaty consenting te pay. $2,000 cash, anti puetect a portion efthle embankmeai adjoining tic bridge,. Miss SMeTavisi, Bowmanviile,.wishes ta tiank heu inany trientis anticas- tomers for past patronage anti tesires te informthem titsi sicis open fou Spring orders for millineuv' every day tram 8. a.m., tili ait ara serveo. 12.2 w Tic Ladies Aid of tthe Metiodisi churci wili giv-i a social a thie ihouse of Mus. J. M. Jeness, this evening Am en- joyable lime is promised anti as the stelghing is now goti', thc house sionîti be well filleti. Tickets l5cts. Teams wil le vis the churci ai 7 anti 8 o'cleck. mind liaibisguýrantee meeans --om- - Mu. H. A. McKowan cti Tuesday, ihing. H1e la mol bere te-day. antigoeismruning for Neepawa, Man., wheue hus te merrew.* bas a position with Bukeli & Ceo. Cona Corne anti ouder youu Easteuilîlin- tracteus anti Builtieus. Harry basihatia' ery allihe Cerner Store on Wetinesday tierougi training, b a'mesl respecta- afÏernoon anîvnn ac 2da7 le anti wothy yo-ing man anti carrnes foltowing days.. Miss Teulise, a fasjiion- ou it iz es fou bist shccest . eso aile trimmer, is in charge etflite lrim-Ou tiesfrh ucs. Ming depaulmeal anti will ho pleasedt e Tirce new téléphones bave been adi- show thie latest styles ini Parsien and d tie thie local systein by Mr. W. W. Ameuican haIs anti bonnets. To suit tbe Sbaw, Manager, Meking 82 altogetier mesi fastidieus will bis ou m. Misses whiich b ceulainly veuy cueditabie fou e Visai anti Medianti, Bewmanvilie. towa eft lus size. Thc nisw enes are: We ymaîiz wtMu H Gie RF. Bycus, Central Livcry,.. Ne. 23; Coîborne, la thetelal destruction Oethie T A ,rNcMiTat, esidence.....Ne 29. entire plant etotitis NorthtumberlantiTd .MMuî,rstec . o 9 Enteupuise by tiue on Titurstiey. The A temperances rall îv et tic Sundey flue eriginateti in Buown's dry goosScicals ef tic iowa under itis auspices store anti swept ouittis wboie S'~et o the W. C. T. U. wil be helti in Ibis sigrblock. Mu. Gale's toss will bis Metiotilst churci mcxl Sabiati eft er iayas is bas eîîlY 81,000 insurance. neon ai 2.45. Atitresses iy Revs. A. The Enterprise wiîî bis printed ti ili F. MceGreggor,B A. ,Touento,anti otieus; West Durham News office. Bowman- suitable music will be fuarnisieti. Al ville untit Mur. Gale gels tus office ris- are ceutialty invitedt e attend. Collie- The Montreal Star bas issuietinl book Sir Oliver Mewat, Lieutenant Gover- torm te pQpular sont-s anti national mou, on te recammendation eft't e Ont - mldewhiicibave urn tie te time' aulo Goveunmisnt, bas been p easmt~te appeare thebi columnsof eticFemily appoint M. A. James, Etitor of 'ri.. Headanti Wýeekiv Star Titis ad- STATESMAX, BowmaeVillis, ta bis one of mierabl lt in o im-oio lieu Majest-y's Justices etfitis Peacis. mirab ll pltongly tethie booetWhin Cobourg on Tlîuuet ie iswas se fns iltapeastirenge late papa- 'y worm ln by Ceunty Crown Attorney J. laufacy nt str bisusntsaiomiyW. Keru, Q 0., anti on Fîiday meun- people, wbo, innocent efthlie classical fatis osiewilfnidtgtn Iin- perfornedhils firsl officiel aci iy simple anti stiring mélodies, 1on 1 atU ainoe the aftiavit of a te,% n business, ballets litaitieightedti iluyouti anti Man. will bing back lie happiesi days etf.Additionl ioccals on ast page. tisir lives. Miss Louise Hanson undeuwent a Special for the Ladies. criticel surgical opration in lie okili- fui bantis ot Dr. A S. Tiey assistedti v Remember te-day (Wednesclay) Du. J C. Mitchell lu Decemier lest anti Mrci, 22uti, is Openimg Day et lie bas since been confineti te bier home. Central Millineuy Parlers, Bowmaa- Iler many tientis witt bis pleaseti te viltis, anti evisrv ladtfy wio reetis titis is leaun liai oie bs recoveinIg anti is able cordielty invitedt e chll anti sec ou dis te take a siert walk tiaity. To mark play o! spring, miiiineuy. Din't tieny uder pleasure ever hieu convalescencea veursisît ýiis pleasure if yen can'i ceme numier et lounn- ladies met aittis resi- ic fir&i day; cee t ypnr carliesi con- tence et ber mtier Mus. W. H. Hlan- venience tiereeficu. son. Elgin St, Wednesday evening te Miss Sitelock. whe has hati large cx- conguelulale Miss Louise en atiaining perlence la tic besi miltincuy stores la lieu 21st hirtlidav. Afticu eshort urne 'I'ronté ' bondon and tiliercileanti was spelît in social chat theceoinpamî \wbe gaeissuci o-eneî-al sat1i'.faction itis trpairedte10tibis ining uoom wîierei a pattîwo scasen, wiil bav%,e cierge of nicety Parran2-eti table laden wiîî, goori jthc Trimming pepeutmený ut. Satifste- thinp-s pr4nvided iv tic vonng ladies itfl guttuanteeti. awailed then. Thc reniainde-r, efthle Den'it; orget liai we are in lie new evennL waz apet in gainesnusic,' stand-omis door west et the Big 20. e t., ad "eah eee ie c h lesi Klllg $t,, Bewmaille. H &~ Notices of Eirths, Marriages and Deaths' 50 cents. when i»arriage licenses are obtained or funeral notices printed at thls offie, insertion free. BORN. ROssnouG-In Cedar Dale, MrchIl11h, the wife of Mr. Rombough, of twin daughters. 50rÂL-In Oshawa, March 161h, thé wife of Mr. W. W. $tapie, of a son. FOUsm.-In, Darington, 6th Marci, the wlf e of Jno. Fonnd, of a son, WÂTs.-Iný Clarke, March 9th, the wife of Joseph Watts, of a son. MARRIED. MIL.s- RODUAN.-At Brooklin, March 151h, Mr. Albert Milis, Brooklil, and Miss Mary Rodman, Port Perry. PooLY-PROUoe -At the residlence of the bride's father. Edmund Prout, Esq., on March ISth, by Rev. J. J. Rae, Richard Pooly and 'arab Prout, both of Darllngton. Have yen hati a kindness sio-wa? Pass it on. 'Twas net given for yen alone,- Pass it on. Let it travel -dowu the vears, Let it -wîpe another 's tears, Titlinl heaven the deeti appears, Pass it on. Mr. Will Allia was in Portilope last T.uesday. The Spu ing- Assizes -will open ai Ce- bourg, eMarehi28 Belleville electrie railway han been solti for $85,000. Rev. J. J. Rue lectures at Breoklu Easter Montiay on "'Other People". Tic relief funti for St. James' churci, Montreal, now ameunts te $119,000. Oshawa Amateur Ce., gave their opera "'Saiti Pasia" in Whitby lest agea 83 ycars and 2 inonths. Ues Coxs-In Oshawa, March 121th, Frank WesleSy, 1yonngest son of James Croekem, aged 20 years, Il monthS and 14 days. G]LLSPE- In Wroxeter, March ird, John Gillespie, iormerly a butcher of Newcastle, aged 62 years arnd 5 months. OOosJY.-InfSpur rier, Tenu., Mrch 6tI, John H. Cooney, aged 30 years. WÀD.-In Darlngton. March 16th, Laura Hinion. beloved wif e of Chas. Wade, aged 50 years CRÂWFRDa.-In Cartwright, on Merci, 101h, Mr. William Crawford. GILLYN.-In Oshawa,ý Match lti, Mary Elizabeth, o *Idest deugiter of John and Elize Gllyn, aged 15 years. STACETY-In Oshawa, March l7th, Bertha Elena- Hogarth,, ieloved wif e of Charles N. Stacey, aged 03 yecars and il monilis. OamnSToni-At Azusa, California, Stinday .Mareh 19th, ie-v. W. Ormîston, D.D., of a appey, aged 78 years. Wien a boy bce hved lu Dar'ilington, Ontario, and ai one lime was3 one o f the mosti noted Presbyterian miniâiers ln Amertea, his first church bing alf Newtonville, Clarke, his nexi t Hmilton, and hl& lutiln 'New York city, WXsrÂw.-At Bradwortiy, Devon, Eng- land. on Sunday, March 5, of bronhiltis, Mar- garet Westawa, spister, aged 72 years, lister of M.RcarWa<estaway, Port Hope, Ot. with whom aha formerly dwelt. u. RI)DOC.-In I3owmanville, ou Saiurday, Mareh 151h, Dînai Baldwin Sno.wdon, rehiet of the laIe Richard Ruddock, aged 85 years. In. terred ai Thorubjîl.* BQWMANVILLE MARKETS. Crreted by J .DMcMrtry eaeh Tues4ay rion 100 Ibs ........ 81 95 te 82 2Z WREAT, Fall, bush . 0 't 0 70 " Sprîn* ..0 00 ' 0 70 n Ret"i Pife :-000te 0 72i fi Gooffl ... 000 'l 0 70i BAIu.uY, ebush, No. 1 .. 0 45 le 0 46 * n, f le2 _O 26 035 el fi il3.... 025 180 30 if ifTwo rowed 025il 0 45 RYE ~Il............. 0 910" 55 ~BUdKWEMAT Il............O 0 0il.-043 PzAs, Biackeye f' bush 0 O69 fi 0 75 Canadian heautiesl.. 69 si" Q 75 'tMuinmey - O 0 0tilO055 "Smaii, 0090"il065 'Ble," 017 il 0 55 BUTERbes tale, Ie tb.. O 0 t 0,14 E edz..........090" 01il p eron.........5 0f)0,600 flICYCLjE FOR SALE.-WilI be solti POR RENT-Blacksmith shop,house, F& ýac-re tendto0let. Good openlng. Terms modevate. Immediate possession. A ddreMs, Mas, WY. ti. Hîçs, Tyrone. 12-4w* S MALL 1101.1E WANTED- Must K be chcap e nd lu good repair. State lowest cash down price. M. A. JÂ&mEs, Bowman-.ille. 10 If. A PPREN TICE WAN TED-At o 1nce .LLo learu Milllnery, apply tO MIIS.DnIoNGN.8 XTOTICE.-AII persons indebted t0 .ithe late Mrs. Northcote for Music, & c., will pleaea settie for saeaet once, wlth J. C. VÂNý- sTOSiE, Bowmanvilla. 8-6w. BICYCLE FOR SALE.-Gents' very .Llittle used--Sprocket brakre, flexible saddle and in very good condition. Inquire at Ontario Banîk. 11-3 w. CEED BARLEY.-A quantitv of No. i7J 1 six-rowad harle y suitable for seed beiniz frae fromn noxions weeds. W. J. Bragg, lot 2, con. 3, Darlingon, near Providence churai or Bowmanyille 011- l3 w. G ETTING READY FOR HA RVEST Xm-No need for horses, a bran new Steam Tireshing Plant with Traction En gine wiil be ready for work in tus district about Juylet,51i -i ~ a I amuLka, .Fropriefors, F RM T O RE T-8 acesnore or orchard and ronniîîg watar. Possession ai once. Aply on puamisea to MRs. R S. WEBlSTER, Or to A. E. WxnSTER, Oshawa. TOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE - IJLL That eomifortable brick cottage on Con. ession St. E., and 11 acre of garden with some good fruit. Neyer failing surin g fwter iverything in good conditionÎ. Il bc sold cheap. Ap~ply on the pramiesavo DIGORY TeuTs. COTT, Or 10 Bowmanvilla, P. 0. 10 2w' 1111OUSE AND LOT FOR SALE.- L.2 storey brick, 8 rooms, on S. W. corner of W ellington and Division Ss, Bowmanvil. The bouse is in a good state of repair, a inew oiiett shitgle roof having latî beau put on et a cosî of ovai $100. Will becs-Id cheap. Apply to 1-. C. TAtU, Photographer, ltowmanville. 12-2w. T ENDE IS WANTEI.-Sealed tend- ers for Vlie porehase of Ona share of tha face value of 1140.00 ln the Stock of the Darling- ton Union Chease Factory hald by the laie Chîares Wade wil ha racelvad iy the undar- signad up t0 no-,n of Iha 411j day of April, 1899. No tender mecasserily aceapted. Tarms cash or satîsfactory aqiilvalant. T.H.EvERsoN, Oshawa. P. O., Acting Exacutor Estata Charles Wade. l9ated et Oshawa, Maei171h, 189. 12-1w. F. WAUGH, -L, Do S,, D. D Sol BowmAN VILLE. Dental Office ln the Rooms above ,er- Will be at Orono fuom 9 a. m. to 2 p m ,andi at Newcastle from 2.30 un- tii 7 p. m., on the secondt and. fourth Montiays of each Month. Gold plates, Crown and Bridge wouk anti Paintess extraction are specialties B. P. BYE ES has opaued tie New Central Livery nearly opposite tie Standard Benk, llowmanvilla, whara lie has a flue lot «f Single and Ilouhllî arrlages mi<s, Wagons, ftc, - r le. G o o d lories and <areful Dri2verg.> No lafgalowed. T,4119e ~No M. Caîls am and- E~4 ~*è~* Are two commercial chums. Now that new-laid eggs are comJng within reacli again, Swe expect to seli more ham than ever, Tou can: buy it here any way you prefey. We seli the, best sugar-cured hams, whole at from 12e to 14o a pound.- 0 -Absolutely new laid Eggs at 12o a dozen. New Male rup will arrivi Pr*es ill b g It.Aso a fullsi fine light Syrups at 60e andi 80C a Those who wisla to secure a sj most delicacy of1flavor cannot do *:~Our lightest branti ot yellow suga SIt is easily prepareti, and no fa.: approaches it in taste, 20 Ibo. for4 Cash for ail farm produise. eawker B0'WM)AN V1LLE. Ve la a few days. aupply et Redpaih's gallon. sYrUp Wiih the ut- o betier lien buy ar fou home beîling., CteuY SYrp ai ail il. st Tiait. .AiL ~it Fllt I -14 We do flot Claim to be the only flouse ini West Dur= ham. qIÉ Aialipnl 8.W AON-XN 9 0 ip 9 0 But for eleganee in -style, lateness in design andvalue in ýDress Goods, we are becoming leaders. It will pay yon to see thein. s i BOWMÂN VILE. Next door to Standard Bank. S Packing cases for sale. ~MI8ESVEA~miDLAn4 Cordîially invite the public t<o attend the Openng ~CORNER MILI ~ On the, AFTERNC SWedllesdaj SAnd thie folie wing de, Corner Kipg anti Tempe LINERY S-TORE, ON and EVENING 01 riVaroli 22, ys oft hit week. rancc Sis. BOWMANVILLE. NOE To the time le get your repairing dene, before the Sbusy springtime. If yeu cannot eall yourself, send Sy our orders by mailthey will receive prompt attention and return. Choice assortment of Watches andJewelry Great variety in Ladies' Guards. Latest and popu.l arE Instrumental and VocalMusie; alseMusîcal?àerehandise, SSchoolBooks and Stationery, It is a pleasure te bcs able to announce an increa-se in business in this line as welI as in Jewelry. Funl line of high grade Stationery and Sehool supplies at mederate priees. This in the place te corne when in need of sehool books, writing pads, penei, pens, ink, crayons, skipping ropes, balis, etc. Watch and Cloek repairtng a specialty. 'Ail work promptly donc and guaranteed. KlngSt. BoMÀNmî~. (llion' olstnd. PIED. 1 tr -1 -L u ý-4 -l e " ', W£ ,W& ', à VÉ- -, -j- ý - -2m r 4-1 Fr -1- -FI i . i i âwk -Iok--Iài

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