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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 22 Mar 1899, p. 6

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The Canadian State'sman, BOWMANVILLE, MAR. 22, 1899. 0 LJJJSION X HofK or M IATMENT. 5'MF:DY KERGAN C~rMi ~ Awe. and Shalby St. Farmers You Want 133, lelîe uîïe PRICE $1.00 EPACH. ADVANTAGEM. Il will double what the old style ma- chine did. 1 t is better made ail 1parts. Il is a hlindsomer machine. The tube from can is exposed and can bc instant- ly cleaned il it should clog. The can may 'bc iustantly emptied if you want tô change material or dlean il. The for- mation of the cau allows ail the materi- ai te be sprayved out -when 'operated upward ir trees or busheg ,il wiII save crop from bugS, Worms a nd Fungi andfruit trees fromn the cal erpiliar nd other pests. PETER MURDOCHO BowgAýzVILLE, Agent for- Durham Couhty. * canal Sytemn for G.irmany, The <erinan canal bill yhlch la te b. inmoduced itô th ie Reichstag dnring te coning sess Ion provides for th.expodi btur of 400,000,000 marks en caaisan river imprevements, as follows: Midland sciiol, 192,000,000 marks; DSt~mund- ,Bbno canal, 68,000,0ON marks; 60,000,- 000 marks for wabershod., etc., iunlt. *der district,; 40,000,000 marks for lte Berln-Stettin ship canal and 20,000,000 iprsfor lt Improvernt of te Weser 1ive Whic the schene Is executed il is announced taIlite main waterways of Prussia will be eonilected fram i tee et-- eru extremiby of te Empire 10 lthe iar- bore of te German ocean. Mr. Wannamaker's Advice. Loinins.-'Good mrig r Wannamaker, 1 have called to see if you can gîve me a position in your-es- tablishment. 1 can turn my hand to almost anything." Mr. W.-" No, we are full in every department, and you are the twcîitieth man I have refused to day. Whydon't you take Up a line in whicli there is less competition and better pay ?" Tompklns-"ýI'd only be too thank- fui if you could put me on track of suxçit a position." Mr. W.-"When 1 was twenty years of age, 1 was a tranger in a strange land, with neither work nor money, when-a friend of mine, a lawyer, advis hati educated himeoif 'by canv , sbflmo. like drowaing mon gmasp ut straws, T totk hie ativice, ant inl tive years sav- adi $5,000, ald wih this sain starteti ai' present business. Il le just fit ty years ago to-day that iMr. Bradley, lte tonal er efthlie present firma of The Bradley~- Garretson Company. Limitel, Tarante, sent me m.' tiret book orospeetus, and to hie beautif al letters andi goed alvice, 1 ewe mach et mv preseut success. Ye", young ntan,if yen have anyting lu you there le just as, gooti a chance for yen te-day with Ibis oid established l use as titere was for me. Write themn anti sec what thisv have ta offer." Tompkins-"l have seen the advo- tisements of luis firai, for agents. f'- years hact, and havc allen Iheuglît writing them, but have nover loue), 1 wil write ta day : ald I arni -eý Ùhankful le i-ou Mr. Wanaamater. f your gooti atvice." 9-tfL A kf r Yo:u nd 0k!. RECORD $RVU >Mt (;î the t N~ tefW itigal ameis ù n habitýYea nolaIe leaveid lIi,"i' j~yenr peit? bld y ou Iter onrt ,i a ndFe'-c? WeenUred? e-a- &i15h-n ste soea alarming symptea.rn! De_;e vou m&rr mourLmrsent e*,n- L-,' if rlivieJ lu dred teer.nrrtgcoa r.'ss ctanent by early aituse or Inter eix- crsseî ? Ili-a-o ye en drugged rit: yenlie ofel tIhese crimes and one- !u iewco EW METHOD TRIXU MET .ti -2tive1y dureye.I ~ cLo-site- tieusens haeoeave har i-P wa 'Ea , ALIANTETOIJFE or 1we a 1RAMNTA TO-avE' Aý'i T C'IIIAIILE CASE OR NO I'AY. M'o treft eud ourt-EMISSIONS, ViA TC EL E, FSYPHIlLIS.GLEEV1 iiî irIMPOTI]NO', F CKt I.IDRAINS UNNATURAL Iii-- CUARGES, l(TD\ÎEY aud BLABLIt I CRES GUARANTEED1ýýJ 'The Wages et S"m ent free bi euc1snr2e stamiu C'ONRTTi TATTON day te cty la jarring wIfft iela and sbuffling witit fot and tnmming wlit vaices and covered witbte brouIt of smokestecks and a-rush wlit Irafficker. Once ln a witile Ten fiad a ma gelu Ïaloag withi fohded arme and with leisuro- ly stop, as titougi Lielied nolliîng te do, but, for te meeýt part, as yeun.tidmon geiag down titese ssreets on lte way le. business, thore Isaxlety l inteir'faces, as tougi they hallsente errant wiih muet ho execu"edut lte frst possIble moment. Yen are joStietby ltas. wito .have bargains be make and xetes le so. Up titis ladder wiit a hod ot bricks, eut of Ibis banit witb a rol et bille, on titis druy witit a louti et goads, digging a cel- 1er, or sitingling a roof, o« shoeotg a torse, or building a wall, or meadlng a Nyakhi, or blndlng a book. Indnstry, wiit bem thoneauti arme andi thensand eyes and Ibeusan-tifoot, gees on slnging her sang of work, work, %vork, while lb. mille dmurn ft andth ie steam wvitees fle 1l. Ail Ibis le net bot-anse men love bil. Seme one emarked, "Every man is as luzy as be eau afford le bi." But lb te because neoessity wibh sIen irow andi Wlt uplifted whip stands over yen ready witeaever yen relax your tai te niaie your shaulders eiug witli lte huit. Can it bho litIpasslng up andi dewn Ihese streots on your, -way là _work anti business yen do net ean anytting ofthlie worhd'e bil anti unxiely and tisr-ggle? Oit itw many draeplng itearts, itow xmany cye on te walcit, tow many mulles traveiled, ha-w many burdens car- id, bew, meny lasses suifemeti, iow many batbles fougitt, how miay victor- les gaineti, iow maay deteals suffemeti, to-w muuy exasperalions entiret-wht lasses, wbat itunger, wbat wretcitedneea, ,wit palier, whiat disouse, wbat agony, witat deepair I Sontimes 1 have stopped at lte cerner of te.street a', tI>.multi- tudes weat hitter anîd yen, andi lb bas seemed te ho a great, pantomimte, anti as I loaketi upon il my hourt broke. Titis groat lideofe human lite taI gees down lte streel le a mpidti lsseti and turaed aside andd tacied uitead and drl'ç'ea'bock -beautifall ibei contusion and coatused lu its beauuy. Tante carpeltidniches et te teret, in lte wesds front wtic thlie ebenal sbatiow je nover littei, an lte store efthlie sou over witose ien coaet basses lte langled foarn spriakling te cracked clif s with a baptient et whlrl- winçl andi tempest, is lte best> place te sludy God, bat lunte usiing, s-wamm- ing, rving streel a iste best place te study mari. Att Classes Meet. Gaing down te yenr place o!' business andi comlug home again I charge yen te lok about-se. lte signa of pov'erly, et ~wretctedness, of tunger, of agi, o! berfavemntnl-anti as yen goltraugi thle streets anti corne back t treugi thelitebreets, gatiter np tanlte arme of your oryr al ings, al lte hereuvoments oft biose wtem yen pas and present tem in, prayer be- fore an ail sympathebl o ot. Tn the greal day et etemntiy there wlll ho thougands et persans with wbom yen in tis world nover oxcitangoti one werd who will ris. up and call yen blesseti, and ltere wlll ha a thousa fingers pointeti ut yen la teaven, saying, I"Thitte tman, ltati s lte wornan, wbo helpeti me wben I, was ituugry aud sicit uni wantierlng anti lest and teartbroken. lit Isl lte man, ltM le te women. " And lte blossing wtu, conte down upon Yenuas Christ Sitail say: 'II wus buagry, aud ye ted rixe;I1 was nakol, andi - ye clothed "e; T was siet and lu prison, and ye vlsited me. ag - 4-,l i. lî4up- -A.- o!f-te str3ete, 70 titI lb te me." À gain, ltse street impresses mis wih the faaf, tut al classes asucd uêtim e seciety muet iomningle. We somethnes culture a wicteti excînsiveness. Intellect tiespises ignorance. Refinomeal will bave notilg te do with boorishss. Gloves hte lte sunhurneti baud,allte higit feraheati 1epîsoslte flat heal, andthit trit heotgercw, wlll have nothing to with te wil copsevrooti, andi Altons halos Nazaelt. This oughtl net se te he. The. astronome muest oonte dawn frein bis gtarry revelry anti telp us ta our navi- gallon. Tha surgeon mueâS cin. away and ne eut broken bones.The etslist muet Corne away trot ti LiobQgr7.y witema lie bas bisonu tiylag aazlyulia asd syntitesls, ati help us le unl.ntadtise nature aethoIbis sba.IlIes Qd ia a a clanu et maua are coo@uied sealo STREETSE( Rev. Dr. T-airnage Dre From His'Owi iUnflike the Democratic Prinoiple *kmns for the Unwary--ýe --Work for1 Washington, March 19-Tu bis (Is- u3iune Dr. Talmiege, who lias lived rle iorof his life lu cities, drjaws practioal lc--ons from bis o-,ni observation; text Proverbs il,20: "Wlsdom ePreth Nwithout. Sb e uttereth ber voicelu'inte streets We are ail ready toelisten te the volees of nature--the voiees of the mounlain, the voices of lte son, lte voices, of lte stormn, the volces of the star. As in se of te cathedrals i11 Europe there is an organ nt ither end of lte building, and the oue instrument responds musically te the other, se u inte great cathedral of nature day respondg-to day, and niffht 10 nigitt, and flower teflead star te star iu Che great harmonies. of the uni- verse. The spri-ngtime la an evangelit in bIkosso;nîs Preachiug of God's love, and the winter is a prophel--white bearded- denounnciing woe against our sins. We are ail readly le listen te the voices of nature. Bunt bow feW of us learn aniything fromu tne voices of te uoisy and dusty street. Youa go t, your xnechaitni, and te your ~vrand to your merchandise, and yon cone baek again-and often with hew differeul a heart you pass titroug thlie streets. Are titere no things for us te, lerru frore Ibese pavements over whlch wepasq. Are there no luftis of truth growing up between theSe cobblestonee, beaten with the feet of toi and painýand pleasure, the slow trend of aid age and lte quick stop of childhoad? Atye, there are great barvests to bc reapedl, and naw 1 titrust -ite sichrle hecause lte iarvest Is ripe. '"Wisdom crieth -wlthotit. Site utlerelh ber voice Ilte streels." Wou and strugge.. In the flrt place lte- street impresses shlprec! Tama-ot-arente is enver bell. A river flews tibrougit t AWFULNESS OF PRISON LIE. froma btai ani l Ie.d aIetits nvy ily, with reunideti nti luxurions bank& .The Realfication That tleB.tald of --Con. yard, w. goIawn o ookaI it e splaler- and lteIrises of life, laden witit isverîmt- y~"NvrCnB eeei ed spars andi ceum it e hula houes and ing truitage, bondteir branches lIte' ve-N erCiBeRm ed loat witit patrielie admiration on lb.elte crystal.. "mhe fret aspect of prison lite ltaI flag ltaI floaued lanrictoiry frontheitis t-, No phuxnod bourse aIlles over lte pave- srmikes eue wite nters wîtil lte doors itead. But taI maa le nmore of a curies- mente, for tey are ne-ver rAet. Wîtl n- le île entaoffnese trn lte world outside," ity wto has goeetrougit 80 years otftitismartel itoalth. glewing la every vota, wriles Mme. Belliaglon BoothinluThte sitarpsbollng et business lite anti yet tbey kno w net itow to die. Titome towern Ladies' Home Journal. "Thte man 'ivio cais on, vctr a-ver lte temptations o! ot strongtli, taos. palaces ci beauly, tas trîends wio te ii or. for bien May lte Street. Oit, taw mny have gene gleanin lae lblgli t o a sun ltaI nover recelve a stateti aumber of visita a year, dowar une lte pressure, heavlng net soe sole. Oit, itavon, boanliful iteavea I Hem- witea fer a tew minutes h ta lis wilh muth as te palciofet au-vas-t tellU witre von, witere aur frieaIs are! Ttey tate ino wife or motter or triend lunlte guard- ltey periehed 1I They nover hati any ienss luntat city, for il le initabiteti by ront, anti h. le alhowed le write eue lot- pouce. ,Titeir lisiteneeties itepttlling lu "a multitude wiicine maoa nuta- ter a mentit and 10 recel-vo heters twîce a their ours. If I bal au ax andi conîti splIt ber." lRant ehove munit. Ilost above tact.' week. To hii tlrheme e, terefore, silîl open lte boums eft liat flue touse, per-.Gallery cite galhery sweopîag ail aouad Ibis 11111te bridge Uctweea tiscéel andthlb bape 1 would find ite very heartoe t i lte hou-ens. 2Tiuands oethIousande, werld froint iich itehobas bison baniabeol a skeeton.In bs ver bemillionsheeet1Millions. Blesseti are they To many, itowevisr, Ibere dees notetisle le a smack et poor iman's swoul. Oh, J',wbo enter itreagi lte gale lie ltaIttis liait no triends bave lbey, teoeil o n ids' lineuses ho is a manrba eti wiîl la-i cty, Oh, starl for il be-day! Titrougit lte tem, and lie deliverer o! lettes passes deso seshiA i ite fre et ntrelarebhood ofthlie groal sacrifice of lte Son *! their celse every week for yeara witteul digetio? Al te focesof atue le Gel laite up y our merci 10 beaven. "The tappiug t anua amess4age titrongi thtiisbar, againsl hlmi. Titisflols aeraY 1 Spirit and te bride 1SayCieanilItm Sen-lcpneeles-log drwnhm antie liearttuate0sa -i#hesoverwili het bhlm camead taite lthe hureetf-womk, a narrowlilttle oel witit lowhlmant lie tres10 onsmeit, waler et lite tel Join titis grout] juet roi enongit for a steai and a bed, aldhlit hîitage bte uIttelint.Baubt rong înarching itove3nwarti. Al te 1with a Ibicit barred deer trougit wbicit lteu ciildmen et Gel art on -ï .rs;ret, doers of itivitatici are open. "Anti I saw lie lîgitt talle flanteti witit sbadows as a a"ndinlihe day wt.tpan hea-l,------ eye pe, ovst lmuulof .cinfilnsn vuihaUj gaL, 411 ven are&dlstribtti samie af tbe brlghtest îweîve pearîs1 . in part,, mate up prison lite. The tolon of ltentwill ho gi-ve o lteos. aýiea witeof wealth andilte pourpîaefotlt were faittnl 10 Gel anti taitlitul 1 lte epIoe r h saule ef tereamIdIbis marte et busi- MANITOBA'S CAPACITY. slUMS May mach next isach telitîr ta Ibe locitstep anti eepy adjacent oeils on the mecs, praving thimel-ves te berces oft (in Rais. ]Eaouéh ivheat te SuPPlJY guilery, for te ail intenta anti purposos lte .Street. Mtgitty were Ihoir'temple- Britain Ail She Requires. 1 ltey are alite aew. The sxtrîpelf drez,,. lions, mnigtty was titeir deiverance, a ntiTiti report of lte Unitid Empire Trade close-crapped itair, lte aller stripping off mîghty sial ho their triumph. League retors 10 Manitoa as follows; et cil coinferte have a le'reling influence. Shaine andi Preteuios. er i Mnitoa b las an area et 47,000,000 acres. "Thte awtuiness of prison lite hies la Again, lte Street improsses me witi. Deducting 10,000,000 for laites, rîvers, lte memerles ef'thlb past'; lie dîcatal lte tact ltaI lite je ful ot pretensian, anti townsitos anti wasto landi, 87,000,000 coatruet botweon honte anti prison ceii; shant. -Wat -subterfuge, wht double acres ara left for farn culilvallon or the longing for lored eues whose iteamîs tiouilng, wit two tacadnese I Do ail peo- tenes for 116,000 famihles on 320 acres are aciting away ontut fret; lte knowl- pie wto wist yen gool morinng reully ocith, anti us up 10 liow lter.e arae nly edge ltaIttis wretctisd cempanionsmip et tope for yen a happy day P Do ali te 27,000 tarmers lierealaietîer, that miery mus et tho bis, ta lte w- people wte shako itade lave eici thier? louves roont lainisn province fer 80,008 round of prison teih tram momning til Are ailtose aaxiotie about yonm ietoh more witout groweme. Supposlng, thon, aigitt, for the' long yeams ahead, wicl wito mqui re caacerniug t? De ail wab t vv'gaIlet tho ns aatian eacit oaeeofthIem seema interminable., Abo-ve aund beonti ta secoyeu wito.ast you toi eau? Doos ail out et lits 820 acres grows on au average ahi titis, prîsaners bave lte bitter realizu- lte world taew hait us macht as Il pre- 100 acres at 20 husitel b lte acre. If tie'netflteitraul taI bac tall ionu tends to knowl' le thons net many a yon figure il up yen wlll Undti Ilal quit.tem ne-ver te ho renaved-cnvics-lhat wrelcitedti tcit kaf goals wit a brilliant possible tor Manitoba alane te supply un bhey ara degrudeti beore te public, anti show window? Paslag upal down lte wi allte wteat 'i require frein wili ho lookeKI upan torever as accurse." strisots 10 your business anti your wort, a ai ll nya usine tay are yeunont impressedt with lte tact ltaI anti, camyparullx'ely speaklng, net money Society leaitoilow andt laI liere ara suit- -ettr h ete eetrtcmsbIlBeau Nnsh as a O ambler. tsrtuges anti pretencians? Oh, itow many siip (about £750,000) woulti Put 5,000 Wton lte laboe Earl ot T-I 'ias a litra rewheswgge ati liat nt it~'familles u o la frme u inte ortitecyeult e wue puesienclely fond et play, tew people wte ara nalurai anti waik Iallawlng £15060 fiaI IbentintaunI nover btter pheusodt ian wili itaving While tape simper andi foals chucithe ant-i mpleuments. selds, torses, etc. Wonld Mm. Nasht fer hie antageniet. Nah saw, simpleteans giggle, tow tew people are ktep ltemntli Ieir firet crep was bar- wit cencerna hie lomîsitip'e faible, andi nutumai anti laugi , The courtesan aad vesteti. Fi-vo Ibousati farmers, aveaglng undertoakto1 cure titu, ltaugli by a ver*y lte libertine go tiown lte street la beau-- 100 acres ofetwt ea oaut 20 busitels to icdiagreoubie rmeoty. Consolons et hie tifal apparel, wile wihilu lte heart'lte acre, menas an extra 10,000,000 bush- owa cuperler skiilliho tetermined. - leon- tere are volcanoise of passion cancumaing ehe, for if Ibati schèeme le nat ikel BrI- gage hlm ta ingle play fer a very con- Ibeir lite away. I cay ltes. lhinge net te tain, woti pub a luty on toreigu whcal. sîdemablo sain. IHie lertisiip ta proportion croate ta yen incretiulily or mieaalthropy, In adîdton vtathe witeal lande et Mai- as ho lest hie gaine, lest bils lemper boa; nom de T terget thome are Iheucanis o etloba titere are millions- et acres ta AsetnialunI as ho approacited lte guif, seemel people a greal doul btter titantiey ceont, bols, Alberta ai Saskatcitewan. clUR more, ouger for rmin. but I de nol tIlk aay male prepareti He lest bis otale; seinte wrilings wera for te conflilel ettitis lite unlil ho itaows Di, Dn. and the-Ben. put Imb lia winner's possession; his Ibis pamîlculax-' poil. Ehul contes pre- Decitiedliyle-day was unlucky for very equipaize tepasitel as a las etaite, bondiag -10 pay bis tex 10 Ring Egban, fowhs, ferrIbis two terrier legs,,Di anti anti te lest taI aise. But wheu our anti wile te standse tafron t lte king fDan,$bimaled- ant ieslonuee. ottaigenerous gantebr bal foulhis lord- stabs hlm thraugit wilt a dagger unt lte shrubbery. They weme caugitî lu lie shlp snfflcienlly panîsitet for hie bsmerily the aft entin aitertheblad. Juas ct, anti receivedtier luel rewarti. Afler- ho relamnol ail, anb lv pnuatung btaIlhe Iscarlot kisseti Christ. wardtbsheme,>a' ery. large one, was ebonlbe paiti£5, 000 Witenevier lho shoalti lt-iid fr Chruiy lastedto e ite yeunger Iag, Dan, Ils legs thinit proper te maktet demand. How-- Again, lie street imprasses me.witi belng bounti about b!i ack, anti ils heati over, he nover madie any sucli deniauti lte tact lhiti l a great fieldi for Chris- fasteued unIe hie stonacb. For a witile during bis lordship's lifeblme; but soame tia ciarlty. Titora are huager anti stffei!-lte Sait oiag te piclure et dejection, lime a.tber bis decease, Mr. Nash's affaira lag anI wanm anti wretcheduess lanlte bis Sharp noce ,peking eut betiveea ils biag ta lie waao, lho deiande te' ceuatry, but lheso evile ctletiy congrogate tail fetles; but 1 ltint bis grief rase money e! hie orlebip's iteirs, wito bonor-, la aur grisaI cibles. Ou evey direct crime tram lita sens. ltaIt e wae an oitject o! ably pal Il wiltout amy hositaîlea. - prowls anti dunkenes sb aggers ant idlilcule rafite Ihan frontmenors. for tis Hietory of Gambling in EnglaI. sitame winice anti pauperiein t ltuets eut- crime. Aib auy mule, as ho coulti ual gnaw its btand acting for aime. Here wanl 10lte eerpse off, or evea wulk awuvy wltit most equaliti anti hungèr is Most hoa, lb, afler a whtlo hlmuned t i l m a mat- Tho Cplderl's Appetite. A Citristian ma gotag ulong a Stmeet lu triesse, anti spent lie ros t fte atternean The spider tas a bremneus appetibe, New York saw a poor lad, anti ho stappet siuntboring on top et il, te ail pear ant isie gurntanlizin)g loties ail iuntan anti saId, "My 'boy, lo yen know ho-w te anc. ulberhy unllslurbed ta conscience. competîtion. A scientist who caret ully reati ald write?" Tite boy maIe ne an-, Note.-No mare boudlitons have boisa flaitid a spilem's coasumipîlan offtood lu swer. Ttmratsteusln tWiel ounti, but sinco thon Dan bas itlel a 24 hure conclu d -dIhU eIbb 1sporl anti ltrice, "Can yen miaI ant i îtei"' *uck.)-Rider Haggartin l Lengntan' were built prapertloably to i teituman andt Ithe boy answered wit a tsar Magardais. soule h. would ouI t tiaybreak (upprexi- spiashlug on lte hacit of lis hbad. Ha_________ maboly) a entall alligator; cI 7 a, said ta loflance: "No, air; 1 can'b reati Unifermes Thààt Coee igh. bantb; by 9 a. m. a yunug camelopard;, by mer lre u nti rîbGoD, idu' wa Tte beurstin et an ofâceor etfIbis Scola 1 a'clock, a eiteep, anti wauld finish np meawa yfat agago î .Dineyhoter aGuards coatsa-ver $65, tleb.ielmet of a wit a large pie, la whlc t liera 'i-ers toamer10ae seelngtita 1nti'ver' lileutenantlofdrabons a sintîla u <120 birds. Yet, ta spitae!fhise ormous meibertoihae sen iman . ave't ,'andth ie sable busby, plumne anti ring appetibo a spider bas woaderful power of bal le go along lte streets 10 geltis- proper 10 an afficer etflte tumssaaruas mfainag tram foodi,ald eue ha hon Ibing 10 tetci tante 10eut for lie toits, lato a sovomeigu more. Titisgaiti-embril- known ta live for 1w. menthe wben abso- andi diti't T, as sean as I coulti carry a credsI ielte oî ni oco!o lulsly depriveti et food. A beeîle lt-vol la basket, have e go ouInant pick up cie daset, noeaav e u nd skpc lue-Phussr reglmenl cecI 14 gutasas, andthIisa Similar clatis af mreresitmeal for ltres dorsandnevr hae n acoolig, irdresse jacket et un offloor o!fIihe rse Years. Goti don't want me ta moud, sir. 1 ean'I ________ reat nor write neitter." Oit, these poS. Iamtllery ameunas to wvlmt appears le ho wa4drers 1 Th av ue nochance., -aoer theev-ero case o! rite hiereaofit11t.'t, In degatation, au îii.y get np ft'om them itis e'broeorvi eamratI s nmry Mveeraoofth! ao. i bades&d "ma.te wAlc, îisey taise tteoir Qensad-d-aptuhe ery e six I-eus oe. uit-m-ueofet aunyl on ftsMàe.4q e o rhemaaclte dequair.Let un ln prie. Tbnieot tlticta ne-ael ia go forth la lhe »axne eofltheLard lem# ~ably lte besl remoy lante wot-ld. Chriet to resc-ue tem.* Let us rnîsbl FoT' mn,>W. Ic're For nl cases et ticcougite a tew isnai no .haafrali af sillng mir blaok séejts . isitim eployeti as Iak trd se may ho soalLetila Wtban wIlIe -v. go dowxs ou li,tIinielee. 'htle. birso acine tec tl te miiebariWate eoult ho aipp"eery w'. ane lyaa an elmar.i. k"o*lu mie 1PUM o ires. aît ofsI e Uis Nov. ou miaules natl i a paroiu larelie-eL. cravat or wbile we are hilte study roundiug off somne period ritorically we T #S mightî be savîug a seul trore dealt-, and biding a multitude of sîns. Oh, Ciristian ]aymeu. go out ou titis wark. If yen are net willlng ta go forth yourself, thon aws racicalLes ons gï,e of your mens, and If yen are bac aws P actic l Lesons 1y ta go and if you are beo stingy te help, ton gel out of lte way and bide n Ob ervaion.yourself u inte dens andl cavesetolte Obsevatin. -eartit, lest wben Cirist's chariot coince along lte herses' boots tram ple yeu labo the imire. Beware lest te titeugands ef of th Gospl of hrist-Tem thIe desttule of yo;ur clty, lanlte last1 pf te GsPel-ofChrit--ernta-great day, rise np and curse your stupid- Shame and Pretensionys lty and yaur nogleet. Down, 10 work 1 1Mb t em up! Chrîstians. 3Oae cold winter's day, as a Chiristian man was gaîug along te Baltery in on thte streeit The gllltering coach whel New 'York, lie eaw a littho girl seited at; clasites againal lite scavenger's cart. Fine lte gale, sitivering lunlte cold. He said robes mün agaiust tite peddler's paci tb ier, "My child, wbal do yen sit lter. Ibebust bealtit meete wau ehsue e n- for titis cald day?" "i, ierpid esly confronte traud. Every clase 'of pea-1"Iarn waiing-I amn waiting for soins- pie meets every ether cloass. Impudence ,oyb creadtescr tm. and modesty, pride and bumility, purity Wity," said te ma, "what makes yen and beastliness, tankuese and hitpyecrisy, -tbink auybody wiil corne an'I lake caro meeting on lte samneitlock, In lte saine of yeu?"'- "Oit," site said, "miy mter street, lintesaine civ'. Oit, tati s witî died lest weok, andi I was crying very Seloeon meunt witen ho said: "oThe midi enucit, and site said: 'Don't dry, dear. and te poor met together. ~The Lord isý Thougi 1 arn gene and your fatiter 15 te Maker oethIem ail." ,goee lteé Lard will send somebody te I likee bit democrabie principle efthtie take care et yen.' My motter'nover tld gospel efT(Jeas Christ witicii recognîzen a lie. She said somtene 'Wonld came and te tact, litwe stand befere Godda n ee ake camaetfme, and 1 arn waiblag for and te same platfern. Do nat take on tem ta corne." Oh, ycs, tey are wait- any aires, witlver position yen have îlug for yen. Men wlsÔ bave mouey, mon gaiaed in society;, yen are aeting but whe bave influence, uten et citurcites, enan beri etlitesame~r.n, ~ men ot grsaI itearts, gather tpntIin, ated by lt same Spiit, cleaused in lte, gatiter them lan. Il iano lte wl of your saine bleod, te lie dowa u inte carne Havenly Tutiter ltaI u etftes. littI. de , bgel up intte saine resurreclion. - hadprei Il le higi tlieue tatwe ail acknowledge Looking .-rd net au1ly itie Fatiteritaad of God, but te' Lstly, lte street impresses me 'with brotiorbeeýdofmalte tact taI ah bite pcople' are looking Tomn cln bnt.frard. 1se epetacy writbea on ai- Agaïu, lte street impresses me11h mclevery face 1 mee4-t. Witere you llnd Ibe~ ~ ~ ~ ~~e flIbtlleavrbadthiug w ' ahonsaindpeopleo waiîg straîgit on, thefýý-3 tbt i l a erybad ting yena ea cly flad orn,-man sleppiag andi lantckeep bis heurt rtgitt aund gel c) loaking bucit. The tact le, God made as heaoveni Infliie teiînptloas spring upon ail tsi look aiteud, because we are ira- Ius tram tese places et fpublie dnous.ineorlal. I titis tramp etfbita multitude Aidl se inuei affluence, ho-w mucit on site streets 1 tour te trantp of a great temrplub-ion te covetouenees and te be dis- host marcitiug ad marchiag for eterniLy. cmeleted wilh our humble lob!1 Amiti se Bey,,,(lte office, lite store,,ta stop, tisa many appertunities for, everreaeing, stUeet, ltere is a werld, populous andi witat templalion te exlemtion! Amld se trenerdous. Titr6ugit Gad's grace, mnay muet display, what bemptabion te, an- yen reac t litIbiessed place. A greal ity! IAmid se mauy saloons ofet rug'titreng flls lies.bolevards, andi the drinkr, wit alluremeul te dissipation 1 streete are a-rush wIîh lte charlots ef In hemaestomsan he gtesofth couqueroms The iahabilanbs go up andi Eiat Weather Prephoer un ]Record. Titis fret attempb aI scienîtie forecasî- ing, of lte wealbem wue the resuit et a starmr which durlug lie' Crlrnean wam, Noveenher 14, 1854, almost destroyel tite fts cf France anti Englanti. As a cLoru bal rageti coveral layseaerin uFrance, Vaililant, lte Trench MIntftýer et War, diroctedti btIinvestigations ho mule la secf t!hlitw. e brr e wre thiti aine, anI îf the progress e! lte distumbancesceýil bavwhee turet iti. \Ilis edumemtraf r- ltaI the Ivre wre lareaiiby coeste-n ald lthtils pat conl have been ascr-- tained andt ie fooet foewarned lu iý lime tb roet satety. Y v - Te Cerner Platianun. The formation of a Franco-Belgian syn- icale, witl a capital of $10,000,00, lia$ b)een ailnounoed, Its purpose being te pur- dbase th. plal.lnnm mines of, Rusi and thereby con.roal the world's outpul t fthi4 metal. - ln- 1 - . eauk of the worlds supply comnes from te Ural Mountains, and the cousumption is practically a iLxed qnantity, regaxdless of price, since wheî ever plabiuum le used it is an -un- pcrative necessity, se titat any change 0f thte supply will bave a great effeet on-te miarket price. Il le claImed, however, that thle syndiceale lua" notlbber able to obtain control ot ail the mine-,se taI ils plans may neot bo carried oui., Varylce S1tature. The different ceuntries of Europe vary greatly ln lte average stature oft licr people. The Scotch arealte tailest,five feel ton luches, on a level will I]lie Poly. nesians aad Armeulans. At lte other ex- treme are lte sonîhera Italtans, *F-reneit and Spaniards, al lte F>ýi9,rtest people, excepltte dwarf tribes o Arc.The aven '_ge beigit in Ireland 13 tire feel nia. inn~;l England anid Scandinavia five teet eveTi incites; in Wales, Germany and Deumark, five feet six luches; Spal»j, Sw itzerlaad, norîherri and centrýal Italy, tire f cet four luches'; Portugal and soupa temi Italy, flv'et dtitree luches. CURE17DYSPEPSIA A OIATHIIAMLADY Tells How Her Health Came Back. Titere are loo many wemen Who suffer Sdreadfui backaches, pain in lte side aind headaches,. wito are weak,, nerv- eue and rua down, wbose lite, encrgy and animationseem gne._ Here's r lady who was cured by MILBURN'8 MEAR*r AND NERVC PILt.S Mre.MaryBordeau, King St., Chaîhiani, Ont,, says: " For semas menthe -I have been affiictod wîlh nervousuess aid general debility. Going upstairs woffld preduce a great sitortness of breatit and' a tlred, exhausted feeling. 4 1 lied palpitation sud fluttering of tb* he art, and for menthe ha-ve net beea w (I or strong. Unlil IbteckMiUnrn's leart and Nerve Pis, 1 elmost de'spaired of a cure. 1 have oaly laken one full box, and now tee! splendid. My nerves are strong, &il the iteart troubles are eomplelely rernoved, thse uhqevlneas efbrealli ha. vanished, gnd ii., sonstant tlred eut, a0l gene fe.ling tem Éig f hepat.1%isneedete gise world for beert ansd newvi froubli. Y Milburn'e HearI and N.n'. PUIfuaxe §04 à boxor 3fur 01,35, at &Ui4vuggl APPLES AS M EDICINE. Tlieir Albumen, Curn and AelI& Are of Use te Our l'hysilogy. Citemically, te apple i's coin-îýso4 ->f vegetable fibre, alitemen, sugar, guni, cihoropityli, malle aeld, gallic acid, lime and mach wuler. Farthite-îore, lte apples centaine a larg'-r peri-ent ýge cf plies- pharus ti any other fruit or vegetahieë. Titis pheepiterus, says Tite Famnily De- bar, te adir-iruitly adapbed for reaewiag te essentiel aervous malter, lethicin, et bbe brain and spinal cord. Il le perbape fer lte saine reason, rudely understeod, tiat eld Scandineavian traditions represeal the apple as tbe food efthlie gods, wite witealtey fetit ltmselves tobehogrowing teeble and iafirm, resorted ttis fruit fer- renewlng teir powere et, mlud and bady. Alea, lte acids ofthlie apple are et great use fer men et sedenary habits, 'wieee livers are sluggisit in action, ltes.e acide eerviug te eliminatefroeibte body uomieiis mattere, witicit if reluined wQuld make te brain iteavy aand duli, or bring about ljaundice or ekin eruplione or alter allied troubles. Sente sucli experience muet have led te car custam oftlakîng apple sauce with rouet, pork, icit geose and likse disites. The malle acid et ripe apples-, eiiter raw or cooked, will ucu- Iralizo any excese ot citaliky malter on- gendemeti by eullin2 tee much imeut. IL le aise a fat IltaIsucit tresitfruit as the upple, lte peur amnd the plin, wlen taken ripe, and witout siigar, dimin isit acidily inbte stomacit, rtthes titan pro- veoil. Titeir vegetable, sait-, ami juiceýs are converted lie in in atonts witici teù bond cani ot: aedity. -Amri P, raw apple is oeue(etthi I asies L vet-iia substances for lte o izsi t tedeal ili , lte witole penceoss cfl' i li hetigî compieted lu 85 minu-e. Crard fo~ud ltatte "Pulpe et roasred u rPpltls mxed in a quart of faire -water, tadleitered tegetiter unlil il conies ta) be as applos and ale--wich we ealllainbeswol- nover failit laincertain diseuses etflte raines, witich mysci t hIt een îrex ed. and gained titereby bot crowne and credil. ,Titispuring ot an upple, cultcern - witt lil, and te inside whoreet le laid te bot, bun ,aing or maaniag eyes at aigitt, w-hen lte party gees ta beti. and, is lied or bonnd b ltecamie, detit help lte troubl* very speediiv; and contrar to oxpotatlen-ma excellent secret."-ey- stenes., And is it, not due to nervous exhaustion? ,Things always look se mucit brgiter when we are in good heat. How can you bave courage when uq- iug wiît beadache, nerf1. s prostration and great phyýlcal weakness? Would yeu fnot lilte to be rid y d tiis depression of spirits? How? By removing the cause. By taking nnw manv MaWA allle.w Aýa ATýýA#,j Li 1 in ILI . 1 ý 1 4

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