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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 29 Mar 1899, p. 1

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j I1les TERMS :-$1.50 PER ANum. OUYR TOWN ANDCOUNTY PIRST; THE WORLD APTERWARIDS. M. A. JAMES, Editor and Proprieter. NEW SERrzEs. BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, WEDNEUSDAY, MARCH 29, 1899. VOLUME XLV. No. 13. Peýo ~1 Seem to imagine that'because we1 make up Higli C1ass Clothing our prices 'must be higlier than other houses who make up clothing in a slip-shod ,Sort of manner,. ut Suh Is not the, case, -compare the, quality' of theé Cloth and the Trimmings in our Suits and you will find it just as good or better for the samne money, while the eut and make up of our Olothing is equalled only by the best city tailoring, trade. X-"J Just'opened out a specially fine stock of New Tweeds, Worsteds and Trouserings, both Im- ported 'and Canadian. Tweed Suits made ýto order from $ 10 up and Worsted Suits^ from $15 up. Leave your orders with us -and we guarantee- satisfaction. BOWMANVILLE. 1 1 m I n n - 1 tijuUL1, JUrIrISi6LUô!,uryuenhjai. Do ouWEnI APro ut We are clearing out our- present stock to make room for our spring goods, look at these prices and see the bargains we are off erig. 1 Rug Suite, Plush Banded, $80, reduced te $6l.00O. i Siik Suite, Plusli Bantied, $65, reducedt t $50.00. 1 Silk Suite, Phish Bandeti, $55, reducedt t $40.00. I Si1k Suite, in Waluut, 848, reduced te $35.00. 2 T-ap'trySuite,Oak,Wainut,$24, reduced te $16.50. These suites will flot last long at these prices and you shoulflot miss this opportunity of securing a good suite at a small price. IIL . WLLIAS &SON. BOW,.MANViLLE, lJndertaking always receives prompt and personal attention. o o o o o o o o o o o o o e - - i SWEETS FOR THE SWEET. WE HRYE THEM. WE SELL THEM. )NE MAKE THEM. TR )T Q1:YR0 OA.I-TDIUS Tbtiy are pure, ihey are picasaut anti they are cbeap, ai Wako IJp Payirg Pediars for1 Brass Watcies, sucli an amount of money. When you eau ýpurchase at Rick- ard's, reliable watches for f ar less. This year lie has reduced the prices again for your benefit. And while lis present stoeckz lasts you'eau obtain. a good Watch for' almost notlIng. Look out and get one for, the wholesale prices are- advancing. Manufacturers claim to have been losing money,- and witli improved times, they are bound to make semething, se it îs te your own in- terest to -see that yen. take. advantl- age of Rickard's present prices. Grocers' due bills taken as cash. T. N. RICRKARD, Jeweller and Optician, Bo'wmanville B E PRE AD Y For a good position in-Septesuber by spending a term in the TORONTO From April 4th wben the SPR1NG AND SUMMIER Session opens. The College does not close for July aud August holidays. Special work for Teachers arranged for tbose months., Partieulars cheerfully given., Address W. H. SHAW, Principal. fZ[AIII WORK.-Ladies wishiug hair JL done over, call at MRs. DicKiNsoN s,King East and Cor of Ontario St iBwmauivflle. ta- tr BEY. DÉ. WORKMAN'S OPINION. ReI Gc. eorge Coulson Wrmn M.A., Ph.D., of Toronto, formerly a professer in the faculty of Arts and of Theol ogy lu Victoria University, preached missionary serions in the Methodist church lu this tewn Su.. day te very large and delighted con- gregations at botb servicel. Know- ing blnt-eabove the prejudices and Partizanship that influence thé average politician, we submitted to hlm 'this question: Should the Dominion Gov- ernment, la order to keep faith witb thle public, introduce prohibitory legislation onthe strength of the recent plebiscite on Prohibition? If not, why ? ]Rev. Dr, Workmau said: While I regret that the Premier did net state more deflnitelv thp, te.irm on wih io h theuglit the Goverumeut weuid feel bound to introdn.ce àt prohibitory bill, I do 'net see that lie is breaking faith witb the public lu refusing to intreduce prohibitorv legislation on the strength et the recent plebiscite. No govern- ment would be jusfified in Iegislating to prohibit the liquor tra flic of the country without an overwbelming vote cf the elecforate, but the receut plebiscîte gave the temperance people enly a siaîl plurality of the foôrty-flve per cent. of votes cast, The passing, of a measure without a reasouable hope of its successf ai en- forcement would ouly injuire the cause which ail honest temperance advecates bave at heart,,and certainîr a plurality cf 14,000 lu the whole Dominion is, lu my judgment, ntterly insuflicient te make the law effective, eveti ýhough it were placed Lipou the statute book. An lueffective, law would be worse than ne law at all, and f he experience of the Scott Act should be a lesson te the prehi. bitionists cf Canada, Iu view of these, facts, therefo-ýre, I do net see how Sir Wilfrid Liluritur couid give auy answer ether than the oeelhe bas given ou the question. The parliameutary principle of Goverumucýt by majerity is eue thing-, but the enactmîent qf legislation,- especially of a sumptuary lkniudl regard te a anci oilcustom,,is another. aad a totall,- different thing. lu 'thei eue case ii bare majority would be geuerally recognized as suficient, lu the other case nothing but a very large majority would be cf any use whatever for a questiofethiis kind. REv. DR. Po'rrsSÂTSAYNO. The 11ev, Dr. Potts, Superntendent of Education for the Methcdist church, and well-knowu as a most earuest pro- bibitieuist, said lu an interview the other day:-' Mauy of the leadiug pro- hibiticuists' thi nk that Sir Wilfrid Laurier is in duty bouud, te introduce a prohibitony bill, but I canuet saytbat the Premier will be hreaking faitb with the temperance people if be does net do se. I statedibefere the vote was taken that unless a large majerity and a substantial eue was iu laver ef pro- hibition I did net think tbe Government weuld be beundt t crystalize the piehis- cite jute legislation for prohibition. Iu regard to the interest sbown ,by the temperance peeple I was greaily dis appointeti. The people exhbhited au apatby which resulted'iu a vote ibut I don't think would warrant prohibition legislation. Leaving Quehec ont cf the question entirely,tbe vote was net as large as it shoulti have heen. While the peeple diti net ask for a plebiseite, still wbeu eue was offered ithem they shouid lbave placed theinselves ou re- cord by polling the largest vote ever pollet inl Canada, and if this hati been doue Sir Wiifrid Laurier would have been compelled te introduce prohibitory bil: but as it is ut present I do net think Sir Wilfrid 18 hreaking bis pledge or promises." * OFERED NoNE. In a lengthy editoriai on the plebiscite question, The Montreal Witness, oeeoe tbe strongest temperance advocateà lu the Dominion, says :- Mr. Poster, lu the debate on the speech frein the throne, accused Sir Wilfrid Laurier et haviug bati freint ibe beginniug of the plebiscite movement a tacit agreement witb the anti-prohihitionists et bis owu party ibat prohibition would net be grauteti unless there were registered for it a majerity ef al ibe eleciors on the lists, a condition thai was he- yond the possibiiity ef fulfilment We have alneady said,aud we see ne reason te change our mind on the question, that Sir Wilfrid Laurier bimself was bonest lu the whole proceeding, Hie tolti the couutry plinily ibat be was net a prohibit lonîst, but, was willing,,te be goverued on the question by the will ef the people. H1e aiways refuseti, -ne matter how strongly pressed,to commit himself te any statement of bow he wouid vaine thle resuit eo tbe vote, tak- iug the grounti that ne eue could fore- See wbat conditions mgtarise, lBy se refusiug he precluded the deductien Flowers lu great và.riety, iovely ricb. that would otherwise have been a fair Plumes, wings, osvreys,- buckles, onalmtast anesarvoue,freru many chiffons, and ribbons- lu ail shades, euewidths, etc , are there and under the of bis u1trances, that a plurality vote critical eye and defti fingers of Miss would determine the result. Dinginan eau be made te suit any Now that he has declared a substautial young Miss or lady lu town or eeuutry, pluraiity te be insignificant, those wh6 IIADIDY & Ce. accepted those utterauces land failed te Since Messrs. Hadcly & Ce., purçhased note those warnings declare themselyes the stock of Miss Shaw and meved into deceved Thre re oher wh h< much lar-er and brighter premises decoved Thee ae oters who we uext- theP Big 20, now knewu as the they did net regard a simple majerity Central Millinery Parlers, the ladies, ne as a pledged guarantee of victery, stili doubt expected a greater treat than regard the result as a' substautial vie ever before, and it is safe to say that are ittrlyd'~wheni they cailed ou the epening day- toiry, and aebt îrydsappoînted and Wednesday-they were ne'. disap- displeased that it sbould be ignored ai- peinted. together. Sncb listened te Mr. Foster As w enetered we imagined we were for auy offer, however smaIl, that' wouid enteriug a couservatory of flowers. give.tbcm an exceuse for votiug against Ever3'where and lu ahl parts of the re- the art tha ba disppontedte , cptin parlers were flowers, dràped, thepary tat as isapoitedthenarrauged lu wreatbs and ]evely bou- but he offered noue. quets, garlauds cf beauty lu every con- cýeivable spot. Mirrors eut wiued with eî e esnu fonage or some soir, iVi~irney tpenr gsjirymaterial that lent beauty and at- tractiveness te the lovely scene that thsthese -Who came lingered long and were The Spring millinery openings s loathe te louve this bower of élegauce year have, been more than usually ut- auid beautY' Even the incandeseut tractive and the ladies were eut lu large lights were prettily decorated. Miss nuMbers ou Weduesduy afteruoou and Yo un_ Mrs. laddy, Miss Sherlock or feilowing days to wituess thecharming MssP. Youg greeted the ladies as dispiays made hi' the milliners cf this they entered and escerted them round towu. Witb suow ou the ground it amoug the many dainty creatieus of the seemed somewhat eut of season yet milliners' art. many placed their orders with the Iu addition te the splendid display of suretv that- ceming days *would bring colored geods, we noticed mouruung s5uitable weatber for weariug these bats and bonnets were aise lu great lovely creatieus cf the milliuery artists. variety. Black Tulle, fish net, mousse- Bowmanville has, always maiutained liue de soi andi chiffon are the materials a high 'standard of millinery art, but used with charming results. tbis year uwing te the keen cempetition, Miauy of the ladies expressed theur the milliners have vied with eue an- selves as baving neyer seen in Bowncan- other lu -meeting the public demand, ville sncb an elegant artistic and taste- censequeutly, a greater varietv was fi display cf millinery, and showed neyer placed before the ladies of this surprise at the moderateprices at which town and càuuty. The parlers were ht was marked. Therew*ere shown SO aIl prettily decorated andi the haudsome many heautiful and artistie tbings lu bats, bonnets, etc., were displayed te the shape cf millinery, that auy descrip- hest advantage. Muuy were beard te inwudfi odotenjsiete remark that the ladies of West Durham mti e euld ai e do theia utie-The will haene caio te te c whole display reflectg the bighesi credit foQr head gear ibis season., The trutb o Miss Young hhatemng- othis will be ver-Y cenvinciug te all on and Miswherlbas the mae wbo visit local milliuery stores. millner. Mu.s. W. DINGHAýM. The flrst shop visited by THE STATES- mAN was Mns. Dingman's. Iu this store a decided change bas taken place, the interier having been greatly improveti with paint, varnish, etc., se that the splendid assertinent of miliinery shows te much hetter advantage. Miss Din- Mau sbowedl us some very tastily trimmeti bats iu the ueWest and lead- ingehapeýs that wr ndevery banti- some, a few of which we will mention._ The first-bat te take our attention was a grey conquest bat draped xith cvrano and taffeta silk with sequin over it, a pretty bow of white taffeta silk ribbon and, underneath three shades of, cyrane cabbagt, roses. -Another prety Gorham T1at of violet rim and sequin crown with a white tip and spreys,, goffered chiffon andi pretty bow on back was mucli admired. A panama Eailor trimrned with three shades of red ribbon with large bow in front, crown of foliage and violets underneath was quite a favorite. A popular liat will be Lady Minto, of .Cyrano colored chip, trimmed with pretty black rosettes in front of net, cock wings with foliage falliug over at the back and Fearl daggers, Another stylish bat is the sbephérd- less shape, rim draped with three shades of ribbon. grey cock wings, fastened with brilliaut buckles and fluage trimming underneath. A black and white Napoleon straw shape with chiffon and violet trimniings, chiffon wings standing high and gold daggers, shonld be a very popular bat. Among one of the latest things we saw was the American trimmed sailor. For, the married ladies we noticed a pretty sequin jet bonnet with coruflower bine ribbon edged with narrow chiffon shirred ribhon, white ospreys and net ties. Sailor bats lu great variety - the Lucaun of rustie straw,Straud with plaid bands and quilîs and a host of others. The London walking hat will be very popular this year. Passing from the brilliantly colored millinery, we noted a charming variety of cbldren's and infants' bead, "ear, white and dainty for the littie oes. Some of these tiny bonnets are mar vels of delicate handiwork and are quite as sm~art as those intended for their eiders, "#No Eye Like the Mas-ter'%-s Eye.» Yout are master of your heatth, and if you do not attend to Juty, the blâme is easily tocated. If youxr blood is out of1r order, Hood's Sar- saparitia wt purify it. ç It is the apeciflo remedy for troubles of the blood, kidneys, bowels or liver, W Heart Trouble-" I had heat troble for a number of years and differe.tnt edi- cines fajled te benefit me. I trled Hcood's Sarsaparilla and tluree bottles complf tely and pertectly cured mie."' Mus. C. A. Fiý,N Wallace Bridge, N. S. A Safeguard-"1As i had lost five ÔhiI- dren with diphtheria 1 gave my remnaining two children Hood's Sarsaparilla as they were onbject tW throat trouble and ýwere not very strong. ,They are now healthier and Strqnger and have net since had a cold.11 Mes. W. H. FLËcKEE, Pombroke, Ont. teodIs Pis cure liver tula; the noni-irrltatîng and 4417 Catharge to t4o _Wlh od' Srs au MISSES VEÂLE & MEDLAIND. At the Corner Millinery store Misses Veale and Medland received a very large number of visitors who admired andpraised the New York and Paris creations of Miss Touil, the milliner, who is in charge at this new establishment. To describe-ther bats and bonnets is quite impossible. Go and sece is the best advice weecould offer. Their-beau- t i f neii w store shows off their goods to -splendid--advantage, gnod_ light, white walls and everything new aid ma- terially in displaying to good :advan- tage the choice stock. Ried, white and bine rîbbon was prettilv draped over the boxes of flowers, ribb;ons, etc., while the large Inirror wU8 draped with a lovely pale green scarf and clusters of violets carelessly arranged. W6 wi!ll mention onlv of a few of the manv beautiful bats wihich we noticed. A lairge picture bat in sof t black straw turned np in front and massed in with pînk velvet roses trimmed with two large black feathers and a square of cream embroidery lace held ln place bY two large darts and a large knot of silk velvet ribbon was a great favorite. Another charming hat is in brown chip caught in front wîth Turquoise bine silk ribbon and immense bunches of purpie violets and deep cream lace and a very handsome buckle. Another which attracted a great deal of attention was a large white heg- horn, dashcd rim and trimmed with, blush roses shrouded in shirred mechin, two large feathers and a bunch of ospreys, black chiffon edged with lace and velvet in two shadès of roses MIS in the oack. Particularly enchanting was -a, bat in rose straw covered with jetted net trimmed directly ini front with two largeý chons of silk in two shades of rose, held in place with a large square jet buckle, front and sides covered in apple blossoms and leaves. There were also charming bats for the littie ones and sailors and untrimmed hats in ail the latest styles that wili suit every one. During the evening the visitors were eutertained by sweet strains of mnusic from the mechanical orchestra loaned by Mr. T. N. Rickard as they admired the pretty hats and bonnets. The Vic- toria Club were among the visitors and no doubt Misses Veale & Medlan-1 will shortly receive large orders for gentle- men's millinery. The mere mention of the fact ibat 11ev. Dr. Workman et Tornto is te preacb lu the Methodisi church here lu sufficient; te fill the sacred edifice, weatber andi roads being favorable. Luit Sunday ibis popular divine preaci- ed in bhbaîf 0f Missions te -very large congregatiolns, many country people being present, Tyroneé, Hampton, Sol- ina, Courtice, Maple Grove, Betbesda, Providence. Kirhy, Orenio aud New- castle sending their quota cf admireraý The hearned Doctor was in capital bealth and preached with case and vig- or. Besides beiug meit appropriate bis sermons were plain, luciti aud in- telligible expositions cf scriptural irnth' î"The abundant lite" was bis merning theme anti "Prejudices anti how te re- meve thein" formeti a most interestiug eveniug subjeet, Ris hearers on beth occasions were higbly pleaseti aud in- structed. The many wbo gneeted hlna alter each service showedti hat be bas many ucquaintances lu and about Bow- manville. The cengregaticual siug- iug was a special feature cf the day's services, anti the subscriptions wero satisfactory. G I i ~1 1BOWMANV ILLE. -1- 4-,o %L mo'là v a 0 'Pa Àr,£ Rë% wmý.o% 0% lu% 1 1 1-1 -VI . 1 ' ' a l\M FI. '11101 \\, Wlý 1 THOS. TOD'S.

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