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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 29 Mar 1899, p. 3

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notsthrd."dtcs ~~~~1-îýY W8bie olbamsp inetbwl ~ffffr fros thi distessiuronilai ut hrem lothe Ibanc cf se mauy lives that here la whui cu kir getboat, Our pille cur it whle tfie's do ni C1arter's Littia Liter Pilla ara very -imanl'aua ;ry easy te take. Oaa or two pille males dose. ey are stricily Vegetahie and do net gripe or Lplrge, but by their gentia action please ail wle petIsem. lanvialsai 25 centsfivefot$L 8BOU byd uggists everywherae, or sent by mail. CARTER MEDICINE CO., New Ye4k Eà- a s _CU niI.P UA GReA1EFUL 'COMFORTING Distinguished everywhere for delicacy off flavor sup- erior qualif y and nu- tritive properties. Spec- ially grateful and comfor-. thiýg to the nervous and dvspepti'c. Sold only n I1b ins, labelled JAMES, EPPS & CO., Ltd., Horn oeopathic Chemists, Lon- don, England., EREAKFAST -SUPPER EPP 'S COOQ, ýA Shattered INerves alldWeak- ened Heart-Â St. John Lady Tells, About ItL Mrs. Johri,Qligley, -Who resides at 30 Sheriff St., -l. -John, N.B.,states: "home tîme age 1I-'as aItac1ked hy a severe "Ild, w1hicli endcàd np li a bad attack cf La Grippe. Sinee th-at time I have nover regained my health, iveali, nervous Mnd rn down. Il sufTered very miich froîn Indiges- ne ,aciMilatîor o ginlathe stomacli, RAd was hn inmost constant distress. I doctored with some of flic bea;t physiehans lu this eity; but got ne relfief 'iuitil 1 began uising Milburn's H-1ea-t and Nerve PHila and ara pleased t 'o say that they bave compltcl(y cured tac. " My appetite is restored : my nervous Systera lias beeon toned up te its old-time tondition. ndI ave no more trouble frem fthc Indigestion and can cat any- thing I choose. " I am ealy tec, glad toe testify te the Merits of saoh a marvellons remedy ns Milburn's Hleart and Nerve Pilla for flie cure eo- ncrvonSBsacs, iwart trouble, Indi- gestion, etc. PXice 50c. a box, ail THECOOLSBES7 FPIEND FORTUNES '-FROM THE OLD COUNTRY.- Enormnous fertanes lie buried ia the couirt of Cohaacery, whici, belon g ate the Eaglish speak- îng peofle throuighouttIse world. This vast ac- cnuulation la aimait eutirely due ta heirs and next of kmn or legatees haviag emigrated. A CopyighitRegister (275 pages, lias now been publibed, containfiig thse naines in foll of the '0,000 persons te whom ail this vast wealth lie- loýngs, vviih full instructions how ta proceed. Pril!,. $1, pýoat free, (by past office order orpalier. euren(y) IEvery manaudwernanshauldsend or thit iivaluaLbie book,, so that the rightfui ùwners mnay be founid for this enarmoas wealth A. fortune ma1y await you. This istthe enly bonaftide andreliable book pulished. TUR- NER& Co., f3 and 64 Chaacery Lane, London, England. -'IL--.E, ,oRnn'rr i unMnun( -i M*ckHIeadache aicliee itetobe e! dont to & billons r tste of the system. s4ch as «Wz_Èness, N iuceDossiaess, Distress after jin.ra in s i de &.wIile their mot teir. ea, e 'er*sm itl e er @amilU tives asscmbhed ou Montiay qveniiig %Iarcli 20f I at the resideîîce et Mn. J. Aluin, base liiîe easf, te celelirafe flic WIUisse rtur tiket at'feuilt hani1v er s ary oeft hfii Single First Class Fare. mlatriage. During tle evcuiug an atitresa was read te flicelinst and liestesa, 0 oinn Match 3tIs te April rd, inclusve retnrx- and fîey wcrc presenfed wif h a la ng- ing up te and lncludiug April 4t1, 5559. Betteeraial stations iu Canada, Port HTuron îng lump. Mn. Aliin on behlaf et himacit and Detroit, Mch., and TO, but net FERom and bis wifil uade a gitable rcphy. 8flfalo, Black Rock, Suspension Bridge -àd Eariy lu the nbrning flic crewd dis- iagara Falla, N. Y. perseti, laving apeuf flic cvcning in] Teahes ad tudn9 music and games - Among-st flose pres- surener ertlland signebnn eal nt were a number from Bewmanville 1ngla Flerof cleFaese ynd Ou a i and Courfice.-Wh-ilby Gazette. iliweer, statiatîs in Canada test of Montreal, THSE GREAT FIRE AT TITE WiNDson, N. £ ngaFinit Clans Fana and One- ¶~dta mntieai added to singlea Fiai Y., was an atiful cahamity, but canuet Crnss Fàr, Mont (reat te destination, from ble remetiied. Now, Catarrlozone eau uiatioes wesî et Moatreal ta Quebec, Lavis andre dvadlapoivecetraari N4ew Brunswick , bd Nova Sella. eeyadiapotvecrfrctrh Gelýng Marcb ilths ta Aprîl lot, Inclusive, returu- and k.inircd dreadeti diseases. This lus up te and includtg ApriIl tb, 518». tatement ls a bcieti p by bualiels et Tvicketsert, s a,,d aIi nfornmation from Agente testinueniais, thicli te have anid eau etGrand tîîîk Railway 8ystem. roduce. Snufs, olimeuts, waslies,&c., J.~~~~N.'W H.JR" . 7os Iae been proved useleslu giving Town Agt. Mtation kgt. relief or curingcafarrh, bronehitis, ir- M.C. DICKSON, itabîsu tlrext, nasal and esi asas,~a Dist teus, gr Aent Toaiio, but Catarrheozone,tbe ozonatè air cure, ____________________________dees nef oniy ive Ïmmediate relief but A. wemaiii jîtat as helpiea when âhe I effects a permanent cure, Wliy delay? oetehunfing fer thiage ln a mnuînS Send at once for a sample bottle anti Vo-ekef as -a man la in hunting lu a inhaler, 10 centz,. Outtlt, $1.00. N. C, --~ ~POLUII & a., ing4ton, Ont. BOWMANVILLE. MAR. 29, 1&99. Local and. Otherwise. Lindsay is having a wood famine. Brockville's big, skating rink 'col- lapsed Thursday. Pale peevial chil<ren require Millet 's Worm Powders. Mrs. Kilburn. Owen Sound, has been' visiting friends here.t Mr. John Stewart of Port Peary1 dropp cd dead in a Lindsav hotel.',] Lindsay is soon to bave a stave head- ing and b;ox factory in operation. i Mr, Win. Quay, Port Hope, visited lis sister, Mrs. F. Bleakley recently. Miss Ida Stephens is visitingfred at Perrytown, Cobourg and Pr oe Mr. W. B. Tapson, Bowmanville,was1 guest of Miss B. Stephenson, Port Hope, recentlv. The first Millbrook Messenger was printed in the village of Millbrook Aug -1 ust 19, 1857. Mr. H. J. Nosworthy, the Post, Lind- say, attended the funeral of Mr. U. G. Marsh,,Port Hope. 11ev. Perey Fletcher,Oshawa, assumes the p astorale of a Christian church in Toronto bcginning Easter Sunday. Messra. Paul and James Curtis. Tyrono, attended the funcr al of their cousin, Mrs, 4 abez Miller, Port.Hope. 1ev. James A.' Spur-eoi, brother of the late 1ev. Charles Hadden Spurgeon was fonud dead iu a railway carrnage at London, England. Rev. Dr. Talmage has resigncd the pastorýate of the First Presbvterian church, Wasbington, D. C. 11ev. Di. Byron Sutherland succeeds hîm. Edith McCaffrey, the 5 ycar old dan- ghter of ýRobert McCaffrey, Toronto, was kileéd last week by a fail of a)now fromn the Woodgreen Mothodist church. No need to suifer the agony of 1heum atisn, Sciatica, Lumbago or Neuralgia. MilbiXn's Ilheumatic Pilla cure you cf- fectivlv--cure after other remedies fail. [Price 50c., ail dealers. Mr. Wm. Armstx'oug, Orono, the offi- cor in charge of the Dominion fish hatch - ery at Newcastle -îttended Mrs. Jabez 1Miller's;fùneral at Port Hope last week. Pain fromn indigestion, dyspepsia,and too hearty eating',is relieved at once by taigone of Carter's Little Liver Pis !imediately after dinner. Don't forget this.1 11ev. A. C. Wilson, Canuifton circuit, former>v of Tyrone, lias closcd a very succesaful series of special services, six. teen names having been added to the church rol, If von are tired taking the large old- fa.qhioned, griping pills, tri' Carter's Little PIl and take some comfort. A man can't stand everything. One pi11 a dose. Try them. ,11ev. Newton 1Hl1, paAor of Belle ville Tabernacle, was recently 'present- ed wîth a haudsome life-size photograpli of himsclf by the members ot the young men'a lasa cf whichhle is teaclier., Mrs. ýJoseph Langtry, Brockville, Ont., says: " have used Dr. Low's Worm Syrup and I can aay that it lias donc my children good. It neyer falla to act promptly. " Price 25c. Mn. Thos: Brown, brakeman on a C..-P. R. freiglit train dicd fromn fatal injuries reccived by falling fromn the roof of a car at Outremont Junction, Q., on Match 20. Ris remains was inter- red in Lindsay. Will positively cure sîck* headache and prevent its return. Carter's Little Liver Pis. This la not talk, but trufli. One pili a dose. Sec advertisemeut. Small pili Sînail dose. Small price., Iu reaponse to the memorial of 1ev. W.H. Adams of Onono the Admirality have granted a pension of one shilling a day te Henry Gaueu of Ivanhoe, a survivor of the Sir John Franklin ses tekexpedition.ou H. M. S.Investîg- ator.' Dansille. P. Q., April 9,1898. EDMAN- SON, BATES & Co., Toronto. Dear Sirs, Enclosed flnd $1 for --2 dozeu boxes Dr. Chase's Catarrh Cure. Please send them at once. Everypaint using it says If la an excellenpt cure, gives'relief at once." JA.S. MASSON, Geu'l Merehant, Daîiville, P. Q. The Ladies' Aid of theNMethodistChur- ch4ook advantage of thé sleighing and held another 0f their deliglitful socials at the résidence of Mr. J. M. Joneas, Retreat Dairi' Farm, on Wedncsday evening. Music, games, etc , supple- mented with choice refreshmeuts afford- cd the guest a a pleasant cvening's en- tertainent. Mr. and Mrs. Jouesa and family succeedcd admiràbly in making their guesta fele at home.' Proceedr about $18. Prof. He.ys, Ont. Sclbool of Chemistry and Pharmac y, says: "I have made an examination of Dr .Chqase's aarhC caressingl hy lcsoff shinfing cutIs, "Ged I bicîs and keep my' vlittle Rufli, mY sur shine,-Rnd liera! Toward the close of fhuît pe cPfuli autumu dayý a seconid hemorrage et fliche wel nigli draiued the fast ebîug lite of ifs, hast drop. Perfect quiet reîgned, a-eer ýthie estoratives ana icee (Continued from Second, Page.) "Oh! never mmnd, indeed I'd*mucli rather do if than play v-e n aythiug! said flua sober-minided littie womau. And se if was settled. In flic atter interview with- nother, whe could net f hiuk where flic child had gene, she wound up witli thaf sweet serions air whîch. so well became lier. "Perliapa mother, if will malkp Up a liffle for ahi the ýtime she spent with me, and anyway I'd rather do it if lie don'ýt mmnd! H1e said [ was God's angel, mother, or, something like that, she addcd sliyly, thougli I dou't sec hpw 1 eau be only bv doine' a liffle of tlie work they say lis augets do. I'm se glad! This te heracîf lu 19w rapturous fonga. The motlicn'a onhy response waa te impresa a fervent kisa upon the serions upturned face, and murmur blessiuu's even lier in softf tende r accents. 'Ivery near te lier, very closely eutwined round lier lieart was lier little Rutli, the sole remaiuing ob- ject on whicli te havish her affection, and yef she couid witliout a struggle resîgu lersehf te aliaripiz this preciona lite witli the one wlio was nearest and deareGt te lier child's beat benetacter and tniend. "1She wouhd neyer take any othen pay, and please God alie shall have thlis, my precioua treasure! A solitary walk down the street te biq lonely boardiug lieuse, houehy in spite et cvcry kindlyv-meant effort te make if otherwiae. Not Dow lic lieded flic dingy streef, the ghoomy buildings, the deafhlike appearauce ofthfli trees, the roadaide, flic fields. The sun was shiuing witli delusive warmth, but that did not make flic diffeî'ence. An ehement of joy liad in fused itacîf info lis being. Relief .trom the tension of weary weeks and monflia had come. -Hope for flic future sprang auew in has bosom net flie vain hope of long lite, atrangely enougli, but flic God be_-ottcn desire te benefif lis fellow man wholly lu counasf wi h flie uuap- proachable manfle ef reserve lu which lie had hithetto rigidly eut olded hlm- self. If liad only been flic haud of a hittle child and yct, "Teuced by a loviug liaud, wakened bY kinducas, Chorda fliat were breken will vibrate once more. $Nurse will you hand me something yen will fiud in fliaf drawen. please. Yes ! thaf's if ! as flic nurse wifli well- veilcd surprise handed him flic crumpld . pread if eut ton me pheas,-tliank yen!1 There uow, if if weuld net give tee mucli trouble, tasten ifte ilthe wahl at flic foot et flic bcd. Ras my litt le Ruthi calhed ycf? She la licre in flic lousc. Yen weee sleeping wlieu,shc came in. No doulif ishe la lu your favorite noom. "Tell lier te come iu, I waut te sec lier particularly flua mernîng. If wouid have been a vcry duil obser ver iudeed, wlio eouhd nef have uofcd flic instautauceous liglitiug et his coun- tenance flic momen 't ,sle appeared. Every merniug these six mentIs, she liad net, faihed hlm. Pasaersby. and residents etfflic street fliey trequcnfcd would watcli their joîirneviugs te and fro with cyca uucouscionshy a frifle fear- fui, but nef eue could refrain fresu cx- cliauging cheery greetinga with flic tali dank-eyced man and fhe snuv-haired bonnie lit fIe maid, who claspcd has hand se figlitly, and tahked et ahl the wouderful thîniga alonig fhe route, 'Eyïey meruing there was something uew, somefhing more woudertul flian seafenday lu Nafure's unfoldinzs. Wlien-liad lie ever drauk in sifeli deep drauglis f s peace as during fluas sum- merfile, despif e fli act fliat "flic eartl h iuse oetfIs tabernacle" waa every day and swiffly lic was well aware being "dissohved" If flic chid k-uew,* she kept her thouglifs diacreteix' fa lierseif. I-er carly tuitîienuthe schiiofetpain had, given lier a super- -e i siup% c dread et gratin- upon the feelings et others. Ile had, gcntl y coerccd lier lut e cahi- ing hlm Dawn,. an d met flic mefher'cQ fimid remeustrauce wîth flic dechara- tien fliat nef bing could soand aweefer, ceming trom flic dean child'slips. "You'c'e breuglit a glimpse etfflie enfer worId wtt h yen again, My Sun albine ! Ail flic beat et if at least! TUhere put the flewers in lier pretty vase, aud coîne wherc I eanuf alk te yen a lit fie. I must nef kccp yen long, for vour ewn salie, pet. You must keep eut et deers ahi ion eau, capture. every sfray ray et sunshlue, every breaf h et pure .ait possible, for flic devehopmenf et that bhessed little bedy We must use and nef abuse our pniviliges, yen know Ruthie !Do von aee ,liat picture ? liead flhc verse over, please." In lier sett even> toues, Rutli rend - "Rlis name flirougli taith lu His namne, licart! is leng via soitatia almost euded! lfIne pcuing iglit et anoflier gler ions meruin-, lie profered a taint re ouest Ras suC, couse yct ? No Ifs early ' ct, but if veu wish I eau have lier summoncd'immediatîci'., No ! better net ! If wouid euh. apoil lier aecp, and sIc uceda h ahi,. .Tel lier, I alian'f lie fat awav wlien flic King sax s te her: "Inasmiielh as ve did if uîîtoe icleasf ef these my bi-'eîh- ren, yxe did ifuno me." Mind fIehuasf, n~urse, fIe s ery heaist! Let the ligflit aime ln a liffle strongex' nurse-fIat wili do! TIe wearv e vec es tfheir înterest loling af TIe Lame Man. -Shal s(ec--shah sec f he-King in lis oeauf y." Ile lîad fahîcu ae1eeu. Jelly cake oîîght t e have liandîca en if te le couveiient. Prof. J. W. Creufer wrifes tî'om Peu- efanguishene: ILwas troubied wifh pal- pitation et the hcart wbicl became verv severe. l-earhîg et Miihbumîî'a H1-earf and Nerve Pis I deterîiniaed te fî'v thera, ansd after taking flîcm for about a week 1 was cured." We have never vet accu aux-body feu laz.v fa werk a puzzle. CuRE D CouGE I m A NIGHT.- If yen lia' e a ceu-Il or coid don't experîment withî Couli Mýixtures uuîtil the cold la rleel, aeated. Grifflîlis' Menthiol LUni ment lias prove(l thceIneat succds.iui coug lh cure. Used i îternaiiv and applied te tise throatanhîdchest, it goes direct to flie spot, andsî will cure severe celds iu a sigle tîlglf. Al druggisfs, 25 cent-. Iliom manv poepie there are Mhe "'et married on faifh? 1 Somne heslitate beforo glving an answer, but those Who know best wiII immecliatoly say H EADAOHE. Thousands oet women live lanîisery day after igy, and wveek after week, suffeing untoldagony from these dreidfl bahadaches. Huishands are disbeartened, children niegleted, and happy homes ruiued. Most women stîive te bear in patience Ihe suffeing which tley consider part oflife witbaut loelingite tIse cause cm searching for r lef Fcd cannai digest m ithMîut theuhile. which thl iver supplies ad bence the necessity o! keeping îýbl ierilegoad warkîng erder. To eure leeadaco you usbcure tIse liver and thuss rtimove tIse cause cf diseuse. Dr. Chas.snent 6fiu ef hie ili Mfet- ing~ îî'en ',p etei r cbl et tSedneM t~i~ddUi1tIs te rpIatenrayLfrs tebb fhet e ness o! thIs rensedy fnr suek hcedgCles, Maýny ýi bouselbas bcrn restorrdc shapns as a resuit. DmChae~ Klne-LirrPills, the greatesi1 dievetry of tlisgCreat atcIeuîiSt, pe put up toseli ciceu for aïc. AU*nles WHOLE CITY OF MARBLE. Brsiizewater, a Desexted Tawn in Hast- ings 4iounty, Province of Ontario, as le Stands To-Day. Inu1 le counniv cfkoNeiHainfngs, Ont.,, la a deserted bown called Bnldgewater, which la bulit enfirely of marble, says Tbe New -York World. About 25 years aige a farpiaT's wife wns eearchine: in the wvoods for a pig tlat bad strayed away. lit a rarticularly dense parti of fhe forest mIe fouud a cold suring of trystal waier and stoaped te drink frer A.h As ,'se dld seaIe slipped ou a round stoe wblel rolled frora under her f001 and fel ie tle water. Atîracted by tle pecaliar elon of tle atone she flsled if oui au! teck it lome. investigation sbowed i te be a 2O-pound uugget of ai- muet nure geld. Wifhin six mentIs tbbc wilderinass lad blossoisbad ie îleheIustling town of Bridgewater, with 5,000 inhabitants. TIare wera, old fonty.nlneÈa tram île Pacifid slope, amateurs frein Greant Bni- tain and the United States, pro 'spectons frem' evemy field. Slafts and tunnels' waeedrivan by tle izndrads. In the sinking cf a shaft a tuile seuil efthîe iown, un a dim of Mn. B. Flint of Belleville, whe is now a memlen ef fhe Canadien Senafa, a vain of white marblia was dlscevered. Ai tho stiuggestion cf Flint, Whle wanted littie or ithing fer the matenial, the town et Bridgowater was sihaut of solid marlle. If las aven te tibis day a court bouse, scool, charob, lofai, stýores and priv'ste dwellings con- siruoted wbelly of ibis maienlal. Wbile tle town was beeming îlee ntire country round about was pospectcd. Soeafuthîe saat and tunnels driven tiere more thon JOO fet lu depth, lut, ramatakable as it ,say soom, fIera wag navet eneugh geld found te pay*île cesi oa! a single mine lu tle district. T'he place wbera tle original auggoùt tins fund was cîmisteued "Aladdin's Cave," and tle land lu la isvciniv soold ai fabulons prices. Que fariner aihosa tarin adjeiued tIse cave sold- five, acres te au Englisli syndicata for $100,000 cashl. fie syndicafe speut aneilen $100,000 lu developiug tîle daim, lui neyer obtaineti an ounce eoftee guld. An aged Irisîman< ai Bridgewater, Patrick Keougî, teoeived au offet et $125,000 for lis forte, wbiob consisbed cf 100 acres of rockpiled, barren land. He refused îleoh e holing ont for $150,000. ailicl le navet got. To-day any oe u oud buy tle propariy for a dol- lar an acre. Wýitliu a couple uf ye4a s If lcama ap- paèreniju ta al ibai nininig iu Bnidgewafan would neveu' pay, and fhe pruspectore anti olvizens îleparied, le'avîng île maal'e tutu te seule dutin te a future desula- flan. A iteunderutoud iltan, "Nobody eau learunal isersa hworth knewlng lu ibis lifetisuie," said Mn. Meekion, wisely. "And a mats engisi nevar te asic-me tIai; bis eduication l linfîuil I 1in going to e up ichI)tou isms itis minem. I'm gning asnl lis tifi looked at imblse arpîr. îand thon lu a ceol bard tomsexceueî "Leon;da, ,Yeu"il lave t hink upn e batter excuse tihan ii at forstfn t ehngli." Every mai iapenda about liait lis fime doiug fthinga le torget te do ilu 11cm Season A felow wearing an odd cahier hutten la sure te le remindcd et if evcry fime le steps ouf. Wbeu a nicl young man cames lute lis estafe, felks who lave thinga te soi have a harvesf. If we shoulti stop te rcad blithfli thinga foks ativise us te, we wouldn't get te reati a thîug we wauf. Nothing'lase paflietie as an old man wben lesanys le is se ofd fIat -if îsn't wertb white te cousuit a doefor. i A hate, celd spring la disagreelile. aud if is ne comfomt te aay fIat there willhob ne coid anapa wleicIfonce lefts np. A girl wahks ou lier heeha te, aveid gcttiug lier feef muddv. A boy' would rathler go wliere fIe mud la et iii deeper. Be Olean. and Live! PAINE'S CELERI COM4POUND' ils Nature's Great, Systemf Clealiser. The Spring Medicinle Recoff- ffellded by.theAblestPhysicians. lu ail w-cl-rau milis, tacteries and meclanicai establishmenfs if la cuafom- ary te chose dewn for a short fime-each. vear lu erder te repair maehiner-y. Un- hesa f lis la fait Italiy attendcd te flcre wiil le irmeguhamity in work. aerious breaks, dîsasters aind Ieavy finaucial tosses. ît iý flic saine wifh flue luman body. Ifs varîcti, cemplex and delicafe m a- chinery las becu runhîiîg wifbeut re- paira for perliapa many yeârs .wiftU dis- erdcred nerves, discased iver and kiduey, and bhoed clirged wif I impur- if les Thc human ergaui1s and imachin- ery jatring. weakenced and wotklng fitfuiyiand irregularlv must lic sttengtl-. etid andi matie a fiarmonieus Wilor Élue entite faînie will seon break dowu. This.anînal work et cicausinig.aud repairing la aiways aucccsstuliiy accem- phisheti wbeîîmon anid wornpn maie use et Paiîoc's Celery omV ud Amenaf fhe firstt iimoat pleasiug- resuitta afconte trom île use oiPaine's CeIcry Compiloii9d laM.Marel ispurc,ricl and brigit ted blooti ÉIat icourses fîrouiflic cîltire systeiu, earryiug truc lite ;tînd streîîgtl te every part. Feu1!i atteîs, eruptiotîs, pimi]es sait incfve, s ft i ati 5 tic. ueo:l us, anti cui c'lue iîci gtdnews filat "if asateS peiphir ~1~ ( Nervous , :nm Der ago my health gave way and I wascm e pleusîe:p n P e(' le ~~Petl rostrated. The least exertion would 'l it difficuIt for nme t 'I'. breathe, I .uÉrered not only suifer themnselves but .ý *tomî headaes, ex-e« m or or misery ... had no appetite, and e caseNNssto-1 .<fell off in weight anti! ,Î- I'was reduced te 130 ý" À' ,~ everyone round themn. They. . pountds. FinallyI e y1T~ grew se bad Iht1 , arefreful eailyworiedandwas forced te keep . my bed, and remain- are retfl, esil woried nd d there for several V hence- a worry to others. zmonths. 1 was unde r W e vvtigannoys, doctor, but hie i XVhn vAJ~AAa6 -net seem te beIp rme. One day a lady friend 1 1ri Syou; when your pulse trem-uge me te try Dr. s/ Wlama' Pink eP'isl S bles and your heart bet and 1 procured four e i f~ln'Ished theru I conld flot see muchi'poe ~ ~exesivly wnn ouare ment and would have stoed takine îhemr t but for the urginoe of nys rd h said that starledat th Ieast u nexpect- fn my condition could net expect te sec m niediate results. 1cnI ne taking the pis .'~-i~ d sond our ervs ar in and by thc time 1 had taken a couple more ed, soud, you nervesare in boxes there wasno doubt that they were belpi. e i i i i n e, and it needed ne furtber persuasion teo i a baq state and should ue inducee te continue them,. In the course 0 ."~. ropty ttndd oof afew months 1 not onlyegained my health promply atende to.but increasedinwgh iy pounds. These '41 resuits certainly justify the faitbii b ave in Dr. Nervosnes is quetion Williatm-' Pink PMis, and I strongly urge men Nervosnes i*s, quetion who aie weak, nervousc and broken down tî3 -ii of nutrifion. Food for the gîve tbem a faer trial." Snerves is what you want to À. e,~ put you right, and the best 'nerve food ini the world is ~ R Ilfrs Pink, PlUfi or Pale, ~ pe~ 'j~ They give strength and tone to every nerve in the body,~ Sand make despondent, easily irritatedpeople fee ht N/e .?V liîfe has renewed its drs Milins of people through" ,:out the world use'no cother medicine.- But you Must get, ~>DR. WILLIAMS'. Substitutes-neyier-cured--anyone. J - At ail dealers, -or direct from fth, Dr. Williams' ' Mcdic"nm Cal, BrokviU4 ,Ontt., at 5cent. ab.xor4 'wJ bee*j f

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