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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 29 Mar 1899, p. 4

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-Builders' Hardware. We have just received into stock a full, une Loeks and Knobs of:1 Wire 'and Cut Nails, Tee and Strap Hinges flook and Screw Hinges Barn Door Rollers and Track Barn Door Latches. T'rd and Pl'n Building Paper Large assortmert~ at Lowest Prices. Our facilities for handuing goods in quantities are large, we buy in the lowest market, pay spot cash,, and seli close. Your inspection invited. RId. Worth. Phone 66, BOWMANviLLrE. (Opposite Ontario Bank.) BOOKS!...0 Beautifully Bound Gif t Books 25e, others at 40c, flot quite so nice but very mueh larger at 25e and 35c. Very attractive, leading authors, 75c to. $1.50. Poets, leather bound, 75e up to $3.00. Toy Books, paper and liiien, grelat value, some at haif regular price. A splendid Photo Album, 50c, and 75e.' Poeket Bibles froin 25e- the value here is great. Ladies' Companions'f rom 25c. Toilet Cases lrom $i. Glove and flandkcrehief Boxes from 50e. The same iow prices run througli the whole list. Poils, Games, Fancy Articles, Stationary, Toys, Xmas Novelties, Work and Faney Baskets, Faney Cups and Saucers, Vases and China. Sunday Sehools note this : I supply ahl Lesson Helps and give speeial attention to seleetion of Libraries. Let me hear from you. BowmÂNvILLE. Po> TR13ILeOee. Corne and see 1,our Easte r Rats and i - -tt Everytbing- in Millinery Novelties that can be got in Toronto, .will be shown., MRS. DINGMAN, *~BoxANvLLE Fashionable Milliner. C1A.SiI -Gý;ROO:ERs. TELEPI-IONE NO. 57. JTIST AE?1 ID3 Figs and- Dates, Peaches and Prunes. TR7O-OYl. EA Something new, just arrived. With Granite-ware., llighest price for Farm Produce. 1E1&L--M -BRO S.1 WARM AS WOOL Porous as CIotIh. Waterproof' as a. Duck% bacfr, Soft as a glove. Tough as oakc-1' Kidduck » that new and cifferent Icýthier controlled in Canada 1by the makers of the stanip piriced Goodyear Welted- cATiOtSlater S'hoe. JOHN, HEULYAR,,SoleLocal Agent. Dr. A. W. Chase's Ointment.. Endorsed by D,. . . týial i NOT A PATENT MEDICINE.... American He says:-Among the Joufnal of proprietary mnedicinès re- cQgnized le Dr. Clias.'s tkalth Ointmenst, eompounded by Dr. A. W. Chase Medicine Co, Buffalo, N.Y., 'and Edmansou. Bates & Cg», Toronto, as a rexuedy fcf Piles. Eruptions and Eczesuatie S4!n Diseaser, thr whicli it lias been used with marked success and lias effeted remarkable cures. It is flet the practices e th.e Medical Profession indiseiminately te uise pro- Pr eaymdicines, but there are liundred.s of physi- cias iirogliatthis country ýwko are using Dr. Chasses Ointment ini tber practlce. We kanded out during tlie last month 2,700 box-es of free saxuples of Dr. Chases intint, aud the tliankful results have beau sometbing astonialiig. Here le wliat ont o thse cures says: Mit. O. P. Sr. Jos, 246 ShavÏ St., Toronto, In lies lettes states: 1 suffered for some years from Itching Piles, at times betng unable te sleep fur thte annoy- ance caused by them. After trying almost every Oistment, and dan say one box entirely cured me. I cante seak ton hLighly of it, and have recommended itt eea f my friands, ail whom bave beau cured by its use. ~thg~ in W~i BOWMANVILLE, MA.R. 29,11899. We see a eriticism lu the Kingston, E vening Times on partizan party papers that is flot to our mmnd strictly correct. "Let any one takp up theý Mail and the Globe and read the ac- counts lu these of the saine session, and the impression obtained 'wil l be very',differ@ent. These pstrty orgaus in some cases, use language which have opposite meaninga to describe the spirit, and the effeet upon Parliardent ofi party leaders' spe(eches. The editorial utterances.are of a sirilar characten. The writers have nothing good to say of a party'opponent, and nothing un- favorably to remark of a varty friend. " These statements do hold truth when applied to the Mail-Empire because that paper is extremel-v partizan, far more uireasonably so tha n the World, but The Globe is very génerous to politicai opponents ini quoting their speeches and exceedingly fair lu its citicios. Indeed, rnany think The Globe is too magnanimous towards the Opposition, because no Conservative journal lu Canada has ever yet been known to give as mucli fair play to the Liberal oýrgan's supporters. We suppose The Globe will receive its reward for this fairness for we kjsnow for a fapt that niany Conservatives are sabscribing for iLt. ______ LIBERALS'AND PROHIBITION. lWe can hardfly excusel many extreme temperance advocates for the unrea- sonable demands they are making on the resuit of the smail plurality given in the Prohibition plebiscite. To de- ma.nd prohibitory legislation with such aprarent indifférence behind it as was shown by the very amali vote polied is simply courting positive failure. Surely the unpleasant expérience of the Scott Act period has not yet vanished from mernory. Do our tempérance friends want that experience repeated? We trow not. Then why act so foolishlv ? We yield to no man or woman in the matter of zeal for the temperance cause and the ultimate triumph of prohibition, but a national view of the situation in the liglit of the recent plebiscite as- sures us that the péople lare flot yet ready to enforce such a measure. Here la another consideration: Any modicum of tempérance reform that this country bas so far received has corne through the efforts 0f the Liberal party, then why should temperance ad- vocates seek now to embarrasa the governxment when the country has said by the large unpolled vote that the time has flot yet corne for prohibition ? Again, read the speeches made Jast week by Sir Charles Tupper and Hon., Geo. E. Foster and squeeze if you can thse first sha.dow of a promise that they make of giving prohibition if they had the opportunity. Did, they do it when in power? No. Will they dare to in- troduce a cleanly defined resolution now for stnaight prohibition? Watclt themn to see. We have not room to present the tacts that led up to the plebiscite, as declaned by Sir Wilfrid Laurier lu has eloquent address in the House on Mardi 2lst, but the Goverument made no pledge to the prohibitionists,-they made no demand. The pledze was to the Liberal party, and, that party now de- clares "'that thie voice of the electorate wliich lias been pnonounced iu favor of prohibition is not such as to warrant thse Goverument in introdueing a prohi. bitory measure". And that declaration la the -only national one that eau be given. Io, often a waruîng that thse liver 19 torpid or inactive. More serions troutbles may follow. For a promipt,- efficient cure of Headache aud al liver troubles, take Whila thay rotre thse liver, restoreW full, reaulair action of the bowels, - they do notgripe'or pain, do not Irritate or infaâme thse internai organa. but have a positive tonic effect. 25c. at ail druggist.s or by mail of C. I. Hood & Co., Lowefl, Màa. 46 A TflOUSAND POUNDS OP CCMFOIRT.90 What niakes, a woman contented -with her lot? How suany philosophera can answer this question? Some shallow observers imagine that ail a wom- an wants is an easy, do- nothing sort of a. life. But that's a big mistake. A womau thrives on kinduess end care. Give her an affectionate and cngenial atmosphere to wCorke in, and s ouin d physicai health and she wili wock harder than the average man a&d neyer, grow discontented. If you leve a fret- fui w'fe, llnd out some new way to be kind to her. If there is any weakness Ur diseased condition that 'uses irritabity, see that she has thte proper rernedy riglit away. That wonderful medicine crîginated by Dr. R14V. Pierce, of Buffalo> N. Y., his " Fa- vorite Prescription " for women's disea&ea, ,will restore perfect organic vitaiity and healtis. It will give cheerfsslncss, energy and power. Iu the words of. a New York lady, Mrs. 0. N. Fisher, of 1861 I.exington Ave., it wili give a "thousand pounda of comfort.11 'Ifféeet it a duty to informi yon," writes Mrg. Fisher in an earnest letter ta Dr. Pierce, " that 1 bad been a snfeérer for many years front. uerv- ousness with ail its symptoms and comiplies- lions. 1 was constantly going to see a physiciais or purcbasing medicine for this or that coin-, f n s my troubles became unhearable. in csrn f x897 my bnslisnd induced me ta try Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. After taklng one bottie aud follo'wing your advice 1 was so encouragedtita I taok Sive more baïtties sud then 1 did not take any more for severai weeks as 1 felt 50 better. " arn not now cross aud irritable. 1 have a good color in my face; have gained about ten paunds in weigbtsud one Ihorfsaxd pesiuds of cernfort, for 1 arn a uew warnan once mare and yonr ýadvice suld your 'Favorite Prescription: casdit, coupled witb your 'Pleasant Pelleta' which are flot ta be dispeused witli. I will not take any more mileas yen so advise, for 1 do not ose that need it." e Dc. Pierce nifl end advice by mail en., M& ee of charge. Âddrese as abavut. we want your orders and for 30 days will make it apecially wurth your while to corne and see us. We deal in Harnesa, Bicycles, Binder Twine, Buggies, agent for The .McLaughlin Carniage Co. Harnesrepairing promptly doue. 'Our prices wili please you. Quality-oniy one grade-the beat. Stand opposite Centrai Livery, Bow- maanville. JOHN S. RUNDLE. ~B[P[1 0 1119F HR'N 10 R K P. . BYE1RS bas openad thea New Central Llvery nearly opposite thea Standard Bank, Bowmanville, wbere lie bas a dune lot of Single sud Double Carniages, >Democrats, Wagons,, etc.. for bure. Grood Horses and Careful Drivers. No loaflng allowed. Telephona No 23. Calls FORESTERS' JUBILÂTE. Tic 'evening 0ofMardi 22nd was to the, Aticent Fresters of Court 6,000 what an oasis lu the desert la to a weany traveller, a place of pleasure and a change frorn the weary monotouy of court meetings lu general. At about 7.45 p m., thse gentlemen and their ladies began to put lu an appearance and soon the hall was cornfortably fihled Shortiy after 8 o'clock Bro. Chas Cox, C.R., chairman for the evening, called the meeting' to order and on be- hait of the Court welcomed the visitors lu a neat speech. After singing the opening ode, the followinz programme was rendered :-Reading, Bro. J. Bah- cock; recitation Bro. Wm. Painton; song, Bro. J. il. Alexaude; clarionet solo, Mr. T. Brown; zeading, Bro. G. E. Maynard; sçong, Miss Mosetta James: recitation, Bro. T. IL Sînte; song- Mr. Jas. Goard, speech, Bro. Jas. Saun'ders. This coucluded the first part. Then to make the affair a decided change from the ordinary run of concerts, the re- fresiments were broughtitnl, not ne- cessitating the oid way of going out for tiern between acta. The refreshments were of the higli order always to be found at such functions lu our town, consisting of sandwiches, coffee, aud acres of cakes The violin selections of Mn.; Wr. Morrisoît accompanied on the orgasn by Miss Babcock duning the time the refresiments were being served added greatlyi to the enjoyment of those preseut. The refresismeuts having been served to which ail did ample justice, thse programme was again pro. ceeded with, wien Master Ceil Os- borne led witi an artistie ongan solo, foliowed by a neading, bv Bro. J. Bab cock. The secretany Bro J. N. Me- Dougail, then gave, au addness on the growth and standing of tic Court to thse deliglit and edification of ail; read- inBoG. E. Maynard, song, Miss Saulnders; reading, Bro. Wrn. Painton; clarionet solo, Mn. T. Brown; reading, Bro.' T. H1. Sînte. An iearty vote of thanka of the Court was tien t-endered. those who so kindly assisted on the programme, aiso thse ladies wio nender- ed sucli valuable assistance ini providing anîd serving tiserefresisments. Tins à pleasant evening was bnoughtto. a close by ai singing thse National Anthern. Tic singing of Misses. James aud Saunders and, Messrs,. Goard sud Alexander deserve speciai mention, whilc tic selections by Messrs. T. Brown and C. Osborne were nendered lu ý,a mastenly manner. The accom- paaîts for tic cvening werc Misses acock, Luttreli, Goard and Grigg. -Com.' The Juveniles of this Court heid their annual oyster supper on Tiursday cvening, Mardi l16th, when tise boys had a good time audabundance of oysters aud cake to which. they did full justice after which. Bro. La Belle gave them some instructions on dnilliug This brandhis growkng rapidly, having doubied their number since t he New Year.ý idea of some of our lines, we give a~ few descriptions and prices.%, Men's Tweed Suits in genuine Imported Scotch Tweed llerringbone Pattern in Dark Grey mixed, best-of liningsi, sack coat, splendid fitters,, made to order would cost $18, ourprice $12.50. M1en's Imported .Blue - Serge Worsted ,Suits, sack coat, fine qualitycloth, best of linings, . splendid fitters, made to order would cost $17 to $20, -our price $12.00. Men's GenuinelmportedScotch Tweed Suits, cloth that wil not lose its color, best trimmings and lining, perfect fit and wiil give every satisfaction as to wear- ingqualities, would cost made to order at ieast $15, our price $10. Men' s Dark OxfordTweed Suits ail wool, a suit that is a general favorite and neyer goos out of ' favor, nothing better for wear first-class trimmings, speciai' price $9 00. Men's all.wool CanadianTweedI Suits, serviceable, good to wear, linings, perfect fit, workmanship ail that could be. desired, .in a nice lot of patterns, both light, j medium and dark, at $7:-50, -$8-oo,. and $9.00. Men's all-wool Tweed Suits, good liard, twisted twee4. wear like iron, sack coat, good iinings, fit'and workman- slip ail right, a better suit than yott can geL imade to order for $8 or $10, speciai $5.00 and $6.00. Men's Tweed Suits, sack coat, fce dark fawn with green mixed, Itaiiaw cioth iining, speciai $3.75. .as I4en's Whip Cord Spring Overcoa, Box Back, short stylish coat, Frenchi facings,' extra good Italian lining, per- fect fit, speciai1 $10.00. Men's Spring Overcoats, dark Olxford Grey Tweed, al wool, Aplendid goQd fitl - and workmanship , speciai $7.50. Men's Black WorsteQ M,"l,ornng Coats Sand Vests in Venetiaxi ,.nd Clay Twill -. Worsted, best of farmers' satin linix)g .~perfect fit, e quai to ecus tom work. at $15 our price $9.00 and $10.00. We also carry a big range of al -wol and Worsted IPants. ,We make a ey speciai run on an aii-wool pant at $1. Mlen's Overails Cotton Pants and Chldren's Brow-,e Overails from 25e up. We show -a big rang e Youths', Boys' and ClHiii '4 Suits, in Tweeds and Worsted,and you will find they a very reasonable in price. GENTS' FURNISHINGS. Tic newcst shapes in Stiff and Fedora bats in Black and Cl We make a special effort to have extra value at $1.00, $1.50, and$2 You will find the newest American and Englisi styles in our stoclç, carry a big range of tic W. G. and R. Shirts. and Collars, Nloq n thinga in- soft front Cambrie Shirts as wel as new styles in the stiff fot Special value in White Dress Shirts at 75e and $1.00. You wil i th the W. G. and R. Shirts are tie beat fitting shirts you can get. MEN'S BOOTS . . In our Shoe Department we are handling more Men's goodu we have ever doue. Our values juat now are exceptional, for inst Men5s Vie! Kid Laeed Boots, the J. D. King make, extra flifl quai';y reg. vaiue $2.75, our pnice $2. Men's Box Caîf Laced' Boots, the J King make, thc ncw shapes, extra fine boots, Goodyear welt, and D squcakable slceper insole, special $3.00. Men's fine Casco Caîf T- Boots, also Dongola Laced Boots, McKay sewen soles, nlew safi reg. value $1.75, special $1.5Q. Men's fine Vici Kid. Chocolaf1- Men's Box Caîf Elastie aide Boots, uew shape toc, fi1'7est quality 80 special $3. ý On examiDing our sioe stock you wîll find we have range and that we are selling tic rigit gooda at, rigit prices. Weo on tic principle of money backcif dissatisfied. Gentlemen w6ecxtend & invitation to eau sund sec our goods. We consider it no trouble to sho what we have. John 1McM.urfrv on*pic. WEýST ENO H US BOWMANVI LLE. New Spring eiothig. ~The manufacturing of. Clothing in a wholesale 'wavy has improved so very much in the last vear or two as t-o altogether change the opinion of fastidfous dressers as t ready to wear clothing. Now, we ail know the satisfadtjon p% ~of picking out our suit af ter it is made up. 1*5% We know exactly how it looks and. how it fits when we buy it. hInthe old wa it was chance work, sometimes thejùt wa ail right and sometimes it was no110ý -' have flot only the satisfaction of gettin exactly what you want but you can ge it s0 much cheaper and you can get L when you want it with no0 vexatiousde lays to bottier one. We are showing an exceedingly fine lot of suîts for Men in newest spring patterns, also fine Spring Overcoats. In Young Men's, Boys' and Chidre'sour varieties are very large, have a big range of patterns and prices. ,We 'are always pleased to show our goods and would be happy to haýe a cail from, any one who is desirous of exam ining the nicest lot of ready to wear clothino' ever shown in Bowmanville. To £Žive a better%

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