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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 29 Mar 1899, p. 7

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Ladies' and G( 2te., to anyonc wb A LU M IN UM' more durable and F RE E witb me] or a =apeMeasurec that bv ever beeý AS SOON AS =u lSy write osa ons and or preg premrum on rusele Our pren lûnis are froni eitghted pn HOIMEFOI Of BOU SWe have sold, piles of Boots the to dispose of yeti and very, eheap-f My Spring stock is in-most ofi We want more room and are boumd Oui carry a good assortmnent of $1.00. Men's Caif and Cordovan B]i to $2.50, worth $2.00 to 63.50. Ch! 75c, worth 50e, 75c, 'and 81.00. Miss, in prices. We ýwilI tell you, what the stoé reason wedo that is because we ki in every lhue. The Publie is trouble to show goods-we do it wil] Shawl Straps, fanex, and plain - 1 bought. Cheap trash dressing is deý ed to. Repairing done in ahi its brancl made to order, sure fit or no sale,. favors and l\pîng for a continuance Beaver Bloek. Bowmanviile. GRIAIN, F101 AND GOA L1 H VJNG taken ovei. the ( H '.Bowmanville, lately cai Bros, I arn prepared to pay tl kinds of Grain andi Sèeds, an /+,business on business prineiple Coal will be delivered'to lowest possible price for CAS] Coal, Flour, &c., will bec town. BOWMAN VILLE. al w4nz att~ BOWMÂNVILLE. MAR. 29, 1899. OROOKBD OREBI. Mmr. and Mr8. Milson entertained a few friends ecently.... %Ir. Wmn Jones, N,,ewtonvîlle, 'visited at Mm. Turner's ... Mr. Chas,. Reid attended the Grand Lodge at Port Hlope .... Mr. John Reid bas engaged Mm.,Fred Williams. .-. Mr. Bert Reid and Mr.Edgar Iiancock have purchased niew drivers, CLÂIRUE UNION Messrs. C. Souch and James'Tamblyn had successful wood bees.-.Mm Taylor, Hlampton, visited Mm.,1H. Arch 4...,Mr. W. L. Cobbiedick has been battling with la grippe......Mm. Herman Davis went to Pontypool with a load o! hogs. ...Mr. Win. Staples bas purchased a driver front J. V- . Cornish, Leskard. Mm. Alfred Wrght is improviug ln health... . Miss Edithi Allwh as returu- ed home'fýom Janetville, accompaiiied by Mi8ssE lowe. ... Nim. and Mrs, Albert WVright visited Kendal friends Ïcent ' .. Mr. Beny Whitet lias en ged wvithMm, B. G. Carscadcieu, New g r.. r Ed. Bradle\r and family ave moeý'1 tohis fathom's fart... Misses E. Allun and Emama llowe visited at Mr. J. G(,enoad's. bý 10% 1 01 ý no rest for me anywhere. 1 began takitg 'was made for the. dairy cow, where h gav my imedaerei1sv er the May be shown ail by herself and ba j dg atI~ next day, and~ in a short fimelbeT n Akin e+_codin towha sh 1 " ou - wair yeur 'Favorite Prescription.' hav-e Con0_E11 -----111< tinued to gain in health and strength ' hav- pail, (as the old dairy men sav.) As 9n taken in ail four botties of . Prescrip this is. something entirely new for this ta.n' and two of 'Golden Medical D)iscov- ery.and one Vial of yeur, Pleasant Pellets. 1 or any éther country societv to under- Are Now Attracting ]&Y weight hau intreased frum 90 t. 134take, Ithiak it well that thisboknown pon A unDer yurtrearn." aswidely and as earlv as possible so that Public Attention, 5AVE fISLIFE thse wshin tocompete may bave skillful treatment 1,arn once more aan apyt sythtthogh'l time to prépare themselves with Cow But the most important bill is the DOLLAR BILL. For this bill we are I.J.RATrTRAY&C? MONTREAL. man," writes J. N. Arnold, Esq., of Gafldy, for the contest, and understand the no prepared to give the public better value than ever before., ____________________Iogan Co., Neb. «'I caxinot find words to rlst hc hyms umt o ree ltigw ar express my gratitude. i suffered for yearsmestwhcteymtsbitFo Odee Cohng ecar a tasty and up-to-date line of KIRBY. nd could mott ind relief until I cornmenced Cows must be on the ground by 12 Tweeds, Serges and Worsteds, at prices just exacthy even with quality. KIB.taking Dr. Pierce's Golden Medicai Dis..ole h is'W ae'utrcledanwsimn fDesGos rns Mis BethaCnamanvistedatcovery anad bis 'Pleagant Pellets,' as ocoktelrtdiiy of the fair; feed W aejs eevdanwsimn fDesGos rns Miss Brtha Capman isitedat yonpreseibed in rny casçf. I suffered for eog alstte ni h vnn ais lueadSrwGosfreeydyadSna er n hoome .. is.M.WareMissstlM.r Warrentiat Newcastlet ofenughtolat tenuntl he vein Laie' Boues aniSrawGoasforevry ayaniSuda weroan has returned home after a pleasant vîsit the 11,cr wkich caused irritation of tie of the second day Must be provided bv the priées wihl seli them. wit he cosinMis GetieRutherford, poatnd the ed e I hd only ia-taken ronr n o h n h wit he cosinMis Grti p~~atai d the denr.sltd il akx-eironesad ohtInowadth Groceries we carry only the best goods and wihl always be fouind Mr. Geo. Stewart and Robt. Cart- ,e bottle when I fonnd great relief and the fe9ed must beh~anded over to the coin. witli a full assormment of ail hunes in public demand-all priced bargaîn- milI have engaged with Peter Galbraith second bottle made nie feel better tissu I mittee who will care for the cows and, ishly. --Mm. John Chapman sr.., is in a low had felt for years. I took six bottles Md 1tn h et Iw ilh ik state of health--Mr. Joe Cooney, think the inedicine has effeted a ra superintedtets.Cw ilb nl. We also carry Crockery, Machine Ou1, PaintilPatsA eGrse Tornt, M ad Ms.Ge. William- nent cure, as it has been two Monthesiie ed under their supervision three times, 1 tneWieNi0,1id1,wieFeh adGad ntes, and PGaet son, Prt Perv; Mstopped tking the mnedicine and I have no the milk weighed, tested and separated "Sedicines luafdiPane. snPotPr;Messms. J. and E. symptoma of its returning. 1 think you einsinflln. Coouey, Peterbomougis: were here at- have been the means of saviung my life." and results parefully noted and prizes W o' s o oblee u s o oIvsiae tenigev fnrlo on D.PirsCnmn Sense Medicai awarded according to merit. Cooev.Adviser has had a great sale. 1,SB8 pages I think this is a step in the right # with 300x illustrations. This great book, in paper covers, is now offered FRmeUta direction and should add very much toar n k ii whoeer wll snd 1 On-cen tathe interest taken in our show. There Lost flesh lately? for ustY>tdm"-CSn~.t are thousands of milch cow in the HAMPTON. Does your brain tire? i_diu 0sap.WrdsDsesr Media soito, ufJo . coanty and everybody wants the best, Loigcontrol over your Ti uvsr t obe rr as they are the unes that pay. Our ex. i l'i ni ueIa o epfUI UIIIIiin sol b dcaosan c nerves? in"g foolish is to keep stili. lieve they are to a great many a means Y " "'1 III Are your muscles becom- Jwost of us suffer a great doal too o! gainiug knowledge in many things.p: V much about things wo mightWhrisifm toneqrdmre .' ing exhausted? happeri. You crtainy knw the A ho arries attho ge whn hothan in this al-important subjeet of ~~-R în l Youcetanl kow thetale bis hat off at the door a naturally d airying, the foundation of which is the fJJj Iii remedy. It is nothing new; 4s lie tailes hismreal4s cow ?fliIJ j~ust te sameremedy hat ~1he1 e;eere bao s it was aur ambi- This new idea should be carmied out .' ~X~Teol oîîecr o h bas ben cring hesecaseshaveue~emgot ver i stoe, an ivowithout being a tax on the fuuds of the ~ 4 ~ '~ h a ve n e ee g ot o v er it ,m a lig n a n t a n d h ig h ly c o n t ag io n -, ofs thiness and alene css Aor anwho can makehler coin- society. Already the value 0f $10 has dsaeSIE I twenty-five yas ct' , malze-p. man. hob cali'ed expert. should be doubled at toast, so as to give A diseaýe whose first symptoms rce generally mi'tàken for ýho more prosence cotts mati's hou e is heavily in- the cows a faim show. Lovers, o! good of vermîin, th&t quickiy savs the vit(ali %- of tho sheep infecte'l, and spreads with Emulsion, The cod-liver sued n t a wa milk, oisyuchnetsowor terri ble rapidity ta the remaindler et the flock. Persiatie Shoe'p Dip has proe amibirneWhoee re owla u cancetoshow our a ethe onlyradical and reliable cure for this dangerouslii-enso. It destroys oie win ioois the, foods about it. genemosity and do the cows a good tumu the 1paqtches of living bacteria, rlee anadirttohast e ms, ad oai ann iriistithe1wfoodththat, n makes theflesh andhe hy- n nt] d if a dry good wf iedcow isat the samne tinte. RalIy up, boys, and makýes ithe skin whole and sonnd. Ilt i backed by the heartv te4iiiony o! Can. of Wolon oft ') ý1 c' i n front of it. let us have at least a dozen cows for the ada's foremost sheep and stock raisers and is proving a bon f0 farmers the ___________Dominion over for tbis and other distressing stin ailments of opand cattie. pophosphites give telle to first test. If 4our dealer canuot supply you-do not.,be put off with an inferioýr dtp-write the nerves. ~~ iirn~r o J. M JONSi ii s direct. W e invite correspondeuee. - Ietreat Dairy Fart, Mamch 20th5 h ik a't efeG ktie~ UWN drhouisis. rn A I1899. 1Th ietaid, efrLC ,- irie,, ThaI Canadians may lý now snmething TIDES EN ENGLISHi CHANNEL, o! the c-exterit, of the. pareoq p, Nt s,ýtefi Gre;,at Brîtain A,.xious tk Reduc. Itz in Etiglatid, ,give t reportcft Dtgrt'aMfum , postl at-IoriiesiiiLoo.~c R~.tlnd, The Prince of Waesiusgreaïly exerclsed durit g Christmas, 1998. ast gb-en by a over the ecent aoçîdemb in the Englisis ients Watches, Air uifl, Striýates, J1elelry Uixt London, papor. To di-tribjut', Itbe Ohannel. As a pser exprsed W 'H"Ms ho will assist us to introduce our wSILV~t 1,250,O _Xnas its sw hî'iiay Royal HIghness doces net 1ke to rosI tisat TH M BLES atl 0eo-. Tbe are l i, h aliving ripou an îeland defended aud 5 id better than sterbug sttver or st eeL e givt 8,000 tons sent by Parel 'ost to Lon barrlcaded, litretthe fondai barons cf eoI,, h thituble a packa~ cf the beît assortiNeed les ne§th lre itiýiis a obhg esta cshtpoe fed sure lyou ssIl a thinb1leauda pacizuge of NŽleS anddesI frooa ioitest ad ob lsn ikai aist iee fin ,for 10 cents). Thei are the fasiest selling goocl8eilvmayhnrs o xr o ýeoputontl1emariret. EVERY LADY BUYS eThe oY înanv hulaeds et txtra mn and fboitliko. S SI-E SEES T1i-EM. andci1,675 extra vehilsi.uigcb, Ts rwhl seîduo ieba 'Écls ireludng cbsautheriiy, wil.l shortly offer a prise to b. *O. Y. ras and furiture vacs. TOc i umber ftvld for by a ce npetition wblch wil b.L few Unso tcr u ewi owidteOff parce!os cou-181iuie a i r cn d tlimfe cpenoâ te ail civili enginors cf thse worMl. ýmion list.i Whonid send us t;em ii x-, tihe ie numbor handled e-g otk he The priva cf ered wUl lie no lees than a leci will bo senitbyftlirati. fotun strlinailr iStrietlyfirst-clnsss WCahave nnMbeq,xoîesii,,a distribution o! lelters was racil'Iated bv otnYtrigfrapa yaints ze-wnnrsqien writlng mentiontt au ne ,0 oemuattlo Eingmborran eca , e eacedf t 85a. Castoria î, for Infants and. Children. Castoria is a LU~~~~ýj tPbILe O, ay TUult, 00 eaos h mng q t heho nlfor years ben harniless substitute forCastor 011, Paregorie, Drops ~ Uste Stte. ad Cnad w heToTIifftas h travel as far as London ti ani Soothing Syrups.. It contains neither Opium, iargest on record, the L ,il)rja safety ame inale t e crois thse obarsel tu Morphine nor other Nareotije substance. It is Pleasant. 88 tons of lettors anti papors to Englanud Franc» wlthout suffiring iuatold tortunes Isgaate 1 ilt er'ueb iloso and the Whito Star amid American o eaene& t urne sthr er9ue y ilos1o un lner together hrougIist a'sitiflar quart Traflê acres, thse ohannel at certain Mothers, Castoria destroys Worms and allays Feverish.- § ity Froin the Cape cameilS 8 > Pt>,lOtteilO- . ari attimes omm~er igreaty ness. Castoria cures Diarrhoea a.nd Wind Collc. Castoria thse greatest number ex-or reeivd from dea]yd -isy thse uuoertaitiy et the voyage. relieves Teothing Trouibles, cures Constipation and )ts - and S huoe*l s hu- ite ettevr et ETIERNAL VIGILANCE. staes pnuocoigfega ta- halthy and natural sleep. Castoria is te Children's * ara Ile almost indef[it-.. Tho isgiest Panacea-The Mother's Frlend. 0'i Xj ,Jii. eae0e0 "temna vigilance is the price of lib. ty~pe et snachinfmy lie nequlred te a. K8I~erty." It isth*eprice0f everythingwortiz the unY o1 n ie. haviug. It is the price of life itseif. A At tues varions sehenes av beau Castoria. Castoria. man need't ho always looking for da-,., PrOPOsOd fer stelaininsc tis ew.nxroer Castorls la an excellent medicine for IlCsaterla Is so weil adapted to children e hast five or six weeks and have lots r afraid that sontething will happen to uudertow trOmtheis Norths Ses Sand thOe hildren. Mothers have repeatedsy tbld nie that i reeýomrnrnd it as superior to any pre- first-class goodsata very smnall nrices bu awiema wl forma hab il of Noth Atlantio Oc,,an around thse BIWtIsi of its gond effect upon their eilidren." seription kaown to me.' it-aud we find Our shelves crowdeü. amî aou BroIoklyTne. IV. asaran t> is .mp ort ant Waller, wuo±s, sweepýno son-tiwamci "y' R .C ~eD oalMs- i.A RHR ~okys V c to have il, if lnw prices have any- *higs of ie. mlgity underltow. is cangibtisnthouI>'l W 1int 'î ,thaf te break and aweep ibrough, tise cisannel THE, FAC-SI MILE SI GNATURE 0F Lades'Oxfrdoloed nd iac asso mucis troub. wlth incredible rapidiiy. f Ldie' Oforclord ad backaie to take came Many ofthtie schentea have beaui aliacet [ins, sewed and rivitted, from $1.4ü Vetfyourself as unique, notably one advancea by a Dan- Lildreu'es Button and Blims 25c, 50e. if is not te. A tis clvil oeenes, for buiding a hrmtr. ses', Boys' and Youths' to correspond m an who follows water nortis ef Waleu. Tihis, whichi was j regulas', hsea 1t hy teO xt6nît4fer many linndred foot lEnteh habits, feels good water, was te be constructed sentis of ek is in eaeh and every pair. The- ail tise tinte. Life Denraark and rforth frein Wala, leaving rîow, Latest Sping styles DOW in -1awrh iigt a s»2afl open space tisxongh whick.s s Ls iuvlted to Inspeet our stock ; no lint. ,But a manx muid wÀ~L.Tis. ,tis ensgineer cilieil ~~~~~~h~~~wi paue rns asSthi;~ h doîl't want to wonld isave a torencY tu allow less APPEARS ON EVERY W'RAPPER. th pesgth e. ry bst thate s bother" wjth tak-water te svreep tisrougis tise cismmansd Drescig, thevery bst thg cam ae of Iiiiseif Weild tisas caun thtie tide. Otchor sohemesi ear, it will ruin the boots it is apphi- bas more pain and et iseakwat*r ihave been prooesed, th T 7ve oP~ un. wvoue-v iniserycrowded into Miost extravagant of wh1eà, was tut il hes n frstchas stle. Fin wok -one day than a good 129in, oIth ie asenneihy'neans 01 Dmud. rst-lassstyl. F ealthy,' hearty 800Ws, se tisat, instesd ef b.LugSa deep 1Thankiug My- customners for pasImnuwho ives passage, h weid hbin plaoou verl osial -_ ____________________________ >of tue tamle0 rigist wouid ever low. knjow of in a Wholec Modern engineering bas Secam. pueh a il LMWisen a man's Impessible te lt, and lt la thdugis* that * storiach is ont o! erne engineering goulus wtIll bave a ins- ordcr, and bis di- 097 i'wioisthse Ei1siý £lauul eau he Until further 'notice SPOT CAS gestion'doun't worlc; wisen bis liver gels =decau will buy fresis iined, well screened te ho sluggs and wo0n't clear the bile At tiesentu ote e t et uavez et tise yâ tth olo i g prc outof bis, bood, it is tinte for hum to, look channel i& tise life-eavlng service, wbsi oa tis oloigprcs andtikrit.Ho ise urtergyandfiist-ve $4.75 per ton ; delivered to any part VuA0K % Ho may say, "I can stand it, 1 will feel'A CA111RD. G ralilmof towng a65.25. oa fr24e ~~M Ud m E IL better to-nrrrow; " but tise chances are I-e Hvu haidrii oa o 2 i ___felwretomro and wxorse still Ilea phe secutive yeams aud almosî ail other kinda B U 1 N t 8 Ù B n~E wil fe el oe toporrow gta W heun demsignod, do hereby agree e % ttmsw a eomn ta ohbs onet. U Hneoustto.pis lefrightattarefund tise monoy on a tweuty five a tnesw cnreomedila bt1bs one.~i ned D. ieces olenMc-cent botîle o! Dr. Wilis' Fnojtis Pille t and cheapest. Our shed papacity being L~-ai ad oalBuinss~ ical Discovery. It is isade for'just this if after using three-fourths of contens Is sufficient for tise snpplv o! Ibis section lise Gri n olB sns ncondition. It rouses up tise digestive and o! baIlle, they do not m eliex-e consipa-~ publieceau depend on always getting dlean, nutritive organs, and gves tisent power ta tion andheadaclie. We also guaranîe ,rried on by Messrs. Lockhart extraat front the fodaIl tise nutritions four botîles will permaîîonîîy cure tise I dry coal. li J-ETP IE - elemients'and transfomm tisent inta rieS, mosî obstinate-case o! constipation. Sat- AsiIhlas eaepeprdt a heH G E TP IEfor ail nourisising blood. ht enables thse liver la isfactiorono a hn i7dtise very iighest market prico for ail kinds cleanse out Il bill-on. impurities and pour usd o3opywoîWls usae~.A nls atw r rprdbp Ld will endeavor to condu-ct r*o o ithe circulation an abundance of _________cio GRAIN AND SEEDS delivered at our hW isigsyttalized blood, full of tise life- Stoîl & Jury, cheixist, Bowmauville. * storeisouses corner King and George Sts~, es. giviug red corpuscles wiich build u J. Higginbotham & Sou, cisemisi, Bow L or et Port Darliniglen. ail parts of the tow t thhea4sthy e athyfie, muscuIar strengls, a maux-ie. 2-4w k', SALT-coarse, fine and dair7 in, bags H. 0 own e ervt-encmgy. il (loes net maire fabby L ll and barrels, also Relsof Rock Sait -for H . ~~~~~~ ~~~~fesis. Il la tise only suitable tonic and c tl n o s s a w y n h rd u be seierdt alprt f t ent-iidÊfrcruetpolb- DAIUY COW TEST. Lath, Shingles, Sasis. Doors, etc., lu stock deiee oalprso h.cause it dees not increase ýtia weiglit and made to 'ordere Inspection invited fberet' lnoral td ard.H MR. JoNESs IxvN-oDUCEs A NOVEL FEAT. u aifcio urned Prfeurteen years I have been a suf- UEi'BBw~vL a frrfrom mnany ailiments peculiar bo wo- nen," writes Mrs. M. G. Bearden, of Stog m RSTTflN-youpr is I V~~~L E u er, Carroll Co., Georgia. Iihad liver EDmnSA SA,-Jyrpris cemplaint, indigestion, and mnauy'other sion I will tisougis yaur paper btell' lise o t Ihat I was able te de bjCt very litîle; part Z __________ BoWMANVILLn. of tise tinte <puld do noiling. After read- baye about one thing tisai was doue aI ing your medical pamphlet I reseived to try a meeting of lise direclors o! the Agmri- youm medicine, altisougis with but little hpdeof relief. I had becomne se febie 1 cultural Society held receutly. Yen R ATwas sick ail tise tinte, and racked witis pain. will nove" again ho able 10 say "lthere__________________________________ ýýfCuldeal bot vrylIte. I only siereb- a sn A lat Co ,,Si, ul ,,d i otbhinoe 'ew under tise sun)'A 1e

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