_________________________ tgand FufEs That Are Del 0 onst "MIOWMAN- VILLE. APRIL 5, 1899. Dinner Finîshiei. __________________________ To make eranberry pie, witi eggs.. I àI É Local 'and Otherwise. dotâ H eggs. Mix thora thoroughly and turn The iee of a bankl draft gives no idea into a piate iined wîith <pie erust, e4nd of its value. > bake ln a moderateoaven. ,Beat the Onecdose Of Miller's Grip Powders wbites of two eggs to a StW frothl and curesheadche.add two tablespoonfa1s of sugar. Whon ~ik ledahem TAe..ai totroubles ftact. How il. tries one's patience ta ,slnd a a rl ve h osn e turu t ibe ,0 , dent tou llueo eoftosstei, su"sepiece of peuncut. ruhy vrrtetpadrtr etý Dj7.eý , --. Whuise Sroui, at hem nda dsese ven for a few moment$ ta broWn lgi. ~ re d ~ fa gitne, sa, Liowsile itrost 'n e malablsuce~lie bcLhoWtuiflUB caused by impure blood are cuýed by 1nother dellolous pie may e made ~ ~ a o I~ llood's Sarsaparilla, wfich i America'ý,s thus: Take two cflps of Popped ,cran- Greatest Medicine. bernies, and add to theni ane cup of e * "- ~teiace. ct nrtrs Litle ive ~ Nothing makes folks as silly as an raisins, seeded, and ohopped, bal a cup W I P 5-f1iI equally valuabie in Coostintoucurirg sud pro. .. of water, two t,%biespoonfuls of foeur, and~ h u Venting î Ii annoylngcorrl,,,hile they aise Are free from ail crude aud irritating 1O 'correct-ldsod2oflotmr,sthnulateth4e matter. Concentrated medecine only,. one egg. Linepie plate witb rich crusi u liver a -d ae aotho 2now ie f they gnii ierPiand fil with this mixture; cuver WitI oo 1 Carter's Little Iî, VPll.ýery srall; an rppr -,tan keir very easy te take; no pain: no >gripiîng; r cut sd bke arsherslo no purging.Try thein.For a Canadlan cranberry pudding. ik n nts ni eheteywuidorirnospriclestolaoSome of the.miost intelige.-(nt mon we Sif t ino1 a large boiwl twa ceps of flûüý ~ fe tcfrse zuTÀfrntiid-resaeoilin;bttri.know bite on quack remetiies. andi a balf a tespofia at'Mxit iatelytheirgoodnessdocsnioteridhere.andthose P nsc edthdz-ti n- all n u cof Slsses nd ,atA « 54 r . ,Who oncetry themiwili lind those littie pls ali Pompt reliefinsc elahdz tsoe-lffa'u fmlsesn, ,ubleinsomianywyay t thQy Wi not be wil.- mess, nausea, constip)ation, pain>ln tihe two-thirds of a oup aI saur mijkink, la "ouf of" 6 ~intoowthuthe. Dtatealeikh side;, guaranteed tob thase using Carter's wic alatesonu fsoda bas 1Ja u r Little Lîver PilUs. One a dose. Small beau diss.olvef. Add one beaten egg and pice. Sinaîl dose. Smnall pilîl. one and ane-hait ceps of , raberries. heoaEvery new girl a faily 1emiploys finds Tr noabtee udn ~hand n t d t i TÈthe bans cf so niayives tia t hoe iqm t g new place for bbe match b)ox-. sÎ6 nhursdaqate.srewt 1otheù, do flot, Orplsueiwiea swcet sauce.ru ~ t Wemerr eatos.Or .sueth Ministers, Lawyers, Teaehera; eand A. daixnty and -pretty dessert litan.thoio eayto tako. One or two pil lte adose exercise, shoulti use Carters Little Lîver < sly ave wbl bot aam.pla thcf eakd cau e i purge burt by hgetbo fiion pûlet ge ivO wt Pilla for torpid I¶oked.cran Vu re trictly vcgentlobio ddnot g hiu11Piifrtà iver and biliiousness. barries, and add ta ýthen, one oup cf Usa themn. luviuls at 2,5 cents-, f1vo for $. Se14 Oneis a dose. 'fTry them.gnnuatd ugî.Saithaf bx fing Illse. n by dnggstseveywhro. r snt y mii. Men lie more about bthe bulanes hey, gelatine in bait a cep of watér andi add L' CARTERI MEIClNE GO.,,New Yorký, don'b do than -about anything else. it wblle the ares are hsot. Whea tise . . e - alI Iart verll f1ed-1 A016 prooý _ ne suad gelatine' are dissolved, place ~a~ curethedis cotaiingthse mixture ln a pan AIl dalrs selland recomen Of l.aIie water and sur catîl It baelaate E fCa i ,1 More tt~an hall tise turne when People thiokea Tho d one eu i filtsdi d IC S t E~~~ P SCOCUM say they don't know, teyare by îEnS1ý h pro irsand aîl t Qu- ee- - - GRATEFUL COMFORTING Mothers as tise beet remecly they can Servçe It with wbipped créea. md ns li DistinguÈished everywhere give their ebildren. It i simple,safe ad ,Ligbt cranberY puf s are made *thugg for delicacy of' flavor sup- effectuai. Price 25c. Buis tbrough a 1 leve cu, la «for £ I5 . le erior quallty and nu- We mgtas well he onest about it; two teaspoonfuis 0f-bakiug powder and mg1 e e I-iIi 'ai'- tritive ,properties. Spec- everybody beleses lu sorne quack cure. 'hait ,ateaspaoafiliof sait.' Add týwa eggs lly gratefulMand comifor- Dr. Chase's Catri uewt l weall beaten andmilkniie nougis a akeaer~ c n rn lwrbotter ha thîcit as fan pancakes, and ati' ', the nevos nd included will cure insipient catarris in aî tiî'g to ti evosad fe b ours; chronic catarris in à month'a la eueplat aIcranhernios. Bte ut dyspeptic. Sold olmixte adurse. I4artyf bMWthon stan e hu dr feleI lb ins laelld n traiment. mixtuce. ludapsruly in a toamer andb 1-jtrs aeldJA -MES People say they let others think as stean, one heur withaut lifting the caver.Mn a.Pnelaelk EPPS &Co, Ltd, Horn they please, but clearly bhey don'b like Tbay abouid ho veny ligisIsud fliks pufsM.Js ueleaWllk oeopa th i Chemists, Lon- ta concede it. Serve witis the followiug. sauce: Creani a V SUff&xer from geueral debility. 11 don, Eýngland. Dr. Cisase's Kidney-Liver Pilla are taga0ther one clip of pawdored Sugar, haif advice fnomédoctonsin Picton and the only comibined Kidney-Liver Pilla a cep af butter, oeeagg sud oeetes-fotiecpnnedsmre BRE A KFAT SUP1 made and willl posiively cure ail Kid- apoanful of vacilla extnact. Have oee >igifor a dfiiseined mei ny Dli g g'- ,nev-Liver troubles. cup otfinitie oiilugsd .when ready te egbr die et r r U A oa' idea of having anybhing serve $tir lù 1Jeta the cneansed mixture. hl iised few boxes moe 1 wa L.F~Uwellprovided is ta have ah tthe ramn A 41ueer Incident. ~lfalowy expstalue."no W to ie n. éed D.Ch8'speatmn a e nrt Tribune of tisat city, umed the telegrapis forpies ecemslt hempinfi msthe other day Ilanau dd way. A visiter ~i and ail skin disea1s Dr Cisasc's Oint- whaîn ha bad met fr3queat]y lu NeW meut la a positive cure. It la recommen- ycrk stepped lno bis aot. lb was buai. N ot S fferdcd by Dr. 0. M Harlan of tise Amen- unase as weil as Inclination ta ho axceed- Prom those terrible side ea Journal of Hcaltb, 11191Y cordial ta the New Yanker, but for aches and tlie tbousand and talking foallis wisen bellis' '-tisinga vlsltor's naine, In tha midat of the cou- one otiser !Ils wiesh make about bis children. vesation the (Ihcagamnwarmae ache ack ches hea- lbkeep thebesbman usy a a oid Ia illo .fbaho cail nat raca the ' lify11e full oofrnssery. After serious sickness bise beart and 4 aern aba ogte aan Most af these troubles arc nerves are leIt weak andthie blond Je Pullilùg out a hlank ho sent the 1013w. - ~ filtered blood-tbe Kitincysileart and Nerve-Pilîs shoulti be taken, naine of Jeakin's haad man? Ca't ne- . are not acting igbt ant inluThev strengtisen tihean udnr o ifrlit au biour, whc catdaswn m. consequence the system ta systeni, ennici tise blood asud rapidly for nemi:u beurpkin"the'aneamn. bcbng poisoneti with impuni- rea'tores the bealtis. 50c l eaes Impedu s i about tunoMr.c, tics. Seeing how mauy people there -are remankati the Gilcago asn W 'ùg DOAN'S KIBNEY PiLLS wiso say bisey do not like coffee, lb is a over ta the club. 1 waut lrau ta meet MPEGMASI. E Y p ~wouder tisat auy la solti. toeofMy cf m lncs thore."1SML YNSIS are daily praving themselves woman's IN BED PRauWFEERs,-Mr. Lewis John- $O SMa Motions ta Kaep Jointu Limber greatcst friend and benefacton. stan, living near Toledo, Leeds Ca., and Fiesh ]Firm. Ree 5anintnc:Ont., says tisat lie isat rieumatism so Tise policy af Tise Ladies' Home Te namain Young a wamaa must keepi _.njs. iarry Fleming, St. Mary's, N.B., bad tisat lie was confined ta bis bed for Journal, in ts religious departmnent, ban Jeints ltuber; il aaglecbed theY be- ay:Tieuse of Do,-'a sKidiaey Pilla weeks .T wo doctors did hlm ný good.' seems ta be always ta en!zage tise peu camle painteul ami abiff. Wonea ros *estorcd nme ta complote isealtis. The lu oae week after taking Milbus-'f's aofbise man mastimmediatelypromineub with rhausaatic pains, whau, if they Li-st symptoms I noticeti in my case were Itheumatie Pillalise was out oI bed aud lu tise eyes af tise religions wonld. Ilbaxer>lo rpnr isuaimwndh severe pains in thse smali cf my back la uow cured. -iasuw twllhvetsesricsaID. na roper Wa mcn ai bys lehsuî gnd rauswanostue los tog pette st Mr. Kipiing' series aI atonies, whicis Newell DwightHilis, tise new paster ;shive-rW-i-tb "coid, when, il, thay ccoun- gennalweknes atilot aIapetie. began in bise December MCLURn'S,'af PlymoubthCisurcis. lu Brooklyn.,Tise" àgecl gymnastios, the blaod wouid circu- I graduahly became worae, until, wVill ruu until misiaumir. sne is ail connected lutisaugist, and late vigorausly thnougb the body- hcaring af Doa's Kiduey Pls, I gotaaAESRGnvîç.-atsoewo pre3ents tise general subject off "The The loliowing four sImple exorcises box frnîOm ur druggist.- NATR PLTIG Fothewh 1 arn please tet testify ta their cfeet- have thougist tisat catarrh la incurable Secrets of a Happ- ,ife " Tise Ladie.,t' wilt grealy haip te davelop and praserva ivees i coretig te roble fom and ta wisom the constant use af Home Journal, Pltiophia, Pa. physsesi symmatn y: wieehs i crretigtietrule r nufs andi aintutents was airnost un- _______1. Stand erect, with banda ant- wisiis ,à 7.-ed bearable, Catarrh,zone cmes as a sure trethed, on a lvai with the shoulters, - ~ ~ -an(, deligliblul cure., No neeti fanfet'itlTandi aiawly raisa yanrself on yonrba as brethbroe vice,auti drop pi gl ise felrf Ians possible. Retaiu this position for blroat. Senti for Catarrisazone sund be %Av uu instant, sud then sink backon the couvinced. Outit, 81 00. Sample bat- assure font. Do this twanty turnes a day telninaer 0cet.____atflirst, sud increase each day to a îras Ib is a sourte off comfort ta sanie ,aalnt wone o hnktatprty.grl il othung ik 2. Place ths hands an tihe hîpe, and, wome ta bsn tist pettygirs wil brpsing ail the weigbb nI the body ou the sanie day becorne ugly aid womeu. PAIESitt slowîy raise thea lait lag, sud EFFECS WER WONERFUL exte lutIn ront of tise body. Thon T-EC K E FIN I have beau troubl'ed for years witisF rteNevu e baumd at bbe knee, poiubing the toc doavu. 1- P GE--T SSAL F I CANADA. pains lu mv ides amid kidueys aud hati o teNevu SYse. waanud bringiug foot up. Itepeat thies aches lu ahi parts off my bady, owiug ta tais tioses ut lirst. ,Tison ,siauti on the stmah ndliertroubles. 1 began laIt foot und repeuis the exorcise ln ne- -$~~OOOOO ""0O Hood's Sarsaparilla anti its effecta wene L Sto W rdsBs pÎlgectsdla yna h FOIITUNLESFROM THEE aLl CaUNTRY- wonderlul.lu a short time Iwasentir 1W1 hîanwltbou abndagta naas rath Enlorm-ous fortanEs lie buried lu the, Court aI eiy cured. " Mrs.,Frances, 209 Ossing hisvuLlninnndngte nes n -Cbancery, whtce belon g s te the Eu g !lit speak- toa Avenue, Toronto, Ontario. auuta~, - trY to taucis the Linon with the lingers. ing peopi e thrnnghnut tise world. Th's vast se- Dyb a cumulattn ita smash entrely due to heirs anti- A man thinksa nothing can be doue ___ a ydyyoe wil camesricaner sud next of kin on legates haviog emeIgrated. *A for hsm tbislabetter tissu to have bis ter he ,bdyfla nd, T sia exnswlakte -Ceo i lit ]3egister (215 pages, bas nom, beentebd upeaC.ruts h puershed, aontaining the Dmimes in fuit of thn lîppens wisene lie wauts tisem wben he As fan as tise sick and sufferîng igre bacie, snd wiîu encourage grace. 70,000 persons te wteern ail this vast weaith be- cornes home coucernedti buis boa prfci el)u nt.sein 4. Extend bbc nigisi crinsd piaolug longs, -Yth lle utinstructions how ta pnoceeed. cndtonlas . o__m emeora Il. - cl-tont b1 bu argh iea tlnt ots.ii vryugt5 ite-visb.Huoiss, throws inew ighlt ou tise Let bise atvent nf sprng be ta -ou a off a iew ana>. Oit chothing eau nbemnadeýý between tise notes, a complota code of spirit aofbisat greau navelia't. Severai turne off cleaIqnin, baslting anti rputNisg ,en for .th ise 11e anud by tveing eignals Ion every syllabeienlutise lauguage pooms giva quite au Easbe fIAIour ta af your cabine systani. Paine'aClitwis DiainmntDyes na anae would iproduced, by meas af wich messages this number. William Briges.Toronbo, Cormpouîttiwili o tliis leýssat wof-k iin recagsiizo tisat tise tresses were aotneww. rùsba qulckly sont from village ta viii- $f2.00 per year; $1.00 for si montisa. a way tha,,t n«tiser nliieinie CalioDanniDe reagaataofpr Milb Ita b*tise ouly prescrinlian that vous' tact wor:k si ssfcion Wien tise9 tugist au honestiY rcmet. No simpjle directions are foilowed. HA~YBA'a ELLW Oa arasait Clilidren Cry for -tiser reety autalkethe paeoff1 Lusist upon etn iaatDe- a5n i sssua at best; e~~ 1-ai, ot., Psines CeenyCmuponti or yur cse. eg'er lim yaubuyas lfeniD eu uianc5s eeloo\ tie you buy, asinn inato.b uasn aandeJiO neurainfa C A S Mi acnviThus onbotgetIest iii,,ugqiekiaduLItcnteddyesare sot by some teal- In aati . IsenanatRIisAi- and nionutoute gistetdaubItr. erg, thr itlat and sol 1 Ia rp rre tst fnbe - cie (fw î 4 rin're bod 9 et ni thl, acter i, 5, ireatcngi cpedte ory,an m eth acriebe exentÈ.W-jd f~Tee rihre 1,Joo prnk florimitations gbf nactnveaony d in oxerithVrp nown farine iing neag t, O nt.,aays no hevelers t hav e been belevemy roule or al oer-orknetghavthed by a ese dre c old h e 4 r,~ ~ ~ ~ r Wilas kP ilas, Mfo edi e first b ox w e ontel, and ter will aain pst wia0cnte publicor ix cauior $2.5Th0. ---------- t eun r nysl i oe ihwaprq A uaav brin af incandescent lauap bus beau tuvoutoti by ProfessorNel~rnst ,nI biotingen. Inateat off a carban filamant lu an exhansitd bulb It. bas a block orf magnosia, isoatetite un euarnmasssly higi boînupraiure. Tise prncipla ratisd upoIla the abnct tisais aen naguasia la baated11 abave d e0l0dgr-es ustrigrade lù he- lcane.s an ooti canductar o aI ietnity, sudî wîII ratulu lis billiaut Incandescence wiishout nucb aexpandibure oaI cunrent. Ta saliebalaino,-hoavever, lb la ueois- sary linat ta hast thse nagnosia teas cer- tain temparalure, snd ibis is cfacleti by Professor INernst by pacing 15 su tbe facus off a reflecaor, on theiseloer sida oI whiichIs la aspiral cf plainun aine, aviici la readjiy- brougbt ta bight boast. As - S00 as a cernant stsin th ie saagnosa thea plainun avina le eut off. lb la clainad that the ucw laenp la acoanicai, sud that t givas s payer lighssthan'tise car- ban filament, but Ibis romanins ta b. pro 'ed. 1 1R. CIIASE'S Cures Catarris, Hay Fevér, Rose, Fever and ai Head Coltis. Giva ona blow wilh tha Bloweu amui the Powder is ditfused, making a Sure and Permanent Cure. 11 PRICE W17H BL.OWER 25 GENTs "Il la au an ltersqting listorical fact tat Daesnjly maay naoaIgreat dtiOssvio a 1 o p,"As aei' a great aractar bat a imoishar ofsiia roug, fine nature, with whin bvJo baynd -1nY inanhanti he daveliclo lse sympatisy even avhen at a distance Irani bar," wnibcs Francis B. Evans, lu tisa Ladies' Home Journal, "Proably. tise most dîsagraea.ble inau soiily aIra!l caiebrated irinca was peur Thomnas Canlylo, whiose diispo(sition aus nervous, rmelaucisoly anidgrum,11 ,but lu the iitiaofaIhis lasonions hife anti savaee meintal ludustry haeauld alavays litlimje ta wvrite affectioauste lettan rs tais nothen, fuU of tise respeect, toudernass andi coasici. crations Se neyer senetita Ical farn nuch grcater pereormages. If a mothsur'n baud holtis the i'sadîng stniigsofaI snians lIfe ha ailI hoiti hnacqlf asoeaureiy as. titi AnDthony aTpo's 1Pnusoncr aI Zcsp'a, wit býsis natta, 'Tho King can da no keber-At East. "'Ohsyes, he'a sobor; -becauso e'alr 5dead." This ws sait lns ail serlousnass ta ma %by a frieud rcguîding a mutuel sequaint. suces. Of courseIL was said saniously, It isint s tig te joke about, thougsý strngaly enaugh, s Cmunkan man's su. tics do alnest always et pople laneL&. ing. Sncb subies are aniong thesa uddest thinga in hife. - I But my friand vaes very serions lu bell. iqg ns oI tisis man Who a b en aost cnnatantty dnunk, anti avio aas- auly solier nnw isecansa dedi Sbocking tcnaugh, i, 't iti' ona wauld iisink ibat a aingle lesson OI that kinci wonid sule ta kccp any yauug manu or womna rani taking bbe nisie of deabb by drink, sud cvcny ane wha bamipers wibis drink tbakes biset nisis. ]ut ns n lesson isu't enougs. Scores off brigs u ang menand avomen teke biset nîsie tily. The,, truth laeihuit alcoisol stands alone in thi,3 respect. lIsLJeamng the most terrible of ourses, sud yeît tha evîdauce ofits bati sifects appoar te have bise lest ellacu lintise way of waruieg. Why laibis? I1tiou'b kuna-, if lu isuls that the drink ;tppatite la sa ausiiy ferro- edC îsle tromg la its holti on isba system tiat IL captures îmsscusibly ait montai poavers of its vicellus. 11 Isn'b La bhing ta shun? Tbine oI it belng sala sainesluey of you, "Yes, he's suber; Jseoauso be's Coud." Wha~t "51..g us Ssng of Sixpenas" iieans. You ail know ',bis rbynie, but bave jyon aven isoard wbat ILrealiy maos Tise four-antwenty biackbiîds repra- sent tisa tweu(y -leur houas., The boltom nI bise pis la tise world, wbils the ton rnust le the sky ishat ovararches IL. The apoaing or tise pie is tise day dawu, when tbe birds begin ta siug, anti surely ,isach a aight la fit loir a, ing.1 Tise king, Who la reproseuteti sittîug lu bis parier couusing outbis uuausy, is the aun, avhile bbc golti places that alis, ubraugh btis lingers as ha' canattl ara the golden subeans. Tise queeu. who siba lu the dure kitch. eu, le themuon, anti tise bouc']wibh wich she nagalas hersai! la thc e noan- ligsu. Tise industriille maiti, Who le in thes' gardon at avanie fore bier kitng-the sun -bas nisen, i'liste 'day duawu, iandtthet clothas ase isa ont are the cloui. ¶ Tha bird Who se tragicaliy cutis tis ansg by "unippiog off bel- noe" la" tis te sunset. Sa ave have bise wleoe day, ifnu l in a nus- abol, Ia a pic._ Are preparedi fromc Na-. tuar&s m-ilid laxatives, and while gentie are reliable and effiýcient. They, Çure Sik Headache, Bil- iousness, Sour S"-tomach, and Constipation. Sold everywherc, 25C. per box.