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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 Apr 1899, p. 4

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A If tiiere is any reason why you PAlNI shouid use paint, there is every reason why you should use 'IBecause it covers more than Its more economicaty other paints. It wears logeYQU wont require to paint so olten ongrif you use i. It loks ette '.You oniy have to see a Job don» It loks btter with it to appreciate this. S'very eau guaranteed. Get our sample card of new shades. CL.soli ->O M Alabastine, 011 Steins, Varnish Stains, Enamels, Varnishes, Brushes and every Hardwa re requisite that is needed for the House. leaning time. Inspection invited. Rde Worth. Pho>ne 66, BoWMÂNTILLM.u (Opposite Ontario Bank.) BOOKS!0 Beautifully Bound Gif t Books 25e, others at 40e, not quite-, so nIce but very mu eh larger at 25o and 35c. Very attractive, leading authors, 75ce to $1.5D. Poets, leather bound, 75e up to $3.00. Toy Books, paper and linen, great value, some at haif regular price. A splendid Photo Albumi, 50c, and 75e. Poeket Bibles from 25e- the value liere is great. Ladies',Companions f rom-25e. Toilet Cames from $1. Glove and Handkechief Boxes from 50e. The same kow prices un. through the whole list.> DoIls, Games, Fancy Articles, Stationary, Toys, Xmas Noyelties, Work and Fancy Baskets, Faney Cups and Saucers, Vases and China. Sunday Sehools note' this : I suply'ail Lesson Helps and give speeial attention to seleetion of Libraries. Let me hear fromn you. BowMANXvILLE. PojEle e e LADIS: W Corne and see ourW Everythinge in Milinery Novelties that ýcan be got in Toronto, .will be. sho-wn. W BoWMATvir~L E. Fashionable Milliner.W 0ASE1 G-ROCERS TELEPIONIE NO. 57. JTTST I~ Figs aiid Dates, Peaches and Prunes. Som ething new, just arrived. With Granite-ware. llighest price for Farm Produce. IIE~L 8R0 S, Ti't.w- I»' ws ;ek in bedthe mgst 1 of ia.t we Inkt B3OWI1ÀNVWLL APRIL 5, 1899. NEWTOKVILL. Thomias Stapleten and W. Coueh soli Mr. Nokes a #pan of horàes to b. shipped 10 Boston at th e handseme mum oi *IrfO each. They are dandies .... Little lUireda Stapelton is out asainafber a severe attack of inflammation of the lungs. Visitors: Mrs. J. Langmaid and son, Mossrs. W. 'and G. sudlMiss F, A»-nie, Ebenezer, at Mr. E. Millso)n's; Miss (-card, Bowmanvîlle, at Mr. J.Psoe; Mr. J. Staint on, Zion, at Mr. Jas. Gar- fat's; Miss S. Woodley, Tyronie, at Mrt. J. Moore's .... Ms KatrinaAr.guelgucet of Miss Bain, Taunton. . .. Mrs. E. Annis and daugiter visited Mrs. Holden, Whitby .. .. Mrs. C. W. Souci at M1r. Neal's, Cartwright. . .. Mr. A. Milîson has resumed his duties ou the C. P. R.. ..Mrs. Jas, Moore accompanied her sieter Miss A. Oke to Toronto to under- g o an operation at tic hospital,. . . Mr. Henry Abraham.attended uis brother's funeral at Norwich recently .. . .Pleased te hear Miss Eva Souch of Grovenhurst Sauiterium is holding lier own. ... Mr., Jas. Garfat and Miss Ethel attended tic presentation to Mr. J. Stainton, Zion, prier teis going te Mnitoba .... More of those hapuy social events at the homes of Mfr. J. lleatlie and Mr. E. Mill- son.. -.. Rev. Dr. Talmiage's sermon in tact week's issue off STATE5MAN le al<sne worti tic subseription for oue year.. .. Mr. and Mrs. A. Hardy, Bowmanvil]Li, were gueste of lier father. Mr. D. lied- don over Sunda . . .. Mr. S. Souch lad a wood bec Saturdav.,,Mr. G. F. Mill- son le slowly improvino Eastes- visi tors: Miss Ada Allun. , nu t Mr. C. W. Souch's: Mr. C H. Jones andil'Ais Bea Joanes at Mr. C. Rogers'.... .Mi s s E. Rose, Oshawa, called on frionds ta4t week . -...Miss Stven-Deroi1--1o as- becu visting at the Maples has gone te) Port Hope to visit friende, <EXCURSION TO TORONÇTO. The Ladies Aid Society of tic Pres- byterian Churci, Oshawa, will mun an excursion by G. T. R. by P. Mi . trains Thursday sud A. M. trains 'Friday April 20 aud 21, fromn the following places andat rates given below: New- tonville,$1.40 children 70 cents; New castle. $1.25 children 6.5 cents; Bowman- ville, $1 20 chldreu 60 cents: 0shawk Junctiou,81.0O childreis 50 cents. Tickets geod going by regular P. M. trains Thursday, 20th, sud regular morning trains Frîday, 21st sud good te returu on any regular train Fridav, 12lst. Purchase tickets trom 1tic Grand Trunk Railway ticket offices., Mrs. McCulloci, Pres., Mrs. Keiti,. Sec. A. Iesirable Change. GENTLEMEN WHO ARE BALD.-A great many thiuk it is impossible te replace their former growth; tiese thougits would be at once expc-lled froni their minde should they see snd investigate thc Art Hair Coveringe manufactured by Prof. Doreruwqned, -whose ekill in wear hic Art rroductionis.Ttey are fcatiers-wcight securely adjlusted, durable, sud a g.reat protection, to the hesd against cold, catarrh aud other ailmeuts, sud gave a muci yongcr Sp- - pB aronce. Rue îs at- Bennett House soWmauville on Saturday April 22. Don't miss seeing h4~ goode. AUOTIOiN SALE. THmiRsDAY, APRIL 6 -Mr. C. Aggatt4 Ganipbelîford, will seIl a car load et cattle at Bennett's Hotel, compîising 20 head cf steers sud heifers eue and two years old sud 8cews in caf. Mr. J.îJI. Darci will dispose cf al l is, stock- sud implemeuts at camne pla ce: snd tume-Sec large posters L.A. W. TOLE,auctioneer. FRIDAY, APRIL 7.-Mr. John H. Bell- wôod, lot 30, cou. 2, Clarke, liaving sold his fanm, wfhl sedi us valuable thoro'-bred sud higi grade farin, stock maciinery, implemeuts, etc. This is a very large sale. Go early. Begins at 12.30 neen., Sec large posters. L. A. W. ToLE, auctioneer. We don't cati a man very mean As loug as lie gathers up picture carde for hie kide. The S. S. Scotsman cf tic Dominion Lino will sait for -St. John on Aprit Oth. sud Halifax on April loti. Scoteman is a flue larg2e twin screw steamer cf over 6,00tns aud is oeeof tic stead - test sud nicet comfortabte steamers, on tic Atlantic. By advertisemnent ih will be scen tint Mr. Grigg's pcddlingwagons are on their, rounds again. This week ticy are d6ing tic towu sud villages. Mt. Grigg kuows tic wants cf hie customers sud bae made excellent provision for tic seasen's trade% Watt for tic wagon. Oar Good Friday social mas a suc- cess. Everybody uaid, soi therefore àt must b. se. De.oratiolymsrally, in - teleulyand finaneialy , it, was a tellued 'triumph, and can be £ttrib- nted tolthree rAuses: Firstly, liberai advertising in Tma STÂ&TIMSMÂ!, the luit, of March gales which made it possible te venture fOrth wtheut discomnfort, and thirdlY, the Omperior nature of the entertainment. Rev. R. N. ÂA4ms is a niodel cýAirman and did flot waste tlane with preliminaries when tie hour of opening arrived. The wreath drill was exeeuted wi*th grace and the quartiette, well rendered . Mr. C. FÉverett Brown was greeted 'riih hearty applause as h.e tootis station for the opening solo nuder the tire. besttiftifieral lsaster belîs. Mr. L. T. Courtice&m reading re- vived the old taptalizliag of "The Lady or the Tizer". 'Wars, tumults, earth gliakes, torna'does, and the winds of Aarch, mav henoeforth cease their fury, for be it known tiat thig vexed prob-, lem of the ages has once for ail been 9ettled by an august assemblage of ministers, high and public seho1 teach ers, uniyersity grade. and the creme de la creme of thc West Durham literary publie o n the eveninig of Good Friday 1899'in thé classical- tovu of Tyrone, a vote, beiig submitted at'thesugestion of thie shairman, and resulting in a nftjoriy for the Tiger ! We are con- fident Frank R. Stockton, and the re&d- ing tmblic generally will show their ap- precîatlon cf our iability to decide stup- endous perpiexities in any futur~e diffil- culty tbat may arise. One is irrêsistibly reminded of Ian MacLaren's Evangel. ist, and the cateehising of James Sout- ar. Mr. F. R. Foley's Union Jack fan- ned inte, a white heat the Rires of patriot* ism wichth.uglithey maybelatent,are, neyer extinguîshed in tiie kritish-Oan- adun besoin. The Imat and long ex- pe ted number was the cantata-Estez Blls--'hieh more than fulfilled al ex- pectations! Everv part wliether recit- ative or musical was sustained ina man- ner that reflected tic utmost credit up - on thc young ladies and the committee lu charge of w-hich Mr. W. Remmer was convençr. Spoeial mention inighù be mAde of the tryiing parts'ta4ken by Misses Florence 1traser and &btel Bran- ton, as weeping Mlarys, and by Miss Jennie Mc£Laughili ai the augel of the resurrection. A beautiful table%u was pesented by- the despondent wcMping arsin sable oriental robes in vivid contrast to tic hope ixspirig angelie central fIgure and thce ecircling baud of white robed maidens. Leading parts musically were taken in verv swcst voice by Mrs. A. H-. Brent, vocal solo, and Misses F. Adamis and E. M. Werry duet. Miss Ict E. Adams, plan- ist, officiated for the cantata and Miss X. B.' Breut for Mr. Brown. Proceed in1 s closed wîth the, National Anthem foflowed by refreshments. Proceede $40 .... League service as usaal Friday evening next at 8 o'elock.... .Easter Sunday services were an encourage- ment aud inspiration. The character of Revis. Rae's, and Wilson's sermons is too well known to require comment. Boti congrégations were large.... Mr. S. Pollard visited his niece, Miss Birdie Pollard, teaclier, Port Perry.... .Burke- ton Division gave a capital prog-ram last Thursday evening. At the con- clusion the Tyrone sisters aud brethren served abundance of oysters...Mr. S, Bingliam visited Pickering- on Monday *. ... Mr. W. Reiùmer is at home dur- ing- holidays. . .. An exciting was îepent during' the procets of vaccinating ,-our school -on Thursday, severa l pupîilq fainted .. .. Two men from Woodstock have leased Sirs. Hick's bîsekemith shop and will be on haud Monda y next ... To ýnorrow (Thursday) night an tellectual rcpast will be served by, Ty. rone Div;isiong S. of T. c6tainiug such varlety as music, vocal sud instrument- al. readings, recitations, speeches, essaye, dialogues and tableaux. Free to aih. 8 o'clock'Sons' Hall.... .Visitors- Mr. J. IL. Hicks, Toronto Junction; Mr. aud Mrs. Geo. and Mr. Bert McLaugh- lin, Oshiawa; Mr. F. W. 0. Werry, Master Tha 'er Jolliffe, Ottawa; Miss B3 Hancock. Maple Grovez 'Miss C. M. Gardiner, Lindsay; WJr. and Mrs. B. F. Gardiner, Cobourg; Miss Campbell, Hay don; Mr. Archie Camipbell, PiîcL-er- in;Miss Ethel Beath, Oshawa; Mrs. FeN. Farrel, Hamilbon. Rev. 11 I1, Allen, Murrav, formerly of Columbus, lias been elécted Grand Councillor of the Chosen Friends. Mr. Wm. Snmith, ex-M. P., Columbus is third-year trustee. IT ES B¶imtoeA-ST TIMB "DOn'tw'antan'y." "It'stimetoc oto -oÏi k! " "La rme atene." TÈhtt yeâ cash waià4ig for yu down -temwssq. BUt opur huaflisi Whe.vy ur eýi'IiISae 4ý_ flead. Yon- tseegUc tastes badÎ And yeu de't cane. It's liVer -liN cmt irer. Anqd steosseh - stomacli-stomiadli. Vu don't Lkuew lt,, but it's So. Them"s jus t one remedy thàst wi« pet 'Vir lu yeu-by giviug yen ci*%"s heweký, a -heàltky steesseh, a iive4W lver, ana4 llood tliat le richaud red sud dn't t- rate. It le Dr. ]Plercc's Gtldcner in Piscovery. It pute aiu appetite ln yeour stomadli, a i-nQve te Ycnr boNres, ic 'ayorj% vr slud tic staIff thlat lnils blue, 11su d nerve lu your blood. lb will miaie yen sleep at niglit, wake lu tihe mnii- mneals and work -wth a zest. It cures ail dis- cases rcsuiting from improper sud in-. auLfficient, nouiislmet - lug,. nerve, livýer and blearef troubles. It oentgina ne alcolel to inebriate or croate ovaving fbr Stimulants. An bhonnet dealer wen%'t offer yuu an jaif rior substitute for a littie extra profit. In a letter received froM A. D). Weier, Pçq, of pensacoa, 4scarnbia de-, Fia. (B-x ý4 li states: '" 1 have, since recelving erhani af say ease as tiauch trouble a4ivi es plaint, take,, etght bailles (if tHe'Gs4dS Mffs-e- ~rmeD frem aand rnust aeythiat I a=n frans- .ýlnedfrQ awaiking shadew (as m yffienda caiied s1eý te >erfEct heaith. 1 ~ine yCur rerinedis very heigly and< take pleesese lu recomusendiug thesa to auy and ail wke suffer as 1 did. Four months ago I did noct tkiinte bie e heteassist cer 'Uiscle Saimueil in case of iatities, but tiaks te you, 1 am n ow reedy fer tise'Dous.' " Xeep your bowela epen. Dr. Pierce'a Pleasant Pellets will do it witheut griping. An pasedio4ne deawes. one c. 3WEST END HOUSE BOWMIANVILLE. 'New S5pring elothing. The manufacturing of Clothing in a wholesale way has improved so very much in the last vear or two as to altogether change the opinion of fastidjous dressers as to ready to wear clothing. Now, we ail know the satisfaction of picking out our suit af ter it is made Up. We know exaetly how it- looks and how 4 it fits when we buy it. In the old way it was efiance work, sometimes the fit was ail right andi sometimes it was not. You have flot only the satisfaction. of getting exactly what you want but you can get it so mucli cheaper and you can get when you want it with no0 vexatious -di: lays to bothier one. We are showing an exceedingly fine lot of stiits for Mon ini newest springrpatterns, akoi fine SP17111 Overcoat. In Young Men's, ,Boys' and Children's, our varieties are very large, have a big range, of patterns and' prices. We are always pleased to show our goods and would be happy to have a eall frorn any one who is desirous of examining the nieestlot of ready to wear clotlhingr ever shown in Bowmanville. To give a better idea of some of our' unes, we give a few descriptjous and priees. Men's'Tweed'Suits in genuine Jmported Sco' tch, Tweed Hlerringbone Pattern in Daf~k Grey mixed, best of linings, sack coat, splendid fitters, made to order would cost $18, our price $12.50. Men's Irnported Blue Serge Worsted Suais, sack, coat, ýfine quality cloth, best of iînings, splendid fitters, made to order would cost $17 to $20, our prie $0'Men's GenuineImportedScotch Tweed Suits, cloth thatý wiIl not lose its color, best trimmingstand liin, perfect fit and will gv every satisfaction as to wear- ing qualîties, would cost made to order at leAt $15, our price $10. Men's Dark OxfordTweed Suits ail wool, a su it that is a -general favorite and neyoer unes out of ýfavor, nothing better for wear jJ first-class trimmings,. special t[ ~îr price $9 00. [1/ Men's allbwool CanadianTweed Suits, serviceable, zood to wear, linings, perfect fit, workçmansliip ail that could be -desired, -in--a,,, ýnice lot of patterns,,both I ight, medium and dark, at $7.501 $8.00,. and $9.00. M4en's all-wool, Tweed Suits, good hftrd twiàted tweed, wear like iron, sack coat, --,od Iinings, fit and workman- ship ail right, a better suit than you can get made to order for $8 or $10, special $5.00 and $G-G».-1" Men's Tweed Suits, sack coat, fie dark f awn with ýgreen. mixed,, Italian cloth lining, special $3.75. Men's Whip Cord Spring Overcoats, Box Back, short. stylish c'oat, French facings, extra good Italian lining, per- fect fit, special $10.00. Men's Spring Overcoats, dlark Oxford Grey Tweed, ail wool, splendid good lit and workmanship, special ý$7.50. 1Men's Black. Worsted, Morning Coats and Vests in Venetian and Clay Twill Worsted,, best of farmers' satin lining, Sperfect fit, equai tc custom work at $15, our price $».0 and $M0.00.1 We aiso carry a.big range of a.11-wool and Worsted Pants. We make a very special run on an all-wool pant at $1. Men's Overails Cotton Pants and Chldren's Brownie Overalîs from 25c up. We show a big range Youths', Boys' and Children's Suits, in Tweeds and Worsted,,and you will finci they arc very reasonable in price. -GENTS' PFURNISIINGS. Tic newest chapes in etifi and Fedora Hats lu Black and Clerc. We make a special effort te have extra valuec ut 8;l.00, $1.50, aud, $2.00. You wiil fiud the newest American aud English styles lu car stock. We carry- a bigrange cf tic W. G. and R. Shirts, and Collarse, Nice- new things in soft front Cambrie Shirts as well as new styles in the stiff fronts. Speelal, value lu White Dress Shirts ut 75e and $1,00. You will flud that the W. G. and R. Shirts are tie beet fittiug shirts yeu eau g-et. MEN'S BOOTS.', lu our Sioe Department wel are handling more Men's geods than we have ever doue. Our values justý no* are exceptional, for instance:- Men's Vici Kid Laccd Boots, the J. D. King inake, extr'a fiue quality kid reg. value $2.75, our price, $2. ýMùn's Box Caif Laccd Boots, the J. D, King make, the newclapes, extra flue boots, Geodyear wcvlt,, and non- squeakable sîceper insole, spedial $3.00. Meu's fine Casco Caîf Laced Boots, alsb Dongela Laccd Boots, McKay sewcu soles, new shape tee, reg. value $1.75, special $1.,50., Men's flire Vici Kid Chocolate Laced Boots, ncw tee, Goocycar, welt, best quality goods ail througli,special $3. Men'c Box Caîf Elactie cide Boots, uew chiape teeoc es uhtyges cpecial $3. On cxamîinug our choc stock'you will flud we hiave a big- range and that we arc selliug tic riglit gooe at rigît prices. We go ou the principle of monev baec. if dissatisfied.. Gentlemen we extend an invitation te eall and sec our goode. We censider it ne, trouble te show what we have, JOHN HIELLYAR, Sole Local Agent. 91911EAL Brvog. ,

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