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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 Apr 1899, p. 5

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199 BICYCLES, HIGHGRAD $25i We avenetbee sleljng urig te lngcoid'wintor, but have beemln n il vestigating, and negotiating villi sarnieof the largest Bieyeie manufacturers in the wonid. The resuli is that vo have taken ,e-vrybody by surprise aud are siling a strictiy up-to-date Bicycle for $25, vhich is superior bo what same dealers are trying ta got $35.00 and $40.00 for. If yoat are a judge of 'wheels corne in and see it. We invite eSnýaison with any $40.00 wlieoi on the market. SPECIrICATIONS.: F'RAMEf.-Veny best ShelbY Semslese Tnhlng, Flash Jonta, eara!nily rainforeed. (JRANK HANGrER.-isnproved 1899 two-plede Crank, Otachabia Sprockeis, al hast eteel forglng obtaînable. BEAIIINGS.-Fitted wti banl netainers and Sasi proof cups and ecanas made o! the finest luocli teeI lcaa ly lamperaS In 01, roeund and noI1ishe' bP- INISH.-Frama finishad lu 4 eoats hast enamel, oaci coat hand ruaS dand.polisied, aI fgpt Parts heavily coated on copper.. TIRES.-Made by Bowinauvila Co. (1899 make.) 4 P1SICE.-25e0O Cah, PF OT- URPRISE - $55-00 BUYS A COLUMBIA@ We h-v onuddaraneens hreby wvoe are able ta supply the ceiebrated Columbia 1899 model for $55.00 fitted vith ail the latesi improvoments and afI the finest quaiity in every respect. The Columbia is ad1mitted by all apposition makers ta bo the height of perfection lu every partieular sud no-w that il eaui ho purchased at ibis low prie Ino onse should PSY' more for any wheei made. Bai-gains iu Wheels from $10 Up. BOWMÂNVILLE. BOWMANVILIAE, APRIL 5, 18U Latest styles in Fed oras and Stiff He at M. Mayer's. A Ibicycle new, la.dy's wh eel, only S See it at the Mason Co's. ~Eg-cusegg--cups, egg-cups fr( 20C. a doz. Un at Nichoils'. Suits which aiways suit wher-1 ma at Coucýh, Jobhnstoni& Crydcermnis. See particeulars of excursion t) 1' roit-to by~Qhw Presbyterian ehtirc] We 17erp the best churn aud washii machine in the worid.-{JÂiyKEi & TAi Those who appreciate artistic Dri: ing should send their Ôrders. to -Ti STATESMAN. Prudent buyers know that here thi can get the best groceries for the lee uno-ney. CAWKER & TAÊ. Don't fail tn see the~ beanitiful Scot Gîlnghams just opened out at Cou( JIohnston & Cryderman's. Mrs. Disigman 's millionery openil was a great success and many ordE for new bonnets and hat were receivE Feather Bone Corsets made to seli onie Dollar now selling at sixty-ni centsai Couch,Johnston& Crydermar Evei<y time you see a real ,dcean, ne store ruake Up your mind to keep, yc office the^ saine way, and straightwý begin it. E. W. Morrison, editor of the Otta-v Citizen, was fined $70 and costs foro Élaults against a fellow-editor, and i T'midation of a manager. Newý Prints, Sateens, Silver Su!k Scotch and Canadian Ginghams inuii mens va iet ust opened out at Couc Johuston & Cryderman's. Prof. W\rong, M. A., Toronto Unive ýsity, will lecture iu Assembly Room the Hi g h School on -Oliver Cromwe] next Wlednesday evening, April 12th. The Mason Co. are showing a larý aud temipting range of Fancv Color, Shirts for Young men in soft sind stane bosoms. Prices raiging from 50c. .82. Jýudging from the many new desig: being shown iu men's Suitîngs hy TI ,ao a gentlemen will do well accept the invitation extended in thE Bnew advt. this week. The Mason Co. informs us that St Ilats will be the lead!iÏg style f gentlemen this season. See the 'I ~perial Brand" especially suited ta youi men. A $2.00 special.> James Keer attempted ta take the 1i cf H.M.Hoelk . C., a weIl kno'o Winipc cnçpiallaW-yer. Keer -w about ta pull a revolver when the cli in the office disarmed hlm. Miss G. Young and Miss Sherlock Central MillineryParlors spenit Mondî of this week lu Toronto replenishu: iatock and searching for, millinerv no -elties. They tim at keeping up-t-o-dal The Zood of thepudding is in tl .eting tiot in chewing the string. TI Jiroof of the quality of the Goudron in the riding; therefore ride a Gendro, F. C. PL-TuicK Agent. Second-haî ,wheels for sale cheap. Ta the interest of the people. -T. Rickard promised yon at the beginnis of this year ta give you practical pro, -of lis nappreciation a6f the liberal patroi age that lias boee given hlm since 1 hasbeen in bus,ýiness in Bo-manvili therefore unitil OcLtober'1st 1899, lie wi puit iingenutýme Kgn a Walthai v-ainspring's for forty',' ents.Tu A li4put in Elgin and altharn Balan( tistaff'S for onie dollar and 'a quart( ý (81.125) and cleasi vour watch at the tii] Wfputîing lu staff free -of charge. R, iimmer ho knows what lio is about ( ft watch and iq not here to-da yand gor to-marrow. Every thing in the stoi -w111 le made lnre'rsting ta you. F( instance, 17 Jewellers gald filled watec ts .)0 vears guaranteo, sold at the prie usindl v.asked for nisýl,-e ones, and betand every da v chaîn thrown in asi Chov ivililic to every one while ihey la at the sanie reduced price. The aboý sacrifice xil also encourage you1 get *your repairs doue before the Chri i mnas trade begins. Rickard's is thetpý ta deal and you have proved it. 3 Faicts about Clothinir. ist Thei I!ulasou Ca -ive île lest value lu cothini, wcariug qualities con sidene3d. 2nd, They hsave île langesi choice aud the Most uew goodeslowln utovui. and Tley, have tallons sud any nec- cesary change i doue pnaperly and no deIa,y or charge.. Stott & Jury. Great stock sale Tlursday Apnil 6. USee Auctian Salles. bouton pressure has lifted and the 9. world is biglit again. Heal Bras, have jnst received D~an- asnanas, New Maple Syrup and Maple Seelng how much botter it looks, we 2.wander why every' merdhant doesn't keep his store neat. 'o Another lot of Men's Rats- latest styles-opened this wcok at Coudh, de Johuston aud Cryderman's. Ladies' Sp ring Coats and Capes Gen- IQ- man aud Canac0jan jUst received at ,h. Coudh, Jolinston & Cryderman's. ing I have the goods, the prices- are right. JT. I want your trade. I sell for cash, if 1 nt- 1 can't suit you the manoy is yours, aud HE the goods A. Nichotîs', Black Dress Goods-a beautiful ýast go0d mporteý,1 just rêcoived at Coudh, Johnston & Crydermau.'s. th-Tego points - of the Gendron inta tIlem. Ride a Gendron. F.C. PETHI- Ing IC Agent, Bowmanville. ers.. Coudh, Johuston & Cryderman are ed. sbowing ttie very latest styles in Men's Hats just rcceived direct from -the man- ,s MJment lu Engan. eis Govern. metIssuer of Marriage Licenses for isit thc Countv of Durham, during business )Ur' loins at office, at lis residence Centre- Tay st., at niglit Miss Diana Cale is prepared ta do w dressmaking itler at ler h home King as St., or alt tc homes af lier custamers, i- Good fit guaranteed. Char2'es mo- derato. 11-4 w. ks Mr. Garuet Trcwin wbo las com-. [M- pleted lis first ternm atý the Toronto ~' Detal ollee bas returnffd homo and will practice in Dr. Brimacomlie's office e of titi the faîl terni begins. il, The Women's Foreign Missionary SSociety of thc Methodist dhurci beld an At Home at the residence of Mns. J. M. 'g Bimacomb,Args te St.on Easten Mon- cd day from 8 ta 5p.mi. Many ladies were el* present and spent an onjoyable turne. ta The afferings wene lilieral., What the gaod people of Mitlton think lis of "Other People" may be judg-cd tram hoi what T/te Reformer savs -Thiose wha ta' attended tle Methodist chanci last eir Sunday were favored witl two excol- lent sermons by Rev. J. J, Jlae, of Bow- tiff manville, who preached in behaîf o! the for educational fand ai the dhurcI. Thev M- biad been cxpecting saolhlng good, ng and were not disappointed. On Mon- day ovoninig Mr. flac dotivered, toaa île large aud delighted audience, lis le- vu, tureoan ' 011cr People." To say that mas it ivas good, would'le giving but a ýrk very faint idea o! its excellence. It was a treat, ich anmd rare,' fult o! goad of thilgs froin beginning ta end, with a fUe vein o! humor running throughout. ay The lectw-e was' one that shoutd be ig heard by evorybady, cataining, as it v-did, so mauy excellent things,cxcelleut- e. ly said. Thc lumorous side of it atone ;h was we'l wonîb hcarnug, ta say noth- 'h iug a! the p ractical- portions of it. Mn. 5 Rlace can a lways depcsîd upon having I large anîd apprediative audienes when- idever ho visits' Milton, whether as preacher or lecturer. NI 10' )O0f 2'Te nomn Comes Forili Thie thorn point of Jisease anace or pain. 'Put the btood is the feeder of tMe whole body. Purify it with Hood's Sarsa parfila. Kidneys, liver and stomach wM eta ouee respond? "No thoru lu this point. 8over'e Pains-*, 1 baS severe pains fn n~ tomach, a -forra o! nanralgia. My moiy urged me ta take Ilood's Sarsapa- ila and it made me wahl anS strohg. 1 have niso given t. ta my baby with satis- factory results. I am glaS ta recommend I'ood's Sarsaparilla ta others." Mns. JoiNs LA PAGE, 240 Chnrch St.,Ioronte, Ont. C*mPlete Exhaustion- IlAtter treat- ment lu iospitah, I was weak, hardly aile taý walic. My ihood wgs tim. 1 tack rood's Sarsaparilla until well and gatuca 20 ls. It abso banefited my wlfe." Aania R MILhs, Drasd en, Ont. ~ood8 Pihs cis hver illhs; the on-rrttisg and 4à3 ~ eil~ t.Jw k- d2.~~qj Knigt pa y er; collection; bla- I Know i al my Redeomer Liv ell -Miss Effa Gloveýrz lbymu No. 748; bon- ediction; v-lnlary Mli>s Enia Trebiteock. C h 11dre yf or Read and digest Rickard's Main Aclvt. Seardli for T. N . ickards' intoresting locals. Latest styles lu Sprng Rats at, M. Mayor's. Larnp dhimucys Se. 4c. aud i5c. at A. L. Niclît'. Latosi tstivles lu boys' haIs, caps aud tarna'haunters at M. Mayor's. It is not always tle best familles who use tle higliest priced toitet saap. Everybady hates a picayunish man s0 that wo wonder why everybody doesn't get aven being lIat way.>, Se tle eleo'ant Capes specialty suit- ablo for midle aged an~d elderly ladies at Coudh, Jalinston & Cnyderrn's. We can't thin k of anybody vIa looks as awkward as a man wha doesu't kno-w how, tnyiug ta wank a type writor. An elegaut assortiment of S pring Suitings and Dresss Goods Of ait ins jnst arnived at Coudh, Johuston & Cry- dermnu's. We believo we are selling the best Uine af Prints fan 10c. shown'by any bouse lu Canada. Coudh, Joîniston Cryderman. Universal regret obtainq lu town aven the nemaoval, of Mn. A. J. Hoal aud tatented famity to Toronto. Inu dureh and socialyý thoy will ho greatly miss- ed. M n.ud MUns.J a sGilfiltan ontontain- ed the pupils of!orm Ill of Bowmanville Rigli Sclool at their nesidence Wedno- day evening. The yonng peoplelad a gay time. Bey, Meville A. Slavon '%il] deliven a lecture lu Tninity churci on Wedues- day ovoning. Ap il 26t1, on "'Egypt,the wonderiand' of the wortd." Mn. Slavon bas recently returnod !nrn an cxtendcd tour lu Palestine aud is an cloquent lecturer. Further particulars laten. The mayfinds o! Mi se Birdie Pallard, teachenr,Proesp oct. daugîten, of Mn. Daniel Poliard, Oshaw-a, wiii be pleased ta leama that sIc is recavering uicoly fi am île injuries which aihe reussiv- eu a short time age. On Saturday Marel 251h in caMpany wtth Mrs. Gea L. - RobinsonReadh, ,she vas teaviîîg PontPenny -len sornet1bffg vont wrong vîth thse shlts,the hanse becarno fighi- ened aud rau away thr'itng the 0e- d upants out of thc cuiter breaking Mrs. Robilsson's log lun twa places sud bruis- ing Miss Pollaàrd about the head and face very sovenety. Miss, Poîlaird was csrried ta thc h orne of 11v. G. W. MeColi wîcre she is necavoing from Injuries as well as can lie oxpeeted and lapesare now entenlained af 1er com- ploie recovery. The annîîal "At Home" o! Wlliing- ton badge, No.19,Sons af Eugland,was beld March 28, lu their camfontablo badge Room which vas weil filled with an apprediative audience. A very eced - itable program was given bv a sumben o! the artiste of tle town assisted liy Mn. 3. G. FinIh of Taranto, aud'!4ri H. Dunslow o! Blackstack. Missos .Tilloy aud Luttroli favaned tle companyv wilh bn tpilano solos; Messrs Dard and sone ptaycd very sweetly an their guitans. Mn. T. Brown excelted imisel!, lu ils clactunet selection; Miss McDowell; Mn. Fs-nd Foleyv aud Mr.Dtinslow coni- >maî±ded cloýse attention wlile rndering their iuteresting sejedtions: Misses Nel- lie Saunders and M. Mosetta Jamîes and Messrs J. Goard anmd H. J. Kigît did themsclves credit in 11cmr differeut Parts and neceivcd, ieanty' applause. Misses Florence TillevMilie nigsud Mn. Pcrcy.Rook acted as accompanisîs in -a suost effective manner. Mr. E.G. Hart Wathy Presidenl,perfarmed tle duties o! chairman la ils usual pleasani style. A vony dainty lunch af coffee, sandwich andeaàke was senved by tle brethren at tle close o! tle program. Mr. T, N. Rickand'emeclanical orchestra sursplied swoot music, ivhicl vas appnociated dnningtbe nvening. Ai tIa. close a vote o! tlanks was accorded ta Ibose vIa o part in, the pragrain. Past President M A. Jamos Ww Wto10have delhvered île address o! tle evouing wasunavaidably absent ai Cabourg. Ladies, Bear ln illind. Wo draw spocial attention ta île visît o! Prof. Dareuweud 10 Bennett Hanse Bowînauvîlle Salurday April 22 yul .a largo collection of styles lu Rair Gaods, sncb as Ladies'sud Gonts' Wigs, Tou- pes, Bangs, Long Switcies, otc. Ris Hair Cavorngs are worn ovrywhcre, and île satisfaction obtained by those wlo adopt him, are lealth, comfort anmd yaunger apDoarance. Dan't miss tîls chance. Wly lok careworn tîrougl the loss o! Ram when Prof. Donenwoud's4 Art Goads can improve xýonr ols? Helwili demonstrate tuis tai eveny caller freoch carge. EÂSTER SERYLCEb. A padked ed ifice greetcd the populan pastor 1ev. J. 1J I1sae, and his large clair as they entered thc Methodisi churcI Suuday nigît. TIc work o!île S HEBIFF'S SALE 0F LANDS- b Uited Connies o!fINorthnmberland and D,,Ze-mto uit: By sirtue of an Execution i.ssna t o!flier Majasty 's First Division Court o! Northumbariand and fDurham to me direcied lu an action wbarain Jane Brant Is Plaintiff, and Margaret Bter and James Buntler are Oefend- ants, I have saizad and taken in axecution ail the asiate, rîglit, titla. Interast, daim, property, demand and aquity of redemption o!the aboya named Margarat Butler and J amas Bnter in to and out of ail and singniar, thc foliowing land and prasuisas situata lving and being Lot nnm- ler 199, BloOkz G, Wellington Street, in tic Ton-n o! Bowssan-vlla. Connty of Durhamu, orle of tha United Contias 0f Northumberland and Dunrham, ail of which 1 shall'offer for sale ai my office lu Victoria Hall, lu the town of Cobourg on Thursday thce2ith day o! June, AD., 1899, ai tic hour ai 12 o'cloele noon. 1. 0. PROCTOR, Sheriff, Sheriff's office, Cobourg, Mardi i7th, i1599. 14-13 W. F. WAUGH, L. D. S.5 D. D s.1 BOWMANVILLe. Dental Office lu the Rooms abore à. 10. WILLIAM8 8 0S N~fumflulre81ffar. -,~Will be at Orono froru 9 a. in. ta 2 p m.,and at Newcastle fromn 2.303unu tii 7 p. m., an the second and fourth Mandays af each Month. Gold plates, Crown and Bridge work and Painless extraction are specialties. 'LnPlfli LÜIU ALEX. LUTTRELL is now prepared ta supply the citizens of Bowmanville. with bread and cakes, fresh every day. Very complete stocki o! confectionary, fruits, etc, Wnedding Cakes made ta order. Alex. Luttrel Clarke's Ohd Stand, Bowmnanville. R'. F. B YEUS has openad thc New Centr ai Livery necarly opposite tic Standard Bank, Bnwmanviile, where heclias a flna lot Of !Sigie and Double Carniages, Democcats, Wagons, etc.. for hire. Good ilorses and Careful Drivers. No loaflng aliowad. 'ralapione No 2c. Caîls day and nîgit prcMsptly attas-ded. We want your orders and for 30 days will mako it specially warth yourwhile taO came and sec US. We deal in Harness, Bicycles, Binder Tw7ine, Buggies, agent for The McLaughlin Carrnage Ca. llarnes repairing promnptly donc. Our prices will please you. Qualiy-oaly onue grade-the best. StandI opposite Central Livery, Bow- 1JOHNS. RUNDLE. :Getting Ready for :The Good Times. * Wiîh a ravivalin lu siness, skilled * *business halp wsll bc in large'damad. * -iAre you raady -for tie Position weiting 1* Y oYu wil be -îeady if you ta-e a busi.e * ness course in tbis college, -sïdby l* *sontie of thc most successful businessmren* hl nCal]ada. *-Siallit lbc acourse !is inok keeplng? 1* *- Shahl it bce a course in stanography* and'type writisig? l uieslw- *and praclice9cacus * If thase suijects are tauglit by the* *staff of tlus cOllage Von uil l be vel. * *fitîed for tic activities o! business. * * laster ternu cpcned April 4, not tdon# *laie in cnter yet.4 :BRITISHU ERCA Bsies :Besildsg Cor. Yongea sd Me4iîl Sts. e DAVI» HOSKIN, cliarterea acc«t't * principal. Ou, -55L- 05L. 'ML. <«b <«J------ Noicres of nîrtns, E[arrlages aniDeaths 50 cents. when marrlage liconses are obtained or funeral notices piinted at titis office. Insertion free. »Itivi 9iizu-aTear Leskard, Clarke, April lat, the wlvfe of Mr. Thos. Smith:, of a son. DIE04 Woo».-On March 81iliq Osborne, Huron Co Ont., James Wood, aged 60 years, formerly 1 Tyrone, Darling ion. MAs.-At the MasonloeHome, Grand Rapids, Mici., Marchil1, William J Isison, aged 50,years, native of Prince Albert, Ontario, and cousin of Mr. ,, H. Mason, Bowmuanyille. Bonnetta -In Bowmanville, March 27tb, Charlotte Yeo, beloyed wife of Richard l3onnetta. aged 87 y ears. MoNFEI-At "Dundurit," the residence of Mr. D. MeConnachie, Bowmianville, on Marei Sotli, 1»8, Marlon MeMillan, relict of, the late James Maeiel, aged 90 years. I'IoGARTn.-At S8@11a, en FrIday, March 3ist, 1899, Jane Elford, belored wlfe of Stephen Hogarth, aged 72 years. 011.PHA.-ta Clarke, Maeci Sth, 1899, John Chapman, aged 70 years and 4 Months. McLiaAN.-Ai Cinnianati on April 2nd, Lottie Clemnens MeLean, adoipted dan ghier of Or. G. H. and Mrs. Clemaens of Parkdale, forme rly o! Port Perry. MISS EYA LUTTRELL Ig eearedtgve lessons on organ and piano at e edce, King St.,ot at the homes of the pnplis.7 M" ]"HBE ,MORRIS, ARTIST'. Instrnetilonsgen in PAINTING lui 011, Water Color andCia- Sketeldng -and Fping from natnre. KILN on premises, fir- inat nsnalpriees. 51.6m. B3?ICYCLE FOR SALE.-Will be sol, NoRmAm S. B. JAMES, Bowmanvilie. 0,MALL HOUSE1WAN7TED- -Must KJYbe ecap and ln good repeir. State Iowest cash down price. M. A. JAMES, Bowmanvilie. 10-tf. QEED WIIEÂT.-The undersigned 8Jba a qnantity of Goe wheat for sale. 75 t, par bushel. J. E. ilMxooN, (Base Lina), one mile uet o! Oshawa Staton, Cedardale P..142 W. 'TANTED a good ive agent to Vy handie The Singer M'f'g 00e business in anel areund Bovmsanville. A gQod position to the right man. Aoplyatonecato THE SiNEai M'F'G. 00., 65 KingSt., West, Toronto. 14-8w. New M Pnices wil b Sfine tight Sy Thase w : masi delicac oun lighiest It us easily p approachesi -Cash foi ~ BOWMANVILLE. a8pie Syrup wý I>6 riglit. Alsi yrups at 60e ai flia wish ta Be zy of flavor ca brand ot yell ýrepared, anc it in baste, 20 S ail farm pro wuke Are twa commeroi Inew-laid eggs âre corn wo expect ta soit more can buy it here any w We soIt the best ss ai froin 12e ta 14e a p( Absolutely nov la eeeeeeee MOINS The public apprecîate, our efforts to furnish HIGH- CLASS GOODS at moderate prices. Whatever material ar e fash-~ ionable, whate-ver colors are correct-, are ýthe kinds you w7ill find on our shelvos Kid Glovees----Perrir, andl Freves' best, in ail the newest colors now in stock. Another case of our speçial Corsets just receiveci, Eý'Butter aud Eggs or Grocens' Due Bills taki-en. W. M asoSn, BOWMANVILLE. Nexýt door to Standard Bank., WALL PAPERO Our stock of Spring Paper bas been selectcd wîth S great care from the hest manufacturers ; design, color, and general artisticeffect has been carefully considered. For years we have had an enviable reputatian for aur j Wall Papers, but this season's preparations eclipse every- S thing of the kind. every attempted by us. Langer stock, S grcýatcr vanieties, better qualities and a larger assbortment 71 af artistie novelties, buying in large quantities and S carrying the paper in stock enables us ta coin- ... mand betten values, and ta hanse owners and decoratars S that means better papers for less money than they have S been accustomed ta pay. We'll satisfy you if anyone eau. j Put us ta the test, *T.lkùEî4 j BOWMANVILLE, SCordialiy iavite the public to cÈ .~ theýir stock a i Where ail the latest- --tyles, Millineîy, eau be se( SCornier K,-ing anid Tempernce Sts, itil and see, of Sprîng, ,en. Our, Dress Goods Trade Ils Growing DaiIy. ýW 4ief.* 1 lich1ýms. Now that .îng -vithin reach agaIn, Pharn than eve r. You -ay yau preferý ;ugar,-cxred, hauts, w±îole ýound. id Egg« ai 12e a dOzelstý ill arrive iti a 1ev days. 0a fuît supply o! Redpat 's ud 80c a gallon. edure a Srp viti the ut- ado botter Chan buy to-w sugar for home boiliug. 1 una factary syrnp ai ail i bs. for $1. )dace.

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