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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 Apr 1899, p. 6

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The Calladiail Statesinan. BOWXM7ÂNILL -AIPRIL ,18995. Vim-to work and to win-to keep a sane mmid iu a sound body-to laugh at worry. VIGOR-to ward off disease-to con-. quer obstacles-to transmit health and strenigth to your posterity. VITALTY-tO resist die fearful strain and tension of modern life-to mnake up for the constant drains of overwork, Dr. Ward's Blood and NerVe PRIS confer ail these lessential qualities on the user. THIS EVIDENCE IS AMPLE PROOF Before using, Dr. Ward's Blood and Nerve Pis 1 feit weak, nervous andi ruts down. 1 had loai weight steadily for some time; my circulatiQn was poor; hands, feet and 1imnbs iwere cold.. I always tet weak and mymýnuscles trembled. N ow, iafter the use of one box of Dr. Ward's Pis, I feel likenmy old self. I have gained £ve t3ounds in weight and' 100 per cent. in cÈeerfulness. 1 nowv walk firmly, my anuscular systemn is strong and my blood circulatesvigorouisiy. I hiave more comfort than I* have experienced in years. Dr. Ward's Pis have done more for mue than any mecirsItï ever took.' PETER CARMICHAEL, 13 Brght St., Toronto, Qnt. Ail good druggists can supply you. - If they won't, we wiiIby mail. Price 50c. per box, or 5 boxes for $2.oo. TEE DOCTOR WARD CO., Limited, Toronto, Ont. The Leading specillsis cf Aniria 20 Years In Dtroif, 250,000_Cured. CECURE SRiCTR Thousands ofyoupg and middle-aged men are troubleIJ wih this disease-many nconsciously. They miay hu-ve a smart- 7~ ing sensation. smal, twisting streamr, -harp eutting pains at times. slight dis- 'charge, difficuty in commenciug'we"Il oras missions, andalhesptm TUllE. Don't let octors experiment on eou, by eutting, stretching, or tearlng ýMYen. This wili net ereyou, as it will re- tutu. Our NEW METHOD TREAT- MENT ahsorbs the'stricture tissue; Sheunceremoves the strieture permanently. h I.tannever return. No pain, ne sufer- ý.,irg, no dûtention from business by our nmehod. The sexelorgas are streugth- cne. The nerves are hrvigerated. and the bse, of manlhood returns. * hkosauds of Young and middle-aged ; neà are having thoir sexual'vigror and 'stalitY eontinuaily sapped by tis dis- ease. They'are frequextly uncousclous of thecause of these symp)toms. General Weakhess, JUnatural Dischargds, Feul- iug Meaihood, Nervouness, Poor Mem- o-. ryIstability, et urnes Smirting Sen- aio.Sunken Eyes, with dark circles, Wteak-Basic, Qeneral Depression. Laek .1 ef Ambition Varicocele. Shrunken > Parts. ,et%. GLEET and STRICURE 13ayhethe ause. Dii't censult family ï doters, as they have no e lpaince lu these speeilidsaesdntaliow, fQlLaks te Xperimeut on yen. consult Procislists,w h hvenmade alite study o Dsee"s ofMen and Womnen. Our NEW METHOD TIIEATMENT will posi- * ivcly cure You. One thoueaud dollars Sfor a, case we accep for treatrnt and eanotecure. Terms moderate fora cure. CURES GUARANTEED We treat and r7ure: EMISSIONS. VAIOELE, SPHLIS GLEET. nTie";UP -, IMPTEA YP SECRET e DAINS, BU AT1IL ICHARG- ES. EIDNEY and BLAI)DER Dliseases. CONSULTATION FRlEEOOKS FREE. If urable to call, write for QESTION BLANKj for HIOME, TIIEATMENTI ENNEDY t5 KERGAN Cor. Michigan Ave. and Shelby St. -%ETRORT, MION. Farmers You Want PRIE $1.00 FACH. ADVANTÂGMS. It wiil double what the old stvle ma- chine did. It is botter made in ail parts. It is a handsomer machine. The tube from can is exKposed and ean be instant- may be instantly emptied-il you want to change maiteria1 or clean it. The for- mnation of the can allows ail the materi- ai to be sprayed out when operated .ipward inctrees or bushes, It wilsave crops from bugs, worms and FunZi and fruit trees frem the caterpillar and ether pests. PETER MURDOCH. cowsjty. The Eloquent Pulpit Orators Discourse on the Easter Season, He Draws Inspiration From the Fields--Leâsons Wjiich the Flow- ers Bring ta the 'Anxious, the Dispirited and the Bereaved. 1Washiugiou, Apil 2-1u ibis Ensier seygwoi Dr. Tu1image initerprets uthe mess- age w-icb.tise flo-vrs bnring rte the anx- loua, tise dispiriteti anthie be-reaveti; texi, Luke xii, 28, "~IfLthon Goti se clotËise tise grass, w-ich is te--ay lu the fielti, and' to-mereo-r la catinto tise even, bew- muais more will ho cloibe yen, O ya ot lhtte fui-lb?" TiseIly la the q ueet ofBible flow-ene. Tise ,rose may bure diaputeti ber ibrone lu mutern urnes anti w-ou.1, but tise rose orîgiually bat only ire petals. It w-a linier tise long continnet anti intense gaze oft 'tise w-omîttisaitishe rose blustid ie u s prosut beeuty. I tise Bible train, cassia anti byssop anti trunkincenso cuti myrnis ont spikenar nti acmpbon andthie rose follow-tise lily. Founteen urnes lu tise Bible is tise lily mnint only twice the rosa. Thsé rose May now- bave witem empire, but tise lily reiguoti lu the -ime et Esthser, ilthtie rnfetSol- emeu nth tie rnfetChrist. Cassai' bat bis ibrene on tise bills. Tise lily bat bier ibrouslu tise valley. Iu tise -reetest ser- mon tisaiwas aven preachedti iere w-as onliyoes low-sr, andti t i alily. The, Bedoen tieamer,,John Bunyan, entereti uSe- bouse efthétiseltenneier antiw-as aevis eclusten ut floNvers antiwas tot te "conaitier tc hules." We may 9tudy o r rejet ther sciences ut oa option-lis se00w-us astrioomy, it laý se w-is cbsrnistmy, ih la se wi jurisprudience, t1% la sewish pissioiogy, lu l se0w-us geology-bui lias science et botany Christ commanda ns te sindy wben liese ys, "Cousitier the ls" Measuro thora fom root te uip et petaL Inhale their rentis. Notice tise gracotul- usas of their poise. ber tise w-isper et tise w-ite lips efthtie enstemu andthie et lips efthtie Amenlesen lily. Belonging te ibis royal tamiliy oet hues une tiselily ofthtie Nuse, the Jupan lily, the Lady Wahingtonuet tie Siennes, the Golden Baud lily, tise Glunt lily et Ne- puni, tise Turk's cap lily, tise Afnianu lily frei tise Cape ot GotdiHope. Al tisese les bave tisa royal bleoti li tiein veina. But I take tbe lilea of my texi ibis rnrniug as typioni et ail flow-rs. andt isir volcesot floral beauty seems te atitress us, aayiug: "Considor tise ies, cousiter thoe uzaleas, conaltder tise fuchsias, consitier tise géranums, coxiider tise tise hliotropes, cousiten tise leantirs." Wivb tieterentlal anti grteful anti intelli- gent anti worsiiptnl soulg, cousider tisam. Net -is muipiti sentimentalism or w-us sophomuorle vaporing, but Jnor grand anti pructicul anti everytay, anti, If ueti ils, isomehy uses, censiter tisem. Volces ef the Flowers. Tise flouons are tise angels efthtie grass. Tisy al bave volces. Wisen tise clouta* sponk iisey tisunder, w-issutise w-ilwiuts sponk thiem sreum, wheu tise caieracts speak.tbey reanl; but Wben tise tiow-rs speak lhey always wisispem. . stand bore te initerpret ibeir message. Wisat have' -yen te >say te ns.' Oýye augsls et tise grass? This merning jI meanu te tscus w-bat flew-ers are guet for. Thatisl my subjeci, Wba-l are flow-tms gooti fer? I rnmark, ln tise irst place, tbsy are guet fer bassons of God's previdenulal cane. Tisaiwas Cbis's iraitisougisi. Ail tisese flowors seeni te -atdres us to- day, saying: "Got w-il give yen epparsi anti foot. We bave ne w-beel i w-liwbci te spin, ne loor with whiicb te w-cave, ne siekle ultis w-iicb te barvost, ne w-eh sw-eep w-ib w-ieh te draw w-nier, but Ged slnkes our thirai w-lis the dew-, anti Goti teeta us w-us tise mentif et tisasu- abins, anti Qed bas appareleti us wI-lb mure tisan Sohomonie rsgality. We are prophéotesses (et adéquate w-rdrobe. "If Qed se choibet ns, tise grass efthtie fildlt, wilU he net nuncis more clouse yen, O ye ot hlle talthi?"Mon antiwomeu et w-ltly auxieties, taes iis message home w-ti yen! How long bas Qed taken cane ot yen? Quamter etftise jeanaey ot lite? Hialtie jeurney et lite?, Tbrce- quartons tise Journey et lite? Cen von net trust hlm tise resi et tbe w-ay? Goti tues net promise yen anytising ike tisai visicis the Roman Emnoror bat ou bis table aetraistxpense-500 nighitngaies' tangues-but ho bus premiseti te take cars et yen. lue bas promiseti yen tise necessi- ties, not tise huxuries-bnead5 net cake. If Goti se huxur-lsntly ciothea tise gr-ass ot tise fildi, w-il ha net proritie for yen, bis living anti immnortal ciiltiren? lue w-lu. No Nvoutior Matin Luthser alw-nysbhat a flower on bis w-iting tisaitfor Inspira- tion! Tbrougb tise cracks efthtie prison flier a flouer grew Up te cheen Plcciola. Munge, Park, tise grenut taveller anti ex-, plorer, isat bis lite savoti by a floe-r. Hoe sank down lu tisetiésent te dis; but, seîug a flw-ern uer by, h asuggested Got'a merciful cane, anti heo gel p w-tub new- courage a-nd traveilei on te satsty. -1 saidt ti f lew-ens eae tise angels ofthtie of tise Sky. 1 If yen ask me tise question, "Whai are floWers gooti for?" I raspout, tbey are god forerlbiital day. Tise brida muat have tisem on ber brew-, enti bs muai bave tisera in ber- haut. Tise mamniage aitar musi be cavereti w-listiseth . wetting uibhont flowers woult ie ls nx- Ibere lasbeu auty au agef w-loew-edl seul wbe hati a caretuiiy leeketi burean, ant inl thebureau a bo)x, anti lu the box a foided paper, andi in the toideti paper a hait biow-u rose, sightly tagrant,' dis- coýlonei, arefully presseti. She put it tisere 40 or iýO yelaugo. On the anni- vonrsany day o etronw-otiing as vill go te the bureau, she will 1ift the box, as w-l u nuelt the paper, anti te hon eyes ivili be exposeti the halt blown buti, anti the memreies efthtie pai will,ruab upon ber, anti a tour w-iltrop lupen thse flow-er, anti sutiteuly ih la iansfigureti, anti there a a atm in thése taifethtie anther, anti h runds oui, and tis ulaof ilf ie, anti it begins te tremble lu the procession np tise cbarch aisie, andthie dont music, et a hait cenius-y ag oies tisrnbbing ibrougis the air, anti valiist faces reap- penn anti igbt bauds are jolueti, anti a rpanly velco promises, "I w-i, for 'botter or for w-rss andtihie wedtiiug march ihunters a salve ot joy ai.-tise departing crouti, but a sigh ou tisai unnivorsary day soutiens the sceno.ý Undsr the deep totcheti breaih the altar, the filertise cengrutulating groupa are soatieotanti there la neting left but a trernbling baud holding a tadeti rosebut, whiich la put into the paper and then ite tise box, andthie box orefully placet lu the bar- eau, anti with 'a, sharp, sutdie click ot the lock the scene la over. 111 Ah, my tniontis, lot net the prephecies of tise flowers ou your wetiting day be taise prophecies. Be blinti toeaecb oiber's taults. Make tise mosi et eacb otisor' excellences. Remember the vows, tise ring ou the third inger efthtie loti hanti, andt he benedItiin oetiho callli hes. If yen ask me the question, "Whai ara fiowers goti for?" 1 answer, tbey are, gooti te houer and comforttise sbsequies. The worst gasb oevrimadeia otise sits et aur peur cal is l the gasb et the grave. t la se tdeep, iis se cruel, h la se oin- curable, thatItl neetis aomeing te cover iv up. Flow-srs for ths caket, flew-ers for the burse, tic weî-s for tise vemeiery. Wbui a cenrat bolwee a grave lu la country cbunchyarti, wibh the fonce broken doun anti the týnibstone aslant anti the neîgbborng catle browsiug aniti use mullemo staîka andthie Canada this- îles, anti a June merulng lu Greeuw-ooti, the w-ave ef nosonte bloom nlling te ths top eftihe mountia anti thon bnonklng ie folmug reava et white flow-ers al anounti tisepillows et tuai. tuis the tiffernno beiw-een sleeping under raga anti sleeping untier au embroiteret bian- kei. We w-uni olti Mortaity wih .is chisel te go ibreugi al the graroyarda lu Cisistondomn, and w-ile ho oas-clos a chisel lu uone baud w-e w-ani olti Mortuity te bave soins flouer see inlutise palm ot, the oubor baud. Mission of Wld Fiowers. "Op," yeu say, "thes adon't kuew; ht makga ne difference te the." I tbiiuk yen are mistaken. Thons are ne isnauy steanters anti trains cemiug, te uuy living cIiy as tisere are convoya corng from beavon te curtis, anti if tisere be insian- taneous anti constant communnication be- vweeon ibIs world anti the botter w-orlt, do yen netsuppose yonn tieputeti tnrientis know w-bai yen de w-lis ibeir bodies? Wby bas Qed pluntet ltIdenreti anti wild flouons iu the toesi anti on, the prairie, wbseene isuman oye laven sees thorn Hie planiedt hern thons for invisible intell- gencesa te look ut anti admire, antiw-bon Invisible Intelligeuces lenie fo look ai the wilti flow-ers et the w-ootis anti thse--table lautis, w-iltisey nov rmike excursion anti ses the flowers w-ich yen have plauteti lu uffoctionate nernambrance oet iern? Whon I arn tiod, l woulti ike te hure a hautitul et violets-any eue coulti plnck theran-oui tftise grass, or seinseue coulti lift trorn ushetige et tisa pend a water lily-noihiug ramely expoensiva, ne insane display, as sometirnes uta fusierul rites, w-bore the display takes ehe breati from tho cis-ltrens' moutha 'anti the cloihes front thoir iba, but seoeing fraiethe groat demecmecy et flow-ers. Raiber thon impenial catafalque et Russian Czar, I ask sorne eue w-hem I mey have helpeti by gospel sermon or Christian desti, te brin g a sprig ot arbutus ýon a hantitul ot China asters. Il w-ns lofti"fer modern urnes te spel respeci for the tiepenieti anti cotutent for tbe living in lottioe floral gospel Pil- lor et flow-srs, monning rosi for the pl- grim w-be bas gaite otise sud et bis jour- ney. Aneber ef flow-ems, suggssting the Christian hope w-icb we have- as onanu- che e heseul, sase. andisteetifasi. Crofss ot liowers, suggestlug the irese on swhieRi our sins were slaîn. If 1 heti my w-ny, 1 would cover up al the dreamiess sîsepens, w-eiher lu golden bantilet cas- ket or pine box, w-hsvhcr n king's men- solenin on potte's fili, wlth radiant or arernatie arborescence. The Bible says, "Iu the mitisi et the ganden !tisere was a spulcise." I w-sb tisa every sepulcher inigih inluthe mitisi et a gartien. Symbols of Religion. If Yen ake ieostise question, "What ara flew-ers goati tor?" I1enwlr,"For studieti Scriptural flora? Tise Bible lsaua arborat ulas ndivine censervatery, ih la a berbaninrnofet xquisite beauty. If yen w-nul te illustnate the bneviyfetthe higbesi human lite, yen w-il quoe ofrom Job, "1Mau cornets forth as a ! lew-er andi la eutdtown." Or -yen w-lu quete frora 1 -their bl-t, )el riai, tiasir rd,- thieir grave. Tho aephyr rocks the eie, and the stortu digs the trench for the othor.' The cowslip must leave, its gold,~ the lily' must ions-e Its silver, the rose muat leave lis dlamoud neuklacofio- lng dow. Dust to dust. So w on p ^we uresper, we spread abroad, we die, as the flower-as the flower! 1 . 1 Change anti decay lu nUl arounti I ses; O thou who cbanigoth -not, abide wiih me 1 Flowers aise afford mighty symbolisrn et Christ, ýwhe eomparod himself te tike uncleut queni,'th%~lily, anti the modern qneou, the rose, whioenlho aaid, "I arn the rosa et. Sharon, and. the lily of the val- ley" Redole-i like tieonee, hum ble like tie otheýr. Like botb, appropriato fer the sdwho want symnpathizera anti for the rcoiug -,bo wauit banqueters. lever- lng over the marriage ceerony like a ,vediig bell or teldeti like a chalet ou the pulselesbeart of thoetiead. O Christ, loi the perfumeofe thy naine bc watted ail arounti the eunil,-iily anti rose, liîy and rose--until the wildernes eimson inte a gardoen n the earth tan mie euen gront bud et immortal bonuty laid against the warm honni et Qed. Snaich dowa tretu the world'a bannera ongle anti lien and'put on lily and rose, lily anti rose.1 1 P'lowers et Eaier. But, miy fnientis, flowers have ne grauder use than wheu on Enstor moru- Ing we celebmate the reanimai ion et Christ from the catacomba. The flouera, sped resurreotion. There is net a nook or corner lu ail 'the building but la toucheti with, the lucense. The woeoucerried spices te the iomb oet Christ, andt hey droppeti- spicesalal around about the tomil, anti tram. theso spices bave grown ail the flewers et Easter morne The two white orbeti augels that bunledti he tone away from the door ot the tomb hunleti h withl sncb violence tieun the bh that it crash- ed lni the door et the wvorlt's sepuichbr, ,and millions et deati shah cere forth. llowever labynuthine the mausoienra, how-ever costly the sarcephagna, however archltecturally grand the necropelia, however bonutituily partorreti the family groundis, us want then ail brokea up by, the Lord et the resurrection. The forma ,that we laid away wlth our broken bhearts imuai ise again. Fatber anti mother, tboy muai cone eut. Huabanti ant i wfe, they must cerne oui. Brothers anti sisters, they must coeeout. Our tiarliug eblîdren,, thoy rnuet corne ont. The eyoa ihat wlth trernbling ,lingera us closed, muai open li the lustero, et rs- rection mnea The urmna that we foltieti lu death muai join ours lu embrace et rennien. The beloevotiroe tirpi was husheti muai be retuneti. The beloveti tormi musi cerne up wiihotis inirml- ties, uibhout is fatigues. It muai corne up. Oh, huw long iv seems for semne et yen! Wating, vviting for the nesurrec- tien! How long, heu long! I make fer your broken honnis te-day a cool, sot bandage oft hues. I comfeni yen this day with the thenght ut resurroction. When Lard Nelson was burieti in St. Paul's Caihetin uLondon, the honri et ail Englanti was stinreti., The procession passeti ou arnit the sobblng et a nation. the duer ofthie cathetinal, wivk Instru- monts et music iu hanti, waitlug for the signal, anti, w-heu the illustriutiontia anniveti ut the gutes ut St. Paunis Catho- tiraI, these 80 trumpetens gave une unitoti blat, anti thon ail w-as sulent. Yet the trumapets diti net wake the tiont. Ho siepi- righv on. But I bave teo tell yen, w-bat 30 trompetons coul net do for eue man, oe trumpeter w-ll de for ail nations, The ages have rolleti ou, anti the clock ot the woniti's tesiny stikes 9- 10, 11, 12, anti turne shah bc ne longer! Typicai et thse Resurrect ion. Beholti the archangel hovringI lHe tukes the trumpet, peints ibis way, puis lis îips te bis lips aùid thon bleus uelong, louti, tenniflc, thuntienous, revevberatinganti resnrnctiemory >blasi! Look, look! Tbey risc! The dont-the deati! sorne ceming forth from the tumnily vanît, serpe frein the city comtory, seine tnrnthe country gravoyarti.hiers a spirit os joluedt t anether body, anti mil- lious ot departeti apirits ane asaeniing the bodles, anti thon necleviug tbemselves ln ferma rutilant for ascension. The onnvh begins te burat-ihe boufire etf a grenu vîctony. Ail rontiy new for the procession et reconstrnoteti huranity! Upwarti anti aw-ny! Christ bonda, antialL the Christian adoniollovv, battalien atter battalion, nation alter nation. Up, up! Ou, on! Forward, ye ranka et Qed. AI- xighiy! Lift up your honda, ye everlesi- log gaies anti loi the ceuquerors coe n lu Rýesnýrection! Resurnection!1ý, Anti se I twist ail thbo testailiowera et the chapela anti caibetimais etal Chnisten- dem itoeueegrenu chuin, anti with *ibat chein I binti the Easier meruîug et 1899 with the clesing - Easter ot the w-rld's bistony-resnrrsction! May tbe Goti et ponce thai bronghi again frein the tionti eur Lord Jesus, thut greai Shephord ot sheep, ibrengb the blootiofethie conven- ant, make yen perfect in every gooti work hQ do bis-wili. Soea ricus Horseshoes. Iu Japan mosi et the herses, are shoti wiih stnaw. Even the lumsleat et cart bonses wear straw- abees, w-hicb, lu their cases, are tieti aronth ie ankle wiib [siraw- nope anti are matie et the ertiinary rie straw, braldeti se as te forn a soie for the foot about hait en inch thlck. Thes soles ceai about a halfpenuy &ar. Icelauti herses are shoti wib ,sbeep's bora. Iu the vulley ofthibi Upper Oxus Custoen-Ba suppse Ishoulti gsel kille-i, or- Mr. Joncs. TIiel swondbea but a trlflet 1 lier should 1BýoVaiety, But ibe <uId iFavoritss 15eeg reqnessut Roptitin>s. î (lUl l "Wh~ euespeaofettelinig atones to0 the Ilitte peopie, prose narratives Seesu to be comtmoulýy iuuder-stoed, and as comi- mouwly 1ised, biu tJibre is no mistapke greater thazn Io suppo),se that children are not, snspectibie to charrns of poetry" writea Nota .Archibaid $mjth'ot "The Kindorgarten Possible to Every Home and Village," isn The Ladies' Home Jour- nal. "Tbey care more for pootry, onthe coutrary, than the. mai ority ef grown c peoffle, wbetber for the melody, tbe You feel the bioodt rushing rhythm, the rhymes, t1he short linos, the along simpiicity and picturesqueness of expres- Buti what kind of bloodP sien, 'or for ail these reasous together, That ls the question. whlh mke ita hin pea aty differ- ls it pure blood or impure ent fremn common speech. Goethe advised bloodP that èeory child should see a pretty If the blood ls impure then picture and her a bcLut*1l p oem every you are weak and Ianiguid; day, -and if we wsôld not' banish the your appetite is poor and your cbarma of poetry from mature liit hbe- digestion ls weak., You can- hooves us to follow bis advice and aubject flot Sleepwell andi the morn- the child to its influence at the timo ot ing flads you iuprepareti for groatest susceptibility. fie ork o h a.Yu "We must beware, however, of giving chi'eeis are pale and your com. a one-sided developmsnt by confining plexion la sailow. You are ourselves > too much to, oue branch of troubieti witb pimnples,> bouls, rtoraturo; we mnuat include lu. our reper- or some eruptien ofteskn tory soma woil-selected myths, tairy Wby not purify y our lo1 stonies whicb are pure and spiritual lu tnons, and a fable now and thon. Nature q atonies, haro tales,, animal anecdotes, occasional narratives about gnod, whole- s'orne children, nelrhc'r prigs nos- infantA villalns, plenty of fiue poetiv, as bias been saisi, and, for the eider one.s of the, tamily, lsgonds, allegories and h istoiei happenings. A large stock of stôries la niot essential for littie children. They feol, as Bulwor Said, the beauty and the holiness that dwel lu the custoimury and the old; and they are well lae-n it is beau thatit ishoivld be s-ibha- lug theý same eld favor(ýiites rpaue gain and again, lu Song or lu aiory, troir thelir mothers' lips." Lambetia Palace. iwiII do if. Taise it a few days Of te nmerus howplaes of on- andthefi sput your fInger Qon doftoe nuor teulsthow plas oth n- yuur pulsé' again. You can. doneueet ho eai fmilar e bth feel the difference. If is Englishmen and kimericans 15 the rosi- douce of the Archbisbop of Canterbury, utmger andi your circulation Lambeith Palace, sitnated upon ýthe Sur- better. Senti for our book on rey side of the Thaxnes. The reason et Impuie Blood. this la net bard te flnd. It la MIS Grace's If you are bilions, take home for a large part or the year; lu- A&yes Plls. They greatly consequeuce, -access to the intenior is net aid the Sarsaparilla, They very easy, andi new that Atidingion cuoe constipation also. Palace, the country bouse, has passeti frorn bis possession, Lambeth will be W~if, Wde mmOci ops. entirely cloisedtat the public. 1Wx1te tâem freey ail ibe partieulars The pleasuntesu way te reach Lambeth a e wiirc iii is by oeeoe the river steamers frosu Len- -dr*lp, DR. .1. C. ATERe don Bridge. Ernbarkiug almost opposite Toel as the trownlng wafls of the Tower, se closely counecieti wlith English hisiory, une goes down tbe river under Waterloo and Blackfriars Bridges; thon, passiug tho Housesaet Parliament on the oe hank, and the flune red pile of Si. Thomas' Hospital on the other, arrive almos a aiewîldering Hemnan Nature. once at Lambeth Pion. Landing, we' Firmuess in a man is wbat mn o al cross the rnad and stand befone ltheo bstise! in a womàu. aucient doorway of the palace. Anti right The indulgence in some lems barmfssl bore hisiory beglus te crowd upon us. vice la the easiest way to res Ist oue's be- L his gaseuthifro reknckïgwaz etngaa built two years betore Columbus sot sali The "heat turne laver hati" dwindles for the New World, and ibose square olt Inl joyful remenbrance wben one recalîs iveodon watenpipes bear the arma et the what a lot of tuoflO it ceai. fluke et Gloucester, uft erward Richbard A- girl's fIrst love la, the proitiesi boy 111.-G. F., Burnley, ini Lippincott's. lu the sohool. A boy'a oarly affection _________________goes ont ta sorne mongrel dog that lsaa Thse irue Izeav.u. nuisance and thiie bouse.> We carry about wlth ns somethiug by Foolishnes is about eqpajly divides* which wo mensure men andi thlugs. You hetween tihe sexes. Wornen, h9weve r, fors have a dogmej a hope, an ideal, andi you genorations have studiod it janti have go about ta finti the thlug ilu man- te fil! sncceetied lu makiug the trait attractive. the bill. Iu former days a man would Fun la merely a temuerary escape frein search the woods te fInti a natural crook silvirimfleft., NotIes, the thousands wha, fora ascythe snath. Ho woul d net finiti luddle for heurs ou overorow:lod trollssy -,bat was lu bis mind, buti ho wonld finti anti swlter during the best part of a stick thatwoulti do., The greatnesg et day onuh-sesorciing sanda et any neaî,' man is la the tact tbat ho eau lways seaside reseri,. suggest someting btter iban the vblug as it is. There are millions otfbhoses, but Try te Es.,d Ont. lu this city there la mncb variety, and Ail ongbt 1te try te finti eut what the7r noboti l quie satlsfled wlula the bouse were madie for. Evrery ene bas a place an& he bas buili. Oua is not quite satisfieti purpoe in Ged'ls plan. That piirpooo wvith Niagara Falls. Things anti men feul shonîti ho undensteeti and tulfilieti as tiés short ut yonr standard, and ibis standard as possible. Every sav-at man las aaveid fer ibat yen carry about with yeu la uet a soma specifle service besid'es bis own hep- memory. It is a hope, a prophocy. The pines. Ged matie neo mans sixnply for hie eniy picinre et Heaven-that I cars about owun happiness, anti He sures ne ma" la a suais, anti a place lu wbich I eaui Say, ajînply tuat he alone xney be happy la 11I arn satisfieti. "-Myron W. Reetinl heaven. Hà bai a nobler ent inlubath The Arenia - cases than the gratiication et a salfIsb spirit. There is semae servijce for every Texuperansce Tidings. one lun(fot's vineyarti.,Idiers are fnot A saloon la the tievil's recrnitlng sta- wanted. Lat us flit whai Gad wants us tien. -Ram's Hern, te do, anti do I. Let nus dus it ln carnes$ Il la botter te, bave taltb than fear, and andi de it well. Tben Qed -will say, $'Weil ýmnch btter 'te bny bronti than ber- due, good andi faithful servant."1 National Temaperance Ativocate. Excepting grape, wine, the oldest alco-, Severe' 'ieasureî6. belle, beverage know te, man la sake, a A Scotch'denier-proposeti liegging as a nice wine. Il bas beau useti by ibo Japan- cure for habituel drunkards ,bafere the ose for over 5,000 years. British Metico-Psycholegical. Society &É The St. Louis Posi-h)lspatcb, that eau- Edinburgh. Fer the "aloobo le crae'" ho net be chargeti sviih being over-zealous suggested as a remeciy bIIçiqlg, anti the for temperauce, bas ibis te say on the application et plusters, and "or "the piea cbnltening of warships: "Pure ivater la of hoedity"' that thie man shouit be the beat symbel et national purity etf loMgged -iithîn an inch of bis lite .vusr purpe se and a geeti conscience, which the 11=0 h. teck a drink. uavy la supposedtot represent andi malle geet." Do'is for Dyspopties. These w-ho are aluffering trom indizes- tion cdnuot tail te becilenefieti if tbey don 't ot: Bolet coffes, bolledti ia, al 5wecis, tnlti foots, w-ite mreut, crackers,1 cakes, aciti fruits, poids lu ail ferma, veal, turkey, duel.-, cooket caibage, boots, green cern, potatees, pickles, spiesti foots, gehatins desserts, net on tankfias, salI foots, al the crusiacea, clama, naw or tnieti oysisrs; anti refrain from rn nking lcest ner, audt drinks. flaveret soda w-nier. Frenchs Divorce Laws. Franco bas uov n lau by w-bicis nir- iage may ils dissolvetiwitisout ceaite theo applicanis. Tise Paris divorce court tevoies Thursays te grutuieous tecees. Oni eue day recentlyý 294 couples w-ore- tivorcet turing a session et four boums, anu average et mure ihan eue divorce a minute. The applicauts beoengsdt tes working lasa, lu W-Mis divorces w-ere intrequent betore tise passage et tise law-. Deiaed Tou Lon. 11I tbiuk 1'll gsi my wife a couit book," sait tisa yeung maxi.7 101w- long have yen been manied?"' askedthtie experienceti eue. "Six menths. " "4Tee lais. , Yen augisite bave bengisi it th irsmiweek. She w-mu tae it now- as an ti4ticatiiautisai yeunon longer love ber." Dueks Tlsrive Xith,,nt Water. 'Ducits de'i neet water te Ibnive. Tisere arem mny tuck niaing planIts lu this country w-bore hlouseiitis oethtie fw-i are ilmdetieci year for mnark-et, anti w-bore thois la even n puddle for tibsi m flontiet'li. Oua of tsssfarina is rdn î4 wi au ouîp ut of 20, 000 dtucka a yeabr. ~ORI1YPINE SYRP A positive cure for ail Throat, Luwg and Bronehial diseases. Healiug and 8soothing in its action. Ploasant to take, prompt and effeô- tuai ln its resultýs. Mr. Chas. Johnson, Bear River, NB, writes: " I was troubled with hoarseuis and sore throat, which the docto zsouneed Brenehitisanad rec)mmeude-4j to try Dr. Wood's Norviay Pinie Syrup.' I did so, aud.after nsing t»ree bottles 1 was entirely curcd)' ýî Take aý Lata -Liver Pili befoi'e p1- Ing. 'Twill worx çwhilfc you sleep with- ont a gripe oi pain. euiring billounsile, constipation, aick h-adache and dyspop- siri and mxakao051fuel betteIn the i

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